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Adipose tissue lipolysis provides circulating FFAs to meet the body's lipid fuel demands. FFA release is well regulated in normal-weight individuals; however, in upper-body obesity, excess lipolysis is commonly seen. This abnormality is considered a cause for at least some of the metabolic defects (dyslipidemia, insulin resistance) associated with upper-body obesity. "Normal" lipolysis is sex-specific and largely determined by the individual's resting metabolic rate. Women have greater FFA release rates than men without higher FFA concentrations or greater fatty acid oxidation, indicating that they have greater nonoxidative FFA disposal, although the processes and tissues involved in this phenomenon are unknown. Therefore, women have the advantage of having greater FFA availability without exposing their tissues to higher and potentially harmful FFA concentrations. Upper-body fat is more lipolytically active than lower-body fat in both women and men. FFA released by the visceral fat depot contributes only a small percentage of systemic FFA delivery. Upper-body subcutaneous fat is the dominant contributor to circulating FFAs and the source of the excess FFA release in upper-body obesity. We believe that abnormalities in subcutaneous lipolysis could be more important than those in visceral lipolysis as a cause of peripheral insulin resistance. Understanding the regulation of FFA availability will help to discover new approaches to treat FFA-induced abnormalities in obesity.  相似文献   

Interpreting the literature relating to the nutritional determinants of insulin resistance is complicated by the wide range of methods used to determine insulin sensitivity. Excess adiposity is unquestionably the most important determinant of insulin resistance, although the effect may be tempered by a relatively high proportion of lean body mass. Weight loss is associated with improved insulin sensitivity. Thus, diet-related factors that promote excessive energy intake may be regarded as promoters of insulin resistance. In the context of energy balance, diets characterized by high intakes of saturated fat and low intakes of dietary fiber are associated with reduced insulin sensitivity. Total fat intakes greater than the usually consumed range appear to promote insulin resistance, although the relative proportions of total fat and carbohydrate within the usual range appear unimportant. Monounsaturated fatty acids with a cis configuration and fiber-rich carbohydrate foods appear to be appropriate substitutes for saturated fatty acids and rapidly digested glycemic carbohydrates. In animal studies, n-3 unsaturated fatty acids have been shown to enhance insulin sensitivity and fructose and sucrose to increase insulin resistance. However, human data are limited. Large prospective studies currently being conducted should confirm the most appropriate macronutrient composition of diets for preventing and treating insulin resistance as well as establishing whether a range of candidate genes explains the variation in response to dietary change.  相似文献   

Triacylglycerols (triglycerides) (TGs) are the major storage molecules of metabolic energy and FAs in most living organisms. Excessive accumulation of TGs, however, is associated with human diseases, such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, and steatohepatitis. The final and the only committed step in the biosynthesis of TGs is catalyzed by acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) enzymes. The genes encoding two DGAT enzymes, DGAT1 and DGAT2, were identified in the past decade, and the use of molecular tools, including mice deficient in either enzyme, has shed light on their functions. Although DGAT enzymes are involved in TG synthesis, they have distinct protein sequences and differ in their biochemical, cellular, and physiological functions. Both enzymes may be useful as therapeutic targets for diseases. Here we review the current knowledge of DGAT enzymes, focusing on new advances since the cloning of their genes, including possible roles in human health and diseases.  相似文献   

Summary Liver fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP) is expressed in a declining gradient between the portal and central zones of the liver acinus. This paper discusses the results of experimental studies which address the questions: (a) What factors regulate L-FABP expression in liver and produce its acinar gradient? (b) What is the relationship between the acinar gradient of L-FABP and acinar gradients in the transport and metabolism of long-chain fatty acids? Both high-fat diets and clofibrate-treatment increase L-FABP proportionally at both extremes of the liver acinus and the small intestine, with preservation of the L-FABP gradient in both tissues. Female rats differ from males, however, in showing a greater hepatic abundance of L-FABP which is expressed almost equally throughout the acinus. Dietary studies show that L-FABP is induced with increased fatty acid flux derived from dietary fat but not from de novo hepatic fatty acid synthesis. Studies of the synthesis and utilization of fatty acids by hepatocytes isolated from the periportal and pericentral zones of the liver acinus suggest that the acinar gradient of L-FABP is not associated with differences in the instrinsic capacity of zone 1 and zone 3 hepatocytes to utilize or synthesize fatty acids. In addition, studies of the acinar uptake pattern of a fluorescent fatty acid derivative by isolated perfused livers indicate that the acinar distribution of L-FABP does not determine the pattern of fatty acid uptake in the intact acinus. Rather, the acinar gradient of L-FABP is most likely to represent a response to physiological conditions existing in the intact acinus which may include gradients in the flux of fatty acids, fatty acid metabolites and hormones.Abbreviations ALT Alanine Aminotransferase - FABP Fatty Acid Binding Protein - I-FABP Intestinal-type Fatty Acid Binding Protein - L-FABP Liver-type Fatty Acid Binding Protein - 12-NBD-stearate 12-(N-methyl)-N-(7-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1, 3,-diazol-4-yl)amino)-octadecanoic acid  相似文献   

