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Conspicuousness is an important feature of warning coloration. One hypothesis for its function is that it increases signal efficacy by facilitating avoidance learning. An alternative, based on the handicap hypothesis, suggests that the degree of conspicuousness holds information directly about the quality of the prey, and that predators associate and learn about the conspicuousness of the coloration, and not the actual colour pattern. We studied the relative importance of signal contrast and the colours of signals for predator attention during discrimination. We used young chicks, Gallus gallus domesticus, as predators and small blue or red paper cones on either matching or contrasting paper backgrounds as stimuli associated with palatable or unpalatable chick crumbs. In four treatment groups, birds could use either cone and/or background colour, cone colour only, background colour only or cone-to-background contrast as cues for discrimination. Only birds in the contrast treatment failed to learn their discrimination task. Birds that had a choice between cone and background colour as cues used the cone colour and they learned the task faster than did birds that had to use background colour as a cue. The results suggest that birds primarily attend to the colours of signals and disregard contrast in discrimination tasks; they thus fail to support a handicap function of conspicuous aposematic coloration. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Bei einer Untersuchung des Stotterns in der deutschen Umgangssprache machten wir folgende Beobachtungen:
  1. Das gestotterte Phonem wird häufig von einem identischen Phonem begleitet (definiert als das ?induzierende Phonem“) welches sowohl vor wie nach dem gestotterten Phonem auftreten kann.
  2. Gewöhnlich folgte das induzierende Phonem dem gestotterten Phonem.
  3. Der Abstand zwischen induzierendem und gestottertem Phonem war geringer als bei Zufälligkeit zu erwarten.
  4. Induzierende und gestotterte Phoneme befanden sich gewöhnlich in identischen Silbenpositionen.
  5. Gestotterte Phoneme traten in der Regel bei betonten Silben auf.
Um diese Beobachtungen zu erklären erschienen uns drei Annahmen erforderlich:
  1. Sprach-Output ist hierarchisch bestimmt. Silben und Phoneme sind Glieder in dieser Hierarchie.
  2. Unterschwellige Erregbarkeit ist in dieser Hierarchie stärker bei betonten als bei unbetonten motorischen Programmen.
  3. Ähnliche Programme (sowohl auf Silbenals auch Phonemniveau) inhibieren einander.
Diese Annahme gibt zugleich eine mögliche Erklärung für Blockierung und Längung — Phänomene, die ebenfalls in der Sprache von Stotterern auftreten. Unsere Beobachtungen bieten also eine mögliche Lösung für das Rätsel des Stotterns.  相似文献   

The light reflected from an object depends both on the object's surface and on the illuminant. Visual systems attempt to resolve this intrinsic ambiguity by comparing the light reflected from the object with respect to the background by computing the difference between the object-background light sampled by three cones. The cone-contrasts for the sample-background stimulus under the test illumination should correspond to the cone-contrasts for samples matched in appearance under the standard background (C). The validity of this cone-contrast rule (Whittle, 2003) and its possible link with stability of perceived colour was studied here using six test illuminants. A successive asymmetric colour-matching task with 40 simulated Munsell samples (value 7, chroma 4) on a neutral background (N7) was used. The subject adjusted the sample under standard illuminant C to match the colour appearance of the test sample under one of the test illuminants. Brunswik Ratio (BR) was used as an index of stability of colour appearance. When computed with respect to the reference illuminant C, the cone contrast rule was violated (particularly for S-cone-contrast). However, if a new reference point based on the perceived colour of the neutral background under the test illumination was used, the cone contrast rule applied. That is, when cone contrasts of the matching samples are computed with respect to this perceived background, they correspond to cone contrasts of the test stimuli. This represents a form of discounting the illuminant for the purpose of determining an object's cone-contrast against the background, which does not vary with background illumination. These cone contrasts, however, do not provide any information about the colour appearance of objects under particular viewing conditions, unless calibrated against a standard by allowing subjects to learn particular colours.  相似文献   

Odours emitted by flowers are complex blends of volatile compounds. These odours are learnt by flower-visiting insect species, improving their recognition of rewarding flowers and thus foraging efficiency. We investigated the flexibility of floral odour learning by testing whether adult moths recognize single compounds common to flowers on which they forage. Dual choice preference tests on Helicoverpa armigera moths allowed free flying moths to forage on one of three flower species; Argyranthemum frutescens (federation daisy), Cajanus cajan (pigeonpea) or Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco). Results showed that, (i) a benzenoid (phenylacetaldehyde) and a monoterpene (linalool) were subsequently recognized after visits to flowers that emitted these volatile constituents, (ii) in a preference test, other monoterpenes in the flowers' odour did not affect the moths' ability to recognize the monoterpene linalool and (iii) relative preferences for two volatiles changed after foraging experience on a single flower species that emitted both volatiles. The importance of using free flying insects and real flowers to understand the mechanisms involved in floral odour learning in nature are discussed in the context of our findings.  相似文献   



Among invertebrates, specific pheromones elicit inherent (fixed) behavioural responses to coordinate social behaviours such as sexual recognition and attraction. By contrast, the much more complex social odours of mammals provide a broad range of information about the individual owner and stimulate individual-specific responses that are modulated by learning. How do mammals use such odours to coordinate important social interactions such as sexual attraction while allowing for individual-specific choice? We hypothesized that male mouse urine contains a specific pheromonal component that invokes inherent sexual attraction to the scent and which also stimulates female memory and conditions sexual attraction to the airborne odours of an individual scent owner associated with this pheromone.


