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At six sites in central Germany consequences of SO2, NOX and O3 deposition and of acid precipitation on canopy throughfall of sulphate, nitrate, ammonium, organic acids and of metal cations from Norway spruce crowns were investigated in the field. Measured canopy throughfall rates (mmol ion kg-1 needle dw a-1 are separated in (i) background ion throughfall rates in clean air and (ii) trace gas-(or acid interception)-dependent throughfall rates at ambient trace gas concentrations. Based on synchronously measured pollution, precipitation and canopy throughfall data, statistical response functions are given, which allow the separate estimation of annual rates of sulphur and nitrogen deposition into spruce canopies if only annual means of SO2 or NO2 concentrations in air are known. The specific SO2 deposition rate of (0.841±0.214) mmol S kg-1 needle dw a-1 (nPa SO2 Pa-1)-1 is 2.3 times higher than the specific stomatal SO2 uptake. The NO2-dependent nitrogen deposition of (2.464±0.707) mmol N kg-1 needle dw a-1 (nPa NO2 Pa-1)-1 is 2.2 times higher than the specific stomatal NOX (NO2+NO) uptake. These ratios (2.32.2) are explained by the percentage of annual hours with open needle stomata. The shape of observed epicuticular SO2 and NOX deposition curves and of stomatal SO2 and NOX uptake curves are congruent. As for stomatal NOX uptake, there is an apparent compensation point at (5 to 8) nPa NO2 Pa-1. There is significant SO2-dependent canopy throughfall of Ca>K>Al>Mg>Fe in this order of relative importance. NOX deposition in spruce canopies reduces K+ throughfall and it weakly promotes throughfall of Mn2+ and Zn2+. There was no significant codeposition of sulphate and ammonium and no ion exchange of intercepted H3O+ with nutrient cations at the measured ambient pH values of the precipitation water. In the presence of O3, throughfall of Mn2+ is reduced and throughfall of K+, Ca2+ and Al3+ is enhanced. In the cooperative presence of SO2, NO2 and O3 pollution in the field there is a 1.3-fold increase of the annual K+ demand and a 1.5-fold Mg2+ demand of spruce canopies relative to the situation in clean air. This trace gas-dependent additional cation demand of spruce canopies corresponds to a needle loss percentage of (23 to 33)% if the additional K+ and Mg2+ throughfall could not be recycled in spruce ecosystems. Observed canopy thinning ranges from (13 to 26)% at the investigated six spruce stands.Abbreviations Aspec Specific needle surface area per kg needle dry matter (m2kg-1 needle dw) - Atot Total needle surface of spruce stands (ha ha-1) - [gas]a Ambient trace gas concentration (gas=SO2; NO2 or O3) in air (nPa Pa-1=ppb) - GP Number of days per annual growth period d a-1) - ICH30 + Acid interception rate (Eq H3O+ kg-1 needle dw a-1) - ko Trace gas-independent ion throughfall rate constant (mmol kg-1 needle dw a-1) - kgas SO2-,NO2-or O3-dependent ion throughfall rate per unit of trace gas pollution (mmol kg-1 needle dw a-1 (nPa Pa-1)-1) - kH30 Specific H3O+/Me+ exchange ratio (mol mol-1) - Lo Background throughfall rate at [gas]a=0 (mmol kg-1 needle dw a-1) - Lion Canopy throughfall rate of ions (mmol kg-1 needle dw a-1) - L'ion Trace gas dependent ion throughfall (mEq kg-1 needle dw a-1 (nPa Pa-1)-1) - LAI Leaf area index of the canopy (m2 projected needle surface m-2 ground) - Me+ Equivalents of metal cations (Eq) - N Stock of needles of spuce stands in the field (kg needle dw ha-1) - P% Percentage of needle loss relative to a healthy reference (%) - r Pearson correlation coefficient (no dimension) - R COO--Sum of all organic anion equivalents Cat+ - An- (Eq kg-1 needle dw a-1) - An- Sum of all measured inorganic anion equivalents (Eq kg-1 needle dw a-1) - Cat+ Sum of all measured inorganic cation equivalents (Eq kg-1 needle dw a-1)  相似文献   

