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Transition from low salt water to sea water of the euryhaline fish, Fundulus heteroclitus, involves a rapid signal that induces salt secretion by the gill chloride cells. An increase of 65 mOsm in plasma osmolarity was found during the transition. The isolated, chloridecell-rich opercular epithelium of sea-water-adapted Fundulus exposed to 50 mOsm mannitol on the basolateral side showed a 100% increase in chloride secretion, which was inhibited by bumetanide 10–4 m and 10–4 m DPC (N-Phenylanthranilic acid). No effect of these drugs was found on apical side exposure. A Na+/H+ exchanger, demonstrated by NH4Cl exposure, was inhibited by amiloride and its analogues and stimulated by IBMX, phorbol esters, and epithelial growth factor (EGF). Inhibition of the Na+/H+ exchanger blocks the chloride secretion increase due to basolateral hypertonicity. A Cl/HCO 3 exchanger was also found in the chloride cells, inhibited by 10–4 m DIDS but not involved in the hyperosmotic response. Ca2+ concentration in the medium was critical for the stimulation of Cl secretion to occur. Chloride cell volume shrinks in response to hypertonicity of the basolateral side in sea-water-adapted operculi; no effect was found on the apical side. Freshwater-adapted fish chloride cells show increased water permeability of the apical side. It is concluded that the rapid signal for adaptation to higher salinities is an increased tonicity of the plasma that induces chloride cell shrinkage, increased chloride secretion with activation of the Na+K+2Cl cotransporter, the Na+/H+ exchanger and opening of Cl channels.The work was supported by the National Institutes of Health, Research Grant EYO1340 to J.A.Z. Part of this research was performed while Dr. Zadunaisky was a Scholar In Residence at the Fogarty International Center of The National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Ms. Dawn Roberts was a fellow of the Grass Foundation and Pew Foundation during this work. Grants from the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health to the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory also provided assistance for this research.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to investigate the phytotoxicity of nitrapyrin 2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl)pyridine to sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under different N regimes and to see if N forms affect the phytotoxicity of nitrapyrin. Sunflower was grown in pot culture for 21 days and was fertilized with (NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3 and NaNO3 to provide 0, 100 and 200 ppm N and with nitrapyrin application of 0 and 20 ppm. All N-treated sunflower plants in all N regimes and regardless of titrapyrin treatment produced more root and shoot dry weights and contained a significantly higher N than untreated check. Nitrapyrin toxicity appeared as a curling of leaf margin and a tendril type of stem growth, the visible toxicity symptoms decreased in the order: (NH4)2SO4>NH4NO3>NaNO3. Furthermore nitrapyrin addition suppressed sunflower growth in each N regime, the suppressing effect being greater with (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3 than as with NaNO3. Although, shoot growth from plants receiving nitrapyrin was not significantly affected by any N regime, root growth of nitrapyrin-treated plants was somewhat restricted by NH4 +−N nutrition relative to NO3 −N nutrition.  相似文献   

Effects of salinity and nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) on ion accumulation and chlorophyll fluorescence were monitored for two populations of Suaeda salsa grown from seeds in a greenhouse experiment. One population inhabits the intertidal zone and the other occurs on inland saline soils. Ion contents in soils and in leaves of the two populations were also investigated in field. In the greenhouse, seedlings were exposed to a NaCl concentration of 0.6 and 35.1 ppt, with 0.1 or 5 mM NO3-N treatments for 20 days. The contents of Na+ and Cl were higher, but NO3 was lower in soils of the intertidal zone than at the inland site. In the field, ion concentrations and the estimated contribution of these ions to osmotic potential in leaves showed no difference between the two populations, except that the estimated contribution of Na+ to osmotic potential in leaves of the intertidal population was lower than that in the inland population. In the greenhouse, in contrast, the concentration of Cl was lower, but NO3 concentration and the estimated contribution of NO3 to osmotic potential were higher, in the leaves of plants from the intertidal zone. Salinity had no effect on the maximal efficiency of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm) and the actual PSII efficiency (ΦPSII). The results indicated that S. salsa from the intertidal zone was better able to regulate Cl to a lower level, and accumulate NO3 even with low soil NO3 concentrations. Tolerance of the PSII machinery to high salinity stress may be an important characteristic for the studied species supporting growth in highly saline environments.  相似文献   

