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Subcellular localization of the Schlafen protein family   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the first members of the Schlafen gene family were first described almost 10 years ago, the precise molecular/biochemical functions of the proteins they encode still remain largely unknown. Roles in cell growth, haematopoietic cell differentiation, and T cell development/maturation have, with some experimental support, been postulated, but none have been conclusively verified. Here, we have determined the subcellular localization of Schlafens 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, and 9, representing all three of the murine subgroups. We show that the proteins from subgroups I and II localize to the cytoplasm, while the longer forms in subgroup III localize exclusively to the nuclear compartment. We also demonstrate upregulation of Schlafen2 upon differentiation of haematopoietic cells and show this endogenous protein localizes to the cytoplasm. Thus, we propose the different subgroups of Schlafen proteins are likely to have functionally distinct roles, reflecting their differing localizations within the cell.  相似文献   

3-Phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 (PDK1), a member of the serine/threonine kinase family, has been demonstrated to be crucial for cellular survival, differentiation, and metabolism. Here, we present evidence that PDK1 is associated with caveolin-1, a 22-kDa integral membrane protein, which is the principal structural and regulatory component of the caveolae membranes in COS-1. First, we noted the presence of two potential caveolin-1 binding motifs (141FFVKLYFTF149 and 299YDFPEKFF306) in the PDK1 catalytic domain. Using a pull-down approach, we observed that PDK1 interacts physically with caveolin-1 both in vivo and in vitro. Second, we detected the co-localization of PDK1 and caveolin-1 via confocal microscopy. The localization of PDK1 to the plasma membrane was disrupted by caveolin binding. Third, in transient transfection assays, interaction with caveolin-1 induced a substantial reduction in the in vivo serine/threonine phosphorylation of PDK1, whereas the caveolin-1 binding site mutant (141FFVKLYFTF149 and 299YDFPEKFF306 change to 141AFVKLAFTA149 and 299ADAPEFLA306) did not. Furthermore, a caveolin-1 scaffolding peptide (amino acids 82-101) functionally suppressed the self-phosphorylation and kinase activities of purified recombinant PDK1 protein. Thus, our observations indicated that PDK1 binds to caveolin-1 through its caveolin-binding motifs, and also that the protein-protein interaction between PDK1 and caveolin-1 regulates PDK1 self-phosphorylation, kinase activity, and subcellular localization.  相似文献   

Recognition of ‘foreign’ DNA by Type I restriction–modification (R-M) enzymes elicits an ATP-dependent switch from methylase to endonuclease activity, which involves DNA translocation by the restriction subunit HsdR. Type I R-M enzymes are composed of three (Hsd) subunits with a stoichiometry of HsdR2:HsdM2:HsdS1 (R2-complex). However, the EcoR124I R-M enzyme can also exist as a cleavage deficient, sub-assembly of HsdR1:HsdM2:HsdS1 (R1-complex). ATPγS was used to trap initial translocation complexes, which were visualized by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). In the R1-complex, a small bulge, associated with a shortening in the contour-length of the DNA of 8 nm, was observed. This bulge was found to be sensitive to single-strand DNA nucleases, indicative of non-duplexed DNA. R2-complexes appeared larger in the AFM images and the DNA contour length showed a shortening of ~11 nm, suggesting that two bulges were formed. Disclosure of the structure of the first stage after the recognition-translocation switch of Type I restriction enzymes forms an important first step in resolving a detailed mechanistic picture of DNA translocation by SF-II DNA translocation motors.  相似文献   

