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本文报道中国鲤亚科鱼类5属23种,内有1新种——尖鳍鲤Cyprinus acutidorsalis sp.nov.,该种的主要鉴别特征为:(1)背鳍前部呈三角形突出,后缘具一很深的缺刻;(2)腹鳍起点前于背鳍;(3)尾鳍下叶不呈桔红色。中国鲤亚科鱼类区系,远较其他国家丰富,地方种有乌原鲤Procypris merus、岩原鲤P.rabaudi、尖鳍鲤、龙州鲤Cyprinus longzhouensis、短鳍鲤C.micristius、抚仙鲤C.fuxianensis、异龙鲤C.yilongensis、大眼鲤C.megalophthalmus、厚唇鲤C.crassilabris、杞麓鲤C.chilia、春鲤C.longipectoralis、大头鲤C.pellegrini、洱海鲤C.barbatus、云南鲤C.yunnanensis、大理鲤C.daliensis和翘嘴鲤C.ilishaestomus,共16种。云南高原鲤亚科种类特多,仅见于云南的中国地方种多达12种。在云南各湖泊,鲤属鱼类种的分化十分明显,尤其在洱海,所产6种除杞麓鲤外,均为该湖所特有,同域种如此之多,殊属罕见,大概洱海一带即为鲤亚科鱼类的分布中心。云南高原特有种如此丰富,可能与云南地形地貌几经变迁,并具备着使该亚科鱼类区系得以繁荣和分化的良好生态条件密切有关。本文还对鲤亚科鱼类的起源和演化,进行了初步的讨论。    相似文献   

厚颌鲂种群遗传结构及哑基因问题   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
厚颌鲂Megalobrama pellegrini(Tchang)属鲤形目、鲤科、鳇亚科、鲂属,仅分布于长江上游特别是四川境内1,体高,肉肥,为分布地重要的经济鱼类之一,因其体色偏黑而被称为“乌鳊”。    相似文献   

鳅科鱼类亚科的划分及其宗系发生的相互关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
鳅科 Cobitidae 是鲤亚目现生鱼类中第二大类群,约有23个属200个种和亚种。广泛分布于华来氏线以北的亚洲、欧洲和北非。中国是鳅科种类最丰富的国家,有18个属约100个种和亚种,有些属种是我国特有的。关于鳅科在鲤亚目中的分类位置及与其他科间宗系发生的相互关系,伍献文等(1981)已作了详述。本文通过骨骼和形态特征的比较分析来探讨鳅科的亚科划分及亚科之间的宗系发生的相互关系,并进一步讨论它们的起源、分布及演化等问题。  相似文献   

根据头部骨骼的比较,进一步证实将平鳍鳅科分为两个亚科是正确的。对分布于中国的平鳍鳅亚科鱼类进行了比较详尽的整理,共记载了7属15种(或亚种),其中有1个新种——云南原爬鳅Balitoropsis yunnanensis,sp.nov.和1个新记录——越南华吸鳅Sinogastromyzon tonkinensis Pell.et Chev.。  相似文献   

根据头部骨骼的比较,进一步证实将平鳍鳅科分为两个亚科是正确的。对分布于中国的平鳍鳅亚科鱼类进行了比较详尽的整理,共记载了7属15种(或亚种),其中有1个新种——云南原爬鳅Balitoropsis yunnanensis,sp.nov.和1个新记录——越南华吸鳅Sinogastromyzon tonkinensis Pell.et Chev.。    相似文献   

中鲤亚属的分支系统学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于外部形态特征和内部骨骼特征对鲤科鲤属中鲤亚属进行了分支系统学分析,内群包括中鲤亚属的全部5种和鲤亚属的2种鱼类,外群采用乌原鲤。在鲤属鱼类和外群间共有48个性状存在变化。系统发育分析采用PAUP^*软件的Parsimony和Bootstrap两种方式的Branch-and-Bound算法,排除不能极化的特征和特有离征之后,还有28个特征可用,由这28个特征可得到唯一的系统树,树长69,一致性系数0.7246,排除无用特征的一致性系数0.6122,保留系数0.6346。由5种中鲤组成的中鲤亚属明显不构成一个单系群。结果表明:中鲤亚属是一个复系群,该类元应该被撤销。  相似文献   

