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HIV-1整合酶是HIV-1生命周期中必不可少的酶之一,已成为目前最具潜力的抗HIV药物设计的靶点之一。2007年,Merk公司研发的MK-5108作为首个整合酶抑制剂药物被美国食品药物管理局批准上市,标志着整合酶抑制剂研究的重大突破,也激发了抗HIV-1整合酶抑制剂研究的新一轮高潮。计算机辅助药物设计(computer-aided drug design,CADD)具有效率高、成本低等特点,基于计算机辅助手段合理药物设计已取得了很大的进展。文章综述了近几年来计算机辅助设计抗HIV整合酶抑制剂及耐药机理方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

I型人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeflciency virustype1,HIV-1)在宿主细胞内经逆转录得到的cDNA,由整合酶(integrase,ry)催化插入到宿主基因组DNA中,该过程称为整合过程。整合是HIV-1复制周期中不可缺少的步骤,对于病毒的复制至关重要,因此对整合酶的抑制能够有效地起到抗HIV的作用。该文综述了整合酶的结构与功能以及目前关于整合酶抑制剂的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

HIV-1整合酶催化病毒DNA与宿主细胞基因组整合,是病毒复制所需的关键酶之一,也是抗病毒药物研发的重要靶点.IN及其核心结构域均能在体外催化去整合反应.本研究表达纯化了IN和IN-CCD蛋白,建立了一种检测IN和IN-CCD去整合活性的微孔板式高通量方法.设计了生物素和地高辛修饰的去整合DNA底物,运用链亲和素标记的珠子捕获反应产物,再通过酶标地高辛抗体及随后的酶联免疫吸附实验方法对地高辛定量以检测去整合.结果显示,IN和IN-CCD催化的去整合反应信号(A405)分别达到1.6和1.2,而背景信号值低于0.05;IN去整合反应更倾向于使用Mn2+而不是Mg2+作为金属辅助离子;研究还发现,已知的IN抑制剂baicalein是IN-CCD抑制剂.以上结果表明,本工作建立的检测方法能高通量、高灵敏度和高特异性地研究去整合反应,并能够应用于以IN为靶点,特别是以IN-CCD为靶点的HIV抑制剂的筛选.  相似文献   

二酮酸类化合物(DKAs)是目前最有前景的HIV-1整合酶(integrase, IN)抑制剂.为了解DKAs引起的多种耐药株共有的耐药性机理,选择3种S-1360引起的IN耐药突变体,用分子对接和分子动力学模拟,研究了野生型和突变型IN与S-1360的结合模式,基于该结合模式探讨了3种耐药突变体所共有的耐药性机理.结果表明:在突变体中,S-1360结合到耐药突变IN核心区中的位置靠近功能loop 3区却远离与 DNA结合的关键残基,结合位置不同导致S-1360的抑制作用部分丧失;残基138到166区域的柔性对IN发挥生物学功能很重要,S-1360能与DNA结合的关键残基N155及K159形成氢键,这2个氢键作用降低了该区域的柔性,突变体中无类似氢键,因而该区域柔性增高;在突变体中,S-1360的苯环远离病毒DNA结合区,不能阻止病毒DNA末端暴露给宿主DNA;T66I突变导致残基Ⅰ的长侧链占据IN的活性口袋,阻止抑制剂以与野生型中相同的方式结合到活性中心,这均是产生抗药性的重要原因.这些模拟结果与实验结果吻合,可为抗IN的抑制剂设计和改造提供帮助.  相似文献   

HIV 1整合酶是HIV病毒复制中一个重要的酶,也是治疗艾滋病药物的一个重要靶点。为了开展以整合酶蛋白为靶点的抑制剂筛选,构建HIV 1整合酶重组质粒,在原核细胞中进行可溶性表达和功能研究。通过重叠PCR技术引入F185K和C280S突变于HIV 1 B亚型标准株的整合酶cDNA片段中,PCR扩增片段克隆到pET 28a(+)表达载体中,构建重组质粒,在E. coli中进行整合酶基因表达,SDS PAGE鉴定表达产物,亲和层析纯化蛋白,酶联免疫吸附实验方法测定整合酶的生物学活性。结果构建的重组质粒获得高效稳定的可溶性表达,ELISA实验证实该蛋白具有整合酶的3′切割DNA和5′链转移的活性。HIV 1整合酶蛋白的可溶性表达和活性研究为建立以整合酶为靶点的抗HIV药物筛选平台打下了基础。  相似文献   

