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Stable isotope natural abundance measurements integrate across several biogeochemical processes in ecosystem N and C dynamics. Here, we report trends in natural isotope abundance (δ13C and δ15N in plant and soil) along a climosequence of 33 Nothofagus forest stands located within Patagonia, Southern Argentina. We measured 28 different abiotic variables (both climatic variables and soil properties) to characterize environmental conditions at each of the 33 sites. Foliar δ13C values ranged from ?35.4‰ to ?27.7‰, and correlated positively with foliar δ15N values, ranging from ?3.7‰ to 5.2‰. Soil δ13C and δ15N values reflected the isotopic trends of the foliar tissues and ranged from ?29.8‰ to ?25.3‰, and ?4.8‰ to 6.4‰, respectively, with no significant differences between Nothofagus species (Nothofagus pumilio, Nothofagus antarctica, Nothofagus betuloides). Principal component analysis and multiple regressions suggested that mainly water availability variables (mean annual precipitation), but not soil properties, explained between 42% and 79% of the variations in foliar and soil δ13C and δ15N natural abundance, which declined with increased moisture supply. We conclude that a decline in water use efficiency at wetter sites promotes both the depletion of heavy C and N isotopes in soil and plant biomass. Soil δ13C values were higher than those of the plant tissues and this difference increased as annual precipitation increased. No such differences were apparent when δ15N values in soil and plant were compared, which indicates that climatic differences contributed more to the overall C balance than to the overall N balance in these forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The natural abundance of carbon stable isotopes (δ13C) of marine macrophytes has been measured in previous studies and used to analyze differences in Ci assimilation among the three macroalgal phyla, Chlorophyta, Ochrophyta, and Rhodophyta, and seagrasses, distinguishing diffusive CO2 entry from the operation of a CO2‐concentrating mechanisms (CCM). The work reported here further resolves the patterns of δ13C variation in aquatic macrophytes related to their taxonomy, geographic location (and consequently climatic conditions), and vertical zonation. Analyses of δ13C for 87 species are reported, including eight that have not been previously examined, belonging to taxa in the three macroalgal phyla, plus two species of seagrasses, collected at different latitudes. For one species of each phylum, analyses were also conducted through a vertical depth gradient. Representative species were used in a pH drift experiment, in order to compare the mechanism of Ci acquisition for photosynthesis with the δ13C subsequently determined on the same specimen. Our results suggest that the δ13C values were mostly determined by taxonomy. Depth effects on C stable isotope composition differed among taxa. The parallel measurements of δ15N are more difficult to interpret mechanistically; there are no robust phylogenetic and large‐scale biogeographic correlations; local factors of natural (e.g., upwellings) and anthropogenic (e.g., sewage outfall) inputs predominate in determining the macrophyte δ15N.  相似文献   

Several different factors in the collection and preservation of whale skin and blubber samples were examined to determine their effect on the results obtained by stable nitrogen and carbon isotope (δ15N and δ13C) analysis. Samples of wet killer whale skin retained their original stable isotope values for up to 14 d at 4°C or lower. However, decomposition significantly changed the δ15N value within 3 d at 20°C. Storage at ?20°C was as effective as ?80°C for the preservation of skin and blubber samples for stable isotope analysis for at least a year. By contrast, once a skin sample had been freeze‐dried and lipid extracted, the stable isotope values did not change significantly when it was stored dry at room temperature for at least 12 mo. Preservation of whale skin samples for a month in DMSO‐salt solution, frozen or at room temperature, did not significantly change the δ15N and δ13C values of lipid extracted tissues, although the slight changes seen could influence results of a study if only small changes are expected.  相似文献   

Teeth of odontocetes accumulate annual dentinal growth layer groups (GLGs) that record isotope ratios, which reflect the time of their synthesis. Collectively, they provide lifetime records of individual feeding patterns from which life history traits can be inferred. We subsampled the prenatal dentin and postnatal GLGs in Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus) (n = 65) that stranded or were collected as bycatch in Taiwan (1994–2014) and analyzed them for δ15N and δ13C. Age‐specific δ15N and δ13C values were corrected for effects of calendar year, stranding site, C/N, and sex. δ15N values were higher in prenatal layers (14.94‰ ± 0.74‰) than in adult female GLGs (12.58‰ ± 0.20‰), suggesting fetal enrichment during gestation. Decreasing δ15N values in early GLGs suggested changes in dietary protein sources during transition to complete weaning. Weaning age was earlier in males (1.09 yr) than in females (1.81 yr). Significant differences in δ15N values between weaned males and females suggest potential sexual segregation in feeding habits. δ13C values increased from the prenatal to the 4th GLG by ~1.0‰, indicative of a diet shift from 13C‐depleted milk to prey items. Our results provide novel insights into the sex‐specific ontogenetic changes in feeding patterns and some life history traits of Risso's dolphins.  相似文献   

