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Population bottlenecks reduce genetic diversity and thus cause great concern in conservation biology. Previous theoretical studies often assume discrete generations in projecting declines in genetic diversity caused by bottlenecks. This assumption creates complexities when applying the models to long‐lived species with overlapping generations. bottlesim is a program for simulating bottlenecks to estimate the impact on genetic diversity; the novelties include an overlapping‐generation model, a wide range of reproductive systems, and flexible population size settings. With these features, bottlesim will be a useful tool for estimating the genetic consequences of bottlenecks, evaluating conservation plans, and performing power analysis.  相似文献   

The centre of the human lens, which is composed of proteins that were synthesized prior to birth, is an ideal model for the evaluation of long‐term protein stability and processes responsible for the degradation of macromolecules. By analysing the sequences of peptides present in human lens nuclei, characteristic features of intrinsic protein instability were determined. Prominent was the cleavage on the N‐terminal side of serine residues. Despite accounting for just 9% of the amino acid composition of crystallins, peptides with N‐terminal Ser represented one‐quarter of all peptides. Nonenzymatic cleavage at Ser could be reproduced by incubating peptides at elevated temperatures. Serine residues may thus represent susceptible sites for autolysis in polypeptides exposed to physiological conditions over a period of years. Once these sites are cleaved, other chemical processes result in progressive removal or ‘laddering’ of amino acid residues from newly exposed N‐ and C‐termini. As N‐terminal Ser peptides originated from several crystallins with unrelated sequences, this may represent a general feature of long‐lived proteins.  相似文献   

Copy number variations (CNVs) constitute an important class of variation in the human genome and the interpretation of their pathogenicity considering different frequencies across populations is still a challenge for geneticists. Since the CNV databases are predominantly composed of European and non-admixed individuals, and Brazilian genetic constitution is admixed and ethnically diverse, diagnostic screenings on Brazilian variants are greatly difficulted by the lack of populational references. We analyzed a clinical sample of 268 Brazilian individuals, including patients with neurodevelopment disorders and/or congenital malformations. The pathogenicity of CNVs was classified according to their gene content and overlap with known benign and pathogenic variants. A total of 1,504 autosomal CNVs (1,207 gains and 297 losses) were classified as benign (92.9%), likely benign (1.6%), VUS (2.6%), likely pathogenic (0.2%) and pathogenic (2.7%). Some of the CNVs were recurrent and with frequency increased in our sample, when compared to populational open resources of structural variants: 14q32.33, 22q11.22, 1q21.1, and 1p36.32 gains. Thus, these highly recurrent CNVs classified as likely benign or VUS were considered non-pathogenic in our Brazilian sample. This study shows the relevance of introducing CNV data from diverse cohorts to improve on the interpretation of clinical impact of genomic variations.  相似文献   

G. Yi  L. Qu  S. Chen  G. Xu  N. Yang 《Animal genetics》2015,46(2):148-157
Phenotypic diversity is a direct consequence resulting mainly from the impact of underlying genetic variation, and recent studies have shown that copy number variation (CNV) is emerging as an important contributor to both phenotypic variability and disease susceptibility. Herein, we performed a genome‐wide CNV scan in 96 chickens from 12 diversified breeds, benefiting from the high‐density Affymetrix 600 K SNP arrays. We identified a total of 231 autosomal CNV regions (CNVRs) encompassing 5.41 Mb of the chicken genome and corresponding to 0.59% of the autosomal sequence. The length of these CNVRs ranged from 2.6 to 586.2 kb with an average of 23.4 kb, including 130 gain, 93 loss and eight both gain and loss events. These CNVRs, especially deletions, had lower GC content and were located particularly in gene deserts. In particular, 102 CNVRs harbored 128 chicken genes, most of which were enriched in immune responses. We obtained 221 autosomal CNVRs after converting probe coordinates to Galgal3, and comparative analysis with previous studies illustrated that 153 of these CNVRs were regarded as novel events. Furthermore, qPCR assays were designed for 11 novel CNVRs, and eight (72.73%) were validated successfully. In this study, we demonstrated that the high‐density 600 K SNP array can capture CNVs with higher efficiency and accuracy and highlighted the necessity of integrating multiple technologies and algorithms. Our findings provide a pioneering exploration of chicken CNVs based on a high‐density SNP array, which contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of genetic variation in the chicken genome and is beneficial to unearthing potential CNVs underlying important traits of chickens.  相似文献   

