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Despite the hegemony of pastoralism over most of Australia’s tropical savannas, its impacts upon biodiversity are poorly known. There is even less knowledge about the impacts of military training, a recent, but rapidly expanding, alternative land use. We compare impacts of these land uses upon mammals, birds, reptiles and frogs at a site in north‐eastern Australia, with sampling from 24 quadrats stratified by four landscape positions (upper slope to riparian) and three current land‐use types (pastoralism, military training and undisturbed). Prior to exclusion in 1967, the whole study area had been subjected to grazing over the course of approximately 100 years, so differences observed strictly reflect responses to changed land use (largely cessation from grazing) over the period of 32 years subsequent to the imposition of the present regime. The four classes of vertebrates showed contrasting responses. Frog distribution was unrelated to land use, but strongly associated with landscape position. Reptiles showed a very strong response to land‐use type but not to landscape position. The total abundance and richness of reptiles was greater in ungrazed (i.e. military and undisturbed) than in grazed quadrats. The total abundance and species richness of birds varied strongly with landscape position but was unrelated to land use. However, many individual bird species showed significant responses to land‐use type, and bird species composition was significantly related to both land‐use type and landscape position. The richness of the mammal fauna was weakly related to landscape position and not related to land‐use type. A few individual mammal species showed significant responses to either or both factors, but mammal species composition was significantly (albeit weakly) related only to land‐use type. With due regard to some interpretative constraints in the study design, and the history of the site prior to this study, these results suggest that pastoralism leads to a substantial rearrangement of the vertebrate fauna, and particularly so for reptiles and those mammals and birds associated with the ground and understorey layers. Given the extent of pastoralism across the tropical savannas, these results suggest that this industry has contributed to major and widespread change in the savanna fauna. In contrast to pastoralism, military land use (at least at the relatively low intensity examined here) produced little change in vertebrate assemblages.  相似文献   

Many studies have tested the performance of terrestrial vertebrates as surrogates for overall species diversity, because these are commonly used in priority‐setting conservation appraisals. Using a database of 3663 vertebrate species in 38 Brazilian ecoregions, we evaluated the effectiveness of various subsets for representing diversity of the entire vertebrate assemblage. Because ecoregions are established incorporating information on biotic assemblages, they are potentially more amenable to regional comparison than are national or state lists. We used 10 potential indicator groups (all species; all mammals, birds, reptiles, or amphibians; all endemic species; and endemic species within each class) to find priority sets of ecoregions that best represent the entire terrestrial vertebrate fauna. This is the first time such tests are employed to assess the effectiveness of indicator groups at the ecoregion level in Brazil. We show that patterns of species richness are highly correlated among mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ecoregion sets selected according to endemic species richness captured more vertebrate species per unit area than sets based on overall vertebrate richness itself, or than those selected at random. Ecoregion sets based on endemic bird, endemic reptile, or endemic amphibian richness also performed well, capturing more species overall than random sets, or than those selected based on species richness of one or all vertebrate classes within ecoregions. Our results highlight the importance of evaluating biodiversity concordance and the use of indicator groups as well as aggregate species richness. We conclude that priority sets based on indicator groups provide a basis for a first assessment of priorities for conservation at an infracontinental scale. Areas with high endemism have long been highlighted for conservation of species. Our findings provide evidence that endemism is not only a worthwhile conservation goal, but also an effective surrogate for the conservation of all terrestrial vertebrates in Brazil.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the Hemiptera fauna of a moderately large and topographically diverse area of tropical rain forest in Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia. Insects were sampled using several methods at several sites over a 1-year period. The numbers of described and undescribed species captured is used to predict the number of extant species of both Hemiptera and total insects in the world. The global estimates of 1.84–2.57 million species of insect are much lower than the 10–80 million predicted by Erwin and Stork from a study of tropical Coleoptera. The reasons for believing that the lower estimates are more reliable are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The effect of the insect growth regulator (IGR) triflumuron (Alsystin® 25 WP) on honeybee, Apis mellifera L. (Hym., Apidae), was studied in a semi-field test. Free-living colonies were fed one litre per hive of sucrose syrup containing 0, 0.025, 0.25 or 2.5 g of triflumuron. A significant reduction in flight activity was noted 6–10 weeks post-treatment at the two higher doses. These colonies reared less brood than before treatment. While the comb area occupied by uncapped brood was as high as [0.025 and 0.25 g active ingredient (a.i.)] or higher (2.5 g a.i.) than before treatment, there was a significant decline in capped brood at the two higher doses, indicating enhanced larval mortality. No capped brood was reared in the hive treated at the highest dose from 3–9 weeks post-treatment. Yet there was a significant accumulation of pollen and honey in the brood compartment at all doses. All colonies except the one treated at the highest dose survived the following winter. However, at 43 weeks post-treatment, hives treated at intermediate and low doses showed a significant increase in uncapped brood and a significant decrease in capped brood. This study revealed a strong residual toxicity of triflumuron to brood and substantiated its classification as hazardous to honeybee.  相似文献   

