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Many freshwater and marine algal species are described as having cosmopolitan distributions. Whether these widely distributed morphologically similar algae also share a similar gene pool remains often unclear. In the context of island biogeography theory, stronger spatial isolation deemed typical of freshwater lakes should restrict gene flow and lead to higher genetic differentiation among lakes. Using nine microsatellite loci, we investigate the genetic diversity of a widely distributed freshwater planktonic diatom, Asterionella formosa, across different lakes in Switzerland and the Netherlands. We applied a hierarchical spatial sampling design to determine the geographical scale at which populations are structured. A subset of the isolates was additionally analysed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Our results revealed complex and unexpected population structure in A. formosa with evidence for both restricted and moderate to high gene flow at the same time. Different genetic markers (microsatellites and AFLPs) analysed with a variety of multivariate methods consistently revealed that genetic differentiation within lakes was much stronger than among lakes, indicating the presence of cryptic species within A. formosa. We conclude that the hidden diversity found in this study is expected to have implications for the further use of A. formosa in biogeographical, conservation and ecological studies. Further research using species‐level phylogenetic markers is necessary to place the observed differentiation in an evolutionary context of speciation.  相似文献   

Addition of the plant hormone 24-epibrassinolide to culture media stimulated the growth of a freshwater diatom, Asterionella formosa. The hormone stimulated activity of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), a key enzyme from Calvin cycle, by 6-fold. Other key metabolic enzymes, phosphofructokinase and malate dehydrogenase were also stimulated but to a lesser extent. The activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, involved in the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, also increased in the presence of the hormone but only under non reducing conditions. In cells stimulated by epibrassinolide, activated enzymes were sensitive to oxidized-DTT. GAPDH purified from cells grown in the presence of the hormone was not associated with a small protein of 8.5 kDa shown to be similar to CP12. Consequently the activity of GAPDH was no longer regulated by either oxidizing or reducing conditions. Among enzymes that, like GAPDH, responded positively to reducing agent were fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH). These enzymes were also sensitive to, and were negatively regulated by, oxidized-DTT. The activities in extracts from illuminated cells differed from those from darkened cells: FBPase, G6PDH and GAPDH, that were activated by DTT in darkened cells were no more activated in illuminated cells, but were oxidized by oxidized-DTT. Thus, oxidizing or reducing conditions mimic the conditions in dark and light, respectively. Unlike the other enzymes, phosphofructokinase (PFK) was inhibited by DTT but oxidized-DTT reversed this effect. The enzymes shown to be redox regulated in vitro by reduction/oxidation are very likely candidates for regulation in vivo by thioredoxins.  相似文献   

The plastidic glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) catalyzes the only reductive step in the Calvin cycle and exists as different forms of which GapC1 enzyme is present in chromalveolates, such as diatoms. Biochemical studies on diatoms are still fragmentary, and, thus, in this report, GAPDH from the freshwater diatom Asterionella formosa Hassall has been purified and kinetically characterized. It is a homotetrameric enzyme with a molecular mass of ~150 ± 15 kDa. The enzyme showed Michaelis–Menten kinetics with respect to both cofactors, NADPH and NADH, with a 16‐fold greater catalytic constant for NADPH. The Km for NADPH was 140 μM, the lowest affinity reported, while the catalytic constant, 815 s?1, is the highest reported. The Km for NADH was 93 μM, and the catalytic constant was 50 s?1, both are similar to reported values for other types of GAPDH. The GapC1 enzyme, like the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii A4 GAPDH, exhibits a cooperative behavior toward the substrate, 1,3‐bisphosphoglyceric acid (BPGA), with both cofactors. Mass spectrometry analysis showed that when GapC1 enzyme was purified without reducing agents, it copurified with a small protein with a mass of 8.2 kDa. This protein was recognized by antibodies against CP12. When associated with this protein, GAPDH displayed a lag that disappeared upon incubation with reducing agent in the presence of either BPGA or NADPH as a consequence of dissociation of the GAPDH/CP12 complex. Thus, as in other species of algae and higher plants, regulation of GapC1 enzyme in A. formosa may occur through association‐dissociation processes linked to dark‐light transitions.  相似文献   

