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目的:在枯草芽孢杆菌中表达嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶(PNPase)并分析其活性。方法:将PNPase的编码基因deoD克隆入pDG148表达载体,构建原核穿梭型表达载体pDG148-deoD,采用电转化方法将表达载体转入枯草芽孢杆菌WB600后诱导表达重组PNPase;研究重组PNPase的活性。结果与结论:获得的重组PNPase活性较对照提高了193.9%,其最适催化条件为65℃、pH7.5、500μmol/L底物浓度和1%1,2,4-三氮唑-3-羧甲酰胺;对重组菌的发酵条件进行了初步优化,IPTG诱导6h后在发酵液中添加0.5%的Tween-80能大幅度提高重组PNPase的酶活力。  相似文献   

酶法合成抗病毒药物阿糖腺苷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:为了开发一种生产阿糖腺苷的有效方法。方法:研究了以产气肠杆菌完整细胞为催化剂酶法合成阿糖腺苷,优化了菌体培养条件以及酶反应条件。结果:在培养基中添加0.5%葡萄糖,33℃下培养16h,既能得到较多菌体,又能使菌体的催化活性保持较高。酶反应在pH7.0、25mmol/L的磷酸钾缓冲液中进行,底物浓度为阿糖尿苷30mmol/L,腺嘌呤10mmol/L,加入10%湿菌体,在60℃下振荡反应48h,腺嘌呤转化率可达90%。结论:酶法合成阿糖腺苷可应用于大规模工业化生产。  相似文献   

人IL-6受体是一个在各种细胞上广泛表达的跨膜糖蛋白分子,是IL-6发挥细胞效应所必需的。本文通过将IL-6RcDNA重组到痘苗病毒的TK基因中构建成重组痘苗病毒VIL6R。细胞原位杂交和APAAP染色结果表明,感染VIL6R后的Vero细胞中,IL-6R在mRNA和蛋白水平上均呈现较强的表达。Westernblot分析所表达的分子量为80kD,表明所表达的产物是糖基化的。IL-6结合试验表明,表达的膜IL-6R能够结合rIL-6,说明它是有功能的。利用VIL6R免疫小鼠后,能够刺激较强的抗体产生。从而为进一步研究IL-6R的信号传导和构效关系提供了基础。  相似文献   

人癌胚抗原-重组痘苗病毒的构建和制备   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
痘苗病毒的基因组庞大,结构复杂而特殊,不可能将外源基因直接插入它的基因组,必须利用一种特殊的痘苗病毒质粒,才能构建成功重组痘苗病毒.在分析了痘苗病毒质粒pJ120〔含有我国天花疫苗-痘苗病毒天坛株761的启动子和胸苷激酶(thymidinekinase,简称TK基因),及含有人癌胚抗原(carcinoembrynicantigen,简称CEA)cDNA全序列的质粒p91023B-cea-17结构的基础上,设计出三步法构建了重组疫苗病毒质粒pJ-CEA.经酶切及PCR鉴定pJ-CEA中CEAcD-NA的存在,进一步用同源重组方法构建了表达人CEA的重组痘苗病毒,并以人体成纤维细胞作为宿主细胞,对CEA-重组痘苗病毒进行了大量培养.再次证实痘苗病毒是良好的真核表达载体,可以高效而准确地表达细胞膜糖蛋白CEA.  相似文献   

痘苗病毒诱导HeLa细胞的凋亡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
痘苗病毒感染HeLa细胞后形态学上出现了较典型的细胞凋亡特征,电泳分析显示出DNA阶梯,用DNA断裂原位检测技术发现其染色质断裂主要存在于核周,与染色质凝聚位置相似。  相似文献   

病毒唑对大花蕙兰CyMV及ORSV脱毒效果初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在大花蕙兰茎尖培养中结合病毒唑处理,探讨对建兰花叶病毒(CyMV)和齿兰环斑病毒(ORSV)的脱除效果。结果表明,病毒唑添加到培养基中,处理茎尖2周,脱毒效果低于经病毒唑处理3个月后的幼苗,经病毒唑处理幼苗再结合茎尖培养脱毒效果最好。病毒唑处理对大花蕙兰CyMV的脱除效果优于对ORSV的脱除效果。  相似文献   

