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In yeast, the plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporter and Na+-ATPase are key enzymes for salt tolerance.Saccharomyces cerevisiae Na+-ATPase (Enalp ATPase) is encoded by theENA1/PMR2A gene; expression ofENA1 is tightly regulated by Na+ and depends on ambient pH. Although Enalp is active mainly at alkaline pH values inS. cerevisiae, no Na+-ATPase has been found in flowering plants. To test whether this yeast enzyme would improve salt tolerance in plants, we introducedENA1 intoArabidopsis (cv. Columbia) under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. Transformants were selected for their ability to grow on a medium containing kanamyin. Southern blot analyses confirmed thatENA1 was transferred into theArabidopsis genome and northern blot analyses showed thatENA1 was expressed in the transformants. Several transgenic homozygous lines and wild-type (WT) plants were evaluated for salt tolerance. No obvious morphological or developmental differences existed between the transgenic and WT plants in the absence of stress. However, overexpression ofENA1 inArabidopsis improved seed germination rates and salt tolerance in seedlings. Under saline conditions, transgenic plants accumulated a lower amount of Na+ than did the wild type, and fresh and dry weights of the former were higher. Other experiments revealed that expression ofENA1 promoted salt tolerance in transgenicArabidopsis under both acidic and alkaline conditions. These authors contributed equally to this article.  相似文献   

Qiao WH  Zhao XY  Li W  Luo Y  Zhang XS 《Plant cell reports》2007,26(9):1663-1672
Agropyron elongatum, a species in grass family, has a strong tolerance to salt stress. To study the molecular mechanism of Agropyron elongatum in salt tolerance, we isolated a homolog of Na+/H+ antiporters from the root tissues of Agropyron plants. Sequence analysis revealed that this gene encodes a putative vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter and was designated as AeNHX1. The AeNHX1–GFP fusion protein was clearly targeted to the vacuolar membrane in a transient transfection assay. Northern analysis indicated that AeNHX1 was expressed in a root-specific manner. Expression of AeNHX1 in yeast Na+/H+ antiporter mutants showed function complementation. Further, overexpression of AeNHX1 promoted salt tolerance of Arabidopsis plants, and improved osmotic adjustment and photosynthesis which might be responsible for normal development of transgenic plants under salt stress. Similarly, AeNHX1 also functioned in transgenic Festuca plants. The results suggest that this gene might function in the roots of Agropyron plants, and its expression is involved in the improvement of salt tolerance.  相似文献   

Durum wheat, Triticum turgidum L. (2n= 4x=28, genome formula AABB) is inferior to bread wheat, T. aestivum L. (2n=6x=42, genome formula AABBDD), in the ability to exclude Na+ under salt strees, in the ratio of the accumulated K+ to Na+ in the leaves under salt stress, and in tolerance of salt stress. Previous work showed that chromosome 4D has a major effect on Na+ and K+ accumulation in the leaves of bread wheat. The 4D chromosome was recombined with chromosome 4B in the genetic background of durum wheat. The recombinants showed that Na+ exclusion and enhanced K+/Na+ ratio in the shoots were controlled by a single locus, Kna1, in the long arm of chromosome 4D. The recombinant families were grown in the field under non-saline conditions and two levels of salinity to determine whether Kna1 confers salt tolerance. Under salt stress, the Kna1 families had higher K+/Na+ ratios in the flag leaves and higher yields of grain and biomass than the Kna1 - families and the parental cultivars. Kna1 is, therefore, one of the factors responsible for the higher salt tolerance of bread wheat relative to durum wheat. The present work provides conceptual evidence that tolerance of salt stress can be transferred between species in the tribe Triticeae.  相似文献   

