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Budding yeast chitin synthase 2 (Chs2p), which lays down the primary septum, localizes to the mother-daughter neck in telophase. However, the mechanism underlying the timely neck localization of Chs2p is not known. Recently, it was found that a component of the exocyst complex, Sec3p-green fluorescent protein, arrives at the neck upon mitotic exit. It is not clear whether the neck localization of Chs2p, which is a cargo of the exocyst complex, was similarly regulated by mitotic exit. We report that Chs2p was restrained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) during metaphase. Furthermore, mitotic exit was sufficient to cause Chs2p neck localization specifically by triggering the Sec12p-dependent transport of Chs2p out of the ER. Chs2p was "forced" prematurely to the neck by mitotic kinase inactivation at metaphase, with chitin deposition occurring between mother and daughter cells. The dependence of Chs2p exit from the ER followed by its transport to the neck upon mitotic exit ensures that septum formation occurs only after the completion of mitotic events.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the budding yeast telomere binding protein Cdc13 results in abnormal telomeres (exposed long G-strands) and activation of the DNA damage checkpoint. In the current study, we show that inactivation of Cdc13p induces apoptotic signals in yeast, as evidenced by caspase activation, increased reactive oxygen species production, and flipping of phosphatidylserine in the cytoplasmic membrane. These apoptotic signals were suppressed in a mitochondrial (rho(o)) mutant. Moreover, mitochondrial proteins (e.g. MTCO3) were identified as multicopy suppressors of cdc13-1, suggesting the involvement of mitochondrial functions in telomere-initiated apoptotic signaling. These telomere-initiated apoptotic signals were also shown to depend on MEC1, but not TEL1, and were antagonized by MRE11. Our results are consistent with a model in which single-stranded G-tails in the cdc13-1 mutant trigger MEC1-dependent apoptotic signaling in yeast.  相似文献   

Cellular events must be executed in a certain sequence during the cell division in order to maintain genome integrity and hence ensure a cell's survival. In M phase, for instance, chromosome segregation always precedes mitotic exit (characterized by mitotic kinase inactivation via cyclin destruction); this is then followed by cytokinesis. How do cells impose this strict order? Recent findings in budding yeast have suggested a mechanism whereby partitioning of chromosomes into the daughter cell is a prerequisite for the activation of mitotic exit network (MEN). So far, however, a regulatory scheme that would temporally link the initiation of cytokinesis to the execution of mitotic exit has not been determined. We propose that the requirement of MEN components for cytokinesis, their translocation to the mother–daughter neck and triggering of this translocation by inactivation of the mitotic kinase may be the three crucial elements that render initiation of cytokinesis dependent on mitotic exit. BioEssays 24: 659–666, 2002. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In budding yeast, the Clb2 mitotic cyclin initiates a signaling network that negatively regulates polar bud growth during mitosis. This signaling network appears to require the function of a Clb2-binding protein called Nap1, the Cdc42 GTPase, and two protein kinases called Gin4 and Cla4. In this study, we demonstrate that the Elm1 kinase also plays a role in the control of bud growth during mitosis. Cells carrying a deletion of the ELM1 gene undergo a prolonged mitotic delay, fail to negatively regulate polar bud growth during mitosis, and show defects in septin organization. In addition, Elm1 is required in vivo for the proper regulation of both the Cla4 and Gin4 kinases and interacts genetically with Cla4, Gin4, and the mitotic cyclins. Previous studies have suggested that Elm1 may function to negatively regulate the Swe1 kinase. To further understand the functional relationship between Elm1 and Swe1, we have characterized the phenotype of Deltaelm1 Deltaswe1 cells. We found that Deltaelm1 Deltaswe1 cells are inviable at 37 degrees C and that a large proportion of Deltaelm1 Deltaswe1 cells grown at 30 degrees C contain multiple nuclei, suggesting severe defects in cytokinesis. In addition, we found that Elm1 is required for the normal hyperphosphorylation of Swe1 during mitosis. We propose a model in which the Elm1 kinase functions in a mitotic signaling network that controls events required for normal bud growth and cytokinesis, while the Swe1 kinase functions in a checkpoint pathway that delays nuclear division in response to defects in these events.  相似文献   

