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南京中山植物园秋冬季鸟类对植物种子的传播作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
1999年10月20日-2000年1月20日,在南京中山植物园内随机收集鸟粪样品160份,共分离出874粒结构完整的种子和果核、3块鞘翅目昆虫残体和1块鸟类羽毛残块。已鉴定出842粒种子和果核,分属于16科20属26种(变种)。在鸟粪样品中出现频率较高的种子依次分别属于冬青(Ilex purpurea)(22.22%)、圆柏(Sabina chinensis)(11.11%)、盐肤木(Rhus chinensis)(10.63%)、朴树(Celtis sinensis)(9.18%)、爬山虎(Parthenocissus tricuspidata)(7.73%)、龙柏(S.chinensis cv.kaizuca)(7.25%)等;种子数量相对较多的植物种类主要有冬青(23.52%)、盐肤木(16.15%)、圆柏(13.54%)、爬山虎(7.96%)、龙柏(7.96%)、小果蔷薇(Rosa cymosa)(5.34%)等。除经鸟粪传播外,鸟类还通过衔取果实以及在吞食果实后将种子呕出的方式传播种子。初步发芽试验表明,鸟粪样品中的爬山虎、盐肤木的种子,以及被鸟呕出的樟树(Cinnamomum camphora)、楝树(Melia azedarach)的种子均可发芽出苗。鸟类传播种子使南京中山植物园内樟树、冬青、海桐(Pittosporum tobira)和红豆杉(Taxus chinensis)等栽培树种成功地侵入到位于植物园北缘的虎山山坡黑松(Pinus thunbergii)、枫香(Liquidambar formosana)群落、以及植物园内山溪边的枫杨(Pterocarya stenoptera)、朴树群落等生境中。鸟类对种子的传播作用扩大了南京中山植物园内那些具有肉质果实、种子具有坚硬种皮或种子包被于坚硬果核中的植物种类的分布范围,促进了它们的自然更新。  相似文献   

动物对松属植物种子的传播作用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鲁长虎 《生态学杂志》2006,25(5):557-562
松属植物约110种,根据种子传播方式可分为风传播松和动物传播松。风传播松占绝大多数,种子多具有适应风力的翅。动物传播松大约23种,都具有大、可食用、无翅或短翅的种子,无法借助风力传播。动物传播松的分布生境多为贫瘠的山地,而且多位于高海拔地区。目前已知9种松树的动物传播种类,其余14种可推测为动物传播。动物传播者包括鸦科鸟类和啮齿类动物,动物将获得的种子分散贮藏,未被重取的种子可能萌发,完成传播。动物传播是定向传播,微生境多适合种子萌发。啮齿类的传播距离可达数10 m,而鸦科鸟类的传播距离可达数公里。动物传播的松树会出现树丛和多树干现象,一般由同一贮点内贮藏的多粒种子萌发造成的。动物贮藏的种子大部分被重取,称传播后取食。一些具有大种子的风传播松在种子落地后,啮齿类和鸟类会再次埋藏而形成二次传播,可看做是一个单独的传播类型,即风-动物传播松。动物传播者与依赖传播松树之间可看作是互利共生关系。  相似文献   

海南蒲桃(Syzygium cumini)是亚热带地区城市绿地中常见的绿化植物,其果实数量多、果期长,可为鸟类提供大量食物资源。2020年6月—8月借助Safari 10×26变焦双筒望远镜,采用焦点扫描法对访问海南蒲桃果实(种子)的鸟类行为进行观察,详细记录鸟类的种类、取食基质、访问频次、取食时间、取食数量和取食方式等信息,探讨鸟类在海南蒲桃种子传播及种群更新中的生态作用。结果表明:成熟的海南蒲桃能吸引7种食果鸟类对其种子进行取食,其中白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)、红耳鹎(Pycnonotus jocosus)、白喉红臀鹎(Pycnonotus aurigaster)和黄臀鹎(Pycnonotus xanthorrhous)4种鸟类以整吞的方式取食海南蒲桃的种子,属于种子潜在传播者。不同种鸟类对海南蒲桃果实的取食频次间存在显著差异(t=4.310,df=6,P<0.01),平均访问只数、平均取食时间和平均取食量间存在极显著差异(P<0.001)。食果鸟类的形态特征(体长、体重和嘴峰大小)与取食数量间均呈正相关。鸟类主要以呕吐的方式传播海南蒲桃的种子,观...  相似文献   