中国鲤亚科鱼类的分类、分布、起源及演化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文报道中国鲤亚科鱼类5属23种,内有1新种——尖鳍鲤Cyprinus acutidorsalis sp.nov.,该种的主要鉴别特征为:(1)背鳍前部呈三角形突出,后缘具一很深的缺刻;(2)腹鳍起点前于背鳍;(3)尾鳍下叶不呈桔红色。中国鲤亚科鱼类区系,远较其他国家丰富,地方种有乌原鲤Procypris merus、岩原鲤P.rabaudt、尖鳍鲤、龙州鲤Cyprinus longzhouensis、短鳍鲤C.micristius,抚仙鲤C.fuxianensis、异龙鲤C.yilongensis、大眼鲤C.megalophthalmus、厚唇鲤C.crassilabris、杞麓鲤C.chilia、春鲤C.longipectoralis、大头鲤C.pellegrini、洱海鲤C.barbatus、云南鲤C.yunnancnsis、大理鲤C.daliensis和翘嘴鲤C.ilishaestomus,共16种。云南高原鲤亚科种类特多,仅见于云南的中国地方种多达12种。在云南各湖泊,鲤属鱼类种的分化十分明显,尤其在洱海,所产6种除杞麓鲤外,均为该湖所特有,同域种如此之多,殊属罕见,大概洱海一带即为鲤亚科鱼类的分布中心。云南高原特有种如此丰富,可能与云南地形地貌几经变迁,并具备着使该亚科鱼类区系得以繁荣和分化的良好生态条件密切有关。本文还对鲤亚科鱼类的起源和演化,进行了初步的讨论。  相似文献   

杞麓湖鲤鱼鳞片表面结构的扫描电镜观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用扫描电镜技术对鲤科鱼类鳞片表面结构进行观察研究,目前国内尚未见报道。本工作主要以杞麓湖的鲤鱼为研究对象,同时观察了鲤亚科其他属鱼类的鳞片表面结构,发现鳞纹上的齿状粒突可能是从无到有,同时探察此结构有无可能作为分类的一项指标。鉴于杞麓鲤的鳞纹上具齿状粒突,而华南鲤则无,再综合考虑二者骨骼性状的差异,作者认为,这些性状可作为将杞麓鲤由普通鲤的一个亚种提升为一个独立种级地位的证据。从鳞片辐射沟的亚显微结构推测,辐射沟具有两方面的功能,一方面可对鳞片的热胀冷缩起缓冲作用:另一方面可增强鳞片的柔软弯曲性。  相似文献   

中国地枸叶属小志(大戟科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄淑美 《植物研究》1989,9(4):37-40
本文记载地枸叶属3种,其中云南地枸叶Speranskia yunnanensis S.M.Hwang为新种,将S.pekinensis Pax et Hoffm.归并为S.tuberculata(Bunge)Baill.的异名。  相似文献   

截至1985年止,我国共记载被认为有效的纹胸(鱼兆)属鱼类18种(亚种)。通过对采自全国各地的4000余尾标本的整理,18种中仅14种真正有效。加上本文描述的2个新种,报道的3个新纪录,我国共有纹胸(鱼兆)属鱼类19种(亚种)。纹胸(鱼兆)属鱼类的皮肤表面突起分化明显,该性状在种内稳定,可以分为6种类型。某些骨骼的分化,如复合椎体、髓棘、胸带、背骨等,也很有分类价值。本文以皮肤突起类型及骨骼特征为主,辅以一些稳定可靠的体色型、腹鳍的相对位置等,对19种做了分类检索表。  相似文献   

小鲤Cyprinus micristius分布于云南省的滇池、抚仙湖和星云湖,对历年馆藏和作者近年定期野外收集的200尾标本和生态资料进行综合分析的结果表明:小鲤已分化为两个地理亚种,即滇池特有的小鲤指名亚种C.(M.)micristius micristius Regan和分布于抚仙湖、星云湖的抚仙小鲤C.(M.)micristius fuxianensis Yang et al.,亚种间形态的  相似文献   

苔草属复序苔草亚属十四种植物叶片的解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择中国复序苔草亚属6组4亚组的代表植物14种,进行了叶片解剖学研究,观察了其横切面 和表皮特征,证明上述特征在各类群之间存在差异,具有一定的系统学意义。这14种植物叶片的横切 面和表皮都具有一些原始的性状,表明复序苔草亚属中的植物可能在苔草属中是较原始的。在所观察 的植物中,Sect.Polystachyae植物叶片解剖学特征比较一致,说明此组的建立比较合理;而Sect.Indicae 组已有明显分化,尤其是Carex scaposa C.B.Clarke和C.densifimbriata Tang et S.Y.Liang 与其它植物明显不同,而且其外部形态特征在复序苔草亚属中也比较独特,因此赞成将它们及其近缘类群做为一个组而非亚组。  相似文献   

