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The ability to distinguish self from nonself allows organisms to protect themselves against attackers. Sagebrush plants use volatile cues emitted by clipped neighbors to adjust their defenses against herbivores. Recently, we reported that cues from genetically identical ‘self’ clones were more effective at reducing damage than were cues from ‘nonself’ clones. This indicates that plants can distinguish self from non-self through volatiles and respond differentially. Identity recognition may be an essential step in enabling plants to behave cooperatively. Emission of cues which enable other plant tissues (on the same or other individual) to respond appropriately to herbivore risk may have evolved if cues are aimed primarily at self tissue.Key words: communication, eavesdropping, herbivory, kin recognition, self/nonself, volatilesThe ability to recognize self from nonself is a fundamental property of individuals of all multicellular organisms. Distinguishing between molecules that are part of one''s own tissues and those of an invader provides a first step towards the evolution of a functioning immune system. An immune system responds differently towards self and nonself tissues, destroying the later. In addition to immune responses, many other sophisticated behaviors have been described for animals that differentiate self from non-self and even kin from strangers.1 For example, social behaviors including altruism can be favored by natural selection when animals are able to first distinguish kin from non-kin and respond differently to individuals in these two categories.2 Although plant behavior is far less well studied, plants too display many sophisticated and context-dependent behaviors.3Plant biologists have described various situations in which plants exhibit different behaviors based on identity. It has been known for some years that many angiosperms choose mates based on genetic identity.4 Numerous mechanisms have been described, primarily involving differential germination of pollen, growth of pollen tubes through stigmatic tissue, and production of competent zygotes. More recently, several workers have found that plants may differentiate self from non-self and alter their morphologies in response to cues from these two types of sources. Plants appeared to recognize their own roots and to grow fewer and shorter roots when they contacted self roots compared to non-self roots (reviewed in references 57). A common feature of these experimental studies is that roots only showed self-recognition when they were physically attached. These experimental studies may be subject to alternate explanations.8,9Recently we reported that sagebrush plants induced resistance more effectively against their herbivores in response to the volatile cues emitted by self clones compared to the cues of non-self clones.10 We had previously found that experimental clipping to branches caused systemic induced resistance within an individual against herbivores only when volatile cues were transmitted.11 To evaluate self/non-self discrimination we first produced clones of 60 parent plants in the field by root crown division. These potted clones were propagated and then placed back in the field near either their genetically identical parent (self treatment) or a genetically different parent (nonself treatment). The potted clones were experimentally clipped in spring for both treatments and the damage that accumulated over the growing season was recorded for parents near self and non-self clones. We found that plants near clipped self clones received approximately 42% less damage by their herbivores than plants near clipped non-self clones (Fig. 1, One-way ANOVA, F1,58 = 8.72, p = 0.005).Open in a separate windowFigure 1The mean number of leaves that were damaged by herbivores (grasshoppers, caterpillars and deer) on assay branches of sagebrush (±1 se). Cuttings were either genetically identical (self) or different (non-self) from the assay branch; assay branches were within 5 cm of potted cuttings but not in physical contact. Cuttings were experimentally clipped to simulate herbivory in May and herbivore damage accumulated on the assay branches until season''s end in September when damage was assayed.This result is novel in several ways. Past results showing self/nonself recognition between roots required that they be in physical contact for discrimination to occur; physical contact was not required in this case. In addition, this is the first identity study to measure responses in terms of damage by herbivores rather than plant morphology or reproduction. This result is more robust than the changes in root morphology because changes attributed to self or non-self volatiles cannot be explained by alternative hypotheses involving potentially confounding differences in resource availability or pot size.8,9 The ability of plants to differentiate self from non-self is important because it may enable differential treatment towards ramets that share genes.Recent work has also suggested that plants may be able to discriminate between kin and strangers. Cakile edentula and Impatiens pallida changed their morphologies depending upon whether their roots contacted kin or strangers.12,13 These altered morphologies were consistent with the notion that kin cooperated and non-kin competed. Examination of self/non-self recognition and kin/stranger recognition patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana indicated that these two forms of identity discrimination were affected differently by inhibitors and therefore suggested that they may involve different signaling mechanisms.14Plants that emit volatile cues that other individuals can use to adjust their defenses (eavesdropping) may be at a selective disadvantage.15 Why should a plant dispense information that allows its neighbors to fine tune their defenses against herbivory? One possible answer to this conundrum may be that plants emit volatile cues to coordinate their own defenses since volatile cues are active over relatively short distances. A second possible answer is that greater sensitivity to self volatiles reduces the cost of eaves-dropping. In designing our sagebrush experiment we cloned plants as a means of producing physically separate pairs of plants that were either genetically identical or different. Early genetic work indicated that populations of sagebrush were highly structured genetically.16 In other words, relatedness decreased as a function of the distance between individuals, also known as population viscosity. Recent genetic analyses of microsatellites indicate that vegetative reproduction by rhizomes also occurs in this species and some neighbors in nature are genetically identical (Ishizaki, et al. in review). Population viscosity has been considered to increase the likelihood of cooperation, in part because neighbors already share genes.2,17 Applying similar logic, communication is facilitated by kin recognition if relatives are better able to communicate than non-kin. Communication may be favored if the tissue emitting cue is surrounded by primarily self tissue or if the exchange of cues is more effective and likely to occur between self tissues. In conclusion, plant communication using volatile cues may have evolved because individual plants were communicating primarily with themselves.  相似文献   

