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Stegodyphus lineatus (Eresidae) is a desert spider that buildsan aerial capture web on bushes in the Negev desert in southernIsrael. Web building for spiders is costly in energy, time,and risk of predation. Spiders should trade-off these costswith the benefits in terms of prey capture. We tested the hypothesisthat the previous foraging success of the spider influencesthe effort invested in foraging. Specifically, we asked whetheran increase in food intake causes spiders to reduce web renewalactivity and web size. Alternatively, time constraints on foragingand development, resulting from a short growing season, couldinduce spiders to continue foraging even when supplemented withprey. The cost of web building was measured as time and massloss. To build an average size web (about 150 cm2), we calculatedthat a spider requires 6 h and that spiders lose 3%-7% of their weight.In field experiments, spiders responded differently to food supplementationin 2 different years. In 1994, they improved their condition comparedto individuals whose webs were removed to reduce foraging opportunitiesand compared to control spiders. In 1995, spiders tested earlier inthe season than the previous year did not improve their conditionin response to prey supplementation. Nonetheless, in both years, food-supplementedspiders built significantly smaller webs than food-deprived andcontrol spiders. This result was confirmed in a laboratory experiment whereprey intake was controlled. We conclude that for S. lineatus immediateforaging risks outweigh the potential time constraints on foraging.  相似文献   

Understanding the social organization of group‐living organisms is crucial for the comprehension of the underlying selective mechanisms involved in the evolution of cooperation. Division of labour and caste formation is restricted to eusocial organisms, but behavioural asymmetries and reproductive skew is common in other group‐living animals. Permanently, social spiders form highly related groups with reproductive skew and communal brood care. We investigated task differentiation in nonreproductive tasks in two permanently and independently derived social spider species asking the following questions: Do individual spiders vary consistently in their propensity to engage in prey attack? Are individual spiders' propensities to engage in web maintenance behaviour influenced by their previous engagement in prey attack? Interestingly, we found that both species showed some degree of task specialization, but in distinctly different ways: Stegodyphus sarasinorum showed behavioural asymmetries at the individual level, that is, individual spiders that had attacked prey once were more likely to attack prey again, independent of their body size or hunger level. In contrast, Anelosimus eximius showed no individual specialization, but showed differentiation according to instar, where adult and subadult females were more likely to engage in prey attack than were juveniles. We found no evidence for division of labour between prey attack and web maintenance. Different solutions to achieve task differentiation in prey attack for the two species studied here suggest an adaptive value of task specialization in foraging for social spiders.  相似文献   

Diet and foraging behaviour of three species of burrowing huntsman spiders, Leucorchestris arenicola, L. steyni and Carparachne aureoflava , from the Namib dunes were investigated over a three-year period. These nocturnal spiders are polyphagous predators that prey on more than 97 species of insects, arachnids and reptiles. Most prey were nocturnal or crepuscular tenebrionid beetles, moths and weevils. Diet varied regionally owing to faunal differences, but was relatively constant over seasons. Although spiders occasionally captured prey greater than themselves, average prey length was about two-thirds their own length. Prey size was not strongly related to spider size. Larger spiders were both cannibals and intraguild predators. Foraging pattern of L. arenicola was variable with several nights of activity followed by one or several nights of rest. Spiders foraged within 3 m of the burrow, but occasionally pursued prey or neighbouring conspecifics further. Large prey (> 3 mm) were captured approximately every five weeks in summer and every seven weeks in winter, producing an average annual consumption of ≅ 10 prey/spider. Namib huntsmen are sit-and-wait predators within narrow territories waiting for the fortuitous arrival of prey and are thus unlikely to limit prey populations. They compensate for food shortages by cannibalism, thus restricting their own population.  相似文献   

