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The influence of conservation agriculture (CA) on weed ecology has been a concern to many researchers across the world and is the focus of this study in southern Africa. An experiment to look at the impacts of various tillage systems with different levels of crop residue on maize (Zea mays L.) was established in 2004/2005 season. The experiment was carried out at the International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Matopos Research Station, Zimbabwe. Three main tillage systems were compared, ripping tillage (RT), planting basins (PB) and conventional tillage (CT), with three different crop residue levels: 0, 4 and 8 tons ha?1. In 2007 soil samples were collected in the inter-row and in-row positions prior to tillage at 0–50 mm, 50–100 mm and 100–200 mm depths. The objective was to determine the effect of the treatment factors on weed seed bank species after three cropping cycles using the germination method. Nine major weed species were identified, with all the weeds unaffected by either tillage or mulching level. Eleusine indica, Corchorus tridens and Setaria species were the dominant weed species across all treatments. Setaria spp. was the dominant weed in the inter-row position of ripped plots. Although there was no significant individual treatment effect, there were significant (p < 0.05) interactions, with CT having reduced seed banks of Setaria spp. and E. indica compared to RT and PB. Percentage increases point to E. indica and Setaria spp. increasing under PB and RT compared to CT. C. tridens was significantly higher in PB compared to RT and CT in the 0–50 mm depth in the in-row position. This study probably coincided with the transition period in the weed bank succession process and needs to be repeated at a later date in the rotation. The majority of the weed species were not affected by any of the treatment combinations, a response attributed to plasticity of weeds to the tillage and residue level selection pressure.  相似文献   

保护性耕作和杂草多样性是现代生态农业关注的热点问题.尽管保护性耕作下农田杂草多样性有所提高,但耕作方式与养分管理方式对农田杂草群落多样性的交互影响尚未探明.本研究以山东省济南市一块连续3年施行不同耕作方式(免耕、深松、旋耕、深耕)和不同养分管理措施(农户常规:年施氮肥480 kg·hm-2,高产高效:年施氮肥360 kg·hm-2,优化管理:年施氮肥300 kg·hm-2)的冬小麦-夏玉米轮作农田为研究样地,调查并比较了不同管理模式下农田春季杂草群落特征.结果表明: 该冬小麦-夏玉米农田春季杂草群落共发现杂草15种,其中优势物种为马唐和稗;与深耕和旋耕相比,免耕和深松下杂草密度较高.在群落多样性方面,深耕处理下的物种丰富度和均匀度最低,而群落优势度高于其余3种耕作方式;在养分管理中,随着施肥量的增加,物种丰富度和均匀度均升高;深耕和旋耕处理下,随着施肥量的增加,群落优势度升高;而在免耕深松处理下,群落优势度会随着施肥量的增加而减少.在杂草群落生物量方面,免耕和深松的生物量显著高于深耕和旋耕,农户常规处理均高于其余两种养分管理方式,杂草生物量最高的组合是免耕+农户常规.免耕和施肥将提高农田春季杂草群落丰富度、均匀度和生产力.  相似文献   