目的测试痘苗病毒毒力,制备痘苗病毒免疫血清,为药物评价和病毒检测奠定基础。方法鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜培养痘苗病毒,测定病毒的TCID50和小鼠毒力。将痘苗病毒悬液稀释成100TCID550,0.2%福尔马林灭活,分别在0、7、14d以腹腔注射的方式免疫BALB/c小鼠,用IFA、IEA、ELISA方法评价血清的敏感性和特异性。结果痘苗病毒TCID50/0.05mL=1.8×10^4,小鼠LD50/0.2mL=10^6.8;制备的免疫血清经IFA法测定效价为1:320,IEA法测血清效价为1:160,ELISA测血清效价1:6400。结论确定的细胞和小鼠毒力将为药物测定提供基础比对数据;制备的痘苗病毒免疫血清具有高度的敏感性和特异性,可作为测试对照血清使用。  相似文献   

用蚀斑法滴定病毒是确定感染病毒颗粒存在数量的一种较准确方法。本实验表明,痘苗病毒吸附4h后仍有大量病毒粒子未能吸附到细胞单层,进而测定出病毒接种量、维持液加量和所测病毒滴度间具有一种互为消长的非线性相关性。因而设计了几种检测方法,其准确性均优于常规痘苗病毒蚀斑测定法。利用装配有Mathematic软件包的计算机在痘苗病毒接种量、维持液加量和所测病毒滴度间建立了曲线拟合模型和曲面拟合模型。通过曲线拟合模型推断病毒感染滴度为常规法滴定值的近5倍。  相似文献   

Nucleoside phosphorylases are essential for the salvage and catabolism of nucleotides in bacteria and other organisms, and members of this enzyme superfamily have been of interest for the development of antimicrobial and cancer therapies. The nucleotide phosphorylase superfamily 1 encompasses a number of different enzymes which share a general superfold and catalytic mechanism, while they differ in the nature of the nucleophiles used and in the nature of characteristic active site residues. Recently, one subfamily, the uridine phosphorylases, has been subdivided into two types which differ with respect to the mechanism of transition state stabilization, as dictated by differences in critical amino acid residues. Little is known about the phylogenetic distribution and relationship of the two different types, as well as the relationship to other NP-1 superfamily members. Here comparative genomic analysis illustrates that UP-1s and UP-2s fall into monophyletic groups and are biased with respect to species representation. UP-1 evolved in Gram negative bacteria, while Gram positive species tend to predominantly contain UP-2. PNP (a sister clade to all UPs) contains both Gram positive and Gram negative species. The findings imply that the nucleoside phosphorylase superfamily 1 evolved through a series of three important duplications, leading to the separate, monophyletic enzyme families, coupled to individual lateral transfer events. Extensive horizontal transfer explains the occurrence of unexpected uridine phosphorylases in some genomes. This study provides a basis for understanding the evolution of uridine and purine nucleoside phosphorylases with respect to DNA/RNA metabolism and with potential utility in the design of antimicrobial and anti-tumor drugs.  相似文献   

The effects of organic solvents on the reaction rate and equilibrium of the ribosyl transfer reaction catalyzed by thermostable purine nucleoside phosphorylase and pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase from Bacillus stearothermophilus JTS 859 were examined at 60°C. The reaction rate in the presence of 10% acetone was 1.6 times higher than that of the control. Acetone was the best organic solvent among those tested for accelerating the reaction rate without denaturing the enzymes. On the other hand, the reaction rate in the presence of 5% ethyl acetate was 1.5 times higher than that of the control. However the enzymes were denatured completely after 1 h incubation. Consequently, the acceleration was not attributed to the stabilization of the enzymes. The equilibrium constants of the reaction were not influenced by the presence of acetone, methyl or ethyl alcohols.  相似文献   

The effects of organic solvents on the reaction rate and equilibrium of the ribosyl transfer reaction catalyzed by thermostable purine nucleoside phosphorylase and pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase from Bacillus stearothermophilus JTS 859 were examined at 60°C. The reaction rate in the presence of 10% acetone was 1.6 times higher than that of the control. Acetone was the best organic solvent among those tested for accelerating the reaction rate without denaturing the enzymes. On the other hand, the reaction rate in the presence of 5% ethyl acetate was 1.5 times higher than that of the control. However the enzymes were denatured completely after 1 h incubation. Consequently, the acceleration was not attributed to the stabilization of the enzymes. The equilibrium constants of the reaction were not influenced by the presence of acetone, methyl or ethyl alcohols.  相似文献   

目的:对枯草芽孢杆菌TM903嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶进行分离纯化及酶学性质研究。方法:经加热、硫酸铵盐析和SephadexG-100凝胶过滤,对枯草芽孢杆菌TM903中的嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶进行分离纯化,并对其酶学性质进行研究。结果:酶的最适反应温度为65℃,最适反应pH值为7.5,在30-50℃时热稳定性较好;K^+对该酶有激活作用,而Na^+、ca^+、Mg^+、Mn^+等金属离子对该酶有抑制作用;Km值为2.11mmol/L,Vmax值为0.84mmol/(min·L)。结论:分离纯化了枯草芽孢杆菌TM903嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶,并研究了其酶学性质,为利巴韦林的发酵工艺优化提供了重要的酶学理论基础。  相似文献   

