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Regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins play essential roles in the regulation of signaling via G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). With hundreds of GPCRs and dozens of G proteins, it is important to understand how RGS regulates selective GPCR-G protein signaling. In neurons of the striatum, two RGS proteins, RGS7 and RGS9-2, regulate signaling by μ-opioid receptor (MOR) and dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) and are implicated in drug addiction, movement disorders, and nociception. Both proteins form trimeric complexes with the atypical G protein β subunit Gβ5 and a membrane anchor, R7BP. In this study, we examined GTPase-accelerating protein (GAP) activity as well as Gα and GPCR selectivity of RGS7 and RGS9-2 complexes in live cells using a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer-based assay that monitors dissociation of G protein subunits. We showed that RGS9-2/Gβ5 regulated both Gi and Go with a bias toward Go, but RGS7/Gβ5 could serve as a GAP only for Go. Interestingly, R7BP enhanced GAP activity of RGS7 and RGS9-2 toward Go and Gi and enabled RGS7 to regulate Gi signaling. Neither RGS7 nor RGS9-2 had any activity toward Gz, Gs, or Gq in the absence or presence of R7BP. We also observed no effect of GPCRs (MOR and D2R) on the G protein bias of R7 RGS proteins. However, the GAP activity of RGS9-2 showed a strong receptor preference for D2R over MOR. Finally, RGS7 displayed an four times greater GAP activity relative to RGS9-2. These findings illustrate the principles involved in establishing G protein and GPCR selectivity of striatal RGS proteins.  相似文献   

Wnt/Wg genes play a critical role in the development of various organisms. For example, the Wnt/β-catenin signal promotes heart formation and cardiomyocyte differentiation in mice. Previous studies have shown that RGS19 (regulator of G protein signaling 19), which has Gα subunits with GTPase activity, inhibits the Wnt/β-catenin signal through inactivation of Gαo. In the present study, the effects of RGS19 on mouse cardiac development were observed. In P19 teratocarcinoma cells with RGS19 overexpression, RGS19 inhibited cardiomyocyte differentiation by blocking the Wnt signal. Additionally, several genes targeted by Wnt were down-regulated. For the in vivo study, we generated RGS19-overexpressing transgenic (RGS19 TG) mice. In these transgenic mice, septal defects and thin-walled ventricles were observed during the embryonic phase of development, and the expression of cardiogenesis-related genes, BMP4 and Mef2C, was reduced significantly. RGS19 TG mice showed increased expression levels of brain natriuretic peptide and β-MHC, which are markers of heart failure, increase of cell proliferation, and electrocardiogram analysis shows abnormal ventricle repolarization. These data provide in vitro and in vivo evidence that RGS19 influenced cardiac development and had negative effects on heart function.  相似文献   

Parasympathetic activity decreases heart rate (HR) by inhibiting pacemaker cells in the sinoatrial node (SAN). Dysregulation of parasympathetic influence has been linked to sinus node dysfunction and arrhythmia. RGS (regulator of G protein signaling) proteins are negative modulators of the parasympathetic regulation of HR and the prototypical M2 muscarinic receptor (M2R)-dependent signaling pathway in the SAN that involves the muscarinic-gated atrial K+ channel IKACh. Both RGS4 and RGS6-Gβ5 have been implicated in these processes. Here, we used Rgs4−/−, Rgs6−/−, and Rgs4−/−:Rgs6−/− mice to compare the relative influence of RGS4 and RGS6 on parasympathetic regulation of HR and M2R-IKACh-dependent signaling in the SAN. In retrogradely perfused hearts, ablation of RGS6, but not RGS4, correlated with decreased resting HR, increased heart rate variability, and enhanced sensitivity to the negative chronotropic effects of the muscarinic agonist carbachol. Similarly, loss of RGS6, but not RGS4, correlated with enhanced sensitivity of the M2R-IKACh signaling pathway in SAN cells to carbachol and a significant slowing of M2R-IKACh deactivation rate. Surprisingly, concurrent genetic ablation of RGS4 partially rescued some deficits observed in Rgs6−/− mice. These findings, together with those from an acute pharmacologic approach in SAN cells from Rgs6−/− and Gβ5−/− mice, suggest that the partial rescue of phenotypes in Rgs4−/−:Rgs6−/− mice is attributable to another R7 RGS protein whose influence on M2R-IKACh signaling is masked by RGS4. Thus, RGS6-Gβ5, but not RGS4, is the primary RGS modulator of parasympathetic HR regulation and SAN M2R-IKACh signaling in mice.  相似文献   

