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L-Arginine deiminase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PaADI) catalyzes the hydrolysis of arginine to citrulline and ammonia. PaADI belongs to the guanidino group-modifying enzyme superfamily (GMSF), which conserves backbone fold and a Cys-, His-, and Asp-based catalytic core. In this paper the contributions made by the PaADI core residues Cys406, His278, and Asp166 and the contribution from the neighboring Asp280 (conserved in most but not all GMSF members) to catalysis of the formation and hydrolysis of the Cys406-alkyluronium intermediate were accessed by kinetic analysis of site-directed mutants. In addition, solution hydrolysis in a chemical model of the S-alkylthiouronium intermediate was examined to reveal the importance of general base catalysis in the enzymatic reaction. Substitutions of the active site gating residue Arg401, the l-arginine C(alpha)NH(3)(+)(COO(-)) binding residues, Arg185, Arg243, and Asn160, or the His278 hydrogen bond partner, Glu224, were found to cause dramatic reductions in the enzyme turnover rate. These results are interpreted to suggest that electrostatic interactions play a dominant role in PaADI catalysis. Structural variations observed in P. aeruginosa GMSF enzymes PaADI, agmatine deiminase (PaAgDI), and N(omega),N(omega)-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (PaDDAH) indicate an early divergence of the encoding genes. Arginine analogues that are known substrates for PaAgDI and PaDDAH were tested with PaADI to define clear boundaries of biochemical function in the three hydrolases. The conservation of a catalytic core associated with the common chemical function and the divergence of substrate-binding residues (as well as one key catalytic residue) to expand the substrate range provide insight into the evolution of the catalysts that form the GMSF.  相似文献   

精氨酸脱亚胺酶由于具有成为精氨酸营养缺陷型肿瘤如肝细胞瘤,黑素瘤治疗药物的潜力而被国内外多个科研机构进行研究。本文报道本研究室于无锡锡惠公园土样中筛选得到一株产精氨酸脱亚胺酶的菌株901,并对其进行了形态,生理生化特征分析及16S rRNA基因分析,该菌被鉴定为恶臭假单胞菌(Pseudomonas putida)。  相似文献   

The crystal structure of uridine monophosphate kinase (UMP kinase, UMPK) from the opportunistic pathogen Ureaplasma parvum was determined and showed similar three-dimensional fold as other bacterial and archaeal UMPKs that all belong to the amino acid kinase family. Recombinant UpUMPK exhibited Michaelis-Menten kinetics with UMP, with K(m) and V(max) values of 214 +/- 4 microm and 262 +/- 24 micromol.min(-1).mg(-1), respectively, but with ATP as variable substrate the kinetic analysis showed positive cooperativity, with an n value of 1.5 +/- 0.1. The end-product UTP was a competitive inhibitor against UMP and a noncompetitive inhibitor towards ATP. Unlike UMPKs from other bacteria, which are activated by GTP, GTP had no detectable effect on UpUMPK activity. An attempt to create a GTP-activated enzyme was made using site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant enzyme F133N (F133 corresponds to the residue in Escherichia coli that is involved in GTP activation), with F133A as a control, were expressed, purified and characterized. Both enzymes exhibited negative cooperativity with UMP, and GTP had no effect on enzyme activity, demonstrating that F133 is involved in subunit interactions but apparently not in GTP activation. The physiological role of UpUMPK in bacterial nucleic acid synthesis and its potential as target for development of antimicrobial agents are discussed.  相似文献   

It was recently shown that the region within beta-spectrin responsible for interactions with ankyrin includes a lipid-binding site which displayed sensitivity to inhibition by ankyrin. We studied its structure by constructing a series of single and double spin-labeled beta-spectrin-derived peptides and analyzing their spin-spin distances via electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and the Fourier deconvolution method. The results indicate that the whole ankyrin-sensitive lipid-binding site of beta-spectrin exhibits a helical conformation revealing a distinct 3(10)-helix contribution at its N-terminus. The start of the helix was located five residues upstream along the sequence compared to the theoretical predictions. A model based on the obtained data provides direct evidence that the examined lipid-binding site is a highly amphipathic helix, which is correlated with the specific conformation of its N-terminal fragment.  相似文献   

