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Several reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) are continuously produced in plants as by-products of aerobic metabolism or in response to stresses. Depending on the nature of the ROS and RNS, some of them are highly toxic and rapidly detoxified by various cellular enzymatic and non-enzymatic mechanisms. Whereas plants have many mechanisms with which to combat increased ROS/RNS levels produced during stress conditions, under other circumstances plants appear to generate ROS/RNS as signalling molecules to control various processes encompassing the whole lifespan of the plant such as normal growth and development stages. This review aims to summarize recent studies highlighting the involvement of ROS/RNS, as well as the low molecular weight thiols, glutathione and homoglutathione, during the symbiosis between rhizobia and leguminous plants. This compatible interaction initiated by a molecular dialogue between the plant and bacterial partners, leads to the formation of a novel root organ capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen under nitrogen-limiting conditions. On the one hand, ROS/RNS detection during the symbiotic process highlights the similarity of the early response to infection by pathogenic and symbiotic bacteria, addressing the question as to which mechanism rhizobia use to counteract the plant defence response. Moreover, there is increasing evidence that ROS are needed to establish the symbiosis fully. On the other hand, GSH synthesis appears to be essential for proper development of the root nodules during the symbiotic interaction. Elucidating the mechanisms that control ROS/RNS signalling during symbiosis could therefore contribute in defining a powerful strategy to enhance the efficiency of the symbiotic interaction.  相似文献   

Sugiyama A  Shitan N  Yazaki K 《Plant physiology》2007,144(4):2000-2008
Legume plants have an ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen into nutrients via symbiosis with soil microbes. As the initial event of the symbiosis, legume plants secrete flavonoids into the rhizosphere to attract rhizobia. Secretion of flavonoids is indispensable for the establishment of symbiotic nitrogen fixation, but almost nothing is known about the membrane transport mechanism of flavonoid secretion from legume root cells. In this study, we performed biochemical analyses to characterize the transport mechanism of flavonoid secretion using soybean (Glycine max) in which genistein is a signal flavonoid. Plasma membrane vesicles prepared from soybean roots showed clear transport activity of genistein in an ATP-dependent manner. This transport activity was inhibited by sodium orthovanadate, a typical inhibitor of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, but was hardly affected by various ionophores, such as gramicidin D, nigericin, or valinomycin, suggesting involvement of an ABC transporter in the secretion of flavonoids from soybean roots. The K(m) and V(max) values of this transport were calculated to be 158 mum and 322 pmol mg protein(-1) min(-1), respectively. Competition experiments using various flavonoids of both aglycone and glucoside varieties suggested that this ABC-type transporter recognizes genistein and daidzein, another signaling compound in soybean root exudates, as well as other isoflavonoid aglycones as its substrates. Transport activity was constitutive regardless of the availability of nitrogen nutrition. This is, to our knowledge, the first biochemical characterization of the membrane transport of flavonoid secretion from roots.  相似文献   

Muscle mass as a factor limiting physical work   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Maximal exercise has been performed by eight men and eight women, using four types of ergometer (2-leg, 1-leg, arm + shoulder, and arm) while breathing room air and while breathing 12% O2. Results have been related to anthropometric estimates of muscle mass in the active limbs. Although significant sex differences of O2 transfer and power output are shown, the sex-specific aerobic performance was roughly proportional to active muscle volume (both when comparing individuals on a given type of ergometer and when comparing average scores of the several types of ergometer). However, the relationship was closer for steady power output than for peak O2 intake (where the scores for arm work were boosted by the use of accessory muscles and by hyperventilation). When breathing 12% O2, the 2-leg performance was substantially reduced (an average of 28.7% for O2 transport and 19.2% for power output). This effect dropped to 9.1% for O2 transport and 12% for power output in one-leg ergometry and was negligible for arm or arm plus shoulder work. It is argued that because of difficulty in perfusing small muscles, arm work is limited largely by the intrinsic power of the active muscles, that single-leg ergometry is limited rather equally by central circulatory and muscular factors, and that two-leg ergometry is almost entirely dependent on the central circulatory transport of O2.  相似文献   