We examined expression of protease-activated receptors 2 (PAR2) and characterized their signaling pathways in rabbit gastric muscle cells. The PAR2 activating peptide SLIGRL (PAR2-AP) stimulated Gq, G13, Gi1, PI hydrolysis, and Rho kinase activity, and inhibited cAMP formation. Stimulation of PI hydrolysis was partly inhibited in cells expressing PAR2 siRNA, Gaq or Gai minigene and in cells treated with pertussis toxin, and augmented by expression of dominant negative regulator of G protein signaling (RGS4(N88S)). Stimulation of Rho kinase activity was abolished by PAR-2 or Ga13 siRNA, and by Ga13 minigene. PAR2-AP induced a biphasic contraction; initial contraction was selectively blocked by the inhibitor of PI hydrolysis (U73122) or MLC kinase (ML-9), whereas sustained contraction was selectively blocked by the Rho kinase inhibitor (Y27632). PAR2-AP induced phosphorylation of MLC20, MYPT1 but not CPI-17. PAR2-AP also caused a decrease in the association of NF-kB and PKA catalytic subunit: the effect of PAR2-AP was blocked by PAR2 siRNA or phosphorylation-deficient RhoA (RhoA(S188A)). PAR2-AP-induced degradation of IkBa and activation of NF-kB were abolished by the blockade of RhoA activity by Clostridium botulinum C3 exoenzyme suggesting RhoA-dependent activation of NF-kB. PAR2-AP-stimulated Rho kinase activity was significantly augmented by the inhibitors of PKA (myristoylated PKI), IKK2 (IKKIV) or NF-kB (MG132), and in cells expressing dominant negative mutants of IKK (IKK(K44A), IkBa (IkBa (S32A/S36A)) or RhoA(S188A), suggesting feedback inhibition of Rho kinase activity via PKA derived from NF-kB pathway. PAR2-AP induced phosphorylation of RhoA and the phosphorylation was attenuated in cells expressing phosphorylation-deficient RhoA(S188A). Our results identified signaling pathways activated by PAR2 to mediate smooth muscle contraction and a novel pathway for feedback inhibition of PAR2-stimulated RhoA. The pathway involves activation of the NF-kB to release catalytic subunit of PKA from its binding to IkBa and phosphorylation of RhoA at Ser188.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) can interact with regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins. However, the effects of such interactions on signal transduction and their physiological relevance have been largely undetermined. Ligand-bound GPCRs initiate by promoting exchange of GDP for GTP on the Gα subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins. Signaling is terminated by hydrolysis of GTP to GDP through intrinsic GTPase activity of the Gα subunit, a reaction catalyzed by RGS proteins. Using yeast as a tool to study GPCR signaling in isolation, we define an interaction between the cognate GPCR (Mam2) and RGS (Rgs1), mapping the interaction domains. This reaction tethers Rgs1 at the plasma membrane and is essential for physiological signaling response. In vivo quantitative data inform the development of a kinetic model of the GTPase cycle, which extends previous attempts by including GPCR-RGS interactions. In vivo and in silico data confirm that GPCR-RGS interactions can impose an additional layer of regulation through mediating RGS subcellular localization to compartmentalize RGS activity within a cell, thus highlighting their importance as potential targets to modulate GPCR signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The G protein-coupled protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1) is irreversibly proteolytically activated by thrombin. Hence, the precise regulation of PAR1 signaling is important for proper cellular responses. In addition to desensitization, internalization and lysosomal sorting of activated PAR1 are critical for the termination of signaling. Unlike most G protein-coupled receptors, PAR1 internalization is mediated by the clathrin adaptor protein complex 2 (AP-2) and epsin-1, rather than β-arrestins. However, the function of AP-2 and epsin-1 in the regulation of PAR1 signaling is not known. Here, we report that AP-2, and not epsin-1, regulates activated PAR1-stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis via two different mechanisms that involve, in part, a subset of R4 subfamily of “regulator of G protein signaling” (RGS) proteins. A significantly greater increase in activated PAR1 signaling was observed in cells depleted of AP-2 using siRNA or in cells expressing a PAR1 420AKKAA424 mutant with defective AP-2 binding. This effect was attributed to AP-2 modulation of PAR1 surface expression and efficiency of G protein coupling. We further found that ectopic expression of R4 subfamily members RGS2, RGS3, RGS4, and RGS5 reduced activated PAR1 wild-type signaling, whereas signaling by the PAR1 AKKAA mutant was minimally affected. Intriguingly, siRNA-mediated depletion analysis revealed a function for RGS5 in the regulation of signaling by the PAR1 wild type but not the AKKAA mutant. Moreover, activation of the PAR1 wild type, and not the AKKAA mutant, induced Gαq association with RGS3 via an AP-2-dependent mechanism. Thus, AP-2 regulates activated PAR1 signaling by altering receptor surface expression and through recruitment of RGS proteins.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors of nociceptive neurons can sensitize transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels, which amplify neurogenic inflammation and pain. Protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2), a receptor for inflammatory proteases, is a major mediator of neurogenic inflammation and pain. We investigated the signaling mechanisms by which PAR2 regulates TRPV4 and determined the importance of tyrosine phosphorylation in this process. Human TRPV4 was expressed in HEK293 cells under control of a tetracycline-inducible promoter, allowing controlled and graded channel expression. In cells lacking TRPV4, the PAR2 agonist stimulated a transient increase in [Ca2+]i. TRPV4 expression led to a markedly sustained increase in [Ca2+]i. Removal of extracellular Ca2+ and treatment with the TRPV4 antagonists Ruthenium Red or HC067047 prevented the sustained response. Inhibitors of phospholipase A2 and cytochrome P450 epoxygenase attenuated the sustained response, suggesting that PAR2 generates arachidonic acid-derived lipid mediators, such as 5′,6′-EET, that activate TRPV4. Src inhibitor 1 suppressed PAR2-induced activation of TRPV4, indicating the importance of tyrosine phosphorylation. The TRPV4 tyrosine mutants Y110F, Y805F, and Y110F/Y805F were expressed normally at the cell surface. However, PAR2 was unable to activate TRPV4 with the Y110F mutation. TRPV4 antagonism suppressed PAR2 signaling to primary nociceptive neurons, and TRPV4 deletion attenuated PAR2-stimulated neurogenic inflammation. Thus, PAR2 activation generates a signal that induces sustained activation of TRPV4, which requires a key tyrosine residue (TRPV4-Tyr-110). This mechanism partly mediates the proinflammatory actions of PAR2.  相似文献   

