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Quantitative characterization of ankle mechanical impedance is important to understand how the ankle supports lower-extremity functions during interaction with the environment. This paper reports a novel procedure to characterize static multivariable ankle mechanical impedance. An experimental protocol using a wearable therapeutic robot, Anklebot, enabled reliable measurement of torque and angle data in multiple degrees of freedom simultaneously, a combination of inversion-eversion and dorsiflexion-plantarflexion. The measured multivariable torque-angle relation was represented as a vector field, and approximated using a method based on thin-plate spline smoothing with generalized cross validation. The vector field enabled assessment of several important characteristics of static ankle mechanical impedance, which are not available from prior single degree of freedom studies: the directional variation of ankle mechanical impedance, the extent to which the ankle behaves as a spring, and evidence of uniquely neural contributions. The method was validated by testing a simple physical "mock-up" consisting of passive elements. Experiments with young unimpaired subjects quantified the behavior of the maximally relaxed human ankle, showing that ankle mechanical impedance is spring-like but strongly direction-dependent, being weakest in inversion. Remarkably, the analysis was sufficiently sensitive to detect a subtle but statistically significant deviation from spring-like behavior if subjects were not fully relaxed. This method may provide new insight about the function of the ankle, both unimpaired and after biomechanical or neurological injury.  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated that a set of five functional muscle synergies were sufficient to characterize both hindlimb muscle activity and active forces during automatic postural responses in cats standing at multiple postural configurations. This characterization depended critically upon the assumption that the endpoint force vector (synergy force vector) produced by the activation of each muscle synergy rotated with the limb axis as the hindlimb posture varied in the sagittal plane. Here, we used a detailed, 3D static model of the hindlimb to confirm that this assumption is biomechanically plausible: as we varied the model posture, simulated synergy force vectors rotated monotonically with the limb axis in the parasagittal plane (r2=0.94+/-0.08). We then tested whether a neural strategy of using these five functional muscle synergies provides the same force-generating capability as controlling each of the 31 muscles individually. We compared feasible force sets (FFSs) from the model with and without a muscle synergy organization. FFS volumes were significantly reduced with the muscle synergy organization (F=1556.01, p<0.01), and as posture varied, the synergy-limited FFSs changed in shape, consistent with changes in experimentally measured active forces. In contrast, nominal FFS shapes were invariant with posture, reinforcing prior findings that postural forces cannot be predicted by hindlimb biomechanics alone. We propose that an internal model for postural force generation may coordinate functional muscle synergies that are invariant in intrinsic limb coordinates, and this reduced-dimension control scheme reduces the set of forces available for postural control.  相似文献   

Postural control research describes ankle-, hip-, or multi-joint strategies as mechanisms to control upright posture. The objectives of this study were, first, development of an analysis technique facilitating a direct comparison of the structure of such multi-segment postural movement patterns between subjects; second, comparison of the complexity of postural movements between three stances of different difficulty levels; and third, investigation of between-subject differences in the structure of postural movements and of factors that may contribute to these differences.  相似文献   

Postural control requires the coordination of multiple muscles to achieve both endpoint force production and postural stability. Multiple muscle activation patterns can produce the required force for standing, but the mechanical stability associated with any given pattern may vary, and has implications for the degree of delayed neural feedback necessary for postural stability. We hypothesized that muscular redundancy is reduced when muscle activation patterns are chosen with respect to intrinsic musculoskeletal stability as well as endpoint force production. We used a three-dimensional musculoskeletal model of the cat hindlimb with 31 muscles to determine the possible contributions of intrinsic muscle properties to limb stability during isometric force generation. Using dynamic stability analysis we demonstrate that within the large set of activation patterns that satisfy the force requirement for posture, only a reduced subset produce a mechanically stable limb configuration. Greater stability in the frontal-plane suggests that neural control mechanisms are more highly active for sagittal-plane and for ankle joint control. Even when the limb was unstable, the time-constants of instability were sufficiently great to allow long-latency neural feedback mechanisms to intervene, which may be preferential for movements requiring maneuverability versus stability. Local joint stiffness of muscles was determined by the stabilizing or destabilizing effects of moment-arm versus joint angle relationships. By preferentially activating muscles with high local stiffness, muscle activation patterns with feedforward stabilizing properties could be selected. Such a strategy may increase intrinsic postural stability without co-contraction, and may be useful criteria in the force-sharing problem.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether fatigue of postural muscles might influence the coordination between segmental posture and movement. Seven healthy adults performed series of fifteen fast wrist flexions and extensions while being instructed to keep a dominant upper limb posture as constant as possible. These series of voluntary movements were performed before and after a fatiguing submaximal isometric elbow flexion, and also with or without the help of an elbow support. Surface EMG from muscles Delto?deus anterior, Biceps brachii, Triceps brachii, Flexor carpi ulnaris, Extensor carpi radialis were recorded simultaneously with wrist, elbow and shoulder accelerations and wrist and elbow displacements. Fatigue was evidenced by a shift of the elbow and shoulder muscles EMG spectra towards low frequencies. Kinematics of wrist movements and corresponding activations of wrist prime-movers, as well as the background of postural muscle activation before wrist movement were not modified. There were only slight changes in timing of postural muscle activations. These data indicate that postural fatigue induced by a low-level isometric contraction has no effect on voluntary movement and requires no dramatic adaptation in postural control.  相似文献   