Summary Anion exchange transport in the mouse lacrimal gland acinar cell membrane was studied by measuring the intracellular H+ (pHi) and Cl (aCli) activities with double-barreled ion-selective microelectrodes. In a HCO 3 -free solution of pH 7.4 (HEPES/Tris buffered), pHi was 7.25 andaCli was 33mm. By an exposure to a HCO 3 (25mm HCO 3 /5% CO2, pH 7.4) solution for 15 min,aCli was decreased to 25mm and pHi was transiently decreased to about 7.05 within 1 min, then slowly relaxed to 7.18 in 15 min. Intracellular HCO 3 concentration [HCO 3 ]i, calculated by the Henderson-Hasselbalch's equation, was 11mm at 1 min after the exposure and then slowly increased to 15mm. Readmission of the HCO 3 -free solution reversed the changes inaCli and pHi. The intracellular buffering power was about 40mm/pH. An addition of DIDS (0.2mm) significantly inhibited the rates of change inaCli, pHi, and [HCO 3 ]i caused by admission/withdrawal of the HCO 3 , solution and decreased the buffer value. Replacement of all Cl with gluconate in the HCO 3 solution increased pHi, and readmission of Cl decreased pHi. The rates of these changes in pHi were reduced by DIDS by 32–45% but not by amiloride (0.3mm). In the HCO 3 solution, a stimulation of intracellular HCO 3 production by exposing the tissue to 25mm NH 4 + increasedaCli significantly. While in the HCO 3 -free solution or in the HCO 3 , solution containing DIDS, exposure to NH 4 + had little effect onaCli. All of these findings were consistent with the presence of a reversible, disulfonic stilbene-sensitive Cl/HCO 3 exchanger in the basolateral membrane of the acinar cells. The possibility of anion antiport different from one-for-one Cl/HCO 3 exchange is discussed.  相似文献   

An F2 population, consisting of 231 individuals derived from a cross between rice cultivars with a similar growing duration, Palawan and IR42, was utilized to investigate the genetic nature of rice varietal ability to stimulate N2 fixation in the rice rhizosphere. To assess rhizospheric N2 fixation, an isotope-enriched 15N dilution technique was employed, using 15N-stabilized soil in pots. IR42, an indica variety, had 23% higher N derived from fixation (Ndfa) than Palawan, a javanica genotype. Normal segregation of atom% 15N excess was obtained in the F2 population, with an average of 0.218 with 8% of plants below IR42 (0.188) and 10% of plants above Palawan (0.248). One-hundred-and-four RFLP markers mapped on 12 chromosomes were tested for linkage to the putative QTLs. Significant (P<0.01) associations between markers and segregation of atom% 15N excess were observed for seven marker loci located on chromosomes 1, 3, 6 and 11. Four QTLs defined by the detected marker loci were identified by interval-mapping analysis. Additive gene action was found to be predominant, but for at least one locus, dominance and partial dominance effects were observed. Significant (P<0.01) epistatic effects were also identified. Individual marker loci detected between 8 and 16% of the total phenotypic variation. All four putative QTLs showed recessive gene action, and no phenotypic effects associated with heterozygosity of marker loci were observed. The results of this study suggest that rice genetic factors can be identified which affect levels of atom% 15N excess in the soil by interacting with diazotrophs in the rice rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Secretion of bicarbonate has been described for distal nephron epithelium and attributed to apical Cl/HCO 3 exchange in beta-intercalated cells. We investigated the presence of this mechanism in cortical distal tubules by perfusing these segments with acid (pH 6) 10 mm phosphate Ringer. The kinetics of luminal alkalinization was studied in stationary microperfusion experiments by double-barreled pH (ion-exchange resin)/1 m KCl reference microelectrodes. Luminal alkalinization may be due to influx (into the lumen) of HCO 3 or OH, or efflux of H+. The magnitude of the Cl/ HCO 3 exchange component was measured by perfusing the lumen with solutions with or without chloride, which was substituted by gluconate. This component was not different from zero in control and alkalotic (chronic plus acute) Wistar rats. Homozygous Brattleboro rats (BRB), genetically devoid of antidiuretic hormone, were used since this hormone has been shown to stimulate H+ secretion, which could mask bicarbonate secretion. In these rats, no evidence for Cl/HCO 3 exchange was found in control BRB and in early distal segments of alkalotic animals, but in late distal tubule a significant component of 0.14±0.033 nmol/cm2 · sec was observed, which, however, is small when compared to the reabsorptive flow found in control Wistar rats, of 0.95±0.10 nmol/cm2 · sec. In addition, 5×10–4 m SITS had no effect on distal bicarbonate reabsorption in controls as well as on secretion in alkalotic Wistar and Brattleboro rats, which is compatible with the absence of effect of this drug on the apical Cl/HCO 3 exchange in other tissues. It is concluded that most distal alkalinization is not Cl dependent, and that Cl/HCO 3 exchange may be found in cortical distal tubule, but its magnitude is, even in alkalosis, markedly smaller than the reabsorptive flux, which predominates in the rats studied in this paper, keeping luminal pH lower than that of blood.  相似文献   

