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Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) represents the gold standard genotyping method in studies concerning microbial population structure, being particularly helpful in the detection of clonal relatedness. However, its applicability on large-scale genotyping is limited due to the high cost and time spent on the task. The selection of the most informative nucleotide positions simplifies genomic characterization of bacteria. A simple and informative multiplex, SNaPaer assay, was developed and genotyping of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was obtained after a single reaction of multiplex PCR amplification and mini-sequencing. This cost-effective technique allowed the analysis of a Portuguese set of isolates (n = 111) collected from three distinct hospitals and the genotyping data could be obtained in less than six hours. Point mutations were shown to be the most frequent event responsible for diversification of the Portuguese population sample. The Portuguese isolates corroborated the epidemic hypothesis for P. aeruginosa population. SNaPaer genotyping assay provided a discriminatory power of 0.9993 for P. aeruginosa, by testing in silico several hundreds of MLST profiles available online. The newly proposed assay targets less than 0.01% of the total MLST length and guarantees reproducibility, unambiguous analysis and the possibility of comparing and transferring data between different laboratories. The plasticity of the method still supports the addition of extra molecular markers targeting specific purposes/populations. SNaPaer can be of great value to clinical laboratories by facilitating routine genotyping of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   



Early diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis is essential for positive patient outcome. Likewise genotyping of fungal isolates is desirable for outbreak control in clinical setting. We designed a molecular assay that combines detection, identification, and genotyping of Aspergillus fumigatus in a single reaction.


To this aim we combined 20 markers in a multiplex reaction and the results were seen following mini-sequencing readings. Pure culture extracts were firstly tested. Thereafter, Aspergillus-DNA samples obtained from clinical specimens of patients with possible, probable, or proven aspergillosis according to European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycoses Study Group (EORTC/MSG) criteria.


A new set of designed primers allowed multilocus sequence typing (MLST) gene amplification in a single multiplex reaction. The newly proposed SNaPAfu assay had a specificity of 100%, a sensitivity of 89% and detection limit of 1 ITS copy/mL (∼0.5 fg genomic Aspergillus-DNA/mL). The marker A49_F was detected in 89% of clinical samples. The SNaPAfu assay was accurately performed on clinical specimens using only 1% of DNA extract (total volume 50 µL) from 1 mL of used bronchoalveolar lavage.


The first highly sensitive and specific, time- and cost-economic multiplex assay was implemented that allows detection, identification, and genotyping of A. fumigatus strains in a single amplification followed by mini-sequencing reaction. The new test is suitable to clinical routine and will improve patient management.  相似文献   

We report the discovery and validation of a set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between the reference Neurospora crassa strain Oak Ridge and the Mauriceville strain (FGSC 2555), of sufficient density to allow fine mapping of most loci. Sequencing of Mauriceville cDNAs and alignment to the completed genomic sequence of the Oak Ridge strain identified 19,087 putative SNPs. Of these, a subset was validated by cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS), a simple and robust PCR-based assay that reliably distinguishes between SNP alleles. Experimental confirmation resulted in the development of 250 CAPS markers distributed evenly over the genome. To demonstrate the applicability of this map, we used bulked segregant analysis followed by interval mapping to locate the csp-1 mutation to a narrow region on LGI. Subsequently, we refined mapping resolution to 74 kbp by developing additional markers, resequenced the candidate gene, NCU02713.3, in the mutant background, and phenocopied the mutation by gene replacement in the WT strain. Together, these techniques demonstrate a generally applicable and straightforward approach for the isolation of novel genes from existing mutants. Data on both putative and validated SNPs are deposited in a customized public database at the Broad Institute, which encourages augmentation by community users.  相似文献   

Taste quality and palatability are two of the most important properties measured in the evaluation of taste stimuli. Human panels can report both aspects, but are of limited experimental flexibility and throughput capacity. Relatively efficient animal models for taste evaluation have been developed, but each of them is designed to measure either taste quality or palatability as independent experimental endpoints. We present here a new apparatus and method for high throughput quantification of both taste quality and palatability using rats in an operant taste discrimination paradigm. Cohorts of four rats were trained in a modified operant chamber to sample taste stimuli by licking solutions from a 96-well plate that moved in a randomized pattern beneath the chamber floor. As a rat’s tongue entered the well it disrupted a laser beam projecting across the top of the 96-well plate, consequently producing two retractable levers that operated a pellet dispenser. The taste of sucrose was associated with food reinforcement by presses on a sucrose-designated lever, whereas the taste of water and other basic tastes were associated with the alternative lever. Each disruption of the laser was counted as a lick. Using this procedure, rats were trained to discriminate 100 mM sucrose from water, quinine, citric acid, and NaCl with 90-100% accuracy. Palatability was determined by the number of licks per trial and, due to intermediate rates of licking for water, was quantifiable along the entire spectrum of appetitiveness to aversiveness. All 96 samples were evaluated within 90 minute test sessions with no evidence of desensitization or fatigue. The technology is capable of generating multiple concentration–response functions within a single session, is suitable for in vivo primary screening of tastant libraries, and potentially can be used to evaluate stimuli for any taste system.  相似文献   