利用带有氯霉素乙酰转移酶报道基因的检测载体,从痘苗病毒基因组DNA中筛选到一个增强子样片段VV16。序列分析表明,该片段长112bp,是痘苗病毒DNA依赖性RNA聚合酶、polyA聚合酶亚单位和DNA聚合酶基因RPO30的一部分,含有4个AT丰富区。采用带有β-半乳糖苷酶报道基因的载体检测发现,该片段正向可以增强报道基因表达9.0倍,反向可以增强报道基因表达4.1倍。RNA Dot blotting实验证实,它对基因的增强活性表现在转录水平上。DNA删切实验证实,5′端10bp及3′端12bp对其活性有重要调节作用,而该片段nt76~82的序列对增强子的活性至关重要。  相似文献   

In LoVo cells, phosphorolytic activity acting on deoxyadenosine plays a major role in the resistance to the cytotoxic effect of the combination of deoxynucleoside with deoxycoformycin. In fact, the observed dependence of toxicity on cell density appears to be related to the metabolic conversion of deoxyadenosine into adenine. The phosphorylation of the deoxynucleoside, which represents the first step towards the formation of the cytotoxic agent dATP, proceeds at a significantly lower rate as compared to the phosphorolysis of deoxyadenosine. The analysis of the levels of deoxyadenosine and its derivatives in the incubation media reveals that the rates of disappearance of deoxyadenosine and of formation of adenine increase in concert with the reduction of the effect on cell survival. J. Cell. Biochem. 80:241–247, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) virus is a promising vector for vaccination against various challenging pathogens or the treatment of some types of cancers, requiring a high amount of virions per dose for vaccination and gene therapy. Upstream process intensification combining perfusion technologies, the avian suspension cell line AGE1.CR.pIX and the virus strain MVA-CR19 is an option to obtain very high MVA yields. Here the authors compare different options for cell retention in perfusion mode using conventional stirred-tank bioreactors. Furthermore, the authors study hollow-fiber bioreactors and an orbital-shaken bioreactor in perfusion mode, both available for single-use. Productivity for the virus strain MVA-CR19 is compared to results from batch and continuous production reported in literature. The results demonstrate that cell retention devices are only required to maximize cell concentration but not for continuous harvesting. Using a stirred-tank bioreactor, a perfusion strategy with working volume expansion after virus infection results in the highest yields. Overall, infectious MVA virus titers of 2.1–16.5 × 109 virions/mL are achieved in these intensified processes. Taken together, the study shows a novel perspective on high-yield MVA virus production in conventional bioreactor systems linked to various cell retention devices and addresses options for process intensification including fully single-use perfusion platforms.  相似文献   

An emulsification method using a gel-like phase of a saccharide and protein mixture has been developed. In the method, which is called a gel emulsification method, an oil is added to the highly concentrated saccharide solution containing protein to form a clear gel-like phase, which followed by dilution with water to form a fine oil-in-water emulsion. This emulsion was investigated as to its emulsifying activity and emulsion stability as compared with that obtained by high-shear equipment, which was called a homomixer method. The emulsifying activity of the emulsions prepared by the gel emulsification method was much higher than that of the emulsions prepared by the homomixer method.

The emulsions prepared by both methods were highly stable in terms of the stability against coalescence. On the other hand, the stability against creaming of the emulsions prepared by the gel emulsification method was much higher than that of the emulsions prepared by the homomixer method.

The surface hydrophobicity of the protein and the unfreezable water content in the highly concentrated saccharide solution containing protein were not correlated to the emulsifying properties of the emulsions prepared by the gel emulsification method, which appeared to be dependent on the viscosity of the highly concentrated saccharide solution containing protein.  相似文献   