pH i recovery in acid-loaded Ehrlich ascites tumor cells and pH i maintenance at steady-state were studied using the fluorescent probe BCECF.Both in nominally HCO 3 -free media and at 25 mm HCO 3 , the measured pH i (7.26 and 7.82, respectively) was significantly more alkaline than the pH i . value calculated assuming the transmembrane HCO 3 gradient to be equal to the Cl gradient. Thus, pH i in these cells is not determined by the Cl gradient and by Cl/HCO 3 exchange.pH i recovery following acid loading by propionate exposure, NH 4 + withdrawal, or CO2 exposure is mediated by amiloride-sensitive Na+/H+ exchange in HCO3 free media, and in the presence of HCO 3 (25 mm) by DIDS-sensitive, Na+-dependent Cl/HCO 3 exchange. A significant residual pH i recovery in the presence of both amiloride and DIDS suggests an additional role for a primary active H+ pump in pH i regulation. pH i maintenance at steady-state involves both Na+/H+ exchange and Na+-dependent Cl/HCO 3 exchange.Acute removal of external Cl induces a DIDS-sensitive, Na+-dependent alkalinization, taken to represent HCO 3 influx in exchange for cellular Cl. Measurements of 36Cl efflux into Cl-free gluconate media with and without Na+ and/or HCO 3 (10 mm) directly demonstrate a DIDS-sensitive, Na+ dependent Cl/HCO 3 exchange operating at slightly acidic pH i (pHo 6.8), and a DIDS-sensitive, Na+-independent Cl/HCO 3 exchange operating at alkaline pH i (pH o 8.2).The excellent technical assistance of Marianne Schiødt and Birgit B. Jørgensen is gratefully acknowledged. The work was supported by the Carlsberg Foundation (B.K.) and by a grant from the Danish Natural Science Foundation (E.K.H. and L.O.S.).  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents a study of the mechanisms of Cl transport through the brush border membranes of the posterior part of the intestine in the freshwater trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. The mechanisms for Cl transport in the posterior intestine are distinct from those in the middle intestine; an inwardly directed pH gradient stimulates Cl uptake by bursh border membrane vesicles, indicating a Cl/OH exchange. A pH-regulated Cl conductance is present, which is not activated at normal intracellular pH. Cl uptake is stimulated by an outwardly directed HCO 3 gradient revealing the presence of a Cl/HCO 3 exchange but, conversely, Cl is not exchanged against SO 4 2- . In addition, carbonic anhydrase activities have been detected in both the intracellular and extracellular leaflets of the bursh border membranes which favour the establishment of a bicarbonate gradient. A model of Cl transport mechanisms through the brush-border membranes of the posterior intestine of the freshwater trout is proposed.Abbreviations BBM brush border membrane - CA carbonic anhydrase - EGTA ethylene-bis(oxyethylenenitrilo)tetra-acetic acid - FW fresh water - Hepes N-2-hydroxy-ethyl-piperazine-N'-2-ethanesulphonic acid - Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethane sulphonic acid - SITS 4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulphonic acid - TEA triethanolamine - TMA tetramethylammonium - TRIS tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   