The mechanism for passive cochlear tuning remains unsettled. Early models considered the organ of Corti complex (OCC) as a succession of spring-mass resonators. Later, traveling wave models showed that passive tuning could arise through the interaction of cochlear fluid mass and OCC stiffness without local resonators. However, including enough OCC mass to produce local resonance enhanced the tuning by slowing and thereby growing the traveling wave as it approached its resonant segment. To decide whether the OCC mass plays a role in tuning, the frequency variation of the wavenumber of the cochlear traveling wave was measured (in vivo, passive cochleae) and compared to theoretical predictions. The experimental wavenumber was found by taking the phase difference of basilar membrane motion between two longitudinally spaced locations and dividing by the distance between them. The theoretical wavenumber was a solution of the dispersion relation of a three-dimensional cochlear model with OCC mass and stiffness as the free parameters. The experimental data were only well fit by a model that included OCC mass. However, as the measurement position moved from a best-frequency place of 40 to 12 kHz, the role of mass was diminished. The notion of local resonance seems to only apply in the very high-frequency region of the cochlea.  相似文献   

Quantitative estimates of gibberellin A9 in Norway spruce extracts obtained by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, radioimmunoassay (RIA_ and bioassay were compared after successive purifications of the extracts. The extracts were assayed in several dilutions with and without the addition of standard gibberellin A9, thus showing the effect of extract components on the response of the assays. Radioimmunoassay produced estimates comparable to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after one purification step by high-performance liquid chromatography. Extracts purified by polyvinylpyrrolidone-column chromatography and solvent partitioning but not high-performance liquid chromatography resulted in inaccurate RIA estimates. The performance of the RIA could be monitored by logit-log transformations of the standard curve and extract dilution curve and by calculating the slope of the standard addition curve. It was, however, not possible to correct for the interference caused by extract components by the standard addition procedure. Quantifications by Tan-ginbozu dwarf-rice bioassay were accurate, but a large and unpredictable variation makes it unsuitable for quantitative determinations.Abbreviations FW fresh weight - GA9 gibberellin A9 - GA9–Me methylated GA9 - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - MID multiple-ion detection - RIA radioimmunoassay  相似文献   

Levulinic acid or 4-ketovaleric acid is a potential renewable substrate for production of polyhydroxyalkanoates. In this work, the initial reactions of LA metabolism by Cupriavidus necator were examined in vitro. The organic acid was converted by membrane-bound crude enzymes obtained from the cells pre-grown on LA, while no LA activity was detected from cells pre-grown on acetic acid. Acetyl-CoA and propionyl-CoA were two major intermediates in the initial reactions of LA conversion. A mass balance on propionyl-CoA accounts for 84 mol% of LA added in vitro. It explains an interesting phenomenon that 3-hydroxbutyrate and 3-hydroxyvalerate are two major monomers of the biopolyester formed from LA, instead of 4-hydroxvalerate that has the similar chemical structure of LA as the precursor. A Monod model was used to describe the kinetics of LA utilization as a sole carbon source or a co-substrate of glucose and fructose. The μmax and Km of LA alone were 0.26 h−1 and 0.01 g/L, respectively. The content and composition of PHA are also dependent on the culture conditions such as carbon to nitrogen ratio. The in vitro observation is supported by the high utilization rate of LA and the high molar percentage of 3HB and 3HV in the PHA derived from LA.  相似文献   

The antioxidative effect of CuZnSOD, which catalyzes the dismutation of Superoxide anion (O2-), provides a defense against the oxygen toxicity. The object of the study is to evaluate the erythrocytes Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in two groups of persons (Group I, healthy blood donors; Group II, lung cancer patients), using the spectrophotometric assay of NADH oxidation and the indirect method (2–27). The effect of trace elements, such as A13-, Cr3+, Fe3+, Hg2+, NI2+, and Pb2+ (producing free radicals oxygen and present in pollution and smoke) is also evaluated. The results show the decrease of SOD activity in lung cancer patients with respect to healthy individuals. Likewise, in those patients the enzymatic activity is bigger in early stage (I,II) with respect to advanced one (III) (p < 0.05). The lesser activity when the samples are incubated with Ni or Pb point out that these metals play a role in neoplasm development. In short, the oxidant-antioxidant balance is altered in lung cancer patients.  相似文献   