痘苗病毒载体研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制备高活性的真核蛋白,必须使用哺乳动物细胞,痘苗病毒为这一工作提供了简便、实用的工具.痘菌病毒宿主范围广,无致癌性,插入长达20多kb的外源基因后仍有感染性,能够高效表达外源蛋白,有效地加工表达产物.而且,痘菌病毒的表达产物可刺激机体免疫系统产生良好的体液免疫和细胞免疫.利用这些特点构建成的哺乳动物细胞高效表达系统将是基因工程药物和基因工程疫苗的有效工具.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori represents a global health threat with around 50% of the world population infected. Due to the increasing number of antibiotic-resistant strains, new strategies for eradication of H. pylori are needed. In this study, we suggest purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) as a possible new drug target, by characterising its interactions with 2- and/or 6-substituted purines as well as the effect of these compounds on bacterial growth. Inhibition constants are in the micromolar range, the lowest being that of 6-benzylthio-2-chloropurine. This compound also inhibits H. pylori 26695 growth at the lowest concentration. X-ray structures of the complexes of PNP with the investigated compounds allowed the identification of interactions of inhibitors in the enzyme’s base-binding site and the suggestion of structures that could bind to the enzyme more tightly. Our findings prove the potential of PNP inhibitors in the design of drugs against H. pylori.  相似文献   

密码子偏性对痘苗病毒载体表达效率影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究密码子偏性对痘苗病毒载体表达效率的影响,分别采用痘苗病毒及其宿主细胞的优势密码子对绿色荧光蛋白基因进行改造,利用荧光、Western blot和FCM等方法分析其在痘苗病毒载体系统的表达水平。结果显示,全部采用痘苗病毒优势密码子(富含A T)和全部采用宿主细胞优势密码子(富含G C),以及部分使用宿主细胞优势密码子的三种绿色荧光蛋白基因都能够有效表达,表达水平相近,表明痘苗病毒载体对目的基因密码子的使用具有很好宽容性。为了探讨这种宽容性的机理,分别利用在胞核内和在胞浆内转录的质粒载体对不同密码子偏性的绿色荧光蛋白基因进行表达分析。结果显示,胞核内转录目的基因的pcDNA3质粒载体能有效表达富含G C的绿色荧光蛋白基因,不能有效表达富含A T的绿色荧光蛋白基因,而胞浆内转录目的基因的pSCA质粒载体能同样有效表达上述不同密码子偏性的目的基因。这些结果表明,位于胞浆内的富含A U的转录产物能够有效表达,细胞核内生成的富含A U的转录产物可能受核膜屏障或其它核内因素影响而不能有效表达。因此,胞浆内繁殖的特性是痘苗病毒载体具有密码子宽容性的主要原因。此研究为痘苗病毒载体和常用真核表达载体的选择使用提供了重要实验依据。  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the binary complex of trimeric purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) from calf spleen with the acyclic nucleoside phosphonate inhibitor 2,6-diamino-(S)-9-[2-(phosphonomethoxy)propyl]purine ((S)-PMPDAP) is determined at 2.3A resolution in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). Crystallization in this space group, which is observed for the first time with a calf spleen PNP crystal structure, is obtained in the presence of calcium atoms. In contrast to the previously described cubic space group P2(1)3, two independent trimers are observed in the asymmetric unit, hence possible differences between monomers forming the biologically active trimer could be detected, if present. Such differences would be expected due to third-of-the-sites binding documented for transition-state events and inhibitors. However, no differences are noted, and binding stoichiometry of three inhibitor molecules per enzyme trimer is observed in the crystal structure, and in the parallel solution studies using isothermal titration calorimetry and spectrofluorimetric titrations. Presence of phosphate was shown to modify binding stoichiometry of hypoxanthine. Therefore, the enzyme was also crystallized in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) in the presence of (S)-PMPDAP and phosphate, and the resulting structure of the binary PNP/(S)-PMPDAP complex was refined at 2.05A resolution. No qualitative differences between complexes obtained with and without the presence of phosphate were detected, except for the hydrogen bond contact of Arg84 and a phosphonate group, which is observed only in the former complex in three out of six independent monomers. Possible hydrogen bonds observed in the enzyme complexed with (S)-PMPDAP, in particular a putative hydrogen bonding contact N(1)-H cdots, three dots, centered Glu201, indicate that the inhibitor binds in a tautomeric or ionic form in which position N(1) acts as a hydrogen bond donor. This points to a crucial role of this hydrogen bond in defining specificity of trimeric PNPs and is in line with the proposed mechanism of catalysis in which this contact helps to stabilize the negative charge that accumulates on O(6) of the purine base in the transition state. In the present crystal structure the loop between Thr60 and Ala65 was found in a different conformation than that observed in crystal structures of trimeric PNPs up to now. Due to this change a new wide entrance is opened into the active site pocket, which is otherwise buried in the interior of the protein. Hence, our present crystal structure provides no obvious indication for obligatory binding of one of the substrates before binding of a second one; it is rather consistent with random binding of substrates. All these results provide new data for clarifying the mechanism of catalysis and give reasons for the non-Michaelis kinetics of trimeric PNPs.  相似文献   

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