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G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are prime drug targets and targeted by approximately 60% of current therapeutic drugs such as β-blockers, antipsychotics and analgesics. However, no biophysical methods are available to quantify their interactions with ligand binding in a native environment. Here, we use ellipsometry to quantify specific interactions of receptors within native cell membranes. As a model system, the GPCR-ligand CXCL12α and its receptor CXCR4 are used. Human-derived Ishikawa cells were deposited onto gold coated slides via Langmuir-Schaefer film deposition and interactions between the receptor CXCR4 on these cells and its ligand CXCL12α were detected via total internal reflection ellipsometry (TIRE). This interaction could be inhibited by application of the CXCR4-binding drug AMD3100. Advantages of this approach are that it allows measurement of interactions in a lipid environment without the need for labelling, protein purification or reconstitution of membrane proteins. This technique is potentially applicable to a wide variety of cell types and their membrane receptors, providing a novel method to determine ligand or drug interactions targeting GPCRs and other membrane proteins.  相似文献   

G蛋白偶联受体是非常重要的信号分子受体,其功能失调会导致许多疾病的产生。在前期工作的基础上,作者将序列特征分析与支持向量机技术结合起来,通过分析序列的特征差异,对G蛋白偶联受体分子及其类型进行识别。首次提取了G蛋白偶联受体对应的mRNA序列的绝对密码子使用频率作为特征,这主要因为它既包含了基因密码子使用偏性的信息,也包含了基因所编码蛋白的氨基酸组成信息。结果显示:在G蛋白偶联受体序列及其类型预测的问题中,设计支持向量机分类器时,最好选择使用包含基因序列绝对密码子使用频率和蛋白序列双联氨基酸使用频率两部分信息的组合特征作为特征,同时采用径向基核作为核函数。  相似文献   

The rapidly increasing number of high-resolution X-ray structures of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) creates a unique opportunity to employ comparative modeling and docking to provide valuable insight into the function and ligand binding determinants of novel receptors, to assist in virtual screening and to design and optimize drug candidates. However, low sequence identity between receptors, conformational flexibility, and chemical diversity of ligands present an enormous challenge to molecular modeling approaches. It is our hypothesis that rapid Monte-Carlo sampling of protein backbone and side-chain conformational space with Rosetta can be leveraged to meet this challenge. This study performs unbiased comparative modeling and docking methodologies using 14 distinct high-resolution GPCRs and proposes knowledge-based filtering methods for improvement of sampling performance and identification of correct ligand-receptor interactions. On average, top ranked receptor models built on template structures over 50% sequence identity are within 2.9 Å of the experimental structure, with an average root mean square deviation (RMSD) of 2.2 Å for the transmembrane region and 5 Å for the second extracellular loop. Furthermore, these models are consistently correlated with low Rosetta energy score. To predict their binding modes, ligand conformers of the 14 ligands co-crystalized with the GPCRs were docked against the top ranked comparative models. In contrast to the comparative models themselves, however, it remains difficult to unambiguously identify correct binding modes by score alone. On average, sampling performance was improved by 103 fold over random using knowledge-based and energy-based filters. In assessing the applicability of experimental constraints, we found that sampling performance is increased by one order of magnitude for every 10 residues known to contact the ligand. Additionally, in the case of DOR, knowledge of a single specific ligand-protein contact improved sampling efficiency 7 fold. These findings offer specific guidelines which may lead to increased success in determining receptor-ligand complexes.  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides have proven themselves as valuable vectors for intracellular delivery. Relatively little is known about the frequency of cell-penetrating sequences in native proteins and their functional role. By computational comparison of peptide sequences, we recently predicted that intracellular loops of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) have high probability for occurrence of cell-penetrating motifs. Since the loops are also receptor and G-protein interaction sites, we postulated that the short cell-penetrating peptides, derived from GPCR, when applied extracellularly can pass the membrane and modulate G-protein activity similarly to parent receptor proteins. Two model systems were analyzed as proofs of the principle. A peptide based on the C-terminal intracellular sequence of the rat angiotensin receptor (AT1AR) is shown to internalize into live cells and elicit blood vessel contraction even in the presence of AT1AR antagonist Sar1-Thr8-angiotensin II. The peptide interacts with the same selectivity towards G-protein subtypes as agonist-activated AT1AR and blockade of phospholipase C abolishes its effect. Another cell-penetrating peptide, G53-2 derived from human glucagon-like peptide receptor (GLP-1R) is shown to induce insulin release from isolated pancreatic islets. The mechanism was again found to be shared with the original GLP-1R, namely G11-mediated inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate release pathway. These data reveal a novel possibility to mimic the effects of signalling transmembrane proteins by application of shorter peptide fragments.  相似文献   

