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We have recently shown that both ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) and tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) prevent transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1)-induced hepatocyte apoptosis by modulating the E2F-1/p53/Bax pathway. In addition, activation of glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) inhibits apoptosis in various systems. UDCA induces a ligand-independent activation of the GR, thus potentially regulating a number of targets. In this study, we investigated the role of GR and MR during TGF-beta1-induced hepatocyte apoptosis, and identified additional antiapoptotic targets for UDCA. Our results showed that in primary hepatocytes, TGF-beta1 induced 40-50% decreases in gr and mr mRNA expression (p < 0.01), together with up to 10-fold reductions in their protein levels (p < 0.01). Notably, pretreatment with UDCA resulted in a significant upregulation of nuclear steroid receptors (p < 0.05), which coincided with 2- and 3-fold increases in the level of GR and MR nuclear translocation, respectively, when compared with that of TGF-beta1 alone (p < 0.05). Similarly, TUDCA induced GR and MR nuclear translocations (p < 0.05) and markedly prevented MR protein changes associated with TGF-beta1 (p < 0.05) without affecting GR protein levels. Moreover, when interference RNA was used to inhibit GR and MR, UDCA no longer protected hepatocytes against TGF-beta1-induced apoptosis. In fact, the protective effect of UDCA in TGF-beta1-associated caspase activation decreased from 65 to <10% when GR or MR function was blocked. Finally, the TGF-beta1-induced E2F-1/Mdm-2/p53 apoptotic pathway, normally inhibited by UDCA, was not regulated by the bile acid after GR or MR silencing. These results demonstrate that UDCA protects against apoptosis through an additional pathway that involves nuclear receptors GR and MR as key factors. Further, the E2F-1/Mdm-2/p53 apoptotic pathway appears to be a prime target for UDCA-induced steroid receptor activation.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONApoptosis is a fundamental important biologicalprocess that is required to maintain the integrity andhomeostasis of multicenular organism[1]. It seemsthat apoptosis is a predominant type of active cendeath in the liver. Endogenous factors, such astransforming growth factor FI (TGF-gi), activin A,CD95 ligand, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) maybe involved in induction of apoptosis in the liver[2].transforming growth factor P (TGF-P) is amember of a super-family of multifu…  相似文献   

Androgen withdrawal induces the regression of human prostate cancers, but such cancers eventually become androgen-independent and metastasize. Thus, deciphering the mechanism of androgen withdrawal-induced apoptosis is critical to designing new therapies for prostate cancer. Previously, we showed that in the rat, castration-induced apoptosis is accompanied by a reduction in the expression of the apical caspase inhibitor FLICE-like inhibitory protein (FLIP). To test the functional role of FLIP in inhibiting prostate epithelial cell apoptosis, we employed the rat prostate epithelial cell line NRP-152, which differentiates to a secretory phenotype in a low-mitogen medium and then undergoes apoptosis following the addition of transforming growth factor beta1 (TGFbeta1), mimicking androgen withdrawal-induced apoptosis. FLIP levels decline with TGFbeta1 treatment, suggesting that apoptosis is mediated by caspase-8 and indeed the caspase inhibitor crmA blocks TGFbeta1-induced apoptosis. Small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of FLIP recapitulates and enhances TGFbeta1-induced cell death. NRP-152 cells stably transfected with constitutively expressed FLIP were refractory to TGFbeta1-induced apoptosis. TGFbeta1-induced caspase-3 activity is proportional to the level of cell death and inversely proportional to the level of FLIP expression in various clones. Moreover, neither caspase-3 nor PARP is cleaved in clones expressing high levels of FLIP. Furthermore, insulin, which inhibits differentiation, increases FLIP and inhibits TGFbeta-induced death in a FLIP-dependent manner. Although neither Fas-Fc, sTNFRII-Fc, nor DR5-Fc blocked TGFbeta1-induced cell death, there is a significant increase in tumor necrosis