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Intracellular recordings are obtained from photoreceptors in the retina of winged (alate) pea aphids Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris). The responses to monochromatic light, applied in 10‐nm steps over the range 320–650 nm, reveal that all recordings are from green receptors and the spectral sensitivity function of these photoreceptors peaks at 518 nm. A comparison between the spectral sensitivity of the green receptors and extracellular electroretinogram recordings suggests that additional sensitivity to the short‐wavelength light (ultraviolet and/or blue) is also likely to be present in the compound eye of pea aphids. An analysis of the pea aphid genome, comparing its translated nucleotide sequences with the those of the opsin genes of other insect species, supports this electrophysiological finding, although it could not be established whether A. pisum, in addition to the green receptor, has both blue and ultraviolet receptors in the compound eye. The implications of these results for the visual ecology of herbivorous insects are discussed.  相似文献   

We tested in a field experiment two hypotheses for why polyphagous predators aggregate at concentrations of aphids: 1) because they are attracted directly to aphids as prey, or 2) because they are attracted to alternative prey that aggregate around the honeydew produced by aphids. Small plots were established in the field with two experimental treatments, aphid addition and honey spraying, and a watersprayed control, each replicated 10 times. Arthropods were recorded by pitfall traps and sticky traps in each plot. Diptera were significantly more abundant in the honey plots. Of the predators, Agonum dorsale, “All carabids” and Philonthus sp. were most abundant in the honey plots; Tachyporus spp. and carabid and staphylinid larvae were most abundant in the aphid addition plots. It is suggested that these results reflect differences among the predators in their ability to tolerate and utilise aphids as food.  相似文献   

The alarm response of aphids to (E)‐β‐farnesene was examined for 59 species in the subfamilies Aphididae, Callaphididae, Chaitophoridae and Lachnidae, in the field. Forty‐one aphid species responded to (E)‐β‐farnesene at a dosage of 1 ng and/or 10 ng; however, 18 species did not. Myrmecophilous aphids did not react as extensively or strongly as non‐myrmecophilous aphids. The response of aphids to (E)‐β‐farnesene was related to host‐plant species.  相似文献   

Young-of-the-year pike Esox lucius foraging on copepods experienced different foraging success depending on prey pigmentation in water visually degraded by brown colouration or algae. Both attack rate and prey consumption rate were higher for E. lucius foraging on transparent prey in brown water, whereas the opposite was true in algal turbid water. Pigments in copepod prey may have a cryptic function in brown water instead of a photo-protective function even if prey-size selectivity was stronger than selection based on pigmentation in juvenile E. lucius.  相似文献   

Abstract. Winged and wingless individuals of a pink clone of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), showed differences in the response curves for photoperiodic induction of both males and sexual females (oviparae). The critical night length (CNL) for ovipara induction in winged aphids was 0.75 h shorter than in wingless aphids, whereas the CNL for male induction in winged aphids was 1.0h longer than in wingless aphids. This means that in winged aphids the CNL for male induction in winged aphids was 0.5 h longer than that for ovipara induction, while in wingless aphids the CNL for male induction was 1.0–1.5 h shorter than that for ovipara induction, and also the shapes of the curves differed.
Winged aphids were produced by wingless mothers which were crowded as young adults. However, when young adults were crowded in long nights, winged aphids were not produced, and the CNL for wing inhibition was between 9.5 and 10h. This effect of photoperiod on wing induction was maternal.  相似文献   

Sexual selection has been invoked as a major force in the evolution of secondary sexual traits, including sexually dimorphic colourations. For example, previous studies have shown that display complexity and elaborate ornamentation in lizards are associated with variables that reflect the intensity of intrasexual selection. However, these studies have relied on techniques of colour analysis based on human – rather than lizard – visual perception. Here, we use reflectance spectrophotometry and visual modelling to quantify sexual dichromatism considering the overall colour patterns of lacertids, a lizard clade in which visual signalling has traditionally been underrated. These objective methods of colour analysis reveal a large, previously unreported, degree of sexual dichromatism in lacertids. Using a comparative phylogenetic approach, we further demonstrate that sexual dichromatism is positively associated with body size dimorphism (an index of intrasexual selection), suggesting that conspicuous coloration in male lacertids has evolved to improve opponent assessment under conditions of intense male–male competition. Our findings provide the first evidence for the covariation of sexual dichromatism and sexual size dimorphism in lacertids and suggest that the prevalent role of intrasexual selection in the evolution of ornamental coloration is not restricted to the iguanian lineage, but rather may be a general trend common to many diurnal lizards.  相似文献   

