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Mast‐seeding is the synchronized and intermittent production of a large seed crop by a population of plants. The cascading effects of masting on wildlife have been well documented in granivorous rodents. Yet, the effects of mast‐seeding are potentially further reaching, since a number of generalist species can take advantage of mast years. We employed a full‐text search algorithm to identify all papers that discussed effects of mast‐seeding on wildlife, in addition to typical searches of titles and abstracts. We aimed to evaluate the breadth of wildlife species for which mast years are thought to be important drivers. In addition, we tested three hypotheses derived from past reviews: 1) species with lower reproductive potential (lower average litter size) are more likely to show aggregative responses to mast‐seeding, 2) species with lower body sizes (lower mobility) are more likely to show reproductive responses, and 3) indirect consumers of mast (predators) are more likely to show aggregative responses than direct consumers. We found 186 articles including reports of response of 122 species of vertebrates to mast‐seeding. Expectations were partly confirmed: relationships 1) and 2) held for mammals, but not for birds. However, 3) direct consumers were more likely than indirect consumers to show aggregative responses. Our tests of the first two hypotheses question the generality of past predictions for taxa other than mammals. Our test of the third hypothesis suggests that responses of direct and indirect consumers might depend on the type of resource pulse. Many of the examples in our analysis come from systems in which wildlife responses to mast have been less rigorously documented than the examples in past reviews. They suggest the range of wildlife responses to mast‐seeding are more taxonomically and ecologically diverse than past reviews have widely recognized and point to directions for future research. Synthesis Mast seeding is a pulsed resource with numerous cascading effects on wildlife. Yet, because masting is largely unpredictable, it is inherently difficult to study. We developed a full‐text search algorithm to identify incidental reports as well as deliberate studies of vertebrate reactions to masting. We found that the type of response to mast seeding (reproductive or through immigration) varies predictably as a function of life history traits (litter size and body mass) in mammals, but not in birds. Our literature search also shows that responses to mast‐seeding are more taxonomically and ecologically diverse than past reviews have recognized.  相似文献   

The performance of herbivore insects is determined directly by the quality of host plants. Elevated CO2 induced a decline in foliar nitrogen, which reduced the growth of chewing insects. Phloem-sucking insects (i.e. aphid), however, had species-specific responses to elevated CO2 and were the only feeding guild to respond positively to elevated CO2. Although many studies attempt to illuminate the interaction between aphids and plants under elevated CO2, few studies can explain why some aphids are more successful than other chewing insects in elevated CO2. Elevated CO2 leads to a re-allocation of the carbon and nitrogen resources in plant tissue, which increases the thickness of the microscopic structures of leaves, reduces amino acids content of leaf phloem sap and increases the secondary metabolites. Considering the complexity of aphid–plant interactions, it is difficult and unreasonable to predict the general response of aphids to elevated CO2 using a single plant component. Instead, it is more likely that aphids are able to overcome the disadvantages of the indirect effects of elevated CO2 by reducing developmental times and increasing fecundity under elevated CO2 conditions. Our results provide several clues to why some aphids are successful in elevated CO2 conditions. We review recent studies of the effects of elevated CO2 on aphids and discuss the effects of elevated CO2 on aphid performance on crops using cotton and cereal aphids as examples.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria exhibit numerous responses to changes in the intensity and spectral quality of light. What sensors do cyanobacteria use to detect light and what are the mechanisms of signal transduction? The publication in 1996 of the complete genome sequence of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803 provided a tremendous stimulus for research in this field, and many light‐sensors and signal transducers have now been identified. However, our knowledge of cyanobacterial light‐signal transduction remains fragmentary. This review summarizes what we know about the ways in which cyanobacteria perceive light, some of the ways which they respond to light signals and some recent achievements in elucidating the signal transduction mechanisms. Some problems in characterizing cyanobacterial signal transduction pathways are outlined and alternative experimental strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