The ability of many animals to recognize kin has allowed them to evolve diverse cooperative behaviours; such ability is less well studied for plants. Many plants, including Artemisia tridentata, have been found to respond to volatile cues emitted by experimentally wounded neighbours to increase levels of resistance to herbivory. We report that this communication was more effective among A. tridentata plants that were more closely related based on microsatellite markers. Plants in the field that received cues from experimentally clipped close relatives experienced less leaf herbivory over the growing season than those that received cues from clipped neighbours that were more distantly related. These results indicate that plants can respond differently to cues from kin, making it less likely that emitters will aid strangers and making it more likely that receivers will respond to cues from relatives. More effective defence adds to a growing list of favourable consequences of kin recognition for plants.  相似文献   

To increase systemic resistance to herbivory, some clonal plants transmit internal cues among clonal ramets to prevent widespread damage to genets. Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) (Asteraceae) is known to use volatile cues to induce resistance within and between plants (so‐called volatile communication). In the present study, we observed the extent and frequency of clonal growth in a natural sagebrush population in western North America to understand the influence of clonal growth on volatile communication. We used genetic analysis involving microsatellite markers and excavation of the root systems. In addition, we characterized the volatile profiles from the headspace of sagebrush ramets. Excavation of the root system of sagebrush plants revealed that sagebrush propagates clonally below ground and that daughter ramets grow near the mother stem. Volatiles were variable among genetically different ramets, although clonal ramets (genetically identical ramets) released similar volatiles, suggesting a genetic basis for volatile similarity. Sagebrush has been shown to be most responsive to volatiles released from artificially produced clones and suffers less herbivore damage as a result. Therefore, these results, taken into consideration together, imply that volatile communication may occur among genetically identical ramets under natural conditions, and that volatile similarity between the releaser and receiver may be recognized by the receiver and increase resistance against herbivory.  相似文献   

Aims Biological invasions represent one of the most important threats to the conservation of biodiversity; however, the mechanisms underlying successful invaders remain unsolved. Many of the most aggressive invaders show clonal growth, and capacity for clonal integration has been pointed out recently as an important trait explaining the success of invasive plants. We aim to determine the role of physiological integration in the capacity for self/non-self genotype recognition in the clonal invader Carpobrotus edulis and the implications of this capacity for the expansion of this aggressive invader.Methods We used connected and severed ramets of identical or different genotype and we determined the capacity for self/non-self recognition by comparing changes in biomass partitioning to avoid competition for resources between pairs of ramets.Important findings Physiological integration allowed self/non-self genotype recognition in the invader C. edulis. Results showed a significant effect of physiological integration on the biomass allocated to roots by genetically identical ramets: older ramets specialize in acquisition of soil-based resources and younger ramets specialize in lateral expansion. This specialization could be considered a form of division of labour, which reduce intra-genotype competition. This is the first evidence that division of labour could be interpreted as a form of self/non-self recognition between genetically identical ramets. Capacity for self/non-self discrimination could contribute to increase the colonization capacity of the aggressive invader C. edulis. This is the first study showing an association between self/non-self recognition and invasiveness in a clonal plant.  相似文献   