factor mRNA following TGFbeta stimulation, suggesting both an unexpected role for tumor necrosis factor in this model system and the possibility that FLIP blocks another unknown caspase-dependent mediator of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Syndecans comprise a major family of cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs). Syndecans bind and modulate a wide variety of biological molecules through their heparan sulfate (HS) moiety. Although all syndecans contain the ligand binding HS chains, they likely perform specific functions in vivo because their temporal and spatial expression patterns are different. However, how syndecan expression is regulated has yet to be clearly defined. In this study, we examined how syndecan-1 expression is regulated in epithelial cells. Our results showed that among several bioactive agents tested, only forskolin and three isoforms of TGFbeta (TGFbeta1-TGFbeta3) significantly induced syndecan-1, but not syndecan-4, expression on various epithelial cells. Steady-state syndecan-1 mRNA was not increased by TGFbeta treatment and cycloheximide did not inhibit syndecan-1 induction by TGFbeta, indicating that TGFbeta induces syndecan-1 in a post-translational manner. However, TGFbeta induction of syndecan-1 was inhibited by transient expression of a dominant-negative construct of protein kinase A (PKA) and by specific inhibitors of PKA. Further (i) syndecan-1 cytoplasmic domains were Ser-phosphorylated when cells were treated with TGFbeta and this was inhibited by a PKA inhibitor, (ii) PKA was co-immunoprecipitated from cell lysates by anti-syndecan-1 antibodies, (iii) PKA phosphorylated recombinant syndecan-1 cytoplasmic domains in vitro, and (iv) expression of a syndecan-1 construct with its invariant Ser(286) replaced with a Gly was not induced by TGFbeta. Together, these findings define a regulatory mechanism where TGFbeta signals through PKA to phosphorylate the syndecan-1 cytoplasmic domain and increases syndecan-1 expression on epithelial cells.  相似文献   

MicroRNA-26a is a newly discovered microRNA that has a strong anti-tumorigenic capacity and is capable of suppressing cell proliferation and activating tumor-specific apoptosis. However, whether miR-26a can inhibit the over-growth of lung fibroblasts remains unclear. The relationship between miR-26a and lung fibrosis was explored in the current study. We first investigated the effect of miR-26a on the proliferative activity of human lung fibroblasts with or without TGF-beta1 treatment. We found that the inhibition of endogenous miR-26a promoted proliferation and restoration of mature miR-26a inhibited the proliferation of human lung fibroblasts. We also examined that miR-26a can block the G1/S phase transition via directly targeting 3′-UTR of CCND2, degrading mRNA and decreasing protein expression of Cyclin D2. Furthermore, we showed that miR-26a mediated a TGF-beta 2-TGF-beta 1 feedback loop and inhibited TGF-beta R I activation. In addition, the overexpression of miR-26a also significantly suppressed the TGF-beta 1-interacting-CTGF–collagen fibrotic pathway. In summary, our studies indicated an essential role of miR-26a in the anti-fibrotic mechanism in TGF-beta1-induced proliferation in human lung fibroblasts, by directly targeting Cyclin D2, regulating TGF-beta R I as well as TGF-beta 2, and suggested the therapeutic potential of miR-26a in ameliorating lung fibrosis.  相似文献   

We have examined by Northern blot analysis the expression of two members of the glucose transporter family of genes (GLUT-1 and GLUT-2) in regenerating liver and in hepatocytes cultured under various conditions. GLUT-1, although thought to be a growth-associated gene, is not expressed in normal or regenerating liver, whereas GLUT-2, a liver-specific gene, is abundant in normal liver and gradually up-regulated during liver regeneration. Conversely, in hepatocytes cultured conventionally on dried rat tail collagen (RTC) in the presence of EGF and insulin, which potentiate proliferation, GLUT-1 mRNA is rapidly and abundantly expressed, whereas GLUT-2 is depressed. To investigate the causes of this "switch" in glucose transporter expression seen when hepatocytes are removed from the liver and cultured under the conventional proliferative conditions, we examined the effects of specific growth factors and extracellular matrices on cultured