How do plants respond to nutrient shortage by biomass allocation?   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Plants constantly sense the changes in their environment; when mineral elements are scarce, they often allocate a greater proportion of their biomass to the root system. This acclimatory response is a consequence of metabolic changes in the shoot and an adjustment of carbohydrate transport to the root. It has long been known that deficiencies of essential macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium) result in an accumulation of carbohydrates in leaves and roots, and modify the shoot-to-root biomass ratio. Here, we present an update on the effects of mineral deficiencies on the expression of genes involved in primary metabolism in the shoot, the evidence for increased carbohydrate concentrations and altered biomass allocation between shoot and root, and the consequences of these changes on the growth and morphology of the plant root system.  相似文献   

Increased frequency and severity of drought, as a result of climate change, is expected to drive critical changes in plant–insect interactions that may elevate rates of tree mortality. The mechanisms that link water stress in plants to insect performance are not well understood. Here, we build on previous reviews and develop a framework that incorporates the severity and longevity of drought and captures the plant physiological adjustments that follow moderate and severe drought. Using this framework, we investigate in greater depth how insect performance responds to increasing drought severity for: (i) different feeding guilds; (ii) flush feeders and senescence feeders; (iii) specialist and generalist insect herbivores; and (iv) temperate versus tropical forest communities. We outline how intermittent and moderate drought can result in increases of carbon‐based and nitrogen‐based chemical defences, whereas long and severe drought events can result in decreases in plant secondary defence compounds. We predict that different herbivore feeding guilds will show different but predictable responses to drought events, with most feeding guilds being negatively affected by water stress, with the exception of wood borers and bark beetles during severe drought and sap‐sucking insects and leaf miners during moderate and intermittent drought. Time of feeding and host specificity are important considerations. Some insects, regardless of feeding guild, prefer to feed on younger tissues from leaf flush, whereas others are adapted to feed on senescing tissues of severely stressed trees. We argue that moderate water stress could benefit specialist insect herbivores, while generalists might prefer severe drought conditions. Current evidence suggests that insect outbreaks are shorter and more spatially restricted in tropical than in temperate forests. We suggest that future research on the impact of drought on insect communities should include (i) assessing how drought‐induced changes in various plant traits, such as secondary compound concentrations and leaf water potential, affect herbivores; (ii) food web implications for other insects and those that feed on them; and (iii) interactions between the effects on insects of increasing drought and other forms of environmental change including rising temperatures and CO2 levels. There is a need for larger, temperate and tropical forest‐scale drought experiments to look at herbivorous insect responses and their role in tree death.  相似文献   

Forest loss and fragmentation drive widespread declines in biodiversity. However, hummingbirds seem to exhibit relative resilience to disturbance, characterized by increasing abundance alongside declining species richness and evenness. Yet, how widespread this pattern may be, and the mechanisms by which it may occur, remain unclear. To fill in this knowledge gap, we investigated habitat- and site-level patterns of diversity, and community composition of hummingbirds between continuous forest (transects n = 16 in ~3500 ha) and more disturbed surrounding fragments (n = 39, 2.5–48.0 ha) in the Chocó rain forest of northwestern Ecuador. Next, we assessed within-patch and patch-matrix characteristics associated with hummingbird diversity and composition. We found higher hummingbird species richness in forest fragments relative to the continuous forest, driven by increased captures of rare species in fragments. Community composition also differed between continuous forest and fragments, with depressed evenness in fragments. Increased canopy openness and density of medium-sized trees correlated with hummingbird diversity in forest fragments, although this relationship became nonsignificant after applying false discovery rate (p < .01). Higher species richness in fragments and higher evenness in the continuous forest highlight the complex trade-offs involved in the conservation of this ecologically important group of birds in changing Neotropical landscapes. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

Riparian deforestation is a major threat to the ecological integrity of streams and aquatic biodiversity, influencing microhabitat availability and susceptibility to disturbances. Here we tested if riparian deforestation of tropical streams influenced beta diversity of macroinvertebrate assemblages, by comparing indices that weighted differentially rare and dominant taxa, and testing if nestedness in community composition increased in deforested streams. Within-stream beta diversity was higher in deforested than forested streams, mainly due to taxon loss and higher dominance. In disturbed streams, higher sedimentation in pool mesohabitats resulted in larger differences in community composition, whereas mesohabitats in forested streams were more stable.  相似文献   