Gas exchanges of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Courtot) shoots were measured before and during a water stress. While photosynthesis, transpiration and dark respiration decreased because of the stress, photorespiration increased initially, up to a maximum of 50% above its initial value. The CO2 concentration in the intercellular space was calculated from gas-diffusion resistances, and remained approximately constant before and during the stress. On the other hand, the CO2 concentration in the chloroplast, in the vicinity of Ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), was evaluated from the ratio of CO2 to O2 uptake, using the known kinetic constants of the oxygenation and carboxylation reactions which compete for Rubisco. In the well-watered plants, the calculated chloroplastic concentration was slightly smaller than the substomatal concentration. During water stress, this concentration decreased while the substomatal CO2 concentration remained constant. Hypotheses to explain this difference between substomatal and chloroplastic CO2 concentrations are discussed.  相似文献   

Having demonstrated significant and persistent adverse changes in pulmonary function for asthmatics after 1 h exposure to brevetoxins in Florida red tide (Karenia brevis bloom) aerosols, we assessed the possible longer term health effects in asthmatics from intermittent environmental exposure to brevetoxins over 7 years. 125 asthmatic subjects were assessed for their pulmonary function and reported symptoms before and after 1 h of environmental exposure to Florida red tide aerosols for up to 11 studies over seven years. As a group, the asthmatics came to the studies with normal standardized percent predicted pulmonary function values. The 38 asthmatics who participated in only one exposure study were more reactive compared to the 36 asthmatics who participated in ≥4 exposure studies. The 36 asthmatics participating in ≥4 exposure studies demonstrated no significant change in their standardized percent predicted pre-exposure pulmonary function over the 7 years of the study. These results indicate that stable asthmatics living in areas with intermittent Florida red tides do not exhibit chronic respiratory effects from intermittent environmental exposure to aerosolized brevetoxins over a 7 year period.  相似文献   

In plants, the oxygen generated by photosynthesis can be excited to form reactive oxygen species (ROS) under excessive sunlight. Excess ROS including singlet oxygen (1O2) inhibit the growth, development and photosynthesis of plants. To isolate ROS-resistant crop plants, we used paraquat (PQ), a generator of O2 ·− as a source of screening and mutagen, and obtained two PQ-resistant lines in Pisum sativum, namely R3-1 and R3-2. Both lines showed greater resistance to PQ than their wild type (WT) siblings with respect to germination, root growth, and shoot growth. Biochemical analysis showed differences in these lines, in which ROS-scavenging enzymes undergo changes with a distinguishable increase in Mn-SOD. We further observed that the cytosolic catalases (CATs) in leaves in both lines were shifted in a native-PAGE analysis compared with that of the WT, indicating that the release of bound 1O2 was enhanced. Phenotypic analysis revealed distinguishable differences in leaf development, and in flowering time and position. In addition, R3-1 and R3-2 showed shorter individual internode lengths, dwarf plant height, and stronger branching compared with the WT. These results suggested that PQ-induced ROS-resistant Pisum have the potential pleiotropic effects on flowering time and stem branching, and that ROS including 1O2 plays not only important roles in plant growth and development as a signal transducer, but also appears as a strong inhibitor for crop yield. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Nutrients such as phosphorus may exert a major control over plant response to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (CO2), which is projected to double by the end of the 21st century. Elevated CO2 may overcome the diffusional limitations to photosynthesis posed by stomata and mesophyll and alter the photo-biochemical limitations resulting from phosphorus deficiency. To evaluate these ideas, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) was grown in controlled environment growth chambers with three levels of phosphate (Pi) supply (0.2, 0.05 and 0.01 mM) and two levels of CO2 concentration (ambient 400 and elevated 800 μmol mol−1) under optimum temperature and irrigation. Phosphate deficiency drastically inhibited photosynthetic characteristics and decreased cotton growth for both CO2 treatments. Under Pi stress, an apparent limitation to the photosynthetic potential was evident by CO2 diffusion through stomata and mesophyll, impairment of photosystem functioning and inhibition of biochemical process including the carboxylation efficiency of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxyganase and the rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration. The diffusional limitation posed by mesophyll was up to 58% greater than the limitation due to stomatal conductance (gs) under Pi stress. As expected, elevated CO2 reduced these diffusional limitations to photosynthesis across Pi levels; however, it failed to reduce the photo-biochemical limitations to photosynthesis in phosphorus deficient plants. Acclimation/down regulation of photosynthetic capacity was evident under elevated CO2 across Pi treatments. Despite a decrease in phosphorus, nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations in leaf tissue and reduced stomatal conductance at elevated CO2, the rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf area when measured at the growth CO2 concentration tended to be higher for all except the lowest Pi treatment. Nevertheless, plant biomass increased at elevated CO2 across Pi nutrition with taller plants, increased leaf number and larger leaf area.  相似文献   