Abstract. Field observations were made on the responses of males and gynoparae of three host-alternating aphid species, the blackberry-cereal aphid, Sitobion fragariae (Walker), the bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) and the damson-hop aphid, Phorodon humuli (Schrank) to species-specific sex pheromones released from transparent and coloured water traps.Pheromone traps caught significantly more males than did control traps without pheromone, whereas transparent, light green, yellow and orange traps caught most insects.Measurements of the distance over which sex pheromones function indicated that male P.humuli detect the pheromone 2–6 m from the source and can fly upwind to a source in wind speeds of 0.7 m s-1.In all three species significantly more gynoparae were caught in pheromone traps than in control traps, suggesting that pheromone released by adult sexual females may assist late-flying gynoparae to locate a suitable host plant on which to deposit their progeny.The response is relatively stronger for males than gynoparae, but the pheromones appear to act as both sex and aggregation pheromones.  相似文献   

Progress in developing animal communication theory is frequently constrained by a poor understanding of sensory systems. For example, while lizards have been the focus of numerous studies in visual signalling, we only have data on the spectral sensitivities of a few species clustered in two major clades (Iguania and Gekkota). Using electroretinography and microspectrophotometry, we studied the visual system of the cordylid lizard Platysaurus broadleyi because it represents an unstudied clade (Scinciformata) with respect to visual systems and because UV signals feature prominently in its social behaviour. The retina possessed four classes of single and one class of double cones. Sensitivity in the ultraviolet region (UV) was approximately three times higher than previously reported for other lizards. We found more colourless oil droplets (associated with UV-sensitive (UVS) and short wavelength-sensitive (SWS) photoreceptors), suggesting that the increased sensitivity was owing to the presence of more UVS photoreceptors. Using the Vorobyev-Osorio colour discrimination model, we demonstrated that an increase in the number of UVS photoreceptors significantly enhances a lizard's ability to discriminate conspecific male throat colours. Visual systems in diurnal lizards appear to be broadly conserved, but data from additional clades are needed to confirm this.  相似文献   

This guide is a compilation of limited morphological and biological information on the winged morphs of 60 species of aphids that have been collected in Costa Rica. It should not be viewed as a definitive taxonomic treatise on the aphids of Costa Rica, rather it is a tool that can be used to assist in research on the biology, host plant relationships, taxonomy, and virus transmission capabilities of aphids. Each species is covered in an identical manner. Morphological and biological information is provided in both Spanish and English as well as photographs of slide mounted specimens. Keys are provided to help the user in identifying the species. Most of the specimens examined were taken in traps associated with epidemiological studies. Limited field collecting has generated host records and these have been added to a list of the aphids of Central America that was compiled by Pamela Anderson and appended in the guide with her permission. The authors hope that this book will be useful to entomologists in Costa Rica and Central America.  相似文献   

Occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi in migratory alate aphids was investigated by trapping air-borne aphids on cabbage and wheat plants and observing the insects for fungal infection. Potted cabbage and wheat plants put 30 m apart on yellow cloth, were placed on the top of a tall building (six-story building) in Yunnan Province, China away from cultivated fields or other vegetation. Seven species of aphids trapped on the plants collected and monitored for fungal infection in the laboratory at a daily basis from 19 February to 31 December, 2003. Aphids were trapped every day during the experimental period. A total of 3,681 aphids were trapped on cabbage and 3,028 on wheat. Myzus persicae (Sulzer), Brevicoryne brassicae (L.), and Sitobion avenae (F.) were the major aphid species accounting for 94.7 and 93.1% of the insect specimens landing on cabbage and wheat, respectively. Other aphis species encountered included, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), Pemphigus sinobursaris Zhang, and Rhopalosiphum padi (L.). Preference for host plant played significant role in attraction of aphids, especially of the three major species. Accumulated over the whole experimental period nearly 33% of the aphids landing on cabbage and 37% landing on wheat were infected with fungi. Erynia neoaphidis Remaudiere and Hennebert, Entomophthora planchoniana Cornu, and Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuilemin were the major fungal pathogens encountered and accounted for nearly 95% of the infested aphids on cabbage and 97% on wheat. Other entomopathogenic fungi encountered included Zoophthora radicans (Brefeld) Batko, Conidiobolus obscurus (Hall and Dunn) Remaudiere, and Neozygites fresenii (Nowakowski), Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Wize) Brown and Smith, and Aspergillus flavus Link. Although the number of aphids trapped throughout the experimental period did not vary consistently with temperature or humidity, the fungal was directly related to relative humidity. Higher insect mortality, especially due to Entomophthorales, positively related relative humidity.  相似文献   