In the animal facility, a range of different sounds are present. On the one hand, rats and humans will regard sound and noise differently even within the audible range, but on the other hand mice and rats being very adaptable to the environment may adapt to living in a noisy facility with e.g. a radio playing. It was the aim of the present study to investigate whether two different strains of rats had different preferences for different kinds of sound patterns, including radio, and to get an indication of whether they are able to distinguish between different sound patterns. The present preference study revealed that rats were able to distinguish between different sound patterns. They showed a clear preference for silence to anything else, which may be taken as an indication that they feel disturbed by the sound from the speaker.  相似文献   

For decades, ecologists have investigated the effects of tree species diversity on tree productivity at different scales and with different approaches ranging from observational to experimental study designs. Using data from five European national forest inventories (16,773 plots), six tree species diversity experiments (584 plots), and six networks of comparative plots (169 plots), we tested whether tree species growth responses to species mixing are consistent and therefore transferrable between those different research approaches. Our results confirm the general positive effect of tree species mixing on species growth (16% on average) but we found no consistency in species‐specific responses to mixing between any of the three approaches, even after restricting comparisons to only those plots that shared similar mixtures compositions and forest types. These findings highlight the necessity to consider results from different research approaches when selecting species mixtures that should maximize positive forest biodiversity and functioning relationships.  相似文献   

We examined the responses of a beetle assemblage to habitat complexity differences within a single habitat type, Sydney sandstone ridgetop woodland, using pitfall and flight‐intercept trapping. Six habitat characters (tree canopy cover, shrub canopy cover, ground herb cover, soil moisture, amount of leaf litter, and amount of logs, rocks and debris) were scored between 0 and 3 using ordinal scales to reflect habitat complexity at survey sites. Pitfall trapped beetles were more species rich and of different composition in high complexity sites, compared with low complexity sites. Species from the Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae sp. 1 and sp. 2), Carabidae (Pamborus alternans Latreille), Corticariidae (Cartodere Thomson sp. 1) and Anobiidae (Mysticephala Ford sp. 1) were most clearly responsible for the compositional differences, preferring high complexity habitat. Affinities between general functional groupings of pitfall‐trapped beetles and habitat variables were not clear at a low taxonomic resolution (family level). The composition and species richness of flight‐intercept‐trapped beetles were similar in high and low complexity sites. Our study demonstrates that discrete responses of the various functional groups of beetles are strongly associated with their feeding habits, indicated by differing habitat components from within overall composite habitat complexity measures. Although habitat preferences by beetle species may often reflect their foraging habits, clarification of the causal mechanisms underpinning the relationships between habitat complexity and beetles are critical for the development of general principles linking habitat, functional roles and diversity.  相似文献   

The dynamics and performance of soil biota during forest rotation were studied in monoculture beech stands forming a chronosequence of four different age-classes(30,62,111,153 yr).Biomass was monitored in major groups of microflora,microfauna,mesofauna,and macrofauna.Resource availability(litter layer,soil organic mater),biomass of the two dominant decomposer groups(microflora,earthworms)as well as the biomass of mesofauna and microfauna were found to remain quite stable during forest succession.Nevertheles...  相似文献   

Visual arrestin quenches light-induced signaling by binding to light-activated, phosphorylated rhodopsin (P-Rh*). Here we present structure-function data, which in conjunction with the refined crystal structure of arrestin (Hirsch, J. A., Schubert, C., Gurevich, V. V., and Sigler, P. B. (1999) Cell, in press), support a model for the conversion of a basal or "inactive" conformation of free arrestin to one that can bind to and inhibit the light activated receptor. The trigger for this transition is an interaction of the phosphorylated COOH-terminal segment of the receptor with arrestin that disrupts intramolecular interactions, including a hydrogen-bonded network of buried, charged side chains, referred to as the "polar core." This disruption permits structural adjustments that allow arrestin to bind to the receptor. Our mutational survey identifies residues in arrestin (Arg175, Asp30, Asp296, Asp303, Arg382), which when altered bypass the need for the interaction with the receptor's phosphopeptide, enabling arrestin to bind to activated, nonphosphorylated rhodopsin (Rh*). These mutational changes disrupt interactions and substructures which the crystallographic model and previous biochemical studies have shown are responsible for maintaining the inactive state. The molecular basis for these disruptions was confirmed by successfully introducing structure-based second site substitutions that restored the critical interactions. The nearly absolute conservation of the mutagenically sensitive residues throughout the arrestin family suggests that this mechanism is likely to be applicable to arrestin-mediated desensitization of most G-protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