The assimilation of nitrate under dark-N2 and dark-O2 conditions in Zea mays leaf tissue was investigated using colourimetric and 15N techniques for the determination of organic and inorganic nitrogen. Studies using 15N indicated that nitrate was assimilated under dark conditions. However, the rate of nitrate assimilation in the dark was only 28% of the rate under non-saturating light conditions. No nitrite accumulated under dark aerobiosis, even though nitrate reduction occurred under these conditions. The pattern of nitrite accumulation in leaf tissue in response to dark-N2 conditions consisted of three phases: an initial lag phase, followed by a period of rapid nitrite accumulation and finally a phase during which the rate of nitrite accumulation declined. After a 1-h period of dark-anaerobiosis, both nitrate reduction and nitrite accumulation declined considerably. However, when O2 was supplied, nitrate reduction was stimulated and the accumulated nitrite was rapidly reduced. Anaerobic conditions stimulated nitrate reduction in leaf tissue after a period of dark-aerobic pretreatment.  相似文献   

该研究以古林箐秋海棠(Begonia gulinqingensis)为材料,通过分析叶片形态特征、上表皮光学特性、组织结构、叶绿素含量及叶绿素荧光参数(F_v/F_m),探讨了叶片色斑的形成原因。结果表明:(1)古林箐秋海棠叶斑发生频率和数量无明显规律,但发生部位相对稳定,叶斑主要发生在正对叶柄的两条主脉之间。(2)斑区有两种光反射模式,点状反射和多角形反射,栅栏组织细胞呈近等轴的圆形,排列疏松,与上表皮细胞间存在空隙;非斑区只有点状反射模式,栅栏组织细胞为漏斗型,排列紧密,与上表皮细胞间不存在空隙。(3)斑区和非斑区叶绿体均有密集的堆积基粒和丰富的类囊体膜,斑区叶绿素a、b及总叶绿素含量仅比非斑区分别低24.9%、25.2%、25.1%。(4)叶绿素荧光参数(F_v/F_m)值斑区为0.793,非斑区为0.790。虽然斑区叶绿素含量比非斑区略低,但叶绿体结构完整,且叶绿素荧光参数与非斑区无显著差异。斑区上表皮与栅栏组织细胞间的空隙可使光线到达绿色组织时发生二次反射,在叶片表皮细胞边缘形成白色多边形光反射使该区域相对周围正常叶片区域偏白,基于上述结果可推测古林箐秋海棠的淡绿色块斑形成与特殊的叶片结构有关。  相似文献   

Monthly uptake rates and the annual deposition of gaseous SO2 via the stomata of six Norway spruce canopies (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in Germany (Königstein im Taunus, Witzenhausen, Grebenau, Frankenberg, Spessart, Fürth im Odenwald) were calculated (i) from statistical response functions of stomatal aperture depending on meteorological data, and (ii) from the synchronously measured SO2 immission at these stands. The stomatal response functions had been derived on the basis of thorough stomatal water conductance measurements in the field. Calculations of the SO2 conductance of spruce twigs and SO2 uptake rates via stomata need continuously measured complete data sets of the (i) light intensity, (ii) air temperature, (iii) air humidity and (iv) SO2 concentration in spruce forests from all the year. These data were recorded half hourly in different German spruce forests. The apparent needle water vapour pressure difference and transpiration rates were calculated from meteorological data. Additional use of canopy through flow data in dry years allowed the estimation of the mean stomatal conductance for H2O and SO2 of whole spruce canopies. The annual SO2 uptake of a mean unit needle surface in spruce forests was 32% of the SO2 uptake rate of exposed needles at the top of spruce crowns. There is significant SO2 uptake all the year. The mean SO2 dose at all sites and years received through the stomata was (0.25±0.07) mol SO2 m-2 (total needle surface) (nPa Pa-1)-1 (annual mean of SO2 immission; 1 nPa (SO2) Pa-1 (air) = 1 ppb) day-1 (vegetation period per year). Comparison of calculated SO2 uptake rates into needles with measured SO4 2- accumulation rates in needles from the mentioned sites and additionally from Würzburg, Schneeberg (Fichtelgebirge) and from three sites in the eastern Erzgebirge (Höckendorf, Kahleberg, Oberbärenburg) revealed that oxidative SO2 detoxification (SO4 2- formation) dominates only at sites with high SO2 immission and short vegetation periods. Under these conditions 70 to 90% of the annual stomatal SO2 uptake is detoxified via SO4 2- accumulation in needles. Cations are needed for neutralization of accumulating SO4 2- which are inavailable to support growth. Thus, SO2 induces a dominant and competitive additional nutrient cation demand, cation deficiency symptoms and enhanced needle loss (spruce decline symptoms) mainly at sites, where the ratio R=(SO2 immission): (length of the vegetation period) is higher than R=0.07 nPa Pa-1 day-1. Correlation analysis of the relative needle loss versus the SO2-dependent SO4 2- formation rate revealed a significant increase of needle loss at the 98% level (Student). At sites with small SO2 immission and long vegetation periods (R<0.07 nPa Pa-1 day-1) reductive SO2 detoxification via growth (and/or phloem export of SO4 2-) is not kinetically overburdened. Under these conditions only 30% of the annual SO2 uptake is detoxified via SO4 2- formation and spruce decline is small or absent. On the basis of the critical value R0.07 nPa Pa-1 day-1 recommended SO2 immission limits can be deduced on a mere ecophysiological basis. These deduced values are close to the proposed SO2 immission limits of the IUFRO, WHO and the UNECE.  相似文献   