Hepatic steatosis is associated with detrimental metabolic phenotypes including enhanced risk for diabetes. Stearoyl-CoA desaturases (SCDs) catalyze the synthesis of MUFAs. In mice, genetic ablation of SCDs reduces hepatic de novo lipogenesis (DNL) and protects against diet-induced hepatic steatosis and adiposity. To understand the mechanism by which hepatic MUFA production influences adipose tissue stores, we created two liver-specific transgenic mouse models in the SCD1 knockout that express either human SCD5 or mouse SCD3, that synthesize oleate and palmitoleate, respectively. We demonstrate that hepatic de novo synthesized oleate, but not palmitoleate, stimulate hepatic lipid accumulation and adiposity, reversing the protective effect of the global SCD1 knockout under lipogenic conditions. Unexpectedly, the accumulation of hepatic lipid occurred without induction of the hepatic DNL program. Changes in hepatic lipid composition were reflected in plasma and in adipose tissue. Importantly, endogenously synthesized hepatic oleate was associated with suppressed DNL and fatty acid oxidation in white adipose tissue. Regression analysis revealed a strong correlation between adipose tissue lipid fuel utilization and hepatic and adipose tissue lipid storage. These data suggest an extrahepatic mechanism where endogenous hepatic oleate regulates lipid homeostasis in adipose tissues.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein metabolism is the result of a complex network of many individual components. Abnormal lipoprotein concentrations can result from changes in the production, conversion, or catabolism of lipoprotein particles. Studies in hypolipoproteinemia and hyperlipoproteinemia have elucidated the processes that control VLDL secretion as well as VLDL and LDL catabolism. Here, we review the current knowledge regarding apolipoprotein B (apoB) metabolism, focusing on selected clinically relevant conditions. In hypobetalipoproteinemia attributable to truncations in apoB, the rate of secretion is closely linked to the length of apoB. On the other hand, in patients with the metabolic syndrome, it appears that substrate, in the form of free fatty acids, coupled to the state of insulin resistance can induce hypersecretion of VLDL-apoB. Studies in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia, familial defective apoB, and mutant forms of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 show that mutations in the LDL receptor, the ligand for the receptor, or an intracellular chaperone for the receptor are the most important determinants in regulating LDL catabolism. This review also demonstrates the variance of results within similar, or even the same, phenotypic conditions. This underscores the sensitivity of metabolic studies to methodological aspects and thus the importance of the inclusion of adequate controls in studies.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein tracer kinetics studies have for many years provided new and important knowledge of the metabolism of lipoproteins. Our understanding of kinetics defects in lipoprotein metabolism has resulted from the use of tracer kinetics studies and mathematical modeling. This review discusses all aspects of the performance of kinetics studies, including the development of hypotheses, experimental design, statistical considerations, tracer administration and sampling schedule, and the development of compartmental models for the interpretation of tracer data. In addition to providing insight into new metabolic pathways, such models provide quantitative information on the effect of interventions on lipoprotein metabolism. Compartment models are useful tools to describe experimental data but can also be used to aid in experimental design and hypothesis generation. The SAAM II program provides an easy-to-use interface with which to develop and test compartmental models against experimental models. The development of a model requires that certain checks be performed to ensure that the model describes the experimental data and that the model parameters can be estimated with precision. In addition to methodologic aspects, several compartment models of apoprotein and lipid metabolism are reviewed.  相似文献   