Sp100是核颗粒ND10的组成蛋白,在哺乳动物细胞中广泛存在.Sp100参与多种细胞生理病理过程,如转录调控、细胞内抗病毒免疫等.利用酵母双杂交系统,我们发现了Sp100的互作蛋白HIV-1整合酶,免疫共沉淀实验进一步证实了Sp100与 HIV-1整合酶的互作,细胞内荧光共定位实验也证实了二者在细胞内部分共定位.此外,突变体实验表明,Sp100的C端300~480氨基酸和HIV-1的催化结构域是两个蛋白质的互作区域.利用siRNA降低细胞内Sp100的表达量,可以增加HIV-1整合酶介导的病毒的整合,反之,细胞内过表达Sp100则会降低HIV-1整合酶介导的病毒的整合.这是首次发现Sp100可以和HIV-1整合酶发生相互作用,并进而抑制病毒的整合.我们发现了Sp100作为HIV-1整合酶互作蛋白的新功能,并扩展了细胞防御病毒感染的相关研究.  相似文献   

整合酶被认为是抗HIV-1药物研究的理想靶点之一。为了建立便捷高效的整合酶链转移反应抑制剂筛选方法,首先将HIV-1整合酶原核表达载体pNL-IN转化入大肠杆菌感受态细胞BL21(DE3)进行原核表达,并用镍琼脂糖凝胶进行亲和纯化,获得了纯度和活性均较高的整合酶重组蛋白;然后设计了生物素标记的供体DNA和FITC标记的靶DNA,用链霉亲和素磁珠捕获反应体系中的DNA产物;最后用荧光分析仪检测DNA产物的荧光信号,并计算待测样品的抑制率。用已知整合酶抑制剂S-1360和MK-0518对筛选方法进行了验证,测定结果与已有实验数据相当,表明本筛选方法能够有效应用于HIV-1整合酶链转移反应抑制剂的筛选。与现有的整合酶链转移反应抑制剂筛选方法相比,本筛选方法步骤更为简化、耗时更短、成本更低。  相似文献   

为了实现HIV-1整合酶蛋白核心区 (central core domain of integrase, IN-CCD) 的可溶性表达,并建立以IN-CCD为靶点的抑制剂体外筛选方法,从包含F185K突变HIV-1 IN基因的质粒中经PCR扩增得到含有F185K突变的IN-CCD基因,克隆到pET28b载体上构建重组质粒pIN-CCD,转化pIN-CCD至E. coli BL21 (DE3)中经IPTG诱导、表达,Ni-亲和层析纯化,获得IN-CCD蛋白。修饰DNA底物,以链亲和素包被的磁珠为载体捕获DNA产物,结合酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA)检测IN-CCD的去整合活性,并筛选以IN-CCD为靶点的抑制剂。结果表明重组蛋白IN-CCD实现了高效可溶性表达,纯化后蛋白纯度达95%。建立的ELISA可以检测IN-CCD的去整合活性,且方法特异性和灵敏度好,可以实现高通量抑制剂筛选。从100个样品中筛选得到5个具有初步抑制IN-CCD去整合活性的样品。  相似文献   

表达纯化了野生型(WT)及F185K突变型HIV-1整合酶核心区蛋白(INC),并对二者的溶解性和活性进行了比较.实验结果表明:F185K 突变后INC溶解性显著提高,活性有一定程度降低.对WT和F185K INC体系进行了1800 ps的分子动力学模拟.模拟结果表明:F185K INC功能loop区柔性和蛋白质整体运动性降低,使蛋白质活性降低,F185K突变后盐桥网络的变化驱动了INC局部构象改变,引起INC表面的部分疏水残基被包埋,亲水残基暴露,相对亲水溶剂可接近面积增大,同时,突变后INC与水之间形成氢键的数量增加,与水之间作用加强,以上变化使INC溶解性提高.分子动力学模拟与实验结果相吻合.为理解蛋白质溶解性和对蛋白质进行可溶性改造提供了一定的理论依据.  相似文献   

