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Dicer is a multidomain ribonuclease III enzyme involved in the biogenesis of microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs); depletion of Dicer was found to impair the migration of endothelial cells.


siRNA transfection, cell migration assay, real-time RT–PCR, chromatin immunoprecipitation, Western blotting, ELISA, caspase-3 activity assay, and annexin-V–FITC assay were utilized.


Knockdown of Dicer impairs the migratory capacity of HEK293T cells and induces fibronectin-1. The upregulation of fibronectin-1 is dependent on Egr1. Fibronectin-1/Dicer double-knockdown cells showed a marked increase in apoptosis compared with fibronectin-1 single knockdown cells.


Decreased Dicer expression induces fibronectin-1 expression via an Egr1-dependent manner.

General significance

Our data suggest that upregulation of fibronectin-1 protects Dicer knockdown HEK293T cells against apoptosis.  相似文献   

ADAR1 is a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) editing enzyme that specifically converts adenosine to inosine. ADAR1 is ubiquitously expressed in eukaryotes and participate in various cellular processes such as differentiation, proliferation and immune responses. We report here a new proteomics study of HEK293T cells with and without ADAR1 overexpression. The up- and down-regulated proteins by ADAR1 overexpression are identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) followed by label-free protein quantification. Totally 1,495 proteins (FDR < 0.01) are identified, among which 211 are up- and 159 are down-regulated for at least 1.5-fold (n = 3, p < 0.05). Gene ontology analysis reveals that these ADAR1-regulated proteins are involved in protein translation and cell cycle regulation. Bioinformatics analysis identifies a closely related network consistent for the protein translation machinery and a tightly connected network through proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-interactions. Up-regulation of the proteins in the PCNA-mediated cell proliferation network is confirmed by Western blotting. In addition, ADAR1 overexpression is confirmed to increase cell proliferation in HEK293T cells and A549 cells. We conclude that ADAR1 overexpression modulates the protein translation and cell cycle networks through PCNA-mediated protein-protein interaction to promote cell proliferation in HEK293 cells.  相似文献   

We describe a pipeline for the rapid production of recombinant Fabs derived from mouse monoclonal antibodies suitable for use in structural studies. The pipeline is exemplified by the production of three Fabs derived from the monoclonal antibodies OX108 (anti-CD200 receptor), OX117 and OX119 (anti-SIRPgamma). Heavy and light chain variable domains were inserted into separate expression vectors containing resident constant regions using In-Fusion PCR cloning. Following transient co-expression in HEK 293T cells, secreted Fab fragments were purified by metal chelate chromatography and gel filtration using an automated procedure with yields of up to 4mg/L of cell culture. Following crystallization trials, diffracting crystals were obtained for the recombinant Fabs of OX108 and OX117, and their structures solved to 2.3A and 2.4A, respectively.  相似文献   

The remarkable hearing sensitivity and frequency selectivity in mammals is attributed to cochlear amplifier in the outer hair cells (OHCs). Prestin, a membrane protein in the lateral wall of OHC plasma membrane, is required for OHC electromotility and cochlear amplifier. In addition, GLUT5, a fructose transporter, is reported to be abundant in the plasma membrane of the OHC lateral wall and has been originally proposed as the OHC motor protein. Here we provide evidence of interactions between prestin/prestin and prestin/GLUT5 in transiently transfected HEK293T cells. We used a combination of techniques: (1) membrane colocalization by confocal microscopy, (2) fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS), (3) FRET by acceptor photobleaching, (4) FRET by fluorescence lifetime imaging (FRET-FLIM), and (5) coimmunoprecipitation. Our results suggest that homomeric and heteromeric prestin interactions occur in native OHCs to facilitate its electromotile function and that GLUT5 interacts with prestin for its elusive function.  相似文献   

The upscale of transient gene expression (TGE) gained popularity over the last decade as it drastically shortens timelines for the production of recombinant proteins. Bottlenecks of the method turned out to be media composition and media exchange, which is usually required as conditioned medium drastically reduces the transfection efficiency. Media exchanges are typically done by centrifugation, which limits upscale, is prone to contamination or is a high cost factor when continuous centrifuges are used. In this work HEK/EBNA cells were grown and transfected on microcarriers. Cell immobilisation allows easy media exchange after sedimentation. The transfection method was optimised regarding polyethylenimine (PEI) concentration, optimal DNA:PEI ratio, type of PEI, incubation time and polyplex formation time. In addition to HEK, Vero cells were also transfected using the same protocol. The method was established in spinner flasks and scaled up to a 1.5 litre stirred tank reactor. Transfection efficiencies of up to 33% with pCEP4 and 98% with pMAX were reached. Additionally immobilisation on microcarriers was used to retain the cells during cultivation, thus allowing media replacement and prolonging cultivation time from one to two weeks with continuous expression of the recombinant protein.  相似文献   

