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Steady-state ventilatory responses to CO2 inhalation, intravenous CO2 loading (loading), and intravenous CO2 unloading (unloading) were measured in chronic awake dogs while they exercised on an air-conditioned treadmill at 3 mph and 0% grade. End-tidal PO2 was maintained at control levels by manipulation of inspired gas. Responses obtained in three dogs demonstrated that the response to CO2 loading [average increase in CO2 output (Vco2) of 216 ml/min or 35%] was a hypercapnic hyperpnea in every instance. Also, the response to CO2 unloading [average decrease in Vco2 of 90 ml/min or 15% decrease] was a hypocapnic hypopnea in every case. Also, the analysis of the data by directional statistics indicates that there was no difference in the slopes of the responses (change in expiratory ventilation divided by change in arterial Pco2) for loading, unloading, and inhalation. These results indicate that the increased CO2 flow to the lung that occurs in exercise does not provide a direct signal to the respiratory controller that accounts for the exercise hyperpnea. Therefore, other mechanisms must be important in the regulation of ventilation during exercise.  相似文献   

Role of upper airway in ventilatory control in awake and sleeping dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined the role of the upper airway in the regulation of the pattern of breathing in six adult dogs during wakefulness and sleep. The dogs breathed through a fenestrated endotracheal tube inserted through a tracheostomy. The tube was modified to allow airflow to be directed either through the nose or through the tracheostomy. When airflow was diverted from nose to tracheostomy there was an abrupt increase in the rate of expiratory airflow, resulting in prolongation of the end-expiratory pause but no change in overall expiratory duration or respiratory frequency. Furthermore, electromyogram recordings from implanted diaphragmatic and laryngeal muscle electrodes did not show any changes that could be interpreted as an attempt to delay expiratory airflow or increase end-expiratory lung volume. The effects of switching from nose to tracheostomy breathing could be reversed by adding a resistance to the endotracheal tube so as to approximate upper airway resistance. The findings indicate that under normal conditions in the adult dog upper airway receptors play little role in regulation of respiratory pattern and that the upper airway exerts little influence on the maintenance of end-expiratory lung volume.  相似文献   

The ventilatory response to a reduction in mixed venous PCO2 has been reported to be a decrease in breathing even to the point of apnea with no change in arterial CO2 partial pressure (PaCO2), whereas a recent report in exercising dogs found a small but significant drop in PaCO2 (F. M. Bennett et al. J. Appl. Physiol. 56: 1335-1337, 1984). The purpose of the present study was to attempt to reconcile this discrepancy by carefully investigating the cardiopulmonary response to venous CO2 removal over the entire range from eupnea to the apneic threshold in awake, spontaneously breathing normoxic dogs. Six dogs with chronic tracheostomies were prepared with bilateral femoral arteriovenous shunts under general anesthesia. Following recovery, an extracorporeal venovenous bypass circuit, consisting of a roller pump and a silicone-membrane gas exchanger, was attached to the femoral venous cannulas. Cardiopulmonary responses were measured during removal of CO2 from the venous blood and during inhalation of low levels of CO2. Arterial PO2 was kept constant by adjusting inspired O2. The response to venous CO2 unloading was a reduction in PaCO2 and minute ventilation (VE). The slope of the response, delta VE/delta PaCO2, was the same as that observed during CO2 inhalation. This response continued linearly to the point of apnea without significant changes in cardiovascular function.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The role of the sinoaortic reflexes in the regulation of ventilation during exercise was evaluated in seven awake dogs prepared with chronic tracheostomies and arterial catheters. Each dog ran on a treadmill at several work loads before and after sinoaortic denervation and served as its own control. Minute ventilation in the sinoaortic denervated state was significantly reduced from intact values by 10-40% at the mild and moderate levels of exercise [O2 uptake (VO2) = 30-50 ml . kg-1 . min-1] mainly as a result of a lowering respiratory frequency. At higher work loads (VO2 = 70-80 ml . kg-1 . min-1) minute ventilation was similar in the intact and denervated states, but the pattern of ventilation was altered with a higher frequency and a lower tidal volume in the denervated state. The rise in ventilation toward a stable plateau was slower at all work loads in the denervated than in the intact state. After sinoaortic denervation, arterial PCO2(PaCO2) levels were significantly elevated above intact PaCO2 levels during both the preexercise period and the steady state at all exercise levels. These results suggest that the sinoaortic reflexes contribute to both the control of ventilation and the pattern of breathing during mild and heavy levels of exercise in the conscious dog.  相似文献   