整合酶(integrase,IN)是HIV病毒复制周期中的一个重要酶,一般认为,IN是以四聚体形式发挥其生物活性。本文用DOT软件包研究了IN四聚体与8个不同长度病毒末端DNA的结合模式,以及病毒DNA长度对二者识别的影响。结果表明,IN有3个DNA结合区域,其中两个是病毒DNA结合区域,另外一个是宿主DNA结合区域。模拟结果与实验数据吻合较好,本研究为基于整合酶结构的药物研发及整合酶整合机理的研究提供了良好的基础。  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the male accessory glands of the blow fly, Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius), was presented using light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A pair of accessory glands was separated at opposite sites. Morphometric results using LM yield evidenced no significant difference in the median of either length or width of the left and right glands. A significant increment in both length and width was seen to plateau between three to six days. SEM observation showed that the surface of the glands revealed a faint irregular groove pattern throughout, and it was occasionally penetrated by tracheoles. Each gland was a slender, elongated sac‐like tubule having apical rounded ends, with a slight constriction at the sub‐apical part of the gland being observed occasionally. TEM analyses of three‐day‐old males showed that the glands consisted of external capsular cells with a basement membrane underneath, glandular cells, and gland lumen. The capsular cell was flat and contained a nucleus with electron dense material in the nuclear envelope. The glandular cell, appearing as columnar, consisted of a vacuolated component that contained a large oval nucleus centrally or sub‐basally located, with dense mitochondria, numerous rough endoplasmic reticulum, and secretory vesicles containing electron‐lucent materials. In the gland lumen, the cross‐section through the middle portion revealed dense secretory materials, characterized by electron‐dense materials. Some sections revealed a large lumen where secretion accumulates within the delicate sac. The seven‐day‐old glands exhibited a remarkable change in the lumen, where the whole space contained a large amount of secretory materials, with the electron‐dense materials being characterized as similar to those observed in three‐day‐old glands. About four prominent types of secretions were observed on the basis of difference in electron‐density.  相似文献   

1. There is wide intra‐specific variation in sexual size dimorphism (SSD). Much of this variation is probably as a result of sexual differences in the selective pressure on body size. However, environmental variables could affect males and females differently, causing variation in SSD. 2. We examined the effects of two temperatures (20 and 30 °C) on SSD in six populations of the blowfly, Chrysomya megacephala. 3. We found that body size increased with temperature in all the populations studied, and the sexes differed in phenotypic plasticity of body size in response to rearing temperature. This created substantial temperature‐induced variation in SSD (i.e. sex × temperature interaction). Males were often smaller than females, but the degree of dimorphism was smaller at the higher temperature (30 °C) and larger at the lower temperature (20 °C). This change in SSD was not because of a gender difference in the effect of temperature on development time. Further studies should address whether this variation can be produced by adaptive canalisation of one sex against variation in temperature, or whether it may be a consequence of non‐adaptive developmental differences between the sexes. 4. Although most studies assume that the magnitude of SSD is fixed within a species, the present study demonstrates that rearing temperature can generate considerable intra‐specific variation in the degree of SSD.  相似文献   

王小云  李逵  朱芬  雷朝亮 《昆虫学报》2016,(10):1143-1150
大头金蝇Chrysomya megacephala是重要的法医昆虫、资源昆虫和卫生害虫。大头金蝇的各个发育阶段与人类活动关系密切。本文简要介绍了大头金蝇的分布、分类鉴定及生物学背景,着重从法医学应用、幼虫在有机废弃物转化中的应用、幼虫的活性物质及成虫传粉应用4个方面总结其在资源综合利用方面的研究进展,并讨论了大头金蝇其幼虫和成虫存在的风险及可能的控制方法。新型法医学手段的开发拓宽了大头金蝇在法医领域的应用范围;大头金蝇幼虫能够有效地转化粪便、餐厨垃圾、污泥等多种有机废弃物创造环境和经济效益;幼虫具有多种活性物质,有利于其高附加值产品的开发;虽然成虫的自然传粉效果好,但是其作为传粉昆虫人工释放仍有局限性,仅适用可控空间内。大头金蝇的病媒特性仍是限制其广泛应用的绊脚石,这一问题的解决,有赖于多种技术的有机结合。  相似文献   

