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BACKGROUND: Fortification of flour with folic acid is a safe, sustainable, and cost-effective approach for preventing spina bifida and anencephaly, and it is likely to confer multiple health benefits to the adult population. Scientists and advocates are bringing this intervention to the attention of policymakers in countries around the world, and consequently the demand for sound, science-backed policy rationale is increasing. METHODS: We recently prepared this scientific review for scientists, physicians, and advocates who were promoting mandatory folic acid fortification of flour in Australia and New Zealand. This short document references the most relevant published scientific data and national and international recommendations from other countries and presents an argument for fortification based on demonstrated need, proven effectiveness, safety, and multiple health benefits. CONCLUSIONS: With some modifications, this document could be utilized in other countries considering fortification of flour or other staple products with folic acid.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Since 1998, enriched cereal grains sold in the United States have been fortified with folic acid, to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects (NTDs). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that NTD rates have decreased 26% since fortification, but that additional effort is needed to achieve the national goal of a 50% reduction. However, accurate determination of NTD rates requires counting antenatally detected cases; the CDC study noted that the number of prenatally diagnosed cases was likely underestimated. METHODS AND RESULTS: We examined studies from the United States and Canada that compared rates of NTDs before and after very similar fortification programs were instituted in each country. U.S. studies had incomplete ascertainment of prenatally diagnosed NTD cases, and as a result, underreported the number of NTDs prevented. Canadian studies, in which ascertainment was more complete, showed decreases in NTD rates up to 54%. CONCLUSIONS: There is a strong correlation between the completeness of ascertainment and the percentage decrease in NTD rates. Studies that identify cases best show that folic acid fortification is preventing around 50% of NTDs. The percentage of NTDs that are folate-preventable in the United States is uncertain, but is probably 50-60%. Thus, we may be quite close to achieving the optimum level of protection at current fortification levels.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In many regions, NTD prevalences were already declining prior to folic acid fortification. This study examined whether the declining prefortification (1989–1996) NTD prevalences continued into the postfortification period (1998–2003) in selected California counties. METHODS: This population‐based study used vital statistics data and birth defects registry data that were actively ascertained from medical records. The study population included all live births and stillbirths delivered in central California counties from 1989 to 2003. Cases included deliveries with NTDs during the same time period. RESULTS: For all NTDs combined, the slopes indicated that NTD prevalence was decreasing by 7.5 (slope: ?7.5; 95% CI: ?12.4, ?2.5) cases per 100,000 deliveries per year before fortification, whereas NTD prevalence was no longer decreasing after fortification. Comparison of the difference in the two slopes indicated that the postfortification slope exceeded the prefortification slope by 12.6 (95% CI: 2.6, 22.6) cases per 100,000 deliveries per year. CONCLUSIONS: Annual NTD prevalences in central California did not continue to decrease after implementation of folic acid fortification. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Congenital anomalies, congenital defects, or birth defects are significant causes of death in infants. The most common congenital defects are congenital heart defects (CHDs) and neural tube defects (NTDs). Defects induced by genetic mutations, environmental exposure to toxins, or a combination of these effects can result in congenital malformations, leading to infant death or long‐term disabilities. These defects produce significant mortality and morbidity in the affected individuals, and families are affected emotional and financially. Also, society is impacted on many levels. Congenital anomalies may be reduced by dietary supplements of folic acid and other vitamins. Here, we review the evidence for specific roles of toxins (alcohol, cigarette smoke) in causing common severe congenital anomalies like CHDs, NTDs, and ocular defects. We also review the evidence for beneficial effects for dietary supplementation, and highlight gaps in our knowledge, where research may contribute to additional benefits of intervention that can reduce birth defects. Extensive discussion of common severe congenital anomalies (CHDs, NTDs, and ocular defects) illustrates the effects of diet on the frequency and severity of these defects. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 108:274–286, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fewer than 40% of U.S. women are taking folic acid supplements periconceptionally at a time when the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) can be reduced by supplementation. A better understanding of the vitamin-taking habits of childbearing-age women and effective methods for improving periconceptional supplement use are needed. METHODS: A telephone survey conducted through the California Teratogen Information Service (TIS) between August 2003 and January 2004 assessed the prevalence and characteristics of pregnant callers who did not use folic acid supplements in the periconceptional period, and explored attitudes toward advice to continue vitamin use following pregnancy in order to be protected in a future pregnancy. RESULTS: A total of 327 pregnant women who called the TIS for information agreed to participate in the survey. More than half (53.2%) were not taking folic acid-containing supplements in the periconceptional period. Predictors of lack of use included a higher prepregnancy body mass index, younger maternal age, non-white race/ethnicity, lower education level, and unplanned pregnancy. One-quarter of the women said they would be willing to continue taking vitamins after the pregnancy if advised to do so by a physician. The remainder identified obstacles to following that advice--notably, not planning to become pregnant again and the belief that enough folate is derived from diet alone. CONCLUSIONS: More than half of the callers to the TIS were not compliant with recommendations regarding periconceptional folic acid supplementation. This represents an opportunity for TIS specialists and physicians to intervene in a current pregnancy to encourage maintenance of supplement use in the subsequent interpregnancy interval.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Folic acid fortification in the United States became mandatory January 1, 1998, to reduce the occurrence of neural tube defects (NTDs). We evaluated the impact of folic acid fortification on orofacial clefts using United States birth certificate data for 45 states and the District of Columbia. METHODS: Prevalence ratios (PRs) were calculated comparing orofacial cleft prevalence among births prefortification (1/1990-12/1996) and postfortification (10/1998-12/2002), based on fortification status at conception. The JoinPoint Regression Program and exponentially weighted moving average charts (EWMA) were used to assess the timing of any statistically significant changes in prevalence. Data were stratified by maternal race/ethnicity, age, smoking, and timing of prenatal care. RESULTS: Orofacial clefts declined following folic acid fortification (PR=0.94; 95% CI: 0.92-0.96). The EWMA chart flagged a significant decrease in the fourth quarter of 1998. The JoinPoint graph had one change in slope, with a significant quarterly percent change (-0.34) between 1996 and 2002. The decline in orofacial clefts occurred in non-Hispanic Whites but not other racial/ethnic groups, nonsmokers but not women who reported smoking during pregnancy, and women who received prenatal care in the first trimester but not women who began receiving care later in pregnancy. CONCLUSION: Folic acid fortification in the United States was associated with a small decrease in orofacial cleft prevalence, with the timing of the decline consistent with the introduction of fortification. The decline is much smaller than that observed for NTDs, but nonetheless suggests an additional benefit of this public health intervention.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent studies reported no reduction in the frequency of lipomeningomyelocele (LMMC) in Hawaii and Nova Scotia after the implementation of a folic acid food fortification policy in 1998, while a marked reduction in the prevalence of other NTDs was observed. This study was performed to assess the prevalence of LMMC in Canada in relation to the timing of food fortification. METHODS: The study population included livebirths, stillbirths, and terminations of pregnancies because of fetal anomaly to women residing in seven Canadian provinces, from 1993 to 2002. In each province, the ascertainment of NTD cases relied on multiple sources, and in addition all medical charts were reviewed. The study period was divided into pre‐, partial, and full fortification periods, based on results of red cell folate tests published in the literature. RESULTS: A total of 86 LMMC cases were recorded among approximately 1.9 million live births. The average birth prevalence rate was 0.05/1,000, ranging from a minimum of 0.01/1,000 in 2002 to a maximum of 0.08/1,000 in 1999. There was statistical heterogeneity between years (p = .01), but no pattern compatible with a decrease following fortification. Comparing the full fortification period with the prefortification period, there was a slight but not statistically significant decrease in LMMC birth prevalence. CONCLUSIONS: LMMC seems to be pathogenically distinct from myelomeningocele and more studies are needed to understand the embryologic mechanisms leading to this condition, and the environmental and genetic factors involved in its etiology. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2008. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Adequate periconceptional folic acid consumption lowers the risk for neural tube defects. We report the results of an evaluation of a folic acid intervention in Georgia family planning clinics that provided free folic acid supplements or fortified breakfast cereal. METHODS: Six family planning clinics participated in the evaluation. Three clinics provided folic acid pills and educational materials to clients, two provided super-fortified cereal and educational materials, and one clinic provided educational materials only. Participants between the ages of 18 and 45 who visited the clinics in 2000 completed a brief survey and provided a blood sample. Of the 1093 women who participated, we evaluated the 165 women who had returned to the clinic at least once during the study period. We compared participants' survey and serum folate data from their first and subsequent visits. RESULTS: Participation in the intervention was associated with increased knowledge about folic acid, (odds ratio, 1.94; 95% confidence interval, 1.37-2.76), but was not directly associated with increased self-reported folic acid consumption or increased serum folate levels. Reported use of folic acid supplements or cereal within two days of a visit was associated with higher serum folate levels. Knowledge about folic acid was one of the best predictors of self-reported folic acid consumption. CONCLUSIONS: Participation in the intervention increased clients' knowledge about folic acid but did not directly increase reported folic acid consumption. Because knowledge predicted folic acid consumption, the intervention may be indirectly associated with increased consumption of folic acid.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To assess spina bifida birth prevalence changes after folic acid fortification of wheat and maize flours began in Brazil in June 2004. METHODS: Cross‐sectional study of Brazilian live births in 2004 and 2006. Spina bifida birth prevalence from the Live Births Information System (SINASC: Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos) in a prefortified period was compared to a period fortified with folic acid in each state. Observed prevalence rates in 2004 were used to calculate the expected prevalence rates in 2006 under the null hypothesis that both were similar. The observed/expected (O/E) ratios were tested by two‐tailed Z‐test. To minimize ascertainment differences among states, the O/E ratio of each one of the 27 Brazilian states was adjusted for the number of births with the Mantel‐Haenszel statistic. RESULTS The reduction in spina bifida birth prevalence in 2006 was 39% (O/E = 0.61; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.55‐0.67), and 40% (O/E = 0.60; 95% CI, 0.53–0.68), after adjusting for state birth number. This reduction was significant (p < 0.0001), and heterogeneous among states (χ2 = 72.96; p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Using SINASC data, there was a significant reduction in spina bifida birth prevalence in Brazil, probably related to the folic acid food fortification program. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In October 2003 South Africa embarked on a program of folic acid fortification of staple foods. We measured the change in prevalence of NTDs before and after fortification and assessed the cost benefit of this primary health care intervention. METHODS: Since the beginning of 2002 an ecological study was conducted among 12 public hospitals in four provinces of South Africa. NTDs as well as other birth defect rates were reported before and after fortification. Mortality data were also collected from two independent sources. RESULTS: This study shows a significant decline in the prevalence of NTDs following folic acid fortification in South Africa. A decline of 30.5% was observed, from 1.41 to 0.98 per 1,000 births (RR = 0.69; 95% CI: 0.49–0.98; p = .0379). The cost benefit ratio in averting NTDs was 46 to 1. Spina bifida showed a significant decline of 41.6% compared to 10.9% for anencephaly. Additionally, oro‐facial clefts showed no significant decline (5.7%). An independent perinatal mortality surveillance system also shows a significant decline (65.9%) in NTD perinatal deaths, and in NTD infant mortality (38.8%). CONCLUSIONS: The decrease in NTD rates postfortification is consistent with decreases observed in other countries that have fortified their food supplies. This is the first time this has been observed in a predominantly African population. The economic benefit flowing from the prevention of NTDs greatly exceeds the costs of implementing folic acid fortification. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In April of 2003, The Micronutrient Initiative, in collaboration with several other organizations, convened a group of knowledgeable scientists and policy experts to discuss ways to accelerate the global pace at which countries implement effective and sustainable programs to prevent folic acid-preventable birth defects and other folate-deficiency diseases. Programs implemented to date by fewer than 40 countries have prevented only 10% of the estimated 240,000 annual cases of folic acid-preventable spina bifida and anencephaly. METHODS: Participants in this meeting summarized and presented scientific evidence showing that increased consumption of synthetic folic acid prevents a large proportion of spina bifida and anencephaly cases. They also reviewed related guidance and endorsement issued by national professional societies and advisory bodies as well as policies and programs implemented by some countries that have already demonstrated successful results in terms of reduced rates of neural tube defects and improved folate nutrition. CONCLUSIONS: The group formulated and discussed recommendations and strategies for increasing the pace of neural tube defect prevention globally. The recommendations and strategies are published here.