xCT, the core subunit of the system x(c)(-) high affinity cystine transporter, belongs to a superfamily of glycoprotein-associated amino acid transporters. Although xCT was shown to promote cystine transport in Xenopus oocytes, little work has been done with mammalian cells (Sato, H., Tamba, M., Ishii, T., and Bannai, S. J. Biol. Chem. 274, 11455-11458, 1999). Therefore, we have constructed mammalian expression vectors for murine xCT and its accessory subunit 4F2hc and transfected them into HEK293 cells. We report that this transporter binds cystine with high affinity (81 microM) and displays a pharmacological profile expected for system x(c)(-). Surprisingly, xCT transport activity in HEK293 cells is not dependent on the co-expression of the exogenous 4F2hc. Expression of GFP-tagged xCT indicated a highly clustered plasma membrane and intracellular distribution suggesting the presence of subcellular domains associated with combating oxidative stress. Our results indicate that HEK293 cells transfected with the xCT subunit would be a useful vehicle for future structure-function and pharmacology experiments involving system x(c)(-).  相似文献   

Using GFP as a reporter gene, splicing of scorpion toxin gene BmKK2 was investigated in cultured HEK 293T cells. The results of RT-PCR and western blotting showed that BmKK2's intron could be recognized and spliced in cultured HEK 293T cells. At the same time, a cryptic splicing site of BmKK2 gene was found at the 91st nucleotide site of the second exon, which is a typical form of alternative splicing. For the first time, alternative splicing would partially explain the diversity of scorpion toxins at the gene level. Moreover, replacing BmKK2's intron with BmP03's intron (an artificial BmKK2-BmP03 mosaic gene) did not affect the intron's recognition and splicing, but increased the expression of the toxin-GFP fusion protein by fluorescence imaging, which indicated that both introns may regulate the expression of toxin-GFP fusion protein. The artificial BmKK2-BmP03 mosaic gene was also spliced into two kinds of mRNA molecules, which showed that sequence of intron was not absolutely conserved. The results suggested that introns of scorpion toxin genes BmKK2 and BmP03 increase the diversity of scorpion toxins and regulate the expression of their genes.  相似文献   

Xylanase is used extensively to improve feed conversion rates to enhance the performance of poultry and pigs. By expressing xylanase in simple-stomached animals, new breeds of genetically modified animals with enhanced feed conversion rates may be obtained. However, expression of heterologous proteins derived from lower organisms in mammalian cells is usually inefficient. When common codons of a ‘‘one amino acid-one codon”-optimized xylanase from Streptomyces olivaceoviridis were replaced with rare codons, xylanase expression in human embryonic kidney 293A cells increased by 1.4- to 2.3-fold as determined by flow cytometry, western blot and enzymatic activity assay. Quantitative RT-PCR assay indicated that the enhanced expression could not be attributed to altered mRNA levels. This study provides an alternative strategy for improving expression levels of heterologous proteins in mammalian cells, which is potentially helpful for generating genetically modified animals with enhanced feed conversion ability.  相似文献   

Rab11是一种在真核生物细胞生命活动过程中发挥多种调控作用的小分子GTP酶.EoRab11a是八肋游仆虫中的Rab11蛋白同源物,为了解EoRab11a蛋白在细胞中的功能,本研究将EoRab11a基因克隆到哺乳动物表达载体pEGFP-C2中,构建重组表达质粒pEGFP-C2-EoRab11a,转染HEK293T细胞并观察其细胞定位.在间期HEK293T细胞中,EoRab11a定位于细胞核附近;在游仆虫细胞中,EoRab11a具有相似的分布模式.在HEK293T细胞的胞质分裂过程中,EoRab11a在分裂沟附近、分裂沟收缩区、以及最后形成的中间体处分布,提示EoRab11a可能参与了胞质分离过程中分裂沟及中间体处的膜泡运输事件.  相似文献   