In general, under isoweight conditions, different types of dietary protein or individual amino acids have little effect on lipoprotein patterns. Dietary carbohydrate tends to increase plasma triglyceride when it displaces fat, accompanied by a decrease in HDL cholesterol concentrations. Potential differential effects of types of carbohydrate are difficult to assess because of differences in rates of absorption and confounding of dietary fiber. Saturated fatty acids increase LDL and HDL cholesterol, whereas trans fatty acids increase LDL but not HDL cholesterol. Unsaturated fatty acids decrease LDL and HDL cholesterol, polyunsaturated more so than monounsaturated. There has been considerable interest in the potential benefit of major shifts in dietary macronutrients on weight loss and lipoprotein patterns. Short-term data favor substituting protein and fat for carbohydrate, whereas long-term data have failed to show a benefit for weight loss. During an active weight loss period low-carbohydrate diets more favorably affect triglyceride and HDL and less favorably affect LDL cholesterol concentrations. Additional efforts need to be focused on gaining a better understanding of the effect of dietary macronutrient profiles on established and emerging cardiovascular disease risk factors, mechanisms for changes observed and contributors to individual variability. Such data are needed to allow reassessment and, if necessary, modification of current recommendations.  相似文献   

Hepatic de novo lipogenesis (DNL) is the biochemical process of synthesising fatty acids from acetyl‐CoA subunits that are produced from a number of different pathways within the cell, most commonly carbohydrate catabolism. In addition to glucose which most commonly supplies carbon units for DNL, fructose is also a profoundly lipogenic substrate that can drive DNL, important when considering the increasing use of fructose in corn syrup as a sweetener. In the context of disease, DNL is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease, a common condition often associated with the metabolic syndrome and consequent insulin resistance. Whether DNL plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance is yet to be fully elucidated, but it may be that the prevalent products of this synthetic process induce some aspect of hepatic insulin resistance.  相似文献   

The lipodystrophies are characterized by loss of adipose tissue in some anatomical sites, frequently with fat accumulation in nonatrophic depots and ectopic sites such as liver and muscle. Molecularly characterized forms include Dunnigan-type familial partial lipodystrophy (FPLD), partial lipodystrophy with mandibuloacral dysplasia (MAD), Berardinelli-Seip congenital generalized lipodystrophy (CGL), and some cases with Barraquer-Simons acquired partial lipodystrophy (APL). The associated mutant gene products include 1) nuclear lamin A in FPLD type 2 and MAD type A; 2) nuclear lamin B2 in APL; 3) nuclear hormone receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma in FPLD type 3; 4) lipid biosynthetic enzyme 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 2 in CGL type 1; 5) integral endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein seipin in CGL type 2; and 6) metalloproteinase ZMPSTE24 in MAD type B. An unresolved question is whether metabolic disturbances are secondary to adipose repartitioning or result from a direct effect of the mutant gene product. Careful analysis of clinical, biochemical, and imaging phenotypes, using an approach called "phenomics," reveals differences between genetically stratified subtypes that can be used to guide basic experiments and to improve our understanding of common clinical entities, such as metabolic syndrome or the partial lipodystrophy syndrome associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(8):602-613

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common chronic liver disease. Iron, cholesterol, and oxidative damage are frequently suggested to be related to the progression of NAFLD, but the precise relationship between them remains unclear. Guinea pigs fed on a high cholesterol and fat diet (without oxidized lipids) generated a disease model of NAFLD with hallmark observations in liver histology and increased liver damage markers. Hepatic cholesterol and iron levels were found to be significantly elevated and directly correlated. Plasma hepcidin and transferrin levels were decreased. Plasma iron concentrations were found to be elevated, likely due to an increased intestinal iron absorption caused by the decrease in plasma hepcidin. However, hepatic transferrin receptor-2 levels were unchanged. No significant increase in hepatic lipid peroxidation was detected using F2-isoprostanes as a reliable biomarker, nor was there a rise in protein carbonyls, a general index of oxidative protein damage. Some increases in cholesterol oxidation products were observed, but largely negated after normalizing for the elevated hepatic cholesterol content. Indeed, increased hemosiderin deposition and unchanged ferritin levels in liver suggested that the excess iron mainly existed as hemosiderin, which is redox-inactive.  相似文献   

The first in this series of historical reviews dealt with the pioneering animal model work of Anitschkow, implicating blood cholesterol in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, and the pivotally important work of Gofman, providing evidence that lipoprotein-bound cholesterol was a major factor in the human disease. This second installment reviews the early lines of evidence linking hypercholesterolemia in humans to the progression of atherosclerosis and the risk of coronary heart disease. The argument is made that by 1970, the evidence was already strong enough to justify intervention to lower blood cholesterol levels if all the available lines of evidence had been taken into account. Yet, it would be almost two decades before lowering blood cholesterol levels became a national public health goal. Some of the reasons the "cholesterol controversy" continued in the face of powerful evidence supporting intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