  • 1 The effects of climate and body size on male behaviour were examined in the solitary bee Anthophora plumipes (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), which shows resource-based polygyny at floral food sources in Britain in spring.
  • 2 Larger males are able to fly at lower temperatures than smaller males, and can therefore court females under conditions in which smaller males cannot fly. This is predicted from patterns of endothermic ability at low temperatures already demonstrated within this species.
  • 3 Video analysis of male competition for opportunities to initiate courtship with tethered females showed that larger males are also competitively superior, and can displace smaller males from favoured flight positions immediately behind females.
  • 4 The mating system shown by male A plumipes is strongly dependent on male density. At low densities, males show exclusive territoriality at floral sources. As male density increases, this strategy is abandoned in favour of patrolling with considerable spatial overlap between males, and opportunistic Polygyny.
  • 5 Despite high endothermic abilities, male behaviour is highly dependent on weather, and particularly ambient temperature. Males bask in the early morning and maintain high thoracic temperatures. Temperature data from freshly killed bees show that thoracic warming from solar sources effectively doubles the thermogenic power generated by the bee alone at low ambient temperatures.
  • 6 Male strategies in A.plumipes are compared to female responses to climate. Having controlled for differences in body size there is no difference in endothermic abilities between the sexes. Males do not, however, fly under conditions in which females of the same size would remain active. These results are discussed in the light of differential dependence of reproductive success on flight activity for the two sexes.

During spring and summer, we studied the thermal ecology of two populations of the Balearic lizard, Podarcis lilfordi, from two coastal islets of Menorca (Balearic Islands, Spain): Aire and Colom. We calculated the accuracy of thermoregulation, that is, the extent to which body temperatures are close to species' thermal optima, the thermal quality of the habitat as the proximity of operative temperatures to thermal optima and effectiveness of thermoregulation, as the extent to which accuracy is higher than thermal quality of the habitat. We found that seasonality affects thermoregulation differently, depending on the lizard population. Those effects are consistent for all thermal parameters under study. The effects of seasonality were significantly stronger in Aire than in Colom islet. Many factors may be responsible for this different effect of seasonality, from differences on physiological traits to differences in the environmental conditions of the two islets, as their resource availability, predator pressure or habitat structure. Identifying the factors that boost or inhibit those seasonal changes would be important to understand thermoregulation in lizards. Slight changes on two similar populations can lead to great differences in thermal ecology of conspecific ectotherms.  相似文献   

Habitat selection in sedentary, long-lived burrowing spiders is a key life-history event that directly affects their reproductive success. In this study, we analyzed the role of the chemical and physical properties of soil in habitat selection by threatened temperate burrowing spiders. We examined 296 burrows of three Atypus spp. and three Eresus spp. at 68 sites in Czechia. We found that the study species were associated with soils that have high or very high cation exchange capacity, which allows the presence of a stable and humid microclimate in their burrows. We found that specific bedrock types can be used as predictors of the presence of particular study species. All Eresus spp. avoided compacted soils. However, when present in soils with very low penetration resistance, they were limited to sites with high soil cohesion. The burrows of all study species were located at well-drained sites. The study species seemed to be selective for a steppe-like character of their microhabitat but not necessarily for its southward orientation. We found the study species even at sites where steppes were present in the early 1950s and that underwent later afforestation but not extensive landscaping or plowing. What types of disturbances can be sustained by the study species and how long it takes the decreased populations to recover after, e.g., trampling associated with grazing, remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

Abstract The foraging behaviour, web characteristics and prey availability of two sympatric orb-weaving spiders, Nephila plumipes and Eriophora transmarina (Araneae: Araneoidea), are compared. The spiders are similarly sized but have different temporal foraging patterns. Nephila plumipes spins a relatively permanent web and captures most of its prey during the day. Eriophora transmarina only forages at night, spinning a new web every night and usually dismantling it at dawn. These different foraging activities are most likely to be responsible for the observed differences in the types and rates of prey capture: E. transmarina captured mostly Lepidoptera that were more abundant at night than during the day, while N. plumipes captured mostly Hymenoptera that were more abundant during the day than at night. While nocturnal E. transmarina have less time available for foraging than the diurnal N. plumipes, the former has a substantially higher nocturnal prey capture rate. We argue that the difference between the species in their prey capture rates are likely to be due to differences in the architecture of their webs.  相似文献   