How organisms integrate metabolism with the external environment is a central question in biology. Here, we describe a novel regulatory small molecule, a proteogenic dipeptide Tyr‐Asp, which improves plant tolerance to oxidative stress by directly interfering with glucose metabolism. Specifically, Tyr‐Asp inhibits the activity of a key glycolytic enzyme, glyceraldehyde 3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPC), and redirects glucose toward pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) and NADPH production. In line with the metabolic data, Tyr‐Asp supplementation improved the growth performance of both Arabidopsis and tobacco seedlings subjected to oxidative stress conditions. Moreover, inhibition of Arabidopsis phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) activity by a group of branched‐chain amino acid‐containing dipeptides, but not by Tyr‐Asp, points to a multisite regulation of glycolytic/gluconeogenic pathway by dipeptides. In summary, our results open the intriguing possibility that proteogenic dipeptides act as evolutionarily conserved small‐molecule regulators at the nexus of stress, protein degradation, and metabolism.  相似文献   

The River Durance and its main tributary, the Verdon, are both highly regulated rivers flowing in south-eastern France. The course of both rivers is interrupted by a series of reservoirs with quite different geographical, morphometric, climatic, hydrodynamic and chemical characteristics. The planktonic diatom Asterionella formosa Hassall, which has undesirable cyclic effects from the water management point of view, was studied in this complex of reservoirs located in the Mediterranean region. The results indicate that only the monomictic calcareous reservoirs show a bimodal pattern of Asterionella formosa abundance. The population dynamics of this algal species was found to depend on both the morphometric features and the hydraulic mode of management (retention time) used at each reservoir, as well as on the physical (temperature, suspended matter) and chemical (nitrogen, silica, calcium) characteristics of the water.  相似文献   

Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Ng) and Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) are the most commonly reported sexually transmitted bacteria worldwide and usually present as co‐infections. Increasing resistance of Ng to currently recommended dual therapy of azithromycin and ceftriaxone presents therapeutic challenges for syndromic management of NgCt co‐infections. Development of a safe, effective, and inexpensive dual therapy for NgCt co‐infections is an effective strategy for the global control and prevention of these two most prevalent bacterial sexually transmitted infections. Glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is a validated drug target with two approved drugs for indications other than antibacterials. Nonetheless, any new drugs targeting GAPDH in Ng and Ct must be specific inhibitors of bacterial GAPDH that do not inhibit human GAPDH, and structural information of Ng and Ct GAPDH will aid in finding such selective inhibitors. Here, we report the X‐ray crystal structures of Ng and Ct GAPDH. Analysis of the structures demonstrates significant differences in amino acid residues in the active sites of human GAPDH from those of the two bacterial enzymes suggesting design of compounds to selectively inhibit Ng and Ct is possible. We also describe an efficient in vitro assay of recombinant GAPDH enzyme activity amenable to high‐throughput drug screening to aid in identifying inhibitory compounds and begin to address selectivity.  相似文献   

A cell‐wall deficient strain of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii P. A Dang. CC‐849 was cotransformed with two expression vectors, p105B124 and pH105C124, containing phbB and phbC genes, respectively, from Ralstonia eutropha. The transformants were selected on Tris‐acetate‐phosphate media containing 10 μg · mL?1 Zeomycin. Upon further screening, the transgenic algae were subcloned and maintained in culture. PCR analysis demonstrated that both phbB and phbC genes were successfully integrated into the algal nuclear genome. Poly‐3‐hydroxybutyrate (PHB) synthase activity in these transgenic algae ranged from 5.4 nmol · min?1 · mg protein?1 to 126 nmol · min?1 · mg protein?1. The amount of PHB in double transgenic algae was determined by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) when comparing with PHB standard. In addition, PHB granules were observed in the cytoplasm of transgenic algal cells using TEM, which indicated that PHB was synthesized in transgenic C. reinhardtii. Hence, results clearly showed that producing PHB in C. reinhardtii was feasible. Further studies would focus on enhancing PHB production in the transgenic algae and targeting the chloroplast for PHB accumulation.  相似文献   