Autoantibodies directed to a variety of cellular antigens and organelles are a feature of autoimmune diseases. They have proven useful in a clinical setting to establish diagnosis, estimate prognosis, follow disease progression, alter therapy, and initiate new investigations. Cellular and molecular biologists have used autoantibodies as probes to identify molecules involved in key cellular processes. One of the most interesting sets of autoantibodies are those that target antigens within the mitotic apparatus (MA). The MA includes chromosomes, spindle microtubules and centrosomes. The identification, localization, function, and clinical relevance of MA autoantigens is the focus of this review. Abbreviations: ATP – adenosine triphosphate; CENP – centromere protein; CREST – calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia; HMG – high mobility group; IB – intercellular bridge; IIF – indirect immunofluorescence; MAPs – microtubule associated proteins; NuMA – nuclear mitotic apparatus; NOR – nucleolar organizer; PBC – primary biliary cirrhosis; PM – polymyositis; Pol I, II, III – RNA polymerases; RA-rheumatoid arthritis; SLE – systemic lupus erythematosus; SS – Sjögren's syndrome; SSc – systemic sclerosis; topo – topoisomerase.  相似文献   

Hancioglu B  Tyson JJ 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e30810
Cell cycle progression in eukaryotes is regulated by periodic activation and inactivation of a family of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdk's). Entry into mitosis requires phosphorylation of many proteins targeted by mitotic Cdk, and exit from mitosis requires proteolysis of mitotic cyclins and dephosphorylation of their targeted proteins. Mitotic exit in budding yeast is known to involve the interplay of mitotic kinases (Cdk and Polo kinases) and phosphatases (Cdc55/PP2A and Cdc14), as well as the action of the anaphase promoting complex (APC) in degrading specific proteins in anaphase and telophase. To understand the intricacies of this mechanism, we propose a mathematical model for the molecular events during mitotic exit in budding yeast. The model captures the dynamics of this network in wild-type yeast cells and 110 mutant strains. The model clarifies the roles of Polo-like kinase (Cdc5) in the Cdc14 early anaphase release pathway and in the G-protein regulated mitotic exit network.  相似文献   

Ipl1p is the budding yeast member of the Aurora family of protein kinases, critical regulators of genomic stability that are required for chromosome segregation, the spindle checkpoint, and cytokinesis. Using time-lapse microscopy, we found that Ipl1p also has a function in mitotic spindle disassembly that is separable from its previously identified roles. Ipl1-GFP localizes to kinetochores from G1 to metaphase, transfers to the spindle after metaphase, and accumulates at the spindle midzone late in anaphase. Ipl1p kinase activity increases at anaphase, and ipl1 mutants can stabilize fragile spindles. As the spindle disassembles, Ipl1p follows the plus ends of the depolymerizing spindle microtubules. Many Ipl1p substrates colocalize with Ipl1p to the spindle midzone, identifying additional proteins that may regulate spindle disassembly. We propose that Ipl1p regulates both the kinetochore and interpolar microtubule plus ends to regulate its various mitotic functions.  相似文献   

Variations in the normal regulation of the mitotic cell cycle can lead to such global cellular changes as differential development or malignant transformation. Studies on the control of mitosis are particularly important to discover the details of the basic mechanisms responsible for normal cell division, as well as to learn about strategies employed by cancerous cells to indefinitely proliferate. The past years have brought noteworthy progress in elucidating the molecular pathways that regulate crucial events during mitosis such as: chromosome condensation, formation of the mitotic spindle, chromosome segregation, cytokinesis, and disassembly of the mitotic spindle.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which environmental stress regulates cell cycle progression are poorly understood. In fission yeast, we show that Srk1 kinase, which associates with the stress-activated p38/Sty1 MAP kinase, regulates the onset of mitosis by inhibiting the Cdc25 phosphatase. Srk1 is periodically active in G2, and its overexpression causes cell cycle arrest in late G2 phase, whereas cells lacking srk1 enter mitosis prematurely. We find that Srk1 interacts with and phosphorylates Cdc25 at the same sites phosphorylated by the Chk1 and Cds1 (Chk2) kinases and that this phosphorylation is necessary for Srk1 to delay mitotic entry. Phosphorylation by Srk1 causes Cdc25 to bind to Rad24, a 14-3-3 protein family member, and accumulation of Cdc25 in the cytoplasm. However, Srk1 does not regulate Cdc25 in response to replication arrest or DNA damage but, rather, during a normal cell cycle and in response to nongenotoxic environmental stress.  相似文献   

