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The concept of reserve arose from the mismatch between the extent of brain changes or pathology and the clinical manifestations of these brain changes. The cognitive reserve hypothesis posits that individual differences in the flexibility and adaptability of brain networks underlying cognitive function may allow some people to cope better with brain changes than others. Although there is ample epidemiologic evidence for cognitive reserve, the neural substrate of reserve is still a topic of ongoing research. Here we review some representative studies from our group that exemplify possibilities for the neural substrate of reserve including neural reserve, neural compensation, and generalized cognitive reserve networks. We also present a schematic overview of our ongoing research in this area. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Imaging Brain Aging and Neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

Equipped with a mini brain smaller than one cubic millimeter and containing only 950,000 neurons, honeybees could be indeed considered as having rather limited cognitive abilities. However, bees display a rich and interesting behavioral repertoire, in which learning and memory play a fundamental role in the framework of foraging activities. We focus on the question of whether adaptive behavior in honeybees exceeds simple forms of learning and whether the neural mechanisms of complex learning can be unraveled by studying the honeybee brain. Besides elemental forms of learning, in which bees learn specific and univocal links between events in their environment, bees also master different forms of non-elemental learning, including categorization, contextual learning and rule abstraction, both in the visual and in the olfactory domain. Different protocols allow accessing the neural substrates of some of these learning forms and understanding how complex problem solving can be achieved by a relatively simple neural architecture. These results underline the enormous richness of experience-dependent behavior in honeybees, its high flexibility, and the fact that it is possible to formalize and characterize in controlled laboratory protocols basic and higher-order cognitive processing using an insect as a model. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Guillermo ‘Willy’ Zaccardi (1972–2007), disciple and friend beyond time and distance, who will always be remembered with a smile.  相似文献   

Alcino J. Silva   《Journal of Physiology》2007,101(4-6):203-213
Studies of cognitive function include a wide spectrum of disciplines, with very diverse theoretical and practical frameworks. For example, in Behavioral Neuroscience cognitive mechanisms are mostly inferred from loss of function (lesion) experiments while in Cognitive Neuroscience these mechanisms are commonly deduced from brain activation patterns. Although neuroscientists acknowledge the limitations of deriving conclusions using a limited scope of approaches, there are no systematically studied, objective and explicit criteria for what is required to test a given hypothesis of cognitive function. This problem plagues every discipline in science: scientific research lacks objective, systematic studies that validate the principles underlying even its most elemental practices. For example, scientists decide what experiments are best suited to test key ideas in their field, which hypotheses have sufficient supporting evidence and which require further investigation, which studies are important and which are not, based on intuitions derived from experience, implicit principles learned from mentors and colleagues, traditions in their fields, etc. Philosophers have made numerous attempts to articulate and frame the principles that guide research and innovation, but these speculative ideas have remained untested and have had a minimal impact on the work of scientists. Here, I propose the development of methods for systematically and objectively studying and improving the modus operandi of research and development. This effort (the science of scientific research or S2) will benefit all aspects of science, from education of young scientists to research, publishing and funding, since it will provide explicit and systematically tested frameworks for practices in science. To illustrate its goals, I will introduce a hypothesis (the Convergent Four) derived from experimental practices common in molecular and cellular biology. This S2 hypothesis proposes that there are at least four fundamentally distinct strategies that scientists can use to test the connection between two phenomena of interest (A and B), and that to establish a compelling connection between A and B it is crucial to develop independently confirmed lines of convergent evidence in each of these four categories. The four categories include negative alteration (decrease probability of A or p(A) and determine p(B)), positive alteration (increase p(A) and determine p(B)), non-intervention (examine whether A precedes B) and integration (develop ideas about how to get from A to B and integrate those ideas with other available information about A and B). I will discuss both strategies to test this hypothesis and its implications for studies of cognitive function.  相似文献   

Sulfotransferase (ST)-catalyzed sulfation plays an important role in various neuronal functions such as homeostasis of catecholamine neurotransmitters and hormones. Drosophila is a popular model for the study of memory and behavioral manifestations because it is able to mimic the intricate neuroregulation and recognition in humans. However, there has been no evidence indicating that cytosolic ST(s) is(are) present in Drosophila. The aim of this study is to investigate whether or not cytosolic ST(s) is(are) expressed in the Drosophila nervous system. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated the presence of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) ST-like protein in Drosophila brain and a sensitive fluorometric assay revealed its sulfating activity toward DHEA. Immunohistochemical staining demonstrated this DHEA ST-like protein to be abundant in specific neurons as well as in several bundles of nerve fibers in Drosophila. Clarification of a possible link between ST and a neurotransmitter-mediated effect may eventually aid in designing approaches for alleviating neuronal disorders in humans.  相似文献   

