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In a previous study, an Escherichia coli strain lacking the key enzymes (acetate kinase and phosphotransacetylase, ACK-PTA) of the major acetate synthesis pathways reduced acetate accumulation. The ackA-pta mutant strain also exhibits an increased lactate synthesis rate. Metabolic flux analysis suggested that the majority of excessive carbon flux was redirected through the lactate formation pathway rather than the ethanol synthesis pathway. This result indicated that lactate dehydrogenase may be competitive at the pyruvate node. However, a 10-fold overexpression of the fermentative lactate dehydrogenase (ldhA) gene in the wild-type parent GJT001 was not able to divert carbon flux from acetate. The carbon flux through pyruvate and all its end products increases at the expense of flux through biosynthesis and succinate. Intracellular pyruvate measurements showed that strains overexpressing lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) depleted the pyruvate pool. This observation along with the observed excretion of pyruvate in the ackA-pta strain indicates the significance of intracellular pyruvate pools. In the current study, we focus on the role of the intracellular pyruvate pool in the redirection of metabolic fluxes at this important node. An increasing level of extracellular pyruvate leads to an increase in the intracellular pyruvate pool. This increase in intracellular pyruvate affects carbon flux distribution at the pyruvate node. Partitioning of the carbon flux to acetate at the expense of ethanol occurs at the acetyl-CoA node while partitioning at the pyruvate node favors lactate formation. The increased competitiveness of the lactate pathway may be due to the allosteric activation of LDH as a result of increased pyruvate levels. The interaction between the reactions catalyzed by the enzymes PFL (pyruvate formate lyase) and LDH was examined.  相似文献   

It is generally known that cofactors play a major role in the production of different fermentation products. This paper is part of a systematic study that investigates the potential of cofactor manipulations as a new tool for metabolic engineering. The NADH/NAD+ cofactor pair plays a major role in microbial catabolism, in which a carbon source, such as glucose, is oxidized using NAD+ and producing reducing equivalents in the form of NADH. It is crucially important for continued cell growth that NADH be oxidized to NAD+ and a redox balance be achieved. Under aerobic growth, oxygen is used as the final electron acceptor. While under anaerobic growth, and in the absence of an alternate oxidizing agent, the regeneration of NAD+ is achieved through fermentation by using NADH to reduce metabolic intermediates. Therefore, an increase in the availability of NADH is expected to have an effect on the metabolic distribution. We have previously investigated a genetic means of increasing the availability of intracellular NADH in vivo by regenerating NADH through the heterologous expression of an NAD(+)-dependent formate dehydrogenase and have demonstrated that this manipulation provoked a significant change in the final metabolite concentration pattern both anaerobically and aerobically (Berríos-Rivera et al., 2002, Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli: increase of NADH availability by overexpressing an NAD(+)-dependent formate dehydrogenase, Metabolic Eng. 4, 217-229). The current work explores further the effect of substituting the native cofactor-independent formate dehydrogenase (FDH) by an NAD(+)-dependent FDH from Candida boidinii on the NAD(H/+) levels, NADH/NAD+ ratio, metabolic fluxes and carbon-mole yields in Escherichia coli under anaerobic chemostat conditions. Overexpression of the NAD(+)-dependent FDH provoked a significant redistribution of both metabolic fluxes and carbon-mole yields. Under anaerobic chemostat conditions, NADH availability increased from 2 to 3 mol NADH/mol glucose consumed and the production of more reduced metabolites was favored, as evidenced by a dramatic increase in the ethanol to acetate ratio and a decrease in the flux to lactate. It was also found that the NADH/NAD+ ratio should not be used as a sole indicator of the oxidation state of the cell. Instead, the metabolic distribution, like the Et/Ac ratio, should also be considered because the turnover of NADH can be fast in an effort to achieve a redox balance.  相似文献   

