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The photophysiological properties of strain RCC 237 belonging to the marine picoplanktonic genus Picochlorum, first described by Henley et al., were investigated under different photon flux densities (PFD), ranging from 40 to 400 μmol photons· m?2·s?1, mainly focusing on the development of the xanthophyll cycle and its relationship with the nonphotochemical quenching of fluorescence (NPQ). The functioning of the xanthophyll cycle and its photoprotective role was investigated by applying a progressive increase of PFD and using dithiotreitol and norflurazon to block specific enzymatic reactions in order to study in depth the relationship between xanthophyll cycle and NPQ. These two processes were significantly related only during the gradually increasing light periods and not during stable light periods, where NPQ and zeaxanthin were decoupled. This result reveals that NPQ is a photoprotective process developed by algae only when cells are experiencing increasing PFD or in response to stressful light variations, for instance after a sudden light shift. Results showed that the photobiological properties of Picochlorum strain RCC 237 seem to be well related to the surface water characteristics, as it is able to maintain its photosynthetic characteristics under different PFDs and to quickly activate the xanthophyll cycle under high light.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic organisms in nature often experience light fluctuations. While low light conditions limit the energy uptake by algae, light absorption exceeding the maximal rate of photosynthesis may go along with enhanced formation of potentially toxic reactive oxygen species. To preempt high light-induced photodamage, photosynthetic organisms evolved numerous photoprotective mechanisms. Among these, energy-dependent fluorescence quenching (qE) provides a rapid mechanism to dissipate thermally the excessively absorbed energy. Diatoms thrive in all aquatic environments and thus belong to the most important primary producers on earth. qE in diatoms is provided by a concerted action of Lhcx proteins and the xanthophyll cycle pigment diatoxanthin. While the exact Lhcx activation mechanism of diatom qE is unknown, two lumen-exposed acidic amino acids within Lhcx proteins were proposed to function as regulatory switches upon light-induced lumenal acidification. By introducing a modified Lhcx1 lacking these amino acids into a Phaeodactylum tricornutum Lhcx1-null qE knockout line, we demonstrate that qE is unaffected by these two amino acids. Based on sequence comparisons with Lhcx4, being incapable of providing qE, we perform domain swap experiments of Lhcx4 with Lhcx1 and identify two peptide motifs involved in conferring qE. Within one of these motifs, we identify a tryptophan residue with a major influence on qE establishment. This tryptophan residue is located in close proximity to the diadinoxanthin/diatoxanthin-binding site based on the recently revealed diatom Lhc crystal structure. Our findings provide a structural explanation for the intimate link of Lhcx and diatoxanthin in providing qE in diatoms.  相似文献   

Reaching up to 50% of the total biomass in oligotrophic waters and armed with a set of ecological and biological properties related to their small size, picophytoplankton (<3.0?µm) are a good model to address ecophysiological questions regarding phytoplankton biodiversity. Two picoplanktonic diatoms, one isolated from an upwelling ecosystem in the Pacific Ocean (Minutocellus sp., strain RCC967), and another from oceanic waters in the Indian Ocean (Minutocellus sp., strain RCC703) were used to test hypotheses on the functional relation between ecological niche adaptation and photosynthetic regulation capacity and efficiency. Cultures were subjected to five sine light climates, each one set to peak at a different photon flux density, respectively 10, 50, 100, 250 and 500?µmol photons m?2?s?1. Growth rate, photosynthesis, non-photochemical fluorescence quenching, pigment composition, and particulate organic carbon and nitrogen content were followed daily for 5 days. Growth rate and physiological response curves were different in the two species, in agreement with their distinct habitats of origin. Such differences could be related to the diverse photoacclimative strategies displayed by the two species, revealing a clear adaptive divergence despite their close taxonomic relationship. Photoacclimative strategies of the two picoplanktonic diatoms are discussed in the light of functional diversity and ecosystem adaptation.  相似文献   

Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh is a canopy‐forming species that occupies the entire water column. The photosynthetic tissue of this alga is exposed to a broad range of environmental factors, particularly related to light quantity and quality. In the present work, photosynthetic performance, light absorption, pigment composition, and thermal dissipation were measured in blades collected from different depths to characterize the photoacclimation and photoprotection responses of M. pyrifera according to the position of its photosynthetic tissue in the water column. The most important response of M. pyrifera was the enhancement of photoprotection in surface and near‐surface blades. The size of the xanthophyll cycle pigment pool (XC) was correlated to the nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) of chl a fluorescence capacity of the blades. In surface blades, we detected the highest accumulation of UV‐absorbing compounds, photoprotective carotenoids, ΣXC, and NPQ. These characteristics were important responses that allowed surface blades to present the highest maximum photosynthetic rate and the highest PSII electron transport rate. Therefore, surface blades made the highest contribution to algae production. In contrast, basal blades presented the opposite trend. These blades do not to contribute significantly to photosynthetate production of the whole organism, but they might be important for other functions, like nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

The wavelength dependency of xanthophyll cycling in two marine microalgae (Thalassiosira weissflogii and Dunaliella tertiolecta) was studied by establishing biological weighting functions (BWFs) during exposure to natural ultraviolet radiation. High-(HL) and low-(LL) light-acclimated cultures of both species were exposed outdoors for up to 60 min under a series of UVR (280–400 nm) cut-off filters, after which the de-epoxidation state of xanthophyll cycle pigments, radiocarbon assimilation and photochemical quantum yield were measured. Exposures were repeated 4–8 times during the daily cycle to create exposure–response curves for each wavelength condition. UVR affected the three target processes significantly in both species and biological weights increased with decreasing wavelength, particularly in the UVBR region (280–315 nm). Minor wavelength dependency was observed between 315 and 360 nm. After BWF normalization to 300 nm, the LL cultures showed highly similar responses when comparing the three target processes, while the BWFs for the HL cultures differed significantly. The observed enhanced xanthophyll cycling activity in the UVR region implied that xanthophylls had an active role in diminishing UVR stress. However, this enhancement seems to be an indirect effect of damage within the dark reactions of photosynthesis. Hence, another vital target process further downstream in the photosynthetic process, possibly involved in the dark reactions, seems to be responsible for the high similarity in BWFs.  相似文献   

Long‐term growth response to natural solar radiation with enhanced ultraviolet‐B (UVB) exposure was examined in two species of dinoflagellates [Alexandrium tamarense (M. Lebour) Balech, At, and Heterocapsa triquetra (Ehrenb.) F. Stein, Ht], including two strains of A. tamarense, one from Spain and another from UK, and one diatom species (Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle et Heimdal). We examined whether variable photoprotection (mycosporine‐like amino acids [MAAs] and xanthophyll‐cycle pigments) affected photosynthetic performance, phytoplankton light absorption, and growth. Growth rate was significantly reduced under enhanced UVB for the UK strain of At and for Ht (both grew very little) as well as for the diatom (that maintained high growth rates), but there was no effect for the Spanish strain of At. MAA concentration was high in the dinoflagellates, but undetectable in the diatom, which instead used the xanthophyll cycle for photoprotection. The highest cell concentrations of MAAs and photoprotective pigments were observed in the UK strain of At, along with lowest growth rates and Fv/Fm, indicating high stress levels. In contrast, the Spanish strain showed progressive acclimation to the experimental conditions, with no significant difference in growth between treatments. Increase in total MAAs followed linearly the cumulative UVB of the preceding day, and both total and primary MAAs were maintained at higher constitutive levels in this strain. Acclimation to enhanced UVB in the diatom resulted in an increase in PSII activity and reduction in nonphotochemical quenching, indicating an increased resistance to photoinhibition after a few weeks. All four species showed increased phytoplankton light absorption under enhanced UVB. Large intrastrain differences suggest a need to consider more closely intraspecific variability in UV studies.  相似文献   