变性高效液相色谱技术在单核苷酸多态性研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人类基因组的单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)研究已成为后基因组时代最重要的内容和目的之一,随之而来的迫切任务是需要适合于自动化且高通量检测SNP的技术。变性高效液相色谱(DHPLC)是近几年发展起来的高效、快速筛检SNP的技术,因其检测SNP的高灵敏度、低成本以及全自动化操作等优点而备受关注。  相似文献   

单核苷酸多态性在植物研究中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文概述了SNP的研究现状及其优越性,SNP在植物遗传育种、进化、种质资源遗传多样性研究和保存等方面的应用潜力.  相似文献   

单核苷酸多态性检测技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单核苷酸多态性是指在基因组水平上单个核苷酸变异引起的一种DNA序列多态性。因其具有密度高,遗传稳定,易于进行自动化、规模化分析等优势它已成为第三代分子标记,因此其检测技术也在近几年得到了快速的发展。将对未知单核苷酸突变位点的检测方法和已知单核苷酸突变位点的检测方法这两部分的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)主要是指基因组的DNA由于单个核苷酸的变异所引起的DNA序列多态性。本文介绍SNP的检测方法及其在水稻中的研究进展和应用。  相似文献   

介绍了液相原位反转录PCR(inwellinsituRTPCR)的操作程序、存在的问题及改良方法,最后探讨了原位反转录PCR在研究RNA转录、加工、编辑和多聚腺苷酸化等方面的应用。  相似文献   

利用聚合酶链式反应-单链构象多态(PCR-SSCP)技术检测中国美利奴羊(Ovis aries var. Merino)心型脂肪酸结合蛋白基因(H-FABP)外显子2的单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)和遗传多态性,分析其与肌内脂肪(IMF)含量、肌纤维直径和肌纤维密度的相互关系,为该品种绵羊的分子标记辅助选择提供理论依据。结果显示,H-FABP基因外显子2有AA、AB和BB 3种基因型,AA型和BB型在778位均发生了C缺失,939位均发生了A→G转换,BB型还在789位发生了T→C转换,该突变导致所编码氨基酸发生了缬氨酸→丙氨酸的替换;BB型为IMF的优势基因型,与AB型相比差异显著(P<0.05),与AA型相比差异极显著(P<0.01);BB型对肌纤维直径存在负相关。结果提示,中国美利奴羊H-FABP基因外显子2具有多态性,该基因可能是中国美利奴羊肉质性状的主效基因,或者与控制肉质性状的主效基因相连锁。  相似文献   

Recent developments have led to an enormous increase of publicly available large genomic data, including complete genomes. The 1000 Genomes Project was a major contributor, releasing the results of sequencing a large number of individual genomes, and allowing for a myriad of large scale studies on human genetic variation. However, the tools currently available are insufficient when the goal concerns some analyses of data sets encompassing more than hundreds of base pairs and when considering haplotype sequences of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Here, we present a new and potent tool to deal with large data sets allowing the computation of a variety of summary statistics of population genetic data, increasing the speed of data analysis.  相似文献   


The complement C5a receptor on U937 cells, a human histiocytic lymphoma cell line, stimulated with dibutyryl-cAMP have been stabilized for at least 3 months at a diluce, ready to use concentration. [125I]-Bolton Hunter labeled C5a, (recombinant, human) has been prepared by reverse phase HPLC to 2200 Ci/mmol. Using a filtration binding assay the Kd from receptor saturation analysis is 10–40 pM and there are 50,000–100,000 receptor sites per cell. These reagents have permitted the development of a reliable, reproducible and convenient drug screening assay, in kit format, for compounds acting at the C5a receptor.  相似文献   

We developed a novel drug screening system for anti-influenza A virus by targeting the M2 proton channel. In the SPP (Single Protein Production) system, E. coli cell growth occurs only in the presence of effective M2 channel inhibitors, and thus simple measurement of cell growth was used as readouts for drug screening. Two potential inhibitors for M2 (V27A) mutant were verified using this method, which inhibit both the mutant and wild-type M2 channels.  相似文献   