Our laboratory previously studied the interaction between nuo and the acetate-producing pathway encoded by ackA-pta in Escherichia coli. We examined metabolic patterns, particularly the ethanol and acetate production rates, of several mutant strains grown under anaerobic growth conditions. Since the pyruvate formate-lyase (PFL) pathway is the major route for acetyl-CoA and formate production under anaerobic conditions, we examined the effects of nuo and ackA/pta mutations on the expression of pyruvate formate-lyase (pfl) under anaerobic conditions. The ackA-pta mutant has a pfl::lacZ expression level much higher than that of the wild-type strain, and cultures also exhibit the highest ethanol production. Real-time PCR demonstrated that the adhE gene expression in the ack-pta mutant strain was approximately 100 fold that of the same gene in the ackA-pta nuo mutant strain. This result correlates with the observed ethanol production rates in cultures of the strain. However, the lack of exact correlation between the ethanol production rates and the RT-PCR data suggests additional regulation actions at the posttranslation level. In addition, the activity of the pfl gene as indicated by mRNA levels was also considerably greater in theack-pta mutant. We can conclude that deletions of nuo and ack/pta can partially affect the expression of the genes encoding adhE and pfl under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strains carrying the Bacillus subtilis acetolactate synthase (ALS) gene were previously shown to produce less acetate with higher ATP yields. Metabolic flux analysis was used to show that excess pyruvate was channeled into the less inhibitory product, acetoin. To further understand the role of intrinsic enzymatic properties and the effect of variations in enzyme levels in the alternation of metabolic fluxes, we constructed a chromosomal integrant of the Klebsiella pneumoniae ALS gene. The reported in vitro Michaelis-Menten constants (K(m)) for the Bacillus and the Klebsiella ALS are 13.0 mM and 8.0 mM, respectively. Furthermore, expression of the Klebsiella ALS is under the control of an inducible trp promoter system. Shake-flask experiments showed a linear induction response (the ALS activity changes from about 9 to 223 U/mg of protein when the inducer concentration [IAA] varied from 0 to 40 mg/L). Chemostat experiments showed a similar induction response. Interactions between the branched reactions catalyzed by the PFL, LDH, and the ALS enzymes at the pyruvate node were examined. The results indicate the importance of in vivo enzyme activities in the redistribution of metabolic fluxes.  相似文献   

The amino acid composition of proteins and the fatty acid composition of the cell membranes were measured in Escherichia coli growing exponentially in batch culture on glucose, succinate, glycerol, pyruvate, and acetate, and growing under continuous culture conditions on glucose at dilutions rates equivalent to the growth rates of the batch cultures. Although the fatty acid composition of the membranes did change significantly with carbon source and dilution rate, the amino acid content of proteins did not change significantly under either condition. A previously developed stoichiometric model of metabolism was used to calculate the fluxes through the metabolic reactions and to determine their sensitivity to changes in fatty acid and amino acid composition.  相似文献   

张艳军  张晓云  李志敏  叶勤 《微生物学报》2011,51(10):1358-1363
【目的】本文通过分析在基本培养基中添加腺嘌呤对大肠杆菌DH5α和其耐乙酸突变株DA19代谢流分布的影响,从而进一步了解二者在代谢调控方面的差异。【方法】对2个菌株分别在氮源限制基本培养基及添加腺嘌呤的氮源限制基本培养基中进行连续培养,分析两者代谢流变化差异,并与酶活测定结果进行比较。【结果】添加腺嘌呤降低了DH5α的葡萄糖比消耗速率和乙酸的比生成速率,提高了菌体关于葡萄糖的得率,而丙酮酸比生成速率变化不明显。与MN培养基相比,添加腺嘌呤后DH5α降低了乙酸分流比,提高了分泌丙酮酸和三羧酸循环分流比,同时明显改变了磷酸果糖激酶、6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶和乙酸激酶酶活。与DH5α不同,添加腺嘌呤使得DA19的丙酮酸比生成速率增加了近57%,而其它参数无明显改变。与MN培养基相比,DA19在添加腺嘌呤后降低了三羧酸循环分流比,大大提高了分泌丙酮酸分流比,而关键酶活未发生明显改变。酶活变化与代谢流结果基本一致。【结论】由于大肠杆菌DH5α和DA19嘌呤核苷酸从头合成途径能力存在差异,因此添加腺嘌呤对两个菌株的代谢流分布产生了完全不同的影响。  相似文献   

Applications of genetic engineering or metabolic engineering have increased in both academic and industrial institutions. Most current metabolic engineering studies have focused on enzyme levels and on the effect of the amplification, addition, or deletion of a particular pathway. Although it is generally known that cofactors play a major role in the production of different fermentation products, their role has not been thoroughly and systematically studied. It is conceivable that in cofactor-dependent production systems, cofactor availability and the proportion of cofactor in the active form may play an important role in dictating the overall process yield. Hence, the manipulation of these cofactor levels may be crucial in order to further increase production. We have demonstrated that manipulation of cofactors can be achieved by external and genetic means and these manipulations have the potential to be used as an additional tool to achieve desired metabolic goals. We have shown experimentally that the NADH/NAD(+) ratio can be altered by using carbon sources with different oxidation states. We have shown further that the metabolite distribution can be influenced by a change in the NADH/NAD(+) ratio as mediated by the oxidation state of the carbon source used. We have also demonstrated that the total NAD(H/(+)) levels can be increased by the overexpression of the pncB gene. The increase in the total NAD(H/(+)) levels can be achieved even in a complex medium, which is commonly used by most industrial processes. Finally, we have shown that manipulation of the CoA pool/flux can be used to increase the productivity of a model product, isoamyl acetate.  相似文献   

