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Collins MD 《Biophysical journal》2008,94(5):L32-L34
Whereas it appears to be generally believed that the leaflets of a phospholipid/cholesterol bilayer interact with each other in some way, the exact mechanism remains undetermined. Various suggestions have been invoked, including chain interdigitation and rapid translocation of cholesterol. There is little, if any, direct evidence supporting or excluding these hypotheses. In this letter, I examine a few different possibilities. Chain interdigitation is unlikely to be significant. Cholesterol translocation meets some, though not all, of the relevant criteria, and probably plays an important role. The simplest explanation is that the layers interact at the midplane in the same way that the ordered and disordered liquid phases common in these systems interact at their interfaces. A quick estimate of that interfacial energy shows that this is a very likely candidate. The consequences of such an energy in biological systems are briefly considered. 相似文献
Biological membranes are heterogeneous assemblies of lipids, proteins, and cholesterol that are organized as asymmetric bimolecular leaflets of lipids with embedded proteins. Modulated by the concentration of cholesterol lipids and proteins may segregate into two or more liquid phases with different physical properties that can coexist in the same membrane. In this review, we summarize recent advances on how this situation can be recreated in a supported bilayer format and how this system has been used to demonstrate the induction of ordered lipid domains in lipid compositions that are typical for the inner leaflet by lipid compositions that are typical for the outer leaflet of mammalian plasma membranes. Proteins are shown to differentially target such induced inner leaflet domains. 相似文献
Volker Kiessling 《生物化学与生物物理学报:生物膜》2009,1788(1):64-19205
Biological membranes are heterogeneous assemblies of lipids, proteins, and cholesterol that are organized as asymmetric bimolecular leaflets of lipids with embedded proteins. Modulated by the concentration of cholesterol lipids and proteins may segregate into two or more liquid phases with different physical properties that can coexist in the same membrane. In this review, we summarize recent advances on how this situation can be recreated in a supported bilayer format and how this system has been used to demonstrate the induction of ordered lipid domains in lipid compositions that are typical for the inner leaflet by lipid compositions that are typical for the outer leaflet of mammalian plasma membranes. Proteins are shown to differentially target such induced inner leaflet domains. 相似文献
Topology of gel-phase domains and lipid mixing properties in phase-separated two-component phosphatidylcholine bilayers.

The influence of the lipid mixing properties on the lateral organization in a two-component, two-phase phosphatidylcholine bilayer was investigated using both an experimental (fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP)) and a simulated (Monte Carlo) approach. With the FRAP technique, we have examined binary mixtures of 1-stearoyl-2-capryl-phosphatidylcholine/1,2-distearoyl-phosphat idylcholine (C18C10PC/DSPC), and 1-stearoyl-2-capryl-phosphatidylcholine/1,2-dipalmitoyl-phospha tid ylcholine (C18C10PC/DPPC). Comparison with the 1,2-dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine/1,2-distearoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC/DSPC) previously investigated by FRAP by Vaz and co-workers (Biophys. J., 1989, 56:869-876) shows that the gel phase domains become more effective in restricting the diffusion coefficient when the ideality of the mixture increases (i.e., in the order C18C10PC/DSPC-->C18C10PC/DPPC-->DMPC/DSPC). However, an increased lipid miscibility is accompanied by an increasing compositional dependence: the higher the proportion of the high-temperature melting component, the less efficient the gel phase is in compartmentalizing the diffusion plane, a trend that is best accounted for by a variation of the gel phase domain shape rather than size. Computer-simulated fluorescence recoveries obtained in a matrix obstructed with obstacle aggregates of various fractal dimension demonstrate that: 1) for a given obstacle size and area fraction, the relative diffusion coefficient increases linearly with the obstacle fractal dimension and 2) aggregates with a lower fractal dimension are more efficient in compartmentalizing the diffusion plane. Comparison of the simulated with the experimental mobile fractions strongly suggests that the fractal dimension of the gel phase domains increases with the proportion of high-temperature melting component in DMPC/DSPC and (slightly) in C18C10PC/DPPC. 相似文献