Analysis of reflectance spectra was used to monitor the conversion of diadinoxanthin (DD) into diatoxanthin (DT) in two benthic diatom species, Amphora coffeaeformis (C. Agardh) Kütz. and Cylindrotheca closterium (Ehrenb.) J. C. Lewin et Reiman, cultured at high light (HL, 400 μmol · m?2 · s?1 PAR) and low light (LL, 25 μmol · m?2 · s?1 PAR). Cultures were exposed to saturating light for 32 min. HL cultures of both species showed higher (DT + DD) content, whereas LL cultures exhibited higher chl a and fucoxanthin content. DD to DT conversion, measured by HPLC, occurred mainly in the first 2 min (LL) or 5 min (HL) after exposure to saturating light. Nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ), measured by PAM fluorescence, showed the same pattern as DT/(DD + DT), resulting in a linear relationship between these parameters. Addition of dithiothreitol (DTT) blocked the conversion of DD into DT and significantly reduced NPQ induction. Reflectance spectra showed no obvious change after light exposure. However, second derivative spectra (δδ) showed a shift in reflectance from 487 to 508 nm, which was not present for DTT‐treated samples. Changes in δδ487 were strongly correlated with changes in DD (r = 0.76), while changes in δδ508 were strongly correlated with changes in DT (r = 0.94). The best index to estimate DD to DT conversion was δδ508/δδ630 (r = 0.87). This index was very sensitive to minute changes that occurred immediately after exposure to light and was species insensitive. Good relationships were observed between indices for xanthophyll cycle activation (DD to DT conversion and NPQ induction) and the second derivative spectra. With further in situ validation, this index may prove to be highly useful for investigation into aquatic global photoregulation mechanisms in diatom‐dominated samples.  相似文献   

The photochemical behavior of intact stream periphyton communities in France was evaluated in response to the time course of natural light. Intact biofilms grown on glass substrata were collected at three development stages in July and November, and structural parameters of the biofilms were investigated (diatom density and taxonomy). At each season, physiological parameters based on pigment analysis (HPLC) and pulse‐amplitude‐modulated (PAM) chl fluorescence technique were estimated periodically during a day from dawn to zenith. Regardless of the community studied, the optimal quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm), the effective PSII efficiency (ΦPSII), the nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ), and the relative electron transport rate (rETR) exhibited clear dynamic patterns over the morning. Moreover, microalgae responded to the light increase by developing the photoprotective xanthophyll cycle. The analysis of PI parameters and pigment profiles suggests that July communities were adapted to higher light environments in comparison with November ones, which could be partly explained by a shift in the taxonomic composition. Finally, differences between development stages were significant only in July. In particular, photoinhibition was less pronounced in mature assemblages, indicating that self‐shading (in relation to algal biomass) could have influenced photosynthesis in older communities.  相似文献   

叶黄素循环及其在光保护中的分子机理研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
植物的生命活动离不开充足的光照 ,但是当光照过强时 ,叶片吸收的光能超过了光合电子传递所需 ,过剩的光能便会对光合器官产生潜在的危害 ,引起光合作用的光抑制或光破坏。依赖于叶黄素循环的热耗散被认为是光保护的主要途径。本文着重介绍近年来有关植物叶黄素循环在酶学方面的分子调控、它的主要功能以及依赖于叶黄素循环的热耗散在光保护中的分子机理等 ,并对需进一步研究的问题作了探讨  相似文献   

植物的生命活动离不开充足的光照,但是当光照过强时,叶片吸收的光能超过了光合电子传递所需,过剩的光能便会对光合器官产生潜在的危害,引起光合作用的光抑制或光破坏.依赖于叶黄素循环的热耗散被认为是光保护的主要途径.本文着重介绍近年来有关植物叶黄素循环在酶学方面的分子调控、它的主要功能以及依赖于叶黄素循环的热耗散在光保护中的分子机理等,并对需进一步研究的问题作了探讨.  相似文献   

When planks absorb more light than that can be used for photosynthesis, the excessive energy can cause photooxidation and even photooxidation of photosynthetic apparatus. Xanthophyll cycle-dependent photo-protection is believed to be the main mechanism for plants to deal with excessive light energy. This review focuses on molecular biological aspects and regulations of violaxanthin de-epoxidase and zeaxanthin epoxidase involved in xanthophyll cycle. We will summarize the functions of xanthophyll cycle, especially recent advances in its thermal dissipation mechanism of photoprotection. Some interesting issues deserving further study will be discussed.  相似文献   