目的:建立精氨酸脱亚氨酶的高效表达菌种和纯化工艺路线。方法:人工合成编码支原体精氨酸脱亚氨酶(arginine deiminase, ADI)的基因,构建pBV220-ADI原核表达载体,转染大肠杆菌DH5α中并诱导表达目的蛋白,离子交换层析和分子筛层析法纯化目标蛋白。采用体外精氨酸降解试验测定纯化产物活性。结果:成功构建了原核表达载体pBV220-ADI,基因侧序正确。转化大肠杆菌DH5α后筛选到高水平表达目的蛋白的菌株,目标蛋白以包含体形式存在于胞浆内,表达水平超过全菌体蛋白的35%。采用盐酸胍溶解包含体、低温条件下稀释和透析的方法进行复性。顺次采用阳离子交换和凝胶过滤层析对复性液进行纯化,最终获得纯度达到95%的活性产物。活性测定表明,纯化的ADI比活性为80IU/mg。结论:成功构建了ADI的高效表达菌种,建立了目标物质的分离纯化方法。  相似文献   

Arginine deiminase (ADI), an arginine degrading enzyme, has been studied as a potential anti-cancer agent for arginine-auxotrophic tumors, such as melanomas and hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs). In this study, a strain SWP1 producing high activity of ADI was isolated from the Wuxi canal. Based on its morphological, biochemical characteristics and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, SWP1 was identified as Pseudomonas plecoglossicida and is now deposited at CGMCC (China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center) as P. plecoglossicida CGMCC2039. It is gram-negative, aerobe, rod-shaped, motile by one or several polar flagella. In vitro studies showed that HCC cell line HEPG2 was sensitive to ADI isolated from P. plecoglossicida CGMCC2039. Our study suggests that ADI from P. plecoglossicida CGMCC2039 could become a novel anti-tumor drug.  相似文献   

CETP (cholesteryl ester-transfer protein) is essential for neutral lipid transfer between HDL (high-density lipoprotein) and LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and plays a critical role in the reverse cholesterol transfer pathway. In clinical trials, CETP inhibitors increase HDL levels and reduce LDL levels, and therefore may be used as a potential treatment for atherosclerosis. In this review, we cover the analysis of CETP structure and provide insights into CETP-mediated lipid transfer based on a collection of structural and biophysical data.  相似文献   

Giardia intestinalis arginine deiminase (GiADI) is an important metabolic enzyme involved in the energy production and defense of this protozoan parasite. The lack of this enzyme in the human host makes GiADI an attractive target for drug design against G. intestinalis. One approach in the design of inhibitors of GiADI could be computer-assisted studies of its crystal structure, such as docking; however, the required crystallographic structure of the enzyme still remains unresolved. Because of its relevance, in this work, we present a three-dimensional structure of GiADI obtained from its amino acid sequence using the homology modeling approximation. Furthermore, we present an approximation of the most stable dimeric structure of GiADI identified through molecular dynamics simulation studies. An in silico analysis of druggability using the structure of GiADI was carried out in order to know if it is a good target for design and optimization of selective inhibitors. Potential GiADI inhibitors were identified by docking of a set of 3196 commercial and 19 in-house benzimidazole derivatives, and molecular dynamics simulation studies were used to evaluate the stability of the ligand–enzyme complexes.  相似文献   