Regulator of G protein signaling 10 (RGS10), a GTPase accelerating protein (GAP) for G alpha subunits, is a negative regulator of NF-κB in microglia. Here, we investigated the role of RGS10 in macrophages, a closely related myeloid-derived cell type. Features of classical versus alternative activation were assessed in Rgs10-/- peritoneal and bone marrow-derived macrophages upon LPS or IL-4 treatments, respectively. Our results showed that Rgs10-/- macrophages produced higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines including TNF, IL-1β and IL-12p70 in response to LPS treatment and exerted higher cytotoxicity on dopaminergic MN9D neuroblastoma cells. We also found that Rgs10-/- macrophages displayed a blunted M2 phenotype upon IL-4 priming. Specifically, Rgs10-/- macrophages displayed lower YM1 and Fizz1 mRNA levels as measured by QPCR compared to wild type macrophages upon IL-4 treatment and this response was not attributable to differences in IL-4 receptor expression. Importantly, phagocytic activities of Rgs10-/- macrophages were blunted in response to IL-4 priming and/or LPS treatments. However, there was no difference in chemotaxis between Rgs10-/- and WT macrophages. Our data indicate that Rgs10-/- macrophages displayed dysregulated M1 responses along with blunted M2 alternative activation responses, suggesting that RGS10 plays an important role in determining macrophage activation responses.  相似文献   