Physiology and xanthophyll cycle activity of Nannochloropsis gaditana   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The physiology of the violaxanthin-producing microalga Nannochloropsis gaditana is examined and the effect of environmental factors on the growth and cellular pigment content investigated in batch and continuous cultures. N. gaditana is slow-growing, with a maximum specific growth rate of 0.56 day(-1) at 23 degrees C. The xanthophyll cycle is present in this strain, but has a much lower activity than in higher plants and other species of Nannochloropsis. At 30 degrees C, under high light (1500 micromol photons m(-2) s(-1)), 33% of the violaxanthin pool was deepoxidated to antheraxanthin (76%) and zeaxanthin (24%) over 60 min. Addition of iodoacetamide dramatically affected the xanthophyll cycle activity: 50% of the violaxanthin was replaced by zeaxanthin (90%) within 30 min. This was attributed to an increase in membrane fluidity following iodoacetamide addition, resulting in a larger pool of violaxanthin available for conversion. Batch culture studies showed that a decrease in irradiance (from 880 to 70 micromol photons m(-2) s(-1)) can increase chlorophyll a and violaxanthin content by as much as 80% and 60%, respectively. Continuous cultures indicated that violaxanthin is a growth-rate-dependent product, but the violaxanthin content is less affected by dilution rate (in the range 0.12 to 0.72 day(-1)) and pH (6.8 to 7.8) than chlorophyll a. The optimum conditions for growth and violaxanthin production in continuous culture were found to occur at a dilution rate of 0.48 day(-1), a temperature of between 24 degrees C and 26 degrees C, and pH in the range 7.1 to 7.3.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the physiological mechanisms that allow marine photoautotrophs to thrive in a high light environment is limited. The pelagic phaeophyte, Sargassum natans (L.) Gaillon, exists at the air–sea interface and often is exposed to high irradiances. During a cruise in the Gulf of Mexico, aggregates of S. natans were collected and maintained in a shipboard incubator under natural sunlight. In vivo fluorescence and pigmentation dynamics were assessed over two daily cycles to characterize the photophysiological responses of this taxon to varying irradiance (i.e. overcast and sunny conditions). The relative proportion of the photosynthetic carotenoid, violaxanthin, to the photoprotective carotenoid, zeaxanthin, decreased during daylight hours. This mirrored the dynamics in the maximum quantum yield for stable charge separation at photosystem II (FV/FM[variable fluorescence/maximum fluorescence]), which decreased (relative to predawn levels) by 50%–60% during periods of sustained bright light and recovered to predawn values 3 h after sunset. The ratio of de-epoxidized to epoxidized components of the xanthophyll-cycle pigment pool (violaxanthin, zeaxanthin) was associated with energy dissipation activity within the pigment bed. The operational quantum yield for photosystem II activity (φIIe) was substantially lower than FV/FM due to both a decreased probability that absorbed photons reached open reaction centers and to the induction of nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching (which was rapidly reversible). Bright light also affected the rate of electron flow from the reaction center chlorophyll through to the secondary electron acceptor, quinone B (QB); specifically, single turnover decay curves indicated that the proportion of QB bound to the D1–D2 complex in photosystem II decreased during the protracted periods of bright light. Kautsky curves suggested that the relative proportion of inactive light-harvesting complexes also increased during periods of bright light. Taken together, these findings suggest that S. natans can tolerate high irradiances by down-regulating its quantum yield during the day, decreasing its functional absorption coefficient through the uncoupling of light-harvesting complexes, and decreasing the efficiency with which absorbed light is utilized. These cellular responses appear to be driven by the absolute flux of light and not by an endogenous rhythm, which is phased to a particular time of day.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and Photoprotection in Overwintering Plants   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract: Seasonal differences in the capacity of photosynthetic electron transport, leaf pigment composition, xanthophyll cycle characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence emission were investigated in two biennial mesophytes ( Malva neglecta and Verbascum thapsus ) that grow in full sunlight, and in leaves/needles of sun and shade populations of several broad-leafed evergreens and conifers (Vinca minor, Euonymus kiautschovicus, Mahonia repens, Pseudotsuga menziesii [Douglas fir], and Pinus ponderosa). Both mesophytic species maintained or upregulated photosynthetic capacity in the winter and exhibited no upregulation of photoprotection. In contrast, photosynthetic capacity was downregulated in sun leaves/needles of V. minor, Douglas fir, and Ponderosa pine, and even in shade needles of Douglas fir. Interestingly, photosynthetic capacity was upregulated during the winter in shade leaves/needles of V. minor, Ponderosa pine and Euonymus kiautschovicus. Nocturnal retention of zeaxanthin and antheraxanthin, and their sustained engagement in a state primed for energy dissipation, were observed largely in the leaves/needles of sun-exposed evergreen species during winter. Factors that may contribute to these differing responses to winter stress, including chloroplast redox state, the relative levels of source and sink activity at the whole plant level, and apoplastic versus symplastic phloem loading, are discussed.  相似文献   