用盐酸吗啡注射家兔,处死后用家兔的不同组织饲养大头金蝇 Chrysomya megacephala初孵幼虫,研究吗啡剂量对大头金蝇幼虫生长的影响及其在法医学中推断死者死亡时间方面的应用。结果显示,在28℃下,取食处理组兔肉和肝脏的大头金蝇幼虫的体长和体重均于孵化后28 h开始在不同程度上大于对照组幼虫,这种趋势一直持续到幼虫末期。在实验的剂量范围内(2.67~10.66 mg/kg),吗啡可促进大头金蝇幼虫的生长。根据大头金蝇幼虫体长和体重推断死者死亡时间时,吗啡的这种影响可使推断值产生的最大偏差达18h。  相似文献   

王争艳  莫建初 《昆虫学报》2009,52(11):1280-1284
在中国许多地区, 大头金蝇Chrysomya megacephala F.已侵入过去由家蝇Musca domestica L.占绝对优势的垃圾生态位, 逐渐成为城市蝇类的优势种. 为了解单独和混合饲养时食物种类对家蝇和大头金蝇幼虫生长发育的影响, 在室内观察了野外大头金蝇和家蝇F1代在湿麦麸、猪瘦肉以及两者混合物上的产卵选择和生活史. 结果显示: (1)大头金蝇嗜在含有猪瘦肉的基质上产卵, 而家蝇嗜在含有麦麸的基质上产卵;(2)初孵家蝇和大头金蝇幼虫都能在含有瘦肉的食物上发育至成虫. 在麦麸上, 初孵家蝇幼虫能发育至成虫, 而初孵和2龄大头金蝇幼虫在进入下一龄期前全部死亡, 但少数3龄大头金蝇幼虫能发育至成虫;(3)等量初孵家蝇与大头金蝇在含有猪瘦肉的食物上共同生长时, 与家蝇相比, 大头金蝇的发育历期较短、存活率较高. 与家蝇在麦麸上共同生长时, 与在麦麸上独立生长的同龄大头金蝇相比, 大头金蝇的发育历期较短、存活率较高. 这些结果表明, 共生时家蝇可促进大头金蝇对植物质营养的利用, 这也许是大头金蝇能成功侵入家蝇占绝对优势的垃圾生态位的一个重要原因.  相似文献   

The development of the Oriental latrine fly, Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius), and hairy maggot blowfly, C. rufifacies (Macquart) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), was studied at four different temperatures (22°C, 25°C, 29°C and 31°C) in order to draw correlations between larval age, body length and body dry weight. The mean larval body length increased steadily from a minimum of 1.4 mm for C. megacephala and 1.8 mm for C. rufifacies to a maximum of 17.4 mm for C. megacephala and 15.9 mm for C. rufifacies at different temperatures. Similarly, the mean dry weight increased steadily from a minimum of 0.0007 g for C. megacephala (second instar) and 0.0008 g for C. rufifacies (second instar) to a maximum of 0.0290 g for C. megacephala and 0.0270 g for C. rufifacies at different temperatures. Entomological evidence is often used to estimate the minimum postmortem interval (mPMI) and both of these species are important from a forensic point of view. Graphs of age of larvae vs. body length and age of larvae vs. dry body weight at different temperatures can be used to estimate the larval age of these two species.  相似文献   

Although the pupation behavior of blowflies has been widely studied, this preliminary study was done on the vertical dispersal behavior (both ascending and descending) and fly emergence rate of third instar larvae of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) to evaluate weather immature stages of blowflies survive burial and emerge out as adult. Third instar larvae of Chrysomya megacephala were placed at three different depths (5 cm, 25 cm and 45 cm) of soil under laboratory conditions to determine the impact of soil depth on the ascending and descending vertical dispersal behavior and the subsequent emergence of adults. The results of this study, although preliminary, but valuable to the field of forensic entomology because they provide new information about both ascending and descending vertical dispersal behavior of Chrysomya megacephala forensically important species of blowfly. In all the cases, maximum number of pupae recovered at the depth of 0 to 5 cm are 35.5 ± 4.5, 34 ± 1, 25 ± 5, when food was located at 5 cm, 25 cm and 45 cm depth respectively. This means that maximum no of larvae reached to the depth of 0 to 5 cm by ascending dispersal irrespective of at which depth they are placed. Paramount pupae were recovered from shallow burial depth of 0–5 cm in ascending dispersal and showed highest eclosion success i.e. 90.1% followed by 25 cm and 45 cm i.e. 71.7% and 55% respectively. While the number of pupae recovered as well as eclosion success was less in descending dispersal with an average of 62.8%, 39.25% and 33.9% at depths of 5, 25 and 45 cm respectively. This manifest if larvae disperse ascendingly, it increases their chance of survival.  相似文献   