We have investigated the effect of the intrinsic membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin of Halobacterium halobium on the lateral organization of the lipid phase structure in the coexistence region of an equimolar mixture of dimyristoylphos-phatidylcholine and distearoylphosphatidylcholine. The fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) technique was used to monitor the diffusion of both a lipid analog (N-(7-nitrobenzoxa-2,3-diazol-4-yl)-dimyristoylphosphatidyle thanolamine, NBD-DMPE) and fluorescein-labeled bacteriorhodopsin (Fl-BR). In the presence of bacteriorhodopsin, the mobile fractions of the two fluorescent probes display a shift of the percolation threshold toward lower temperatures (larger gel-phase fractions), independent of the protein concentration, from 43 degrees C (without bacteriorhodopsin) to 39 degrees C and 41 degrees C for NBD-DMPE and Fl-BR, respectively. Moreover, in the presence of bacteriorhodopsin, the gel-phase domains are much less efficient in restricting the diffusion of both probes than they are in the absence of the protein in the two-phase coexistence region. Bacteriorhodopsin itself, however, obstructs diffusion of NBD-DMPE and Fl-BR to about the same extent in the fluid phase of the two-phase region as it does in the homogeneous fluid phase. These observations suggest that 1) the protein induces the formation of much larger and/or more centrosymmetrical gel-phase domains than those formed in its absence, and 2) bacteriorhodopsin partitions almost equally between the coexisting fluid and gel phases. Although the molecular mechanisms involved are not clear, this phenomenon is fully consistent with the effect of the transmembrane peptide pOmpA of Escherichia coli investigated by electron spin resonance in the same lipid system. 相似文献
In living cells, mechanochemical coupling represents a dynamic means by which membrane components are spatially organized. An extra-ordinary example of such coupling involves curvature-dependent polar localization of chemically-distinct lipid domains at bacterial poles, which also undergo dramatic reequilibration upon subtle changes in their interfacial environment such as during sporulation. Here, we demonstrate that such interfacially-triggered mechanochemical coupling can be recapitulated in vitro by simultaneous, real-time introduction of mechanically-generated periodic curvatures and attendant strain-induced lateral forces in lipid bilayers supported on elastomeric substrates. In particular, we show that real-time wrinkling of the elastomeric substrate prompts a dynamic domain reorganization within the adhering bilayer, producing large, oriented liquid-ordered domains in regions of low curvature. Our results suggest a mechanism in which interfacial forces generated during surface wrinkling and the topographical deformation of the bilayer combine to facilitate dynamic reequilibration prompting the observed domain reorganization. We anticipate this curvature-generating model system will prove to be a simple and versatile tool for a broad range of studies of curvature-dependent dynamic reorganizations in membranes that are constrained by the interfacial elastic and dynamic frameworks such as the cell wall, glycocalyx, and cytoskeleton. 相似文献
Björkqvist YJ Nybond S Nyholm TK Slotte JP Ramstedt B 《Biochimica et biophysica acta》2008,1778(4):954-962
Sulfatides (galactosylceramidesulfates) are negatively charged glycosphingolipids that are important constituents of brain myelin membranes. These membranes are also highly enriched in galactosylceramide and cholesterol. It has been implicated that sulfatides, together with other sphingolipids, take part in lateral domain formation in biological membranes. This study was conducted to characterize the lateral phase behavior of N-palmitoyl-sulfatide in mixed bilayer membranes. Going from simple lipid mixtures with sulfatide as the only sphingolipid in a fluid matrix of POPC, to more complex membranes including other sphingolipids, we have examined 1) ordered domain formation with sulfatide, 2) sterol enrichment in such domains and 3) stabilization of the domains against temperature by the addition of calcium. Using two distinct phase selective fluorescent probes, trans-parinaric acid and cholestatrienol, together with a quencher in the fluid phase, we were able to distinguish between ordered domains in general and ordered domains enriched in sterol. We found that N-palmitoyl-sulfatide formed ordered domains when present as the only sphingolipid in a fluid phospholipid bilayer, but these domains did not contain sterol and their stability was unaffected by calcium. However, at low, physiologically relevant concentrations, sulfatide partitioned favorably into domains enriched in other sphingolipids and cholesterol. These domains were stabilized against temperature in the presence of divalent cations. We conclude that sulfatides are likely to affect the lateral organization of biomembranes. 相似文献
Regulation of calcium channel activity by lipid domain formation in planar lipid bilayers 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6

Cannon B Hermansson M Györke S Somerharju P Virtanen JA Cheng KH 《Biophysical journal》2003,85(2):933-942