Volatile communication allows plants to coordinate systemic induced resistance against herbivores. The mechanisms responsible and nature of the cues remain poorly understood. It is unknown how plants distinguish between reliable cues and misinformation. Previous experiments in which clipped sagebrush branches were bagged suggested that cues are emitted or remain active for up to 3 days. We conducted experiments using plastic bags to block emission of cues at various times following experimental clipping. We also collected headspace volatiles from clipped and unclipped branches for 1 h, transferred those volatiles to assay branches, and incubated the assays for either 1 or 6 h. We found that assay branches that received volatile cues for less than 1 h following clipping of neighbors failed to induce resistance. Assay branches that received volatile cues for more than 1 h experienced reduced herbivory throughout the season. Branches incubated for 6 h with volatiles that had been collected during the first hour following clipping showed induced resistance. These results indicate that sagebrush must receive cues for an extended time (>1 h) before responding; they suggest that the duration of cue reception is an important and overlooked process in communication allowing plants to avoid unreliable, ephemeral cues.  相似文献   

自然生境中有些植物的繁殖体传播距离有限, 这类植物更有可能与其亲缘相近的植株相邻。植物个体能否识别邻株的身份并做出相应的反应, 会对植物间的相互作用产生重要影响。亲缘选择理论预测亲缘相近的植物间可以通过亲缘识别和选择作用, 有效地削弱彼此间的干扰和竞争, 从而增加适合度。对植物通过根系进行自我/ 非我和亲缘识别能力、作用及其影响机制进行了综述, 同时指出了当前研究中存在的一些疑点和亟待解决的问题, 对植物身份识别研究的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The importance of interplant volatile signaling in plant–herbivore interactions has been a contentious issue for the past 30 years. We revisit willows as the system in which evidence for interplant signaling was originally found, but then questioned. We established three well-replicated experiments with two willow species (Salix exigua and Salix lemmonii) to address whether the receipt of an interplant signal from a neighboring willow reduces herbivore damage. Additionally we tested whether this signal is volatile in nature, and whether plants signal better to themselves than they do to other individuals. In all three experiments, we found evidence that cues from a damaged neighbor reduce subsequent herbivory experienced by willows. In one experiment, we showed that bagging of clipped tissue, which prevents the exchange of volatile signals, removed the effect of neighbor wounding. This was consistent with results from the other two experiments, in which clipping potted neighbors connected only through airborne volatile cues reduced damage of receivers. In one year, we found evidence that the perception of volatile signals from genetically identical clones was more effective at reducing foliar damage to a neighbor than signals from a genetically different individual. However, this trend was not significant in the following year. In three well-replicated experiments, we found strong evidence for the importance of interplant volatile cues in mediating herbivore interactions with willows.  相似文献   

Plants can use induced volatiles to detect herbivore‐ and pathogen‐attacked neighbors and prime their defenses. Several individual volatile priming cues have been identified, but whether plants are able to integrate multiple cues from stress‐related volatile blends remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated how maize plants respond to two herbivore‐induced volatile priming cues with complementary information content, the green leaf volatile (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate (HAC) and the aromatic volatile indole. In the absence of herbivory, HAC directly induced defence gene expression, whereas indole had no effect. Upon induction by simulated herbivory, both volatiles increased jasmonate signalling, defence gene expression, and defensive secondary metabolite production and increased plant resistance. Plant resistance to caterpillars was more strongly induced in dual volatile‐exposed plants than plants exposed to single volatiles.. Induced defence levels in dual volatile‐exposed plants were significantly higher than predicted from the added effects of the individual volatiles, with the exception of induced plant volatile production, which showed no increase upon dual‐exposure relative to single exposure. Thus, plants can integrate different volatile cues into strong and specific responses that promote herbivore defence induction and resistance. Integrating multiple volatiles may be beneficial, as volatile blends are more reliable indicators of future stress than single cues.  相似文献   

