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The analysis of the interaction and synchronization of relatively large ensembles of neurons is fundamental for the understanding of complex functions of the nervous system. It is known that the temporal synchronization of neural ensembles is involved in the generation of specific motor, sensory or cognitive processes. Also, the intersegmental coherence of spinal spontaneous activity may indicate the existence of synaptic neural pathways between different pairs of lumbar segments. In this study we present a multichannel version of the detrended fluctuation analysis method (mDFA) to analyze the correlation dynamics of spontaneous spinal activity (SSA) from time series analysis. This method together with the classical detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) were used to find out whether the SSA recorded in one or several segments in the spinal cord of the anesthetized cat occurs either in a random or in an organized manner. Our results are consistent with a non-random organization of the sets of neurons involved in the generation of spontaneous cord dorsum potentials (CDPs) recorded either from one lumbar segment (DFA-α mean = 1.04[Formula: see text]0.09) or simultaneously from several lumbar segments (mDFA-α mean = 1.01[Formula: see text]0.06), where α = 0.5 indicates randomness while α = 0.5 indicates long-term correlations. To test the sensitivity of the mDFA method we also examined the effects of small spinal lesions aimed to partially interrupt connectivity between neighboring lumbosacral segments. We found that the synchronization and correlation between the CDPs recorded from the L5 and L6 segments in both sides of the spinal cord were reduced when a lesion comprising the left dorsal quadrant was performed between the segments L5 and L6 (mDFA-[Formula: see text] = 0.992 as compared to initial conditions mDFA-α = 1.186). The synchronization and correlation were reduced even further after a similar additional right spinal lesion (mDFA-α = 0.924). In contrast to the classical methods, such as correlation and coherence quantification that define a relation between two sets of data, the mDFA method properly reveals the synchronization of multiple groups of neurons in several segments of the spinal cord. This method is envisaged as a useful tool to characterize the structure of higher order ensembles of cord dorsum spontaneous potentials after spinal cord or peripheral nerve lesions.  相似文献   

Dynamic actin network at the leading edge of the cell is linked to the extracellular matrix through focal adhesions (FAs), and at the same time it undergoes retrograde flow with different dynamics in two distinct zones: the lamellipodium (peripheral zone of fast flow), and the lamellum (zone of slow flow located between the lamellipodium and the cell body). Cell migration involves expansion of both the lamellipodium and the lamellum, as well as formation of new FAs, but it is largely unknown how the position of the boundary between the two flow zones is defined, and how FAs and actin flow mutually influence each other. We investigated dynamic relationship between focal adhesions and the boundary between the two flow zones in spreading cells. Nascent FAs first appeared in the lamellipodium. Within seconds after the formation of new FAs, the rate of actin flow decreased locally, and the lamellipodium/lamellum boundary advanced towards the new FAs. Blocking fast actin flow with cytochalasin D resulted in rapid dissolution of nascent FAs. In the absence of FAs (spreading on poly-L-lysine-coated surfaces) retrograde flow was uniform and the velocity transition was not observed. We conclude that formation of FAs depends on actin dynamics, and in its turn, affects the dynamics of actin flow by triggering transition from fast to slow flow. Extension of the cell edge thus proceeds through a cycle of lamellipodium protrusion, formation of new FAs, advance of the lamellum, and protrusion of the lamellipodium from the new base.  相似文献   

To identify kinases that regulate integrin recycling, we have immunoprecipitated alphavbeta3 integrin from NIH 3T3 fibroblasts in the presence and absence of primaquine (a drug that inhibits receptor recycling and leads to accumulation of integrins in endosomes) and screened for co-precipitating kinases. Primaquine strongly promoted association of alphavbeta3 integrin with PKD1, and fluorescence microscopy indicated that integrin and PKD1 associate at a vesicular compartment that is downstream of a Rab4-dependent transport step. PKD1 association was mediated by the C-terminal region of the beta3 integrin cytodomain, and mutants of beta3 that were unable to recruit PKD1 did not recycle in a PDGF-dependent fashion. Furthermore, suppression of endogenous PKD1 levels by RNAi, or overexpression of catalytically inactive PKD1 inhibited PDGF-dependent recycling of alphavbeta3 from early endosomes to the plasma membrane and blocked recruitment of alphavbeta3 to newly formed focal adhesions during cell spreading. These data indicate that PKD1 influences cell migration by directing vesicular transport of the alphavbeta3 integrin heterodimer.  相似文献   

