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The determination of the number and the specificity of peptide hydrolases and arylamidases present in a cell-free sonicate from Flavobacterium II b, a species phenotypically similar to Flavobacterium balustinum , involved polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and coloration of end products or staining procedures using diazotation reactions. Only substrates with L-configuration amino acids and dipeptides with an unsubstituted RN-group were cleaved. One protein band, that was able to hydrolyse skimmed milk agar, was observed but carboxypeptidase and endopep-tidase (chymotrypsin and trypsin activities) were absent. Zymograms exhibited ary-lamidase, dipeptidase and tripeptidase activities. Results underline the distinction between the L-leucine aminopeptidase and the L-leucylarylamidase.  相似文献   

Bacteria able to mineralize 100 to 200 ppm of pentachlorophenol (PCP) were isolated by selective enrichment from PCP-contaminated soils from three geographic areas of Minnesota. Although differing somewhat in their responses to various biochemical and biophysical tests, all strains were assigned to the genus Flavobacterium. Five representative strains were examined in detail. All strains metabolized PCP as a sole source of carbon and energy; 73 to 83% of all carbon in the form of [U-14C]PCP was returned as 14CO2, with full liberation of chlorine as chloride. A comparison between strains in their ability to metabolize PCP showed some strains to be more efficient than others. Guanine-plus-cytosine contents of DNA ranged from 58.8 to 63.8%, and DNA/DNA hybridization studies with total DNA digests suggested substantial genetic homology between strains. All strains were shown to possess an 80- to 100-kilobase plasmid, and evidence suggested the presence of a larger plasmid (greater than 200 kilobases).  相似文献   

Flavobacterium sp. ATCC 27551 is prototrophic, streptomycin-resistant and contains plasmid DNA. Two strains of this Flavobacterium sp. with altered growth requirements and antibiotic sensitivity have been isolated. Unlike the parental strain, both isolates are sensitive to the antibiotic streptomycin. Isolate YE requires yeast extract supplementation of the medium and contains no plasmid DNA. Isolate AHC contains plasmid DNA and requires aspartic acid, histidine and cysteine for growth.  相似文献   

Two Pseudomonas isolates, named ES-1 and ES-2, were shown to possess a wide degradative spectrum for haloalkanes in general and bromoalkanes in particular but did not degrade nonsubstituted alkanes. The utilization of water-insoluble haloalkanes, such as 1-bromooctane, appeared to consist of three phases: (i) extracellular emulsification by a constitutively excreted, broad-spectrum surface-active agent, (ii) dehalogenation by an inducible hydrolytic dehalogenase (possibly periplasmic), and (iii) intracellular degradation of the residual carbon skeleton. Several observations suggest the existence of more than one dehalogenase in strain ES-2.  相似文献   

Seven strains of Borrelia burgdorferi isolated from ticks and from human beings in Europe and U.S.A. were analyzed for DNA restriction patterns with several enzymes and for DNA homology in Southern blot hybridizations. The restriction patterns showed a moderately high variability. In Southern blot hybridization, strain B31 (U.S.A.) DNA gave a strong signal with itself, strain Bsf (U.S.A.) and Alcaide (isolated in Italy but presumably contracted in Venezuela). Strain B45 (F.R.G.) hybridized to itself, strain BITS (Italy) and to strain D.A. (Italy). Strain Nancy (Italy) gave a signal only when hybridized to itself, although it was classified as Borrelia on the basis of the clinical manifestations, SDS-PAGE protein pattern and antigenic determinants. No hybridization differences were observed for strains isolated from different hosts in the same continental geographical area.  相似文献   

Abstract The lipids of 8 strains of Flavobacterium and 4 strains of Sphingobacterium were analyzed. In all strains, the main components were phosphatidylethanolamine and sphingolipids. Several strains had a high content of 2 peptidolipids (containing ornithine), whereas one strain had only one peptidolipid fraction, and the other strains, traces. Capnoids (sulfonolipids) were also detected.  相似文献   

Twenty-two strains of Flavobacterium recently isolated from patients and other sources were compared with 6 strains of Flavobacterium meningosepticum and 3 strains of King's Flavobacterium group IIb. The field strains were found to resemble group IIb in their characteristics.All 31 strains of Flavobacterium gave similar results in 28 phenotypic tests; the DNA base compositions of 18 phenotypically representative strains ranged from 35 to 39% GC. Within this group, the 6 strains of F. meningosepticum were phenotypically homogeneous, had a % GC of 36.9, and differed consistently from the 25 strains of group IIb only in the pale colour of their pigment, slowness of pigment production, and inability to hydrolyse starch. All 25 strains of group IIb differed in at least 6 tests from the 6 strains of F. meningosepticum, although not the same 6 tests in each case. Antisera to F. meningosepticum agglutinated 10 strains of group IIb.  相似文献   

Mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, strain PAO, have been isolated that are unable to grow on mannitol, glucose, gluconate, or 2-ketogluconate, cut that exhibit wild-type growth on pyruvate, lactate, citrate, succinate, or acetate. Although some of these mutants were also unable to grow on glycerol, the mutations formed a single linkage group by quantitative transductional analysis with phage F116 on glucose minimal agar medium. Cell extracts of all mutant strains were either lacking or severely deficient in 6-phosphogluconate dehydratase activity. Glu+ transductants derived from mutant strains that retained the wild-type ability for growth at the expense of glycerol also regained the ability to grow on all C-6 compounds. Although a role for the pentose phosphate pathway in the catabolism of C6 substrates was not found, a functional Entner-Doudoroff pathway appears to be essential for the catabolism of mannitol, glucose, gluconate, and 2-ketogluconate.  相似文献   

Aims: To study the antagonic affect of probiotic Pseudomonas M174 on the fish pathogen Flavobacterium psychrophilum. Methods and Results: The ability of Pseudomonas M174 to inhibit the growth of Fl. psychrophilum was examined in iron‐sufficient and ‐deficient media. Possible siderophore production was also investigated. Antagonistic activity was confirmed in disease challenge experiments using a rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) model. Adhesion of Pseudomonas M174 to fish surfaces and its ability to stimulate innate immunity was also investigated in vivo. Pseudomonas M174 antagonized Fl. psychrophilum and produced siderophores in vitro. In challenge experiments with Fl. psychrophilum, fish fed with Pseudomonas M174 had lower levels of mortalities than the controls. It was possible to find Pseudomonas M174 in the intestinal content of these fish after feeding and bathing with the probiotic, but probiotic was obtained from the gills only after feeding. Respiratory burst activity was also found to be enhanced in the M174 fed fish. Conclusions: These results suggest that M174 is a potential probiotic against Fl. psychrophilum and has several modes of action. Significance and Impact of the Study: Probiotics are a promising alternative to the use of antibiotics in aquaculture and could be a more sustainable disease control method.  相似文献   

Three unique parathion hydrolases were purified from gram-negative bacterial isolates and characterized. All three purified enzymes had roughly comparable affinities for ethyl parathion and had broad temperature optima at ca. 40 degrees C. The membrane-bound hydrolase of Flavobacterium sp. strain ATCC 27551 was composed of a single subunit of approximately 35,000 daltons (Da) and was inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents such as dithiothreitol (DTT) and by metal salts such as CuCl2. The cytosolic hydrolase of strain B-1 was composed of a single subunit of approximately 43,000 Da and was stimulated by DTT and inhibited by CuCl2. The membrane-bound hydrolase of strain SC was composed of four identical subunits of 67,000 Da and was inhibited by DTT and stimulated by CuCl2. The substrate ranges of the three enzymes also differed, as evidenced by their relative affinities for parathion and the related organophosphate insecticide O-ethyl-O-4-nitrophenyl phenylphosphonothioate (EPN). The B-1 hydrolase displayed equal affinity for both compounds, the Flavobacterium enzyme showed twofold-lower affinity for EPN than for parathion, and the SC hydrolase displayed no activity toward EPN. The range in characteristics of these three enzymes can be exploited in different waste disposal strategies.  相似文献   

Bacteria able to mineralize 100 to 200 ppm of pentachlorophenol (PCP) were isolated by selective enrichment from PCP-contaminated soils from three geographic areas of Minnesota. Although differing somewhat in their responses to various biochemical and biophysical tests, all strains were assigned to the genus Flavobacterium. Five representative strains were examined in detail. All strains metabolized PCP as a sole source of carbon and energy; 73 to 83% of all carbon in the form of [U-14C]PCP was returned as 14CO2, with full liberation of chlorine as chloride. A comparison between strains in their ability to metabolize PCP showed some strains to be more efficient than others. Guanine-plus-cytosine contents of DNA ranged from 58.8 to 63.8%, and DNA/DNA hybridization studies with total DNA digests suggested substantial genetic homology between strains. All strains were shown to possess an 80- to 100-kilobase plasmid, and evidence suggested the presence of a larger plasmid (greater than 200 kilobases).  相似文献   