高原鼠兔挖掘活动对土壤中氮素含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文通过测定不同类型高原鼠兔鼠丘和鼠丘下0 ~ 10 cm 土壤中总氮、铵态氮和硝态氮的含量变化,分析了高原鼠兔挖掘活动对土壤中无机氮含量的影响,并通过测定高原鼠兔鼠丘密度,计算了每只高原鼠兔对氮素循环的贡献。研究结果表明:不同类型鼠丘土壤中总氮含量无明显变化,铵态氮、硝态氮和无机氮含量处理间变化趋势为当年鼠丘>两年鼠丘> 多年鼠丘> 对照。方差分析结果表明,硝态氮含量在5 月时差异显著,当年鼠丘和两年鼠丘显著大于多年鼠丘和对照,无机氮含量在5 月和9 月表现为当年鼠丘显著高于对照。在不同月份,铵态氮含量月间变化趋势为5 ~ 8 月逐渐降低,至9 月略有增加,硝态氮和无机氮含量呈现“高- 低- 高-低- 高”的“W”变化趋势。方差分析结果显示,铵态氮、硝态氮和无机氮含量月间变化显著。不同类型鼠丘下0 ~ 10 cm 土壤中铵态氮、硝态氮和无机氮含量处理间和月份间变化趋势与鼠丘土壤中变化趋势基本一致,但硝态氮和无机氮含量在当年鼠丘中均显著高于对照,且不同月份间铵态氮、硝态氮和无机氮的含量差异显著(P
< 0.05)。每只高原鼠兔挖掘活动所形成的鼠丘土壤中的铵态氮、硝态氮和无机氮分别增加了162.6 mg/ kg、355.1 mg/kg 和497.7 mg/ kg。  相似文献   

Birds exposed to seasonal environments are faced with the problem of maintaining thermogenic homoeostasis. Previous studies have established that birds native to the Holarctic increase their Resting Metabolic Rate at different ambient temperatures (RMRTa) and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) in winter as an adaptation to cold temperature since winters are more severe, while their non-Holarctic counterparts generally decrease their winter BMR as an energy saving mechanism during unproductive and dry winter months. In this study, we examined seasonal thermoregulation in the burrowing parrot (Cyanoliseus patagonus), a colonial psittacine native to the Patagonian region of Argentina, a region with an unpredictable environment. We found significantly higher mass specific RMRTa and BMR in summer than in winter. Both summer and winter BMR of the species fell within the predicted 95% confident interval for a parrot of its size. Body mass was significantly higher in winter than in summer. The burrowing parrot had broad thermo-neutral zones in winter and summer. The circadian rhythm of core body temperature (Tb) of burrowing parrots was not affected by season, showing that this species regulated its Tb irrespective of season. These results suggest that the burrowing parrots' seasonal thermoregulatory responses represent that of energy conservation which is important in an unpredictable environment.  相似文献   

Synopsis Croilia mossambica, a burrowing goby endemic to the coastal lakes of south east Africa occurs from L. Poelela (salinity 8%.) to L. Sibaya (freshwater). Since these lakes are isolated from one another its distribution is discontinuous. It is not found in estuaries or the sea. In L. Sibaya C. mossambica is present on sheltered sides from a depth of 1 m to about 16 m. On exposed shores it is not found at less than 3.5 m depth. It is restricted to sandy, quiet water areas and is unable to form burrows where the substrate is disturbed by water movement, is muddy or consists of sand with a particle diameter greater than 0.5 mm. The maximum depth at which it lives is probably determined by light penetration since it is dependent on sight for prey capture. The food consists of slow moving benthic invertebrates such as chironomid larvae, gastropods, bivalves and amphipods. The relative importance of each depends upon its abundance. C. mossambica is a summer breeder with a protracted spawning season. The sticky eggs measure 0.7–0.8 mm when laid. Tolerance experiments show that it is euryhaline and can survive in seawater of 35%. and that its upper temperature limit is between 32 and 35°C. Temperatures in shallow waters of lakes and estuaries of the region frequently exceed 35°C. Thus its local distribution may be limited by temperature. Its lack of tolerance to high temperatures, to marked water movements and its ability to live in seawater indicates that C. mossambica is suited to life in the sea rather than in estuaries. It is suggested that it was present in quiet areas of the sea, such as lagoons, and that it invaded the coastal lakes which were formed as the estuaries and river valleys were inundated during the Pleistocene marine transgression. C. mossambica cannot tolerate estuarine conditions and with the present absence of quiet water in the sea off the south east African coast the species is now confined to deep coastal lakes.Note  相似文献   