Even though specific adjustments of the multi-joint control of posture have been observed when posture is challenged, multi-joint coordination on a seesaw device has never been accurately assessed. The current study was conducted in order to investigate the multi-joint coordination when subjects were standing on either a seesaw device or on a stable surface, with the eyes open or closed. Eighteen healthy active subjects were recruited. A principal component analysis and a Self-Organizing Maps analysis were performed on the joint angles in order to detect and characterize dominant coordination patterns. Intermuscular EMG coherence was analysed in order to assess the neurophysiological mechanisms associated with these coordination patterns. The results illustrated a multi-joint organization of posture on both stable ground and on the seesaw, with a higher variability among the individual postural responses observed when standing on the seesaw. These findings challenge the classical assumption of ankle mechanisms as dominating control on seesaw devices and confirm that inter-joint coordination in postural control is strongly modulated by stance conditions. When standing on the seesaw without vision, a decrease in intermuscular coherence was observed without any impact on the joint coordination patterns, likely due to an increase dependence on proprioceptive information.  相似文献   

The study was aimed at a deeper understanding of the interaction between the system of vertical posture control and the system of voluntary movement control based on the analysis of postural muscle activity components resulting from the action of the former or the latter system. For this purpose, a quick arm raise was performed in the standing and sitting positions with body fixation at different levels, when the task of maintaining a vertical posture was simplified or completely eliminated. Under these conditions, the muscle activity associated with posture control was supposed to change, while the activity of muscles raising the arm was supposed to remain invariable. The results showed that the simplification of the posture control resulted in a decrease or elimination of anticipatory changes in the activity of some muscles. However, most of the muscle activity variations were retained even in the sitting position, and these variations appeared simultaneously with the activity of muscles raising the arm. The so-called “anticipatory postural activity” during an arm raise in a normal standing position is supposed to consist of two components: an initial component reflecting the work of the posture control system and a later component reflecting the work of the movement control system. It is suggested that the planning of muscle activity and exchange of information between these two systems take place only before the beginning of the movement; after that, they act independently and in parallel.  相似文献   

During human movement, muscle activation and limb movement result in subtle changes in muscle mass distribution. Muscle mass redistribution can affect limb inertial properties and limb dynamics, but it is not currently known to what extent. The objectives of this study were to investigate: (1) how physiological alterations of muscle and tendon length affect limb inertial characteristics, and (2) how such changes affect dynamic simulations of human movement. To achieve these objectives, a digital model of a human leg, custom software, and Software for interactive musculoskeletal modeling were used to simulate mass redistribution of muscle–tendon structures within a limb segment during muscle activation and joint movement. Thigh and shank center of mass and moments of inertia for different muscle activation and joint configurations were determined and compared. Limb inertial parameters representing relaxed muscles and fully active muscles were input into a simulated straight-leg movement to evaluate the effect inertial parameter variations could have on movement simulation results. Muscle activation and limb movement altered limb segment center of mass and moments of inertia by less than 0.04 cm and 1.2%, respectively. These variations in limb inertial properties resulted in less than 0.01% change in maximum angular velocity for a simulated straight-leg hip flexion task. These data demonstrate that, for the digital human leg model considered, assuming static quantities for segment center of masses and moments of inertia in movement simulations appear reasonable and induce minimal errors in simulated movement dynamics.  相似文献   