Emissions of N2O were measured following combined applications of inorganic N fertiliser and crop residues to a silt loam soil in S.E. England, UK. Effects of cultivation technique and residue application on N2O emissions were examined over 2 years. N2O emissions were increased in the presence of residues and were further increased where NH4NO3 fertiliser (200 kg N ha–1) was applied. Large fluxes of N2O were measured from the zero till treatments after residue and fertiliser application, with 2.5 kg N2O-N ha–1 measured over the first 23 days after application of fertiliser in combination with rye (Secale cereale) residues under zero tillage. CO2 emissions were larger in the zero till than in the conventional till treatments. A significant tillage/residue interaction was found. Highest emissions were measured from the conventionally tilled bean (Vicia faba) (1.0 kg N2O-N ha–1 emitted over 65 days) and zero tilled rye (3.5 kg N2O-N ha–1 over 65 days) treatments. This was attributed to rapid release of N following incorporation of bean residues in the conventionally tilled treatments, and availability of readily degradable C from the rye in the presence of anaerobic conditions under the mulch in the zero tilled treatments. Measurement of 15N-N2O emission following application of 15N-labelled fertiliser to microplots indicated that surface mulching of residues in zero till treatments resulted in a greater proportion of fertiliser N being lost as N2O than with incorporation of residues. Combined applications of 15N fertiliser and bean residues resulted in higher or lower emissions, depending on cultivation technique, when compared with the sum of N2O from single applications. Such interactions have important implications for mitigation of N2O from agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Han HF  Ning TY  Li ZJ  Tian SZ  Wang Y  Zhong WL  Tian XX 《应用生态学报》2011,22(5):1183-1188
在秸秆全量还田的试验田中(从2004年起),于2008-2009年及2009-2010年冬小麦生育期间,研究了不同耕作措施(旋耕、耙耕、免耕、深松和常规耕作)和杂草管理对冬小麦田土壤水分及有机碳的影响.结果表明:在未除草条件下,免耕、深松的杂草总密度显著提高;而在除草条件下,杂草密度显著下降.小麦从拔节期到灌浆期0~60 cm土层水分含量呈明显波动变化,田间保留一定量的杂草可增加不同耕作方式0~20 cm的土壤水分含量,表现出一定的土壤水分保持效应.保留杂草仅提高了拔节期0~20 cm土层的土壤有机碳含量;而在抽穗期和灌浆期,0~20、20~40和40~60 cm土层有机碳含量均低于去除杂草处理.去除杂草条件下,深松显著提高了冬小麦籽粒产量;保留杂草条件下,旋耕的籽粒产量最高,常规耕作产量最低.  相似文献   

耕作措施和施肥方式对麦田杂草密度和生物量的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为明确我国华北地区麦玉轮作系统小麦免耕的推广和施肥方式的改变对麦季杂草生长的影响,在免耕实施5年后,调查了麦田杂草密度、单株质量和生物量。结果表明:华北地区小麦生长早期,免耕有降低麦田杂草总密度和优势种播娘蒿密度趋势,但差异并不显著;相对于传统耕作,免耕秸秆覆盖和不覆盖处理总杂草生物量显著降低,其中播娘蒿生物量分别降低了57%和73%;免耕也使播娘蒿单株质量降低了27%~53%;免耕秸秆覆盖和不覆盖处理播娘蒿的株高分别比传统耕作降低了25%和19%;但一般情况耕作方式并没有显著影响离子草和麦家公生长;相对于分次施肥,集中施肥杂草生物量降低了21%~68%,播娘蒿生物量降低了58%~65%,麦家公降低91%;免耕在一定程度上抑制了某些杂草的生长,但追肥促进了杂草的快速生长。  相似文献   

2016—2018年,以深旋耕播种模式为对照,研究了浅旋耕播种和免耕带旋播种模式对稻茬小麦根系发育、土壤水分和硝态氮含量的影响。结果表明: 孕穗期以前免耕带旋播种和浅旋耕播种处理耕层土壤含水量高于深旋耕播种处理,而硝态氮含量低于深旋耕播种处理。拔节和开花期根重密度和根表面积密度处理间差异不显著。2016—2017年,3种耕播方式的产量和地上部分氮吸收量无显著差异;2017—2018年,免耕带旋播种和浅旋耕播种处理的产量较深旋耕播种分别增加10.9%和10.5%,地上部分氮吸收量分别增加17.5%和12.0%。与深旋耕播种和浅旋耕播种处理相比,免耕带旋播种处理播种效率高、断垄率低。综上,免耕带旋播种处理可提高稻茬小麦的播种质量,增强土壤保墒能力,降低氮淋溶风险,促进产量和环境效益的协同提升。  相似文献   

Summary Field studies to determine the effect of zero and shallow (10 cm) cultivation on microbial biomass were conducted on several Chernozemic soils in western Canada. Using the CHCl3 fumigation method, the distribution of microbial biomass N and the immobilization and subsequent release of added15N (15N-urea) from the microbial biomass were determined in the A horizon, at the 0 to 5 and 5 to 10 cm depth, during the growing season for spring wheat.Temporal variation in microbial biomass N, associated with the development of the rhizosphere, was characterized by an increase between Feekes stage 1 and 5 or 10 and decrease at Feekes stage 11.4. Over the long term, the variation in biomass N between tillage systems corresponded with crop residue distribution. Immobilization of fertilizer N was related to the increase in biomass N from Feekes stage 1, which in turn, was associated with the incorporation of recent crop residues or levels of labile organic matter in the surface soil. The study demonstrated the relatively rapid remineralization of immobilized fertilizer N under field conditions and emphasized the role of the microbial biomass N as both a sink and source of mineral N.  相似文献   