1.  In this commentary we discuss results obtained by a micromethod for the study of Cl permeability across single nerve membranes from rabbit Deiters' neurons.
2.  These results showed the presence of GABAA receptors on the nerve cell membrane cytoplasmic side.
3.  We could show that these receptor complexes have a higher affinity for GABA than their extracellularly facing counterparts. Moreover, they present a phenomenon of desensitization. Another distinct property is that upon activation by GABA, they expose positive charges at their cytoplasmic mouths.
4.  We propose that these receptor complexes could functionin situ as a device for extruding Cl anions from the nerve cell interior. This phenomenon would create an electrochemical gradient for Cl penetration into the cell upon the action of extracellular GABA, after its presynaptic release.

TNF-alpha is believed to play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases which have diarrhea as one of their symptoms. This work studies the effect of the cytokine on electrolyte and water movements in the rat distal colon using an intestinal perfusion technique and attempts to determine its underlying mechanism of action. TNF-alpha inhibited net water and chloride absorption, down-regulated in both surface and crypt colonocytes the Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter, and reduced the protein expression and activity of the Na+-K+ ATPase. Indomethacin up-regulated the pump and the cotransporter in surface cells but not in crypt cells, and in its presence, TNF-alpha could not exert its effect, suggesting an involvement of PGE2 in the cytokine action. The effect of TNF-alpha on the pump and symporter was studied also in cultured Caco-2 cells in isolation of the effect of other cells and tissues, to test whether the cytokine acts directly on intestinal cells. In these cells, TNF-alpha and PGE2 had a similar effect on the pump expression and activity as that observed in crypt cells but were without any effect on the Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter. It was concluded that the effect of the cytokine on colonocytes is mediated via PGE2. By inhibiting the Na+-K+ ATPase, it reduces the Na+ gradient needed for NaCl absorption, and by down-regulating the expression of the Na+-K+-2Cl- symporter, it reduces basolateral Cl- entry and luminal Cl- secretion. The inhibitory effect on absorption is more significant than the inhibitory effect on secretion resulting in a decrease in net electrolyte uptake and consequently in more water retention in the lumen.  相似文献   

Duan YH  Zhang YL  Ye LT  Fan XR  Xu GH  Shen QR 《Annals of botany》2007,99(6):1153-1160
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: There is increased evidence that partial nitrate (NO3-) nutrition (PNN) improves growth of rice (Oryza sativa), although the crop prefers ammonium (NH4+) to NO3- nutrition. It is not known whether the response to NO3- supply is related to nitrogen (N) use efficiency (NUE) in rice cultivars. Methods Solution culture experiments were carried out to study the response of two rice cultivars, Nanguang (High-NUE) and Elio (Low-NUE), to partial NO3- supply in terms of dry weight, N accumulation, grain yield, NH4+ uptake and ammonium transporter expression [real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR)]. KEY RESULTS: A ratio of 75/25 NH4+ -N/NO3- -N increased dry weight, N accumulation and grain yield of 'Nanguang' by 30, 36 and 21 %, respectively, but no effect was found in 'Elio' when compared with those of 100/0 NH4+ -N/NO3- -N. Uptake experiments with 15N-NH4+ showed that NO3- increased NH4+ uptake efficiency in 'Nanguang' by increasing Vmax (14 %), but there was no effect on Km. This indicated that partial replacement of NH4+ by NO3- could increase the number of the ammonium transporters but did not affect the affinity of the transporters for NH4+. Real-time PCR showed that expression of OsAMT1s in 'Nanguang' was improved by PNN, while that in 'Elio' did not change, which is in accordance with the differing responses of these two cultivars to PNN. Conclusions Increased NUE by PNN can be attributed to improved N uptake. The rice cultivar with a higher NUE has a more positive response to PNN than that with a low NUE, suggesting that there might be a relationship between PNN and NUE.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis in rice under a salt stress   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In four cultivars of Oryza sativa L., a gradual decrease in the activity of photosystems 1 and 2 as well as in chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence transients and emission at 688 nm was observed with an increase in NaCl concentration. This decrease was more pronounced in salt-sensitive cultivars as compared to the tolerant ones. A drastic decrease in net photosynthetic rate was found in both cultivar types. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