Arginine is an important metabolite in the normal function of several biological systems, and arginine deprivation has been investigated in animal models and human clinical trials for its effects on inhibition of tumor growth, angiogenesis, or nitric oxide synthesis. In order to design an optimal arginine-catabolizing enzyme bioconjugate, a novel recombinant arginine deiminase (ADI) from Mycoplasma arthritidis was prepared, and multi-PEGylated derivatives were examined for enzymatic and biochemical properties in vitro, as well as pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic behavior in rats and mice. ADI bioconjugates constructed with 12 kDa or 20 kDa monomethoxy-poly(ethylene glycol) polymers with linear succinimidyl carbonate linkers were investigated via intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous administration in rodents. The selected PEG-ADI compounds have 22 +/- 2 PEG strands per protein dimer, providing an additional molecular mass of about 0.2-0.5 x 10(6) Da and prolonging the plasma mean residence time of the enzyme over 30-fold in mice. Prolonged plasma arginine deprivation was demonstrated with each injection route for these bioconjugates. Pharmacokinetic analysis employed parallel measurement of enzyme activity in bioassays and enzyme assays and demonstrated a correlation with the pharmacodynamic analysis of plasma arginine concentrations. Either ADI bioconjugate depressed plasma arginine to undetectable levels for 10 days when administered intravenously at 5 IU per mouse, while the subcutaneous and intramuscular routes exhibited only slightly reduced potency. Both bioconjugates exhibited potent growth inhibition of several cultured tumor lines that are deficient in the anabolic enzyme, argininosuccinate synthetase. Investigations of structure-activity optimization for PEGylated ADI compounds revealed a benefit to constraining the PEG size and number of attachments to both conserve catabolic activity and streamline manufacturing of the experimental therapeutics. Specifically, ADI with either 12 kDa or 20 kDa PEG attachments on 33% of the primary amines retained about 60% or 48% of enzyme activity, respectively; the Km and pH profiles were nearly unchanged; IC50 values were diminished by less than 30%; while stability studies demonstrated full retention of activity at 4 degrees C for 5 months. A comparison of the enzymatic properties of a second ADI from Pseudomonas putida illustrated the superior characteristics of the M. arthritidis ADI enzyme.  相似文献   

H Ding  H Liu  Y Yin  Y Ding  Y Jia  Q Chen  G Zou  Z Zheng 《Biological chemistry》2012,393(9):1013-1024
Abstract Arginine deiminase (ADI) is a potential antitumor agent for the arginine deprivation treatment of l-arginine auxotrophic tumors. The optimum pH of ADI varies significantly, yet little is known about the origin of this variety. Here, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ADI (PaADI), an enzyme that functions only at acidic pH, was utilized as the model system. The results of UV-pH titration imply that the nucleophilic Cys406 thiol group is protonated in the resting state. The H405R single mutation resulted in an altered pH optimum (from pH 5.5 to 6.5), an increased kcat (from 9.8 s-1 to 101.7 s-1 at pH 6.5), and a shifted pH rate dependence (ascending limb pKa from 3.6 to 4.4). Other mutants were constructed to investigate the effects of hydrogen bonding, charge distribution, and hydrophobicity on the properties of the enzyme. The pH optima of His405 mutants were all shifted to a relatively neutral pH except for the H405E mutant. The results of kinetic characterizations and molecular dynamic simulations revealed that the active site hydrogen bonding network involving Asp280 and His405 plays an important role in controlling the dependence of PaADI activity on pH. Moreover, the H405R variant showed increased cytotoxicity towards arginine auxotrophic cancer cell lines.  相似文献   

Structural insight into the mechanisms of Wnt signaling antagonism by Dkk   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dickkopf (Dkk) proteins are antagonists of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway and are crucial for embryonic cell fate and bone formation. Wnt antagonism of Dkk requires the binding of the C-terminal cysteine-rich domain of Dkk to the Wnt coreceptor, LRP5/6. However, the structural basis of the interaction between Dkk and low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) 5/6 is unknown. In this study, we examined the structure of the Dkk functional domain and elucidated its interactions with LRP5/6. Using NMR spectroscopy, we determined the solution structure of the C-terminal cysteine-rich domain of mouse Dkk2 (Dkk2C). Then, guided by mutagenesis studies, we docked Dkk2C to the YWTD beta-propeller domains of LRP5/6 and showed that the ligand binding site of the third LRP5/6 beta-propeller domain matches Dkk2C best, suggesting that this domain binds to Dkk2C with higher affinity. Such differential binding affinity is likely to play an essential role in Dkk function in the canonical Wnt pathway.  相似文献   