采用大田试验,研究了夏闲期耕作对旱地小麦播种前和各生育期0~300 cm土壤水分、植株氮素吸收和运转特性的影响.结果表明: 夏闲期耕作可提高播种前和各生育期0~300 cm土壤蓄水量,且枯水年效果较好.夏闲期耕作可显著提高各生育期植株氮素积累量、开花期叶片和茎秆+茎鞘氮素积累量、成熟期籽粒氮素积累量,显著提高茎秆+茎鞘氮素运转量及其对籽粒的贡献率、叶片氮素运转量、花前氮素运转量、花后氮素积累量,最终提高氮素吸收效率,以前茬小麦收获后45 d深翻效果较好.夏闲期耕作条件下,土壤水分与花前氮素运转量及籽粒氮素积累量显著相关,且枯水年关系更密切;播种至开花期土壤水分与花后氮素积累量在丰水年显著相关,而枯水年无显著相关关系.夏闲期耕作,尤其是雨后深翻有利于蓄水保墒及植株氮素吸收和转运.  相似文献   

为明确砂姜黑土区小麦(Triticum aestivum)产量和品质形成的耕作方式及施氮量最优组合, 在大田试验条件下, 以深松、旋耕和常规耕作3种耕作方式为主区, 0、120、225、330 kg·hm-2 4个施氮量为副区, 研究了不同耕作方式及施氮量组合对小麦拔节后氮代谢、籽粒产量和蛋白质含量的影响。结果表明, 随着生育期的推进, 叶片谷氨酰胺合成酶活性、游离氨基酸含量和可溶性蛋白含量均呈先升后降的趋势, 深松方式配合中高氮处理的峰值在花后10天, 而常规耕作和旋耕的4个施氮处理以及深松的低氮处理峰值多在开花期。与常规耕作和旋耕相比, 深松耕作显著降低了10-40 cm的土壤容重, 提高了土壤总空隙度和根干质量, 有利于中后期根系氮素吸收。耕作方式和施氮量对籽粒产量和蛋白质含量影响显著, 均以深松方式最高。3种耕作方式下小麦产量和蛋白质含量均随施氮量增加而增加, 籽粒产量以深松方式配合330 kg·hm-2施氮量最高, 而常规耕作和旋耕方式的产量在施氮量为225 kg·hm-2时达到最大。3种耕作方式下籽粒蛋白质含量均以施氮225 kg·hm-2最高。因此, 在砂姜黑土区宜采用深松耕作方式配合适宜的施氮量, 以改善土壤条件, 促进根系氮素吸收, 延长叶片功能期, 达到产量与蛋白品质提升之目的。  相似文献   

在黄淮砂姜黑土区冬小麦-夏玉米复种两熟种植体系中,研究了小麦季3种耕作方式(常规翻耕、旋耕和深松)结合夏玉米播前3个施氮量(120、225和330 kg·hm-2)对玉米季主要生育时期根际土壤氮素转化微生物作用强度及酶活性、无机氮含量和产量的影响.结果表明: 旋耕方式下氨化作用强度最高,且随着施氮量的增加,土壤氮素转化微生物作用强度及酶活性增强.深松方式下根际土壤硝化、反硝化作用强度与脲酶活性明显高于常规与旋耕方式.增施氮肥可加强深松方式对土壤氮素转化的促进作用,而过量施氮虽然提高了土壤无机氮含量及玉米产量,但会对土壤氮素转化微生物作用强度及酶活性产生抑制.深松方式结合225 kg·hm-2施氮量更有利于砂姜黑土区夏玉米土壤氮素转化,而深松方式结合330 kg·hm-2施氮处理下产量最高.  相似文献   