Defects of kinase-phosphatase signaling in cardiac myocytes contribute to human heart disease. The activity of one phosphatase, PP2A, is governed by B targeting subunits, including B56gamma1, expressed in heart cells. As the role of PP2A/B56gamma1 on the heart function remains largely unknown, this study sought to identify protein partners through unbiased, affinity purification-based proteomics combined with the functional validation. The results reveal multiple interactors that are localized in strategic cardiac sites to participate in Ca2+ homeostasis and gene expression, exemplified by the Ca pump, SERCA2a, and the splicing factor ASF/SF2. These results are corroborated by confocal imaging where adenovirally overexpressed B56gamma1 is found in z-line/t-tubule region and nuclear speckles. Importantly, overexpression of B56gamma1 in cultured myocytes dramatically impairs cell contractility. These results provide a global view of B56gamma1-regulated local signaling and heart function.  相似文献   

Expression of specific short peptides can render cells resistant to macrolide antibiotics. Peptides conferring resistance to structurally different macrolides including oleandomycin, azithromycin, azaerythromycin, josamycin and a ketolide cethromycin were selected from a random pentapeptide expression library. Analysis of the entire collection of the resistance peptides allowed their classification into five distinct groups according to their sequence similarity and the type of resistance they confer. A strong correlation was observed between the structures of macrolide antibiotics and sequences of the peptides conferring resistance. Such a correlation indicates that sequence-specific interactions between the nascent peptide and the macrolide antibiotic and/or the ribosome can occur in the ribosomal exit tunnel.  相似文献   

Cotranslational protein maturation is often studied in cell-free translation mixtures, using stalled ribosome-nascent chain complexes produced by translating truncated mRNA. This approach has two limitations: (i) it can be technically challenging, and (ii) it only works in vitro, where the concentrations of cellular components differ from concentrations in vivo. We have developed a method to produce stalled ribosomes bearing nascent chains of a specified length by using a 'stall sequence', derived from the Escherichia coli SecM protein, which interacts with residues in the ribosomal exit tunnel to stall SecM translation. When the stall sequence is expressed at the end of nascent chains, stable translation-arrested ribosome complexes accumulate in intact cells or cell-free extracts. SecM-directed stalling is efficient, with negligible effects on viability. This method is straightforward and suitable for producing stalled ribosome complexes in vivo, permitting study of the length-dependent maturation of nascent chains in the cellular milieu.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the alamethicine channel incorporated into BLM was studied using detrended fluctuation analysis and multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis. Detrended fluctuation analysis has shown that both the event series formed with dwell times on fixed channel conductivity levels and the event series formed with opened states on all channel conductivity levels are random processes. However, multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis indicated that only dwell times series on fixed channel conductivity levels are random, but the event series formed with opened states on all channel conductivity levels are the correlated multifractal processes.  相似文献   

Biochemical and structural studies of co-translational folding, targeting and translocation depend on an efficient methodology to prepare ribosome nascent chain complexes (RNCs). Here we present our approach for the generation of homogenous and stable RNCs involving in vitro translation and affinity purification. Fusing the SecM arrest sequence, which tightly interacts with the ribosomal tunnel, to the nascent polypeptide chain significantly enhanced the stability of the RNCs. We have been able to increase the yield of the affinity purification step by engineering a tag with higher affinity. The RNCs generated with this approach have been successfully used to obtain 3D cryo-electron microscopic reconstructions of complexes with the signal recognition particle and the translocon. The established procedure is highly efficient and if scaled up could yield milligram amounts of RNCs sufficient for crystallization experiments.  相似文献   