Using wild-stock house mice to ensure natural responses that generalize across individual genomes, we identify a single atypical male-specific major urinary protein (MUP) of mass 18893Da that invokes a female's inherent sexual attraction to male compared to female urinary scent. Attraction to this protein pheromone, which we named darcin, was as strong as the attraction to intact male urine. Importantly, contact with darcin also stimulated a strong learned attraction to the associated airborne urinary odour of an individual male, such that, subsequently, females were attracted to the airborne scent of that specific individual but not to that of other males.


This involatile protein is a mammalian male sex pheromone that stimulates a flexible response to individual-specific odours through associative learning and memory, allowing female sexual attraction to be inherent but selective towards particular males. This 'darcin effect' offers a new system to investigate the neural basis of individual-specific memories in the brain and give new insights into the regulation of behaviour in complex social mammals.See associated Commentary http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/8/71

The visual displays of animals and plants often look dramatic and colourful to us, but what information do they convey to their intended, non-human, audience [1] [2]? One possibility is that stimulus values are judged accurately - so, for example, a female might choose a suitor if he displays a specific colour [3]. Alternatively, as for human advertising, displays may attract attention without giving information, perhaps by exploiting innate preferences for bright colours or symmetry [2] [4] [5]. To address this issue experimentally, we investigated chicks' memories of visual patterns. Food was placed in patterned paper containers which, like seed pods or insect prey, must be manipulated to extract food and their patterns learnt. To establish what was learnt, birds were tested on familiar stimuli and on alternative stimuli of differing colour or contrast. For colour, birds selected the trained stimulus; for contrast, they preferred high contrast patterns over the familiar. These differing responses to colour and contrast show how separate components of display patterns could serve different roles, with colour being judged accurately whereas pattern contrast attracts attention.  相似文献   

The relative number of seeds produced by competing species can influence the community structure; yet, traits that influence seed production, such as pollinator attraction and floral colour, have received little attention in community ecology. Here, we analyse floral colour using reflectance spectra that include near-UV and examined the phylogenetic signal of floral colour. We found that coflowering species within communities tended to be more divergent in floral colour than expected by chance. However, coflowering species were not phylogenetically dispersed, in part due to our finding that floral colour is a labile trait with a weak phylogenetic signal. Furthermore, while we found that locally rare and common species exhibited equivalent floral colour distances from their coflowering neighbours, frequent species (those found in more communities) exhibited higher colour distances from their coflowering neighbours. Our findings support recent studies, which have found that (i) plant lineages exhibit frequent floral colour transitions; and (ii) traits that influence local population dynamics contribute to community structure.  相似文献   

Context-dependent transcriptional regulation.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Masquerading prey resemble inedible objects such as leaves, twigs, stones and bird-droppings; and benefit because their predators misclassify them as the objects that they appear to resemble. From previous work on the importance of context cues in animal learning, we predict that predators will be less likely to misclassify masquerading prey as their models when they are found in a context in which predators have never before experienced the model. Here, we test this prediction using domestic chicks Gallus gallus domesticus as predators and twig-mimicking larvae of the Early Thorn moth Selenia dentaria as masquerading prey. We found that the benefit of masquerade was significantly larger when the twig-mimicking caterpillar was found in the context in which birds had previously experienced twigs. This suggests that masqueraders may have to pay opportunity costs associated with matching their models in position and microhabitat; and that predators’ classification decisions are complex and multi-factorial.  相似文献   