Choudhury  N.K.  Behera  R.K. 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(4):481-488
Exposure of plants to irradiation, in excess to saturate photosynthesis, leads to reduction in photosynthetic capacity without any change in bulk pigment content. This effect is known as photoinhibition. Photoinhibition is followed by destruction of carotenoids (Cars), bleaching of chlorophylls (Chls), and increased lipid peroxidation due to formation of reactive oxygen species if the excess irradiance exposure continues. Photoinhibition of photosystem 2 (PS2) in vivo is often a photoprotective strategy rather than a damaging process. For sustainable maintenance of chloroplast function under high irradiance, the plants develop various photoprotective strategies. Cars perform essential photoprotective roles in chloroplasts by quenching the triplet Chl and scavenging singlet oxygen and other reactive oxygen species. Recently photoprotective role of xanthophylls (zeaxanthin) for dissipation of excess excitation energy under irradiance stress has been emphasised. The inter-conversion of violaxanthin (Vx) into zeaxanthin (Zx) in the light-harvesting complexes (LHC) serves to regulate photon harvesting and subsequent energy dissipation. De-epoxidation of Vx to Zx leads to changes in structure and properties of these xanthophylls which brings about significant structural changes in the LHC complex. This ultimately results in (1) direct quenching of Chl fluorescence by singlet-singlet energy transfer from Chl to Zx, (2) trans-thylakoid membrane mediated, pH-dependent indirect quenching of Chl fluorescence. Apart from these, other processes such as early light-inducible proteins, D1 turnover, and several enzymatic defence mechanisms, operate in the chloroplasts, either for tolerance or to neutralise the harmful effect of high irradiance.  相似文献   

When light absorption by a plant exceeds its capacity for light utilization, photosynthetic light harvesting is rapidly downregulated by photoprotective thermal dissipation, which is measured as nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (NPQ). To address the involvement of specific xanthophyll pigments in NPQ, we have analyzed mutants affecting xanthophyll metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana. An npq1 lut2 double mutant was constructed, which lacks both zeaxanthin and lutein due to defects in the violaxanthin de-epoxidase and lycopene -cyclase genes. The npq1 lut2 strain had normal Photosystem II efficiency and nearly wild-type concentrations of functional Photosystem II reaction centers, but the rapidly reversible component of NPQ was completely inhibited. Despite the defects in xanthophyll composition and NPQ, the npq1 lut2 mutant exhibited a remarkable ability to tolerate high light.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The dominance of diatoms in turbulent waters suggests special adaptations to the wide fluctuations in light intensity that phytoplankton must cope with in such an environment. Our recent demonstration of the unusually effective photoprotection by the xanthophyll cycle in diatoms [Lavaud et al. (2002) Plant Physiol 129 (3) (in press)] also revealed that failure of this protection led to inactivation of oxygen evolution, but not to the expected photoinhibition. Photo-oxidative damage might be prevented by an electron transfer cycle around Photosystem II (PS II). The induction of such a cycle at high light intensity was verified by measurements of the flash number dependence of oxygen production in a series of single-turnover flashes. After a few minutes of saturating illumination, the oxygen flash yields are temporarily decreased. The deficit in oxygen production amounts to at most 3 electrons per PS II, but continues to reappear with a half time of 2 min in the dark until the total pool of reducing equivalents accumulated during the illumination has been consumed by (chloro)respiration. This is attributed to an electron transfer pathway from the plastoquinone pool or the acceptor side of PS II to the donor side of PS II that is insignificant at limiting light intensity but is accelerated to milliseconds at excess light intensity. Partial filling of the 3-equivalents capacity of the cyclic electron transfer path in PS II may prevent both acceptor-side photoinhibition in oxygen-evolving PS II and donor-side photoinhibition when the oxygen-evolving complex is temporarily inactivated. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Regulation and possible function of the violaxanthin cycle   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
This paper discusses biochemical and regulatory aspects of the violaxanthin cycle as well as its possible role in photoprotection. The violaxanthin cycle responds to environmental conditions in the short-term and long-term by adjusting rates of pigment conversions and pool sizes of cycle pigments, respectively. Experimental evidence indicating a relationship between zeaxanthin formation and non-photochemical energy dissipation is reviewed. Zeaxanthin-associated energy dissipation appears to be dependent on transthylakoid pH. The involvement of light-harvesting complex II in this quenching process is indicated by several studies. The current hypotheses on the underlying mechanism of zeaxanthin-dependent quenching are alterations of membrane properties, including conformational changes of the light-harvesting complex II, and singlet-singlet energy transfer from chlorophyll to zeaxanthin  相似文献   

