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Prions are infective proteins, which can self-assemble into different strain conformations, leading to different disease phenotypes. An increasing number of studies suggest that prion-like self-propagation may be a common feature of amyloid-like structures. Thus it is important to unravel every possible factor leading to the formation of different amyloid strains. Here we report on the formation of two types of insulin amyloid-like fibrils with distinct infrared spectroscopic features grown under slightly different pH conditions. Similar to prion strains, both insulin fibril types are able to self-propagate their conformational template under conditions, favoring spontaneous formation of different type fibrils. The low-pH-induced insulin amyloid strain is structurally very similar to previously reported strains formed either in the presence of 20% ethanol, or by modification of the amino acid sequence of insulin. A deeper analysis of literature data in the context of our current findings suggests a shift of the monomer-dimer equilibrium of insulin as a possible factor controlling the formation of different strains.  相似文献   

The key pathogenic event in prion disease involves misfolding and aggregation of the cellular prion protein (PrP). Beyond this fundamental observation, the mechanism by which PrP misfolding in neurons leads to injury and death remains enigmatic. Prion toxicity may come about by perverting the normal function of PrP. If so, understanding the normal function of PrP may help to elucidate the molecular mechansim of prion disease. Ablation of the Prnp gene, which encodes PrP, was instrumental for determining that the continuous production of PrP is essential for replicating prion infectivity. Since the structure of PrP has not provided any hints to its possible function, and there is no obvious phenotype in PrP KO mice, studies of PrP function have often relied on intuition and serendipity. Here, we enumerate the multitude of phenotypes described in PrP deficient mice, many of which manifest themselves only upon physiological challenge. We discuss the pleiotropic phenotypes of PrP deficient mice in relation to the possible normal function of PrP. The critical question remains open: which of these phenotypes are primary effects of PrP deletion and what do they tell us about the function of PrP?  相似文献   

The NMR structure of the horse (Equus caballus) cellular prion protein at 25 °C exhibits the typical PrPC [cellular form of prion protein (PrP)] global architecture, but in contrast to most other mammalian PrPCs, it contains a well-structured loop connecting the β2 strand with the α2 helix. Comparison with designed variants of the mouse prion protein resulted in the identification of a single amino acid exchange within the loop, D167S, which correlates with the high structural order of this loop in the solution structure at 25 °C and is unique to the PrP sequences of equine species. The β2-α2 loop and the α3 helix form a protein surface epitope that has been proposed to be the recognition area for a hypothetical chaperone, “protein X,” which would promote conversion of PrPC into the disease-related scrapie form and thus mediate intermolecular interactions related to the transmission barrier for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) between different species. The present results are evaluated in light of recent indications from in vivo experiments that the local β2-α2 loop structure affects the susceptibility of transgenic mice to TSEs and the fact that there are no reports on TSE in horses.  相似文献   

The key pathogenic event in prion disease involves misfolding and aggregation of the cellular prion protein (PrP). Beyond this fundamental observation, the mechanism by which PrP misfolding in neurons leads to injury and death remains enigmatic. Prion toxicity may come about by perverting the normal function of PrP. If so, understanding the normal function of PrP may help to elucidate the molecular mechansim of prion disease. Ablation of the Prnp gene, which encodes PrP, was instrumental for determining that the continuous production of PrP is essential for replicating prion infectivity. Since the structure of PrP has not provided any hints to its possible function, and there is no obvious phenotype in PrP KO mice, studies of PrP function have often relied on intuition and serendipity. Here, we enumerate the multitude of phenotypes described in PrP deficient mice, many of which manifest themselves only upon physiological challenge. We discuss the pleiotropic phenotypes of PrP deficient mice in relation to the possible normal function of PrP. The critical question remains open: which of these phenotypes are primary effects of PrP deletion and what do they tell us about the function of PrP?Key Words: transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, amyloid, PrP  相似文献   

Reagents that can precipitate the disease-associated prion protein (PrPSc) are vital for the development of high sensitivity tests to detect low levels of this disease marker in biological material. Here, a range of minerals are shown to precipitate both ovine cellular prion protein (PrPC) and ovine scrapie PrPSc. The precipitation of prion protein with silicon dioxide is unaffected by PrPSc strain or host species and the method can be used to precipitate bovine BSE. This method can reliably concentrate protease-resistant ovine PrPSc (PrPres) derived from 1.69 μg of brain protein from a clinically infected animal diluted into either 50 ml of buffer or 15 ml of plasma. The introduction of a SiO2 precipitation step into the immunological detection of PrPres increased detection sensitivity by over 1,500-fold. Minerals such as SiO2 are readily available, low cost reagents with generic application to the concentration of diseases-associated prion proteins.  相似文献   