以500个茶(Camellia sinensis(L.)O.Ktze.)叶片的蛋白质作为数据集,比较TargetP、WoLF PSORT、LocTree和Plant-mPLoc 4种软件预测亚细胞定位的可信度和灵敏度。结果显示,4种软件预测可信度均高于80%,依次排序为TargetP > LocTree > WoLF PSORT > Plant-mPLoc。其中,LocTree对细胞质蛋白和分泌蛋白检测灵敏度最高,但对叶绿体蛋白灵敏度最低;Plant-mPLoc检测核蛋白最灵敏,但对细胞质蛋白最不敏感;TargetP检测叶绿体蛋白最灵敏,但仅能区分3个亚细胞器官;WoLF PSORT对分泌蛋白检测灵敏度最低,但对其他蛋白均较灵敏。基于上述结果,该研究针对4种软件提出了合理的使用建议。  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase (COX) complex is an integral part of the electron transport chain. Three subunits of this complex (COX I, COX II and COX III) are encoded by mitochondrial (mit-) DNA. High-resolution immunogold electron microscopy has been used to study the subcellular localization of COX I and COX II in rat tissue sections, embedded in LR Gold resin, using monoclonal antibodies for these proteins. Immunofluorescence labeling of BS-C-1 monkey kidney cells with these antibodies showed characteristic mitochondrial labeling. In immunogold labeling studies, the COX I and COX II antibodies showed strong and specific mitochondrial labeling in the liver, kidney, heart and pancreas. However, in rat pancreatic acinar tissue, in addition to mitochondrial labeling, strong and specific labeling was also observed in the zymogen granules (ZGs). In the anterior pituitary, strong labeling with these antibodies was seen in the growth hormone secretory granules. In contrast to these compartments, the COX I or COX II antibodies showed only minimal labeling (five- to tenfold lower) of the cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum and the nucleus. Strong labeling with the COX I or COX II antibodies was also observed in highly purified ZGs from bovine pancreas. The observed labeling, in all cases, was completely abolished upon omission of the primary antibodies. These results provide evidence that, similar to a number of other recently studied mit-proteins, COX I and COX II are also present outside the mitochondria. The presence of mit-DNA encoded COX I and COX II in extramitochondrial compartments, provides strong evidence that proteins can exit, or are exported, from the mitochondria. Although the mechanisms responsible for protein exit/export remain to be elucidated, these results raise fundamental questions concerning the roles of mitochondria and mitochondrial proteins in diverse cellular processes in different compartments.  相似文献   

We have developed dissociable antibody microarray (DAMA) staining technology that provides a new approach to the global analysis of protein subcellular localization (SCL) in fixed cells. We have developed and optimized this technology for protein SCL profiling, generated ChipView, a program for management and analysis of molecular image database, and utilized the technique to identify proteins with unique SCL in breast cancer cell lines. We compared the SCL profiles of 325 proteins among nine different breast cell lines, and have identified one protein, Cyclin B1, with distinctively different SCLs between normal and cancer cell lines. With classic individual immunostaining, Cyclin B1 was confirmed to localize to the cytoplasm of seven breast cancer cell lines and in both cytoplasm and nuclei of two normal breast cell lines, and to have higher expression levels in the cancer cell lines tested.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal glutathione peroxidase (GI-GPx) is believed to prevent absorption of hydroperoxides. GI-GPx is expressed in the intestine together with the other three glutathione peroxidase isoenzymes, raising the question of the physiological role of the different GPx types. We therefore studied the cellular and subcellular distribution of GI-GPx in normal and malignant tissue obtained from patients with colorectal cancer or familial polyposis by immunohistochemistry. In healthy ileum epithelium GI-GPx was preferentially enriched in Paneth cells. In unaffected crypts of colon and rectum, it decreased gradually from the ground to the luminal surface. In crypt ground, GI-GPx was uniformly distributed, whereas in cells at the luminal surface it was concentrated in structures capping the nuclei at the apical pole. In colorectal cancer, GI-GPx expression depended on the stage of malignant transformation. In early stages, GI-GPx was increased and pronouncedly associated with the vesicular structures. In progressed stages of malignancy, structures disintegrated and GI-GPx distribution became more diffuse. These observations support the hypothesis that GI-GPx, apart from being a barrier against hydroperoxide absorption, might be involved in cell growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

Rheb, a small GTPase, has emerged as a key molecular switch that directly regulates the activity of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). Similar to other members of the Ras superfamily, Rheb has a C-terminal CaaX box that is subject to farnesylation. This study reports that farnesylation is a key determinant of Rheb's subcellular localization and directs its association with the endomembrane. Timed imaging of live cells expressing EGFP-Rheb reveals that following brief association with the ER, Rheb localizes to highly ordered, distinct structures within the cytoplasm that display characteristics of Golgi membranes. Failure of Rheb to localize to the endomembrane impairs its ability to interact with mTOR and activate downstream targets. Consistent with the notion that the endomembrane may serve as a platform for the assembly of a functional Rheb/mTOR complex, treatment of cells with brefeldin A interferes with transmission of Rheb signals to p70S6K.  相似文献   