Although the bacterium E. coli is chosen as the host in many bioprocesses, products derived from the central aerobic metabolic pathway often compete with the acetate-producing pathways poxB and ackA-pta for glucose as the substrate. As such, a significant portion of the glucose may be excreted as acetate, wasting substrate that could have otherwise been used for the desired product. The production of the ester isoamyl acetate from acetyl-CoA by ATF2, a yeast alcohol acetyl transferase, was used as a model system to demonstrate the beneficial effects of reducing acetate production. All strains tested for ester production also overexpressed panK, a native E. coli gene that previous studies have shown to increase free intracellular CoA levels when fed with pantothenic acid. A recombinant E. coli strain with a deletion in ackA-pta produces less acetate and more isoamyl acetate than the wild-type E. coli strain. When both acetate-producing pathways were deleted, the acetate production was greatly reduced. However, pyruvate began to accumulate, so that the overall ester production remained largely unchanged. To produce more ester, a previously established strategy of increasing the flux from pyruvate to acetyl-CoA was adopted by overexpressing pyruvate dehydrogenase. The ester production was then 80% higher in the poxB, ackA-pta strain (0.18 mM) than that found in the single ackA-pta mutant (0.10 mM), which also overexpressed PDH.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli overexpressing a NAD(+)-dependent formate dehydrogenase (FDH) from Candida boidinii was grown in chemostat culture on various carbon sources at 0.05 h(-1) dilution rate, under anaerobic conditions using defined medium and compared to a control without the heterologous FDH pathway. Metabolic fluxes, NADH/NAD(+) ratios and NAD(H/(+)) levels were determined under a range of intracellular NADH availability. The effect of NADH manipulation on the distribution of metabolic fluxes in E. coli was assessed under steady-state conditions. The heterologous FDH pathway converts 1 mol of formate into 1 mol of NADH and carbon dioxide, in contrast with the native FDH where no cofactor involvement is present. Previously, we found that this NADH regeneration system doubled the maximum yield of NADH from 2 to 4 mol NADH/mol glucose consumed and reached 4.6 mol NADH/mol of substrate when sorbitol was used as a carbon source in a complex medium. In the current study, it was found that higher NADH yields and NADH/NAD(+) ratios were achieved with our in vivo NADH regeneration system compared to a control lacking the new FDH pathway in the three carbon sources (glucose, gluconate and sorbitol) examined suggesting a more reduced intracellular environment. The total NAD(H/(+)) amounts were very similar for all the combinations studied. It was also found that the ethanol to acetate ratio increased with increased NADH availability. This ratio increased from 1.05 for the control strain in glucose to 9.45 for the strain expressing the heterologous NAD(+)-dependent FDH in sorbitol.  相似文献   

Deletion of both iclR and arcA in E. coli profoundly alters the central metabolic fluxes and decreases acetate excretion by 70%. In this study we investigate the metabolic consequences of both deletions in E. coli BL21 (DE3). No significant differences in biomass yields, acetate yields, CO2 yields and metabolic fluxes could be observed between the wild type strain E. coli BL21 (DE3) and the double-knockout strain E. coli BL21 (DE3) ΔarcAΔiclR. This proves that arcA and iclR are poorly active in the BL21 wild type strain. Noteworthy, both strains co-assimilate glucose and acetate at high glucose concentrations (10–15 g l−1), while this was never observed in K12 strains. This implies that catabolite repression is less intense in BL21 strains compared to in E. coli K12.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the influence of suspension media on the survival of Escherichia coli M23 exposed to nonthermal, lethal stresses. METHODS AND RESULTS: Populations of E. coli M23 suspended in minimal medium (MM) or in different nutrient-rich broths were exposed to water activity 0.90 and/or pH 3.5 and inactivation was determined by culture-based enumeration. In response to the osmotic or acid challenges, E. coli M23 displayed enhanced survival in MM rather than in complex broth. That trend was reversed when populations were exposed to low water activity in combination with low pH. Comparison of microbial survival in three complex media indicated that even relatively small differences in composition influenced inactivation. In most media the combination of lethal stresses resulted in a synergism, which enhanced bacterial inactivation; however, an exception (tryptone soya broth) was observed. CONCLUSIONS: The suspension medium strongly influences the inactivation of E. coli M23 by osmotic and/or acid stresses. This should be considered when comparing studies of microbial survival that use different media and when broth-derived data are intended to represent specific environments (e.g. food matrices). SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The specific effects of synthetic media need to be appreciated when studying bacterial inactivation in conditions relevant to food-manufacturing regimes.  相似文献   