Stable isotope composition of organisms from different trophic groups collected from a semi‐isolated wetland pool in the Ross River estuary, northern Australia, was analysed to determine if there was a consistent relationship between δ13C, δ15N and trophic level that could be used to assign trophic positions. A strong linear negative relationship between δ13C and δ15N was detected for the three trophic levels considered (primary producers, primary consumers and secondary consumers). This relationship was consistent among trophic levels, differing only in height, that is, on δ15N values, which indicate trophic positions. A difference of 3.6–3.8‰ between trophic levels was present, suggesting a δ15N fractionation of approximately 3.7‰, a value slightly higher than the commonly assumed δ15N fractionation of approximately 3.4‰. The relationship between δ13C and δ15N was similar for invertebrate and fish primary consumers, indicating similar δ15N trophic fractionation for both groups, meaning trophic positions and trophic length could be reliably calculated based on either invertebrates or fish.  相似文献   

Increased aridity is of global concern. Polar regions provide an opportunity to monitor changes in bioavailable water free of local anthropogenic influences. However, sophisticated proxy measures are needed. We explored the possibility of using stable carbon isotopes in segments of moss as a fine‐scale proxy for past bioavailable water. Variation in δ13C with water availability was measured in three species across three peninsulas in the Windmill Islands, East Antarctica and verified using controlled chamber experiments. The δ13C from Antarctic mosses accurately recorded long‐term variations in water availability in the field, regardless of location, but significant disparities in δ13C between species indicated some make more sensitive proxies. δ13CSUGAR derived from living tissues can change significantly within the span of an Antarctic season (5 weeks) in chambers, but under field conditions, slow growth means that this technique likely represents multiple seasons. δ13CCELLULOSE provides a precise and direct proxy for bioavailable water, allowing reconstructions for coastal Antarctica and potentially other cold regions over past centuries.  相似文献   

Ecosystem respiration (Reco) is one of the largest terrestrial carbon (C) fluxes. The effect of climate change on Reco depends on the responses of its autotrophic and heterotrophic components. How autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration sources respond to climate change is especially important in ecosystems underlain by permafrost. Permafrost ecosystems contain vast stores of soil C (1672 Pg) and are located in northern latitudes where climate change is accelerated. Warming will cause a positive feedback to climate change if heterotrophic respiration increases without corresponding increases in primary production. We quantified the response of autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration to permafrost thaw across the 2008 and 2009 growing seasons. We partitioned Reco using Δ14C and δ13C into four sources–two autotrophic (above – and belowground plant structures) and two heterotrophic (young and old soil). We sampled the Δ14C and δ13C of sources using incubations and the Δ14C and δ13C of Reco using field measurements. We then used a Bayesian mixing model to solve for the most likely contributions of each source to Reco. Autotrophic respiration ranged from 40 to 70% of Reco and was greatest at the height of the growing season. Old soil heterotrophic respiration ranged from 6 to 18% of Reco and was greatest where permafrost thaw was deepest. Overall, growing season fluxes of autotrophic and old soil heterotrophic respiration increased as permafrost thaw deepened. Areas with greater thaw also had the greatest primary production. Warming in permafrost ecosystems therefore leads to increased plant and old soil respiration that is initially compensated by increased net primary productivity. However, barring large shifts in plant community composition, future increases in old soil respiration will likely outpace productivity, resulting in a positive feedback to climate change.  相似文献   

Drought‐induced forest decline, like the Scots pine mortality in inner‐Alpine valleys, will gain in importance as the frequency and severity of drought events are expected to increase. To understand how chronic drought affects tree growth and tree‐ring δ13C values, we studied mature Scots pine in an irrigation experiment in an inner‐Alpine valley. Tree growth and isotope analyses were carried out at the annual and seasonal scale. At the seasonal scale, maximum δ13C values were measured after the hottest and driest period of the year, and were associated with decreasing growth rates. Inter‐annual δ13C values in early‐ and latewood showed a strong correlation with annual climatic conditions and an immediate decrease as a response to irrigation. This indicates a tight coupling between wood formation and the freshly produced assimilates for trees exposed to chronic drought. This rapid appearance of the isotopic signal is a strong indication for an immediate and direct transfer of newly synthesized assimilates for biomass production. The fast appearance and the distinct isotopic signal suggest a low availability of old stored carbohydrates. If this was a sign for C‐storage depletion, an increasing mortality could be expected when stressors increase the need for carbohydrate for defence, repair or regeneration.  相似文献   