The linear-nonlinear cascade model (LN model) has proven very useful in representing a neural system’s encoding properties, but has proven less successful in reproducing the firing patterns of individual neurons whose behavior is strongly dependent on prior firing history. While the cell’s behavior can still usefully be considered as feature detection acting on a fluctuating input, some of the coding capacity of the cell is taken up by the increased firing rate due to a constant “driving” direct current (DC) stimulus. Furthermore, both the DC input and the post-spike refractory period generate regular firing, reducing the spike-timing entropy available for encoding time-varying fluctuations. In this paper, we address these issues, focusing on the example of motoneurons in which an afterhyperpolarization (AHP) current plays a dominant role regularizing firing behavior. We explore the accuracy and generalizability of several alternative models for single neurons under changes in DC and variance of the stimulus input. We use a motoneuron simulation to compare coding models in neurons with and without the AHP current. Finally, we quantify the tradeoff between instantaneously encoding information about fluctuations and about the DC.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the present experiment was to develop amethodology for the measurement of the detectability and intensityof agricultural odorants using established psychological procedures. Twelve odorants from three poultry houses differing amongstothers in their manure treatment systems were bag sampled andinvestigated in a controlled laboratory setting. Using a simpleone port dilution olfactometer, six subjects judged the airdiluted concentrations presented. The detectability of the odorants was studied using a procedurerelated to signal detection theory; the perceived odour intensitywas measured by the method of direct magnitude estimation. Thedetectability and psychophysical functions were constructed,and a rationale was developed for anchoring the psychophysicalfunctions from the twelve odorants investigated. Over the period of investigation the exponents of the psychophysicalfunctions obtained for odorants sampled from the same poultryhouse were very similar. Differences in this respect betweenodorants of different poultry houses appeared to be large. However,it was observed that the estimated intensities of undilutedodorants obtained from the same poultry house varied to someextent. These findings were discussed from a methodologicalpoint of view. *Present address to which all correspondence should be sent:Department of Human Nutrition, Agricultural University, De Dreijen11, 6703 BC Wageningen, The Netherlands  相似文献   

Our goal was to test two potential sensory roles for the oral veil in the nudibranch Tritonia diomedea (now synonymous with T. tetraquetra). First, we hypothesized this cephalic sensory organ could detect substrate-associated odours left behind by an odour plume flowing across sediment. In two experiments in a laboratory flow tank, however, T. diomedea did not show consistent crawling headings in response to either prey or predator odours associated with sediment substrate. In one of the experiments, the slugs did significantly decrease crawling speed in response to prey odours. Although slugs could thus detect at least some substrate-associated odours, these results suggest such cues are not used for navigation. We next considered the oral veil’s potential role in behaviours requiring responses to nearby cues. Our observations of animals before and after denervation of the oral veil suggest that, unsurprisingly, predatory bite-strikes do rely on sensory input from the oral veil. Overall, these data, combined with the results of earlier studies, are consistent with the oral veil detecting cues primarily from nearby stimuli (including both chemical and mechanical modalities), while having little or no role in detecting and responding to odour cues originating from distant sources used for navigation behaviour.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the principles in cell-cell communication and cellular ability to respond to external chemical changes which have been so crucial for the development of life on planet Earth. We now know that the capacity of free-living organisms which evolved more than a billion years ago to respond to intercellular signal molecules, originating either from themselves or from other sources in their vicinity, is so similar possibly even more sophisticated - to that of the cells in our own body, and these findings have had a major impact on our struggle to understand how life has evolved and how it can be maintained. Attention is drawn to the very important topic of mechanisms in cell death, being seen as an aggressive and very powerful instrument in the continuance of life and ability of life to proliferate into a plethora of new species, and use insulin-related material as our paradigm. Such signal molecules (hormones) may have played a major role in cellular maintenance throughout evolution.  相似文献   

The qualitative perceptual interactions in three binary mixtures of wine odorants were studied: isoamyl acetate (fruity note)/whisky lactone (woody note), ethyl butyrate (fruity note)/whisky lactone (woody note) and ethyl butyrate (fruity note)/guaiacol (woody note). For each binary mixture, the perceived quality and intensity of 24 stimuli (four supra-threshold concentration levels of each of the two compounds and their 16 possible combinations) were evaluated in five replications by a trained panel of 13 subjects. The application of the Olsson predictive model for odour intensity and quality perception gave quite a good estimation of the evolution of single component identification in the mixture when the intensity proportion of unmixed components varied. However, this model was unable to account for the odour quality dominance in mixtures of iso-intense components. An alternative linear logistic model was proposed to study the qualitative dominance of the woody note in the three mixtures when the perceived intensities of each unmixed compound were equal.  相似文献   

Context-dependent foraging decisions in rufous hummingbirds   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A core assumption implicit in economic models of animal choice is that subjects assign absolute utilities to options that are independent of the type and number of alternatives available. Humans sometimes appear to violate this assumption and employ relative, as opposed to absolute, currencies when making choices. Recent evidence suggests that animals too might sometimes employ relative choice mechanisms. We tested this idea by measuring the foraging preferences of rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus) faced with choices analogous to those in which human use of relative currencies is evident. The birds experienced three treatments: a binary choice between two artificial flower types designated concentration (20 microl, 40% sucrose solution) and volume (40 microl, 20%), and two trinary treatments in which a third decoy option (either concentration decoy: 10 microl, 30% or volume decoy: 30 microl, 10%) was added to the set. The birds' preferences differed significantly across the three treatments. In the trinary treatments, the effect of the decoy options was to increase the preference for the option that dominated the decoy. These results are similar to those reported in the human choice literature, and are compatible with the hummingbirds using a relative evaluation mechanism in decision making.  相似文献   

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