A nuclear localization signal (NLS) is required for the transport of karyophilic proteins from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. In this study, NLS was examined in terms of its effect on diverse cellular functions such as protein phosphorylation reactions. When synthetic peptides containing the NLS of SV40 T-antigen were injected into the cytoplasm of Xenopus oocytes, and the oocytes incubated with [32P]phosphorus-containing medium, a 32 kDa protein was found to be preferentially phosphorylated in an NLS-dependent manner. The incubation of fractionated cytosolic extracts prepared from mouse Ehrlich ascites tumor cells with [γ-32P]ATP in the presence of the NLS peptides, results in the stimulation of the phosphorylation of several proteins. Similar in vitro stimulation was observed by other functional NLS peptides such as those of polyoma virus T-antigen and nucleoplasmin. Little or no stimulation, however, was detected for peptides of mutant type and reverse type NLS of SV40 T-antigen, and the C-terminal portion of lamin B. Using an in vitro assay, the phosphorylation activity was fractionated chromatographically and a fraction was obtained which contained a high level of activity. The fraction was found to contain three major proteins having molecular masses of 95, 70, and 43 kDa. The in vivo and in vitro results are consistent with the existence of a protein kinase, called NLS kinase, that is specifically activated by NLS peptides.  相似文献   

Two isoforms of adenosine kinase (AdK) have been identified in mammalian organisms with the long isoform (AdK-long) containing extra 20-21 amino acids at the N-terminus (NTS). The subcellular localizations of these isoforms are not known and they contain no identifiable targeting sequence. Immunofluorescence labeling of mammalian cells expressing either only AdK-long or both isoforms with AdK-specific antibody showed only nuclear labeling or both nucleus and cytoplasmic labeling, respectively. The AdK-long and -short isoforms fused at the C-terminus with c-myc epitope also localized in the nucleus and cytoplasm, respectively. Fusion of the AdK-long NTS to green fluorescent protein also resulted in its nuclear localization. AdK-long NTS contains a cluster of conserved amino acids (PKPKKLKVE). Replacement of KK in this sequence with either AA or AD abolished its nuclear localization capability, indicating that this cluster likely serves as a nuclear localization signal. AdK in nucleus is likely required for sustaining methylation reactions.  相似文献   

Mutations of the TSC2 gene lead to the development of hamartomas in tuberous sclerosis complex. Their pathology exhibits features indicative of defects in cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, and migration. We have previously shown that tuberin, the TSC2 protein, resides in multiple subcellular compartments and as such may serve multiple functions. To further characterize the microsomal pool of tuberin, we found that it cofractionated with caveolin-1 in a low-density, Triton X-100-resistant fraction (i.e., lipid rafts) and regulated its localization. In cells lacking tuberin, most of the endogenous caveolin-1 was displaced from the plasma membrane to a Brefeldin-A-sensitive, post-Golgi compartment distinct from the endosome and lysosome. Correspondingly, there was a paucity of caveolae at the plasma membrane of Tsc2-/- cells. Reintroduction of TSC2, but not a disease-causing mutant, reversed the caveolin-1 localization to the membrane. Exogenously expressed caveolin-1-GFP and vesicular stomatitis virus G protein, VSVG-GFP in the Tsc2-/- cells failed to be transported to the plasma membrane and were retained in distinct post-Golgi vesicles. Our data suggest a role of tuberin in regulating post-Golgi transport without apparent effects on protein sorting. The presence of mislocalized proteins in Tsc2-/- cells may contribute to the abnormal signaling and cellular phenotype of tuberous sclerosis.  相似文献   

M-LP (Mpv17-like protein) is a protein that was initially identified in mouse tissues and shows high sequence homology with Mpv17 protein, a peroxisomal membrane protein involved in the development of early-onset glomerulosclerosis [R. Iida, T. Yasuda, E. Tsubota, H. Takatsuka, M. Masuyama, T. Matsuki, K. Kishi, M-LP, Mpv17-like protein, has a peroxisomal membrane targeting signal comprising a transmembrane domain and a positively charged loop and up-regulates expression of the manganese superoxide dismutase gene, J. Biol. Chem. 278 (2003) 6301-6306]. Here we report the identification and characterization of a human homolog of the M-LP (M-LPH) gene. The M-LPH gene is composed of four exons, extends over 14kb on chromosome 16p13.1, and is expressed as two alternatively spliced variants comprising four and three exons, respectively, which include open-reading frames encoding two distinct isoforms composed of 196 (M-LPH1) and 147 (M-LPH2) amino acids, respectively. These two variants were expressed ubiquitously in human tissues, however only M-LPH1 was detected at the protein level. Dual-color confocal analysis of COS-7 cells transfected with a green fluorescent protein-tagged M-LPH1 demonstrated that M-LPH1 is localized in peroxisomes. In order to elucidate the function of M-LPH1, we examined the mRNA levels of several enzymes involved in the metabolism of reactive oxygen species in COS-7 cells and found that transfection with M-LPH1 down-regulates expression of the plasma glutathione peroxidase and catalase genes. These results show the existence of the human homolog of M-LP and its participation in reactive oxygen species metabolism.  相似文献   