根据对香港121个离岛的生物多样性调查,对岛屿上1035种野生植物的果实类型和种子传播方式进行了统计和分析。离岛上的植物果实可划分为14种类型,主要有蒴果、核果、浆果和瘦果4类,分别占总数的22.57%、13.29%、11.7%和11.07%。岛上植物种子传播类型主要有4种,即动物传播、风力传播、人类传播和水流传播,其中动物传播779种(鸟类传播722种),风力传播399种,水流传播60种,人力传播的归化植物29种,有188种植物有2种及2种以上的自然传播方式。此外,鸟类和其它动物的传播作用对岛上植被的次生形成具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

陈巧尔  牛一醒  王征  李宁 《生态学杂志》2023,(10):2494-2501
鸟类与植物的种子传播网络是影响生物多样性维系和生态系统功能的关键因素,同时也是当代生态学研究的热点。于2021年10—12月采用样线法在福建梅花山国家级自然保护区南部地区调查取食鸟类多样性,并分析其与植物特征之间的关系,收集鸟类对果实(种子)的取食数据并以此构建鸟类种子传播网络,探讨鸟类特征对网络结构的影响。结果表明:取食鸟类多样性与植物特征之间存在一定相关性,取食鸟类种类、数量、均匀度指数与植物高度、结实量和郁闭度呈显著相关(P<0.05);种子传播网络由21种取食鸟类和15种植物构成,具有嵌套性和模块性,但连接度和专业化程度较低;鸟类特征与物种水平网络参数存在一定相关性,取食鸟类数量与取食鸟类物种度、物种强度和连接多样性均呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),取食鸟类体重、体长、嘴峰长与取食鸟类物种度和连接多样性呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。研究显示,鸟类特征对种子传播网络结构的构建和维持具有影响,研究结果为分析森林动植物关系的动态变化和稳定性提供现实参考。  相似文献   

南京中山植物园春夏季节鸟类对植物种子的传播作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李新华  尹晓明 《生态学报》2004,24(7):1452-1458
2002年4月至8月,在南京中山植物园内收集了198份鸟粪样品,从中分离、鉴定出9 573粒结构完整的种子及果核,分别隶属于12科15属20种植物,另有1 6粒种子属于1未知种类.单份鸟粪样品中可含有1~4种种子,平均1.5±0.7种;但单份鸟粪样品中种子数量变化很大,约为1~583粒,平均48.4±70.7粒.鸟粪样品中出现频次较高的种类主要有构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)、蛇莓(Duchesnea indica)、桑树 (Morus alba)、山莓(Rubus corchorifolius)、日本珊瑚树(Viburnum awabuki)、蓬FDA1(Rubus hirsutus)和美洲商陆(Phytolacca americana)等7种,并且它们的种子数量也多达9 213粒,占种子总数的96.1%.鸟粪样品中种子出现频次的月份变化也在一定程度上间接地反映出植物果实的成熟期和鸟类对果实的取食频率.白头鹎(Pycn onotus sinensis)、乌鸫(Turdus merula)等鸟类则主要以呕出种子的方式传播桂花(Osmanthus fragrans)、白玉兰(Magnolia denudata)等体积较大的种子.此外,鸟类还以衔取果实的形式传播种子.2000~2002年,已经观察到8种鸟类取食18种植物的肉质果实,其中灰喜鹊(Cyanopica cyana)、乌鸫、白头鹎和山斑鸠(Streptope lia orientalis)等4种留鸟分别取食8~16种植物果实,是春夏季节植物园内取食果实种类数目较多的鸟类,并且也可能是重要的种子传播者.鸟类传播种子已经导致了阔叶十大功劳(Mahonia bealei)、樱桃(Cerasus pseudocerasus)、掌叶复盆子(Rubus chingi i)和桂花等栽培树种逸出植物园,使它们的实生苗及小树成功地侵入到植物园周围的自然生境中,促进了植物园内一些具肉质果实的栽培植物的自然更新.同时,鸟类传播种子也是导致美洲商陆等引种栽培植物逸生为外来杂草并迅速蔓延的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