保护性耕作(conservationtillage)能够减少水土流失、提高耕地产量,是一类具有生态保护意义的持续性农业耕作形式。2002年至2004年在定西旱地农业地区进行了保护性耕作条件下旱地农田春小麦豌豆双序列轮作土壤水分动态及产量效应的试验研究,结果表明:保护性耕作能够显著改善0~200cm土层土壤贮水量及含水量,随着降水量的增多土壤对降水的保蓄能力增强。在降水较少年份免耕秸秆覆盖的这种作用表现突出,而在降水充沛的年份免耕地膜覆盖则更具优势。耕层土壤水分因受降水等因素的影响而变化剧烈,耕层以下土壤水分变幅相对较小。播种期、五叶期及收获期土壤具有较高含水量,而开花期土壤含水量则较低。在两种轮作体系中,播种期春小麦和豌豆免耕秸秆覆盖处理0~50cm土层含水量分别较常规耕作增加28%、26%和11%、23%,降水生产效率较常规耕作提高了17.79%~26.81%。在春小麦豌豆轮作体系中免耕秸秆覆盖处理的作物产量(春小麦 豌豆)及水分利用效率分别为3420kghm2和8.11kg(hm2·mm),较常规耕作分别提高26.81%和25.39%。  相似文献   

保护性耕作对农田碳、氮效应的影响研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
作物产量的高低主要取决于土壤肥力,如何保持并提高土壤肥力是确保我国粮食安全和农业可持续发展的重要任务,也是众多学者关注的焦点。土壤有机碳和氮素是评价土壤质量的重要指标,其动态平衡直接影响土壤肥力和作物产量。随着全球气候变化及环境污染问题的愈加突出,农田土壤固碳及提高氮效率成为各界科学家研究的热点。目前,保护性耕作已成为发展可持续农业的重要技术之一,对土壤固碳及氮素的利用具有很大的影响。深入了解保护性耕作对土壤有机碳固持与氮素利用效率提高的影响机制,对于正确评价土壤肥力有着重要意义。但由于气候、土壤及种植制度等条件不一致,关于保护性耕作对农田碳、氮效应结论不一。阐述了国际上保护性耕作对农田系统土壤有机碳含量变化及其分解排放(如CO2和CH4)、氮素变化及其矿化损失(如NH3挥发、N2O排放与氮淋失)和碳氮素相互关系(如C/N层化率)影响的研究进展,并分析了其影响因素和相关机理。尽管国内保护性耕作的研究已进行30 多年,但在土壤有机碳与氮素方面与国外相比依然有较大的差距。保护性耕作对土壤固碳与氮素利用的影响机制,碳素和氮素在土壤-植株-大气系统中的转移变化,及结合农事管理等综合评价其生态效应的研究很少。在此基础上,提出未来我国保护性耕作在土壤有机碳固定和氮素利用方面的重点研究方向:(1)在定位试验基础上进一步探讨保护性耕作对土壤有机碳及氮素利用的影响机制;(2)深入研究土壤有机碳和氮素的相互关系及其对土壤肥力的影响;(3)结合环境保护与土壤可持续管理对保护性耕作农田土壤固碳及氮素高效利用的系统评价研究;(4)加强保护性耕作对农田碳、氮效应的宏观研究,合理评价保护性耕措施下对农田碳、氮综合效应。  相似文献   

Water availability directly influences interactions and competition between weeds and crops. This article is based on the idea that relative water content (RWC) indicates the water uptake within plants and that it is possible to explain the water relationships between plants that are growing together. A field experiment carried out for 3 years (2013–2014, 2014–2015 and 2015–2016) compared the short-term effects of years and tillage systems on wheat grain yield, weed density, wheat-RWC, weed-RWC and soil water content (SWC), at tillering and flowering stages in a winter wheat monoculture system. The three tillage treatments were conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT) and no-tillage (NT). Wheat grain yield was low all years of study, because of low interannual rainfall, and we did not observe differences between tillage systems. Weed density was also affected by year and not by tillage systems. Lowest winter rainfall (73.4 mm from Nov to Feb) in the last year of the study (2015–2016), decreased the weed density in all tillage systems. Despite the rainfall variability over the 3 years of study, the NT system presented higher weed density (73 plants/m2) than MT and CT systems (39.83 and 46.33 plants/m2). We also observed a higher number of weed species for the NT system, facilitated by a high soil water storage in this system. The wheat-RWC, at tillering stage, varied with years and tillage systems; we found that high winter rainfall (2013–2014) led to higher values in CT (64.5%) compared with MT (52.9%) and NT plots (52.9%). Weed-RWC values did not vary and SWC was greater in NT than in CT and MT. At flowering stage, the year (2015–2016) with highest spring rainfall favoured higher wheat-RWC in NT (56.9%) compared with CT (48.3%). However, the lowest spring rainfall coincided with the lowest weed-RWC, (18% in NT plots) and SWC was always higher in NT soils. The results showed that climatic conditions affected the water competence dynamics between weeds and wheat in different ways. Seemingly, weeds can tolerate a lack of water availability until crop tillering stage independently of tillage system; however, the competition for water was not a problem as crops overcame the high weed density by flowering stage.  相似文献   