Do neurons in primary motor cortex encode the generative details of motor behavior, such as individual muscle activities, or do they encode high-level movement attributes? Resolving this question has proven difficult, in large part because of the sizeable uncertainty inherent in estimating or measuring the joint torques and muscle forces that underlie movements made by biological limbs. We circumvented this difficulty by considering single-neuron responses in an isometric task, where joint torques and muscle forces can be straightforwardly computed from limb geometry. The response for each neuron was modeled as a linear function of a "preferred" joint torque vector, and this model was fit to individual neural responses across variations in limb posture. The resulting goodness of fit suggests that neurons in motor cortex do encode the kinetics of motor behavior and that the neural response properties of "preferred direction" and "gain" are dual components of a unitary response vector.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of parts of the subthalamus and mesencephalon produces coordinated stepping movements, and for this reason these areas are sometimes referred to as the subthalamic and mesencephalic "locomotor" regions. In this study we contrast the sexual behavioral effect of electrolytic destruction of these two regions in the male rat. Lesions of the mesencephalic locomotor region had no significant effect on male sexual behavior. In contrast, subthalamic lesions centered on the caudal zona incerta just dorsal to the subthalamic nucleus eliminated sexual behavior in 6 of 15 males. The sexual behavior of the remaining males was affected to a lesser degree, for the most part in accord with the extent of destruction to this "critical zone." Subthalamic lesions produced no obvious impairment in locomotion, posture, limb use, muscle tone or sensorimotor orientation. Even so, the fact that electrical stimulation of the subthalamus elicits coordinated stepping suggests that the region is linked with systems directly concerned with movement and locomotion. These links could be particularly important in the process by which sexual motivation is translated into sexual behavior.  相似文献   

The study investigated the destabilization effect on multi-segment physiological tremors and coordinative control for a postural-suprapostural task under different stance conditions. Twenty volunteers executed postural pointing from a level surface and a seesaw balance board; meanwhile, physiological tremors of the whole postural system and fluctuation movements of fingertip/stance surface were recorded. In reference to level stance, seesaw stance led to much fewer tremor increments of the upper limb and less fluctuation movement of the fingertip than tremor increment of the lower limb and rolling movement of the stance surface. Tremor coupling between the adjacent segments organized differentially with stance surface. In reference to level stance, seesaw stance reinforced tremor coupling of the upper limb but enfeebled the coupling in the arm-lumbar and calf-foot complexes. Stance-related differences in physiological tremors could be explained by characteristic changes in the primary and secondary principal components (PC1 and PC2), with relatively high communality with segment tremors of the lower and upper limbs, respectively. Seesaw stance introduced a prominent 4-8Hz spectral peak in PC1 and potentiated 1-4Hz and 8-12Hz spectral peaks of PC2. Structural reorganization of physiological tremors with stance configuration suggests that seesaw stance involves distinct suprapostural and postural synergies for regulating degree of freedom in joint space.  相似文献   

Head movements, ground reaction forces and electromyographic activity of selected muscles were recorded simultaneously from two subjects as they performed the sit-to-stand manouevre under a variety of conditions. The influence of initial leg posture on the magnitude of the various parameters under investigation was examined first. A preferred initial leg posture resulted in smaller magnitudes of head movement and ground reaction forces. EMG activity in some muscles, trapezius and erector spinae, decreased, while in others, quadriceps and hamstrings, it increased in the preferred leg posture. The decreases seen correlate with reductions in head movement observed. The effect of inhibiting habitual postural adjustments of the head and neck, by comparing "free" and "guided" movements was also examined. In guided movements there are significant reductions in head movement, ground reaction forces and EMG activity in trapezius, sternomastoid and erector spinae. It would appear that both initial leg posture and the abolition of habitual postural adjustment have a profound influence on the efficiency of the sit-to-stand manouevre. This preliminary study high-lights the practical importance of head posture in the diagnosis and treatment of movement disorders, as well as in movement education.  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been developed to study the control mechanisms of human trunk movement during walking. The trunk is modeled as a base-excited inverted pendulum with two-degrees of rotational freedom. The base point, corresponding to the bony landmark of the sacrum, can move in three-dimensional space in a general way. Since the stability of upright posture is essential for human walking, a controller has been designed such that the stability of the pendulum about the upright position is guaranteed. The control laws are developed based on Lyapunov' stability theory and include feedforward and linear feedback components. It is found that the feedforward component plays a critical role in keeping postural stability, and the linear feedback component, (resulting from viscoelastic function of the musculoskeletal system) can effectively duplicate the pattern of trunk movement. The mathematical model is validated by comparing the simulation results with those based on gait measurements performed in the Biomechanics Laboratory at the University of Manitoba.  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been developed to study the control mechanisms of human trunk movement during walking. The trunk is modeled as a base-excited inverted pendulum with two-degrees of rotational freedom. The base point, corresponding to the bony landmark of the sacrum, can move in three-dimensional space in a general way. Since the stability of upright posture is essential for human walking, a controller has been designed such that the stability of the pendulum about the upright position is guaranteed. The control laws are developed based on Lyapunov's stability theory and include feedforward and linear feedback components. It is found that the feedforward component plays a critical role in keeping postural stability, and the linear feedback component, (resulting from viscoelastic function of the musculoskeletal system) can effectively duplicate the pattern of trunk movement. The mathematical model is validated by comparing the simulation results with those based on gait measurements performed in the Biomechanics Laboratory at the University of Manitoba.  相似文献   