生境斑块化对食果鸟类的移动行为产生影响,进而影响其对植物种子的传播格局和效率。南方红豆杉(Taxus chinensis var.mairei)是我国一级保护植物,在南方山区多因人为干扰而呈斑块状分布。2011年,2012年10月底到12月中,以分布于福建梅花山国家级自然保护区红豆杉生态园中南方红豆杉种群为对象,研究斑块生境中鸟类对南方红豆杉种子的取食和传播行为,并评估专性鸟类和泛性鸟类的传播效率。结果发现:南方红豆杉源斑块共吸引22种食果鸟类取食红豆杉种子,并与13种鸟类形成了种子传播关系。不同年间,黑短脚鹎(Hypsipetes leucocephalus)都是植物的主要传播鸟类,而其他鸟类传播者种类具有一定的年间变化。生境斑块化导致专性鸟类黑短脚鹎和泛性鸟类红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythrorhyncha)种子传播效率差异。与红嘴蓝鹊相比,黑短脚鹎飞行的平均距离较短((16.3±11.0)m,Mean±SD,n=125),传播距离相对较近;且它们取食后偏好在源斑块中活动,喜栖息在同种成树、甜楮(Castanopsis eyrei)及其他阔叶树等栖树上。红嘴蓝鹊取食后常在斑块间移动,常停歇在同种成树和毛竹(Phyllostachys heterocycla)上,传播距离相对较远((24.9±20.0)m,Mean±SD,n=95)。空间一致性结果表明,黑短脚鹎移动距离对幼苗更新距离的空间一致性程度高;而红嘴蓝鹊偏好生境与幼苗更新生境一致性程度高。结果表明,斑块生境中植物能与专性鸟类、泛性鸟类之间形成种子传播互惠关系,且种子传播效率受到专性鸟类和泛性鸟类传播距离和传播生境的影响。  相似文献   

在香港石鼓洲生物多样性调查的基础上,对该岛的324种植物的果实类型和种子的传播方式进行了统计和分析。该岛植物的果实类型可划分为13类,主要是核果、浆果、蒴果和荚果四类,分别占总数的19.75%、18.83%、16.98%和11.11%。岛上植物种子传播的类型主要有4种,即动物传播(含鸟类传播和其它动物传播)、风传播、人力传播和水流传播,分别有植物233种、74种、39种及22种,动物传播中鸟类传播的有139种,其它动物传播的有156种。有86种植物有2种以上的自然传播方式(不包括人力传播)。此外,还对石鼓洲植物种子传播方式与植被次生形成之间的关系进行了初步探讨,认为石鼓洲火烧之后岛上残存植物物种是目前植被的基础,鸟类和其它动物的传播作用对岛上的植被的次生形成具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

肉质果植物通常依赖食果鸟类等取食果实后经消化道过程传播种子, 以完成种群的更新。红楠(Machilus thunbergii)是亚热带森林的代表性种类, 其果实具有依赖鸟类等动物取食后传播的特点。2012 年、2013 年在梅花山国家级自然保护区,研究了鸟类对红楠果实的取食及种子的传播作用。结果如下: 取食红楠种实的鸟类共计18 种, 其中整吞果实的鸟类12 种,啄取果肉的鸟类5 种, 啄食种子的鸟类1 种。整吞果实鸟类中4 种鹎科和2 种鸦科鸟类访问频次和取食量较大, 是主要的种子传播者。鸟类主要以呕吐方式传播种子。取食后初停栖点与母树距离及地面种子散布地点的分析结果表明, 鸟类可以远距离扩散种子。地面种实可被啮齿动物或蚁类再次捕食或搬运。研究表明, 红楠可以借助鸟类实现种子传播和种群更新。  相似文献   

