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Single mouse intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) may be isolated by the use of a combination of methods used for the isolation of IEC from other species. Isolated cells remain viable for several hours. The membrane integral enzymes alkaline phosphatase and leucine aminopeptidase of isolated IEC are localized to the brush borders of IEC in tissue and in most newly isolated IEC. With time, both enzymes are found distributed over the entire cell surface. Redistribution appears to occur by diffusion in the plane of the membrane. It is slowed, but not blocked, if cells are maintained at 0 degrees C instead of at 37 degrees C, and it is not blocked by fixation in 0.5-3% paraformaldehyde. Drugs that alter cell membrane potential or that affect cell levels of ATP enhance the rate of redistribution of the enzymes.  相似文献   

We studied the metabolism of sulfated cell-surface macromolecules in dog tracheal epithelial cells in primary culture. To examine the time-course and rate of appearance of sulfated macromolecules at the cell surface, the cells were pulsed with 35SO4 for short periods (5-15 min), and the incubation medium was sampled for spontaneously released macromolecules (basal secretions) and for release induced by trypsin (trypsin-accessible secretions). Trypsin-accessible 35S-labeled macromolecules appeared on the cell surface within 5-10 min, increased linearly, and plateaued by 40 min; the median transit time for 35S-labeled macromolecules to reach the cell surface was 21 min. 35S-labeled macromolecules in basal secretions increased with a similar time-course, reaching a plateau by 40 min. Incorporation of [3H]serine into the protein moiety of trypsin-accessible macromolecules occurred more slowly; trypsin-accessible 3H-labeled macromolecules were barely detectable at 1 h and increased to a maximum after 2 h, suggesting the presence of a preformed pool of nonsulfated core protein. Pretreatment with cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, decreased trypsin-accessible 35S-labeled macromolecules log-linearly depending on the duration of pretreatment providing an estimate of the rate of depletion of the core protein pool (t1/2 = 32 min). During continuous exposure to 35SO4, 35S-labeled macromolecules accumulated on the cell surface (trypsin-accessible compartment) for 16 h, at which point the cell-surface pool was saturated (t1/2 = 7.5 h). After pulse-labeling the cells with 35SO4 for 15 min, the 35S-labeled macromolecules disappeared continuously from the cell surface (t1/2 = 4.6 h), and 79% of the radioactivity was recovered in the medium as nondialyzable macromolecules. Release of the 35S-labeled macromolecules from the cell surface was abolished at 4 degrees C, indicative of an energy-dependent process, but multiple proteinase inhibitors did not affect the release. We conclude that sulfate is metabolized rapidly into epithelial cell-surface macromolecules, which accumulate continuously into a relatively large cell-surface pool, before they are released by an undefined energy-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary Individual cells and cell pairs were isolated from frog lens epithelium. Individual cells were whole cell voltage clamped and the current-voltage relationship was determined. The cells had a mean resting voltage of –54.3 mV and a mean input resistance of 1.4 G. The current-voltage relationship was linear near the cell resting voltage, but showed decreased resistance with large depolarization or hyperpolarization. Junctional currents between pairs of cells were recorded using the dual whole cell voltage-clamp technique. The corrected junctional resistance was 15.5 M (64.5 nS). The junctional current-voltage relationship was linear. A combination of ATP and cAMP, in the electodes, stabilized junctional resistance. Currents recorded when uncoupling was nearly complete, showed evidence of single connexon gating events. A single-channel conductance of about 100 pS was prominent. Dye spread between isolated cell pairs was demonstrated using Lucifer Yellow CH in a whole cell configuration. Photodamage to the cells due to the dye was apparent. Dye loaded cells, in the presence of exciting light, showed decreased resting voltages, decreased input resistances and morphological changes. Glutathione (20mm) delayed this damage.  相似文献   