The inactivation of mitotic cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) during anaphase is a prerequisite for the completion of nuclear division and the onset of cytokinesis [1, 2]. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the essential protein kinase Cdc15 [3] together with other proteins of the mitotic exit network (Tem1, Lte1, Cdc5, and Dbf2/Dbf20 [4-7]) activates Cdc14 phosphatase, which triggers cyclin degradation and the accumulation of the CDK inhibitor Sic1 [8]. However, it is still unclear how CDK inactivation promotes cytokinesis. Here, we analyze the properties of Cdc15 kinase during mitotic exit. We found that Cdc15 localized to the spindle pole body (SPB) in a unique pattern. Cdc15 was present at the SPB of the mother cell until late mitosis, when it also associated with the daughter pole. High CDK activity inhibited this association, while dephosphorylation of Cdc15 by Cdc14 phosphatase enabled it. The analysis of Cdc15 derivatives indicated that SPB localization was specifically required for cytokinesis but not for mitotic exit. These results show that Cdc15 has two separate functions during the cell cycle. First, it is required for the activation of Cdc14. CD14, in turn, promotes CDK inactivation and also dephosphorylates of Cdc15. As a consequence, Cdc15 binds to the daughter pole and triggers cytokinesis. Thus, Cdc15 helps to coordinate mitotic exit and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications in mitotic yeast cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have recently shown that secretion of invertase is not inhibited in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae during mitosis, but continues, as during interphase. This is in contrast with the mammalian cell, where membrane traffic stops at the onset of prometaphase. Here we extend our findings by showing that the bulk of the cell surface glycoproteins and mannans, as well as the yeast pheromone alpha-factor, traverse the secretory pathway during mitosis. We show that the mitotic cells are able to carry out several types of post-translational modification of secretory proteins. (a) The secretory protein invertase was oligomerized and extensively glycosylated, (b) the N-glycan cores of bulk-cell surface mannans were extended with outer chains, (c) some N-glycans were phosphorylated, (d) the protein-bound O-glycans were extended up to tetramannosides, (e) prepro-ka-factor was proteolytically processed to alpha-factor molecules. We conclude that the secretory pathway in yeast remains fully functional throughout the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Under restrictive vegetative conditions, cells of cell-division cycle (cdc) temperature-sensitive mutants arrest at specific points in the cycle. Meiotic and mitotic behaviour of such arrested cells was examined under permissive sporulation conditions. Those mutants which were committed to mitosis at their specific point of arrest finished the cell cycle and could only then go into meiosis. It was found that commitment to mitosis occurred early in the cell cycle, prior to DNA replication, and that this commitment was dependent upon the gene function of cdc4.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that coordinate the termination of DNA replication with progression through mitosis are not completely understood. The human Timeless protein (Tim) associates with S phase replication checkpoint proteins Claspin and Tipin, and plays an important role in maintaining replication fork stability at physical barriers, like centromeres, telomeres and ribosomal DNA repeats, as well as at termination sites. We show here that human Tim can be isolated in a complex with mitotic entry kinases CDK1, Auroras A and B, and Polo-like kinase (Plk1). Plk1 bound Tim directly and colocalized with Tim at a subset of mitotic structures in M phase. Tim depletion caused multiple mitotic defects, including the loss of sister-chromatid cohesion, loss of mitotic spindle architecture, and a failure to exit mitosis. Tim depletion caused a delay in mitotic kinase activity in vivo and in vitro, as well as a reduction in global histone H3 S10 phosphorylation during G2/M phase. Tim was also required for the recruitment of Plk1 to centromeric DNA and formation of catenated DNA structures at human centromere alpha satellite repeats. Taken together, these findings suggest that Tim coordinates mitotic kinase activation with termination of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Disturbing mitotic progression via targeted anti-mitotic therapy is an attractive strategy for cancer treatment. Therefore, the exploration and elucidation of molecular targets and pathways in mitosis are critical for the development of anti-mitotic drugs. Here, we show that cell division cycle 5-like (Cdc5L), a pre-mRNA splicing factor, is a regulator of mitotic progression. Depletion of Cdc5L causes dramatic mitotic arrest, chromosome misalignments and sustained activation of spindle assembly checkpoint, eventually leading to mitotic catastrophe. Moreover, these defects result from severe impairment of kinetochore-microtubule attachment and serious DNA damage. Genome-wide gene expression analysis reveals that Cdc5L modulates the expression of a set of genes involved in the mitosis and the DNA damage response. We further found that the pre-mRNA splicing efficiency of these genes were impaired when Cdc5L was knocked down. Interestingly, Cdc5L is highly expressed in cervical tumors and osteosarcoma. Finally, we demonstrate that downregulation of Cdc5L decreases the cell viability of related tumor cells. These results suggest that Cdc5L is a key regulator of mitotic progression and highlight the potential of Cdc5L as a target for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Yeast enolase is inactivated by tetranitromethane with production of 1.2 moles of nitrotyrosine per subunit. Protection is afforded by “conformational” metal ion alone. Enzyme thus inactivated no longer appears to bind “conformational” metal ion. There is evidence against direct coordination of the tyrosine to “conformational” metal ion, suggesting modification of the tyrosyl may obstruct the binding site.  相似文献   