Fermentation patterns of Escherichia coli HB101 carrying plasmids expressing cloned genes of Zymomonas mobilis pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) and alcohol dehydrogenase li (ADH) were determined in glucose-limited complex medium in pH-controlled anaerobic batch cultivations. Time profiles of glucose, dry cell weight, succinate, formate, acetate, and ethanol were determined, as were the activities of ADH and PDC. Fluxes through the central carbon pathways were calculated for each construct utilizing exponential phase data on extracellular components and assuming quasi-steady state for intermediate metabolites. Overall biomass yields were greatest for cells expressing both PDC and ADH activities. Yields of carbon catabolite end products were similar for all PDC-expressing strains and different from those for other strains. Relative to its glucose uptake rate, the strain with greatest PDC and ADH activities produces formate and acetate more slowly and ethanol more rapidly than other strains. Strong influences of plasmid presence and metabolic coupling complicate detailed interpretations of the data.  相似文献   

Under anaerobic conditions, competition for pyruvate between the branch point enzymes pyruvate formate lyase (PFL, Km = 2 mM) and fermentative lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, Km = 7.2 mM) determines the partition of carbon flux. Two Escherichia coli mutant strains, one deficient in ackA, pta, and ldhA and the other overexpressing LDH, were constructed to systematically analyze the effects of these perturbations in the existing pathways on the redistribution of carbon fluxes. Deletion of the lactate and acetate synthesis pathways was detrimental to cell growth. Carbon flux is forced through ethanol and formate production pathways, resulting in a concomitant increase in those fluxes. In addition, overexpression of LDH simultaneously increases the common flux as well as the flux to the competing acetyl-CoA branch. Overexpression of lactate dehydrogenase (ldhA) in the parent strain increases the lactate synthesis rate from 0.19 to 0.40 mmol/g-biomass-h when the LDH activities increases from 1.3 to 15.3 units. Even an increase of more than 10 times in the LDH activity fails to divert a large fraction of the carbon flux to lactate; the majority of the flux still channels through the acetyl-CoA branch. Overexpression of LDH in the parent strain simultaneously increases the common flux as well as the flux through the acetyl-CoA branch. Subsequently, the flux amplification factors (or deviation indices which can be related to the flux control coefficients) are positive for all three fluxes occurring at the pyruvate node.  相似文献   

Coenzyme A (CoA) and its thioester derivatives are important cofactors participating in over 100 different reactions in intermediary metabolism of microorganisms. The time profiles of intracellular CoA and acetyl-CoA levels were studied in an aerobic batch reactor. The CoA level starts at a high value and falls off gradually over the exponential and stationary growth phases, reaching negligible levels at the end of 24h. The acetyl-CoA level, on the other hand, increases initially reaching a maximum and decreases gradually reaching negligible levels after 24h. Overexpressing one of the upstream rate-controlling enzyme the pantothenate kinase with simultaneous supplementation of the precursor pantothenic acid to the culture medium increased the intracellular CoA/acetyl-CoA levels. It was found that supplementation of the precursor pantothenic acid is essential to increase CoA/acetyl-CoA levels. A 10-fold increase in CoA level was observed upon this overexpression in complex medium. Acetyl-CoA levels also increased (5-fold) but not as much as CoA, leaving much of the CoA in free unacetylated form. The increase in intracellular CoA/acetyl-CoA levels led to an increase in carbon flux to the acetate production pathway leading to formation of more acetate in complex medium, whereas no such change in metabolite redistribution was observed in minimal medium.  相似文献   