The sarcoplasmic reticulum channel (ryanodine receptor) from cardiac myocytes was reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers consisting of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (POPE) and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) in varying ratios. The channel activity parameters, i.e., open probability and average open time and its resolved short and long components, were determined as a function of POPE mole fraction (X(PE)) at 22.4 degrees C. Interestingly, all of these parameters exhibited a narrow and pronounced peak at X(PE) approximately 0.80. Differential scanning calorimetric measurements on POPE/POPC liposomes with increasing X(PE) indicated that the lipid bilayer enters a composition-driven transition from the liquid-crystalline state to the gel state at 22.4 degrees C when X(PE) approaches 0.80. Thus, the peaking of the reconstituted channel activity at X(PE) approximately 0.80 in the planar bilayer could result from the appearance of gel/liquid-crystalline domain boundaries at this POPE content. Lipid packing at domain boundaries is known to be looser as compared to the homogenous gel or liquid-crystalline state. We propose that the attractive potential of packing defects at lipid domain boundaries and entropic excluded-volume effects could result in the direct interactions of the transmembrane region of the channel protein with the lipid-packing defects at the lipid/protein interface, which could thus provide a favorable environment for the open state of the protein. The present findings indicate that the activity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium channel could be modulated by lipid domain formation upon slight changes in membrane lipid composition in vivo. 相似文献
We study the stability of lipid bilayers with artificial domains. In investigating different domain structures, we identify scenarios of stable and unstable arrangements of patches of mixed phospholipids. These are then characterized using Karhunen-Loeve Expansion (KLE), a special form of Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The simulation data are interrogated using KLE to reveal spatiotemporal patterns that explain relevant motions in the bilayer system. By projecting the high-dimensional dataset onto a small number of key modes, KLE reveals specific dynamic signatures that can help distinguish and characterize various domain instability mechanisms. We find that typically very few modes are responsible for describing a mechanism of instability to a reasonable extent and can clearly distinguish between stable and unstable arrangements. Different instability modes are characterized as they exhibit unique features like global deformation or local mixing modes. 相似文献
Obstructed diffusion in phase-separated supported lipid bilayers: a combined atomic force microscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching approach

Proteins and other macromolecules are believed to hinder molecular lateral diffusion in cellular membranes. We have constructed a well-characterized model system to better understand how obstacles in lipid bilayers obstruct diffusion. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching was used to measure the lateral diffusion coefficient in single supported bilayers composed of mixtures of 1,2-dilauroylphosphotidylcholine (DLPC) and 1,2-distearoylphosphotidylcholine (DSPC). Because these lipids are immiscible and phase separate at room temperature, a novel quenching technique allowed us to construct fluid DLPC bilayers containing small disk-shaped gel-phase DSPC domains that acted as obstacles to lateral diffusion. Our experimental setup enabled us to analyze the same samples with atomic force microscopy and exactly characterize the size, shape, and number of gel-phase domains before measuring the obstacle-dependent diffusion coefficient. Lateral obstructed diffusion was found to be dependent on obstacle area fraction, size, and geometry. Analysis of our results using a free area diffusion model shows the possibility of unexpected long-range ordering of fluid-phase lipids around the gel-phase obstacles. This lipid ordering has implications for lipid-mediated protein interactions in cellular membranes. 相似文献
Supported lipid bilayers are widely used as model systems due to their robustness. Due to the solid support, the properties of supported lipid bilayers are different from those of freestanding bilayers. In this article, we examine whether different surface treatments affect the properties of supported lipid bilayers. It will be shown that depending on the treatment method, the diffusion of the lipids can be adjusted approximately threefold without altering the composition. Additionally, as the bilayer-support interaction decreases, it becomes easier to form coexisting liquid-ordered and liquid-disordered domains. The physical/chemical alterations that result from the different treatment methods will be discussed. 相似文献