Sun X  Goh PE  Wong KT  Mori T  Yap MG 《Biotechnology letters》2006,28(11):843-848
Enhanced green fluorescence protein (GFP) and erythropoietin (EPO) were used as reporters to assess and improve transient gene expression in HEK 293 EBNA1 cells. The production of EPO only lasted 3 days and reached 18.1 mg/l in suspension cultures in 1 l batch bioreactors. However, GFP expression examined in well-plate experiments persisted for 12 days in transfected cells but decreased rapidly within the next 15 days. These results suggest that the retaining of a plasmid in cells may not be a limiting factor for protein expression in large-scale transient transfection. To improve cell maintenance and protein expression, a fed-batch culture was performed using an enriched medium, a mixture of equal volumes of 293 SFM II medium and a 5 × amino acid solution prepared based on DMEM/F12 medium formula. EPO reached 33.6 mg/l, representing 86% increase over that of the batch culture. Moreover, the total amount of EPO produced was increased by 165% in view of the volume increase in the fed-batch culture. The serum-free medium used in this work enables cells growing well and transfection without medium change. Thus, the process reported here is simple and easy to scale up.  相似文献   

Divalent Metal Transporter 1 (DMT1) is an apical Fe transporter in the duodenum and is involved in endosomal Fe export. Four protein isoforms have been described for DMT1, two from mRNA with an iron responsive element (IRE) and two from mRNA without it. The sets of two begin in exon 1A or 2. We have characterized copper transport using mouse 2/?IRE DMT1 during regulated ectopic expression. HEK293 cells carrying a TetR:Hyg element were stably transfected with pDEST31 containing a 2/?IRE construct. 64Cu1+ incorporation in doxycycline treated cells exhibited 18.6 and 30.0-fold increases in Cu content, respectively when were exposed to 10 and 100 μM of extracellular Cu. Cu content was ~4-fold above that of parent cells or cells carrying just the vector. 64Cu uptake in transfected cells pre-incubated with 5 μM of Cu-His revealed a Vmax and Km of 11.98 ± 0.52 pmol mg protein?1 min?1 and 2.03 ± 0.03 μM, respectively. Doxycycline-stimulated Cu uptake was linear with time. The rates of apical Cu uptake decreased and transepithelial transport increased when intracellular Cu increased. The optimal pH for Cu transport was 6.5; uptake of Cu was temperature dependent. Silver does not inhibit Cu uptake in cells carrying the vector. In conclusion, Cu uptake in HEK293 cells that over-expressed the 2/?IRE isoform of DMT1 transporter supports our earlier contention that DMT1 transports Cu as Cu1+.  相似文献   

成簇的规律间隔的短回文重复序列(Clusteredregularlyinterspacedshortpalindromicrepeats,CRISPR)/CRISPR相关蛋白(CRISPR-associatedproteins,Cas)系统是目前基因编辑、基因表达研究的热点,其中靶向RNA的CRISPR/Cas13系统的开发为RNA的干扰和编辑提供了新的方向。文中针对HEK293T细胞非同源末端连接(Nonhomologousendjoining,NHEJ)通路修复关键因子Ku70和Lig4的编码序列,设计并合成CRISPR/Cas13a、b系统相应的gRNA,检测其对ku70和lig4基因表达的影响。结果显示,Cas13a对ku70和lig4的RNA敲减效果可以达到50%以上,Cas13b对ku70和lig4的RNA敲减效果分别达到92%和76%;同时Cas13a、b系统能将Ku70和Lig4蛋白水平分别下调至68%和53%。CRISPR/Cas13系统可有效敲减HEK293T细胞RNA和蛋白质表达,为基因功能和调控研究提供一种新的策略。  相似文献   

Inositol plays a significant role in cellular function and signaling. Studies in yeast have demonstrated an “inositol-less death” phenotype, suggesting that inositol is an essential metabolite. In yeast, inositol synthesis is highly regulated, and inositol levels have been shown to be a major metabolic regulator, with its abundance affecting the expression of hundreds of genes. Abnormalities in inositol metabolism have been associated with several human disorders. Despite its importance, very little is known about the regulation of inositol synthesis and the pathways regulated by inositol in human cells. The current study aimed to address this knowledge gap. Knockout of ISYNA1 (encoding myo-inositol-3-P synthase 1) in HEK293T cells generated a human cell line that is deficient in de novo inositol synthesis. ISYNA1-KO cells exhibited inositol-less death when deprived of inositol. Lipidomic analysis identified inositol deprivation as a global regulator of phospholipid levels in human cells, including downregulation of phosphatidylinositol (PI) and upregulation of the phosphatidylglycerol (PG)/cardiolipin (CL) branch of phospholipid metabolism. RNA-Seq analysis revealed that inositol deprivation induced substantial changes in the expression of genes involved in cell signaling, including extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), and genes controlling amino acid transport and protein processing in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This study provides the first in-depth characterization of the effects of inositol deprivation on phospholipid metabolism and gene expression in human cells, establishing an essential role for inositol in maintaining cell viability and regulating cell signaling and metabolism.  相似文献   