The regulator of G protein signaling 2 (RGS2) is a potent negative regulator of Gq protein signals including the angiotensin II (AngII)/AngII receptor signal, which plays a critical role in the progression of fibrosis. However, the role of RGS2 on the progression of kidney fibrosis has not been assessed. Here, we investigated the role of RGS2 in kidney fibrosis induced by unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) in mice. UUO resulted in increased expression of RGS2 mRNA and protein in the kidney along with increases of AngII and its type 1 receptor (AT1R) signaling and fibrosis. Furthermore, UUO increased the levels of F4/80, Ly6G, myeloperoxidase, and CXCR4 in the kidneys. RGS2 deficiency significantly enhanced these changes in the kidney. RGS2 deletion in the bone marrow-derived cells by transplanting the bone marrow of RGS2 knock-out mice into wild type mice enhanced UUO-induced kidney fibrosis. Overexpression of RGS2 in HEK293 cells, a human embryonic kidney cell line, and RAW264.7 cells, a monocyte/macrophage line, inhibited the AngII-induced activation of ERK and increase of CXCR4 expression. These findings provide the first evidence that RGS2 negatively regulates the progression of kidney fibrosis following UUO, likely by suppressing fibrogenic and inflammatory responses through the inhibition of AngII/AT1R signaling.  相似文献   

Neutrophil proteinases released at sites of inflammation can affect tissue function by either activating or disarming signal transduction mediated by proteinase-activated receptors (PARs). Because PAR1 is expressed at sites where abundant neutrophil infiltration occurs, we hypothesized that neutrophil-derived enzymes might also regulate PAR1 signaling. We report here that both neutrophil elastase and proteinase-3 cleave the human PAR1 N terminus at sites distinct from the thrombin cleavage site. This cleavage results in a disarming of thrombin-activated calcium signaling through PAR1. However, the distinct non-canonical tethered ligands unmasked by neutrophil elastase and proteinase-3, as well as synthetic peptides with sequences derived from these novel exposed tethered ligands, selectively stimulated PAR1-mediated mitogen-activated protein kinase activation. This signaling was blocked by pertussis toxin, implicating a Gαi-triggered signal pathway. We conclude that neutrophil proteinases trigger biased PAR1 signaling and we describe a novel set of tethered ligands that are distinct from the classical tethered ligand revealed by thrombin. We further demonstrate the function of this biased signaling in regulating endothelial cell barrier integrity.  相似文献   

Glycans (i.e. oligosaccharide chains attached to cellular proteins and lipids) are crucial for nearly all aspects of life, including the development of multicellular organisms. They come in multiple forms, and much of this diversity between molecules, cells, and tissues is generated by Golgi-resident glycosidases and glycosyltransferases. However, their exact mode of functioning in glycan processing is currently unclear. Here we investigate the supramolecular organization of the N-glycosylation pathway in live cells by utilizing the bimolecular fluorescence complementation approach. We show that all four N-glycosylation enzymes tested (β-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I, β-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II, 1,4-galactosyltransferase I, and α-2,6-sialyltransferase I) form Golgi-localized homodimers. Intriguingly, the same enzymes also formed two distinct and functionally relevant heterodimers between the medial Golgi enzymes β-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I and β-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II and the trans-Golgi enzymes 1,4-galactosyltransferase I and α-2,6-sialyltransferase I. Given their strict Golgi localization and sequential order of function, the two heterodimeric complexes are probably responsible for the processing and maturation of N-glycans in live cells.  相似文献   

