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Disomy and diploidy frequencies for autosomes 1–22 and the gonosomes were assessed in 299,442 sperm nuclei from four normal fertile men by chromosome painting. This novel approach allowed us to perform a specific and sensitive detection of each chromosome. A minimum of 5000 sperm nuclei per subject were evaluated for each chromosome by dual colour fluorescence in situ hybridization. The disomy rate proved to be similar for all the autosomes (0.24%) and the diploidy rate varied from 0.12% to 0.15%. No interchromosomal or interindividual differences in the frequency of disomic and diploid sperm nuclei were observed between the four subjects. The mean frequency of XX-, YY- and XY-bearing spermatozoa was estimated to 0.17%, 0.17% and 0.32%, respectively. This strategy constitutes a new approach for detecting aneuploidy in human sperm nuclei and suggests an equal repartition of non-disjunction among chromosomes in male gametes. Received: 7 October 1997 / Accepted: 13 January 1998  相似文献   

Comparison of the physical and recombination maps of the mouse X chromosome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The locations of five random mouse genomic DNA markers and five cloned genes, including the genes for clotting factors VIII and IX (Cf-8 and Cf-9), Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Dmd), phosphoglycerate kinase-1 (Pgk-1), and alpha-galactosidase (Ags), on the mouse X chromosome were determined by in situ hybridization. The five random DNA markers provide new genetic loci with useful restriction fragment length polymorphisms between mouse strains and species, including one locus close to the centromeric region of the mouse X chromosome. The physical map and the recombination map of these loci on the X chromosome were compared. There was good agreement in the order of loci. Relative distances between loci were consistent along the X chromosome, with the exception of the telomeric end of the long arm, where the recombination fraction observed between loci closely associated on the physical map was higher than that between similarly spaced markers located in the proximal region of the X chromosome. These results are discussed in comparison to the human X-chromosome map.  相似文献   

Recombination nodules (RNs) are closely correlated with crossing over, and, because they are observed by electron microscopy of synaptonemal complexes (SCs) in extended pachytene chromosomes, RNs provide the highest-resolution cytological marker currently available for defining the frequency and distribution of crossovers along the length of chromosomes. Using the maize inbred line KYS, we prepared an SC karyotype in which each SC was identified by relative length and arm ratio and related to the proper linkage group using inversion heterozygotes. We mapped 4267 RNs on 2080 identified SCs to produce high-resolution maps of RN frequency and distribution on each bivalent. RN frequencies are closely correlated with both chiasma frequencies and SC length. The total length of the RN recombination map is about twofold shorter than that of most maize linkage maps, but there is good correspondence between the relative lengths of the different maps when individual bivalents are considered. Each bivalent has a unique distribution of crossing over, but all bivalents share a high frequency of distal RNs and a severe reduction of RNs at and near kinetochores. The frequency of RNs at knobs is either similar to or higher than the average frequency of RNs along the SCs. These RN maps represent an independent measure of crossing over along maize bivalents.  相似文献   

The chromosomal localization of the gene for UDP-galactosyltransferase (glycoprotein 4-B-galactosyltransferase, EC has been determined to be on mouse chromosome 4 by the use of mouse X hamster somatic cell hybrids. It has been proposed that galactosyltransferase is associated with the mouse T/t complex which has been localized to mouse chromosome 17. These results show that galactosyltransferase is not encoded within the T/t complex.  相似文献   

We have mapped the mouse peripherin gene, Prph, to chromosome 15 by means of Southern analysis of a panel of Chinese hamster/mouse somatic cell hybrids using a rat peripherin cDNA probe. Peripherin is a recently characterized type III intermediate filament expressed in the peripheral and the central nervous system. Although its exact function is not known, peripherin is likely to be involved in the neuronal cytoskeleton, a role it shares with other intermediate filaments, such as the neurofilament proteins. The intermediate filament gene family is believed to have evolved via gene duplication and dispersal throughout the genome; these processes have resulted in clusters of intermediate filament genes on specific chromosomes and conservation of these chromosomal locations among mammalian species.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to construct a homology map to analyse the extent of evolutionary conservation of chromosome segments between human and rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus, 2n = 44). Chromosome-specific probes were established by bivariate fluorescence activated flow sorting followed by degenerate oligonucleotide-primed PCR (DOP-PCR). Painting of rabbit probes to human chromosomes and vice versa allowed a detailed analysis of the homology between these species. All rabbit chromosome paints, except for the Y paint, hybridized to human chromosomes. All human chromosome paints, except for the Y paint, hybridized to rabbit chromosomes. The results obtained revealed extensive genome conservation between the two species. Rabbit chromosomes 12, 19 and X were found to be completely homologous to human chromosomes 6, 17 and X, respectively. All other human chromosomes were homologous to two or sometimes three rabbit chromosomes. Many conserved chromosome segments found previously in other mammals (e.g. cat, pig, cattle, Indian muntjac) were also found to be conserved in rabbit chromosomes.  相似文献   