P L Han  L R Levin  R R Reed  R L Davis 《Neuron》1992,9(4):619-627
Seven lines were isolated with P element insertions in the cytogenetic vicinity of the learning and memory gene, rutabaga, from an enhancer detector screen designed to mark genes preferentially expressed in mushroom bodies. Six of these lines performed poorly in learning and memory tests, and several failed to complement an existing rutabaga allele. Molecular cloning revealed that the P elements were inserted in the putative promoter of the rutabaga gene. RNA in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry demonstrated that the expression of the rutabaga gene, which encodes a Ca2+/calmodulin-responsive adenylyl cyclase, is markedly elevated in the mushroom bodies of normal flies and that the insertion elements compromised its expression in the new rutabaga mutants. The reisolation of a known learning and memory gene, but with a heretofore unknown expression pattern, strongly supports the postulate that mushroom bodies are principal sites mediating olfactory learning and memory.  相似文献   

A method is described for easily recording neural activity from the central nervous system of a suspended cockroach while the animal can still walk, groom, and perform other acts. Recordings revealed that some giant fibre units are active during spontaneous walking. The preparation should be especially useful in further studies of the neural basis of behaviour.  相似文献   

A review of the available data on molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of gene expression by the developmental hormone ecdysone and juvenile hormone. Heterodimer ESP/USP is the main ecdysone receptor in D. melanogaster. Structures similar to ESP/USP were found in other insects. The information about molecular-genetic mechanisms of the effect of juvenoids is less definite. It has been proposed that the juvenile hormone in insects is a modulator of the ecdysone effect.  相似文献   

邓顺  张友军 《昆虫知识》2009,46(1):17-26
从生物学、生态和遗传的角度阐述昆虫同域物种形成过程中涉及到的可能性机制。昆虫同域种的分化与作用于同域初始种群的歧化选择密切相关,歧化选择间接导致种群生态特征和遗传特征的分化,促进同域近缘种群间的生殖隔离。同域物种形成的过程中涉及到性状替换、性选择、同型交配等机制。寄主专化型多见于昆虫同域种的分化过程中,一般以植食性昆虫为主。有关昆虫同域物种形成的检验机制有多种,归纳起来主要包括同型交配的检验、遗传漂流的量化、遗传分化程度和连锁不平衡(LD)的检测、杂交后代适合度的估算等。目前发现在许多昆虫种类中存在同域物种形成的可能性,但是有关其隔离机制并没有得到充分的解释。  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase in homogenates of Drosophila melanogaster is heterogeneous with respect to its affinity toward MgATP and its subcellular distribution. Km values for MgATP range, under similar assay conditions, from approximately 10(-5) M to approximately 10(-3) M, depending on the body region and on the subcellular localization of the enzyme. The majority of the enzyme in whole-body preparations is particulate, but various body regions differ in the relative proportion of the soluble enzyme. The memory mutant rutabaga lacks up to 35% of the total particulate activity. Even ligands that stimulate directly the catalytic subunit are incapable of bringing the activity of the mutant's enzyme to normal levels. The defect is differentially pronounced in various body parts and is associated with an altered responsiveness of the enzyme to Mg2+, to Ca2+, and to forskolin. It is suggested that rutabaga is lesioned in a subpopulation, or a functional state, of adenylate cyclase, which may play a role in memory formation.  相似文献   

昆虫天然免疫反应分子机制研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张明明  初源  赵章武  安春菊 《昆虫学报》2012,55(10):1221-1229
昆虫体内缺乏高等脊椎动物所具有的获得性免疫系统, 只能依赖发达的天然免疫系统抵抗细菌、 真菌、 病毒等外源病原物的侵染。本文概括了昆虫天然免疫反应发生和作用的分子机制相关进展, 重点阐述了重要免疫相关因子在昆虫天然免疫反应中的功能和作用机制。昆虫天然免疫反应分为体液免疫和细胞免疫两种, 二者共同作用完成对病原物的吞噬 (phagocytosis)、 集结 (nodulation)、 包囊 (encapsulation)、 凝结 (coagulation)和黑化(melanization)等。当昆虫受到外界病原物的侵染时, 首先通过体内的模式识别蛋白(pattern recognition proteins/receptor, PRPs)识别并结合病原物表面特有的模式分子(pathogen-associated molecular pattern, PAMPs), 继而一系列包括丝氨酸蛋白酶和丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂在内的级联激活反应被激活和调控, 产生抗菌肽、 黑色素等免疫效应分子, 清除或杀灭外源物。抗菌肽是一类小分子量的阳离子肽, 具有广谱抗菌活性, 针对不同类型的病原物, 抗菌肽的产生机制也不尽相同。昆虫体内存在着两种信号转导途径调节抗菌肽的产生: 一是由真菌和大部分革兰氏阳性菌激活的Toll途径; 二是由革兰氏阴性菌激活的Imd途径(immune deficiency pathway)。这两个途径通过激活不同转录因子调控不同抗菌肽基因的表达参与昆虫体内的天然免疫反应。  相似文献   