Summary   The Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority has indicated that terrestrial fauna surveys undertaken for the purpose of preparing Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) are providing inadequate information for decision-makers to assess development impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems. This study examined the current standard of terrestrial vertebrate fauna surveys undertaken as the basis for preparing an EIA. In the absence of a protocol to assess current standards of terrestrial fauna surveys, 'best practice' was defined and quantified through consultation with an 'expert panel'. Data from fauna surveys contained in 15 recent EIA reports from the Goldfields region of Western Australia were critically examined to determine the extent of compliance with 'best practice'. The majority of surveys performed poorly against the established criteria. A few reports addressed many of the issues comprehensively, however, at least 50% failed to mention or adequately address a high proportion of criteria considered essential, including searches of government databases, detection of rare/endangered fauna and multiseasonal sampling. All reports failed to employ sufficient trapping effort at both the biotope and landscape scales to adequately assess terrestrial vertebrate fauna biodiversity. These results indicate the need to redress minimum standards for terrestrial fauna surveys in order to meet the expectations of the EIA process.  相似文献   

Pregnant squamate reptiles (i.e. lizards and snakes) often maintain higher and more stable body temperatures than their nonpregnant conspecifics, and this maternal thermophily enhances developmental rate and can lead to increased offspring quality. However, it is unclear when this behaviour evolved relative to the evolution of viviparity. A preadaptation hypothesis suggests that maternal thermophily was a preadaptation to viviparity. Oviparous squamates are unique among oviparous reptiles for generally retaining their eggs until the embryos achieve one fourth of their development. As a result, maternal thermophily by gravid squamates may provide the same thermoregulatory benefits, at least during early development, that have been associated with viviparity. Thus, the evolution of viviparity in squamates may reflect an expanded duration of a pre-existing maternal thermoregulatory behaviour. Despite its evolutionary relevance, thermoregulation during gravidity in oviparous squamates has not yet been explored in depth. In the present study, we examined whether gravidity was associated with thermoregulatory changes in the oviparous children's python, Antaresia childreni . First, we discovered that, compared to most snakes, A. childreni is at an advanced stage of embryonic development at oviposition. Second, using surgically implanted temperature loggers, we detected a significant influence of reproductive status on thermoregulation. Reproductive females maintained higher and less variable body temperatures than nonreproductive females and this difference was most pronounced during the last 3 weeks of gravidity. Overall, these results highlight the continuum between oviparity and viviparity in squamate reptiles and emphasize the importance of thermal control of early embryonic development independent of reproductive mode.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 499–508.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the Neogene crocodylian fauna of Europe has been represented only by brevirostrine alligatoroid Diplocynodon and longirostrine false gharials ( Gavialosuchus and/or Tomistoma ), which became extinct prior to 6 Mya. Although several lines of evidence suggest that Crocodylus originated in Africa during the Miocene and then promptly dispersed to other continents, the occurrence of this genus in Europe has never been rigorously proven and the traditional palaeontological approach failed to identify a monophyletic group of fossil Crocodylus (simply leading to a proliferation of extinct taxa). The new remains reported here, from an endemic insular fauna from southern Italy, Late Messinian to earliest Pliocene in age (5–6 million years old), represent the youngest European crocodylian, and allow, for the first time in a phylogenetic context, an unambiguous demonstration that Crocodylus dispersed into Europe, possibly during the Tortonian. If the peculiar morphology of the medial maxillary edge is interpreted as evidence for a medial dorsal boss, the southern Italian Crocodylus could be related to C. checchiai from the late Neogene of Libya. The presence of this African immigrant in Europe confirms the role of climate change for faunal dispersal and island colonization.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 149 , 293–307.  相似文献   