This review will focus on the role of cytokines in the behavior of macrophages, a prominent cell type of atherosclerotic lesions. Once these macrophages have immigrated into the vessel wall, they propagate the development of atherosclerosis by modifying lipoproteins, accumulating intracellular lipids, remodeling the extracellular environment, and promoting local coagulation. The numerous cytokines that have been detected in atherosclerosis, combined with the expression of large numbers of cytokine receptors on macrophages, are consistent with this axis being an important contributor to lesion development. Given the vast literature on cytokine-macrophage interactions, this review will be selective, with an emphasis on the major cytokines that have been detected in atherosclerotic lesions and their effects on properties that are relevant to lesion formation and maturation. There will be an emphasis on the role of cytokines in regulating lipid metabolism by macrophages. We will provide an overview of the major findings in cell culture and then put these in the context of in vivo studies.  相似文献   

Our understanding of sphingolipid metabolism and functions in the baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has progressed substantially in the past 2 years. Yeast sphingolipids contain a C26-acyl moiety, all of the genes necessary to make these long-chain fatty acids have been identified, and a mechanism for how chain length is determined has been proposed. Advances in understanding how the de novo synthesis of ceramide and complex sphingolipids is regulated have been made, and they demonstrate that the Target Of Rapamycin Complex 2 (TORC2) controls ceramide synthase activity. Other work shows that TORC2 regulates the level of complex sphingolipids in a pathway using the Slm1 and Slm2 proteins to control the protein phosphatase calcineurin, which regulates the breakdown of complex sphingolipids. The activity of Slm1 and Slm2 has also been shown to be regulated during heat stress by phosphoinositides and TORC2, along with sphingoid long-chain bases and the Pkh1 and Pkh2 protein kinases, to control the actin cytoskeleton, the trafficking of nutrient transporters, and cell viability. Together, these results provide the first molecular insights into understanding previous genetic interaction data that indicated a connection between sphingolipids and the TORC2 and phosphoinositide signaling networks. This new knowledge provides a foundation for greatly advancing our understanding of sphingolipid biology in yeast.  相似文献   

The epidermis is a very active site of lipid metabolism, and all peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) and liver X receptor (LXR) isoforms are expressed in the epidermis. Activation of PPARalpha, -beta/delta, or -gamma or LXRs stimulates keratinocyte differentiation. Additionally, activation of these receptors also improves permeability barrier homeostasis by a number of mechanisms, including stimulating epidermal lipid synthesis, increasing lamellar body formation and secretion, and increasing the activity of enzymes required for the extracellular processing of lipids in the stratum corneum, leading to the formation of lamellar membranes that mediate permeability barrier function. The stimulation of keratinocyte differentiation and permeability barrier formation also occurs during fetal development, resulting in accelerated epidermal development. PPAR and LXR activation regulates keratinocyte proliferation and apoptosis, and studies have shown that these receptors play a role in cutaneous carcinogenesis. Lastly, PPAR and LXR activation is anti-inflammatory, reducing inflammation in animal models of allergic and irritant contact dermatitis. Because of their broad profile of beneficial effects on skin homeostasis, PPAR and LXR have great potential to serve as drug targets for common skin diseases such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and skin cancer.  相似文献   

The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is an emerging model system in lipid metabolism research. Lipid droplets are omnipresent and dynamically regulated organelles found in various cell types throughout the complex life cycle of this insect. The vital importance of lipid droplets as energy resources and storage compartments for lipoanabolic components has recently attracted research attention to the basic enzymatic machinery, which controls the delicate balance between triacylglycerol deposition and mobilization in flies. This review aims to present current insights in experimentally supported and inferred biological functions of lipogenic and lipolytic enzymes as well as regulatory proteins, which control the lipid droplet-based storage fat turnover in Drosophila.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(7):112718
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占全球陆地面积约15%的喀斯特地区,有着不同于绝大多数非喀斯特地区的水文地质结构,使得许多在非喀斯特地区行之有效的研究方法难以直接用于喀斯特地区,而且这种限制在植物水分来源的研究上体现得尤为明显.本文从为什么要在喀斯特地区开展植物水分来源的研究、为什么一定要用稳定同位素的方法、使用该方法在喀斯特地区有何挑战,以及应对这些挑战的可能解决方案是什么等4个方面,综述了喀斯特地区植物水分来源研究普遍关注问题的由来和可能应对方案.文中重点阐述了与其他方法相比,稳定同位素技术在喀斯特地区植物水分来源研究中的优势以及难以完全满足其前提条件的挑战,结合现有相关研究的有益探索,提出在喀斯特地区的研究不必过分追求对各水源在具体深度上的细致划分,从水源特性的角度进行区分是更为适宜的途径.  相似文献   

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