The fatty acid metabolism in fish is influenced by various factors, including fish species, water temperature, water environment and diet supply. The aim of present work is to investigate the fatty acid composition of yolk‐stage Siberian sturgeon larvae reared at three different temperatures. Fertilized Siberian sturgeon eggs were transferred to the Lodi Aquaculture Research Center of the University of Milan, divided in three aquaria, each containing three incubators and incubated at 16°C. After hatching the temperature was switched to 16, 19 and 22°C. Larvae sampling was performed at the end of yolk sac reabsorption. No feed was dispensed during the trial. Eggs and larvae were weighed and fatty acid profile was determined by GC‐FID analysis after lipid extraction by chloroform/methanol mixture and fatty acid transesterification by methanolic hydrogen chloride. The fertilized eggs had a weight of 23.27 mg and a lipid content of 2.67 mg/egg. At hatching, the weight was 12.2 (0.17 SD) mg and lipid content 1.9 (0.6 SD) mg/larva. At the end of the trial, larvae mean weight was 33.6 (3.6 SD), 34.7 (1.8 SD) and 36.9 (1.1 SD) mg, while lipid content was 2.0 (0.3 SD), 2.1 (0.3 SD) and 2.0 (0.2 SD) mg for larvae reared at 16, 19 and 22°C respectively, without statistically significant difference. Larvae subjected to the highest water temperature showed a faster yolk‐sac absorption. No differences were found across temperatures regarding survival rates and regarding ontogenic development. The fatty acid composition of larvae was affected by the temperature. Larvae reared at 16°C had the lowest amount of saturated fatty acids, mainly due to a lower palmitic acid content, that was offset by a higher level of linolenic and linoleic acid, if compared with larvae reared at 19°C and 22°C. The study suggests that at a lower temperature sturgeon spare unsaturated fatty acid consuming preferably saturated fatty acids, increasing our knowledge of the fatty acid metabolism in this species.  相似文献   

Emerging aquatic insects, including mosquitoes, are known to transfer to terrestrial ecosystems specific essential biochemicals, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). We studied fatty acid (FA) composition and contents of dominant mosquito populations (Diptera: Culicidae), that is, Anopheles messeae, Ochlerotatus caspius, Oc. flavescens, Oc. euedes, Oc. subdiversus, Oc. cataphylla, and Aedes cinereus, inhabited a steppe wetland of a temperate climate zone to fill up the gap in their lipid knowledge. The polar lipid and triacylglycerol fractions of larvae and adults were compared. In most studied mosquito species, we first found and identified a number of short‐chain PUFA, for example, prominent 14:2n‐6 and 14:3n‐3, which were not earlier documented in living organisms. These PUFA, although occurred in low levels in adult mosquitoes, can be potentially used as markers of mosquito biomass in terrestrial food webs. We hypothesize that these acids might be synthesized (or retroconverted) by the mosquitoes. Using FA trophic markers accumulated in triacylglycerols, trophic relations of the mosquitoes were accessed. The larval diet comprised green algae, cryptophytes, and dinoflagellates and provided the mosquitoes with essential n‐3 PUFA, linolenic, and eicosapentaenoic acids. As a result, both larvae and adults of the studied mosquitoes had comparatively high content of the essential PUFA. Comparison of FA proportions in polar lipids versus storage lipids shown that during mosquito metamorphosis transfer of essential eicosapentaenoic and arachidonic acids from the reserve in storage lipids of larvae to functional polar lipids in adults occurred.  相似文献   

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