Secretion of invertase in mitotic yeast cells.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
M Makarow 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(5):1475-1482
In mammalian cells intracellular transport is inhibited during mitosis. Here we show that in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae secretion continues uninterrupted during mitosis. S. cerevisiae cells were arrested in mitosis by treating wild-type cells with the microtubule-inhibitor nocodazole, or by incubating a temperature-sensitive cell division cycle mutant (cdc16) at the restrictive temperature. Secretion of invertase into the periplasmic space was equally efficient in mitotic and in unsynchronized cells. Electron microscopy of nocodazole-treated mitotic wild-type cells revealed stretches of rough endoplasmic reticulum, strongly fenestrated Golgi cisternae and clusters of vesicles with the diameter of 30-90 nm. Secretion of invertase was inhibited in mitotic sec7 cells at the restrictive temperature, but continued at the permissive temperature. Sec7 is a mutant strain where intracellular traffic is blocked in unsynchronized cells in the Golgi complex at the restrictive temperature. Thus, the elements of the mitotic Golgi complex appear to be able to support intracellular traffic.  相似文献   

The activation of ceramide-generating enzymes, the blockade of ceramide degradation, or the addition of ceramide analogues can trigger apoptosis or necrosis in human cancer cells. Moreover, endogenous ceramide plays a decisive role in the killing of neoplastic cells by conventional anticancer chemotherapeutics. Here, we explored the possibility that membrane-permeable C2-ceramide might kill budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells under fermentative conditions, where they exhibit rapid proliferation and a Warburg-like metabolism that is reminiscent of cancer cells. C2-ceramide efficiently induced the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), as well as apoptotic and necrotic cell death, and this effect was not influenced by deletion of the sole yeast metacaspase. However, C2-ceramide largely failed to cause ROS hypergeneration and cell death upon deletion of the mitochondrial genome. Thus, mitochondrial function is strictly required for C2-ceramide-induced yeast lethality. Accordingly, mitochondria from C2-ceramide-treated yeast cells exhibited major morphological alterations including organelle fragmentation and aggregation. Altogether, our results point to a pivotal role of mitochondria in ceramide-induced yeast cell death.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of proteins is an important mechanism used to regulate most cellular processes. Recently, we completed an extensive phosphoproteomic analysis of the core proteins that constitute the Saccharomyces cerevisiae centrosome. Here, we present a study of phosphorylation sites found on the mitotic exit network (MEN) proteins, most of which are associated with the cytoplasmic face of the centrosome. We identified 55 sites on Bfa1, Cdc5, Cdc14 and Cdc15. Eight sites lie in cyclin-dependent kinase motifs (Cdk, S/T-P), and 22 sites are completely conserved within fungi. More than half of the sites were found in centrosomes from mitotic cells, possibly in preparation for their roles in mitotic exit. Finally, we report phosphorylation site information for other important cell cycle and regulatory proteins.Key words: in vivo phosphorylation, yeast centrosome, mitotic exit network (MEN), cell cycle, protein kinase, Cdk (cyclin-dependent kinase)/Cdc28, Plk1 (polo-like kinase)/Cdc5Reversible protein phosphorylation leads to changes in targeting, structure and stability of proteins and is used widely to modulate biochemical reactions in the cell. We are interested in phosphoregulation of centrosome duplication and function in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Centrosomes nucleate microtubules and, upon duplication during the cell cycle, form the two poles of the bipolar mitotic spindle used to segregate replicated chromosomes into the two daughter cells. Timing and spatial cues are highly regulated to ensure that elongation of the mitotic spindle and separation of sister chromatids occur prior to progression into late telophase and initiation of mitotic exit. The mitotic exit network (MEN) regulates this timing through a complex signaling cascade activated at the centrosome that