A method for the in vitro evaluation of the toxic effects occurring in human cell lines upon the expression of genes from a range of pathogens is proposed. The method is based on the transient expression of the genes in the HEK293 cell line. Induction of cell death upon the expression of the gene coding for protease 3C from the human hepatitis A virus has been demonstrated for the first time using the method proposed. Expression of the gene coding for protease 2A from human poliovirus has also been shown to induce cell death, while cathepsins B and D did not have a cytotoxic effect on the culture used.  相似文献   

Background : Phospholemman (PLM) is an important phosphorylation substrate for protein kinases A and C in the heart. Until now, the association between PLM phosphorylation status and L‐type calcium channels (LTCCs) gating has not been fully understood. We investigated the kinetics of LTCCs in HEK 293T cells expressing phosphomimetic or nonphosphorylatable PLM mutants. Methods : The LTCCs gating was measured in HEK 293T cells transfected with LTCC and wild‐type (WT) PLM, phosphomimetic or nonphosphorylatable PLM mutants: 6263AA, 6869AA, AAAA, 6263DD, 6869DD or DDDD. Results : WT PLM significantly slowed LTCCs activation and deactivation while enhanced voltage‐dependent inactivation (VDI). PLM mutants 6869DD and DDDD significantly increased the peak of the currents. 6263DD accelerated channel activation, while 6263AA slowed it more than WT PLM. 6869DD significantly enhanced PLM‐induced increase of VDI. AAAA slowed the channel activation more than 6263AA, and DDDD accelerated the channel VDI more than 6869DD. Conclusions : Our results demonstrate that phosphomimetic PLM could stimulate LTCCs and alter their dynamics, while PLM nonphosphorylatable mutant produced the opposite effects.  相似文献   

Coactivator-associated arginine methyl transferase 1 (CARM1) is a protein arginine methyltransferase (PRMT) family member that functions as a coactivator in androgen and estrogen signaling pathways and plays a role in the progression of prostate and breast cancer. CARM1 catalyzes methylation of diverse protein substrates. Prior attempts to purify the full-length mouse CARM1 protein have proven unsatisfactory. The full-length protein expressed in Escherichia coli forms insoluble inclusion bodies that are difficult to denature and refold. The presented results demonstrate the use of a novel HaloTag? technology to purify full-length CARM1 from both E. coli and mammalian HEK293T cells. A small amount of CARM1 was purified from E. coli; however, the protein was truncated on the N-terminus by 10-50 amino acids, most likely due to endogenous proteolytic activity. In contrast, substantial quantities of soluble full-length CARM1 were purified from transiently transfected HEK293T cells. The CARM1 from HEK293T cells was isolated alongside a number of co-purifying interacting proteins. The covalent bond formed between the HaloTag and the HaloLink resin allowed the use of stringent wash conditions without risk of eluting the CARM1 protein. The results also illustrate a highly effective approach for purifying and enriching both CARM1-associated proteins as well as substrates for CARM1's methyltransferase activity.  相似文献   

Among the melanocortins alpha-MSH is known to be involved in feeding behavior. These hormones mediate their effects through G protein-coupled receptors by stimulating adenylate cyclase. In this study, we have developed an in vitro expression model for human melanocortin 3 receptor (hMC3R) tagged at its C terminus with EGFP. The corresponding chimeric cDNA was stably expressed in HEK293 cells. The selected clones expressing the hMC3R-EGFP exhibited cell surface fluorescence and responded to NDP-MSH stimulation by producing cAMP in a dose-dependent manner (EC(50): 0.3 nM). Binding studies revealed a single class of binding sites with a K(D) of 2.24 nM. Moreover, Agouti-related protein was also demonstrated to be an antagonist of the hMC3R-EGFP. Thus, the hMC3R tagged with EGFP stably expressed in HEK293 cells, exhibiting the same characteristics than the wild-type hMC3R, is the only model of expression of this receptor allowing its direct localization inside living cells.  相似文献   

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