Alkaline exonuclease and single-strand DNA (ssDNA) annealing proteins (SSAPs) are key components of DNA recombination and repair systems within many prokaryotes, bacteriophages and virus-like genetic elements. The recently sequenced β-proteobacterium Laribacter hongkongensis (strain HLHK9) encodes putative homologs of alkaline exonuclease (LHK-Exo) and SSAP (LHK-Bet) proteins on its 3.17 Mb genome. Here, we report the biophysical, biochemical and structural characterization of recombinant LHK-Exo protein. LHK-Exo digests linear double-stranded DNA molecules from their 5′-termini in a highly processive manner. Exonuclease activities are optimum at pH 8.2 and essentially require Mg2+ or Mn2+ ions. 5′-phosphorylated DNA substrates are preferred over dephosphorylated ones. The crystal structure of LHK-Exo was resolved to 1.9 Å, revealing a ‘doughnut-shaped’ toroidal trimeric arrangement with a central tapered channel, analogous to that of λ-exonuclease (Exo) from bacteriophage-λ. Active sites containing two bound Mg2+ ions on each of the three monomers were located in clefts exposed to this central channel. Crystal structures of LHK-Exo in complex with dAMP and ssDNA were determined to elucidate the structural basis for substrate recognition and binding. Through structure-guided mutational analysis, we discuss the roles played by various active site residues. A conserved two metal ion catalytic mechanism is proposed for this class of alkaline exonucleases.  相似文献   

The parasite Plasmodium berghei imports the enzyme delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase (ALAD), and perhaps the subsequent enzymes of the pathway from the host red blood cell to sustain heme synthesis. Here we have studied the mechanism of this import. A 65-kDa protein on the P. berghei membrane specifically bound to mouse red blood cell ALAD, and a 93-amino-acid fragment (ALAD-DeltaNC) of the host erythrocyte ALAD was able to compete with the full-length enzyme for binding to the P. berghei membrane. ALAD-DeltaNC was taken up by the infected red blood cell when added to a culture of P. falciparum and this led to a substantial decrease in ALAD protein and enzyme activity and, subsequently, heme synthesis in the parasite, resulting in its death.  相似文献   

Benzothiazepines 1-3 inhibited acetylcholinesterase (AChE; EC enzyme in a concentration-dependent fashion with IC(50) values of 1.0 +/- 0.002, 1.2 +/- 0.005 and 1.3 +/- 0.001 microM, respectively. By using linear-regression equations, Lineweaver-Burk, Dixon plots and their secondary replots were constructed which indicated that compounds 1-3 are non-competitive inhibitors of AChE with K(i) values of 0.8 +/- 0.04, 1.1 +/- 0.002, and 1.5 +/- 0.001 microM, respectively. Molecular docking studies revealed that all the compounds are completely buried inside the aromatic gorge of AChE, extending deep into the gorge of AChE. A comparison of the docking results of compounds 1-3 displayed that these compounds generally adopt the same binding mode in the active site of AChE. The superposition of the docked structures demonstrated that the non-flexible benzothiazepine always penetrate into the aromatic gorge through the six-membered ring A, which allowed the ligands to interact simultaneously with more than one subsites of the active center of AChE. The higher AChE inhibitory potential of compounds 1-3 was found to be the cumulative effect of hydrophobic contacts and pi-pi interactions between the ligands and AChE. The relatively high affinity of benzothiazepine 1 with AChE was found to be due to additional hydrogen bond in benzothiazepine 1-AChE complex. The results indicated that substitution of halogen and methyl groups by hydrogen at aromatic ring of the benzothiazepine decreased the affinity of these molecules towards enzyme that may be due to the polar non-polar repulsions of these moieties with the amino acid residues in the active site of AChE. The observed binding modes of benzothiazepines 1-3 in the active site of AChE explain the affinities of benzothiazepines and provide a rational basis for the structure-based drug design of benzothiazepines with improved pharmacological properties.  相似文献   

