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The effects of chronic hypoxia on pulmonary vascular resistance changes (% delta Rpv) to histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), norepinephrine (NE), and KCl were studied in isolated perfused lungs from control rats and rats exposed to 7, 14, and 28 days of hypoxia. Histamine, which produced linear increases in % delta Rpv with increasing doses in the control, was reversed to vasodilation by chronic hypoxia of 7 and 14 days and at 28 days, vasodilation to this amine still predominated (7 out of 10). Control responses to 5-HT were unaltered by 7 days of hypoxia but enhanced at 14 and 28 days. Control responses to NE showed either vasoconstriction or vasodilation; at 7 days of hypoxia, NE had no significant vasoactivity; however, at 14 days, vasoconstriction and vasodilation were both observed, with vasodilation being more effective. Lastly, the pressor responses to KCl were not affected by chronic hypoxia of any duration. These results suggest that chronic hypoxia: 1) does not alter pulmonary vascular contractility (KCl); 2) reduces H1 and alpha-receptor activity while enhancing H2- and beta-receptor activity; and 3) enhances the pressor responses to 5-HT by increasing either the efficacy of this amine or the number of 5-HT vasoconstrictor receptors.  相似文献   

Contractile sensitivity and reactivity to alpha- and beta-adrenoceptor stimulation was studied in incubated rabbit pulmonary artery cylindrical segments of differing diameters. Distinct differences were noted between the responses of extra- and intra-pulmonary pulmonary arteries to norepinephrine and isoproterenol. The sensitivity to norepinephrine was largest in the intrapulmonary pulmonary arteries. Arterial reactivity to norepinephrine was greatest in the larger of the intrapulmonary vessel segments, diminishing considerably as the vessels became smaller. Cocaine did not cause substantial alterations in the response of any of the arterial segments to the alpha-agonist. Phentolamine, however, exerted its influence primarily in the smaller arterial segments. Vascular sensitivity to isoproterenol was least in the intrapulmonary pulmonary arteries. These smaller vessel segments, however, were more reactive to isoproterenol than were the extrapulmonary pulmonary arterial segments. Propranolol, at a concentration of 10(-8) M, was an effective antagonist of the beta-agonist; at a concentration of 10(-7) M, however, this antagonist was related to isoproterenol-induced arterial contraction, apparently by stimulation of alpha-receptor sites. The results of this study demonstrated a regional heterogeneity in the contractile response of the pulmonary artery to alpha- and beta-stimulation. The extrapulmonary arterial segments were found to be more sensitive to beta-stimulation than were the smaller, intrapulmonary, segments. The intrapulmonary arterial segments, on the other hand, were found to be more sensitive to alpha-stimulation than were the extrapulmonary segments.  相似文献   

Antioxidant responses to chronic hypoxia in the rat cerebellum and pons   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) and sleep fragmentation and deprivation. Exposure to CIH results in oxidative stress in the cortex, hippocampus and basal forebrain of rats and mice. We show that sustained and intermittent hypoxia induces antioxidant responses, an indicator of oxidative stress, in the rat cerebellum and pons. Increased glutathione reductase (GR) activity and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) levels were observed in the pons and cerebellum of rats exposed to CIH or chronic sustained hypoxia (CSH) compared with room air (RA) controls. Exposure to CIH or CSH increased GR activity in the pons, while exposure to CSH increased the level of TBARS in the cerebellum. The level of TBARS was increased to a greater extent after exposure to CSH than to CIH in the cerebellum and pons. Increased superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) and decreased total glutathione (GSHt) levels were observed after exposure to CIH compared with CSH only in the pons. We have previously shown that prolonged sleep deprivation decreased SOD activity in the rat hippocampus and brainstem, without affecting the cerebellum, cortex or hypothalamus. We therefore conclude that sleep deprivation and hypoxia differentially affect antioxidant responses in different brain regions.  相似文献   