近缘细菌细胞间的相互识别与相互作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
亲缘识别是细菌细胞间竞争与合作的前提和基础。细菌通过亲缘识别分辨自我细胞和非自我细胞;非同类的细菌细胞相互分离或被排除,而亲缘种群内的细菌细胞进行群体运动、生物膜和子实体形成等社会性合作行为。细菌的自我识别机制可能有助于不同亲缘类群在混杂的自然系统中的共存。近些年来,细菌亲缘识别及相互作用的机制研究工作成为热点,本文总结了近缘细菌细胞间相互识别和作用机制的研究进展。  相似文献   

Plants interact with other organisms employing volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The largest group of plant-released VOCs are terpenes, comprised of isoprene, monoterpenes, and sesquiterpenes. Mono- and sesquiterpenes are well-known communication compounds in plant–insect interactions, whereas the smallest, most commonly emitted terpene, isoprene, is rather assigned a function in combating abiotic stresses. Recently, it has become evident that different volatile terpenes also act as plant-to-plant signaling cues. Upon being perceived, specific volatile terpenes can sensitize distinct signaling pathways in receiver plant cells, which in turn trigger plant innate immune responses. This vastly extends the range of action of volatile terpenes, which not only protect plants from various biotic and abiotic stresses, but also convey information about environmental constraints within and between plants. As a result, plant–insect and plant–pathogen interactions, which are believed to influence each other through phytohormone crosstalk, are likely equally sensitive to reciprocal regulation via volatile terpene cues. Here, we review the current knowledge of terpenes as volatile semiochemicals and discuss why and how volatile terpenes make good signaling cues. We discuss how volatile terpenes may be perceived by plants, what are possible downstream signaling events in receiver plants, and how responses to different terpene cues might interact to orchestrate the net plant response to multiple stresses. Finally, we discuss how the signal can be further transmitted to the community level leading to a mutually beneficial community-scale response or distinct signaling with near kin.  相似文献   

Extracts of healthy resistant and of healthy susceptible plants of tomato had the same effect on growth of Verticillium albo-atrum in vitro. Tracheal saps from resistant and from susceptible plants showed no difference in their effect on spore germination and mycelial growth of V. albo-atrum. Cuttings from resistant plants, inoculated with V. albo-atrum and fed with low concentrations of casamino acids, or glucose, at first wilted more than controls but soon recovered. Continuous treatment with dilute ethanol solutions for 2 weeks induced marked wilting in inoculated cuttings of resistant plants: treatment for shorter periods caused less severe symptoms, from which cuttings recovered slowly. Metabolic inhibitors did not break resistance of cuttings, but the pathogen survived longer in cuttings treated with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate, salicylaldoxime or 8-hydroxyquinoline than in controls. When one end of segments of stems of resistant plants was inoculated with the pathogen, and 48 h later the uninoculated end was placed near a colony of V. albo-atrum on agar, growth of the fungus colony towards the stem segment was sometimes inhibited. There was no such inhibition when segments from susceptible plants were used. Both tracheal sap and diffusates from segments of inoculated resistant plants supported less growth of germ tubes of V. albo-atrum than sap and diffusates from uninoculated plants. These differences were not obtained with the susceptible variety and production of fungitoxic substances in resistant plants after infection is inferred.  相似文献   