Here we incorporate recent advances in Drosophila neurogenetics and "optogenetics" into neuroscience laboratory exercises. We used the light-activated ion channel channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) and tissue-specific genetic expression techniques to study the neural basis of behavior in Drosophila larvae. We designed and implemented exercises using inexpensive, easy-to-use systems for delivering blue light pulses with fine temporal control. Students first examined the behavioral effects of activating glutamatergic neurons in Drosophila larvae and then recorded excitatory junctional potentials (EJPs) mediated by ChR2 activation at the larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Comparison of electrically and light-evoked EJPs demonstrates that the amplitudes and time courses of light-evoked EJPs are not significantly different from those generated by electrical nerve stimulation. These exercises introduce students to new genetic technology for remotely manipulating neural activity, and they simplify the process of recording EJPs at the Drosophila larval NMJ. Relatively little research work has been done using ChR2 in Drosophila, so students have opportunities to test novel hypotheses and make tangible contributions to the scientific record. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of student experiences suggest that these exercises help convey principles of synaptic transmission while also promoting integrative and inquiry-based studies of genetics, cellular physiology, and animal behavior.  相似文献   

作为昆虫种群的重要组成部分,夜行性昆虫成功进化出了与其生存环境相适应的感觉机制,普遍认为夜行性昆虫主要依靠嗅觉和机械性感受等来探索环境,其视觉器官发生了退化或功能丧失.近年来,随着红外夜视、视网膜电位(electroretinogram,ERG)和视觉神经等生物新技术的应用,昆虫视觉生态学研究出现了突破性进展,自200...  相似文献   

Chemoprevention is one of the cancer prevention approaches wherein natural/synthetic agent(s) are prescribed with the aim to delay or disrupt multiple pathways and processes involved at multiple steps, i.e., initiation, promotion, and progression of cancer. Amongst environmental chemopreventive compounds, diet/beverage-derived components are under evaluation, because of their long history of exposure to humans, high tolerability, low toxicity, and reported biological activities. This compilation briefly covers and compares the available evidence on chemopreventive efficacy and probable mechanism of chemoprevention by selected dietary phytochemicals(capsaicin, curcumin, diallyl sulphide, genistein, green/black tea polyphenols, indoles, lycopene, phenethyl isocyanate, resveratrol, retinoids and tocopherols) in experimental systems and clinical trials. All the dietary phytochemicals covered in this review have demonstrated chemopreventive efficacy against spontaneous or carcinogen-induced experimental tumors and/or associated biomarkers and processes in rodents at several organ sites. The observed anti-initiating, anti-promoting and anti-progression activity of dietary phytochemicals in carcinogen-induced experimental models involve phytochemical-mediated redox changes, modulation of enzymes and signaling kinases resulting to effects on multiple genes and cell signaling pathways. Results from clinical trials using these compounds have not shown them to be chemopreventive. This may be due to our:(1) inability to reproduce the exposure conditions, i.e., levels, complexity, other host and lifestyle factors; and(2) lack of understanding about the mechanisms of action and agent-mediated toxicity in several organs and physiological processes in the host. Current research efforts in addressing the issues of exposure conditions, bioavailability, toxicity and the mode of action of dietary phytochemicals may help address the reason for observed mismatch that may ultimately lead to identification of new chemopreventive agents for protection against broad spectrum of exposures.  相似文献   

"食品微生物学"是食品质量与安全专业的基础课,"食品微生物学检验"为后期专业课程,原教学设计为两门相对独立的课程。教学中发现两门课程在理论、实验教学内容上存在重复和交叉,不利于"教"与"学"的深度融合。为了打破两门课程间的壁垒,我们将理论课程内容进行融合与贯通,实现模块式对接;对实验课程进行整合与设计,将课程内容镶嵌为综合性实验。经过3年的教学实践,我们初步构建了跨课程整合-对接镶嵌式教学模式,不仅提高了教学效率,同时增强了学生专业能力培养和综合素质提高,也为其他课程教学改革提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

苏云金芽孢杆菌作为一种对人畜安全、环境友好型绿色杀虫剂在全球被广泛使用。Bt毒素与昆虫中肠上特定毒素受体结合并发挥作用,形成毒素穿孔导致昆虫死亡是其重要的杀虫机制之一,靶标害虫对Bt毒素产生抗性是制约转Bt作物长期有效种植和Bt毒素持续使用的重要因素。文中从鳞翅目昆虫中肠细胞Bt毒素重要受体的研究阐述昆虫对Bt的抗性机制,为Bt抗性机制的深入研究和对害虫的防控与治理提供了一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