为确定渭北旱地春玉米减肥增效的科学生产模式,于2016—2019年在陕西合阳县实施旱地春玉米田间定位施肥试验。以郑单958和陕单8806为试验品种,设置5个施氮量处理,分别为360(N360,当地农户常规施氮量)、270(N270)、150~180(N150-180)、75~90(N75-90)和0 kg·hm-2 (N0),分析减量施氮处理下春玉米产量、氮素吸收利用及硝态氮残留状况。结果表明: 1)与N360处理相比,两个品种在N150-180处理下籽粒产量增加0.9%~7.1%,吸氮量降低4.1%~4.6%,平均氮肥回收利用率、偏生产力和农学效率分别提高79.3%~83.6%、105.9%~157.7%和101.9%~114.1%;2)在高施氮量(大于180 kg·hm-2)处理下,硝态氮残留量显著增加;降雨不足显著降低玉米需氮量,导致氮素残留量增加。经过4年定位试验0~200 cm土层硝态氮含量高达504.7~620.8 kg·hm-2,在80~140 cm土层出现累积峰,存在硝态氮淋失风险。根据年际间玉米籽粒产量表现、肥料利用效率和硝态氮残留状况综合评价,渭北旱地春玉米田适宜氮肥用量为150~180 kg N·hm-2。  相似文献   

耕作方式对潮土土壤团聚体微生物群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究不同耕作方式对潮土土壤团聚体微生物群落结构和多样性的影响,采用磷脂脂肪酸(P LFA)法测定了土壤团聚体中微生物群落.试验设置4个耕作处理,分别为旋耕+秸秆还田(RT)、深耕+秸秆还田(DP)、深松+秸秆还田(SS)和免耕+秸秆还田(NT).结果 表明:与RT相比,DP处理显著提高了原状土壤和>5 mm粒级土壤团...  相似文献   

李琳  张海林  陈阜  李素娟 《应用生态学报》2007,18(12):2765-2770
利用长期定位试验研究了华北平原不同耕作措施下冬小麦生育期农田CO2排放通量,并对CO2排放通量和土壤温度进行了回归模拟.结果表明冬小麦生育期CO2排放速率表现为翻耕>旋耕>免耕,平均分别为343.69、337.54和190.47 mg·m-2·h-1.各处理冬小麦生育期CO2排放通量与土壤温度呈显著正相关;翻耕地CO2排放通量与10 cm地温相关性最高,旋耕地和免耕地则与10 cm和20 cm地温相关性较高.CO2排放通量和土壤温度呈指数函数关系(P<0.01),利用10 cm地温对冬小麦生育期农田CO2排放通量进行估算表明,翻耕、旋耕和免耕地CO2排放分别为1.88、1.89和1.03 kg·m-2.  相似文献   