C族G蛋白偶联受体(G protein coupled receptor,GPCR)具有七螺旋跨膜域(heptahelical transmembranedomain,HD)、捕蝇夹域(venusflytrapdomain,VFT)和半胱氨酸富集域(cysteine-rich domain,CRD)等功能域,并在体内组成性形成二聚体。该文介绍C族G蛋白偶联受体激活进程中各功能域的构象变化,以及由此产生的构象学效应。  相似文献   

G-protein coupled receptors, the largest family of proteins in the human genome, are involved in many complex signal transduction pathways, typically activated by orthosteric ligand binding and subject to allosteric modulation. Dopaminergic receptors, belonging to the class A family of G-protein coupled receptors, are known to be modulated by sodium ions from an allosteric binding site, although the details of sodium effects on the receptor have not yet been described. In an effort to understand these effects, we performed microsecond scale all-atom molecular dynamics simulations on the dopaminergic D2 receptor, finding that sodium ions enter the receptor from the extracellular side and bind at a deep allosteric site (Asp2.50). Remarkably, the presence of a sodium ion at this allosteric site induces a conformational change of the rotamer toggle switch Trp6.48 which locks in a conformation identical to the one found in the partially inactive state of the crystallized human β2 adrenergic receptor. This study provides detailed quantitative information about binding of sodium ions in the D2 receptor and reports a possibly important sodium-induced conformational change for modulation of D2 receptor function.  相似文献   

G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) play a major role in a number of physiological and pathological processes. Thus, GPCRs have become the most frequent targets for development of new therapeutic drugs. In this context, the availability of highly specific antibodies may be decisive to obtain reliable findings on localization, function and medical relevance of GPCRs. However, the rapid and easy generation of highly selective anti-GPCR antibodies is still a challenge. Herein, we report that highly specific antibodies suitable for detection of GPCRs in native and unfolded forms can be elicited by immunizing animals against purified full length denatured recombinant GPCRs. Contrasting with the currently admitted postulate, our study shows that an active and well-folded GPCR is not required for the production of specific anti-GPCR antibodies. This new immunizing strategy validated with three different human GPCR (μ-opioid, κ-opioid, neuropeptide FF2 receptors) might be generalized to other members of the GPCR family.  相似文献   

To facilitate biosensor studies of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) and other membrane proteins, reliable methods for preparation of sensor surfaces with high protein density are required. We present here a method for the easy and rapid immobilization and reconstitution of GPCR on carboxylated dextran surfaces modified with long alkyl groups. Following amine coupling of the detergent-solubilized receptor, lipid/detergent-mixed micelles were adhered as they were injected over the immobilized surface, taking advantage of the integrated flow cells. The detergent was eluted in the subsequent buffer flow and the remaining lipid formed a bilayer on the chip surface. With this procedure, rhodopsin was functionally reconstituted in a lipid environment in approximately 1 min. This method can also be used for the easy formation of pure supported lipid bilayers for use in model membrane interaction studies.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis melanophores stably expressing 7-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptors were established and evaluated, either as a primary screening utility for antagonists of the human calcium receptor, or as a screen to assign function to binding inhibitors of human cannabinoid receptors. Stably or transiently expressing melanophores responded selectively to respective effectors of the human calcium, cannabinoid, and neurokinin-1 receptors. Several selective cannabinoid receptor-binding inhibitors of known potency were characterized as agonists or antagonists of the human peripheral cannabinoid (CB(2)) receptor. The results were consistent with changes in cAMP content of hCB(2)-transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells challenged with the same CB(2)-binding antagonists. A stable melanophore cell line expressing the human calcium receptor was used to screen a compound collection directly for functional antagonists, several of which were confirmed as antagonists in secondary screens by stimulating parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion from bovine parathyroid cells. The percentage of hits in this cell-based screen was reasonably low (1.2%), indicating minimal interference due to toxic effects and validating melanophores as a primary screening modality. Also described is the development of a novel procedure for cryopreservation and reconstitution of cells retaining functional human receptors. ()  相似文献   

Predicting absolute protein–ligand binding affinities remains a frontier challenge in ligand discovery and design. This becomes more difficult when ionic interactions are involved because of the large opposing solvation and electrostatic attraction energies. In a blind test, we examined whether alchemical free-energy calculations could predict binding affinities of 14 charged and 5 neutral compounds previously untested as ligands for a cavity binding site in cytochrome c peroxidase. In this simplified site, polar and cationic ligands compete with solvent to interact with a buried aspartate. Predictions were tested by calorimetry, spectroscopy, and crystallography. Of the 15 compounds predicted to bind, 13 were experimentally confirmed, while 4 compounds were false negative predictions. Predictions had a root-mean-square error of 1.95 kcal/mol to the experimental affinities, and predicted poses had an average RMSD of 1.7 Å to the crystallographic poses. This test serves as a benchmark for these thermodynamically rigorous calculations at predicting binding affinities for charged compounds and gives insights into the existing sources of error, which are primarily electrostatic interactions inside proteins. Our experiments also provide a useful set of ionic binding affinities in a simplified system for testing new affinity prediction methods.  相似文献   