The hypothesis on Fetal and Infant Origins of Adult Disease proposes that an altered in utero environment may impair fetal development and physiological function, increasing susceptibility to disease in adulthood. Previous studies demonstrated that reduced fetal growth predisposes to adult cardiovascular diseases. Maternal smoking and high altitude are also linked to reduced fetal growth and adult disease, and both cause fetal hypoxia. We therefore wanted to determine whether fetal hypoxia produces alterations in the adult pulmonary vasculature. Body and ventricular weight, pulmonary arterial compliance and vasoreactivity to potassium chloride (KCl), prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha), acetylcholine (ACh) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) were studied in adult rats exposed to 10 % hypoxia throughout the perinatal period, compared to age-matched controls. Rats exposed to perinatal hypoxia had reduced body weight (199+/-15 vs. 294+/-10 g, P<0.001), elevated right ventricular weight (70.3+/-8.8 vs. 51.4+/-1.2 mg/100 g, P<0.05), elevated left ventricular weight (281+/-27 vs. 232+/-5 mg/100 g, P<0.05), reduced pulmonary arterial compliance (35.2+/-2.0 vs. 46.4+/-2.4 microm/mN, P<0.05) and reduced maximal pulmonary vasoconstriction to KCl (1.74+/-0.14 vs. 2.63+/-0.31 mN/mm, P<0.01), and PGF2(2alpha) (1.40+/-0.14 vs. 2.47+/-0.44 mN/mm, P<0.05). Perinatal exposure to hypoxia had a profound effect upon the adult pulmonary circulation, which could predispose to cardiopulmonary diseases in adulthood.  相似文献   

Decreasedcontractile response to vasoconstrictors in uterine and nonuterinevessels contributes to increased blood flow to the uterine circulationduring normal pregnancy. Pregnancies complicated by preeclampsiaand/or chronic hypoxia show a reversal or diminution of thesepregnancy-associated changes. We sought to determine whether chronichypoxia opposes the reduction in contractile response in uterine andnonuterine vessels during normal pregnancy and, if so, whetherdecreased basal nitric oxide (NO) activity was involved. We examinedthe contractile response to phenylephrine (PE) in guinea pig uterineartery (UA), mesenteric artery (MA), and thoracic aorta (TA) ringsisolated from nonpregnant or pregnant guinea pigs that had been exposedthroughout gestation to either low (1,600 m,n = 47) or high (3,962 m,n = 43) altitude. In the UA, pregnancyreduced contractile sensitivity to PE and did so similarly at low andhigh altitude (EC50: 4.0 × 108 nonpregnant, 9.3 × 108 pregnant at lowaltitude; 4.8 × 108nonpregnant, 1.0 ×108pregnant at high altitude; both P < 0.05). Addition of the NO synthase inhibitornitro-L-arginine (NLA; 200 mM)to the vessel bath increased contractile sensitivity in the pregnant UA(P < 0.05) and eliminated the effectof pregnancy at both altitutes. NLA also raised contractile sensitivityin the nonpregnant high-altitude UA, but contractile response withoutNLA did not differ in the high- and low-altitude animals. In the MA,pregnancy decreased contractile sensitivity to PE at high altitudeonly, and this shift was reversed by NO inhibition. In the TA, neitherpregnancy nor altitude affected contractile response, but NO inhibition raised contractile response in nonpregnant and pregnant TA at bothaltitudes. We concluded that pregnancy diminished contractile responseto PE in the UA, likely as a result of increased NO activity, and thatthese changes were similar at low and high altitude. Counter to ourhypothesis, chronic hypoxia did not diminish the pregnancy-associatedreduction in contractile sensitivity to PE or inhibit basal NO activityin the UA; rather it enhanced, not diminished, basal NO activity in thenonpregnant UA and the pregnant MA.