Four methyl d-pentopyranosides (β-Ara, α-Lyx, β-Rib, β-Xyl), as well as Me-β-l-Ara, some of them residing in a well-defined conformation in the solution state (Ara, Xyl) and some showing pronounced chair inversion in solution (Lyx, Rib), form bidentate chelates of the general formula [Pd(chxn)(LH−2)-κO,O′] and [Pd(tmen)(LH−2)-κO,O′], chxn = (R,R)-cyclohexane-1,2-diamine, tmen = N,N,N′,N′-ethane-1,2-diamine and L = glycoside, with PdIIN2-type metal probes. The dynamic behaviour of the free glycosides is maintained in their chelates, the only case where the metal is bonded by a cis-vicinal diol function. Thus, one fluctuating chelate was detected with the lyxopyranoside in the κO2,3 binding mode, and two fluctuating chelates were found for the ribopyranoside (κO2,3 and κO3,4). No fluctuating chelate was found for the arabinopyranoside (the free arabinopyranoside being non-fluctuating as well), or for the xylopyranoside (no cis-vicinal diol function). In addition, syn-diaxial chelation (κO2,4) was observed for the ribopyranoside and the xylopyranoside. The spectroscopic results were supplemented by X-ray analyses.  相似文献   

A novel technique for the analysis of fluorescence fluctuation experiments is introduced. Fluorescence cumulant analysis (FCA) exploits the factorial cumulants of the photon counts and resolves heterogeneous samples based on differences in brightness. A simple analytical model connects the cumulants of the photon counts with the brightness epsilon and the number of molecules N in the optical observation volume for each fluorescent species. To provide the tools for a rigorous error analysis of FCA, expressions for the variance of factorial cumulants are developed and tested. We compare theory with experiment by analyzing dye mixtures and simple fluorophore solutions with FCA. A comparison of FCA with photon-counting histogram (PCH) analysis, a related technique, shows that both methods give identical results within experimental uncertainty. Both FCA and PCH are restricted to data sampling times that are short compared to the diffusion time of molecules through the observation volume of the instrument. But FCA theory, in contrast to PCH, can be extended to treat arbitrary sampling times. Here, we derive analytical expressions for the second factorial cumulant as a function of the sampling time and demonstrate that the theory successfully models fluorescence fluctuation data.  相似文献   

Mammalian prions refold host glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored PrPC into β-sheet–rich PrPSc. PrPSc is rapidly truncated into a C-terminal PrP27-30 core that is stable for days in endolysosomes. The nature of cell-associated prions, their attachment to membranes and rafts, and their subcellular locations are poorly understood; live prion visualization has not previously been achieved. A key obstacle has been the inaccessibility of PrP27-30 epitopes. We overcame this hurdle by focusing on nascent full-length PrPSc rather than on its truncated PrP27-30 product. We show that N-terminal PrPSc epitopes are exposed in their physiological context and visualize, for the first time, PrPSc in living cells. PrPSc resides for hours in unexpected cell-surface, slow moving strings and webs, sheltered from endocytosis. Prion strings observed by light and scanning electron microscopy were thin, micrometer-long structures. They were firmly cell associated, resisted phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, aligned with raft markers, fluoresced with thioflavin, and were rapidly abolished by anti-prion glycans. Prion strings and webs are the first demonstration of membrane-anchored PrPSc amyloids.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron microscopy of frozen-hydrated thin sections permits the observation of the real distribution of mass in biological specimens allowing the native structure of bacteria to be seen, including the natural orientation of their surface layers. Here, we use this approach to study the fine ultrastructure of the division site, or septum, of Staphylococcus aureus D2C. Frozen-hydrated sections revealed a differentiated cell wall at the septum, showing two high-density regions sandwiched between three low-density zones. The two zones adjacent to the membrane appeared as an extension of the periplasmic space seen in this organism's cell envelope and showed no distinguishing structures within them. Immediately next to these were higher-density zones that corresponded to nascent cross walls of the septum. Unexpectedly, a rather broad low-density zone was seen separating cross walls in the septum. This mid-zone of low density appeared inflated and without visible structures in isolated cell walls, which showed only the high-density zones of the septum. Here, we suggest that frozen-hydrated thin sections have captured a highly fragile septal region, the mid-zone, which results from the dynamic action of autolysis and actively separates daughter cells during division. The two zones next to the membranes are periplasmic spaces. Immediately next to these are the growing cross walls composed of peptidoglycan, teichoic acid and protein.  相似文献   