Understanding how structure develops during the course of amyloid fibril formation by the prion protein is important for understanding prion diseases. Determining how conformational heterogeneity manifests itself in the fibrillar and pre-fibrillar amyloid aggregates is critical for understanding prion strain phenotypes. In this study, the formation of worm-like amyloid fibrils by the mouse prion protein has been characterized structurally by hydrogen-deuterium exchange coupled to mass spectrometry. The structural cores of these fibrils and of the oligomer on the direct pathway of amyloid fibril formation have been defined, showing how structure develops during fibril formation. The structural core of the oligomer not on the direct pathway has also been defined, allowing the delineation of the structural features that make this off-pathway oligomer incompetent to directly form fibrils. Sequence segments that exhibit multiple local conformations in the three amyloid aggregates have been identified, and the development of structural heterogeneity during fibril formation has been characterized. It is shown that conformational heterogeneity is not restricted to only the C-terminal domain region, which forms the structural core of the aggregates; it manifests itself in the N-terminal domain of the protein as well. Importantly, all three amyloid aggregates are shown to be capable of disrupting lipid membrane structure, pointing to a mechanism by which they may be toxic.  相似文献   

The detailed structures of prion disease-associated, partially protease-resistant forms of prion protein (e.g. PrPSc) are largely unknown. PrPSc appears to propagate itself by autocatalyzing the conformational conversion and oligomerization of normal prion protein (PrPC). One manifestation of PrPSc templating activity is its ability, in protein misfolding cyclic amplification reactions, to seed the conversion of recombinant prion protein (rPrP) into aggregates that more closely resemble PrPSc than spontaneously nucleated rPrP amyloids in terms of proteolytic fragmentation and infrared spectra. The absence of posttranslational modifications makes these rPrP aggregates more amenable to detailed structural analyses than bona fide PrPSc. Here, we compare the structures of PrPSc-seeded and spontaneously nucleated aggregates of hamster rPrP by using H/D exchange coupled with mass spectrometry. In spontaneously formed fibrils, very slow H/D exchange in region ∼163–223 represents a systematically H-bonded cross-β amyloid core structure. PrPSc-seeded aggregates have a subpopulation of molecules in which this core region extends N-terminally as far as to residue ∼145, and there is a significant degree of order within residues ∼117–133. The formation of tightly H-bonded structures by these more N-terminal residues may account partially for the generation of longer protease-resistant regions in the PrPSc-seeded rPrP aggregates; however, part of the added protease resistance is dependent on the presence of SDS during proteolysis, emphasizing the multifactorial influences on proteolytic fragmentation patterns. These results demonstrate that PrPSc has a distinct templating activity that induces ordered, systematically H-bonded structure in regions that are dynamic and poorly defined in spontaneously formed aggregates of rPrP.Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs),2 or prion diseases, are a group of infectious neurodegenerative disorders that affect many mammalian species and include Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, scrapie in sheep, chronic wasting disease in cervids, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (“mad cow” disease) (17). All of these diseases appear to be intimately associated with conformational conversion of the normal host-encoded prion protein, termed PrPC, to a pathological isoform, PrPSc (15). According to the “protein-only” model, PrPSc itself represents the infectious prion agent (1, 8); it is believed to self-propagate by an autocatalytic mechanism involving binding to PrPC and templating the conversion of the latter protein to the PrPSc state (9, 10). Although molecular details of such a mechanism of disease propagation remain largely unknown, the general principle of protein-based infectivity is supported by a wealth of experimental data (17).PrPC is a monomeric glycophosphatidylinositol-linked glycoprotein that is highly protease-sensitive and soluble in nonionic detergents. High resolution NMR data show that the recombinant PrP (rPrP), a nonglycosylated model of PrPC, consists of a flexible N-terminal region and a folded C-terminal domain encompassing three α-helices and two short β-strands (1113). Conversely, the PrPSc isoform is aggregate in nature, rich in β-sheet structure, insoluble in nonionic detergents, and partially resistant to proteinase K (PK) digestion, with a PK-resistant core encompassing the C-terminal ∼140 residues (15, 14, 15). Little specific structural information is available, however, for this isoform beyond low resolution biochemical and spectroscopic characterization. Thus, the structure of PrPSc conformer(s) associated with prion infectivity remains one of the best guarded mysteries, hindering efforts to understand the molecular basis of TSE diseases.Many efforts have been made over the years to recapitulate PrPSc formation and prion propagation in vitro. Early studies have shown that PrPC can be converted with remarkable species and strain specificities to a PrPSc-like conformation (as judged by PK resistance) simply by incubation with PrPSc from prion-infected animals (16, 17). The yields of these original cell-free conversion experiments were low, and no new infectivity could be attributed to the newly converted material (18). An important more recent study showed that both PrPSc and TSE infectivity can be amplified indefinitely in crude brain homogenates using successive rounds of sonication and incubation (19), a procedure called protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) (20). Similar amplification of the TSE infectivity was also accomplished by PMCA employing purified PrPC as a substrate, although only in the presence of polyanions such as RNA and copurified lipids (21). Unfortunately, the quantities of infectious PrPSc generated by PMCA using purified brain-derived PrPC are very small, precluding most structural studies.In contrast to brain-derived PrPC, large scale purification can be readily accomplished for bacterially expressed rPrP, a form of PrP lacking glycosylation and the glycophosphatidylinositol anchor. The latter protein can spontaneously polymerize into amyloid fibrils, and much insight has been gained into mechanistic and structural aspects of this reaction (2228). However, although rPrP fibrils were shown to cause or accelerate a transmissible neurodegenerative disorder in transgenic mice overexpressing a PrPC variant encompassing residues 89–231, the infectivity titer of these “synthetic prions” was extremely low (29) or absent altogether (4). This low infectivity coincides with much shorter PK-resistant core of rPrP amyloid fibrils compared with brain-derived PrPSc (26, 30), raising questions regarding the relationship between these fibrils and the authentic TSE agent. In this context, an important recent development was the finding that the PrPSc-seeded PMCA method can be extended to rPrP, yielding protease-resistant recombinant PrP aggregates (rPrPPMCA or rPrP-res(Sc)) (31). These aggregates display a PK digestion pattern that is much more closely related to PrPSc than that of previously studied spontaneously formed rPrP fibrils, offering a potentially more relevant model for biochemical and biophysical studies. Here, we provide, for the first time, a direct insight into the structure of rPrPPMCA. H/D exchange data coupled with MS analysis (HXMS) allowed us to identify systematically H-bonded core region(s) of these aggregates, shedding a new light on the mechanisms underlying formation of PK-resistant structures.  相似文献   