植物种子传播途径与基因组值和千粒重的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种子传播对植物的繁殖、分布和进化至关重要,研究植物基因组、种子千粒重与种子传播途径间相关性,对于揭示植物种子入侵和基因组进化的遗传机制等具有十分重要的意义.本文在前期测定部分植物C值、检索植物C值数据库和种子数据信息库的基础上,对包含完整基因组信息(染色体条数、倍数、C值)、种子千粒重和种子传播途径的235种植物进行了统计和相关性分析.ANOVA结果表明,借助水、鸟、风传播的植物C值(1C水=1.3 pg,1C鸟=1.6 pg,1C风=2.0 pg)和基因组值(1Cx水=1.1 pg,1Cx鸟=1.3 pg,1Cx风=1.6Pg)均显著低于借助动物取食传播植物的(1C动=4.9 pg,1Cx动 =4.7 pg)(P<0.05),但无助力扩散和动物携带与其他4种传播方式间均无显著差异(P>0.05).235种植物物种间千粒重相差悬殊,就不同传播方式整体而言,以风力和动物携带为传播途径的植物种子千粒重(分别为7.2和13.5 g)明显低于以动物取食和水为传播途径的植物种子千粒重(分别为92.5和85.8 g),而无助力传播途径与其他5种传播途径的千粒重均没有显著差异(P>0.05).进一步相关性分析表明,动物取食和水传播方式的植物基因组值和种子千粒重间均呈正相关(相关系数γ=0.33),其中动物取食的植物基因组值与千粒重呈显著正相关性(y=0.67 x+3.23,R2=0.11,P=0.04),但在其他传播途径中均无显著相关性.研究结果为揭示植物种子传播、分布和基因组进化等提供参考.  相似文献   

Li X H  Yin X M  Xia B  Li W L  Li Y 《农业工程》2006,26(6):1657-1666
The plants that invaded as weeds including woody weeds were surveyed in three hedge types, Euonymus japonicus(HEa), Viburnum awabuki (HV), and Deutzia scabra (HD), respectively, and two hedge types, Buxus microphylla var. sinica (HBa, HBb) cultivated in different habitats in Nanjing Botanical Garden Mem. Sun Yat-Sen (NBG), Nanjing of East China, from April 2001 to November 2002. Another hedge type, Euonymus japonicus (HEb) was also investigated as a contrast, cultivated in Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU), about 3 km away from NBG, between April and November 2003. In total, 1230 plant indi-viduals were found to have invaded these six hedge types, and were identified as belonging to 70 species in 57 genera and 42 fami-lies. Among these plants, 1047 individuals of 55 species were adapted for bird seed dispersal, and 161 individuals of 10 species were adapted for wind seed dispersal, but the seed dispersal mode of the other 22 individuals of five species was uncertain. Among the six hedge types, we found a significantly higher occurrence of bird-dispersed plant species than that of wind-dispersed species ( t = 5.086, df = 10, P < 0.0001) or that of species with the unknown dispersal mode ( t = 8.446, df = 10, P < 0.0001). However, the difference of occurrence between wind-dispersed species and species with the unknown dispersal mode was not significant ( t = 1.977, df = 10, P = 0.076). The number of bird-dispersed plant species recorded in the five hedge types of NBG varied from 15 to 36, M ± SD = 25.6 ± 8.1, and the Shannon-Wiener indices were between 2.151 and 2.917, M ± SD = 2.671 ± 0.306. In contrast with NBG, only 12 species of bird-dispersed plants occurred in the hedge of NAU, with a lower Shannon-Wiener index of 1.679. As a result of cluster analysis, based on Bray-Curtis similarity indices of the invaded plant species adapted for bird seed dispersal, the similarity of species composition of bird-dispersed plants between hedges was influenced to a large extent by the surrounding habitat characteristics, e.g., locality, seed source diversity, distances from seed sources, seed dispersing birds, and frequency of human disturbance, rather than simply being dependent on the hedge tree species themselves. This research suggests that hedges could attract birds to utilize their interior shelter as habitats, and therefore, would have enhanced the deposition of bird-dispersed seeds, as well as have favored seed-ling survival under hedges. Consequently, avian seed dispersal has enriched the species composition of each of the six hedge types consisting of just a single tree species. Although survival and colonization of the migrated plants will inevitably cause some influ-ences on the aesthetic view of hedges, these invaded weeds or woody weeds could be managed and suppressed through regular arti-ficial pruning and by eradication. The results indicate the ecological significance of seed sources, bird seed dispersal, and shrub patches in promoting the successional development of woody vegetation.  相似文献   