This report describes an immunoferritin labeling study of mouse H-2 histocompatibility antigens on epithelial cells dissociated from stomach, duodenum-jejunum, ileum, trachea, diestrus uterus, gall bladder, and vas deferens. Before cell dissociation, most of the organs were prefixed in periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde to preserve the shape of the cells and to immobilize H-2 antigens in their native positions. Five kinds of epithelial cells expressed H-2 antigens on lateral and basal membranes but not on apical membranes. These were the lining cells of the upper intestine, ileum, gall gladder, uterus, and the tracheal brush cell. The antigens were continuously distributed on the lateral and basal membranes of these cells and appeared to be absent from the apical membranes, rather than masked by the fuzzy coat. On four other epithelial cell types H-2 antigens could not be detected. These were the lining cells of the vas deferens, parietal and chief cells from the stomach, and ciliated tracheal cells. It does not seem to be uncommon for normal nucleated cells to lack H-2 antigens. On fixed and labeled epithelial cells from the upper intestine the zonula occludens membranes were unlabeled, while the zonula adherens and desmosome membranes were labeled as densely as the remainder of the lateral membranes. The zonula occludens membrane thus constituted the boundary betewen the unlabeled apical membrane and the labeled lateral membrane of these cells. Intestinal epithelial cells dissociated without prefixation showed a patchy distribution of H-2 antigens on their lateral membranes after indirect labeling, indicating antigen mobility in this membrane. On the same unfixed dissociated cells the antigens were able to migrate from lateral to apical membranes, a movement which appears to be prevented in the intact epithelial layer by the occluding junction. The absence of H-2 antigens from apical membranes and their inability to migrate through an intact zonula occludens suggest that these molecules must reach the lateral membranes of epithelial cells by a pathway which is distinct from that followed by apical membrane components.  相似文献   

Rabbit lens epithelial cells synthesize and secrete a variety of [35S]sulphate-labeled glycoconjugates in vitro. Associated with the cell layer, and with the medium, was a high molecular weight glycoconjugate(s) that contained heparan sulphate which was apparently covalently linked to sulphated glycoprotein. This component(s) was eluted in the void volume of a Sepharose CL-2B column and could not be fractionated by detergent treatment or extraction with lipid solvents. The cell layer also contained glycosaminoglycans (72% heparan sulphate, 28% chondroitin sulphate), as well as a small proportion of a low molecular weight sulphated glycoprotein. The major 35S-labeled species secreted into the medium were sulphated glycoproteins with approximate molecular weights of 120,000 and 35,000 together with a heparan sulphate proteoglycan. This proteoglycan could be precipitated from the culture medium with 30% saturated (NH4)2SO4 and eluted from Sepharose CL-4B columns at approximately the same position (Kav = 0.15) as heparan sulphate proteoglycans described in the basement membrane of the EHS "sarcoma" (Hassell, J. R., P. G. Robey, H. J. Barrach, J. Wilczek, S. I. Rennard, and G. R. Martin, 1980, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 77:4494-4498) and of the mouse mammary epithelium (David, G., and M. Bernfield, 1981, J. Cell Biol., 91:281-286). Its presence in the culture medium was unanticipated but may be explained by the inability of these cultures to deposit a basement membrane when grown on a plastic surface. The relationship of this heparan sulphate proteoglycan to the lens epithelial basement membrane is the subject of the following paper.  相似文献   

The human uterine epithelium is characterised by remarkable plasticity with cyclic changes in differentiation that are controlled by ovarian steroid hormones to optimise conditions for embryo implantation. To understand whether and how cell-cell adhesion is affected, the localisation of junction proteins was studied throughout the menstrual cycle. Expression patterns were examined by immunofluorescence in 36 human endometrial specimens of different cycle stages. Antibodies against the desmosomal proteins desmoplakin 1/2 (Dp 1/2) and desmoglein 2 (Dsg 2), the adherens junction proteins E-cadherin and β-catenin and also the common junctional linker protein plakoglobin showed a strong subapical staining during the proliferative phase until the early luteal phase (day 20). In the mid- to late luteal phase, however, these junctional proteins redistributed over the entire lateral plasma membranes. In contrast, tight junction proteins (ZO-1, claudin 4) remained at their characteristic subapical position throughout the menstrual cycle. mRNA levels of Dp 1/2, E-cadherin and ZO-1 obtained by real time RT-PCR were not significantly changed during the menstrual cycle. The observed redistribution of desmosomes and adherens junctions coincides with the onset of the so called implantation window of human endometrium. We propose that this change is controlled by ovarian steroids and prepares the endometrium for successful trophoblast invasion.  相似文献   

A cause-effect relationship between ovulation and common (surface) epithelial ovarian cancer has been suspected for many years. The ovarian surface epithelium apparently becomes exposed to genotoxins that are generated during the ovulatory process. Intensive egg-laying hens readily develop ovarian carcinomatosis. Indeed, elevated levels of potentially mutagenic 8-oxo-guanine adducts were detected in avian ovarian epithelial cells isolated from the apical surfaces and perimeters of pre-and postovulatory follicles, respectively. Internucleosomal DNA fragmentation indicative of apoptosis was evident in ovarian surface epithelial cells associated with the formative site of ovulation (stigma line) and regressive ruptured follicles. It is conceivable that a genetically altered progenitor cell with unrepaired DNA but not committed to death (i.e., a unifocal "escape") could give rise to a transformed phenotype. Hence, the high rate of ovarian cancer in egg-laying hens could be the consequence of genomic damages to the ovarian surface epithelium associated with incessant ovulations, thereby increasing the likelihood of mutation and clonal expansion.  相似文献   