The soil/air partition coefficients (K SA ) for hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in oil-contaminated (crude oil and diesel) rice paddy field soils were measured in a solid fugacity meter at different oil concentrations over the temperature range of 5 to 30°C at 100% relative humidity. The results showed that values of K SA increased with a decrease of temperature. As for oil content, there is a critical separate phase concentration (CSPC) above which K SA increased with increasing of oil content. When oil content is above CSPC, oil plays a role as a separate phase that enhances the sorption capacity of the soil. At a given temperature (20°C) values of CSPC depended on the natural organic matter (NOM) contents of the soil, while for a given oil concentration they depended on the temperature. The normalized oil/air partition coefficients ) for HCB deduced from K SA for oils and experimentally determined with crude oil/quartz sand system were similar and 0.7–7 times higher than the normalized organic/air partition coefficient ), which implied that oil was a super sorbent. The enthalpies (ΔHSA) for crude oil and diesel were 64.9 and 55.7 kJ mol?1, respectively.  相似文献   

The sema domain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The sema domain was first defined from sequence by Kolodkin and colleagues in the early 1990s, and constitutes the distinctive structural and functional element of semaphorins, their plexin receptors and the receptor tyrosine kinases MET and RON, three protein families with major roles in development, tissue regeneration and cancer. Recently determined crystal structures of two semaphorins (SEMA3A and SEMA4D) and the MET receptor have shown that the sema domain consists of a highly conserved variant form of the seven-blade beta-propeller fold. The structures, however, also suggest differences between these families with respect to the mode of dimerisation and the regions of the domain involved in ligand-receptor interactions. This reflects the considerable plasticity and adaptation of the sema domain in order to meet different binding requirements, properties that may underlie the vast array of ligand-receptor specificities and functions of the semaphorin superfamily.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G proteins have been implicated in a wide range of plant processes. These include responses to hormones, drought, and pathogens, and developmental events such as lateral root formation, hypocotyl elongation, hook opening, leaf expansion, and silique development. Results and concepts emerging from recent phenotypic analyses of G-protein component mutants in Arabidopsis and rice are adding to our understanding of G-protein mechanisms and functions in higher plants.  相似文献   

Gooding, R. H., and McIntyre, G. S. 1998.Glossina morsitans morsitansandGlossina palpalis palpalis: Dosage compensation raises questions about the Milligan model for control of trypanosome development.Experimental Parasitology90, 244–249. Evidence that dosage compensation occurs in tsetse flies was obtained by comparing the activities of X chromosome-linked enzymes, arginine phosphokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase inGlossina m. morsitansand hexokinase and phosphoglucomutase inGlossina p. palpalis, with the activity of an autosome-linked enzyme, malate dehydrogenase, in each species. The shortcomings of the X chromosome model for the control ofTrypanozoonmaturation in tsetse are discussed in light of these findings and previously published reports on the lack of fitness effects of matureTrypanozooninfections in tsetse and on published results on antitrypanosomal factors in male and female tsetse flies.  相似文献   