Motion sickness (MS) usually occurs for a narrow band of frequencies of the imposed oscillation. It happens that this frequency band is close to that which are spontaneously produced by postural sway during natural stance. This study examined the relationship between reported susceptibility to motion sickness and postural control. The hypothesis is that the level of MS can be inferred from the shape of the Power Spectral Density (PSD) profile of spontaneous sway, as measured by the displacement of the center of mass during stationary, upright stance. In Experiment 1, postural fluctuations while standing quietly were related to MS history for inertial motion. In Experiment 2, postural stability measures registered before the onset of a visual roll movement were related to MS symptoms following the visual stimulation. Study of spectral characteristics in postural control showed differences in the distribution of energy along the power spectrum of the antero-posterior sway signal. Participants with MS history provoked by exposure to inertial motion showed a stronger contribution of the high frequency components of the sway signal. When MS was visually triggered, sick participants showed more postural sway in the low frequency range. The results suggest that subject-specific PSD details may be a predictor of the MS level. Furthermore, the analysis of the sway frequency spectrum provided insight into the intersubject differences in the use of postural control subsystems. The relationship observed between MS susceptibility and spontaneous posture is discussed in terms of postural sensory weighting and in relation to the nature of the provocative stimulus.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the change in antagonist co-activation ratio of upper-limb muscle pairs, during the reaching movement, of both ipsilesional and contralesional limbs of post-stroke subjects. Nine healthy and nine post-stroke subjects were instructed to reach and grasp a target, placed in the sagittal and scapular planes of movement. Surface EMG was recorded from postural control and movement related muscles. Reaching movement was divided in two sub-phases, according to proximal postural control versus movement control demands, during which antagonist co-activation ratios were calculated for the muscle pairs LD/PM, PD/AD, TRIlat/BB and TRIlat/BR. Post-stroke’s ipsilesional limb presented lower co-activation in muscles with an important role in postural control (LD/PM), comparing to the healthy subjects during the first sub-phase, when the movement was performed in the sagittal plane (p < 0.05). Conversely, the post-stroke’s contralesional limb showed in general an increased co-activation ratio in muscles related to movement control, comparing to the healthy subjects. Our findings demonstrate that, in post-stroke subjects, the reaching movement performed with the ipsilesional upper limb seems to show co-activation impairments in muscle pairs associated to postural control, whereas the contralesional upper limb seems to have signs of impairment of muscle pairs related to movement.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the mechanisms underlying changes in postural strategy that occur to compensate for mechanical ankle joint restrictions induced by wearing ski-boots during postural exercises. Fourteen experienced skiers were asked to stand as still as possible in a stable (STA) posture and in 2 postures with instability in the medio/lateral and antero/posterior (ML and AP postures) direction. Postural tasks were performed with eyes open or closed and while wearing or not wearing ski-boots. The electromyographic (EMG) activity of representative lower limb muscles and positions of centre-of-foot pressure (COP) were recorded and analyzed. Our results illustrated enhanced postural performances with ski-boots in the STA posture, whereas postural performances remained unchanged when wearing ski-boots in the ML and AP postures. Analysis of COP sways in the frequency domain did not illustrate any modification in the contribution of different neuronal loops when the study subjects wore ski-boots. EMG showed that the mechanical effects of wearing ski-boots were compensated by changes in postural strategy through the reorganization of muscle coordination, made possible by inherent redundancies in the human body. The preservation of postural performances, despite restrictions of ankle degrees-of-freedom induced by ski-boots, emphasizes the subjects’ capacity to exploit the additional support provided by ski-boots by adequately adjusting muscle coordination to control posture in different balance conditions.  相似文献   

The relationships between the anticipatory postural components when standing subjects raised their arms and the latent period (LP) of the motor response determined by the beginning of the deltoid muscle activation were analyzed. The LP range from the least possible to 1 s was analyzed. In the case of short LPs (approximately up to 170 ms), the anticipation time for the ipsilateral biceps femoris muscle (BFM) and sacrospinalis muscle (SSM) increased linearly with the LP; at longer LPs, it did not depend on the LP and was characterized by a wide scatter. In the case of short LPs, the delay time of the beginning of activation of postural muscles in relation to the signal for movement remained constant and was approximately 100 ms for the BFM and 120 ms for the SSM. This is explained by the fact that, with short LPs of motor response, the CNS had insufficient time to complete postural adjustments before the beginning of movement, which resulted in shortening of the anticipation time of the start of change in the activity of postural muscles and, as a consequence, the appearance of an additional initial backward inclination of the body. The results obtained are discussed in the context of organizing the interaction between the regulation of maintaining the vertical posture and the system of movement control.  相似文献   

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