hepatocytes. EGF, a potent liver mitogen, although causing a threefold induction of GLUT-1, was found to have no effect on GLUT-2 expression, suggesting that the increase in GLUT-2 seen in regenerating liver is not due to EGF. Inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide in cultured hepatocytes does not prevent the induction of GLUT-1 mRNA. In addition, treatment of cells with cycloheximide appears to stabilize the GLUT-2 mRNA, preventing the usual down-regulation of this gene in cultured hepatocytes. The expression of the two glucose transporter mRNAs also differed when the hepatocytes were adherent to particular cell matrices. Culture of hepatocytes on a reconstituted basement membrane gel matrix (EHS) is known to restrain their growth and mediate high levels of differentiated hepatocytic functions that are lost under conventional culture conditions. Unlike cells on RTC, hepatocytes on EHS expressed low levels of GLUT-1 mRNA, and decreased GLUT-2 mRNA. TGF-beta, an attenuator of DNA synthesis, when added to cultures on RTC, substantially down-regulated GLUT-2 but had no effect on GLUT-1. We propose that the effectors, EGF, TGF-beta and basement membrane components, play a significant role in the regulation of expression of GLUT-1 and GLUT-2 in hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Summary Ethanolamine (Etn) stimulates hepatocyte proliferation in vivo and in vitro; however, the physiological function of Etn in hepatocytes has yet to be elucidated. In the present study, we examined the effect of Etn using a primary culture of rat hepatocytes. The level of membrane phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) significantly decreased when the hepatocytes were cultured without Etn but increased to the level found in the liver when the culture medium was supplemented with 20–50 μM Etn. Moreover, Etn stimulated DNA synthesis in a dose-dependent manner and had a synergistic effect with epidermal growth factor (EGF). A binding assay and Western blotting showed that the number of EGF receptors was 22–30% lower in cells grown in the absence of Etn compared to those grown in its presence, but the respective Kd values were almost the same. Furthermore, tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGF receptor was significantly lower in cells grown without Etn. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) synthesis in the liver is unique in that it occurs via stepwise methylation of PE. We found that without Etn supplementation, bezafibrate-induced inhibition of PE methylation increased the level of PE by decreasing its conversion to PC and stimulated DNA synthesis. Moreover, the function of EGF in stimulating DNA synthesis was significantly enhanced under Etn-sufficient conditions. These data suggest that Etn is a nutritional factor required for synthesis of adequate PE, levels of which are important for hepatocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta and des-Arg(10)-kallidin stimulate the expression of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), a matrix signaling molecule that is frequently overexpressed in fibrotic disorders. Because the early signal transduction events regulating CTGF expression are unclear, we investigated the role of Ca(2+) homeostasis in CTGF mRNA expression in TGF-beta1- and des-Arg(10)-kallidin-stimulated human lung myofibroblasts. Activation of the kinin B1 receptor with des-Arg(10)-kallidin stimulated a rise in cytosolic Ca(2+) that was extracellular Na(+)-dependent and extracellular Ca(2+)-dependent. The des-Arg(10)-kallidin-stimulated increase of cytosolic Ca(2+) was blocked by KB-R7943, a specific inhibitor of Ca(2+) entry mode operation of the plasma membrane Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger. TGF-beta1 similarly stimulated a KB-R7943-sensitive increase of cytosolic Ca(2+) with kinetics distinct from the des-Arg(10)-kallidin-stimulated Ca(2+) response. We also found that KB-R7943 or 2',4'-dichlorobenzamil, an amiloride analog that inhibits the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger activity, blocked the TGF-beta1- and des-Arg(10)-kallidin-stimulated increases of CTGF mRNA. Pretreatment with KB-R7943 also reduced the basal and TGF-beta1-stimulated levels of alpha1(I) collagen and alpha smooth muscle actin mRNAs. These data suggest that, in addition to regulating ion