Acute exposure to severe hypoxia depresses contractile function and induces adaptations in skeletal muscle that are only partially understood. Previous studies have demonstrated that antioxidants (AOXs) given during hypoxia partially protect contractile function, but this has not been a universal finding. This study confirms that specific AOXs, known to act primarily as superoxide scavengers, protect contractile function in severe hypoxia. Furthermore, the hypothesis is tested that the mechanism of protection involves preservation of high-energy phosphates (ATP, creatine phosphate) and reductions of P(i). Rat diaphragm muscle strips were treated with AOXs and subjected to 30 min of hypoxia. Contractile function was examined by using twitch and tetanic stimulations and the degree of elevation in passive force occurring during hypoxia (contracture). High-energy phosphates were measured at the end of 30-min hypoxia exposure. Treatment with the superoxide scavengers 4,5-dihydroxy-1,3-benzenedisulfonic acid (Tiron, 10 mM) or Mn(III)tetrakis(1-methyl-4-pyridyl) porphyrin pentachloride (50 microM) suppressed contracture during hypoxia and protected maximum tetanic force. N-acetylcysteine (10 or 18 mM) had no influence on tetanic force production. Contracture during hypoxia without AOXs was also shown to be dependent on the extracellular Ca(2+) concentration. Although hypoxia resulted in only small reductions in ATP concentration, creatine phosphate concentration was decreased to approximately 10% of control. There were no consistent influences of the AOX treatments on high-energy phosphates during hypoxia. The results demonstrate that superoxide scavengers can protect contractile function and reduce contracture in hypoxia through a mechanism that does not involve preservation of high-energy phosphates.  相似文献   

Previous studies have documented that repetitive exposure to intermittent hypoxia, such as that encountered in preparation to high-altitude ascent, influences breathing. However, the impact of intermittent hypoxia on airway smooth muscle has not been explored. Ascents to high altitude, in addition to hypoxia, expose individuals to cold air. The objective of the present study is to examine the effect of chronic intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (CIH) and CIH combined with cold exposure (CIHC) on tracheal smooth muscle responses to various contractile and relaxant agonists. Experiments were performed on tracheal rings harvested from adult guinea pigs exposed either to CIH or CIHC [14 days (6 h/day) at barometric pressure of 350 mmHg with and without cold exposure of 5 degrees C] or to room air (normoxia). CIH and CIHC attenuated maximum contractile responses to ACh compared with normoxia. The maximum contractile response to histamine decreased with CIH, whereas CIHC restored the response back to normoxia. Both CIH and CIHC attenuated maximum contractile responses to 5-HT. Altered contractile responses after CIH and CIHC were independent of epithelium. Isoproterenol-induced relaxation was not altered by CIH, whereas it was enhanced after CIHC, and these responses were independent of the epithelium. The data demonstrate that intermittent exposure to hypoxia profoundly influences contractile response of tracheal smooth muscle, and cold exposure can further modulate the response, implying the importance of cold at high altitude.  相似文献   

Hilltop (H) and Madison (M) strains of Sprague-Dawley rats exhibit strikingly different susceptibilities to the effects of chronic altitude exposure. The H rats develop greater polycythemia, hypoxemia, and pulmonary hypertension. We studied ventilation, pulmonary gas exchange, tissue oxygenation, and hematologic adaptations in the two rat strains during a 50-day exposure to a simulated altitude (HA) of 5,500 m (18,000 ft). There were no strain differences among the variables we studied under sea level (SL) conditions. Within the first 14 days of hypoxic exposure, the only significant strain differences were that erythropoietin (EPO) rose much higher and erythroid activity was greater in the H rats, even though arterial Po2 and PCo2 (Pao2 and PaCo2, respectively), renal venous PO2 (Prvo2), and ventilation (VE) were equivalent in the two strains during this time. By day 14 at HA, the H rats had significantly higher erythroid activity, hematocrit (Hct), and EPO levels, significantly lower PaO2 and PrvO2, but equivalent VE and PaCO2. These changes persisted for the remainder of the exposure, except that the Hct continued to rise and the increase was greater in H rats. Despite the greater O2-carrying capacity of H rats in the later stages of hypoxic exposure, PaO2 and PrvO2 were significantly lower in H rats. There were no strain differences at either SL or HA in ventilatory responses to hypercapnia or hypoxia, in blood O2 affinity or 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, in extrarenal production of EPO, or in EPO clearance. We conclude that early in the hypoxic exposure the H rats produce more EPO at apparently equivalent levels of hypoxia, and this is the first step in the pathogenesis of the maladaptation to HA manifest by H rats. We find no consistent evidence that differences in VE contribute to the variable susceptibility to hypoxia in the two rat strains.  相似文献   