Protein kinases dedicated to the phosphorylation of SR proteins have been implicated in the processing and nuclear export of mRNAs. Here we demonstrate in Saccharomyces cerevisiae their participation in cation homeostasis. A null mutant of the single yeast SR protein kinase Sky1p is viable but exhibits increased tolerance to diverse toxic cations such as Na+, Li+, spermine, tetramethylammonium, hygromycin B and Mn2+. This pleiotropic phenotype correlates with reduced accumulation of cations, suggesting a decrease in membrane electrical potential. Genetic analysis and Rb+ uptake measurements indicate that Sky1p modulates Trk1,2, the high-affinity K+ uptake system of yeast and a major determinant of membrane potential.  相似文献   

The salt-induced accumulation of some nitrogen compounds (free amino acids, ammonium and urea) in shoots of eight rice cultivars differing in salt tolerance was investigated. Salt treatment (100 mM, 6 days) significantly increased the proline content of shoots but this appeared to be a reaction to stress damage and not associated with salt tolerance, because proline contents were higher in the more sensitive cultivars. Besides proline, some other free amino acids also accumulated leading to a significant increase in the total amino acid content of the stressed seedlings. High levels of free ammonium also accumulated under conditions of stress; this was highly correlated with the accumulation of Na+ in the shoots and negatively correlated with salt tolerance. The accumulation of ammonium was positively correlated with the accumulation of many free amino acids, and also associated with the production of urea in the stressed seedlings. Results from the present investigations suggest that an increase in the concentration of some free amino acids including proline, may be a result of the reassimilation of the stress-induced ammonium. A high capacity to assimilate ammonium may be an important factor in alleviating the consequence of stress because ammonium can be toxic at high concentrations.  相似文献   

Membrane-bound pyrophosphatases (PPases) are involved in the adaption of organisms to stress conditions, which was substantiated by numerous plant transgenic studies with H+-PPase yet devoid of any correlated evidences for other two subfamilies, Na+-PPase and Na+,H+-PPase. Herein, we demonstrate the gene cloning and functional evaluation of the membrane-bound PPase (CmPP) of the human gut microbe Clostridium methylpentosum. The CmPP gene encodes a single polypeptide of 699 amino acids that was predicted as a multi-spanning membrane and K+-dependent Na+,H+-PPase. Heterologous expression of CmPP could significantly enhance the salt tolerance of both Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and this effect in yeast could be fortified by N-terminal addition of a vacuole-targeting signal peptide from the H+-PPase of Trypanosoma cruzi. Furthermore, introduction of CmPP could remarkably improve the salt tolerance of tobacco, implying its potential use in constructing salt-resistant transgenic crops. Consequently, the possible mechanisms of CmPP to underlie salt tolerance are discussed.  相似文献   

An analysis of the salinity tolerance of 354 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions showed that some accessions were more tolerant to salt shock than the reference accession, Col-0, when transferred from 0 to 225 mM NaCl. In addition, several accessions, including Zu-0, showed marked acquired salt tolerance after exposure to moderate salt stress. It is likely therefore that Arabidopsis plants have at least two types of tolerance, salt shock tolerance and acquired salt tolerance. To evaluate a role of well-known salt shock tolerant gene SOS1 in acquired salt tolerance, we isolated a sos1 mutant from ion-beam-mutagenized Zu-0 seedlings. The mutant showed severe growth inhibition under salt shock stress owing to a single base deletion in the SOS1 gene and was even more salt sensitive than Col-0. Nevertheless, it was able to survive after acclimation on 100 mM NaCl for 7 d followed by 750 mM sorbitol for 20 d, whereas Col-0 became chlorotic under the same conditions. We propose that genes for salt acclimation ability are different from genes for salt shock tolerance and play an important role in the acquisition of salt or osmotic tolerance.  相似文献   