The self-compatible plant Nicotiana attenuata grows in genetically diverse populations after fires, and produces flowers that remain open for 3 days and are visited by assorted pollinators. To determine whether and when post-pollination non-random mate selection occurs among self and non-self pollen, seed paternity and semi-in vivo pollen tube growth were determined in controlled single/mixed pollinations. Despite all pollen sources being equally proficient in siring seeds in single-genotype pollinations, self pollen was consistently selected in mixed pollinations, irrespective of maternal genotype. However, clear patterns of mate discrimination occurred amongst non-self pollen when mixed pollinations were performed soon after corollas open, including selection against hygromycin B resistance (transformation selectable marker) in wild-type styles and for it in transformed styles. However, mate choice among pollen genotypes was completely shut down in plants transformed to be unable to produce (irACO) or perceive (ETR1) ethylene. The post-pollination ethylene burst, which originates primarily from the stigma and upper style, was strongly correlated with mate selection in single and mixed hand-pollinations using eight pollen donors in two maternal ecotypes. The post-pollination ethylene burst was also negatively correlated with the continuation of emission of benzylacetone, the most abundant pollinator-attracting corolla-derived floral volatile. We conclude that ethylene signaling plays a pivotal role in mate choice, and the post-pollination ethylene burst and the termination of benzylacetone release are accurate predictors, both qualitatively and quantitatively, of pre-zygotic mate selection and seed paternity.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1998,55(2):377-386
Differential treatment of kin and non-kin has been well documented, but much remains unclear about how kin are recognized. If kin are recognized by a phenotype-matching mechanism, there must be a correlation between genetic relatedness and the similarity of cues used for recognition. A habituation technique was used with golden hamsters,Mesocricetus auratus, to investigate the relative similarity of the odour quality of flank gland secretions from siblings and unrelated individuals. Hamsters discriminated between the odours of their own, same-sex siblings but also treated these odours as similar compared to odours of non-siblings (experiment 1). They did not discriminate between the flank gland odours of unfamiliar siblings from another family (experiment 2). They also did not discriminate between the flank gland odours of unfamiliar, paternal half-siblings from another family (experiment 3). These results indicate that subjects perceived odours from genetically similar individuals as similar and provide evidence for kinship odour cues. The discrimination between the flank gland odours of subjects’ own siblings, however, indicates that hamsters learn the subtle differences between the odours of their close kin, probably through experience with siblings in the nest. When only volatile components from flank gland secretions were available to subjects (experiment 4), they again discriminated between the odours of their own siblings, suggesting that the volatile components from the flank gland secretion were sufficient for recognition of individual litter-mates.  相似文献   

Plants respond to attack by herbivores or pathogens with the release of volatile organic compounds. Neighbouring plants can receive these volatiles and consecutively induce their own defence arsenal. This ‘plant communication’, however, appears counterintuitive when it benefits independent and genetically unrelated receivers, which may compete with the emitter. As a solution to this problem, a role for volatile compounds in within-plant signalling has been predicted. We used wild-type lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) to quantify under field conditions the distances over which volatile signals move, and thereby determine whether these cues will mainly trigger resistance in other parts of the same plant or in independent plants. Independent receiver plants exhibited airborne resistance to herbivores or pathogens at maximum distances of 50 cm from a resistance-expressing emitter. In undisturbed clusters of lima bean, over 80 per cent of all leaves that were located around a single leaf at this distance were other leaves of the same plant, whereas this percentage dropped below 50 per cent at larger distances. Under natural conditions, resistance-inducing volatiles of lima bean move over distances at which most leaves that can receive the signal still belong to the same plant.  相似文献   

The ability to recognize close relatives in order to cooperate or to avoid inbreeding is widespread across all taxa. One accepted mechanism for kin recognition in birds is associative learning of visual or acoustic cues. However, how could individuals ever learn to recognize unfamiliar kin? Here, we provide the first evidence for a novel mechanism of kin recognition in birds. Zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) fledglings are able to distinguish between kin and non-kin based on olfactory cues alone. Since olfactory cues are likely to be genetically based, this finding establishes a neglected mechanism of kin recognition in birds, particularly in songbirds, with potentially far-reaching consequences for both kin selection and inbreeding avoidance.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that plant roots can avoid competition with other roots of the same plant, but the mechanism behind this behavior is yet largely unclear and their effects on plant performance hardly studied. We grew combinations of two ramets of Trifolium repens in a single pot that were either intact, disconnected for a shorter or longer time, or that belonged to different genotypes. Interconnected ramets developed lower root length and mass than any other combination of ramets, supporting the notion that self/non-self discrimination in T. repens was based entirely on physiological coordination between different roots that develop on the same plant, rather than biochemical allorecognition. These responses were consistent among eight field-collected genotypes, suggesting that self/non-self discrimination is a common feature in wild populations of white clover. There were no significant treatment x genotype interactions suggesting that genetic variation for self/non-self discrimination may be limited. Self-interactions resulted in lower to similar shoot biomass and number of ramets, but higher flowering probabilities, compared to non-self interactions. Thus, our results demonstrated that the performance consequences of self/non-self discrimination may be more complicated than previously thought.Key Words: biomass allocation, clonal plants, competition, flowering, phenotypic plasticity, physiological coordination, plant growth, Trifolium repens, self/non-self discrimination  相似文献   