Summary In pea cv. Afghanistan a recessive gene sym 6 prevents the full expression of nitrogenase activity in root nodules, induced byRhizobium leguminosarum strain F 13. In contrast, nitrogenase activity is fully expressed in pea cv. Iran. A comparison of the reciprocal hybrids of these two plants showed that the size of the plant was determined by the mother plant (maternal effect). Therefore the shoot weight and the total amount of nitrogen fixed are not suitable as parameters for a genetic analysis. The % nitrogen of the shoot and the specific activity of the nodules per gram of nodules are more reliable, but for practical purposes the specific activity of the nodules expressed per gram of shoot tissue can be used.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of copper-induced LDL peroxidation commonly assume that the availability of molecular oxygen in the reaction media is not a limiting factor. The present study reveals that this assumption is valid only at low LDL concentrations. At high LDL concentrations, accumulation of oxidation products, as monitored spectroscopically under conditions of various oxygen concentrations in the medium, comes to a halt when the oxygen concentration in the solution, as measured by an oxygen electrode, decreases to near zero levels. Bubbling of the oxygen into the solution results in resumption of peroxidation. These results are important with respect to the ex vivo assaying of lipoprotein peroxidation because many previous studies have been conducted with LDL concentrations that corresponded to polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations in access of the concentration of molecular oxygen. The possible pathophysiological significance of the results of this study has yet to be evaluated.  相似文献   

Summary Intraspecific predation is taxonomically widespread, but few species routinely prey on conspecifics. This is surprising as conspecifics could be a valuable resource for animals limited by food. A potential cost of cannibalism that has been largely unexplored is that it may enhance the risk of acquiring debilitating pathogens or toxins from conspecifics. We examined how pathogens affect variation in the incidence of cannibalism in tiger salamander larvae (Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum), which occur as two environmentally-induced morphs, typicals and cannibals. Salamanders from one population were more likely than those in another to develop into cannibals, even when reared under identical conditions. Variation in the propensity to become a cannibal may be caused by variation in pathogen density. In the population with cannibals at low frequency, bacterial blooms in late summer correlated with massive die-offs of salamanders. The frequency of cannibals correlated significantly negatively with bacterial density in ten different natural lakes. In the laboratory, cannibals exposed to a diseased conspecific always preyed on the sick animal. As a result, cannibals wre more likely to acquire and die from disease than were typicals that were similarly exposed, or cannibals that were exposed to healthy conspecifics. Since conspecifics often share lethal pathogens, enhanced risk of disease may explain why cannibalism is generally infrequent. Pathogens may constrain not only the tendency to be behaviorally cannibalistic, but also the propensity to develop specialized cannibal morphologies.  相似文献   

Ultracentrifugation was used to separate three commercial lots of bovine serum fraction (BSF) into components designed to contain lipoproteins. Each BSF lot and component was tested for ability to support the growth of tree strains of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. In general, the level of growth-promoting activity corresponded to the amount of cholesterol present in the BSF or BSF components rather than to the amount or type of lipoprotein Cholesterol was the limiting nutritional factor of BSF with low growth-promoting activity. The addition of cholesterol and bovine serum albumin to BSF with low activity resulted in growth equal to or greater than that observed for BSF with high growth-promoting activity. When cholesterol was added to agar medium containing BSF of low activity, mycoplasma colonies were greater in number, possessed larger mean diameters, and had centers that were more distinct than those observed when this BSF was used alone. Variability in growth-promoting actions of commercial lots of BSF was eliminated by increasing their cholesterol content to an optimum level. An adjustment of the cholesterol and albumin levels of any serum product used in culture media may provide a simple convenient method to improve growth and isolation of mycoplasmas.  相似文献   

Warner found that arthropod-borne disease in the Hawaiian islands (bird malaria and avian pox in particular) is a factor limiting the distribution of the Drepaniidae. Rowan considers it conceivable that the present distribution of certain African birds (and perhaps some other vertebrates showing similar patterns of occurrence) may have been determined in the same way. This suggestion is supported by the observations of the author in southern Africa in regard to bird malaria and avian pox.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was carried out to determine survival of transconjugant cells ofPseudomonas fluorescens intro duced into sterile soil. The transconjugant survived significantly better when it was the only strain inoculated into the soil; when introduced into soil pre-colonized by the recipient strain, the transconjugant was undetectable. These results indicate that intraspecific competition is a regulating factor limiting the number of transconjugants in soil.  相似文献   

