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A library of internal deletion mutants was constructed in the 5′-proximal promoter region of the gene encoding the bean seed storage protein β-phaseolin. A nick was introduced randomly in the target DNA sequence by depurination and treatment with exonuclease III, and served as the initiating point for deleting adjacent DNA sequences by S1 nuclease. A syntheticPst I linker was ligated to the blunt-ended DNA to serve as a restriction marker for mapping the approximate position of deletion mutants. Subcloning of a kanamycin marker gene into the linker site facilitated selection of plasmid DNA in which internal deletions were introduced in the target DNA sequence. Distribution of internal deletion mutants was mapped by determining the locations of thePst I site in the target sequence. DNA sequence analysis of mutants indicated that the extent of internal deletions ranged from 6 to 100 bp with a mean of 39 bp. In addition, the CAAT and TATA boxes in the promoter region of the β-phaseolin gene were effectively dissected in these mutants.  相似文献   

Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) is derived from xanthosine through three successive transfers of methyl groups and a single ribose removal in coffee plants. The methyl group transfer is catalyzed by N-zmethyltransferases, xanthosine methyltransferase (XMT), 7-methylxanthine methyltransferase (MXMT) and 3,7-dimethylxanthine methyltransferase (DXMT). We previously cloned three genes encoding each of these N-methyltransferases from coffee plants, and reconstituted the final sequence of the caffeine synthetic pathway in vitro. In the present study, we simultaneously expressed these coffee genes in tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum), using a multiple-gene transfer method, and confirmed successful caffeine production up to 5 μg g−1 fresh weight in leaves of the resulting transgenic plants. Their effects on feeding behavior of tobacco cutworms (Spodoptera litura), which damage a wide range of crops, were then examined. Leaf disc choice test showed that caterpillars selectively fed on the wild-type control materials, or positively avoided the transgenic materials. The results suggest a novel approach to confer self-defense by producing caffeine in planta. A second generation of transgenic crops containing caffeine may save labor and agricultural costs and also mitigate the environmental load of pesticides in future.  相似文献   

The β-carotene ketolase gene (bkt1) is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of astaxanthin in the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis. We constructed a genomic library of H. pluvialis from which the upstream sequence of bkt1 was cloned. It was just 27% identical to the β-C-4-oxygenase gene (crto1) promoter. A TATA-box and a number of CAAT-boxes were found in the bkt1 promoter region. Analysis of the sequence revealed the presence of cis-acting elements associated with light and stress-related responses. Seven novel GTAC core sequences involved in copper response were also detected. The bkt1 promoter was transferred into Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC-849 to drive the expression of ble. The antibiotic resistance and expression of ble in TranBCO transgenic lines confirmed the promoter activity of the cloned bkt1 promoter sequence. The results of this study confirm that the bkt1 promoter owned cis-acting elements involved in light and environmental stresses and the genetic transformation system of C. reinhardtii can be used to study the functions of bkt1promoters from H. pluvialis.  相似文献   

Mammalian genomes are punctuated by DNA sequences containing an atypically high frequency of CpG sites (CpG islands; CGIs) that are associated with the majority of annotated gene promoters. Methylated C bases of CpG sites inhibit the expression of downstream genes. During the differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, the CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP) β gene plays an important role. We studied the CpG island methylation status of the C/EBP β promoter and its relationship with the GATA-2 protein. We used computer analysis to determine that the C/EBP β promoter sequence is rich in CGIs, and observed that two of seven methylated C bases were demethylated during the preadipocyte differentiation using bisulfite sequencing PCR (BSP). This corresponded with the onset of notable C/EBP β gene expression. Immunofluorescence and molecular docking showed that the GATA-2 protein binds the C/EBP β promoter in front of the first demethylated CpG site. We also found that expression of GATA-2 and C/EBP β proteins is negatively correlated. These results indicate that the methylated C bases in the C/EBP β promoter relate to expression of the C/EBP β gene, and that its demethylation is linked with GATA-2 protein association.  相似文献   

Transcriptionandtranslationaretwostepsofgeneexpression.Transcription,asacontrolstep,isamajoraspectinregulationofgeneexpression.However,thereareanumberofexamplesoftranslationalcontrol.ThesequenceofTIR(translationalinitiationregion)onmRNAcanaffecttheeffici…  相似文献   

β-galactosidases (GUS, EC are character- ized by their ability to hydrolyze terminal, non-re- ducing β-D-galactosyl residues from β-D-galactosides and are widely distributed in microbes, plants and animals. To date, the primary structures of …  相似文献   

Summary Northern blot analysis of glucose-grown and starch-grown mycelia of Aspergillus oryzae R11340 was conducted using the cloned Taka-amylase A (TAA) gene as a probe. The amount of mRNA homologous to the TAA gene was increased when this fungus was grown with starch as a sole carbon source. In order to analyze the induction mechanism, we inserted the Escherichia coli uidA gene encoding -glucuronidase (GUS) downstream of the TAA promoter and introduced the resultant fusion gene into the A. oryzae genome. Production of a functional GUS protein was induced by starch, but not by glucose. When the effects of various sugars on expression of the fusion gene were examined, the results suggested that the expression of the fusion gene was under control of the TAA gene promoter.  相似文献   

Particle bombardment has proved to be useful for the transformation of plants. We have previously reported successful transient expression of the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene in cultured plant cells and tissues and the stable transformation of various plants using a pneumatic particle gun. In this chapter, we describe transient expression of the GUS gene in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves and roots using the pneumatic particle gun.  相似文献   

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