Complete isotopomer models that simulate distribution of label in 13C tracer experiments are applied to the quantification of metabolic fluxes in the primary carbon metabolism of E. coli under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The concept of isotopomer mapping matrices (IMMs) is used to simplify the formulation of isotopomer mass balances by expressing all isotopomer mass balances of a metabolite pool in a single matrix equation. A numerically stable method to calculate the steady-state isotopomer distribution in metabolic networks in introduced. Net values of intracellular fluxes and the degree of reversibility of enzymatic steps are estimated by minimization of the deviations between experimental and simulated measurements. The metabolic model applied includes the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas and the pentose phosphate pathway, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, anaplerotic reaction sequences and pathways involved in amino acid synthesis. The study clearly demonstrates the value of complete isotopomer models for maximizing the information obtainable from 13C tracer experiments. The approach applied here offers a completely general and comprehensive analysis of carbon tracer experiments where any set of experimental data on the labeling state and extracellular fluxes can be used for the quantification of metabolic fluxes in complex metabolic networks.  相似文献   

A method of analysis was presented in part I of this series for determining the fluxes in a biochemical network that are the optimal choices for experimental measurement. This algorithm is applied to two important biological models: Escherichia coli and a hybridoma cell line (167.4G5.3). Our results show that potentially poor choices for in vivo measurement of metabolic fluxes exist for both model systems. For the subset of reactions in E. coli that was studied, the condition number of the augmented stoichiometric matrix reveals that a 60-fold amplification of experimental error during computations is possible. The biochemical network of the hybridoma cell is more complex than the E. coli system, and thus results in much larger possible error amplification--up to 100,000-fold. The physiological situations appear to have sensitivities that are less than 1/4 to 1/10 of those estimated by the condition number, and the maximum sensitivities are proportional to the condition number. These maximum sensitivities calculated using estimates of the fluxes and the worst possible error vector are upper bounds on the system's actual sensitivity. By examining the effect of measurement error on the sensitivity, the most probable sensitivity is calculated. These results indicate that an approximate two-fold increase in sensitivity of the E. coli system is likely when the worst set of fluxes are measured rather than the best set. The most likely sensitivity of the hybridoma system can range three orders of magnitude, depending on the set of fluxes that are measured. The propagation of experimental error during computations can be diminished for both systems by increasing the number of flux measurements over and above the minimum number of experimental measurements. The findings from these two model systems indicate that the calculation of the condition number can be a useful method for efficient experimental design, and that the usefulness of this method increases as the order of the system increases.  相似文献   

The metabolic regulation of Escherichia coli lacking a functional pykF gene was investigated based on gene expressions, enzyme activities, intracellular metabolite concentrations and the metabolic flux distribution obtained based on (13)C-labeling experiments. RT-PCR revealed that the glycolytic genes such as glk, pgi, pfkA and tpiA were down regulated, that ppc, pckA, maeB and mdh genes were strongly up-regulated, and that the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway genes such as zwf and gnd were significantly up-regulated in the pykF mutant. The catabolite repressor/activator gene fruR was up-regulated in the pykF mutant, but the adenylate cyclase gene cyaA was down-regulated indicating a decreased rate of glucose uptake. This was also ascertained by the degradation of ptsG mRNA, the gene for which was down-regulated in the pykF mutant. In general, the changes in enzyme activities more or less correlated with ratios of gene expression, while the changes in metabolic fluxes did not correlate with enzyme activities. For example, high flux ratios were obtained through the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway due to an increased concentration of glucose-6-phosphate rather than to favorable enzyme activity ratios. In contrast, due to decreased availability of pyruvate (and acetyl coenzyme A) in the pykF mutant compared with the wild type, low flux ratios were found through lactate and acetate forming pathways.  相似文献   

The impact of temperature-induced synthesis of human basic fibroblast growth factor (hFGF-2) in high-cell-density cultures of recombinant Escherichia coli was studied by estimating metabolic flux variations. Metabolic flux distributions in E. coli were calculated by means of a stoichiometric network and linear programming. After the temperature upshift, a substantially elevated energy demand for synthesis of hFGF-2 and heat shock proteins resulted in a redirection of metabolic fluxes. Catabolic pathways like the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle showed significantly enhanced activities, leading to reduced flux to growth-associated pathways like the pentose phosphate pathway and other anabolic pathways. Upon temperature upshift, an excess of NADPH was produced in the TCA cycle by isocitrate dehydrogenase. The metabolic model predicted the involvement of a transhydrogenase generating additional NADH from NADPH, thereby increasing ATP regeneration in the respiratory chain. The influence of the temperature upshift on the host's metabolism was investigated by means of a control strain harboring the "empty" parental expression vector. The metabolic fluxes after the temperature upshift were redirected similarly to the production strain; the effects, however, were observed to a lesser extent and with different time profiles.  相似文献   

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