Sun M  Shen X  Liu H  Liu X  Wu Z  Liu B 《Marine Genomics》2011,4(3):159-165
Mitochondrial genomes play a significant role in the reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships within metazoans. There are still many controversies concerning the phylogenetic position of the phylum Bryozoa. In this research, we have finished the complete mitochondrial genome of one bryozoan (Tubulipora flabellaris), which is the first representative from the class Stenolaemata. The complete mitochondrial genome of T. flabellaris is 13,763 bp in length and contains 36 genes, which lacks the atp8 gene in contrast to the typical metazoan mitochondrial genomes. Gene arrangement comparisons indicate that the mitochondrial genome of T. flabellaris has unique gene order when compared with other metazoans. The four known bryozoans complete mitochondrial genomes also have very different gene arrangements, indicates that bryozoan mitochondrial genomes have experienced drastic rearrangements. To investigate the phylogenetic relationship of Bryozoa, phylogenetic analyses based on amino acid sequences of 11 protein coding genes (excluding atp6 and atp8) from 26 metazoan complete mitochondrial genomes were made utilizing Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian methods, respectively. The results indicate the monopoly of Lophotrochozoa and a close relationship between Chaetognatha and Bryozoa. However, more evidences are needed to clarify the relationship between two groups. Lophophorate appeared to be polyphyletic according to our analyses. Meanwhile, neither analysis supports close relationship between Branchiopod and Phoronida. Four bryozoans form a clade and the relationship among them is T. flabellaris + (F. hispida + (B. neritina + W. subtorquata)), which is in coincidence with traditional classification system.  相似文献   

In the protist Euglena gracilis, the cytosolic small subunit (SSU) rRNA is a single, covalently continuous species typical of most eukaryotes; in contrast, the large subunit (LSU) rRNA is naturally fragmented, comprising 14 separate RNA molecules instead of the bipartite (28S + 5.8S) eukaryotic LSU rRNA typically seen. We present extensively revised secondary structure models of the E. gracilis SSU and LSU rRNAs and have mapped the positions of all of the modified nucleosides in these rRNAs (88 in SSU rRNA and 262 in LSU rRNA, with only 3 LSU rRNA modifications incompletely characterized). The relative proportions of ribose-methylated nucleosides and pseudouridine (∼ 60% and ∼ 35%, respectively) are closely similar in the two rRNAs; however, whereas the Euglena SSU rRNA has about the same absolute number of modifications as its human counterpart, the Euglena LSU rRNA has twice as many modifications as the corresponding human LSU rRNA. The increased levels of rRNA fragmentation and modification in E. gracilis LSU rRNA are correlated with a 3-fold increase in the level of mispairing in helical regions compared to the human LSU rRNA. In contrast, no comparable increase in mispairing is seen in helical regions of the SSU rRNA compared to its homologs in other eukaryotes. In view of the reported effects of both ribose-methylated nucleoside and pseudouridine residues on RNA structure, these correlations lead us to suggest that increased modification in the LSU rRNA may play a role in stabilizing a ‘looser’ structure promoted by elevated helical mispairing and a high degree of fragmentation.  相似文献   

The rate of in-vivo nitrate reduction by leaf segments of Zea mays L. was found to decline during the second hour of dark anaerobic treatment. On transfer to oxygen the capacity to reduce nitrate under dark conditions was restored. These observations led to the proposal that nitrate reductase is a regulatory enzyme with ADP acting as a negative effector. The effect of ADP on the invitro activity of nitrate reductase and the changes in the in-vivo adenylate pool under dark-N2 and dark-O2 were investigated. It was found that ADP inhibited the activity of partially purified nitrate reductase. Similarly, the in-vivo anaerobic inhibition of nitrate reduction was associated with a build-up of ADP in the leaf tissue. Under anaerobic conditions nitrite accumulated and on transfer to oxygen the accumulated nitrite was reduced. To explain this phenomenon the following hypothesis was proposed and tested. Under anaerobic conditions the supply of reducing equivalents for nitrite reduction in the plastid becomes restricted and nitrite accumulates as a consequence. On transfer to oxygen this restriction is removed and nitrite disappears. This capacity to reduce accumulated nitrite was found to be dependent on the carbohydrate status of the leaf tissue.  相似文献   

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