An understanding of the ecological factors that regulate natural populations of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes can improve control and reduce the incidence of dengue (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in tropical areas. We investigated whether immature Ae. aegypti in water-storage containers from an urban area were under food limitation. We used starvation resistance (number of days alive without food) as an indicator of the feeding history in third-instar Ae. aegypti larvae. Resistance to starvation and other measures of immature success, such as development time, survival, and adult mass, were investigated across a wide range of feeding conditions in the laboratory. Resistance to starvation of third-instar larvae and body mass of adults emerging from pupae collected in water-storage containers in an urban area were compared with the laboratory results. If resistance to starvation and adult mass of field-collected Ae. aegypti corresponded with the lower levels of feeding in the laboratory, then food limitation could be inferred in field-collected larvae. Results showed that resistance to starvation was well correlated with previous feeding levels and with the other measures of immature success. Both resistance to starvation and adult body mass of field-collected specimens corresponded with the lower levels of feeding in the laboratory. Therefore, it was concluded that food limitation or competition is likely to be a regulatory factor in water-storage containers in the urban area. It is recommended that any control measure applied to immature Ae. aegypti in water-storage containers should eliminate all or most of the individuals, otherwise unintended, undesirable results might occur, such as the production of more and larger adults.  相似文献   

In three species of birds that migrate long distances, the annual rhythms of gonadal activity, molt, and migratory restlessness (Zugunruhe) persist for more than 1 year under certain constant conditions. The most important zeitgeber for these circannual rhythms is the annual cycle of photoperiod, which adjusts the overall period of circannual rhythms to exactly 1 year and also provides for the appropriate adjustment of seasonal activities to the temporal structure of the environment. This is illustrated by results on garden warblers (Sylvia borin) indicating that the longer photoperiods experienced by individuals wintering far south in the African wintering area phase-advance spring migration and the accompanying gonadal development, relative to those of individuals wintering further north. The rate of acceleration is, however, slow enough to prevent a reproductive cycle during the Southern Hemisphere summer. Hence, endogenous circannual components and zeitgeber stimuli constitute a functional entity that provides as a whole for adaptive temporal programming. This idea is further supported by findings in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), in which a circannual rhythmicity persists only if photoperiod in winter is at least as short as that normally encountered by the species in its wintering grounds slightly north of the equator. In collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis), in contrast, rhythmicity continues under much longer photoperiods, consistent with the fact that the wintering area of this species extends to latitudes far south of the equator. It is proposed that the adaptive function of circannual rhythms can be properly understood only if their interactions with environmental factors, particularly those that play a role as zeitgebers, are analyzed in sufficient detail. The biological significance of circannual rhythms may be more apparent in the context of the environmental constraints limiting their expression than in the often rather restricted set of conditions sustaining spontaneous annual cyclicity.  相似文献   

We asked whether the lack of a population response by ancient murrelets (Synthliboramphus antiquus) to eradication of rats (Rattus spp.) at Langara Island could be due to a change in vegetative cover. We quantified ancient murrelet habitat associations on 12 islands and assessed changes in vegetation at Langara Island between 1981 and 2007. We found that ancient murrelets exhibit a high degree of flexibility in their use of available breeding habitats, and we noted no changes over time. Thus, recovery of ancient murrelets at Langara Island is unlikely to be limited by habitat quality. We propose artificial social attraction as a method to speed recovery. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the role of inoculum size of a bacterium introduced into nonsterile lake water in the biodegradation of a synthetic chemical. The test species was a strain of Pseudomonas cepacia able to grow on and mineralize 10 ng to 30 micrograms of p-nitrophenol (PNP) per ml in salts solution. When introduced into water from Beebe Lake at densities of 330 cells per ml, P. cepacia did not mineralize 1.0 microgram of PNP per ml. However, PNP was mineralized in lake water inoculated with 3.3 X 10(4) to 3.6 X 10(5) P. cepacia cells per ml. In lake water containing 1.0 microgram of PNP per ml, a P. cepacia population of 230 or 120 cells per ml declined until no cells were detectable at 13 h, but when the initial density was 4.3 X 10(4) cells per ml, sufficient survivors remained after the initial decline to multiply at the expense of PNP. The decline in bacterial abundance coincided with multiplication of protozoa. Cycloheximide and nystatin killed the protozoa and allowed the bacterium to multiply and mineralize 1.0 microgram of PNP, even when the initial P. cepacia density was 230 or 360 cells per ml. The lake water contained few lytic bacteria. The addition of KH2PO4 or NH4NO3 permitted biodegradation of PNP at low cell densities of P. cepacia. We suggest that a species able to degrade a synthetic chemical in culture may fail to bring about the same transformation in natural waters, because small populations added as inocula may be eliminated by protozoan grazing or may fail to survive because of nutrient deficiencies.  相似文献   

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