The enzymatic activity of the type 2A protein phosphatase (PP2A) holoenzyme, a major serine/threonine phosphatase in the heart, is conferred by its catalytic subunit (PP2AC). PP2AC activity and subcellular localisation can be regulated by reversible carboxylmethylation of its C-terminal leucine309 (leu309) residue. Previous studies have shown that the stimulation of adenosine type 1 receptors (A1.Rs) induces PP2AC carboxylmethylation and altered subcellular distribution in adult rat ventricular myocytes (ARVM). In the current study, we show that the enzymatic components that regulate the carboxylmethylation status of PP2AC, leucine carboxylmethyltransferase-1 (LCMT-1) and phosphatase methylesterase-1 (PME-1) are abundantly expressed in, and almost entirely localised in the cytoplasm of ARVM. The stimulation of Gi-coupled A1.Rs with N6-cyclopentyladenosine (CPA), and of other Gi-coupled receptors such as muscarinic M2 receptors (stimulated with carbachol) and angiotensin II AT2 receptors (stimulated with CGP42112) in ARVM, induced PP2AC carboxylmethylation at leu309 in a concentration-dependent manner. Exposure of ARVM to 10 µM CPA increased the cellular association between PP2AC and its methyltransferase LCMT-1, but not its esterase PME-1. Stimulation of A1.Rs with 10 µM CPA increased the phosphorylation of protein kinase B at ser473, which was abolished by the PI3K inhibitor LY294002 (20 µM), thereby confirming that PI3K activity is upregulated in response to A1.R stimulation by CPA in ARVM. A1.R-induced PP2AC translocation to the particulate fraction was abrogated by adenoviral expression of the alpha subunit (Gαt1) coupled to the transducin G-protein coupled receptor. A similar inhibitory effect on A1.R-induced PP2AC translocation was also seen with LY294002 (20 µM). These data suggest that in ARVM, A1.R-induced PP2AC translocation to the particulate fraction occurs through a GiPCR-Gβγ-PI3K mediated intracellular signalling pathway, which may involve elevated PP2AC carboxylmethylation at leu309.  相似文献   

We study apo and holo forms of the bacterial ferric binding protein (FBP) which exhibits the so-called ferric transport dilemma: it uptakes iron from the host with remarkable affinity, yet releases it with ease in the cytoplasm for subsequent use. The observations fit the “conformational selection” model whereby the existence of a weakly populated, higher energy conformation that is stabilized in the presence of the ligand is proposed. We introduce a new tool that we term perturbation-response scanning (PRS) for the analysis of remote control strategies utilized. The approach relies on the systematic use of computational perturbation/response techniques based on linear response theory, by sequentially applying directed forces on single-residues along the chain and recording the resulting relative changes in the residue coordinates. We further obtain closed-form expressions for the magnitude and the directionality of the response. Using PRS, we study the ligand release mechanisms of FBP and support the findings by molecular dynamics simulations. We find that the residue-by-residue displacements between the apo and the holo forms, as determined from the X-ray structures, are faithfully reproduced by perturbations applied on the majority of the residues of the apo form. However, once the stabilizing ligand (Fe) is integrated to the system in holo FBP, perturbing only a few select residues successfully reproduces the experimental displacements. Thus, iron uptake by FBP is a favored process in the fluctuating environment of the protein, whereas iron release is controlled by mechanisms including chelation and allostery. The directional analysis that we implement in the PRS methodology implicates the latter mechanism by leading to a few distant, charged, and exposed loop residues. Upon perturbing these, irrespective of the direction of the operating forces, we find that the cap residues involved in iron release are made to operate coherently, facilitating release of the ion.  相似文献   