Circulation in exercising dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We determined whether the [CO2] in the upper airways (UA) can influence breathing in ponies and whether UA [CO2] contributes to the attenuation of a thermal tachypnea during periods of elevated inspired CO2. Six ponies were studied 1 mo after chronic tracheostomies were created. For one protocol the ponies were breathing room air through a cuffed endotracheal tube. Another smaller tube was placed in the tracheostomy and directed up the airway. By use of this tube, a pump, and prepared gas mixtures, UA [CO2] was altered without affecting alveolar or arterial PCO2. When the ponies were at a neutral environmental temperature (TA) and breathing frequency (f) was 8 breaths X min-1, increasing UA [CO2] up to 18-20% had no effect on f. However, when TA was increased 20 degrees C to increase f to 50 breaths X min-1, then increasing UA [CO2] to 6% or to 18-20% reduced f by 5 +/- 1.7 (SE) and 12 +/- 1.6 breaths X min-1, respectively (t = 3.3, P less than 0.01). These data suggest that in the pony there exists a UA CO2-H+ sensory mechanism. For a second protocol the ponies were breathing a 6% CO2 gas mixture for 15 min in the normal fashion over the entire airway (nares breathing, NBr) or they were breathing this gas mixture for 15 min through the cuffed endotracheal tube (TBr). At a neutral TA, increasing inspired [CO2] to 6% resulted in a 6-breaths X min-1 increase in f during both NBr and TBr.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Arterial-alveolar equilibration of CO2 during exercise was studied by normoxic CO2 rebreathing in six dogs prepared with a chronic tracheostomy and exteriorized carotid loop and trained to run on a treadmill. In 153 simultaneous measurements of PCO2 in arterial blood (PaCO2) and end-tidal gas (PE'CO2) obtained in 46 rebreathing periods at three levels of mild-to-moderate steady-state exercise, the mean PCO2 difference (PaCO2-PE'CO2) was -1.0 +/- 1.0 (SD) Torr and was not related to O2 uptake or to the level of PaCO2 (30-68 Torr). The small negative PaCO2-PE'CO2 is attributed to the lung-to-carotid artery transit time delay which must be taken into account when both PaCO2 and PE'CO2 are continuously rising during rebreathing (average rate 0.22 Torr/s). Assuming that blood-gas equilibrium for CO2 was complete, a lung-to-carotid artery circulation time of 4.6 s accounts for the observed uncorrected PaCO2-PE'CO2 of -1.0 Torr. The results are interpreted to indicate that in rebreathing equilibrium PCO2 in arterial blood and alveolar gas are essentially identical. This conclusion is at variance with previous studies in exercising humans during rebreathing but is in full agreement with our recent findings in resting dogs.  相似文献   

Mobilization of energy sources in exercising dogs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Dynamics of breathing in the hypoxic awake lamb   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Newborn mammals respond to hypoxia with an immediate hyperventilation that is rapidly dampened. Changes in mechanical properties of the respiratory system during hypoxia have been considered an important reason for this fall in minute ventilation (VE). We have studied the dynamic mechanical behavior of the respiratory system in eight unanesthetized intact newborn lambs (mean age 2 days) during normoxia and hypoxia (FIO2 = 0.08). Mouth pressure (P), airflow (V), and volume (V) were recorded while lambs were breathing through a leak-proof face mask and a pneumotachograph. Active compliance (C') and resistance (R') of the respiratory system were computed from P developed during an inspiratory effort against airway closure at end expiration and V and V of the preceding breaths. Tidal expiratory V-V curves were analyzed to estimate the elevation in functional residual capacity (FRC) over resting volume (Vr). After hypoxia, there was an immediate increase in VE in the first 2 min, from 0.49 to 1.13 l.kg-1.min-1, followed by a rapid decrease to 0.80. After 8 min of hypoxia, C' was unchanged. The inspiratory R' decreased during hypoxia, probably reflecting a drop in inspiratory laryngeal resistance. The expiratory V-V curves during hypoxia showed considerable braking, often with a double peak in expiratory V. This pattern was only occasionally seen during normoxia. In animals with a linear segment of the expiratory V-V curves the FRC-Vr difference could be calculated and averaged 1.93 ml/kg during normoxia and 3.47 during hypoxia. The recoil P of the respiratory system at end expiration was 0.75 cmH2O during normoxia vs. 1.63 cmH2O during hypoxia (P less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Periodic breathing in dogs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Role of phrenic nerve afferents in the control of breathing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A long-held belief is that respiratory-related reflexes mediated by afferents in the diaphragm are weak or absent. However, recent data suggest that diaphragmatic afferents are capable of altering ventilatory motor drive as well as influencing perception of added inspiratory loads in humans. This review describes the sensory elements of the diaphragm, their central projections, and their functional significance in the control of respiratory muscle activation. The reflexes elicited by electrical stimulation of phrenic nerve afferents and the contribution of diaphragmatic afferents in respiratory load compensation and perception are considered. There is growing evidence that phrenic nerve afferents are activated under a variety of conditions. However, the significance of this input to the central nervous system is yet to be discerned.  相似文献   

We assessed the consequences of respiratory unloading associated with tracheostomy breathing (TBr). Three normal and three carotid body-denervated (CBD) ponies were prepared with chronic tracheostomies that at rest reduced physiological dead space (VD) from 483 +/- 60 to 255 +/- 30 ml and lung resistance from 1.5 +/- 0.14 to 0.5 +/- 0.07 cmH2O . l-1 . s. At rest and during steady-state mild-to-heavy exercise arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) was approximately 1 Torr higher during nares breathing (NBr) than during TBr. Pulmonary ventilation and tidal volume (VT) were greater and alveolar ventilation was less during NBr than TBr. Breathing frequency (f) did not differ between NBr and TBr at rest, but f during exercise was greater during TBr than during NBr. These responses did not differ between normal and CBD ponies. We also assessed the consequences of increasing external VD (300 ml) and resistance (R, 0.3 cmH2O . l-1 . s) by breathing through a tube. At rest and during mild exercise tube breathing caused PaCO2 to transiently increase 2-3 Torr, but 3-5 min later PaCO2 usually was within 1 Torr of control. Tube breathing did not cause f to change. When external R was increased 1 cmH2O . l-1 . s by breathing through a conventional air collection system, f did not change at rest, but during exercise f was lower than during unencumbered breathing. These responses did not differ between normal, CBD, and hilar nerve-denervated ponies, and they did not differ when external VD or R were added at either the nares or tracheostomy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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