A tissue-printing technique was used to follow distribution of lead ions in different organs of lupin seedling with the histological localization of pathogenesis-related proteins designated as PR-L1 to PR-L6, which were found to be induced in lupin roots by heavy metals (Przymusiński and Gwóźdź 1999). Lead nitrate solution was supplied to the root tips and the histological distribution of the metal in lupin organs was visualized by staining with 0.6 % (w/v) of sodium rhodizonate. As the distance from the site of lead application increased, the amount of free lead ions decreased and in the petioles the metal was not detected at all. Lead ions were localized mostly in vascular bundles, which suggests that it was transported into the upper parts of seedlings with the transpiration stream. Immunohistochemical analysis of the tissue prints showed that as compared to the control lead visibly increased the accumulation of the PR proteins in roots, hypocotyls, stems and leaf petioles of the lupin seedling. The histological distribution of the PR protein differs from that of lead, and was localized in parenchymatic cells of root cortex, hypocotyl and stem. It is worth noticing that the stress protein was also observed in the leaf petioles where lead was not detected. This fact as well as marked enhancement of PR (L1–L6) proteins accumulation in lead treated seedlings and our earlier studies (Przymusiński and Gwóźdź 1994, 1999, Przymusiński et al. 1995) suggests that these proteins could be elements of plant’s defence system against both biotic and abiotic stressing factors.  相似文献   

The filamentous fungus Penicillium paxilli contains two distinct geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP) synthases, GgsA and GgsB (PaxG). PaxG and its homologues in Neotyphodium lolii and Fusarium fujikuroi are associated with diterpene secondary metabolite gene clusters. The genomes of other filamentous fungi including Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus oryzae and Fusarium graminearum also contain two or more copies of GGPP synthase genes, although the diterpene metabolite capability of these fungi is not known. The objective of this study was to understand the biological significance of the presence of two copies of GGPP synthases in P. paxilli by investigating their subcellular localization. Using a carotenoid complementation assay and gene deletion analysis, we show that P. paxilli GgsA and PaxG have GGPP synthase activities and that paxG is required for paxilline biosynthesis, respectively. In the ΔpaxG mutant background ggsA was unable to complement paxilline biosynthesis. A GgsA-EGFP fusion protein was localized to punctuate organelles and the EGFP-GRV fusion protein, containing the C-terminus tripeptide GRV of PaxG, was localized to peroxisomes. A truncated PaxG mutant lacking the C-terminus tripeptide GRV was unable to complement a ΔpaxG mutant demonstrating that the tripeptide is functionally important for paxilline biosynthesis. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

3'-Phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1), the direct upstream kinase of Akt, can localize to the nucleus during specific signalling events. The mechanism used for its import into the nucleus, however, remains unresolved as it lacks a canonical nuclear localization signal (NLS). Expression of activated Src kinase in C6 glioblastoma cells promotes the association of tyrosylphosphorylated PDK1 with the NLS-containing tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 as well as the nuclear localization of both proteins. A constitutive nucleo-cytoplasmic SHP-1:PDK1 shuttling complex is supported by several lines of evidence including (i) the distribution of both proteins to similar subcellular compartments following manipulation of the nuclear pore complex, (ii) the nuclear retention of SHP-1 upon overexpression of a PDK1 protein bearing a disrupted nuclear export signal (NES), and (iii) the exclusion of PDK1 from the nucleus upon overexpression of SHP-1 lacking the NLS or following siRNA-mediated knock-down of SHP-1. The latter case results in a perinuclear distribution of PDK1 that corresponds with the distribution of PIP3 (phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate), while a PDK1 protein bearing a mutated PH domain that abrogates PIP3-binding is excluded from the nucleus. Our data suggest that the SHP-1:PDK1 complex is recruited to the nuclear membrane by binding to perinuclear PIP3, whereupon SHP-1 (and its NLS) facilitates active import. Export from the nucleus relies on PDK1 (and its NES). The intact complex contributes to Src kinase-induced, Akt-sensitive podial formation in C6 cells.  相似文献   

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