The eyespot apparatus (EA) of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii P. A. Dang. consists of two layers of carotenoid‐rich lipid globules subtended by thylakoids. The outermost globule layer is additionally associated with the chloroplast envelope membranes and the plasma membrane. In a recent proteomic approach, we identified 202 proteins from isolated EAs of C. reinhardtii via at least two peptides, including, for example, structural components, signalling‐related proteins, and photosynthetic‐related membrane proteins. Here, we have analyzed the proteins of the EA with regard to their topological distribution using thermolysin to find out whether the arrangement of globules and membranes provides protection mechanisms for some of them. From about 230 protein spots separated on two‐dimensional gels, the majority were degraded by thermolysin. Five major protein spots were protected against the action of this protease. These proteins and some that were degradable were identified by mass spectrometry. Surprisingly, the thermolysin‐resistant proteins represented the α and β subunits of the soluble CF1 complex of the chloroplast ATP synthase. Degradable proteins included typical membrane proteins like LHCs, demonstrating that thermolysin is not in general sterically prevented by the EA structure from reaching membrane‐associated proteins. A control experiment showed that the CF1 complex of thylakoids is efficiently degraded by thermolysin. Blue native PAGE of thermolysin‐treated EAs followed by SDS‐PAGE revealed that the α and β subunits are present in conjunction with the γ subunit in a thermolysin‐resistant complex. These results provide strong evidence that a significant proportion of these ATP‐synthase subunits have a specialized localization and function within the EA of C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

Advances in the understanding of AD pathogenesis have recently provided strong support for a modified Aβ protein cascade hypothesis, stating that several different Aβ assemblies contribute to the triggering of a complex pathological cascade leading to neurodegeneration. Both in vitro and in vivo, Aβ rapidly forms fibrils (fAβ), which are able to interact with various molecular partners, including proteins, lipids and proteoglycans. In a previous study aimed to identify some of these molecular partners of fAβ, we demonstrated that the GAPDH was specifically coprecipitated with fAβ. The aim of this study was to characterize this interaction. First, it was shown by TEM that synthetic GAPDH directly binds fAβ 1–42. Then rat synaptosomal proteins were purified and incubated with different forms of Aβ in various conditions, and the presence of GAPDH among the proteins coprecipitated with Aβ was studied by western blotting. Results showed that the interaction between GAPDH and fAβ 1–42 is nonionic, as is not impaired by increasing salt concentrations. GAPDH is coprecipitated not only by fAβ, but also by nonfibrillar forms of Aβ 1–42. The 41–42 Aβ sequence seems to be important in the interaction of GAPDH and Aβ, as more GAPDH was coprecipitated with fAβ 1–42 than with fAβ 1–40. GAPDH extracted from various subcellular fractions including mitochondria, was shown to interact with fAβ. Our data demonstrate a direct interaction between Aβ and GAPDH and support the possibility that this interaction has an important pathogenic role in AD. Copyright © 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目的开展青海湖裸鲤基础生物学特征和适应低氧、低温、高盐度的分子机理的研究,揭示青海湖裸鲤的基本生命活动规律,为该鱼种的资源保护和人工增殖放流提供理论依据。方法通过RT—PCR和RACE技术,得到了青海湖裸鲤三磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶(Gp—GAPDH)两种旁系同源体的完整编码序列,分别命名为Gp-GAPDHα(JX287372)和Gp-CAPDHβ(JX287373)。通过半定量RT-PCR分析白.GAPDHa和Gp-GAPDHβ在不同的组织和胚胎发育不同阶段的表达量。结果Gp—GAPDH两种异形体蛋白质序列的同源性为72%,所编码的氨基酸序列与其他物种具有较高的相似度。两种旁系同源体基因在不同组织和胚胎发育不同阶段表达水平各有所不同,其中Gp—GAPDHα在胚胎发育不同阶段的表达量存在极为显著的差异。结论在青海湖裸鲤胚胎发育研究中,Gp-GAPDHα不适合作为参照基因使用,两者的功能则需要做进一步研究。  相似文献   

Glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) catalyzes the oxidative phosphorylation of d ‐glyceraldehyde 3‐phosphate (G3P) into 1,3‐diphosphoglycerate (BGP) in the presence of the NAD cofactor. GAPDH is an important drug target because of its central role in glycolysis, and nonglycolytic processes such as nuclear RNA transport, DNA replication/repair, membrane fusion and cellular apoptosis. Recent studies found that GAPDH participates in the development of diabetic retinopathy and its progression after the cessation of hyperglycemia. Here, we report two structures for native bovine photoreceptor GAPDH as a homotetramer with differing occupancy by NAD, bGAPDH(NAD)4, and bGAPDH(NAD)3. The bGAPDH(NAD)4 was solved at 1.52 Å, the highest resolution for GAPDH. Structural comparison of the bGAPDH(NAD)4 and bGAPDH(NAD)3 models revealed novel details of conformational changes induced by cofactor binding, including a loop region (residues 54–56). Structure analysis of bGAPDH confirmed the importance of Phe34 in NAD binding, and demonstrated that Phe34 was stabilized in the presence of NAD but displayed greater mobility in its absence. The oxidative state of the active site Cys149 residue is regulated by NAD binding, because this residue was found oxidized in the absence of dinucleotide. The distance between Cys149 and His176 decreased upon NAD binding and Cys149 remained in a reduced state when NAD was bound. These findings provide an important structural step for understanding the mechanism of GAPDH activity in vision and its pathological role in retinopathies.  相似文献   

The D1‐D2 heterodimer in the reaction center core of phototrophs binds the redox plastoquinone cofactors, QA and QB, the terminal acceptors of the photosynthetic electron transfer chain in the photosystem II (PSII). This complex is the target of the herbicide atrazine, an environmental pollutant competitive inhibitor of QB binding, and consequently it represents an excellent biomediator to develop biosensors for pollutant monitoring in ecosystems. In this context, we have undertaken a study of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii D1‐D2 proteins aimed at designing site directed mutants with increased affinity for atrazine. The three‐dimensional structure of the D1 and D2 proteins from C. reinhardtii has been homology modeled using the crystal structure of the highly homologous Thermosynechococcus elongatus proteins as templates. Mutants of D1 and D2 were then generated in silico and the atrazine binding affinity of the mutant proteins has been calculated to predict mutations able to increase PSII affinity for atrazine. The computational approach has been validated through comparison with available experimental data and production and characterization of one of the predicted mutants. The latter analyses indicated an increase of one order of magnitude of the mutant sensitivity and affinity for atrazine as compared to the control strain. Finally, D1‐D2 heterodimer mutants were designed and selected which, according to our model, increase atrazine binding affinity by up to 20 kcal/mol, representing useful starting points for the development of high affinity biosensors for atrazine.  相似文献   

The activity of the photosynthetic carbon‐fixing enzyme, ribulose 1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), is partially inhibited by arsenite in the millimolar concentration range. However, micromolar arsenite can fully inhibit Rubisco in the presence of a potentiating monothiol such as cysteine, cysteamine, 2‐mercaptoethanol or N‐acetylcysteine, but not glutathione. Arsenite reacts specifically with the vicinal Cys172‐Cys192 from the large subunit of Rubisco and with the monothiol to establish a ternary complex, which is suggested to be a trithioarsenical. The stability of the complex is strongly dependent on the nature of the monothiol. Enzyme activity is fully recovered through the disassembly of the complex after eliminating arsenite and/or the thiol from the medium. The synergic combination of arsenite and a monothiol acts also in vivo stopping carbon dioxide fixation in illuminated cultures of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Again, this effect may be reverted by washing the cells. However, in vivo inhibition does not result from the blocking of Rubisco since mutant strains carrying Rubiscos with Cys172 and/or Cys192 substitutions (which are insensitive to arsenite in vitro) are also arrested. This suggests the existence of a specific sensor controlling carbon fixation that is even more sensitive than Rubisco to the arsenite–thiol synergism.  相似文献   

This work demonstrates a contribution of ethylene and NO (nitric oxide) in MP (mastoparan)‐induced cell death in the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Following MP treatment, C. reinhardtii showed massive cell death, expressing morphological features of PCD (programmed cell death). A pharmacological approach involving combined treatments with MP and ethylene‐ and NO‐interacting compounds indicated the requirement of trace amounts of both ethylene and NO in MP‐induced cell death. By employing a carbon dioxide laser‐based photoacoustic detector to measure ethylene and a QCL (quantum cascade laser)‐based spectrometer for NO detection, simultaneous increases in the production of both ethylene and NO were observed following MP application. Our results show a tight regulation of the levels of both signalling molecules in which ethylene stimulates NO production and NO stimulates ethylene production. This suggests that, in conjunction with the elicitor, NO and ethylene cooperate and act synchronously in the mediation of MP‐induced PCD in C. reinhardtii. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the functional significance of ethylene and NO in MP‐induced cell death.  相似文献   

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