The synthesis and appearance of carbohydrate-rich macromolecules by epithelial cells of the developing secondary palate was examined with concanavalin A (CON A) binding and [3H]glucosamine labeling. The amount of [125I]CON A bound to the epithelial surface of the rat palatal shelf in vitro increased from day 15 of gestation to day 16 when initial adhesion to the opposite shelf occurs in vivo. Visualization of CON A binding by electron microscopy using the peroxidase method revealed a dramatic increase in binding between days 15 and 16 of gestation, most apparent on the medial-edge epithelial surface. The incorporation in vivo of [3H]glucosamine during this period into the medial-edge epithelial cells was detected with autoradiography. These results show that a glycoprotein-rich surface material appears on the superficial cells of the medial-edge epithelium prior to adhesion of the apposing shelves.  相似文献   

Various kinds of in vitro culture systems of tissues and organs have been developed, and applied to understand multicellular systems during embryonic organogenesis. In the research field of feather bud development, tissue recombination assays using an intact epithelial tissue and mesenchymal tissue/cells have contributed to our understanding the mechanisms of feather bud formation and development. However, there are few methods to generate a skin and its appendages from single cells of both epithelium and mesenchyme. In this study, we have developed a bioengineering method to reconstruct an embryonic dorsal skin after completely dissociating single epithelial and mesenchymal cells from chick skin. Multiple feather buds can form on the reconstructed skin in a single row in vitro. The bioengineered feather buds develop into long feather buds by transplantation onto a chorioallantoic membrane. The bioengineered bud sizes were similar to those of native embryo. The number of bioengineered buds was increased linearly with the initial contact length of epithelial and mesenchymal cell layers where the epithelial‐mesenchymal interactions occur. In addition, the bioengineered bud formation was also disturbed by the inhibition of major signaling pathways including FGF (fibroblast growth factor), Wnt/β‐catenin, Notch and BMP (bone morphogenetic protein). We expect that our bioengineering technique will motivate further extensive research on multicellular developmental systems, such as the formation and sizing of cutaneous appendages, and their regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

A novel vasodilatory influence of endothelial cell (EC) large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (BK(Ca)) channels is present following in vivo exposure to chronic hypoxia (CH) and may exist in other pathological states. However, the mechanism of channel activation that results in altered vasoreactivity is unknown. We tested the hypothesis that CH removes an inhibitory effect of the scaffolding domain of caveolin-1 (Cav-1) on EC BK(Ca) channels to permit activation, thereby affecting vasoreactivity. Experiments were performed on gracilis resistance arteries and ECs from control and CH-exposed (380 mmHg barometric pressure for 48 h) rats. EC membrane potential was hyperpolarized in arteries from CH-exposed rats and arteries treated with the cholesterol-depleting agent methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MBCD) compared with controls. Hyperpolarization was reversed by the BK(Ca) channel antagonist iberiotoxin (IBTX) or by a scaffolding domain peptide of Cav-1 (AP-CAV). Patch-clamp experiments documented an IBTX-sensitive current in ECs from CH-exposed rats and in MBCD-treated cells that was not present in controls. This current was enhanced by the BK(Ca) channel activator NS-1619 and blocked by AP-CAV or cholesterol supplementation. EC BK(Ca) channels displayed similar unitary conductance but greater Ca(2+) sensitivity than BK(Ca) channels from vascular smooth muscle. Immunofluorescence imaging demonstrated greater association of BK(Ca) α-subunits with Cav-1 in control arteries than in arteries from CH-exposed rats, although fluorescence intensity for each protein did not differ between groups. Finally, AP-CAV restored myogenic and phenylephrine-induced constriction in arteries from CH-exposed rats without affecting controls. AP-CAV similarly restored diminished reactivity to phenylephrine in control arteries pretreated with MBCD. We conclude that CH unmasks EC BK(Ca) channel activity by removing an inhibitory action of the Cav-1 scaffolding domain that may depend on cellular cholesterol levels.  相似文献   