S20787 has recently been proposed to be a selective Cl--HCO3- anion exchange (AE) inhibitor in rat cardiomyocytes. The AE transporter mediates sarcolemmal acid influx but is only one part of the cardiac cell's dual acid loading mechanism, the other part being a sarcolemmal Cl--OH- exchanger (CHE). We have therefore (1) investigated the differential effects of S20787 on the AE and CHE transporters in isolated guinea pig ventricular myocytes and (2) re-examined the influence of the drug on other sarcolemmal acid transporters by monitoring its effect on intracellular pH (pH(i)) recovery from alkali or acid loads. The pH(i) was measured using microspectrofluorimetry (carboxy-SNARF-1). The results indicate that CHE activity was unaffected by the drug (1-20 microM), whereas up to 78% of AE activity was blocked (K(i) = 3.9 microM). Thus, S20787 targets only the AE component of the dual acid influx system. Activities of other acid-transporting carriers, such as Na+-H+ exchange, Na+-HCO3- co-transport and the monocarboxylic acid transporter, were unaffected by the drug. The inhibitory efficacy of S20787 for AE in guinea pig cardiomyocytes appears to be considerably higher (approximately 78%) than proposed previously for rat cardiomyocytes (50%). This is most likely because, in both cells, a significant fraction (20-30%) of acid influx is mediated through the S20787-insensitive CHE transporter. Previous studies made no allowance for the CHE component, which would result in an underestimation. S20787 is thus a highly selective AE inhibitor which may be useful as an experimental tool and a potential cardiac protective agent in the heart.  相似文献   

天山林区不同类型群落土壤氮素对冻融过程的动态响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
季节性冻融过程对北方温带森林土壤氮素的转化与流失具有重要影响,但不同类型群落对冻融过程响应的差异尚不明确。通过在林地、草地、灌丛上设置系列监测样地,采用原位培养的方法,利用林冠遮挡形成的自然雪被厚度差异,监测分析了冻融期天山林区不同群落表层土壤(0—15 cm)的氮素动态及净氮矿化速率间的差异。结果表明:(1)不同类型群落土壤的铵态氮(NH+4-N)含量、微生物量氮(MBN)含量基本与土壤(5 cm)温度呈正相关,深冻期林地土壤铵态氮含量低于其他群落类型而硝态氮含量高于其他群落类型;(2)硝态氮(NO-3-N)为天山林区季节性冻融期间土壤矿质氮的主体,占比达78.4%。灌丛土壤硝态氮流失风险较大,融化末期较融化初期灌丛土壤硝态氮含量下降了64.6%;(3)冻融时期对整体氮素矿化速率影响显著,群落类型对氨化速率影响显著;(4)天山林区土壤氮素在冻结期主要以氮固持为主。通过揭示不同类型群落土壤氮素对冻融格局的响应,能够助益于对北方林区冬季土壤氮素循环的认识。  相似文献   

Various ecophysiological investigations are presented in Aldrovanda vesiculosa, a rootless aquatic carnivorous plant. A distinct polarity of N, P, and Ca tissue content per dry mass (DM) unit was found along Aldrovanda shoots. Due to effective re-utilization, relatively small proportions of N (10 – 13 %) and P (33 – 43 %) are probably lost with senescent leaf whorls, while there is complete loss of all Ca, K, and Mg. The total content of starch and free sugars was 26 – 47 % DM along adult shoots, with the maximum in the 7th – 10th whorls. About 30 % of the total maximum sugar content was probably lost with dead whorls. The plant was found to take up 5 – 7 times more NH4 + to NO3 from a mineral medium. Under nearly-natural conditions in an outdoor cultivation container, catching of prey led to significantly more rapid growth than in unfed plants. DM of the fed controls was 48 % higher than in the unfed plants. The controls produced 0.69 branches per plant, while the unfed plants did not produced any. However, the N and P content per DM unit increased by 6 – 25 % in the apices and the first 6 whorls in the unfed variant, as compared to the fed controls. It may be suggested that carnivory is very important for Aldrovanda.  相似文献   