Mouse and human cDNA clones encoding the T-cell and mast cell growth factor P40, now designated IL-9, were used to identify DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in sets of somatic cell hybrids and between inbred strains of mice and interspecific backcross progeny. Segregation of mouse and human chromosomes among somatic cell hybrids indicated a location on mouse chromosome 13 and human chromosome 5. RFLPs were identified among inbred strains of mice. Analysis of chromosome 13 alleles for Tcrg, Dhfr, and Il-9 in an interspecific cross between Mus musculus and NFS/N or C58/J mice indicates that IL-9 is distal to Tcrg and Proximal to Dhfr.  相似文献   

The success of high resolution genetic mapping of disease predisposition and quantitative trait loci in humans and experimental animals depends on the positions of key crossover events around the gene of interest. In mammals, the majority of recombination occurs at highly delimited 1-2 kb long sites known as recombination hotspots, whose locations and activities are distributed unevenly along the chromosomes and are tightly regulated in a sex specific manner. The factors determining the location of hotspots started to emerge with the finding of PRDM9 as a major hotspot regulator in mammals, however, additional factors modulating hotspot activity and sex specificity are yet to be defined. To address this limitation, we have collected and mapped the locations of 4829 crossover events occurring on mouse chromosome 11 in 5858 meioses of male and female reciprocal F1 hybrids of C57BL/6J and CAST/EiJ mice. This chromosome was chosen for its medium size and high gene density and provided a comparison with our previous analysis of recombination on the longest mouse chromosome 1. Crossovers were mapped to an average resolution of 127 kb, and thirteen hotspots were mapped to <8 kb. Most crossovers occurred in a small number of the most active hotspots. Females had higher recombination rate than males as a consequence of differences in crossover interference and regional variation of sex specific rates along the chromosome. Comparison with chromosome 1 showed that recombination events tend to be positioned in similar fashion along the centromere-telomere axis but independently of the local gene density. It appears that mammalian recombination is regulated on at least three levels, chromosome-wide, regional, and at individual hotspots, and these regulation levels are influenced by sex and genetic background but not by gene content.  相似文献   

Host genetic variants are known to confer resistance to Plasmodium blood stage infection and to control malaria severity both in humans and mice. This work describes the genetic mapping of a locus for resistance to liver stage parasite in the mouse. First, we show that decreased susceptibility to the liver stage of Plasmodium berghei in the BALB/c mouse strain is attributable to intra-hepatic factors and impacts on the initial phase of blood stage infection. We used QTL mapping techniques to identify a locus controlling this susceptibility phenotype (LOD score 4.2) on mouse chromosome 17 (belr1 locus). Furthermore, analysis of congenic mouse strains delimited the belr1 locus boundaries distally to the H2 region. Quantification of parasites in the liver of infected congenic mice strongly suggested that the belr1 locus represents a genetic factor controlling the expansion of P. berghei in the hepatic tissue. The mapping of belr1 locus raises the hypothesis that host gene variation is able to control the progression of Plasmodium liver stage infection and opens the possibility that the human genomic region orthologue to belr1 may contain genes that confer resistance to the human malaria liver stage.  相似文献   

Cornforth, M. N. Analyzing Radiation-Induced Complex Chromosome Rearrangements by Combinatorial Painting. Radiat. Res. 155, 643-659 (2001). Prior to the advent of whole-chromosome painting, it was universally assumed that virtually all radiation-induced exchanges represented a simple rejoining between pairs of chromosome breaks. It is now known that a substantial proportion of such exchanges are actually complex, meaning that they involve the interaction of three (or more) breaks distributed among two (or more) chromosomes. The purpose of this review is to discuss some of the implications of aberration analysis using whole-chromosome painting, with emphasis given to newer combinatorial painting schemes that allow for the unambiguous identification of all homologous chromosome pairs. Such analysis requires reconsideration of how resulting information is to be handled for the purposes of tabulating and communicating raw data, quantifying aberration yields, and presenting experimental results in a cogent manner. Facilitating these objectives requires the introduction of certain concepts and terminologies that have no counterpart in conventional cytogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization with the use of the equine X whole chromosome painting probe was carried out on chromosome spreads originating from three mares with poor reproductive performance (infertility, miscarriage or stillbirth). The numbers of analysed spreads were high (105, 300 and 480) and in all three mares a low frequency of mosaicism was identified. The mares had the following karyotypes: 64,XX/63,X/65,XXX (93.6%/5.7%/0.7%), 64,XX/63,X (98.9%/1.1%) and 64,XX/63,X (94.3%/5.7%). The incidence and importance of the low percentage X chromosome mosaicism are discussed.  相似文献   