The functional analysis of the sodium exchanger SOS1 from wheat, TaSOS1, was undertaken using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a heterologous expression system. The TaSOS1 protein, with significant sequence homology to SOS1 sodium exchangers from Arabidopsis and rice, is abundant in roots and leaves, and is induced by salt treatment. TaSOS1 suppressed the salt sensitivity of a yeast strain lacking the major Na+ efflux systems by decreasing the cellular Na+ content while increasing K+ content. Na+/H+ exchange activity of purified plasma membrane from yeast cells expressing TaSOS1 was higher than controls transformed with empty vector. These results demonstrate that TaSOS1 contributes to plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchange.  相似文献   

Thellungiella halophila and Arabidopsis thaliana were irrigated with medium containing NaCl at various concentrations. The salt treatment resulted in a restriction of rosette biomass deposition in both species. In A. thaliana leaves, this inhibition was stronger than for T. halophila and was associated with strong inhibition of both leaf initiation and leaf expansion. At highest medium salinity, A. thaliana accumulated Na(+) and Cl(-) at higher levels than T. halophila, but similar leaf dehydration was observed in the two species. Proline accumulation, which increased with NaCl concentration, did not differentiate the two species. The magnitude of the electrolyte leakage and the level of lipid peroxidation (assessed through hydroxy fatty acid content) were modest in T. halophila and quite marked in A. thaliana. The detrimental effects of the salt on photosynthetic activity and stomatal conductance of A. thaliana leaves were much more important than in T. halophila leaves. The abundance of the CDSP32 thioredoxin, a critical component of the defence system against oxidative damage and lipid peroxidation, was found to be higher in T. halophila than in A. thaliana under control conditions and salt treatment. These results suggest that the rosette leaves of T. halophila exhibit more efficient protective mechanisms against Na(+) metabolic toxicity than those of A. thaliana.  相似文献   

Using the TrichoEST database, generated in a previous functional genomics project from the beneficial filamentous fungus Trichoderma harzianum, a gene named Thkel1, which codes for a putative kelch-repeat protein, was isolated and characterized. Silencing of this gene in T. harzianum leads to a reduction of glucosidase activity and mycelial growth under abiotic stress conditions. Expression of this gene in Arabidopsis enhances plant tolerance to salt and osmotic stresses, accompanied by an increase in glucosidase activity and a reduction of abscisic acid levels compared to those observed in wild-type plants. Data presented throughout this article suggest the high value of T. harzianum as a source of genes able to facilitate the achievement of producing plants resistant to abiotic stresses without alteration of their phenotype.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis gene Atrab28 has been shown to be expressed during late embryogenesis. The pattern of expression of Atrab28 mRNA and protein during embryo development is largely restricted to provascular tissues of mature embryos, and in contrast to the maize Rab28 homologue it cannot be induced by ABA and dehydration in vegetative tissues.Here, we have studied the subcellular location of Atrab28 protein and the effect of its over-expression in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. The Atrab28 protein was mainly detected in the nucleus and nucleolus of cells from mature embryos. In frame fusion of Atrab28 to the reporter green fluorescent protein (GFP) directed the GFP to the nucleus in transgenic Arabidopsis and in transiently transformed onion cells. Analysis of chimeric constructs identified an N-terminal region of 60 amino acids containing a five amino acid motif QPKRP that was necessary for targeting GFP to the nucleus. These results indicate that Atrab28 protein is targeted to the nuclear compartments by a new nuclear localization signal (NLS). Transgenic Arabidopsis plants, with gain of Atrab28 function, showed faster germination rates under either standard or salt and osmotic stress conditions. Moreover, improved cation toxicity tolerance was also observed not only during germination but also in seedlings. These results suggest a role of Atrab28 in the ion cell balance during late embryogenesis and germination.  相似文献   

Agriculture productivity is severely affected by soil salinity. One possible mechanism by which plants could survive salt stress is to compartmentalize sodium ions away from the cytosol. In the present work, transgenic buckwheat plants overexpressing AtNHX1, a vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene from Arabidopsis thaliana, were regenerated after transformation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. These plants were able to grow, flower and accumulate more rutin in the presence of 200 mmol/l sodium chloride. Moreover, the content of important nutrients in buckwheat was not affected by the high salinity of the soil. These results demonstrated the potential value of these transgenic plants for agriculture use in saline soil.  相似文献   