Abstract If changes in the structural characteristics of rainforest at edges are caused by wind, then physical damage from a tropical cyclone might be greatest at edges or in small fragments that have a high proportion of edge. We tested whether this was true of a fragmented rainforest landscape impacted by a category 4 severe tropical cyclone in March 2006. Six structural variables (canopy cover, canopy height, cover of ground vegetation, leaf litter, stem density and counts of woody debris) were surveyed at 18 rainforest sites (six small linear remnants, and both edges and interiors of six large remnants) on the Atherton Tableland in north‐eastern Queensland, Australia. Data collected 7 and 12 months after the passage of Cyclone Larry were compared with an identical survey conducted 4 years prior to the cyclone. The cyclone had large effects across many components of forest structure. However, sites within 30 m of forest edges in small and large remnants were not impacted more than the interiors of large remnants. It is likely that the high wind intensity from severe tropical cyclones overrides the modest wind protection provided by surrounding forest. The cyclone's effects were highly patchy at local scales (0.5–1.0 km), leading to an increase in among‐site variation in forest structure and the disappearance of significant spatial autocorrelation among large remnant edge‐interior site pairs which had existed prior to the cyclone. The main effect of Cyclone Larry at these study sites was to increase the spatial heterogeneity of forest structure at local scales.  相似文献   

Today, epigenetics is a very fashionable field of research. Modification of DNA by methylation, and of chromatin by histone modification or substitution represents a major fraction of the studies; but this special issue shows that epigenetic studies are very diverse, and not limited to the study of chromatin. What is common behind these different uses of the word epigenetics? A brief historical survey shows that epigenetics was invented twice, with different meanings: in the 1940s, by Conrad Waddington, as the study of the relations between the genotype and the phenotype; in the 1960s, as the global mechanisms of gene regulation involved in differentiation and development; what is common is that an approach distinct from genetics was in both cases considered as necessary because genetic models were incapable to address these problems. A good way to appreciate the relations between genetics and epigenetics is to realize that the main aim of organisms is to reproduce, and to consider the way organisms perform this task. Genetics is the precise means organisms have invented to reproduce the structure of their macromolecular components; the genome is also used to control the level and place of this reproduction. All the other means organisms have used to reproduce were more or less the result of tinkering, and constitute the field of epigenetics, with its diversity and richness.  相似文献   

Global warming affects plant fitness through changes in functional traits and thereby ecosystem function. Wetlands are declining worldwide, and hence, ecosystem functions linked to wetlands are threatened. We use Caltha palustris “a common wetland plant” to study whether warming affects growth and reproduction differently depending on origin of source population, potentially affecting phenotypic response to local climate. We conducted a 2‐year in situ temperature manipulation experiment using clone pairs of C. palustris in four regions, along a 1300‐km latitudinal gradient of Sweden. Open‐top chambers were used to passively increase temperature, paired with controls. Growth and reproductive traits were measured from 320 plants (four regions × five sites × two treatments × eight plants) over two consecutive seasons to assess the effect of warming over time. We found that warming increased plant height, leaf area, number of leaves, and roots. High‐latitude populations responded more strongly to warming than low‐latitude populations, especially by increasing leaf area. Warming increased number of flowers in general, but only in the second year, while number of fruits increased in low‐latitude populations the first year. Prolonged warming leads to an increase in both number of leaves and flowers over time. While reproduction shows varying and regional responses to warming, impacts on plant growth, especially in high‐latitude populations, have more profound effects. Such effects could lead to changes in plant community composition with increased abundance of fast‐growing plants with larger leaves and more clones, affecting plant competition and ecological functions such as decomposition and nutrient retention. Effects of warming were highly context dependent; thus, we encourage further use of warming experiments to predict changes in growth, reproduction, and community composition across wetland types and climate gradients targeting different plant forms.  相似文献   