Parasites can cause severe host morbidity and threaten survival. As parasites are generally aggregated within certain host demographics, they are likely to affect a small proportion of the entire population, with specific hosts being at particular risk. However, little is known as to whether increased host mortality from parasitic causes is experienced by specific host demographics. Outside of theoretical studies, there is a paucity of literature concerning dynamics of parasite‐associated host mortality. Empirical evidence mainly focuses on short‐lived hosts or model systems, with data lacking from long‐lived wild or semi‐wild vertebrate populations. We investigated parasite‐associated mortality utilizing a multigenerational database of mortality, health, and reproductive data for over 4,000 semi‐captive timber elephants (Elephas maximus), with known causes of death for mortality events. We determined variation in mortality according to a number of host traits that are commonly associated with variation in parasitism within mammals: age, sex, and reproductive investment in females. We found that potentially parasite‐associated mortality varied significantly across elephant ages, with individuals at extremes of lifespan (young and old) at highest risk. Mortality probability was significantly higher for males across all ages. Female reproducers experienced a lower probability of potentially parasite‐associated mortality than females who did not reproduce at any investigated time frame. Our results demonstrate increased potentially parasite‐associated mortality within particular demographic groups. These groups (males, juveniles, elderly adults) have been identified in other studies as susceptible to parasitism, stressing the need for further work investigating links between infection and mortality. Furthermore, we show variation between reproductive and non‐reproductive females, with mothers being less at risk of potentially parasite mortality than nonreproducers.  相似文献   

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) affects nearly 5% of women of reproductive age. Symptomatic heterogeneity, together with largely unknown genetics, has greatly hindered its effective treatment. In the present study, analysis of genomic sequencing-based copy number variations (CNVs) called from 100 kb white blood cell DNA sequence windows by means of semisupervized clustering led to the segregation of patient genomes into the D and V groups, which correlated with the depression and invasion clinical types, respectively, with 89.0% consistency. Application of diagnostic CNV features selected using the correlation-based machine learning method enabled the classification of the CNVs obtained into the D group, V group, total patient group, and control group with an average accuracy of 83.0%. The power of the diagnostic CNV features was 0.98 on average, suggesting that these CNV features could be used for the molecular diagnosis of the major clinical types of PMDD. This demonstrated concordance between the CNV profiles and clinical types of PMDD supported the validity of symptom-based diagnosis of PMDD for differentiating between its two major clinical types, as well as the predominantly genetic nature of PMDD with a host of overlaps between multiple susceptibility genes/pathways and the diagnostic CNV features as indicators of involvement in PMDD etiology.  相似文献   

H. Zhou  D. Li  W. Liu  N. Yang 《Animal genetics》2013,44(3):276-284
Copy number variation (CNV) is considered an important genetic variation, contributing to many economically important traits in the chicken. Although CNVs can be detected using a comparative genomic hybridization array, the high‐density SNP array has provided an alternative way to identify CNVs in the chicken. In the current study, a chicken 60K SNP BeadChip was used to identify CNVs in two distinct chicken genetic lines (White Leghorn and dwarf) using the penncnv program. A total of 209 CNV regions were identified, distributing on chromosomes 1–22 and 24–28 and encompassing 13.55 Mb (1.42%) of chicken autosomal genome area. Three of seven selected CNVs (73.2% individuals) were completely validated by quantitative PCR. To our knowledge, this is the first report in the chicken identifying CNVs using a SNP array. Identification of 190 new identified CNVs illustrates the feasibility of the chicken 60K SNP BeadChip to detect CNVs in the chicken, which lays a solid foundation for future analyses of associations of CNVs with economically important phenotypes in chickens.  相似文献   