triggers the end of mitosis, ultimately through mitotic cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inactivation (reviewed in ref. 1).The major components of the MEN pathway (Fig. 1) are a Ras-like GTPase (Tem1), an activator (Lte1) with homology to nucleotide exchange factors, a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) complex (Bfa1/Bub2), several protein kinases [Cdc5 (Plk1 in humans), Cdc15 and Dbf2/Mob1] and Cdc14 phosphatase (reviewed in ref. 25). Tem1 initiates the signal for the MEN pathway when switched to a GTP-active state. Prior to activation at anaphase, it is held at the centrosome in an inactive GDP-bound state by an inhibiting GAP complex, Bfa1/Bub2.6 The Bfa1/Bub2 complex and the inactive Tem1 are localized at the mother centrosome destined to move into the budded cell upon chromosome segregation, whereas the activator Lte1 is localized at the tip of the budded cell. These separate localizations ensure that Lte1 and Tem1 only interact in late anaphase, when the mitotic spindle elongates.7,8 Lte1 has been thought to activate Tem1 as a nucleotide exchange factor, although more recent evidence suggests that it may instead affect Bfa1 localization.9 In addition, full activation of Tem1 is achieved through Cdc5 phosphorylation of the negative regulator Bfa1 10 and potentially through phosphorylation of Lte1. GTP-bound Tem1 is then able to recruit Cdc15 to the centrosome, allowing for Dbf2 activation.3 The final step in the MEN pathway is release of Cdc14 from the nucleolus, which is at least partially due to phosphorylation by Dbf211 an leads to mitotic cyclin degradation and inactivation of the mitotic kinase.2Open in a separate windowFigure 1Schematic representation of the MEN proteins and pathway. MEN protein localization is shown within a metaphase cell when mitotic exit is inhibited and in a late anaphase cell when mitotic exit is initiated. Primary inhibition and activation events are described below the cells.Recently, we performed a large-scale analysis of phosphorylation sites on the 18 core yeast centrosomal proteins present in enriched centrosomal preparations.12 In total, we mapped 297 sites on 17 of the 18 proteins and described their cell cycle regulation, levels of conservation and demonstrated defects in centrosome assembly and function resulting from mutating selected sites. MEN proteins were also identified in the centrosome preparations. This was expected, because Nud1, one of the 18 core centrosome components, is known to recruit several MEN proteins to the centrosome13 as part of its function in mitotic exit.14,15 As phosphorylation is essential to several steps in the MEN pathway, beginning with recruitment of Bfa1/Bub2 by phosphorylated Nud1,15 we were interested in mapping in vivo phosphorylation sites on the MEN proteins associated with centrosomes and identifying when they occur during the cell cycle.We combined centrosome enrichment with mass spectrometry analysis to examine phosphorylation from asynchronously growing cells.12 Centrosomes were also prepared from cells arrested in G1 and mitosis12 to monitor potentially cell cycle-regulated sites. We obtained significant coverage of a number of the MEN proteins, several of which have human homologs (and33, column 1), of which eight sites lie within Cdk/Cdc28 motifs [S/T(P)], (23 Mob1 and Dbf2 are known phosphoproteins24 for which we observed peptide coverage but no phosphorylation. Surprisingly, we did not detect phosphorylation on Bub2 despite the high peptide coverage; it is possible that the mitotic centrosome preparations (using a Cdc20 depletion protocol) affect the phosphorylation state of Bub2, as Bub2 is required for mitotic exit arrest in cdc20 mutants.25 Additionally, specific phosphorylation sites have not been mapped on Bub2, suggesting that modifications on this protein may be difficult to observe by mass spectrometry. Lte1 does not localize to the centrosome, and we did not recover Lte1 peptides in our preparations. Many phosphorylation events on MEN proteins were observed in mitotic centrosomal preparations, most likely in preparation for their subsequent role in exit from mitosis (
MEN ProteinSequence CoverageTotal SitesS/T (P) SitesHuman Homologs
Cdc1480%102CDC14A, 14B2
Cdc1512%31MST1, STK4
Cdc541%73PLK1, PLK2, PLK3
Tem118%--RAB22, RAB22A
Mob113%--MOB1B, 1A, 2A, 2B
Dbf22%--STK38, LATS1
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Table 2