Teleost retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells contain pigment granules within apical projections which undergo actin-dependent, bi-directional motility. Dissociated RPE cells in culture attach to the substrate and extend apical projections in a radial array from the central cell body. Pigment granules within projections can be triggered to aggregate or disperse by the presence or absence of 1 mM cAMP. Aminated, fluorescent latex beads attached to the dorsal surface of apical projections and moved in the retrograde direction, towards the cell body. Bead rates on RPE cells with aggregating or fully aggregated pigment granules were 2.2 +/- 0.5 and 2.6 +/- 0.2 microm/min (mean +/- SEM), respectively, similar to rates of aggregating (retrograde) pigment granule movement (2.0 +/- 0.4 microm/min). Bead rates were slightly slower on cells with fully dispersed or dispersing pigment granules (1.5 +/- 0.1 and 1.5 +/- 0.4 microm/min). Movements of surface-attached beads and aggregating pigment granules were closely correlated in the distal portions of apical projections, but were more independent of each other in proximal regions of the projections. The actin disrupting drug, cytochalasin D (CD), reversibly halted retrograde bead movements, suggesting that motility of surface-attached particles is actin-dependent. In contrast, the microtubule depolymerizing drug, nocodazole, had no effect on retrograde bead motility. The similar characteristics and actin-dependence of retrograde bead movements and aggregating pigment granules suggest a correlation between these two processes.  相似文献   

The nuclear lamins are directed from the cytoplasm to chromosomes as part of the maturation pathway of the interphase nucleoskeleton. In mitosis, the three polypeptides lamin A, B and C were found in the cytoplasm from prophase until anaphase and shifted to chromosomal surfaces at telophase (Ely, D'Arcy and Jost, 1978; Gerace, Blum and Blobel, 1978). We show here that early events in nucleoskeleton formation could be regulated by extracellular pH. When exponentially growing tissue culture cells and cells arrested in mitosis were exposed to different extracellular pH values, three patterns of distribution of lamins were observed in mitotic cells: exclusively cytoplasmic distribution of mitotic lamins at low pH (6.8 to 7.3); a premature association of a lamin subfraction with metaphase chromosomes at intermediate pH 7.5; a more prominent relocation of lamins onto chromosomes in metaphase and in disorganized metaphase at pH 8.0. Reassembly of lamins occurred at telomeric ends of mitotic chromosomes followed by a lateral fusion to form a nuclear cage. Using immunogold localization, we show that pH-induced, premature, partial deposition of lamins onto condensed chromosomes may occur prior to the formation of the bilamellar nuclear envelope. These results suggest that the pH-induced redistribution of lamins acts to trigger early events of mitosis to interphase transition.  相似文献   

Mapping the surface properties of macromolecules.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Methods are presented for the rapid computation of schematic projections of the surfaces of macromolecules, similar to the "roadmaps" used to illustrate the surfaces of viruses (Rossmann, M.G. & Palmenberg, A.C., 1988, Virology 164, 373-382). Several types of projections are described, extending the application of "roadmaps" to the external surfaces of all macromolecules and their interior binding pockets and pores. The surface projections, showing the positions of residues, can be colored, shaded, contoured, and annotated to show physical, sequence, or functional properties such as surface topology, hydrophobicity, or sequence conservation, for example. The automated procedures are useful for surveys of the surface features of proteins sharing similar functional properties.  相似文献   

Rapidly growing, cultured tobacco cells secreted pectic substances, glycoprotein, and 50% ethanol-soluble polysaccharide into the medium. The extracellular pectic substances lacked rhamnose which was present in the cell-wall pectic substances. The protein moieties of the extracellular and cell-wall glycoproteins were hydroxy. proline-rich and similar in amino-acid composition. The sugar moiety of the cell-wall glycoprotein was similar in monosaccharide composition to that of the combined extracellular glycoprotein plus the 50% ethanol soluble polysaccharide.  相似文献   

Scanning microscopy of dissociated tissue cells   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A method is described for studying by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) all the surfaces of fully differentiated cells from intact tissues. Thus, cell faces normally hidden from view are exposed and made available for SEM examination. This is achieved by fixing the tissue in OSO4 and then soaking it in a 1% solution (in water) of boric acid. After different periods of time, varied according to particular tissue, slight mechanical pressure will cause the fixed tissue to dissociate into its component cells. These are then made to adhere to a substrate and are taken through critical point drying, etc., for examination. Observations are reported on the topography of whole hepatocytes, adsorptive cells of the intestinal epithelium, proximal tubule cells of the rat kidney, mammary tumor cells of the mouse, and rat sarcoma cells. Several other tissues are reported to dissociate when similarly treated, but for each the procedure must be slightly modified.  相似文献   

Mapping and migration of lymphocyte surface macromolecules   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

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