homeostasis, Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger acts as a signal transducer regulating CTGF, alpha1(I) collagen, and alpha smooth muscle actin expression. Consistent with a more widespread role for Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger in fibrogenesis, we also observed that KB-R7943 likewise blocked TGF-beta1-stimulated levels of CTGF mRNA in human microvascular endothelial and human osteoblast-like cells. We conclude that Ca(2+) entry mode operation of the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger is required for des-Arg(10)-kallidin- and TGF-beta1-stimulated fibrogenesis and participates in the maintenance of the myofibroblast phenotype.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) potently suppresses Mv1Lu mink epithelial cell growth, whereas hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) counteracts TGF-beta-mediated growth inhibition and induces Mv1Lu cell proliferation (J. Taipale and J. Keski-Oja, J. Biol. Chem. 271:4342-4348, 1996). By addressing the cell cycle regulatory mechanisms involved in HGF-mediated release of Mv1Lu cells from TGF-beta inhibition, we show that increased DNA replication is accompanied by phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma protein and alternative regulation of cyclin-Cdk-inhibitor complexes. While TGF-beta treatment decreased the expression of Cdk6, this effect was counteracted by HGF, followed by partial restoration of cyclin D2-associated kinase activity. Notably, HGF failed to prevent TGF-beta induction of p15 and its association with Cdk6. However, HGF reversed the TGF-beta-mediated decrease in Cdk6-associated p27 and cyclin D2-associated Cdk6, suggesting that HGF modifies the TGF-beta response at the level of G1 cyclin complex formation. Counteraction of TGF-beta regulation of Cdk6 by HGF may in turn affect the association of p27 with Cdk2-cyclin E complexes. Though HGF did not differentially regulate the total levels of p27 in TGF-beta-treated cells, p27 immunodepletion experiments suggested that upon treatment with both growth factors, less p27 is associated with Cdk2-cyclin E complexes, in parallel with restoration of the active form of Cdk2 and the associated kinase activity. The results demonstrate that HGF intercepts TGF-beta cell cycle regulation at multiple points, affecting both G1 and G1-S cyclin kinase activities.  相似文献   

For thyroid cells in culture DNA fragmentation and morphological changes related to apoptosis were first described in dog thyroid cells after deprivation of serum, epidermal growth factor or thyrotropin. With intact porcine thyroid follicles in three-dimensional culture, the effect of deprivation of growth factors and of incubation with transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1), epidermal growth factor (EGF), thyrotropin (TSH) or insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) on the incidence of apoptosis was studied. Thyroid follicles were embedded in growth factor-depleted Matrigel and cultured in serum-free medium with or without growth factors for 7 days followed by incubation for 4, 24 and 72 h with TGF-beta1 (2 or 5 ng/mL). The percentage of apoptotic cells was determined by direct counting in electron-microscopy. Approximately 1% of apoptotic bodies could be detected in unstimulated follicles. This was unchanged in the presence of TSH (1 mU/mL) or IGF (10 ng/mL) but significantly increased up to 3.99 +/- 1.24% with 2 ng/mL of EGF. After incubation with TGF-beta apoptosis increased dose-dependently to 4.05 +/- 0.67% with 2 ng/mL TGF-beta1 and 5.16 +/- 1.75% with 5 ng/mL TGF-beta1. The incidence of necrotic cells remained constant at about 1 to 2%. Preincubation of follicles with 2 ng/mL of EGF followed by incubation with 5 ng/mL TGF-beta1 increased the rate of apoptic bodies up to 13.19 +/- 1.9%. We conclude that growth factor depletion in thyroid follicles in three-dimensional culture does not lead to apoptosis. TGF-beta1, however, induces apoptosis even in quiescent thyroid follicular cells and is significantly more pronounced in growing thyroid cells. EGF, which is a dedifferentiating growth factor for thyroid cells, also induces apoptosis. As EGF enhances TGF-beta1 mRNA and protein in thyroid follicular cells, the induction of apoptosis by EGF might also be due to TGF-beta1.  相似文献   

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