Nitrate sorption in the profile of an acid soil   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Sorption of NO inf3 sup– by different horizons of a highly weathered, acid tropical soil was measured in laboratory batch experiments. Sorption was found to increase with depth, ranging from small amounts in the 0–15 cm layer to amounts that would be roughly equivalent to 25 to 50% of the NO inf3 sup– in the 90–120 cm layer at water and NO inf3 sup– contents commonly found under field conditions. Calculations, based on sorption isotherms, demonstrated how sorption may be important for managing N in a tropical acid soil. Sorption of Cl was also found in the range of 0.1 and 2.0 mol m–3. In this range of concentrations sorption of NO inf3 sup– and chloride were found to be independent, suggesting that anion exchange sites were far from saturated.Contribution from the Department of Soil, Crop and Atmospheric Sciences, New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. SCAS paper No. 1726. This research is part of the TropSoils program.Contribution from the Department of Soil, Crop and Atmospheric Sciences, New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. SCAS paper No. 1726. This research is part of the TropSoils program.  相似文献   

The actions of intracellular pH (pH i ) on Ca2+dependent Cl? channels were studied in secretory epithelial cells derived from human colon carcinoma (T84) and in isolated rat parotid acinar cells. Channel currents were measured with the whole cell voltage clamp technique with pipette solutions of different pH. Ca2+dependent Cl? channels were activated by superfusing ionomycin to increase the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+] i ) or by using pipette solutions with buffered Ca2+ levels. Large currents were activated in T84 and parotid cells by both methods with pH i levels of 7.3 or 8.3. Little or no Cl? channel current was activated with pH i at 6.4. We used on-cell patch clamp methods to investigate the actions of low pH i on single Cl? channel current amplitude in T84 cells. Lowering the pH i had little or no effect on the current amplitude of a 8 pS Cl? channel, but did reduce channel activity. These results suggest that cytosolic acidification may be able to modulate stimulus-secretion coupling in fluid-secreting epithelia by inhibiting the activation of Ca2+-activated Cl? channels.  相似文献   

To better understand the process of fluid movement driven by Cl conductance, a Cl channel-forming peptide was delivered to the luminal membrane of microperfused rabbit renal proximal tubules. When the peptide (NK4-M2GlyR) was perfused, a significant new conductance was observed within 3 min and stabilized at 10 min. Alteration of the ion composition revealed it to be a Cl-specific conductance. Reabsorption of Cl (J Cl) was increased by NK4-M2GlyR, but not by a scramble NK4-M2GlyR sequence, suggesting that the active peptide formed de novo Cl channels in the luminal membrane of the perfused tubules. In the presence of the peptide, reabsorption of fluid (J v) was dramatically increased and J Na and J Ca were concomitantly increased. We propose that introduction of the new Cl conductance in the luminal membrane leads to a coordinated efflux of water across the membrane and an increase in cation translocation via the paracellular pathway, resulting in an increase in J v. This novel method could prove useful in characterizing mechanisms of fluid transport driven by Cl gradients.  相似文献   

Choto-san is a formula used for the treatment of headache and vertigo. Recently it has often also been used for hypertension and dementia. One of the mechanisms involved is thought to be the improvement of blood circulation, but the details are still unclear. In this study, the effect of Chotosan was studied on nitric oxide (NO) function, hemorheological factors and endothelial function in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR-SP). Rats were given Choto-san in drinking water for eight weeks. Body weight, blood pressure, serum NO2-/NO3-, lipid peroxides, blood viscosity, erythrocyte deformability and endothelium-dependent/-independent relaxation were measured. The results indicated that Choto-san caused a decrease in blood pressure and an increase in erythrocyte deformability and NO function. Blood viscosity was not changed. Furthermore, endothelium-dependent relaxation by acetylcholine was significantly increased as compared to control. In this study, it was supposed that Choto-san had a protective effect on the endothelium. SHR-SP is a useful model for human brain stroke, and Choto-san showed a protective effect against cerebral vascular injury in the susceptible rat.  相似文献   

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