Partial Mantel tests and structural equation models were used to investigate the influence of recent geography, palaeogeography and climate on the composition of the fauna of the central Aegean Islands. The composition of land snail and isopod island faunas was significantly influenced by recent and by Pliocene geography. Only Pleistocene palaeogeography had a significant influence on the composition of tenebrionid beetle island faunas. The composition of butterfly island faunas was influenced by recent and by Miocene geographical distances. The composition of reptile island faunas was correlated with recent and Pliocene geography as well as with Pleistocene and/or Miocene geographical distances. Island area influenced only the composition of the island faunas of the volant butterflies, and not that of the less mobile land snails, land isopods, tenebrionid beetles and reptiles. This might indicate that butterflies are able to colonize large islands with suitable habitats even if such islands are comparatively far from source areas more frequently than can the nonvolant groups. Influence of a climatic parameter, namely annual precipitation, on faunal composition was found only for reptiles.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 785–795.  相似文献   

Until recently, the rhynchonelliform (articulated) brachiopod fauna from the Brazilian continental shelf (western South Atlantic) was represented only by the endemic species Bouchardia rosea (Mawe), reported from coastal waters of the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The present study, based on samples from coastal (<30 m), shelf, and continental slope waters (99–485 m), documents the South Atlantic brachiopod fauna and shows that this fauna is more widespread, diverse, and cosmopolitan than previously thought. Based on a total of 16,177 specimens, the following brachiopods have been identified: Bouchardia rosea (Family Bouchardiidae), Platidia anomioides (Family Platidiidae), Argyrotheca cf. cuneata (Family Megathyrididae), and Terebratulina sp. (Family Cancellothyrididae). In coastal settings, the fauna is overwhelmingly dominated by Bouchardia rosea . Rare juvenile (<2 mm) specimens of Argyrotheca cf. cuneata were also found at two shallow-water sites. In shelf settings (100–200 m), the fauna is more diverse and includes Bouchardia rosea , Terebratulina sp., Argyrotheca cf. cuneata , and Platidia anomioides . Notably, Bouchardia rosea was found in waters as deep as 485 m, extending the known bathymetric range of this genus. Also, the record of this brachiopod in waters of the state of Paraná is the southernmost known occurrence of this species. The genera Platidia and Terebratulina are documented here for the first time for the western South Atlantic. The Brazilian brachiopod fauna shares similarities with those from the Atlantic and Indian shelves of southern Africa, and from the Antarctic, Caribbean and Mediterranean waters. The present-day brachiopods of the western South Atlantic are much more cosmopolitan than previously thought and their Cenozoic palaeobiogeographic history has to be reconsidered from that perspective.  相似文献   

Damselfishes are an important element of the fauna of coral reefs. This study describes spatial patterns in the distribution of 15 species of damselfishes at Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR). The aim of the work was to identify the spatial scales at which major changes in the composition and abundance of the fauna occurred. These patterns were then compared with previous studies in an attempt to determine if distributions followed general patterns at a range of localities. The assemblage found at Lizard Island was similar to that of reefs in the central GBR. The most important changes in the composition of the fauna occurred among reef zones. Shallow zones (the reef flat and crest) were dominated by herbivorous species while planktivorous and omnivorous species were most abundant in deeper zones (the reef slope). Densities of herbivorous damselfishes in shallow reef zones at Lizard Island averaged 45.5 individuals per 80 m2, a value comparable to densities found in similar zones on reefs in the central and southern GBR and at one locality in the Caribbean. Comparisons of relative distributions suggested that abundant species tend to be widely distributed among zones and habitats, while rare species have restricted distributions at Lizard Island. However, computer simulation of the sampling program suggested that the ability of our study to describe the distribution patterns of rare species was limited, despite intensive sampling. Correlations between breadth of distribution and abundance may have occurred simply because rare species were less likely to be recorded within a transect. Our results suggest that it will be difficult to compare the distribution patterns of species among studies. Furthermore, the interpretation of relative patterns of distribution at a single locality in terms of ecological specialization or partitioning may first require an assessment of the ability of the sampling program to accurately record spatial patterns.  相似文献   