The ratio of two biosynthetic pathways was estimated, the C5 and Shemin pathways, to δ‐aminolevulinic acid (ALA, a biosynthetic intermediate of tetrapyrrole) from the 13C‐enrichment ratios (13C‐ER) at the carbon atoms of chl a (after conversion to methyl pheophorbide a) biosynthesized by Euglena gracilis G. A. Klebs when l ‐[3‐13C]alanine was used as a carbon source. On the basis of these estimations, we confirmed that ALA was efficiently biosynthesized via both the C5 and Shemin pathways in the plastids of E. gracilis, and we determined that the ratio of ALA biosynthesis via the Shemin pathway was increased in the ratio of 14%–67%, compared with that in our previous d ‐[1‐13C]glucose feeding experiment ( Iida et al. 2002 ). This carbon source dependence of the contributions of the two biosynthetic pathways might be related to activation of gluconeogenesis by the amino acid substrate. The methoxy carbon of the methoxycarbonyl group at C‐132 of chl a was labeled with the 13C‐carbon of l ‐[methyl13C]methionine derived from l ‐[3‐13C]alanine via [2‐13C]acetyl coenzyme A (CoA), through the atypical tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, gluconeogenesis, and l‐ [3‐13C]serine. The phytyl moiety of chl a was also labeled on C‐P2, C‐P31, C‐P4, C‐P6, C‐P71, C‐P8, C‐P10, C‐P111, C‐P12, C‐P14, C‐P151, and C‐P16 from 13C‐isoprene (2‐[1,2‐methyl,3‐13C3]methyl‐1,3‐butadiene) generated from l ‐[3‐13C]alanine via [2‐13C]acetyl CoA.  相似文献   

Indonesia lost more tropical forest than all of Brazil in 2012, mainly driven by the rubber, oil palm, and timber industries. Nonetheless, the effects of converting forest to oil palm and rubber plantations on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks remain unclear. We analyzed SOC losses after lowland rainforest conversion to oil palm, intensive rubber, and extensive rubber plantations in Jambi Province on Sumatra Island. The focus was on two processes: (1) erosion and (2) decomposition of soil organic matter. Carbon contents in the Ah horizon under oil palm and rubber plantations were strongly reduced up to 70% and 62%, respectively. The decrease was lower under extensive rubber plantations (41%). On average, converting forest to plantations led to a loss of 10 Mg C ha?1 after about 15 years of conversion. The C content in the subsoil was similar under the forest and the plantations. We therefore assumed that a shift to higher δ13C values in plantation subsoil corresponds to the losses from the upper soil layer by erosion. Erosion was estimated by comparing the δ13C profiles in the soils under forest and under plantations. The estimated erosion was the strongest in oil palm (35 ± 8 cm) and rubber (33 ± 10 cm) plantations. The 13C enrichment of SOC used as a proxy of its turnover indicates a decrease of SOC decomposition rate in the Ah horizon under oil palm plantations after forest conversion. Nonetheless, based on the lack of C input from litter, we expect further losses of SOC in oil palm plantations, which are a less sustainable land use compared to rubber plantations. We conclude that δ13C depth profiles may be a powerful tool to disentangle soil erosion and SOC mineralization after the conversion of natural ecosystems conversion to intensive plantations when soils show gradual increase of δ13C values with depth.  相似文献   

Plants depend upon both genetic differences and phenotypic plasticity to cope with environmental variation over different timescales. The spatial variation in foliar δ13C levels along a moisture gradient represents an overlay of genetic and plastic responses. We hypothesized that such a spatial variation would be more obvious than the variation arising purely from a plastic response to moisture change. Leymus chinensis and Stipa spp. were sampled from Inner Mongolia along a dry‐wet transect, and some of these species were transplanted to an area with a moisture gradient. For Stipa spp., the slope of foliar δ13C and mean annual precipitation along the transect was significantly steeper than that of foliar δ13C and mean annual precipitation after the watering treatment. For L. chinensis, there was a general decreasing trend in foliar δ13C under the different (increasing) watering levels; however, its populations showed an irregular relationship between foliar δ13C and moisture origin. Therefore, support for our hypothesis was obtained from Stipa spp., but not from L. chinensis.  相似文献   

We report a three-phase chromatographic method for the separation and analysis of δ13C values of underivatized amino acids from biological proteins (keratin, collagen, and casein) using liquid chromatography–isotope ratio mass spectrometry (LC–IRMS). Both precision and accuracy of δ13C values for standard amino acid mixtures over the range of approximately 8 to 1320 ng of carbon per amino acid on the column were assessed. The precision of δ13C values of amino acids was found to be better at higher concentrations, whereas accuracy improved at lower concentrations. The optimal performance for this method was achieved with between 80 and 660 ng of carbon of each amino acid on the column. At amino acid amounts lower than 20 ng of carbon on the column, precision and accuracy may become compromised. The application of this new three-phase chromatographic technique will allow the analysis of δ13C of amino acids to be carried out as a routine method and benefit fields of research such as biomedicine, forensics, ecology, nutrition, and palaeodiet reconstruction in archaeology.  相似文献   

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