Biochemical assays with recombinant human MHC II molecules can provide rapid, quantitative insights into immunogenic epitope identification, deletion, or design1,2. Here, a peptide-MHC II binding assay is scaled to 384-well format. The scaled down protocol reduces reagent costs by 75% and is higher throughput than previously described 96-well protocols1,3-5. Specifically, the experimental design permits robust and reproducible analysis of up to 15 peptides against one MHC II allele per 384-well ELISA plate. Using a single liquid handling robot, this method allows one researcher to analyze approximately ninety test peptides in triplicate over a range of eight concentrations and four MHC II allele types in less than 48 hr. Others working in the fields of protein deimmunization or vaccine design and development may find the protocol to be useful in facilitating their own work. In particular, the step-by-step instructions and the visual format of JoVE should allow other users to quickly and easily establish this methodology in their own labs.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) represent the most common form of DNA sequence variation in mammalian livestock genomes. While the past decade has witnessed major advances in SNP genotyping technologies, genotyping errors caused, in part, by the biochemistry underlying the genotyping platform used, can occur. These errors can distort project results and conclusions and can result in incorrect decisions in animal management and breeding programs; hence, SNP genotype calls must be accurate and reliable. In this study, 263 Bos spp. samples were genotyped commercially for a total of 16 SNPs. Of the total possible 4,208 SNP genotypes, 4,179 SNP genotypes were generated, yielding a genotype call rate of 99.31% (standard deviation ± 0.93%). Between 110 and 263 samples were subsequently re-genotyped by us for all 16 markers using a custom-designed SNP genotyping platform, and of the possible 3,819 genotypes a total of 3,768 genotypes were generated (98.70% genotype call rate, SD ± 1.89%). A total of 3,744 duplicate genotypes were generated for both genotyping platforms, and comparison of the genotype calls for both methods revealed 3,741 concordant SNP genotype call rates (99.92% SNP genotype concordance rate). These data indicate that both genotyping methods used can provide livestock geneticists with reliable, reproducible SNP genotypic data for in-depth statistical analysis.  相似文献   

Tetherin is a membrane protein of unusual topology expressed from rodents to humans that accumulates enveloped virus particles on the surface of infected cells. However, whether this ‘tethering’ activity promotes or restricts retroviral spread during acute retrovirus infection in vivo is controversial. We report here the identification of a single nucleotide polymorphism in the Tetherin gene of NZW/LacJ (NZW) mice that mutated the canonical ATG start site to GTG. Translation of NZW Tetherin from downstream ATGs deleted a conserved dual-tyrosine endosomal sorting motif, resulting in higher cell surface expression and more potent inhibition of Friend retrovirus release compared to C57BL/6 (B6) Tetherin in vitro. Analysis of (B6×NZW)F1 hybrid mice revealed that increased Tetherin cell surface expression in NZW mice is a recessive trait in vivo. Using a classical genetic backcrossing approach, NZW Tetherin expression strongly correlated with decreased Friend retrovirus replication and pathogenesis. However, the protective effect of NZW Tetherin was not observed in the context of B6 Apobec3/Rfv3 resistance. These findings identify the first functional Tetherin polymorphism within a mammalian host, demonstrate that Tetherin cell surface expression is a key parameter for retroviral restriction, and suggest the existence of a restriction factor hierarchy to counteract pathogenic retrovirus infections in vivo.  相似文献   

微测序技术分析人类单核苷酸多态性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
苏畅  刘敬忠 《生物技术》2003,13(4):36-38
单核苷酸多态性 (singlenucleotidepolymorphism)是指染色体基因组水平上单个核苷酸变异引起的DNA序列多态性 ,即一种二等位基因标记。目前推断在基因组中至少有 30万个SNP[1 ] 。随着分子遗传学的发展 ,疾病研究从对单基因疾病的研究转向探讨多基因疾病 (如心血管疾病、神经系统疾病、各种肿瘤等 )的相关因素。因此 ,需要在人类基因组中找到一种数目众多、分布广泛且相对稳定的遗传标记 ,单核苷酸多态性正代表了这样一种标记。因此SNPs已成为继第一代限制性片段多态性标记 ,第二代微卫星多态性标记后具有重要研究价值的第三代基因遗传…  相似文献   

单核苷酸多态性在作物遗传及改良中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杜春芳  刘惠民  李润植  李朋  任志强 《遗传》2003,25(6):735-739
单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)是等位基因间序列差异最为普遍的类型,可作为一种高通量的遗传标记。已建立了PCR扩增目标序列及其产物测序和电子SNP(eSNP)等多种发现和检测SNP的方法。玉米和大豆等作物也已开展了SNP分析。一些栽培作物种质的多样性不断减少,其结果使连锁不平衡(linkage disequilibrium,LD)增加,这有利于目的基因座上SNP单元型(haplotype)与表型的相关性分析。SNP已在作物基因作图及其整合、分子标记辅助育种和功能基因组学等领域展示了广泛的应用价值。 Abstract:Single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) is the most common type of sequence difference between alleles,which can be used as a kind of high-throughput genetic marker.Several different routes have been developed to discover and identify SNP.These include the direct sequencing of PCR amplicons,electronic SNP(eSNP) and so on.SNP assays have been made in many crop species such as maize and soybean.The elite germplasm of some crops have been narrowed in genetic diversity,increasing the amount of linkage disequilibrium(LD) present and facilitating the association of SNP haplotypes at candidate gene loci with phenotypes.SNP analysis has been broadly used in the field of plant gene mapping,integration of genetic and physical maps,DNA marker-assisted breeding and functional genomics.  相似文献   

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