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Isopycnic centrifugation of sheared chromatin in metrizamide gradients   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Chromatography of chromatin on the weak ion-exchange resin ECTHAM-cellulose was re-examined using the combined salt-pH elution conditions of Stratling, W.H., Van, N.T. and O'Malley, B.W. (1976) Eur. J. Biochem. 66, 423-433. When mechanically sheared rat liver chromatin was chromatographed on ECTHAM-cellulose the histone composition of eluted fractions was very similar, whereas early eluting fractions were enriched in non-histone proteins, including certain high mobility group proteins, and in hnRNP particles, containing newly synthesised RNA. Later eluting fractions were depleted in all of these components. The majority of hnRNP particles in early eluting chromatin were shown to be physically associated with chromatin by centrifugation in metrizamide. Hen erythrocyte chromatin contained no early eluting material. Size of DNA fragments was not a significant factor in determining the elution position of chromatin fragments. Early eluting material was not generated by endogenous nuclease and protease action. The conditions of chromatin preparation, and of elution of early chromatin fractions caused no gross disruption of chromatin structure, or dissociation of chromatin proteins, although some nucleosome sliding may have occurred. The conditions required for elution of some of the later fractions are sufficient to cause dissociation of protein, and alteration of chromatin conformation.  相似文献   

Isopycnic gradient centrifugation of L-929 cell chromatin in a 38% (W/V) metrizamide solution yields two distinct fractions. The fraction banding at a density of 1.24 gm/cm2 (H chromatin) contains about 10% of the DNA present in the fraction banding at a density of 1.18 gm/cm2 (L chromatin). Both fractions contain the same proportions of satellite to main band DNA''s. Some differences can be seen in the DNA: protein ratios and types of proteins present in the H and L chromatin fractions.  相似文献   

Modification of DNA bases in mammalian chromatin in aqueous suspension by ionizing radiation generated free radicals was investigated. Argon, air, N2O, and N2O/O2 were used for saturation of the aqueous system in order to provide different radical environments. Radiation doses ranging from 20 to 200 Gy (J.kg-1) were used. Thirteen products resulting from radical interactions with pyrimidines and purines in chromatin were identified and quantitated by using the technique of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected-ion monitoring after acidic hydrolysis and trimethylsilylation of chromatin. The methodology used permitted analysis of the modified bases directly in chromatin without the necessity of isolation of DNA from chromatin first. The results indicate that the radical environment provided by the presence of different gases in the system had a substantial effect on the types of products and their quantities. Some products were produced only in the presence of oxygen, whereas other products were detected only in the absence of oxygen. Products produced under all four gaseous conditions were also observed. Generally, the presence of oxygen in the system increased the yields of the products with the exception of formamidopyrimidines. Superoxide radical formed in the presence of air, and to a lesser extent in the presence of N2O/O2, had no effect on product formation. The presence of oxygen dramatically increased the yields of 8-hydroxypurines, whereas the yields of formamidopyrimidines were not affected by oxygen, although these products result from respective oxidation and reduction of the same hydroxyl-adduct radicals of purines. The yields of the products were much lower than those observed previously with DNA.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic mobility of a curved DNA restriction fragment taken from the VP1 gene in the SV40 minichromosome has been measured in polyacrylamide gels and free solution, using capillary electrophoresis. The 199 bp restriction fragment has an apparent bend angle of 46 ± 2° located at SV40 sequence position 1922 ± 2 bp [Lu Y.J., Weers B.D. and Stellwagen N. C. (2005) Biophys. J., 88, 1191–1206]. The ‘curvature module’ surrounding the apparent bend center contains five unevenly spaced A- and T-tracts, which are responsible for the observed curvature. The parent 199 bp fragment and sequence mutants containing at least one A-tract in the curvature module migrate anomalously slowly in free solution, as well as in polyacrylamide gels. Hence, the anomalously slow mobilities observed for curved DNA molecules in polyacrylamide gels are due in part to their anomalously slow mobilities in free solution. Analysis of the gel and free solution mobility decrements indicates that each A- or T-tract contributes independently, but not equally, to the curvature of the 199 bp fragment and its A-tract mutants. The relative contribution of each A- or T-tract to the observed curvature depends on its spacing with respect to the first A-tract in the curvature module.  相似文献   

Accessible DNA in chromatin   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Single-residue d(Pu1NPu2) (Pu1.Pu2=G.A, G.G or A.A) hairpin loops can be stably closed by sheared purine.purine pairs. These special motifs have been found in several important biological systems. We now extend these loop-closing base-pairs to a sheared purine. pyrimidine (A.C) pair at a neutral pH condition. High-resolution NMR spectroscopy, distance geometry, and molecular dynamics methods were used to study d(GTACANCGTAC) oligomers. Numerous idiosyncratic nuclear Overhauser enhancements, especially those across the A.C base-pair between C4NH2left and right arrow AH1', C4NH2left and right arrow AH2, and CH5left and right arrow AH2 proton pairs, clearly define the novel sheared nature of the closing A.C base-pair. This novel base-pair is possibly present in several biological systems and in two single-stranded DNA aptamers selected from oligonucleotide libraries.  相似文献   

Calf thymus nuclei were treated with trypsin, chymotrypsin or Pronase, and the rate of digestion of the various histone fractions was determined. The results differed from those obtained by digestion of DNA-free histones with the same set of enzymes but were identical to those obtained by digestion of calf thymus chromatin. Because these enzymes have such different specificities, the results of these digestions indicate that the histone fractions have similar locations in the chromosomal substructures of nuclei and chromatin, i.e. that the structure of the nucleosomes which exist within nuclei is not changed markedly when chromatin is isolated from nuclei by a method which involves shearing.  相似文献   

Rad54 protein plays an important role in the recombinational repair of double-strand DNA (dsDNA) breaks. It is a dsDNA-dependent ATPase that belongs to the Swi2/Snf2 family of chromatin-remodeling proteins. Rad54 remodels (1) DNA structure, (2) chromatin structure, and (3) Rad51-dsDNA complexes. These abilities imply that Rad54 moves along DNA. Here, we provide direct evidence of Rad54 translocation by visualizing its movement along single molecules of dsDNA. When compared to the remodeling processes, translocation is unexpectedly rapid, occurring at 301 +/- 22 bp/s at 25 degrees C. Rad54 binds randomly along the dsDNA and moves in either of the two possible directions with a velocity dependent on ATP concentration (K(m) = 97 +/- 28 microM). Movement is also surprisingly processive: the average distance traveled is approximately 11,500 bp, with molecules traversing up to 32,000 bp before stopping. The mechanistic implications of this vigorous Rad54 translocase activity in chromatin and protein-DNA complex remodeling are discussed.  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation of chromatin is observed by simultaneously monitoring absorption and circular dichroism at 276 nm as functions of temperature. Either observation indicates that sheared chromatins shows less thermal stability than native chromatin. The temperature-dependent ellipticities at 276 nm of these chromatins show features not seen in the absorption curves: the ellipticity of unsheared chromatin increases with temperature, while this increase is abolished or greatly reduced in the same chromatin after shearing. After its first thermal transition (prior to the helix-coli transition) the unsheared chromatin achieves the same ellipticity as sheared chromatin.  相似文献   

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