Abstract. Eversion of the preputium is one of the initial steps in the male copulatory behavior of freshwater pulmonates. Previous experiments have shown that serotonergic mechanisms are involved in eversion in the snail Biomphalaria glabrata because the vertebrate 5-HT1 receptor antagonist methiothepin caused long-lasting eversion in a dose-dependent manner. In this study, we tested a variety of serotonergic receptor ligands, bioactive peptides, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for their ability to induce preputium eversion in B . glabrata in order to elucidate the physiological mechanism of eversion. Of 15 compounds tested, five significantly induced preputium eversion: the serotonin receptor antagonists methiothepin (1 and 10 μM; p<0.0001), cyproheptadine (1–10 μM; p<0.007–0.0001), and mianserin (5–50 μM; p<0.01–0.001), the molluscan cardioactive peptide FMRFamide (10 and 50 μM; p<0.0002–0.0001), and the SSRI fluoxetine (=Prozac, 10–100 μM; p<0.0003–0.0001). Serotonin itself neither induced eversion nor blocked methiothepin-induced eversion. This suggests that fluoxetine is not acting as an SSRI, but potentially as a receptor ligand. These preliminary data shed light on the possible physiological mechanism of preputium eversion in B . glabrata and suggest similarity with that of the model freshwater gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis .  相似文献   

Polyploidy in vertebrate ancestry: Ohno and beyond   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over 30 years ago, Susumu Ohno proposed that two rounds of polyploidy occurred early in vertebrate evolution. We re-examine this proposal using three recent lines of evidence. First, total gene number estimates from completely sequenced genomes suggest an increase in total gene number somewhere along the vertebrate or prevertebrate lineage, compatible with Ohno's model. Second, analyses of homeobox and other genes from amphioxus reveal very extensive gene duplication specifically on the vertebrate lineage. This refines the timing of putative polyploidy to after the divergence of amphioxus and vertebrates. Third, the existence of four-fold paralogy regions in the human genome is suggestive of two rounds of polyploidy, although other explanations are possible. We propose an experimental test, based on chromosomal localization of genes in amphioxus, that should resolve whether paralogy regions are indeed remnants of duplication in vertebrate ancestry.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 425–430.  相似文献   

The historic biogeography of the aquatic fauna of the Levant is reconstructed upon evidence of the gastropod groups with a well-established taxonomy and a rich fossil record. Faunal origins include ancient northern elements coming from an Anatolian–Iberian faunal province that, in the early Miocene, bypassed mainland Italy. This scenario is more plausible than the current 'Lago Mare' biogeographical theory. Palaeotropical elements represent either an Oriental or an African source; in either case these elements could have first reached Anatolia, from where they eventually spread southwards into the Levant, perhaps broadly coinciding in time with the invasion of the northern elements. Within the Levant, the faunas of the Euphrates, Orontes, and Jordan formed at first one common pool, but by 2 Mya the fauna of the Jordan had diverged from that of the Orontes; later, the Orontes fauna diverged from that of the Euphrates. By 1.4 Mya the fauna of the Levant consisted of both ancient survivors and new species. Some 780 000 years ago there was an exceptionally diversified fauna with many new, northern elements. Many of these elements did not survive to recent times. The fossil record suggests that the fauna of the Jordan Valley was separate from that of the Orontes throughout the Pliocene–Pleistocene. Taxa common today to the Jordan Valley and coastal sites may reflect an ancient system of rivers that drained westwards to the Mediterranean Sea, across the Jordan Valley of today.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 625–639.  相似文献   