The ability of cells to mount localized responses to external or internal stimuli is critically dependent on organization of lipids and proteins in the plasma membrane. Involvement of the actin cytoskeleton in membrane organization has been documented, but an active role for actin networks that directly links internal organization of the cytoskeleton with membrane organization has not yet been identified. Here we show that branched actin networks formed on model lipid membranes enriched with the lipid second messenger PIP(2) trigger both temporal and spatial rearrangement of membrane components. Using giant unilamellar vesicles able to separate into two coexisting liquid phases, we demonstrate that polymerization of dendritic actin networks on the membrane induces phase separation of initially homogenous vesicles. This switch-like behavior depends only on the PIP(2)-N-WASP link between the membrane and actin network, and we find that the presence of a preexisting actin network spatially biases the location of phase separation. These results show that dynamic, membrane-bound actin networks alone can control when and where membrane domains form and may actively contribute to membrane organization during cell signaling. 相似文献
Geometry of phase-separated domains in phospholipid bilayers by diffraction-contrast electron microscopy. 总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1

S W Hui 《Biophysical journal》1981,34(3):383-395
The sizes and shapes of solidus (gel) phase domains in the hydrated molecular bilayers of dilauroylphosphatidylcholine/dipalmitoylphasphatidylcholine (DLPC/DPPC) (1:1) and phosphatidylserine (PS)/DPPC (1:2) are visualized directly by low dose diffraction-contrast electron microscopy. The temperature and humidity of the bilayers are controlled by an environmental chamber set in an electron microscope. The contrast between crystalline domains is enhanced by electron optical filtering of the diffraction patterns of the bilayers. The domains are seen as a patchwork in the plane of the bilayer, with an average width of 0.2-0.5 micrometer. The percentage of solidus area measured from diffraction-contrast micrographs at various temperatures agrees in general with those depicted by known phase diagrams. The shape and size of the domains resemble those seen by freeze-fracture in multilamellar vesicles. Temperature-related changes in domain size and in phase boundary per unit area are more pronounced in the less miscible DLPC/DPPC mixture. No significant change in these geometric parameters with temperature is found in the PS/DPPC mixture. Mapping domains by their molecular diffraction signals not only verifies the existance of areas of different molecular packing during phase separation but also provides a quantitative measurement of structural boundaries and defects in lipid bilayers. 相似文献
Löw C Weininger U Lee H Schweimer K Neundorf I Beck-Sickinger AG Pastor RW Balbach J 《Biophysical journal》2008,95(9):4315-4323
Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs-homology (BAR) domains generate and sense membrane curvature by binding the negatively charged membrane to their positively charged concave surfaces. N-BAR domains contain an N-terminal extension (helix-0) predicted to form an amphipathic helix upon membrane binding. We determined the NMR structure and nano-to-picosecond dynamics of helix-0 of the human Bin1/Amphiphysin II BAR domain in sodium dodecyl sulfate and dodecylphosphocholine micelles. Molecular dynamics simulations of this 34-amino acid peptide revealed electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions with the detergent molecules that induce helical structure formation from residues 8-10 toward the C-terminus. The orientation in the micelles was experimentally confirmed by backbone amide proton exchange. The simulation and the experiment indicated that the N-terminal region is disordered, and the peptide curves to adopted the micelle shape. Deletion of helix-0 reduced tubulation of liposomes by the BAR domain, whereas the helix-0 peptide itself was fusogenic. These findings support models for membrane curving by BAR domains in which helix-0 increases the binding affinity to the membrane and enhances curvature generation. 相似文献
We report the microstructure and phase behavior of three ternary mixtures each containing a long-chain saturated glycosphingolipid, galactosylceramide (GalCer), and cholesterol at room temperature. The unsaturation level of the fluid-phase component was varied by lipid choice, i.e., saturated 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DLPC), singly unsaturated 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC), or doubly unsaturated 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC). GalCer was used because of its biological significance, for example, as a ligand in the sexual transmission of HIV and stimulator of natural killer T-cells. Supported lipid bilayers of the ternary mixtures were imaged by atomic force microscopy and GalCer-rich domains were characterized by area/perimeter ratios (A/P). GalCer