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In response to the proposal that mandatory fortification be introduced in Australia to reduce the incidence of NTDs, the purpose of this study was to establish, for the adult community, baseline data on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards the fortification of foods with folic acid. METHODS: A cross-sectional, Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing survey with respondents recruited randomly from the electronic version of the Western Australian telephone directory was used. One thousand members of the community aged 18 years or older were interviewed for the study. RESULTS: Interviews were conducted in September 2006, with a response rate of 76%. Half the respondents were aware folate is currently added to some breakfast cereals (59%) and some breads (53%), but awareness of other food types that may be voluntarily fortified with folate was much lower. Only 13% of respondents were concerned about folate being added to bread, 10% believed folate should not be added to foods, and 9% said they would avoid foods with added folate. Generally, around half the respondents were uncertain about the benefits of fortifying foods with folate and around a quarter were uncertain about any risks or concerns with this practice. CONCLUSIONS: The community appears no more concerned about the fortification of bread with folate than they are about other existing fortification programs in Australia, and appear more likely to support rather than oppose the fortification of foods with folate, particularly if they are informed of the benefits of such a program.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Maternal nutritional factors seem to contribute substantially to the complex etiologies of NTDs. Foremost among these factors is the periconceptional use of supplementation containing folic acid, which is associated with a reduction in the risk of women having NTD‐affected pregnancies. This study was designed to observe the effectiveness of multivitamin supplementation containing folic acid in preventing NTDs in a Chinese population and to detect factors that would impact the effectiveness. METHODS: Through family planning networks, a population‐based community intervention study was carried out in 18 counties of China. Participants were divided into an intervention (taking multivitamin) group and a control group, and were followed up according to periconceptional multivitamin supplementation (in general 6 mg) for 2 years. Women who had a pregnancy were followed up from 28 weeks gestation at least to pregnancy termination, and the outcome was recorded. The incidence rate of the two groups and the relative risks were calculated to evaluate the efficacy of the multivitamin supplement in preventing NTDs. RESULTS: During 2000 and 2002, all of the women having pregnancies with birth defects and women whose pregnancies were without any birth defects were interviewed. Nine NTDs were recorded from 25,444 pregnancies (NTD birth prevalence = 0.35/1,000 pregnancies) in the intervention group and 48 NTDs among 26,599 pregnancies (NTD birth prevalence = 1.80/1,000 pregnancies) in the control group. The protective rate was 80.4%. CONCLUSIONS: Periconceptional multivitamin supplementation containing folic acid can prevent the occurrence of NTDs with the beneficial effect dependent on the frequency and timing of the supplementation. Our study suggests that multivitamin supplement containing folic acid taken from a time point of 2 months before conception and continuing until completion of the second month after conception and taken more than five times per week can significantly reduce the risks of NTDs. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background: Despite public health campaigns encouraging women to take a daily folic acid supplement, the proportion of reproductive age women, in the United States, who comply with this recommendation is less than optimal. The objective of this analysis was to identify predictors of preconceptional folic acid‐containing supplement use to define subgroups of women who may benefit from targeted folic acid campaigns. Methods: This study included 6570 mothers of live born infants from the control population of National Birth Defects Prevention Study (1997–2005). Logistic regression analyses were used to identify predictors of preconceptional folic acid supplementation. A classification and regression tree (CART) analysis was used to define subgroups of women with different patterns of preconceptional folic acid supplementation. Results: Race/ethnicity, education, age at delivery, nativity, employment, income, number of dependents, smoking, and birth control use were significantly associated with preconceptional folic acid‐containing supplement use. Based on a CART analysis, education, race/ethnicity, and age were the most distinguishing factors between women with different preconceptional supplementation patterns. Non‐white women with <4 years of a college education were the least likely to use folic acid‐containing supplements (11%). However, even in the most compliant subgroup (women with ≥4 years of college), only 60% of women supplemented with folic acid. Conclusion: These results demonstrate the need for continued efforts to increase folic acid supplementation among all reproductive aged women. However, the success of such efforts may be improved if maternal characteristics such as education, race/ethnicity, and age, are considered in the development of future interventions. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 100:472–482, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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