Z. Dou  R. H. Fox 《Plant and Soil》1995,177(2):235-247
The objective of this study was to determine if a re-calibrated version of the computer model NCSWAP (version 36) could accurately predict corn growth and soil N dynamics in conventionally tilled (CT) and no-till (NT) corn supplied with legume green manure or ammonium nitrate as N sources. We also attempted to ascertain the reasons for limitations in the model's ability to simulate corn growth and soil N dynamics found by our colleagues in a previous study and to propose potential improvements. The model was calibrated to accurately simulate total available N (N in plant above-ground biomass plus soil nitrate in the 0 to 45 cm profile) for a control and a fertilizer CT treatment in the 1992 growing season. To do so, input values defining the quantities of active soil organic N had to be reduced to 19% of the values proposed by the model developers and a solute transport factor defining the mobile vs. immobile fractions of soil nitrate adjusted from 0.8 to 0.2. The discrepancies between the proposed values and the lower values employed in this study might be due to the uncertainties in quantitatively describing soil N mineralization processes and the way they are handled in the model, as well as the lack of a component simulating macroporous-influenced water flow and solute transport in the model. With the current version, until one knows how to predict what these values are, the model needs to be re-calibrated for each experimental site and condition and thus is of limited value as a general model.With no further adjustment of input values, model validation success was mixed. The model accurately predicted total available N for treatments in the second year of the experiment that had the same N source and tillage as the treatments used for the calibration year but with the different weather and growing conditions. However, total available N was underpredicted where legume green manure was the N source and overpredicted with no-till cultivation. The model was accurate in simulating seasonal corn growth for nearly all the treatments, judged by nonsignificant mean difference (MD) values and highly significant correlation coefficients (r). Prediction of seasonal soil nitrate concentration was less accurate compared to total available N and corn growth variables. Potential improvements in the model's simulation of a no-till system as well as for predicting corn harvest yield and seasonal soil nitrate concentration where N deficiency occurs were discussed.  相似文献   

不同耕作方式和秸秆还田对麦田土壤有机碳含量的影响   总被引:60,自引:0,他引:60  
通过两个生长季试验,研究了不同耕作方式和秸秆还田及其交互效应对小麦全生育期0~20 cm土壤有机碳含量的影响.结果表明:小麦不同生育时期0~20 cm土层有机碳含量呈明显的动态变化;秸秆还田各处理的有机碳含量都高于无秸秆还田处理;保护性耕作措施土壤有机碳增加量显著高于传统翻耕.除传统翻耕处理外,各处理0~10 cm土层的有机碳含量都高于10~20 cm土层,秸秆还田各处理0~10 cm土层有机碳含量表现为深松(PS)>旋耕(PR)>免耕(PZ)>耙耕(PH)>传统翻耕(PC),而10~20 cm土层表现为传统翻耕(PC)>深松(PS)>旋耕(PR)>耙耕(PH)>免耕(PZ),说明保护性耕作措施能提高0~10 cm土层的有机碳含量.多因素方差分析表明:耕作因素、秸秆因素和两者交互效应在不同生育期对0~20 cm土层的有机碳含量都有显著影响.  相似文献   

王淑兰  王浩  李娟  吕薇  陈宁宁  李军 《生态学杂志》2016,27(5):1530-1540
为了探索渭北旱塬春玉米田保护性轮耕模式的土壤培肥效果和增产增收效应,于2007—2014年在陕西合阳实施了秸秆覆盖或还田条件下免耕/深松(NT/ST)、深松/翻耕(ST/CT)、翻耕/免耕(CT/NT)、连续免耕(NT)、连续深松(ST)和连续翻耕(CT)等6种耕作处理田间定位试验,测定并分析了2010—2014年玉米收获期各耕作处理下0~60 cm土壤有机碳、氮储量,0~200 cm土层土壤含水量变化及春玉米产量差异.结果表明: 6种耕作处理中以NT/ST处理增加土壤有机碳和全氮储量最为明显.与2007年试验前相比,6种耕作处理均增加了0~60 cm土层土壤有机碳储量,5年平均值增幅为12.3%~28.3%,5种保护性耕作处理土壤有机碳储量5年平均值较CT对照处理显著增加7.1%~13.2%.NT/ST、ST/CT、CT/NT等3种轮耕处理和NT处理0~60 cm土层土壤氮储量5年平均值较试验前增加2.5%~7.3%.NT/ST、ST/CT、CT/NT、NT和ST处理土壤氮储量5年平均值比连续翻耕增加3.6%~11.1%.5种保护性耕作处理土壤含水量较CT处理依次增加5.7%、2.3%、2.0%、5.5%和4.4%,以NT/ST处理土壤含水量最高.6种耕作处理春玉米平均产量表现为NT/ST>ST/CT>ST >NT>CT/NT>CT,以NT/ST处理最高,分别较其他5种处理显著增产4.2%、13.0%、11.3%、4.7%和13.8%;经济效益平均表现为NT/ST>ST/CT>ST>NT>CT/NT>CT.在6种耕作处理中,免耕/深松轮耕处理在改善土壤环境质量、提升土壤肥力和增产增收方面都表现出优越性,为旱作春玉米田较适宜的土壤轮耕模式.  相似文献   

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