基因组拷贝数变异及其突变机理与人类疾病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Du RQ  Jin L  Zhang F 《遗传》2011,33(8):857-869
拷贝数变异(Copy number variation,CNV)是由基因组发生重排而导致的,一般指长度为1 kb以上的基因组大片段的拷贝数增加或者减少,主要表现为亚显微水平的缺失和重复。CNV是基因组结构变异(Structural variation,SV)的重要组成部分。CNV位点的突变率远高于SNP(Single nucleotide polymorphism),是人类疾病的重要致病因素之一。目前,用来进行全基因组范围的CNV研究的方法有:基于芯片的比较基因组杂交技术(array-based comparative genomic hybridization,aCGH)、SNP分型芯片技术和新一代测序技术。CNV的形成机制有多种,并可分为DNA重组和DNA错误复制两大类。CNV可以导致呈孟德尔遗传的单基因病与罕见疾病,同时与复杂疾病也相关。其致病的可能机制有基因剂量效应、基因断裂、基因融合和位置效应等。对CNV的深入研究,可以使我们对人类基因组的构成、个体间的遗传差异、以及遗传致病因素有新的认识。  相似文献   

The study of healthy human aging is important for shedding light on the molecular mechanisms behind aging to promote well‐being and to possibly predict and/or avoid the development of age‐related disorders such as atherosclerosis and diabetes. Herein, we have employed an untargeted mass spectrometry‐based approach to study age‐related protein changes in a healthy Sicilian plasma cohort including long‐lived individuals. This approach confirmed some of the previously known proteins correlated with age including fibulin‐1, dystroglycan, and gamma‐glutamyl hydrolase. Furthermore, our findings include novel proteins that correlate with age and/or with location and uric acid, which could represent a unique signature for healthy aging.  相似文献   

The genetic correlates of extreme impulsive violence are poorly understood, and there have been no studies that have systematically characterized a large group of affected individuals both clinically and genetically. We performed a genome‐wide rare copy number variant (CNV) analysis in 281 males from four Czech prisons who met strict clinical criteria for extreme impulsive violence. Inclusion criteria included age ≥ 18 years, an ICD‐10 diagnosis of Dissocial Personality Disorder, and the absence of an organic brain disorder. Participants underwent a structured psychiatric assessment to diagnose extreme impulsive violence and then provided a blood sample for genetic analysis. DNA was genotyped and CNVs were identified using Illumina HumanOmni2.5 single‐nucleotide polymorphism array platform. Comparing with 10851 external population controls, we identified 828 rare CNVs (frequency ≤ 0.1% among control samples) in 264 participants. The CNVs impacted 754 genes, with 124 genes impacted more than once (2‐25 times). Many of these genes are associated with autosomal dominant or X‐linked disorders affecting adult behavior, cognition, learning, intelligence, specifically expressed in the brain and relevant to synapses, neurodevelopment, neurodegeneration, obesity and neuropsychiatric phenotypes. Specifically, we identified 31 CNVs of clinical relevance in 31 individuals, 59 likely clinically relevant CNVs in 49 individuals, and 17 recurrent CNVs in 65 individuals. Thus, 123 of 281 (44%) individuals had one to several rare CNVs that were indirectly or directly relevant to impulsive violence. Extreme impulsive violence is genetically heterogeneous and genomic analysis is likely required to identify, further research and specifically treat the causes in affected individuals.  相似文献   