New naphthalene-degrading marine Pseudomonas strains.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Five fluorescent Pseudomonas strains isolated from Antarctica have been previously recognized as producing three structurally different pyoverdines. In the present work, siderotyping procedures have been used to classify these strains, together with 1282 isolates of different origins, into siderovars. The strain biodiversity encountered within each siderovar, as well as the potential taxonomic value of the siderovars, are described and discussed. It is concluded that a majority of antarctic strains are commonly distributed worldwide. One strain, however, presenting a particular pyoverdine structure found in a unique other isolate, was apparently much more specific to cold environment.  相似文献   

Both plant growth-promoting Pseudomonas B10 and its yellow-green, fluorescent iron transport agent (siderophore) pseudobactin enhance potato growth and biologically control certain soil-borne fungal diseases in part by depriving specific root-colonizing endemic microorganisms including phytopathogens of iron(III), thus inhibiting their growth. The present study examines this mode of iron deprivation. The growth inhibition of certain bean-deleterious fluorescent pseudomonads by specific bean-beneficial fluorescent pseudomonads is due in part to the inability of susceptible strains to utilize siderophores from beneficial strains to transport iron(III). Conversely, deleterious strains which were able to utilize siderophores from beneficial strains were not inhibited. The ability of a given pseudomonad to utilize another pseudomonad's siderophore may depend upon its possessing a specific outer membrane receptor protein for that pseudomonad's ferric siderophore. Siderophore-mediated competition for iron in microbial systems appears to be a widespread phenomenon.  相似文献   

Nine menaquinone-forming strains of the Flavobacterium-Cytophaga complex with DNA base compositions between 35 and 45 moles percent guanineplus-cytosine were investigated for genome sizes and DNA relatedness by DNA: DNA hybridization in vitro, using the optically recorded initial reassociation kinetics. Two strains representing C. hutchinsonii and C. marinoflava proved to be related on the 50 percent binding level, i.e. on a level of DNA relatedness commonly found within well-classified conventional genera of bacteria. Strains of C. johnsonae, F. heparinum, F. meningosepticum, F. odoratum, F. pectinovorum, and an unnamed Flavobacterium-Cytophaga strain were found to be interrelated, and linked to the genus Cytophaga, on the 30, or 20 percent binding levels, respectively. These findings indicate that the organisms in question are related to Cytophaga. They therefore should be transferred into the family Cytophagaceae.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas paucimobilis and Flavobacterium multivorum (formerly Group IIK biotype 1 and biotype 2, respectively) showed lectin-binding activity with Helix aspersa and no activity with eight other well-characterized lectins. Microagglutination titrations and immunodiffusion precipitation revealed specific antibody activity to immunizing antigens. However, no major antigens were found to be common from crude antigen preparations of P. paucimobilis and F. multivorum when tested against opposing antisera.  相似文献   

Genetic relatedness between strains of C. albicans and C. stellatoidea was studied by measuring G + C content and overall sequence homology. G + C contents determined by high-performance liquid chromatography were 32.6 to 34.2% for 26 strains of C. albicans and 33.0 to 33.9% for eight strains of C. stellatoidea. DNA-DNA hybridization with two C. albicans and two C. stellatoidea probes revealed that all 34 test strains formed a single cluster in which the extents of hybridization with the heterologous probes ranged between 77.9 and 105.6% of those with the homologous probes. These results give support to the unification of C. albicans and C. stellatoidea into a single species.  相似文献   

Investigation of a mutant strain of Pseudomonas putida NCIB 10015, strain PsU-E1, showed that it had lost the ability to produce catechol 1,2-oxygenase after growth with catechol. Additional mutants of both wild-type and mutant strains PsU-E1 have been isolated that grow on catechol, but not on benzoate, yet still form a catechol 1,2-oxygenase when exposed to benzoate. These findings indicate that either there are separately induced catechol 1,2-oxygenase enzymes, or that there are two separate inducers for the one catechol 1,2-oxygenase enzyme. Comparisons of the physical properties of the catechol 1,2-oxygenases formed in response to the two different inducers show no significant differences, so it is more probable that the two proteins are the product of the same gene. Sufficient enzymes of the ortho-fission pathway are induced in the wild-type strain by the initial substrate benzoate (or an early intermediate) to commit that substrate to metabolism by ortho fission exclusively. A mechanism exists that permits metabolism of catechol by meta fission if the ortho-fission enzymes are unable to prevent its intracellular accumulation.  相似文献   

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