The polarization of eukaryotic cells is controlled by the concerted activities of asymmetrically localized proteins. The PAR proteins, first identified in Caenorhabditis elegans, are common regulators of cell polarity conserved from nematode and flies to man. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms by which these proteins and protein complexes establish cell polarity in mammals. We have mapped multiprotein complexes formed around the putative human Par orthologs MARK4 (microtubule-associated protein/microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 4) (Par-1), Par-3, LKB1 (Par-4), 14-3-3zeta and eta (Par-5), Par-6a, -b, -c, and PKClambda (PKC3). We employed a proteomic approach comprising tandem affinity purification (TAP) of protein complexes from cultured cells and protein sequencing by tandem mass spectrometry. From these data we constructed a highly interconnected protein network consisting of three core complex "modules" formed around MARK4 (Par-1), Par-3.Par-6, and LKB1 (Par-4). The network confirms most previously reported interactions. In addition we identified more than 50 novel interactors, some of which, like the 14-3-3 phospho-protein scaffolds, occur in more than one distinct complex. We demonstrate that the complex formation between LKB1.Par-4, PAPK, and Mo25 results in the translocation of LKB1 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and to tight junctions and show that the LKB1 complex may activate MARKs, which are known to introduce 14-3-3 binding sites into several substrates. Our findings suggest co-regulation and/or signaling events between the distinct Par complexes and provide a basis for further elucidation of the molecular mechanisms that govern cell polarity.  相似文献   

Although a single binary functional complex between cytochrome P450 (P450 or CYP for a specific isoform) and cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) has been generally accepted in the literature, this simple model failed to explain the experimentally observed catalytic activity of recombinant CYP2E1 in dependence on the total concentration of the added CPR-K56Q mutant. Our rejection of the simplest 1:1 binding model was based on two independent lines of experimental evidence. First, under the assumption of the 1:1 binding model, separate analyses of titration curves obtained while varying either P450 or CPR concentrations individually produced contradictory results. Second, an asymmetric Job plot suggested the existence of higher order molecular complexes. To identify the most probable complexation mechanism, we generated a comprehensive data set where the concentrations of both P450 and P450 were varied simultaneously, rather than one at a time. The resulting two-dimensional data were globally fit to 32 candidate mechanistic models, involving the formation of binary, ternary, and quaternary P450.CPR complexes, in the absence or presence or P450 and CPR homodimers. Of the 32 candidate models (mechanisms), two models were approximately equally successful in explaining our experimental data. The first plausible model involves the binary complex P450.CPR, the quaternary complex (P450)2.(CPR)2, and the homodimer (P450)2. The second plausible model additionally involves a weakly bound ternary complex (P450)2.CPR. Importantly, only the binary complex P450.CPR seems catalytically active in either of the two most probable mechanisms.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe a rapid immunoaffinity purification procedure for gel-free tandem mass spectrometry-based analysis of endogenous protein complexes and apply it to the characterization of complexes containing the SRm160 (serine/arginine repeat-related nuclear matrix protein of 160 kDa) splicing coactivator. In addition to promoting splicing, SRm160 stimulates 3'-end processing via its N-terminal PWI nucleic acid-binding domain and is found in a post-splicing exon junction complex that has been implicated in coupling splicing with mRNA turnover, export, and translation. Consistent with these known functional associations, we found that the majority of proteins identified in SRm160-containing complexes are associated with pre-mRNA processing. Interestingly, SRm160 is also associated with factors involved in chromatin regulation and sister chromatid cohesion, specifically the cohesin subunits SMC1alpha, SMC3, RAD21, and SA2. Gradient fractionation suggested that there are two predominant SRm160-containing complexes, one enriched in splicing components and the other enriched in cohesin subunits. Co-immunoprecipitation and co-localization experiments, as well as combinatorial RNA interference in Caenorhabditis elegans, support the existence of conserved and functional interactions between SRm160 and cohesin.  相似文献   

Methods for the analysis of results of fluctuation tests are described and some tables presented.  相似文献   

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