Emerging evidence suggests that a group of dietary-derived phytochemicals known as flavonoids are able to induce improvements in memory, learning and cognition. Flavonoids have been shown to modulate critical neuronal signalling pathways involved in processes of memory, and therefore are likely to affect synaptic plasticity and long-term potentiation mechanisms, widely considered to provide a basis for memory. Animal dietary supplementation studies have further shown that flavonoid-rich foods are able to reverse age-related spatial memory and spatial learning impairments. A more accurate understanding of how a particular spatial memory task works and of which aspects of memory and learning can be assessed in each case, are necessary for a correct interpretation of data relating to diet-cognition experiments. Further understanding of how specific behavioural tasks relate to the functioning of hippocampal circuitry during learning processes might be also elucidative of the specific observed memory improvements. The overall goal of this review is to give an overview of how the hippocampal circuitry operates as a memory system during behavioural tasks, which we believe will provide a new insight into the underlying mechanisms of the action of flavonoids on cognition.  相似文献   

Translational control of gene expression is essential for development in organisms that rely on maternal mRNAs. In Drosophila, translation of maternal nanos (nos) mRNA must be restricted to the posterior of the early embryo for proper patterning of the anterior-posterior axis. Spatial control of nos translation is coordinated through the localization of a small subset of nos mRNA to the posterior pole late in oogenesis, activation of this localized mRNA, and repression of the remaining unlocalized nos mRNA throughout the bulk cytoplasm. Translational repression is mediated by the interaction of a cis-acting element in the nos 3' untranslated region with two proteins, Glorund (Glo) and Smaug (Smg), that function in the oocyte and embryo, respectively. The mechanism of Glo-dependent repression is unknown. Previous work suggests that Smg represses translation initiation but this model is not easily reconciled with evidence for polysome association of repressed nos mRNA. Using an in vitro translation system, we have decoupled translational repression of nos imposed during oogenesis from repression during embryogenesis. Our results suggest that both Glo and Smg regulate translation initiation, but by different mechanisms. Furthermore, we show that, during late oogenesis, nos translation is also repressed post-initiation and provide evidence that Glo mediates this event. This post-initiation block is maintained into embryogenesis during the transition to Smg-dependent regulation. We propose that the use of multiple modes of repression ensures inactivation of nos RNA that is translated at earlier stages of oogenesis and maintenance of this inactivate state throughout late oogenesis into embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Data from populations undergoing experimental evolution can be used to make comparisons between physiologically differentiated populations and to determine evolutionary trajectories. Comparisons of long-established laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster that are strongly differentiated with respect to desiccation resistance are used to test alternative hypotheses concerning the mechanisms that fruit flies use to survive bouts of extreme desiccation. This comparative study supports the hypothesis that, in at least one case, D. melanogaster can evolve increased resistance to desiccation by decreasing water loss rates and by increasing bulk water content but not by increasing metabolic water content or dehydration tolerance. While glycogen was involved in water storage, its primary role was in water binding, not the production of metabolic water. Measurement of the trajectories of these component mechanisms during selection for desiccation resistance is used to demonstrate that water loss rate quickly plateaus in response to selection, while water content continues to improve. This disparity reveals the value of studying evolutionary trajectories and the need for longer-term selection studies in evolutionary physiology.  相似文献   

Evidence has accumulated over several decades to prove the kin selection theory of evolution of social insects, however, proximate mechanisms of social behavior, and/or caste differentiation remain obscure. Genes that regulate these mechanisms are apparently selected through kin selection, and organisms have consequently acquired sociality. Here, I will discuss several studies that were performed recently by Matsumoto Laboratory, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in various social insects, such as termites and ants, in order to reveal the regulatory mechanisms of social behavior and the evolutionary processes of sociality. First, I will review the foraging behavior of the black marching termite Hospitalitermes medioflavus, where well-organized task allocation among castes is apparent. This suggests that regulation of postembryonic development is important in social behavior. Next, I will summarize recent progress in identifying caste-specific gene expression in the damp-wood termite Hodotermopsis sjostedti. This constitutes the basis for molecular mechanisms of caste differentiation, and moreover, the genes identified might be good markers for social evolution. Finally, the mechanism underlying winglessness in ant workers is reviewed. Apoptotic cell death was detected at the stage of pupation in wingless worker castes. Furthermore, the areas of study recently designated as sociogenomics and ecological developmental biology are discussed.  相似文献   

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