domain phase transitions from solid (S) to liquid (L) phase were verified by domain behavior in giant unilamellar vesicles, which displayed two-dimensional microstructure similar to that of supported lipid bilayers. As cholesterol concentration was increased, we observed approximately 2.5, approximately 10, and approximately 20-fold decreases in GalCer domain A/P for bilayers in L-S phase coexistence containing DOPC, POPC, and DLPC, respectively. The transition to L-L phase coexistence occurred at approximately 10 mol % cholesterol for bilayers containing DOPC or POPC and was accompanied by maintenance of a constant A/P. L-L phase coexistence did not occur for bilayers containing DLPC. We systematically relate our results to the impact of chain unsaturation on the interaction of the fluid-phase lipid and cholesterol. Physiologically, these observations may give insight into the interplay of fatty acid chain unsaturation, sterol concentration, and lipid hydrophobic mismatch in membrane phenomena. 相似文献
Cholesteryl-phosphoryl-choline (CPC), a hybrid between cholesterol and lecithin, is incorporated into sonicated liposomes and erythrocyte membranes similarly to cholesterol. The effect of CPC on lipid microviscosity and degree of order is smaller, but not significantly than that of cholesterol. It is proposed that CPC may be employed as an efficient modulator of lipid dynamics. 相似文献
Effect of pathogenic cysteine mutations on FGFR3 transmembrane domain dimerization in detergents and lipid bilayers 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Mutations in fibroblast growth factor receptors are known as the genetic basis of skeletal growth disorders. The mechanism of pathogenesis, as determined by mutation-induced changes in receptor structure, interactions, and function, is elusive. Here we study three pathogenic Cys mutations, associated with either thanatophoric dysplasia or achondroplasia, in the TM domain of fibroblast growth factor receptors 3 (FGFR3). We characterize the dimerization propensities of the mutant TM domains in detergents and in lipid bilayers, in the presence and absence of reducing agents, and compare them to previous measurements of wild-type. We find that the Cys mutations increase the propensity for dimerization in detergent, with the Cys370 mutant exhibiting the highest propensity for disulfide bond formation, the Cys371 mutant having an intermediate propensity, and Cys375 the lowest. Thus, disulfide bonds readily form in detergents, with efficiency that correlates with the severity of the phenotype. In lipid bilayers, however, the Cys370 mutant, which dimerizes strongly in detergent, behaves as the wild-type, suggesting that Cys370-mediated disulfide bonds do not form between the isolated TM domains in bilayers. Thus, the nature of the hydrophobic environment plays an important role in defining the structure and flexibility of transmembrane dimers. These results and previous findings from cellular studies lead us to propose a conformational flexibility mechanism of receptor stabilization as a basis for disregulated FGFR3 signaling in thanatophoric dysplasia and achondroplasia. 相似文献
The softening of wet lipid bilayer membranes during their gel-to-fluid first-order phase transition is studied by computer simulation of a family of two-dimensional microscopic interaction models. The models include a variable number, q, of lipid chain conformational states, where 2q10. Results are presented as functions of q and temperature for a number of bulk properties, such as internal energy, specific heat, and lateral compressibility. A quantitative account is given of the statistics of the lipid clusters which are found to form in the neighborhood of the transition. The occurrence of these clusters is related to the softening and the strong thermal density fluctuations which dominate the specific heat and the lateral compressibility for the high-q models. The cluster distributions and the fluctuations behave in a manner reminiscent of critical phenomena and percolation. The findings of long-lived metastable states and extremely slow relaxational behavior in the transition region are shown to be caused by the presence of intermediate lipid chain conformational states which kinetically stabilize the cluster distribution and the effective phase coexistence. This has as its macroscopic consequence that the first-order transition apperas as a continuous transition, as invariably observed in all experiments on uncharged lecithin bilayer membranes. The results also suggest an explanation of the non-horizontal isotherms of lipid monolayers. Possible implications of lipid bilayer softening and enhanced passive permeability for the functioning of biological membranes are discussed.Abbreviations PC
dimyristoyl PC
dipalmitoyl PC
- ac
alternating current
differential scanning calorimetry
lipid gel-to-fluid phase transition temperature
Supported by the Danish Natural Science Research Council and A/S De Danske Spritfabrikkers JubilæumslegatSupported in part by the NSERC of Canada and Le FCAC du Quebec 相似文献