Disruption of mitochondrial metabolism and loss of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) integrity are widely considered as evolutionarily conserved (public) mechanisms of aging (López‐Otín et al., Cell, 153, 2013 and 1194). Human aging is associated with loss in skeletal muscle mass and function (Sarcopenia), contributing significantly to morbidity and mortality. Muscle aging is associated with loss of mtDNA integrity. In humans, clonally expanded mtDNA deletions colocalize with sites of fiber breakage and atrophy in skeletal muscle. mtDNA deletions may therefore play an important, possibly causal role in sarcopenia. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans also exhibits age‐dependent decline in mitochondrial function and a form of sarcopenia. However, it is unclear if mtDNA deletions play a role in C. elegans aging. Here, we report identification of 266 novel mtDNA deletions in aging nematodes. Analysis of the mtDNA mutation spectrum and quantification of mutation burden indicates that (a) mtDNA deletions in nematode are extremely rare, (b) there is no significant age‐dependent increase in mtDNA deletions, and (c) there is little evidence for clonal expansion driving mtDNA deletion dynamics. Thus, mtDNA deletions are unlikely to drive the age‐dependent functional decline commonly observed in C. elegans. Computational modeling of mtDNA dynamics in C. elegans indicates that the lifespan of short‐lived animals such as C. elegans is likely too short to allow for significant clonal expansion of mtDNA deletions. Together, these findings suggest that clonal expansion of mtDNA deletions is likely a private mechanism of aging predominantly relevant in long‐lived animals such as humans and rhesus monkey and possibly in rodents.  相似文献   



Unraveling the genetic mechanisms associated with reduced gene flow between genetically differentiated populations is key to understand speciation. Different types of structural variations (SVs) have been found as a source of genetic diversity in a wide range of species. Previous studies provided detailed knowledge on the potential evolutionary role of SVs, especially copy number variations (CNVs), between well diverged species of e.g. primates. However, our understanding of their significance during ongoing speciation processes is limited due to the lack of CNV data from closely related species. The genus Sus (pig and its close relatives) which started to diverge ~4 Mya presents an excellent model for studying the role of CNVs during ongoing speciation.


In this study, we identified 1408 CNV regions (CNVRs) across the genus Sus. These CNVRs encompass 624 genes and were found to evolve ~2.5 times faster than single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The majority of these copy number variable genes are olfactory receptors (ORs) known to play a prominent role in food foraging and mate recognition in Sus. Phylogenetic analyses, including novel Bayesian analysis, based on CNVRs that overlap ORs retain the well-accepted topology of the genus Sus whereas CNVRs overlapping genes other than ORs show evidence for random drift and/or admixture.


We hypothesize that inter-specific variation in copy number of ORs provided the means for rapid adaptation to different environments during the diversification of the genus Sus in the Pliocene. Furthermore, these regions might have acted as barriers preventing massive gene flow between these species during the multiple hybridization events that took place later in the Pleistocene suggesting a possible prominent role of ORs in the ongoing Sus speciation.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1449-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Although approaches for performing genome‐wide association studies (GWAS) are well developed, conventional GWAS requires high‐density genotyping of large numbers of individuals from a diversity panel. Here we report a method for performing GWAS that does not require genotyping of large numbers of individuals. Instead XP‐GWAS (extreme‐phenotype GWAS) relies on genotyping pools of individuals from a diversity panel that have extreme phenotypes. This analysis measures allele frequencies in the extreme pools, enabling discovery of associations between genetic variants and traits of interest. This method was evaluated in maize (Zea mays) using the well‐characterized kernel row number trait, which was selected to enable comparisons between the results of XP‐GWAS and conventional GWAS. An exome‐sequencing strategy was used to focus sequencing resources on genes and their flanking regions. A total of 0.94 million variants were identified and served as evaluation markers; comparisons among pools showed that 145 of these variants were statistically associated with the kernel row number phenotype. These trait‐associated variants were significantly enriched in regions identified by conventional GWAS. XP‐GWAS was able to resolve several linked QTL and detect trait‐associated variants within a single gene under a QTL peak. XP‐GWAS is expected to be particularly valuable for detecting genes or alleles responsible for quantitative variation in species for which extensive genotyping resources are not available, such as wild progenitors of crops, orphan crops, and other poorly characterized species such as those of ecological interest.  相似文献   

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