Benzothiazepines 1–3 inhibited acetylcholinesterase (AChE; EC enzyme in a concentration-dependent fashion with IC50 values of 1.0 ± 0.002, 1.2 ± 0.005 and 1.3 ± 0.001 μM, respectively. By using linear-regression equations, Lineweaver-Burk, Dixon plots and their secondary replots were constructed which indicated that compounds 1–3 are non-competitive inhibitors of AChE with Ki values of 0.8 ± 0.04, 1.1 ± 0.002, and 1.5 ± 0.001 μM, respectively. Molecular docking studies revealed that all the compounds are completely buried inside the aromatic gorge of AChE, extending deep into the gorge of AChE. A comparison of the docking results of compounds 1–3 displayed that these compounds generally adopt the same binding mode in the active site of AChE. The superposition of the docked structures demonstrated that the non-flexible benzothiazepine always penetrate into the aromatic gorge through the six-membered ring A, which allowed the ligands to interact simultaneously with more than one subsites of the active center of AChE. The higher AChE inhibitory potential of compounds 1–3 was found to be the cumulative effect of hydrophobic contacts and π-π interactions between the ligands and AChE. The relatively high affinity of benzothiazepine 1 with AChE was found to be due to additional hydrogen bond in benzothiazepine 1-AChE complex. The results indicated that substitution of halogen and methyl groups by hydrogen at aromatic ring of the benzothiazepine decreased the affinity of these molecules towards enzyme that may be due to the polar non-polar repulsions of these moieties with the amino acid residues in the active site of AChE. The observed binding modes of benzothiazepines 1–3 in the active site of AChE explain the affinities of benzothiazepines and provide a rational basis for the structure-based drug design of benzothiazepines with improved pharmacological properties.  相似文献   

Gan J  Tropea JE  Austin BP  Court DL  Waugh DS  Ji X 《Cell》2006,124(2):355-366
Members of the ribonuclease III (RNase III) family are double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) specific endoribonucleases characterized by a signature motif in their active centers and a two-base 3' overhang in their products. While Dicer, which produces small interfering RNAs, is currently the focus of intense interest, the structurally simpler bacterial RNase III serves as a paradigm for the entire family. Here, we present the crystal structure of an RNase III-product complex, the first catalytic complex observed for the family. A 7 residue linker within the protein facilitates induced fit in protein-RNA recognition. A pattern of protein-RNA interactions, defined by four RNA binding motifs in RNase III and three protein-interacting boxes in dsRNA, is responsible for substrate specificity, while conserved amino acid residues and divalent cations are responsible for scissile-bond cleavage. The structure reveals a wealth of information about the mechanism of RNA hydrolysis that can be extrapolated to other RNase III family members.  相似文献   

The tubulin vinca domain is the target of widely different microtubule inhibitors that interfere with the binding of vinblastine. Although all these ligands inhibit the hydrolysis of GTP, they affect nucleotide exchange to variable extents. The structures of two vinca domain antimitotic peptides--phomopsin A and soblidotin (a dolastatin 10 analogue)--bound to tubulin in a complex with a stathmin-like domain show that their sites partly overlap with that of vinblastine and extend the definition of the vinca domain. The structural data, together with the biochemical results from the ligands we studied, highlight two main contributors in nucleotide exchange: the flexibility of the tubulin subunits' arrangement at their interfaces and the residues in the carboxy-terminal part of the beta-tubulin H6-H7 loop. The structures also highlight common features of the mechanisms by which vinca domain ligands favour curved tubulin assemblies and destabilize microtubules.  相似文献   

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