I examined the role of bird dispersal in invasiveness of three non-native plant species in California, USA: Triadica sebifera, Ligustrum lucidum, and Olea europaea. I selected these species because their invasiveness in California is uncertain, but a survey of ornithologists highlighted them as likely bird-dispersed. I quantified bird frugivory of these plants, compared them with a native species (Heteromeles arbutifolia), and explored the management implications of dispersal mutualisms for these and other incipient invasive plants. Fruit removal by birds was sufficient to permit spread for all study species. Seed dispersers (rather than seed predators) and pulse feeders (flocking species with potential for long distance dispersal) performed most fruit removal for the non-native species, a pattern indicative of an effective dispersal regime. The number of fruiting trees per stand was a significant predictor of bird visitation. Founding population size may thus be important in management of invasive, bird-dispersed plants. Disperser-defined niches were relatively narrow because a few disperser species performed the majority of fruit removal from study trees, but each fruit species was consumed by a variety of potential dispersers. This results in strong pairwise niche overlap between some plant species. Ordinated by bird use, study site-species combinations clustered more by geographic location than by plant species, emphasizing the opportunistic nature of bird foraging. None of the non-native focal plant species appears dispersal limited, and all have formed novel mutualisms in California. It is possible that these plants are now in lag phases preceding bird-mediated invasion. Consideration of bird dispersal when evaluating invasiveness is therefore an imperative.  相似文献   

Ingle NM 《Oecologia》2003,134(2):251-261
In the moist Neotropics, vertebrate frugivores have a much greater role in the dispersal of forest and successional woody plants than wind, and bats rather than birds play the dominant role in dispersing early successional species. I investigated whether these patterns also occurred in a Philippine montane rainforest and adjacent successional vegetation. I also asked whether seed mass was related to probability of dispersal between habitats. A greater number of woody species and stems in the forest produced vertebrate-dispersed seeds than wind-dispersed seeds. Although input of forest seeds into the successional area was dominated by vertebrate-dispersed seeds in terms of species richness, wind-dispersed seeds landed in densities 15 times higher. Frugivorous birds dispersed more forest seeds and species into the successional area than bats, and more successional seeds and species into the forest. As expected, seed input declined with distance from source habitat. Low input of forest seeds into the successional area at the farthest distance sampled, 40 m from forest edge, particularly for vertebrate-dispersed seeds, suggests very limited dispersal out of forest even into a habitat in which woody successional vegetation provides perches and fruit resources. For species of vertebrate-dispersed successional seeds, probability of dispersal into forest declined significantly with seed mass.  相似文献   

Isolation effects on species richness of woody plants were investigated in a system of islands that were created by the filling of the Clarks Hill Reservoir, Georgia. This reservoir was built between 1946–1954. Some islands were logged and cleared of woody plants prior to the filling of the reservoir and others were not logged. The presence of logged versus unlogged islands in the same system allowed us to test whether and how geographical isolation interacts with island history and species-specific dispersal properties in determining patterns of among-island variation in species number. Thirty-six years after the islands were created, logged islands had significantly fewer species of woody plants than unlogged ones. On logged islands, total number of woody species was negatively correlated with distance to the closest mainland (r=–0.95). On unlogged islands, variation in species number was very low (CV=4.9%) and was not correlated with distance to the mainland. These results indicate that the studied system as a whole has not yet reached equilibrium. However, the mean number of species on unlogged islands was very close to the intercept of the regression obtained for logged islands, suggesting that islands close to the mainland have already reached their equilibrium species richness. This conclusion is consistent with predictions of island biogeography theory. When species representing different dispersal properties were analyzed separately, statistically significant distance effects were obtained for bird-dispersed species (r=0.88) and for species with no adaptations to bird or wind dispersal (r=0.81). Wind-dispersed species did not show a decrease in species number with increasing isolation, but their relative frequency was positively and significantly correlated with distance to the mainland (r=0.94). Historical factors, as well as differences among species in dispersal properties, are important in explaining patterns of among-island variation in species number.  相似文献   