Cell cycle regulators of MEN proteins
Cell Cycle Regulator
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Table 3

All phosphorylation sites identified in MEN proteins Bfa1, Cdc14, Cdc15 and Cdc5
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Open in a separate windowConservation of domains or of individual residues of proteins is often correlated with function.26 We utilized a protein fungal alignment tool (SGD: www.yeastgenome.org/) to analyze the conservation of the individual phosphorylated residues among selected Saccharomyces strains. If an amino acid substitution occurred, we noted whether the alternate residue could also be phosphorylated [serine (S) or threonine (T)], or whether it mimicked phosphorylation with a negative charge [aspartic (D) or glutamic (E) acid]. Using these criteria with the 55 phosphorylation sites, we found 22 that were completely identical among the fungi, two that were conserved as potential phosphorylation sites (6 Interestingly, Cdc5-T238 is also conserved in human polo-like kinases (Plk1–3). In another study, Mohl et al. tested nonphosphorylatable mutations of Dbf2 kinase motifs adjacent to the nuclear localization domain within Cdc14 phosphatase. One mutant allele of CDC14 wherein four Dbf2 motif sites were changed to alanines, includes our mapped site, S546 (20 While exceptionally rich clusters of phosphorylation sites (≥ 5/50 residues) are rare in the yeast proteome,27 the dense negative charge associated with phosphorylation clusters can enhance the rapidity and magnitude of the resulting cellular event. Two of the MEN proteins examined, Bfa1 (24 out of 35 total sites) and Cdc14 (5 out of 10 total sites), showed evidence of phosphorylation clustering (Fig. 2). Mutating groups of these clustered sites could provide insight into how the negatively charged regions affect protein localization and/or function.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Clustering of phosphorylation sites within the MEN proteins, Bfa1 and Cdc14. All phosphorylation sites within Bfa1 and Cdc14 are shown along the X-axis, representing the primary protein sequence and the Y-axis denoting the number of sites. Sites are considered clustered if there are at least 5 sites with a density ≥ 1 per 10 amino acids, and are marked with a horizontal bracket.In addition to proteins known to be associated with the yeast centrosome, such as the MEN proteins described, we recovered limited peptides from a number of other cell cycle and regulatory proteins. The high sensitivity with which mass spectrometry can detect modifications on proteins enabled the identification of in vivo phosphorylation sites that are cataloged in Open in a separate windowOpen in a separate windowOur large-scale centrosome enrichment and phosphorylation analysis has yielded a rich library of phosphorylation events on core centrosomal components, those involved in the mitotic exit network and additional regulatory proteins. Information regarding the phosphorylation state of various proteins throughout the cell will be useful in studying their control and function.?

Table 4

Summary of phosphorylation sites identified in centrosomes from different cell cycle stages and their conservation
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