The communal orb-weaving spider, Philoponella republicana,was observed in the subtropical moist forest of Southeast Peru. These spiders live in colonies of conspecifics whose individual orbs are connected by silk. The wrapping of a prey prior to feeding is a large component of the prey capture process because P. republicanahas no venom with which to kill an insect. Wrapping time was the only aspect of prey capture that was strongly correlated with the size of the insect captured. Occasionally we observed several individuals working together to wrap a prey item. These joint efforts were more frequent on prey larger than the capturing spider. Although group captures accounted for only 5.5% of captures, they represented 14.7% of the biomass obtained. A comparison of the relationship between wrapping time and prey size for solitary and group efforts suggested that, by working together, the spiders reduced their total handling time. In most cases only one spider fed on the captured prey.  相似文献   

Twenty-four new spider species of the family Dictynidae from caves of Guangxi and Guizhou in southern China are described,accompanied by line drawings and photomicroscopy images.Fifteen of them belong to Brommella Tullgren,1948:B.baiseensis Li,sp.nov.,B.casseabri Li,sp.nov.,B.chongzuoensis Li,sp.nov.,B.dolabrata Li,sp.nov.,B.funaria Li,sp.nov.,B.josephkohi Li,sp.nov.,B.linyuchengi Li,sp.nov.,B.renguodongi Li,sp.nov.,B.resima Li,sp.nov.,B.sejuncta Li,sp.nov.,B.spirula Li,sp.nov.,B.tongyanfengi Li,sp.nov.,B.wangfengcheni Li,sp.nov.,B.xinganensis Li,sp.nov.and B.yizhouensis Li,sp.nov.;eight to Cicurina Menge,1871:C.avicularia Li,sp.nov.,C.damaoensis Li,sp.nov.,C.dong Li,sp.nov.,C.kailiensis Li,sp.nov.,C.majiangensis Li,sp.nov.,C.parallela Li,sp.nov.,C.wusanani Li,sp.nov.,and C.zhazuweii Li,sp.nov.;one to Lathys Simon,1884:L.inaffecta Li,sp.nov.Types of all new species are deposited in the Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing (IZCAS).  相似文献   

U. Seibt  W. Wickler 《Oecologia》1990,82(3):317-321
Summary This study investigates the suggested protective function of the compact silken nest of two species of social Stegodyphus spiders (S. dumicola and S. mimosarum), as a possible ultimate factor for their sociogenesis. Being inhabitants of African dry thornbush country, these spiders are endangered by overheating and desiccation. In the laboratory, both species were found to avoid temperatures >40° C. In the field, temperature in the nest between 7:00 and 21:00 h tends to be higher than air-temperature outside, and between 13:00 and 15:00 h even tends to exceed 40° C. The nest thus is of no value in temperature regulation. Nor is it effective in protecting the spiders from desiccation: Both species have a body water content of 65.2±3.8% and are extremely desiccation resistant; they survived 9 days at 37°C in an exciccator with P2O5, with a daily average % liveweight reduction of 4.94(±1.1). In the field, relative humidity inside the nest between 11:00 and 19:00 h tends to be lower than that of the air outside. Inspection of burnt areas showed that the nest does not protect the spiders from bushfire. The nest does protect from wind, hail, and direct sun-radiation; but available natural retreats, or a simple silken shield, or the funnel-shaped silk tube inhabited by solitary Stegodyphus, have the same effect.  相似文献   