Many species of tropical moist forests have large seeds compared to those found in temperate floras. This could be attributed to a prevalence of woody growth forms, or adaptation to dispersal by vertebrates, or the dense shade of a closed canopy, rather than to an intrinsic tropical v. temperate difference. We compared tropical v. temperate seed mass data at two geographic scales; firstly within Australia between tropical, subtropical and temperate open woodlands, then between six tropical and temperate datasets from five continents. Within Australia we found that seed mass increased with decreasing latitude in ten out of eleven growth form-dispersal mode combinations: only wind-dispersed graminoids showed no significant effect. While the pattern of generally larger seeds in the tropical flora was associated with tropical families tending to have larger seeds than temperate families, we also found that tropical species had larger seeds than temperate cofamilials. As a preliminary test of the generality of these findings we included a further four tropical and temperate data sets in a second analysis. Average tropical seed masses were larger than temperate seed masses in all testable growth form-dispersal mode combinations, and statistically larger in five out of seven cases: unassisted, vertebrate- and wind-dispersed woody species, and unassisted and vertebrate-dispersed forbs. No difference was found for wind-dispersed forbs or for graminoids lacking dispersal structures. That an effect was found in these combinations rules out explanations based solely on characteristics of tropical v. temperate dispersers, although this may be a contributing factor. Instead we suggest that some aspect of tropical systems, for example higher metabolic costs of seedling production, has selected for a general increase in seed mass among tropical taxa.  相似文献   

Dry forests are among the most endangered natural communities in the Hawaiian Islands. Most have been reduced to isolated trees and small forest fragments in which native tree species reproduce poorly. The replacement of native birds by introduced generalists may be contributing to dry forest decline through modification of seed dispersal patterns. To document seed dispersal by introduced birds, we conducted foraging observations on fleshy-fruited trees and measured seed rain under trees and in adjacent open areas for 1 year in a dry forest dominated by native trees. Although trees covered only 15.2 percent of the study area, 96.9 percent of the bird-dispersed seeds were deposited beneath them. The Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus) was the principal dispersal agent. Among bird-dispersed seeds, those of the invasive tree Bocconia frutescens accounted for 75 percent of all seeds collected beneath trees (14.8 seeds/m2/yr) and the invasive shrub Lantana camara accounted for 17 percent. Although nearly 60 percent of the reserve's native woody species possess fleshy fruits, introduced birds rarely disperse their seeds. Native trees accounted for <8 percent of all bird-dispersed seeds and are consequently experiencing dispersal failure by falling directly under parent trees. Smaller-seeded non-native plants, in contrast, may be benefiting from dispersal by introduced birds. Current dispersal patterns suggest that these readily disseminated non-native plants may eventually replace the remaining native flora.  相似文献   

Bird Perches Increase Forest Seeds on Puerto Rican Landslides   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Abstract Landslides result in the loss of vertical vegetative structure, soil nutrients, and the soil seed bank. These losses impede timely recovery of tropical forest communities. In this study we added bird perches to six Puerto Rican landslides with three types of surfaces (bare, climbing fern, grass) in an effort to facilitate inputs of forest seeds through bird dispersal and to accelerate plant succession. Numbers of bird‐dispersed forest seeds were significantly higher in plots beneath introduced perches than in control plots. Perches did not increase forest seedling densities compared with control plots. Seven different species of birds were observed on introduced perches. Because 99% of the seed inputs to controls and perch plots in the six landslides were wind‐dispersed seeds (mostly graminoids), perches can improve landslide restoration if woody plants establish and shade out the dominant graminoid and climbing fern ground cover. Although increasing seed inputs from forest species is a critical step in accelerating revegetation of landslides, we suggest that supplemental restoration techniques be applied in addition to bird perches to promote forest recovery.  相似文献   