A heat-stable protein with antimicrobial activity was isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana plants by buffer-soluble extraction and two chromatographic procedures. The results of MALDI-TOF analysis revealed that the isolated protein shares high sequence identity with aspen SP1. To determine the exact antimicrobial properties of this protein, a cDNA encoding the protein was isolated from an A. thaliana leaf cDNA library and named AtHS1. AtHS1 mRNA was induced by exposure to external stresses, such as salicylic acid and jasmonic acid. We also analyzed the antimicrobial activity of recombinant AtHS1 expressed in Escherichia coli. This protein inhibited pathogenic fungal strains, except for Phytophthora infestans and Phytophthora nicotianae, and it exhibited antibacterial activity against E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. These results suggest that AtHS1 shows good potential for use as a natural material in the study of antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

To develop a salt-tolerant upland rice cultivar (Oryza sativa L.), OsNHX1, a vacuolar-type Na+/H+ antiporter gene from rice was transferred into the genome of an upland rice cultivar (IRAT109), using an Agrobacterium-mediated method. Seven independent transgenic calli lines were identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. These 35S::OsNHX1 transgenic plants displayed a little accelerated growth during seedling stage but showed delayed flowering time and a slight growth retardation phenotype during late vegetative stage, suggesting that the OsNHX1 has a novel function in plant development. Northern and western blot analyses showed that the expression levels of OsNHX1 mRNA and protein in the leaves of three independent transgenic plant lines were significantly higher than in the leaves of wild type (WT) plants. T2 generation plants exhibited increased salt tolerance, showing delayed appearance and development of damage or death caused by salt stress, as well as improved recovery upon removal from this condition. Several physiological traits, such as increased Na+ content, and decreased osmotic potential in transgenic plants grown in high saline concentrations, further indicated that the transgenic plants had enhanced salt tolerance. Our results suggest the potential use of these transgenic plants for further agricultural applications in saline soil.  相似文献   

High Na+ and Cl- concentrations in soil cause hyperionic and hyperosmotic stress effects, the consequence of which can be plant demise. Ion-specific stress effects of Na+ and Cl- on seedlings of cultivated (Glycine max (L.) Merr) and wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. Et Zucc.) were evaluated and compared in isoosmotic solutions of Cl-, Na+ and NaCl. Results showed that under NaCl stress, Cl- was more toxic than Na+ to seedlings of G. max. Injury of six G. max cultivars, including 'Jackson' (salt sensitive) and 'Lee 68' (salt tolerant), was positively correlated with the content of Cl- in the leaves, and negatively with that in the roots. In subsequent research, seedlings of two G. max cultivars (salt-tolerant Nannong 1138-2, and salt-sensitive Zhongzihuangdou-yi) and two G. soja populations (BB52 and N23232) were subjected to isoosmotic solutions of 150mM Na+, Cl- and NaCl, respectively. G. max cv. Nannong 1138-2 and Zhongzihuangdou-yi were damaged much more heavily in the solution of Cl- than in that of Na+. Their Leaves were found to be more sensitive to Cl- than to Na+, and salt tolerance of these two G. max cultivars was mainly due to successful withholding of Cl- in the roots and stems to decrease its content in the leaves. The reverse response to isoosmotic stress of 150 mM Na+ and Cl- was shown in G. soja populations of BB52 and N23232; their leaves were not as susceptible to toxicity of Cl- as that of Na+. Salt tolerance of BB52 and N23232 was mainly due to successful withholding of Na+ in the roots and stems to decrease its content in the leaves. These results indicate that G. soja have advantages over G. max in those traits associated with the mechanism of Cl-tolerance, such as its withholding in roots and vacuoles of leaves. It is possible to use G. soja to improve the salt tolerance of G. max.  相似文献   

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