Montane ecosystems are vulnerable to the removal of vegetation cover through browsing by feral or native vertebrate fauna. The highest elevated peaks of the Stirling Range in Western Australia provide habitat for an endemic plant community, Critically Endangered due to plant disease, frequent fire and an emerging threat of browsing by vertebrate fauna. Survey and camera trapping confirmed the herbivorous feral Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and native Quokka (Setonix brachyurus) are present. Dietary analysis through faecal examination revealed contrasting diets and implicates native rather than feral species as responsible for impacts on dicotyledonous species, and in particular those of conservation significance. Exclosure experiments conducted over 1 year revealed significant changes in abundance, cover and height of perennial herbs and an increase in growth and/or reproduction of four threatened endemic plants. Detrimental impacts caused by native browsing fauna are not unprecedented and may be attributed to disequilibria in ecosystem processes due to multiple interacting threats. Montane ecosystems may be particularly vulnerable to browsing due to their naturally slow recovery after disturbance and browsing may also create environmental conditions more conducive to plant disease. For plant species with critically low population numbers, the impact of browsing poses a threat to population persistence and undermines investment into other conservation recovery actions. For effective management, it is critical to determine the relative impact of browsing species present. Where native species are implicated, the physical protection of high value assets in wire exclosures is warranted to complement other recovery actions and ensure effective species and community recovery.  相似文献   

Lizard distribution patterns were examined in relation to elevation in two undulating landscapes. We asked three specific questions: (1) Were different lizard species associated with particular elevations? (2) Did biological attributes of lizards (e.g. body size, colour, reproduction strategy, etc.) vary with elevation? (3) Did species richness of lizards vary with elevation? Field data were collected in two undulating production landscapes in south‐eastern Australia, approximately 100 km to the west of the Australian Capital Territory. Lizards were surveyed using 648 pitfall traps and 3840 m of drift fence. Both study landscapes were divided into 50 m elevation classes. For each elevation class, survey effort, the capture rate of individual species, and species richness were recorded. Correspondence analysis was used to sort lizards according to their altitudinal distribution profiles. Analysis of variance was used to examine if biological attributes of lizards were related to their altitudinal distribution profiles. Generalized linear modelling was used to relate elevation to the capture rate of individual species, and to species richness. Lizard species differed in their altitudinal preferences. Skinks, taxa with a Bassian distribution or distribution restricted to the Great Dividing Range, dark‐bodied species and viviparous species were more likely to inhabit high elevations. Elevation was significantly related to the capture rate of seven species, and ecologically similar species replaced one another as elevation increased. Species richness peaked significantly at intermediate elevations in both landscapes. We conclude that lizards were highly sensitive to elevation. Elevation changes of as little as 50 m may be related to a change in species richness or species composition. Future research should assess if reptiles in other undulating landscapes with a temperate climate are similarly sensitive to elevation. If so, conservation activities in these landscapes need to consider the full spectrum of topographic positions and elevations.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the influence of environmental variables on species richness patterns of amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds and to assess the general usefulness of regional atlases of fauna. Location Navarra (10,421 km2) is located in the north of the Iberian Peninsula, in a territory shared by Mediterranean and Eurosiberian biogeographic regions. Important ecological patterns, climate, topography and land‐cover vary significantly from north to south. Methods Maps of vertebrate distribution and climatological and environmental data bases were used in a geographic information systems framework. Generalized additive models and partial regression analysis were used as statistical tools to differentiate (A) the purely spatial fraction, (B) the spatially structured environmental fraction and (C) the purely environmental fraction. In this way, we can evaluate the explanatory capacity of each variable, avoiding false correlations and assessing true causality. Final models were obtained through a stepwise procedure. Results Energy‐related features of climate, aridity and land‐cover variables show significant correlation with the species richness of reptiles, mammals and birds. Mammals and birds exhibit a spatial pattern correlated with variables such as aridity index and vegetation land‐cover. However, the high values of the spatially structured environmental fraction B and the low values of the purely environmental fraction A suggest that these predictor variables have a limited causal relationship with species richness for these vertebrate groups. An increment in land‐cover diversity is correlated with an increment of specific richness in reptiles, mammals and birds. No variables were found to be statistically correlated with amphibian species richness. Main conclusions Although aridity and land‐cover are the best predictor variables, their causal relationship with species richness must be considered with caution. Historical factors exhibiting a similar spatial pattern may be considered equally important in explaining the patterns of species richness. Also, land‐cover diversity appears as an important factor for maintaining biological diversity. Partial regression analysis has proved a useful technique in dealing with spatial autocorrelation. These results highlight the usefulness of coarsely sampled data and cartography at regional scales to predict and explain species richness patterns for mammals and birds. The accuracy of models appears to be related to the range perception of each group and the scale of the information.  相似文献   