In many parts of the world, wildlife species congregate at ‘hotspot’ locations that offer feeding opportunities unmatched in the wider landscape. But to exploit those resource‐rich sites, animals must first locate them. In tropical Australia, predators and scavengers (especially dingos, scrub turkeys, snakes, and invasive toads) gather beneath large canopy‐emergent trees that house breeding colonies of metallic starlings (Aplonis metallica). Some wildlife species feed on fallen nestlings whereas others consume the rich insect fauna supported by bird detritus, or the other species attracted to those resources. Those congregations largely cease as soon as colony trees fall, suggesting that wildlife aggregations are responses to bird‐associated cues rather than to specific locations. To identify the proximate cues that elicit congregation of wildlife under such trees, we deployed sound cues (starling‐chatter) and two types of scent cues (soil from beneath a starling tree, and complete nests on broken branches). We recorded visitations by animals with camera‐traps. Starling‐chatter did not attract significant numbers of animals, but soil from beneath colony trees attracted many animals (mostly scrub turkeys). Complete nests attracted nest‐predators (dingos, snakes). Our experiments suggest that faunal aggregations beneath colony trees are driven by proximate responses to distinctive scent cues in the soil, especially for species that obtain their food from that bird‐fertilized substrate; but predators that feed directly on fallen nestlings key in specifically on that resource.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Metapopulation and island biogeography theory assume that landscapes consist of habitat patches set in a matrix of non-habitat. If only a small proportion of species conform to the patch–matrix assumptions then metapopulation theory may only describe special cases rather than being of more general ecological importance.
2. As an initial step towards understanding the prevalence of metapopulation dynamics in a naturally fragmented landscape, the distribution of beetle species in three replicates of three habitat types was examined, including rainforest and eucalypt forest (the habitat patches), and buttongrass sedgeland (the matrix), in south-west Tasmania, Australia.
3. Ordination methods indicated that the buttongrass fauna was extremely divergent from the fauna of forested habitats. Permutation tests showed that the abundance of 13 of 17 commonly captured species varied significantly among habitats, with eight species confined to eucalypts or rainforest, and three species found only in buttongrass. Approximately 60% of species were confined to forested habitat implying that metapopulation theory has the potential to be very important in the forest–buttongrass landscape.
4. Although floristically the rainforest and eucalypts were extremely distinct, the beetle faunas from eucalypts and rainforests overlapped substantially. Therefore rainforest patches connected by eucalypt forest represent continuous habitat for most species.
5. Other studies report a wide range of values for the proportion of patch-specific species in fragmented landscapes. Understanding the environmental or historical conditions under which a high proportion of species become patch specialists would help to identify where spatial dynamic theory may be especially applicable, and where habitat loss and fragmentation poses the greatest threat to biodiversity.  相似文献   

Although Bornean tropical rainforests are among the moistest biomes in the world, they sporadically experience periods of water stress. The observations indicate that these ecosystems tend to have little regulation of water use, despite episodes of relatively severe drought. This water-use behaviour is often referred to as anisohydric behaviour, as opposed to isohydric plants that regulate stomatal movement to prevent hydraulic failure. Although it is generally thought that anisohydric behaviour is an adaptation to more drought-prone habitats, we show that anisohydric plants may also be more favoured than isohydric plants under very moist environments where there is little risk of hydraulic failure. To explore this subject, we examined the advantages of isohydric and anisohydric species as a function of the hydroclimatic environment using a stochastic model of soil moisture and carbon assimilation dynamics parameterized by field observations. The results showed that under very moist conditions, anisohydric species tend to have higher productivity than isohydric plants, despite the fact that the two plant types show almost the same drought-induced mortality. As precipitation decreases, the mortality of anisohydric plants drastically increases whereas that of isohydric plants remains relatively constant and low; in these conditions, isohydric plants surpass anisohydric plants in their productivity.  相似文献   

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