Among the subgenera of the genus Carex, the subgenus Indocarex has been seldom studied in any respects, Its systematic position and its subdivision are still disputable. Leaf anatomy of 14 species in the subgenus lndocarex from China was studied. The anatomical characters are proved to be systematically valuable. (1) Characters of lamina transverse section: All leaves of these 14 species are dorsiventral. The outline mostly V-shaped, occasionally flat or nearly flat, with adaxial lateral rib in each half of lamina and some of them flanged. The cells of adaxial surface larger than those of abaxial surface, and the epidermal cells over veins usually smaller than others. Air-cavities between vascular bundles are well developed, and bulliform cells also well developed in most taxa. The vascular bundles are collaterai, bundle sheaths double-layered, and the outer sheath parenchymatous and the inner sheath fibrous. (2) Characters of lamina epidermis: The shape of the cell on both surfaces is generally rectangular, and the anticlinal wall of epidermal cell sinuous; stomata is paracytic, elliptic to oblong, rarely sub-circular; prickles occur on adaxial surfaces of certain species; papillae are only obvious on abaxial surface of C. moupinensis Franch. The characters of transverse section and epidermis of leaf blades of these 14 species differ from each other to certain degree, and closely related species are similar in anatomical characters. The anatomical characters of lamina are of value for classification at specific and sectional level of the subgenus Indocarex. Despite of the variation of these characters among species, a certain num ber of characters appears to be shared by the members of the subgenus, and some of the common characters are primitive. In addition, some gross morphological characters are common and primitive also. Therefore, the subgenus Indocarex may be primitive in the genus Carex. The anatomical and morphological characters of C. scaposa C. B. Clakre and C. densifimbriata Tang et Wang ex S. Y. Liang are distinct. The two species and their allies should be treated as section instead of subsection. The three species in the sectionPolystachyae share some anatomical characters and comprise a coherent group.  相似文献   

Two new subgenera and eight new species of the subfamily Phalangopsinae are described from Sulawesi, Supiori, Mindoro, Palawan, Sumatra, and Cousin islands. Two former subgenera, Longizacla and Brevizacla, are considered as genera. The new synonymy for a subgenus of the genus Luzonogryllus is established. Diagnostic characters and systematic position of some taxa are discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Gynostemma B1. consists of 13 species and 2 varieties in the whole world, among which 11 species and 2 varieties occur in China. They are distributed in S. Shaanxi and the southern part of the Yangtze River (including Taiwan province) in China and also in Korea, Japan, Sri Lanka, India and Malesia. Based on the characters and dehiscence of fruit, the genus Gynostemma B1. may be divided into two subgenera, i.e. Subgen. I. Gynostemma and Subgen. II. Trirostllum (Z. P. Wang et Q. Z. Xie) C. Y. Wu ct S. K. Chen, comb. nov. 1. Subgenus Gynostemma. The fruits are baccate, globose, 3-umbonate and incorni culate on the apical side, indehiscent when mature. The style apex in female flower is bifid. Type of subgenus: Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Mak. This subgenus contains 8 species and 2 varieties in the world, among which 6 species and 2 varieties occur in China, i.e.1.G. simplicifolium B1. (Yunnan, Hainan of Guangdong); 2. G. laxum (Wall.) Cogn. (S. Yunnan, Hainan of Guangdong and Guangxi); 3. G. burmanicum King ex Chakr. (Yunnan), 3a. G. burmanicum var. molle C. Y. Wu (Yunnan); 4. G. pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Mak. (S. Shaanxi and the soutern area of the Yangtze River of China), 4a. G. pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Mak. var. dasycarpum C. V. Wu (Yunnan); 5. G. pubescens (Gagnep.) C. Y. Wu, st. nov. (Yunnan); 6. G. longipes C. Y. Wu, sp. nov. (endemic to China: Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Shaanxi and Guangxi). 2. Subgenus Trirostellum (Z. P. Wang et Q. Z. Xie) C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen, comb. nov.——Trirostellum Z. P. Wang et Q. Z. Xie in Acta Phytotaxonomia Sinica 19 (4): 483. 1981, syn. nov. The fruit are capsules, subcampanulate, 3-corniculate on the apical side, dehiscent when mature. The style apex in female flower is luniform and irregularly denticulate at margin, rarely bifid. Type of subgenus: Gynostemma cardiospermum Cogn. ex Oliv. This subgenus comprises 5 species, which are all endemic to China. 1. G. yixingense (Z. P. Wang et Q. Z. Xie) C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen (Jiangsu and Zhejiang); 2. G. cardio spermum Cogn. ex Oliv. (Hubei, Shaanxi and Sichuan); 3. G. microspermum C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen (S. Yunnan); 4. G. aggregatum C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen (NW. Yunnan); 5. G.laxiflorum C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen (Anhui).  相似文献   