Lipid heterogeneities, such as lipid rafts, are widely considered to be important for the sequestering of membrane proteins in plasma membranes, thereby influencing membrane protein functionality. However, the underlying mechanisms of such sequestration processes remain elusive, in part, due to the small size and often transient nature of these functional membrane heterogeneities in cellular membranes. To overcome these challenges, here we report the sequestration behavior of urokinase receptor (uPAR), a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein, in a planar model membrane platform with raft-mimicking lipid mixtures of well-defined compositions using a powerful optical imaging platform consisting of confocal spectroscopy XY-scans, photon counting histogram, and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy analyses. This methodology provides parallel information about receptor sequestration, oligomerization state, and lateral mobility with single molecule sensitivity. Most notably, our experiments demonstrate that moderate changes in uPAR sequestration are not only associated with modifications in uPAR dimerization levels, but may also be linked to ligand-mediated allosteric changes of these membrane receptors. Our data show that these modifications in uPAR sequestration can be induced by exposure to specific ligands (urokinase plasminogen activator, vitronectin), but not via adjustment of the cholesterol level in the planar model membrane system. Good agreement of our key findings with published results on cell membranes confirms the validity of our model membrane approach. We hypothesize that the observed mechanism of receptor translocation in the presence of raft-mimicking lipid mixtures is also applicable to other glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins.  相似文献   

Lipid heterogeneities, such as lipid rafts, are widely considered to be important for the sequestering of membrane proteins in plasma membranes, thereby influencing membrane protein functionality. However, the underlying mechanisms of such sequestration processes remain elusive, in part, due to the small size and often transient nature of these functional membrane heterogeneities in cellular membranes. To overcome these challenges, here we report the sequestration behavior of urokinase receptor (uPAR), a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein, in a planar model membrane platform with raft-mimicking lipid mixtures of well-defined compositions using a powerful optical imaging platform consisting of confocal spectroscopy XY-scans, photon counting histogram, and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy analyses. This methodology provides parallel information about receptor sequestration, oligomerization state, and lateral mobility with single molecule sensitivity. Most notably, our experiments demonstrate that moderate changes in uPAR sequestration are not only associated with modifications in uPAR dimerization levels, but may also be linked to ligand-mediated allosteric changes of these membrane receptors. Our data show that these modifications in uPAR sequestration can be induced by exposure to specific ligands (urokinase plasminogen activator, vitronectin), but not via adjustment of the cholesterol level in the planar model membrane system. Good agreement of our key findings with published results on cell membranes confirms the validity of our model membrane approach. We hypothesize that the observed mechanism of receptor translocation in the presence of raft-mimicking lipid mixtures is also applicable to other glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins.  相似文献   


Studies on the pH dependence of ligand binding to A1 adenosine receptors revealed that protonation of a histidine residue in the binding pocket is accompanied by high affinity agonist binding.  相似文献   

雌激素或类雌激素活性物质通过细胞核雌激素受体(nuclear estrogen receptor, nER)通路发挥相应的生理性作用。当这些配体被nER的配体结合域(ligand binding domain, LBD)识别后进入疏水性配体结合空腔内并引起受体构象发生改变,使得原先处于高度活动性的helix 12(H12)被固定从而进一步稳定空腔结构|同时nER也能通过招募一系列辅助调节因子及其他共调节蛋白质,最终调控基因转录。但是,由于不同的配体和受体结合形成的晶体结构并不完全相同,导致这些复合体具有不同的性质,从而影响基因的转录活性。本文综述了nER配体结合域及结合配体后形成的相应晶体结构与活性以及不同配体对受体结构和基因转录的影响。  相似文献   


Kainate receptors (KARs) are a subfamily of ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) mediating excitatory synaptic transmission. Cell surface expressed KARs modulate the excitability of neuronal networks. The transfer of iGluRs from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the cell surface requires occupation of the agonist binding sites. Here we used molecular modelling to produce a range of ligand binding domain (LBD) point mutants of GluK1–3 KAR subunits with and without altered agonist efficacy to further investigate the role of glutamate binding in surface trafficking and activation of homomeric and heteromeric KARs using endoglycosidase digestion, cell surface biotinylation and imaging of changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]i. Mutations of conserved amino acid residues in the LBD that disrupt agonist binding to GluK1–3 (GluK1-T675V, GluK2-A487L, GluK2-T659V and GluK3-T661V) reduced both the total expression levels and cell surface delivery of all of these mutant subunits compared to the corresponding wild type in transiently transfected human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells. In contrast, the exchange of non-conserved residues in the LBD that convert antagonist selectivity of GluK1–3 (GluK1-T503A, GluK2-A487T, GluK3-T489A, GluK1-N705S/S706N, GluK2-S689N/N690S, GluK3-N691S) did not alter the biosynthesis and trafficking of subunit proteins. Co-assembly of mutant GluK2 with an impaired LBD and wild type GluK5 subunits enables the cell surface expression of both subunits. However, [Ca2+]i imaging indicates that the occupancy of both GluK2 and GluK5 LBDs is required for the full activation of GluK2/GluK5 heteromeric KAR channels.


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