Jumping spiders are known to possess ultraviolet (UV) receptors in the retinas of their large-principal eyes. The existence of UV visual cells, however, does not prove that jumping spiders can see into the UV part of spectrum (300–400 nm) or whether such an ability plays any role in salticid intra-specific interactions. In the study reported herein, we performed behavioural experiments to test whether a UV−reflecting jumping spider, Cosmophasis umbratica, is sensitive to UV wavelengths and whether UV cues are important in intra-specific communication. The absence of UV cues not only affected intra-specific behaviour by significantly reducing the frequency of agonistic displays, but also elicited unprecedented courtship displays in males towards their own mirror images and conspecific opponents. Furthermore, C. umbratica males were able to respond rapidly to changes in UV cues of conspecific mirror images by switching between agonistic and courtship displays. These findings clearly demonstrate that C. umbratica males are capable of seeing UV wavelengths and that UV cues are necessary and sufficient for this species to enable the agonistic displays. Hence, UV light may have an important role to play in intra-specific communication in jumping spiders.  相似文献   

Activity patterns, feeding and burrowing behaviour of the economically important semi-terrestrial mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Ucididae, L. 1763) was studied in a high intertidal Rhizophora mangle forest stand in Bragança, North Brazil. Video observations in the rainy and dry season were conducted over 24 h cycles at different lunar phases to investigate the behaviour of these litter-feeding crabs outside their burrows. During the rainy season, crabs stayed inside their burrows for 79% and 92% of the time during day and night, respectively. Time spent for feeding, burrowing and other activities outside their burrows was significantly longer during the day with 9.9% (night: 1.7%) and at waning and waxing moon with 9% (full and new moon: 0.9%). At neap tides (no tidal inundation) foraging and feeding activities outside burrows were clearly light-dependent, increasing at dawn and decreasing at dusk. Highest activities during daytime relate to the visual localisation of food. During the dry season, crabs spent less time inside burrows at neap tides than during the rainy season (80% and 91%, respectively). However, time spent for feeding activities was similar during both seasons. During almost all observation periods crabs collected leaf litter, but rarely fed on it outside burrows. At neap tides nearly all available litter was collected, suggesting that the U. cordatus population is litter-limited during these times. At spring tides (regular tidal inundation) the surface activity of U. cordatus was tide-dependent. Crabs closed their burrow entrances 2-3 h before flooding and re-emerged as soon as the tide retreated. During the day, burrow maintenance was the second most frequent behaviour after feeding. Agonistic interactions were regularly observed and were mainly related to burrow defence. The mean foraging radius of the crabs was only 19 cm (max: 1 m) underneath high Rhizophora mangle trees where crab densities were high. The results point to a high competition for burrows and show that U. cordatus is territorial. It is concluded that several exogenous factors, in particular light, leaf litter availability, flooding of burrows and the presence of conspecifics are important in controlling the crabs' activity patterns.  相似文献   

Synopsis We examined the diel chronology in food consumption and dietary composition, and in the local distribution of yellow perch,Perca flavescens, at 3 h intervals over two 24 h periods during the summer at Baptiste Lake, Alberta. Feeding intensity, as indicated by changes in stomach fullness, increased throughout the day, peaked in late evening, and almost ceased after sunset. Changes in perch densities at the sampling site reflected the pattern of feeding intensity, indicating that movements into the littoral zone are correlated with foraging. Perch diet composition, analyzed as percent occurrence, relative numerical abundance, and percent contribution by weight, differed significantly between times of day, particularly between day and night, and between sampling periods. These differences could be related both to prey behavior and distribution, and to changes in perch foraging behavior in response to light intensity. In terms of biomass, forage fish, amphipods, chironomids, and trichoptera were the most important food items on both sampling dates.  相似文献   

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