The peak sensitivities (λ(max)) of the short-wavelength-sensitive-1 (SWS1) pigments in mammals range from the ultraviolet (UV) (360-400 nm) to the violet (400-450 nm) regions of the spectrum. In most cases, a UV or violet peak is determined by the residue present at site 86, with Phe conferring UV sensitivity (UVS) and either Ser, Tyr or Val causing a shift to violet wavelengths. In primates, however, the tuning mechanism of violet-sensitive (VS) pigments would appear to differ. In this study, we examine the tuning mechanisms of prosimian SWS1 pigments. One species, the aye-aye, possesses a pigment with Phe86 but in vitro spectral analysis reveals a VS rather than a UVS pigment. Other residues (Cys, Ser and Val) at site 86 in prosimians also gave VS pigments. Substitution at site 86 is not, therefore, the primary mechanism for the tuning of VS pigments in primates, and phylogenetic analysis indicates that substitutions at site 86 have occurred at least five times in primate evolution. The sole potential tuning site that is conserved in all primate VS pigments is Pro93, which when substituted by Thr (as found in mammalian UVS pigments) in the aye-aye pigment shifted the peak absorbance into the UV region with a λ(max) value at 371 nm. We, therefore, conclude that the tuning of VS pigments in primates depends on Pro93, not Tyr86 as in other mammals. However, it remains uncertain whether the initial event that gave rise to the VS pigment in the ancestral primate was achieved by a Thr93Pro or a Phe86Tyr substitution.  相似文献   

Individual cuttlefish, octopus and squid have the versatile capability to use body patterns for background matching and disruptive coloration. We define—qualitatively and quantitatively—the chief characteristics of the three major body pattern types used for camouflage by cephalopods: uniform and mottle patterns for background matching, and disruptive patterns that primarily enhance disruptiveness but aid background matching as well. There is great variation within each of the three body pattern types, but by defining their chief characteristics we lay the groundwork to test camouflage concepts by correlating background statistics with those of the body pattern. We describe at least three ways in which background matching can be achieved in cephalopods. Disruptive patterns in cuttlefish possess all four of the basic components of ‘disruptiveness’, supporting Cott''s hypotheses, and we provide field examples of disruptive coloration in which the body pattern contrast exceeds that of the immediate surrounds. Based upon laboratory testing as well as thousands of images of camouflaged cephalopods in the field (a sample is provided on a web archive), we note that size, contrast and edges of background objects are key visual cues that guide cephalopod camouflage patterning. Mottle and disruptive patterns are frequently mixed, suggesting that background matching and disruptive mechanisms are often used in the same pattern.  相似文献   

During the day, a non-uniform distribution of long and short wavelength light generates a colour gradient across the sky. This gradient could be used as a compass cue, particularly by animals such as dung beetles that rely primarily on celestial cues for orientation. Here, we tested if dung beetles can use spectral cues for orientation by presenting them with monochromatic (green and UV) light spots in an indoor arena. Beetles kept their original bearing when presented with a single light cue, green or UV, or when presented with both light cues set 180° apart. When either the UV or the green light was turned off after the beetles had set their bearing in the presence of both cues, they were still able to maintain their original bearing to the remaining light. However, if the beetles were presented with two identical green light spots set 180° apart, their ability to maintain their original bearing was impaired. In summary, our data show that ball-rolling beetles could potentially use the celestial chromatic gradient as a reference for orientation.  相似文献   

Alarm pheromone mediates production of winged dispersal morphs in aphids   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The aphid alarm pheromone ( E )- β -farnesene (EBF) is the major example of defence communication in the insect world. Released when aphids are attacked by predators such as ladybirds or lacewing larvae, aphid alarm pheromone causes behavioural reactions such as walking or dropping off the host plant. In this paper, we show that the exposure to alarm pheromone also induces aphids to give birth to winged dispersal morphs that leave their host plants. We first demonstrate that the alarm pheromone is the only volatile compound emitted from aphid colonies under predator attack and that emission is proportional to predator activity. We then show that artificial alarm pheromone induces groups of aphids but not single individuals to produce a higher proportion of winged morphs among their offspring. Furthermore, aphids react more strongly to the frequency of pheromone release than the amount of pheromone delivered. We suggest that EBF leads to a 'pseudo crowding' effect whereby alarm pheromone perception causes increased walking behaviour in aphids resulting in an increase in the number of physical contacts between individuals, similar to what happens when aphids are crowded. As many plants also produce EBF, our finding suggests that aphids could be manipulated by plants into leaving their hosts, but they also show that the context-dependence of EBF-induced wing formation may hinder such an exploitation of intraspecific signalling by plants.  相似文献   