Planktonic diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) have to cope with large fluctuations of light intensity and periodic exposure to high light. After a shift to high light, photoprotective dissipation of excess energy characterized by the nonphotochemical quenching of fluorescence (NPQ) and the concomitant deepoxidation of diadinoxanthin to diatoxanthin (DT) were measured in four different planktonic marine diatoms (Bacillariophyceae): Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve, Cylindrotheca fusiformis Reimann et Lewin, Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) Fryxell et Hasle, and Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grunow in comparison to the model organism Phaeodactylum tricornutum Böhlin. Upon a sudden increase of light intensity, deepoxidation was rapid and de novo synthesis of DT also occurred. In all species, NPQ was linearly related to the amount of DT formed during high light. In this report, we focused on the role of DT in the dissipation of energy that takes place in the light‐harvesting complex. In S. costatum for the same amount of DT, less NPQ was formed than in P. tricornutum and as a consequence the photoprotection of PSII was less efficient. The general features of photoprotection by harmless dissipation of excess energy in planktonic diatoms described here partly explain why diatoms are well adapted to light intensity fluctuations.  相似文献   

A novel blue luminescent 6‐chloro‐2‐(4‐cynophenyl) substituted diphenyl quinoline (Cl‐CN DPQ) organic phosphor has been synthesized by the acid‐catalyzed Friedlander reaction and then characterized to confirm structural, optical and thermal properties. Structural properties of Cl‐CN‐DPQ were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, X‐ray diffraction technique (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive analysis of X‐ray (EDAX) spectroscopy. FTIR spectra confirmed the presence of different functional groups and bond stretching. 1H–NMR and 13C–NMR confirmed the formation of an organic Cl‐CN‐DPQ compound. X‐ray diffraction study provided its crystalline nature. The surface morphology of Cl‐CN‐DPQ was analyzed by SEM, while EDAX spectroscopy revealed the elemental analysis. Differential thermal analysis (TGA/DTA) disclosed its thermal stability up to 250°C. The optical properties of Cl‐CN‐DPQ were investigated by UV–vis absorption and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. Cl‐CN‐DPQ exhibits intense blue emission at 434 nm in a solid‐state crystalline powder with CIE co‐ordinates (0.157, 0.027), when excited at 373 nm. Cl‐CN‐DPQ shows remarkable Stokes shift in the range 14800–5100 cm?1, which is the characteristic feature of intense light emission. A narrow full width at half‐maximum (FWHM) value of PL spectra in the range 42–48 nm was observed. Oscillator strength, energy band gap, quantum yield, and fluorescence energy yield were also examined using UV–vis absorption and photoluminescence spectra. These results prove its applications towards developing organic luminescence devices and displays, organic phosphor‐based solar cells and displays, organic lasers, chemical sensors and many more.  相似文献   

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