Plants have evolved complex mechanisms to recognize and respond to the presence of neighboring plants, and the genetic identity of a neighbor has been shown to make a difference in this response. Studies have found that plants are able to differentiate among self- versus non-self and among sibling (kin) competitors. Here, we present data for the dioecious grass Distichlis spicata on seedling recognition of kin and sex. D. spicata exhibits extreme spatial segregation of the sexes (SSS) in the field, and previous work has shown that intra-sexual competition is less than inter-sexual competition in the field. In this experiment, we conducted experiments in the lab, exposing the seedlings to liquid media in which seedlings had been previously grown, rather than have the seedling physically contact one another. We found that inter-sexual interactions caused a decrease in the total dry weight and an increase in root/shoot ratio of the plants compared with intra-sexual interactions. These findings suggest that D. spicata plants can recognize and respond to plant sex and that inter-sexual competition contributes to SSS, even when additional interactions, such as mycorrhizal fungi are controlled, and physical interactions between plants are removed. In the kin recognition analysis, we found that plants paired with another plant from the same mother had significantly greater lateral root number and length than plants paired with non-kin, suggesting that in this highly clonal grass, kin recognition may be an important mechanism in competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Shiojiri K  Karban R 《Oecologia》2006,149(2):214-220
Plants progress through a series of distinct stages during development, although the role of plant ontogeny in their defenses against herbivores is poorly understood. Recent work indicates that many plants activate systemic induced resistance after herbivore attack, although the relationship between resistance and ontogeny has not been a focus of this work. In addition, for sagebrush and a few other species, individuals near neighbors that experience simulated herbivory become more resistant to subsequent attack. Volatile, airborne cues are required for both systemic induced resistance among branches and for communication among individuals. We conducted experiments in stands of sagebrush of mixed ages to determine effects of plant age on volatile signaling between branches and individuals. Young and old control plants did not differ in levels of chewing damage that they experienced. Systemic induced resistance among branches was only observed for young plants. Young plants showed strong evidence of systemic resistance only if airflow was permitted among branches; plants with only vascular connections showed no systemic resistance. We also found evidence for volatile communication between individuals. For airborne communication, young plants were more effective emitters of cues as well as more responsive receivers of volatile cues.  相似文献   

Many clonal plants are characterised by tussock growth forms, but the mechanisms that account for their formation and maintenance are still vague. Here we examine the possible effects of the recently identified phenomenon of self/non-self discrimination on the spatial distribution and patterning of ramets, tussocks and clones in stands of clonal plants. Spatially explicit ramet-based simulation modeling of growth and competition have shown that compact tussocks can be generated as a transient phenomenon that typically disappears at equilibrium. We introduced self/non-self discrimination into a spatial model by decreasing competition between neighbouring ramets on the same clonal fragment. The results demonstrate that self/non-self discrimination can have significant effects on clonal growth and architecture with a clear tendency to generate long-lasting and self-sustaining clumps. Interestingly, this effect was qualitatively independent of other architectural and growth attributes of the plants, making it a candidate mechanism of stable clumped growth forms observed in many clonal plants and communities. Furthermore, the introduction of self/non-self discrimination shifted competition from the level of ramets to that of clonal fragments, which in turns strongly increased genet extinction rates. Our results stress the need for greater attention to the rather neglected scaling up of physiological and morphogenetical controls to the population and community levels.  相似文献   

  1. The volatiles from damaged plants induce defense in neighboring plants. The phenomenon is called plant–plant communication, plant talk, or plant eavesdropping. Plant–plant communication has been reported to be stronger between kin plants than genetically far plants in sagebrush.
  2. Why do plants distinguish volatiles from kin or genetically far plants? We hypothesize that plants respond only to important conditions; the induced defense is not free of cost for the plant. To clarify the hypothesis, we conducted experiments and investigations using goldenrod of four different genotypes.
  3. The arthropod community on tall goldenrods were different among four genotypes. The response to volatiles was stronger from genetically close plants to the emitter than from genetically distant plants from the emitter. The volatiles from each genotype of goldenrods were different; and they were categorized accordingly. Moreover, the arthropod community on each genotype of goldenrods were different.
  4. Synthesis: Our results support the hypothesis: Goldenrods respond to volatiles from genetically close plants because they would have similar arthropod species. These results are important clues elucidating adaptive significance of plant–plant communication.
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