Non-isotopic high resolution in sity hybridization was applied to cytological preparations of sporulating yeast cells. Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and chromosome V-specific recombinant lambda clones were used to tag individual chromosomes and chromosome subregions. This allowed the study of chromosome behaviour during early meiotic prophase. It was found that chromatin becomes condensed and homologous DNA sequences then appear to become aligned prior to synaptonemal complex formation.by E.R. Schmidt  相似文献   

Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of acoustic startle is a genetically complex quantitative phenotype of considerable medical interest due to its impairment in psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. To identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) involved in mouse PPI, we studied mouse chromosome substitution strains (CSS) that each carry a homologous chromosome pair from the A/J inbred strain on a host C57BL/6J inbred strain background. We determined that the chromosome 16 substitution strain has elevated PPI compared to C57BL/6J (P = 1.6 x 10(-11)), indicating that chromosome 16 carries one or more PPI genes. QTL mapping using 87 F(2) intercross progeny identified two significant chromosome 16 loci with LODs of 3.9 and 4.7 (significance threshold LOD is 2.3). The QTL were each highly significant independently and do not appear to interact. Sequence variation between B6 and A/J was used to identify strong candidate genes in the QTL regions, some of which have known neuronal functions. In conclusion, we used mouse CSS to rapidly and efficiently identify two significant QTL for PPI on mouse chromosome 16. The regions contain a limited number of strong biological candidate genes that are potential risk genes for psychiatric disorders in which patients have PPI impairments.  相似文献   

Human male recombination maps for individual chromosomes   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
Meiotic recombination is essential for the segregation of chromosomes and the formation of normal haploid gametes, yet we know very little about the meiotic process in humans. We present the first (to our knowledge) recombination maps for every autosome in the human male obtained by new immunofluorescence techniques followed by centromere-specific multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization in human spermatocytes. The mean frequency of autosomal recombination foci was 49.8+/-4.3, corresponding to a genetic length of 2,490 cM. All autosomal bivalents had at least one recombination focus. In contrast, the XY bivalent had a recombination focus in 73% of nuclei, suggesting that a relatively large proportion of spermatocytes may be at risk for nondisjunction of the XY bivalent or elimination by meiotic arrest. There was a very strong correlation between mean length of the synaptonemal complex (SC) and the number of recombination foci per SC. Each bivalent presented a distinct distribution of recombination foci, but in general, foci were near the distal parts of the chromosome, with repression of foci near the centromere. The position of recombination foci demonstrated positive interference, but, in rare instances, foci were very close to one another.  相似文献   

We describe a method for generation and maintenance of translocations that move large autosomal segments onto the Y chromosome. Using this strategy we produced (2;Y) translocations that relocate between 1.5 and 4.8 Mb of the 2nd chromosome.. All translocations were easily balanced over a male-specific lethal 1 (msl-1) mutant chromosome. Both halves of the translocation carry visible markers, as well as P-element ends that enable molecular confirmation. Halves of these translocations can be separated to produce offspring with duplications and with lethal second chromosome deficiencies . Such large deficiencies are otherwise tedious to generate and maintain.  相似文献   

We describe a method for generation and maintenance of translocations that move large autosomal segments onto the Y chromosome. Using this strategy we produced (2;Y) translocations that relocate between 1.5 and 4.8 Mb of the 2nd chromosome.. All translocations were easily balanced over a male-specific lethal 1 (msl-1) mutant chromosome. Both halves of the translocation carry visible markers, as well as P-element ends that enable molecular confirmation. Halves of these translocations can be separated to produce offspring with duplications and with lethal second chromosome deficiencies . Such large deficiencies are otherwise tedious to generate and maintain.  相似文献   

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