New Zealand urban environments are currently dominated by exotic plant species. Restoring native vegetation and its associated native biodiversity in these landscapes is desirable for both cultural and ecological reasons. We report on the first four years of an ongoing vegetation restoration experiment in Waitakere City, Auckland, that addresses four challenges to urban restoration: weeds, Anthropic Soils, attraction of frugivorous birds, and patch isolation. Nine commonly planted native species, grouped separately into wind- and bird-dispersed species, were planted across four sites increasingly isolated from native bush patches, using two site preparation methods. By year three, woody weeds >50 cm tall had established with an average density of 1.7 plant m-? across all sites. This was more than 17 times denser than all established wild native woody seedlings of any height. One of our establishment methods, sparse planting with mulch, resulted in higher native plant survival and faster plant growth. However, after 4 years, the more intensive method, dense planting and ripping of the soil, resulted in a denser canopy and a 2.8-fold reduction in woody weed establishment. The typically urban soils of all sites were highly modified, with substantial variation in compaction, ponding risk, and fertility over distances of 5?15?m. Several, but not all, species were detrimentally affected by soil compaction and ponding. Many bird-dispersed species, both native and non-native, colonised the experiment, although this did not differ between plots with planted wind-dispersed and bird-dispersed species, perhaps due to the small size of these plots. Site colonisation by native species was particularly high at sites ≤?100 m from existing native vegetation, suggesting that even small patches of native vegetation in urban landscapes will be valuable as seed sources for accelerating native plant establishment at nearby receptive sites.  相似文献   

The seed dispersal patterns of bird-dispersed trees often show substantial seasonal and annual variation due to temporal changes in frugivorous bird and bird-dispersed fruit distributions. Elucidating such variation and how it affects plant regeneration is important for understanding the evolution and seed dispersal maintenance strategies of these plants. In this study, we investigated the seed dispersal quantity and distance of a bird-dispersed plant, Swida controversa, for 2 years and detected large seasonal variations in dispersal pattern. Early in the fruiting season, short seed dispersal distance and large amounts of fruit consumption by birds (seed dispersal quantity) were observed. In contrast, late in the fruiting season, a long seed dispersal distance and small seed dispersal quantity were observed. This relationship between seed dispersal distance and quantity may help to maintain constant seed dispersal effectiveness during the long S. controversa fruiting season. Annual variation was also detected for both seed dispersal quantity and distance. More effective seed dispersal was achieved in the masting year, because both seed dispersal quantity and distance were greater than that in the non-masting year. These seed dispersal dynamics may contribute to the evolution and maintenance of S. controversa masting behavior. Thus, we identified substantial temporal variation on both seasonal and annual scales in the seed dispersal pattern of a bird-dispersed plant. The temporal variation in seed dispersal pattern revealed in this study probably plays a substantial role in the life history and population dynamics of S. controversa.  相似文献   

Pre-dispersal seed predation by granivorous birds has potential to limit fruit removal and subsequent seed dispersal by legitimate avian seed dispersers in bird-dispersed plants, especially when the birds form flocks. We monitored pre-dispersal seed predation by the Japanese grosbeak, Eophona personata, of two bird-dispersed hackberry species (Cannabaceae), Celtis biondii (four trees) and Celtis sinensis (10 trees), for 3 years (2005, 2007 and 2008) in a fragmented forest in temperate Japan. Throughout the 3 years, predation was more intense on C. biondii, which, as a consequence, lost a larger part of its fruit crop. Grosbeaks preferred C. biondii seeds that had a comparatively lower energy content and lower hardness than C. sinensis, suggesting an association between seed hardness and selective foraging by grosbeaks. In C. biondii, intensive predation markedly reduced fruit duration and strongly limited fruit removal by seed dispersers, especially in 2007 and 2008. In C. sinensis, seed dispersers consumed fruits throughout the fruiting seasons in all 3 years. In C. biondii, variation in the timing of grosbeak migration among years was associated with annual variation in this bird's effects on fruit removal. Our results demonstrate that seed predation by flocks of granivorous birds can dramatically disrupt seed dispersal in fleshy-fruited plants and suggest the importance of understanding their flocking behaviour.  相似文献   

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