Functional tethered lipid bilayers 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Knoll W Frank CW Heibel C Naumann R Offenhäusser A Rühe J Schmidt EK Shen WW Sinner A 《Journal of biotechnology》2000,74(3):137-158
Our strategy to provide the structural basis for the build-up of functional tethered membranes focuses on three approaches: the first one is based on the pre-organization of a monomolecular layer of a lipopolymer at the water/air interface which is then transferred to a solid support. Prior to deposition, the substrate is coated with a layer of benzophenone-derivatized silane molecules that allow for a stable covalent attachment by photo-cross-linking of some of the monomer units of the lipopolymer to the support. An alternative concept realizes a layer-by-layer deposition of the various structural elements: (1) the attachment layer with the reactive sites for the chemical stabilization; (2) a polymer 'cushion' prepared by adsorption and simultaneous or subsequent partial covalent binding to the reactive sites; and (3) a lipid monolayer transferred from the water/air interface, that contains a certain amount of lipids with reactive headgroups which, upon binding to the polymer tether, act as anchor lipids stabilizing the whole monolayer/cushion-composite. And finally, we build peptide-supported monolayers by first (self-) assembling amino acid sequences of various lengths via a SH-group near their N-terminus onto Au substances and use then their COO(-)-terminus to chemically attach phosphatidyl-ethanolamine lipids to form a stable monolayer of lipid-peptide conjugates. All the individual preparation steps and the various resulting (multi-) layers are characterized by surface plasmon spectroscopy, X-ray and neutron-reflectometry, contact angle measurements, IR spectroscopy, fluorescence microscopy, scanning probe microscopies, as well as, electrochemical techniques. For all tethering systems, the final membranes' architecture is obtained by fusing lipid vesicles onto the lipid monolayer. Proteins can be incorporated by either fusing vesicles that are loaded with the respective receptors, pores, or ion pumps via a reconstitution procedure, or via a transfer directly from a micellar solution to the pre-formed lipid bilayer at the solid support by a dialysis step. Two structural/dynamical features of tethered membranes which are considered to be of particular functional relevance, i.e. the degree of water uptake and, hence, the degree of swelling of the polymer support, as well as the lateral mobility of the lipid molecules in the membrane, are tested by surface plasmon optics and by measurements of the fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), respectively. The results confirm that the presented preparation protocols yield fluid bilayers that mimic certain relevant properties of biological membranes. The functional characterization of tethered membranes, which is briefly summarized, is based on various electrochemical techniques, in particular, impedance spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and chronoamperometric studies. The results obtained for reconstituted H(+)-ATPase from chloroplasts and E. coli and for cytochrome oxidase (with and without cytochrome c) confirm the incorporation of the proteins in an active form, thus, opening opportunities for novel sensor formats or offering a completely new model membrane system. 相似文献
Structure of lipid bilayers 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
The quantitative experimental uncertainty in the structure of fully hydrated, biologically relevant, fluid (L(alpha)) phase lipid bilayers has been too large to provide a firm base for applications or for comparison with simulations. Many structural methods are reviewed including modern liquid crystallography of lipid bilayers that deals with the fully developed undulation fluctuations that occur in the L(alpha) phase. These fluctuations degrade the higher order diffraction data in a way that, if unrecognized, leads to erroneous conclusions regarding bilayer structure. Diffraction measurements at high instrumental resolution provide a measure of these fluctuations. In addition to providing better structural determination, this opens a new window on interactions between bilayers, so the experimental determination of interbilayer interaction parameters is reviewed briefly. We introduce a new structural correction based on fluctuations that has not been included in any previous studies. Updated measurements, such as for the area compressibility modulus, are used to provide adjustments to many of the literature values of structural quantities. Since the gel (L(beta)') phase is valuable as a stepping stone for obtaining fluid phase results, a brief review is given of the lower temperature phases. The uncertainty in structural results for lipid bilayers is being reduced and best current values are provided for bilayers of five lipids. 相似文献