本文通过对中国伪卷绵蚜属的研究,发现1新亚属,即卵伪卷绵亚属Oothecabius;7新种,即北京伪卷绵蚜Thecabius(Thecabius)bei jingensis Zhang, sp. nov. ;吸杨伪卷绵蚜T. (T. )populisuctus Zhang, sp. nov. ;短毛伪卷绵蚜T.(Oothecabius)brach ychaetus Zhang, sp. nov. ;南京伪卷绵蚜T. (O. )nan jingensis Zhang, sp. nov, ;次生伪卷绵蚜T. (O. )sequelus Zhang, sp. nov. ;峨眉伪卷绵蚜T. (Parathecabius)emeianus Zhang, Sp. nov. ;钟伪卷绵蚜T. (P. )Zhongi Zhang, sp. nov. 。1新亚种,即东方伪卷绵蚜岷亚种T. (T. )orientalis minensis Zhang, ssp. nov. 。对该属与近缘属之间的系统演化关系进行了研究,并且给出亚属及种的检索表。模式标本存放在中国科学院动物研究所标本馆。  相似文献   

五味子属(五味子科)分类系统的初步修订   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
林祁  杨志荣 《植物研究》2007,27(1):6-15
通过对前人提出的五味子属(五味子科)分类系统的点评,根据五味子属植物的33个形态性状及其性状分析,经过分支分析,提出一个新的五味子属分类系统:将五味子属分为五味子亚属和团蕊五味子亚属;将五味子亚属分为多蕊五味子组、少蕊五味子组、中华五味子组和五味子组。编排了分亚属、组和种的检索表,对每个种上分类等级均列出其模式、异名和代表种。  相似文献   

The classical and numerical taxonomy, palynology and the geographical distribution of the Genus Schizopepon are dealt with in the present paper. Having commented on various opinions regarding the systematic position of the genus, the present authors consider that C. Jeffrey’s treatment of Schizopepon as a new and monogeneric tribe, Schizopeponeae, should be supported. The gross morphological characters in the genus are assessed from the taxonomic point of view. Some characters, such as stamens with an elongated connective or not, different insertions of ovules and various forms of ovaries and fruits, may be used for distinguishing subgenera. The pollen grains of all the species were observed under light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results show that a strong differentiation has taken place in the pollen of the genus, and in consequence it may be regarded as an important basis for dividing subgenera and species. Especially it should be pointed out that degrees of development of colpi and positions of ora are positively correlated with the external characters used for distinguishing subgenera. According to the morphological and palynological characters, the genus Schizopepon may be divided into three subgenera and eight species: 1. Subgenus Schizopepon: 5 species, S. bryoniaefolius Maxim., S. monoicus A. M. Lu et Z. Y. Zhang, S. dioicus Cogn., S. longipes Gagnep. and S. macranthus Hand.-Mazz.; 2. Subgenus Rhynchocarpos A. M. Lu et Z. Y. Zhang: 1 species, S. bomiensis A. M. Lu et Z. Y. Zhang; 3. Subgenus Neoschizopepon A. M. Lu et Z. Y. Zhang: 2 species, S. bicirrhosus (C. B. Clarke) C. Jeffrey and S. xizangensis A. M. Lu et Z. Y. Zhang. The 8 OTU’s including all the species of this genus and 31 characters, of which 16 are morphological characters and 15 palynological characters, were used in the numerical taxonomic treatment. After standardization of characters, the correlation and distance matrices were computed. The correlation matrices are made to test the various clustering methods. At last, the UPGMA clustering method was selected and its result is shown in the form of phenogram. The result of numerical analysis is similar to that of the classical classification. Schizopepon Maxim. is a genus of East Asia-Himalayan distribution. China has all 8 species and 2 varieties, of which 6 species are endemic. Based on the statistics of spedies number, the distribution centre of the genus is considered to be in the Hengduan Mountains (Yangtze-Mekong-Salwin water divides) and the adjacent areas of the southwest China.  相似文献   

隐翅祝蛾属Opacoptera是由Gozmány1978年建立的一个单型属。他当时仅根据采自中国云南的唯一的正模标本♂记述属征,无雌性外生殖器特征。本文对该属的属征进行补充和修正,记述了1新亚属,黄隐翅祝蛾亚属Fulvitalia,及1新种,川隐翅祝蛾O. (O. )ecblasta。并再次记述了模式种,隐翅祝蛾O. (O. )callirrhabda的前翅花纹及雌性外生殖器特征。文中有本属已知全部3种的分种检索表及雌雄外生殖器解剖图。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

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