Cornicle length in Macrosiphini aphids: a comparison of ecological traits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract 1. Aphids often emit cornicle droplets when attacked by predators. While the function of cornicle droplets has long been debated (i.e. mechanical protection vs. chemical signalling), it is not understood why aphid species have cornicles of different lengths.
2. It was hypothesised that aphids living in more scattered colonies have longer cornicles to scent-mark predators with cornicle droplets containing alarm pheromone, so that clone-mates are provided with advanced warning of a threat, even if not at the predation site. To test this hypothesis, multiple regression analyses were used, due to a lack of phylogenetic information on these taxa, to address which ecological traits (amount of wax on an aphid, degree of colony aggregation, feeding shelter, ant attendance) are correlated with cornicle length.
3. Aphids living in dense colonies tended to have shorter cornicles than aphids living in more scattered colonies. Also, aphids with more protection (i.e. wax) on their bodies had shorter cornicles. Aphids also tended to have shorter cornicles when tended by ants. The presence of a feeding shelter was not a good predictor of cornicle length.
4. It is suggested that longer cornicles function to scent-mark predators with alarm pheromone to increase the inclusive fitness of a clone; however the negative correlation between the amount of individual protection, and also ant attendance, and cornicle length argues for a trade-off between different forms of defence.  相似文献   

Host specialization plays a central role in the diversification of herbivorous insects and yet we know very little about the evolution of this trait. Populations of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), are specialized and locally adapted to either alfalfa or clover. Preference for either plant produces assortative mating, and gene flow between alfalfa and clover populations is consistently restricted (Via, 1991a,b, 1994). Behavioural studies of freely-moving aphids on the plant surface for 30 min suggest that host preference is chemically mediated, involves chemoreception, and is most likely due to secondary compounds located in the epidermal or mesophyll cells. Pea aphids do not distinguish between hosts and non-hosts at a distance but determine whether the plant is suitable or not after only a short probe. Thirty-minute recordings of the activities of aphid stylets using an electrical monitoring system (EPG), where aphids are attached to a gold wire with silver paint, provide a different picture, suggesting that EPG experiments do not accurately reflect natural behaviour during the first 30 min of the aphid-plant interaction.  相似文献   

The consumption rates of nine species of Carabidae and five species of Staphylinidae which feed on the aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) were studied under conditions of surplus food in the laboratory. The mean daily consumption of aphids was between 2.5% and 45.6% of the predator species' mean body weight; the lowest values were for large Carabidae and the highest for small Staphylinidae. Separate significant positive relationships were found between the mean total weight of aphids consumed per day, and the mean weight of the adult of the carabid and staphylinid species at each temperature. A re-evaluation of published data also showed this. The slopes of the regression lines were steeper for the Staphylinidae than for the Carabidae and possible reasons are given. The regression equations could be used in simulation models to determine the maximum possible effects of these beetles on aphid populations.
Résumé La consommation de Sitobion avenae F. par 9 espèces de Carabidae et de 5 de Staphylinidae a été examinée au laboratoire en condition de surapprovisionnement. Les expériences ont été répétées dans 4 conditions de températures variables caractérisées par des moyennes de 12°3, 16°6, 20°6 et 23°6. Les poids moyens de pucerons consommés variaient entre 2,5% et 45,6% du poids des prédateurs; les valeurs les plus faibles correspondant aux gros carabes et les plus élévées aux petits staphylins.Les différences entre sexes étaient vraisemblablement dues au dimorphisme pondéral. Une relation significative et positive entre le poids moyen de pucerons consommés et le poids moyen du coléoptère a été mise en évidence tant pour les carabes que les staphylins à toutes les températures (Fig. 1, Tableau 2). Cette relation ressort aussi d'une réévaluation des données publiées. L'utilisation de formules de régression dans des modèles de simulation permettra de prédire les effets des carabes et des staphylins sur les populations de pucerons dans ces conditions optimales.

Many prey species have evolved defensive colour patterns to avoid attacks. One type of camouflage, disruptive coloration, relies on contrasting patterns that hinder predators' ability to recognize an object. While high contrasts are used to facilitate detection in many visual communication systems, they are thought to provide misleading information about prey appearance in disruptive patterns. A fundamental tenet in disruptive coloration theory is the principle of 'maximum disruptive contrast', i.e. disruptive patterns are more effective when higher contrasts are involved. We tested this principle in highly contrasting stripes that have often been described as disruptive patterns. Varying the strength of chromatic contrast between stripes and adjacent pattern elements in artificial butterflies, we found a strong negative correlation between survival probability and chromatic contrast strength. We conclude that too high a contrast leads to increased conspicuousness rather than to effective camouflage. However, artificial butterflies that sported contrasts similar to those of the model species Limenitis camilla survived equally well as background-matching butterflies without these stripes. Contrasting stripes do thus not necessarily increase predation rates. This result may provide new insights into the design and characteristics of a range of colour patterns such as sexual, mimetic and aposematic signals.  相似文献   

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