The Neotropics contributes significantly to global biodiversity yet little is known about its mammalian fauna. Given our limited knowledge, concerns are that extinctions at the local level may cause a decline in genetic diversity through the loss of unique alleles. Here we report the geographical population structure of four rodent species from French Guiana: Dasyprocta leporina , Agouti paca , Proechimys cayennensis and P. cuvieri . Two of them ( Dasyprocta and Agouti ) are commonly harvested throughout the country for subsistence and/or game hunting. Cytochrome b and control region sequences revealed the presence of a number of maternal lineages occurring in sympatry throughout French Guiana. We applied two cytochrome b rodent clock calibrations (7.5% and 12% per million years) to our data, and placed the divergence of the maternal lineages to between 160 000 and 260 000 years ago for the more diverse D. leporina and P. cuvieri , and between 66 000 and 46 000 years ago for the more recent A. paca and P. cayennensis . The clades appear to be widespread throughout South America as indicated by specimens sampled in Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela. At the population level, AMOVA revealed little or no geographical structure within French Guiana. However, this conclusion is based on a single genetic marker and relatively few specimens.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 203–218.  相似文献   

Abstract: Isolated pterosaur and dinosaur teeth and a sauropod metatarsal I and manual phalanx V-1 from the Middle Jurassic (Callovian) Balabansai Svita in the northern Fergana Valley, Kyrgyzstan, are described and attributed to the pterosaur taxon Rhamphorhynchinae indet., a theropod Tetanurae indet., a sauropod Neosauropoda indet., and a new pachycephalosaurid Ferganocephale adenticulatum gen. et sp. nov. The Balabansai theropod is possibly a stem-lineage representative of Dromaeosauridae. The new pachycephalosaurid is the oldest representative of the group and extends its known history by 10–20 myr. The Balabansai vertebrate assemblage is most similar to the Callovian assemblages from the Qigu and Upper Shaximiao formations in China, and intermediate in the evolutionary level of the taxa present between the Bathonian assemblages from Wucaiwan and the Lower Shaximiao formations (China) and the Late Jurassic Shar Teg fauna from Mongolia.  相似文献   

The extension of road networks is considered one of the major factors affecting fauna survival. Roadkill has been documented widely and affects all taxonomic groups. Although roadkill is associated mainly with traffic density, some life-history traits of species and the area surrounding roads are expected to modify number of roadkills both taxonomically and geographically. Here we studied the number of roadkills of vertebrates in an extensive region in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula. We surveyed 820?km of 41 roads in two different seasons (spring and autumn), that differ in traffic intensity. In addition, we covered zones with distinct climatic characteristics and levels of protection of the surrounding habitats. Amphibians showed the highest number of roadkills whereas reptiles, birds and mammals had similar rates. General Linear Model tests showed no differences in roadkills by climatic region; however, differences in number of roadkills were linked to protection status, with the highest number of casualties in highly protected areas. Redundancy Analysis demonstrated that the number of amphibians and reptiles killed was associated with roads in highly protected areas whereas that of mammals and birds was linked to unprotected areas. Protected areas often receive many visitors, which in turn may increase wildlife casualties as a result of greater traffic density. We recommend that correction measures be taken to reduce the high number of vertebrate fauna killed along roads that cross protected areas.  相似文献   

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