We studied the actions of the human and murine proteinase-activated receptor 4 (PAR4) derived receptor-activating peptides (APs), GYPGQV-NH2 (GQV-NH2) and GYPGKF-NH2 (GKF-NH2), (i) to activate-desensitize either PAR1 or PAR2 in cultured cell systems (calcium signalling in PAR1/PAR2-bearing human HEK cells and in rat KNRK cells expressing either rat or human PAR2) and (ii) to affect contractility in rat aorta (RA) and rat gastric longitudinal muscle (LM) preparations in vitro. We found that neither PAR1 nor PAR2 was affected by concentrations of the PAR4-APs (800 microM) that caused both an endothelium-dependent nitric oxide mediated relaxation of preconstricted RA tissue and a contractile response in the LM preparation. The potencies (EC50 values 300 to 400 microM) of GQV-NH2 and GKF-NH2 for causing a relaxant effect were identical and comparable with the potency of GQV-NH2 for causing a contractile effect in the LM. However, the potencies of the PAR4-APs in the RA and LM preparations were 20- to 150-fold lower than the potency of the receptor-selective PAR1-AP, TFLLR-NH2. We conclude that the PAR4-APs do not activate either PAR1 or PAR2, and we suggest that along with PAR1 and PAR2, PAR4 may also be present in rat vascular and gastric smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Migration of plasma cells to the bone marrow is critical factor to humoral immunity and controlled by chemokines. Regulator of G protein signaling 1 (RGS1) is a GTPase-activating protein that controls various crucial functions such as migration. Here, we show that RGS1 controls the chemotactic migration of RPMI 8226 human plasmacytoma cells and human plasmablasts. LPS strongly increased RGS1 expression and retarded the migration of RPMI 8226 cells by suppressing CXCL12-mediated AKT activation. RGS1 knockdown by siRNA abolished the retardation of migration and AKT suppression by LPS. RGS1-dependent regulation of migration via AKT is also observed in cultured plasmablasts. We propose novel functions of RGS1 that suppress AKT activation and the migration of RPMI 8226 cells and plasmablasts in CXCL12-mediated chemotaxis.  相似文献   

Huang SC 《Regulatory peptides》2007,142(1-2):37-43
Protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1), PAR2 and PAR4 activation can alter the gastrointestinal motility. To investigate effects mediated by PARs in the lower esophageal sphincter, we measured contraction or relaxation of transverse strips from the guinea-pig lower esophageal sphincter caused by PAR1 (TFLLR-NH2 and SFLLRN-NH2), PAR2 (SLIGKV-NH2 and SLIGRL-NH2) and PAR4 peptide agonists (GYPGKF-NH2, GYPGQV-NH2 and AYPGKF-NH2) as well as PAR protease activators (thrombin and trypsin). In resting lower esophageal sphincter strips, TFLLR-NH2 and SFLLRN-NH2 caused moderate concentration-dependent relaxation whereas thrombin did not cause any relaxation or contraction. Furthermore, in carbachol-contracted strips, TFLLR-NH2 and SFLLRN-NH2 caused marked whereas thrombin caused mild concentration-dependent relaxation. These indicate the existence of PAR1 mediating relaxation. Similarly, in resting lower esophageal sphincter strips, trypsin caused moderate concentration-dependent relaxation whereas SLIGRL-NH2 and SLIGKV-NH2 did not cause any relaxation or contraction. In addition, in carbachol-contracted strips, trypsin caused marked whereas SLIGRL-NH2 and SLIGKV-NH2 caused mild concentration-dependent relaxation. These indicate the existence of PAR2 mediating relaxation. The relaxant response of thrombin, TFLLR-NH2, trypsin and SLIGKV-NH2 was insensitive to atropine or tetrodotoxin, suggesting a direct effect. The relaxant response of trypsin was not affected by apamin, charybdotoxin, indomethacin and capsaicin but was attenuated by NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, indicating involvement of NO. FSLLR-NH2, a PAR1 control peptide, and VKGILS-NH2, a PAR2 control peptide, as well as all three PAR4 peptide agonists, GYPGKF-NH2, GYPGQV-NH2 and AYPGKF-NH2, did not cause any relaxation or contraction. Taken together, these results demonstrate that PAR1 and PAR2 but not PAR4 mediate relaxations in the guinea-pig lower esophageal sphincter.  相似文献   

Regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins modulate signaling through pathways that use heterotrimeric G proteins as transducing elements. RGS1 is expressed at high levels in certain B cell lines and can be induced in normal B cells by treatment with TNF-alpha. To determine the signaling pathways that RGS1 may regulate, we examined the specificity of RGS1 for various G alpha subunits and assessed its effect on chemokine signaling. G protein binding and GTPase assays revealed that RGS1 is a Gi alpha and Gq alpha GTPase-activating protein and a potential G12 alpha effector antagonist. Functional studies demonstrated that RGS1 impairs platelet activating factor-mediated increases in intracellular Ca+2, stromal-derived factor-1-induced cell migration, and the induction of downstream signaling by a constitutively active form of G12 alpha. Furthermore, germinal center B lymphocytes, which are refractory to stromal-derived factor-1-triggered migration, express high levels of RGS1. These results indicate that RGS proteins can profoundly effect the directed migration of lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

Thrombin activates platelets through protease activated receptors (PARs). Mouse platelets express PAR3 and PAR4. PAR3 does not signal in platelets. However, PAR4 is a relatively poor thrombin substrate and requires PAR3 as a cofactor at low thrombin concentrations. In this study we show that PAR3 also regulates PAR4 signaling. In response to thrombin (30–100 nM) or PAR4 activating peptide (AYPGKF), platelets from PAR3−/− mice had increased Gq signaling compared to wild type mice as demonstrated by a 1.6-fold increase in the maximum intracellular calcium (Ca2+) mobilization, an increase in phosphorylation level of protein kinase C (PKC) substrates, and a 2-fold increase of Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. Moreover, platelets from heterozygous mice (PAR3+/−) had an intermediate increase in maximum Ca2+ mobilization. Treatment of PAR3−/− mice platelets with P2Y12 antagonist (2MeSAMP) did not affect Ca2+ mobilization from PAR4 in response to thrombin or AYPGKF. The activation of RhoA-GTP downstream G12/13 signaling in response to thrombin was not significantly different between wild type and PAR3−/− mice. Since PAR3 influenced PAR4 signaling independent of agonist, we examined the direct interaction between PAR3 and PAR4 with bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET). PAR3 and PAR4 form constitutive homodimers and heterodimers. In summary, our results demonstrate that in addition to enhancing PAR4 activation at low thrombin concentrations, PAR3 negatively regulates PAR4-mediated maximum Ca2+ mobilization and PKC activation in mouse platelets by physical interaction.  相似文献   

The use of phytochemicals either singly or in combination with other anticancer drugs comes with an advantage of less toxicity and minimal side effects. Signaling pathways play central role in cell cycle, cell growth, metabolism, etc. Thus, the identification of phytochemicals with promising antagonistic effect on the receptor/s playing key role in single transduction may have better therapeutic application. With this background, phytochemicals were screened against protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2). PAR2 belongs to the superfamily of GPCRs and is an important target for breast cancer. Using in silico methods, this study was able to identify the phytochemicals with promising binding affinity suggesting their therapeutic potential in the treatment of breast cancer. The findings from this study acquires importance as the information on the possible agonists and antagonists of PAR2 is limited due its unique mechanism of activation.  相似文献   

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