Pneumonectomy approximately halves the available pulmonary vascular bed. It is unknown whether the remaining lung has sufficient vascular reserve to cope with increased blood flow under stressful conditions without demonstrating abnormal pulmonary hemodynamics. To investigate this question, unanesthetized ewes with vascular catheters had hemodynamics assessed before and after a left pneumonectomy. Subsequently, on different days, the sheep were exercised on a treadmill under normoxic and hypobaric hypoxic (430 mmHg) (1 mmHg = 133.3 Pa) conditions. Pneumonectomy itself increased mean pulmonary arterial pressure by 4 mmHg. During normoxic or hypoxic exercise, the pneumonectomized sheep demonstrated a pulmonary hemodynamic response similar to normal sheep with two lungs. The pressure-flow relation for the right lung suggested the vascular reserve of the lung was not exceeded during exercise in the pneumonectomized sheep. Eighteen to 70 days after pneumonectomy there was no evidence of right ventricular hypertrophy, but there were small increases in the number of muscularized vessels less than 50 microns diameter and in the amount of muscle in normally muscularized pulmonary arteries. This study demonstrates that pneumonectomy slightly increases mean pulmonary arterial pressure. However, there is sufficient vascular reserve in the remaining lung to permit a normal hemodynamic response to exercise-induced increased blood flow even under hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Pulmonary hypertension is characterized by structural and morphological changes to the lung vasculature. To determine the potential role of nitric oxide in the vascular remodeling induced by hypoxia, we exposed wild-type [WT(+/+)] and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)-deficient [(-/-)] mice to normoxia or hypoxia (10% O(2)) for 2, 4, and 6 days or for 3 wk. Smooth muscle alpha-actin and von Willebrand factor immunohistochemistry revealed significantly less muscularization of small vessels in hypoxic eNOS(-/-) mouse lungs than in WT(+/+) mouse lungs at early time points, a finding that correlated with decreases in proliferating vascular cells (5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine positive) at 4 and 6 days of hypoxia in the eNOS(-/-) mice. After 3 wk of hypoxia, both mouse types exhibited similar percentages of muscularized small vessels; however, only the WT(+/+) mice exhibited an increase in the percentage of fully muscularized vessels and increased vessel wall thickness. eNOS protein expression was increased in hypoxic WT(+/+) mouse lung homogenates at all time points examined, with significantly increased percentages of small vessels expressing eNOS protein after 3 wk. These results indicate that eNOS deficiency causes decreased muscularization of small pulmonary vessels in hypoxia, likely attributable to the decrease in vascular cell proliferation observed in these mice.  相似文献   

Following environmental changes, communities disassemble and reassemble in seemingly unpredictable ways. Whether species respond to such changes individualistically or collectively (e.g. as functional groups) is still unclear. To address this question, we used an extensive new dataset for the lake communities in the Azores' archipelago to test whether: 1) individual species respond concordantly within trophic groups; 2) trophic groups respond concordantly to biogeographic and environmental gradients. Spatial concordance in individual species distributions within trophic groups was always greater than expected by chance. In contrast, trophic groups varied non‐concordantly along biogeographic and environmental gradients revealing idiosyncratic responses to them. Whether communities respond individualistically to environmental gradients thus depends on the functional resolution of the data. Our study challenges the view that modelling environmental change effects on biodiversity always requires an individualist approach. Instead, it finds support for the longstanding idea that communities might be modelled as a cohort if the functional resolution is appropriate.  相似文献   

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