Aggregation of lysozyme in an acidic solution generates inactive amyloid-like fibrils, with a broad infrared peak appearing at 1,610?C1,630?cm?1, characteristic of a ??-sheet rich structure. We report here that spontaneous refolding of these fibrils in water could be promoted by mid-infrared free-electron laser (mid-IR FEL) irradiation targeting the amide bands. The Fourier transform infrared spectrum of the fibrils reflected a ??-sheet content that was as low as that of the native structure, following FEL irradiation at 1,620?cm?1 (amide I band); both transmission-electron microscopy imaging and Congo Red assay results also demonstrated a reduced fibril structure, and the enzymatic activity of lysozyme fibrils recovered to 70?C90?% of the native form. Both irradiations at 1,535?cm?1(amide II band) and 1,240?cm?1 (amide III band) were also more effective for the refolding of the fibrils than mere heating in the absence of FEL. On the contrary, either irradiation at 1,100 or 2,000?cm?1 afforded only about 60?% recovery of lysozyme activity. These results indicate that the specific FEL irradiation tuned to amide bands is efficient in refolding of lysozyme fibrils into native form.  相似文献   



A number of amyloid diseases involve deposition of extracellular protein aggregates, which are implicated in mechanisms of cell damage and death. However, the mechanisms involved remain poorly understood.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we use the yeast prion protein Ure2 as a generic model to investigate how amyloid-like protein aggregates can enter mammalian cells and convey cytotoxicity. The effect of three different states of Ure2 protein (native dimer, protofibrils and mature fibrils) was tested on four mammalian cell lines (SH-SY5Y, MES23.5, HEK-293 and HeLa) when added extracellularly to the medium. Immunofluorescence using a polyclonal antibody against Ure2 showed that all three protein states could enter the four cell lines. In each case, protofibrils significantly inhibited the growth of the cells in a dose-dependent manner, fibrils showed less toxicity than protofibrils, while the native state had no effect on cell growth. This suggests that the structural differences between the three protein states lead to their different effects upon cells. Protofibrils of Ure2 increased membrane conductivity, altered calcium homeostasis, and ultimately induced apoptosis. The use of standard inhibitors suggested uptake into mammalian cells might occur via receptor-mediated endocytosis. In order to investigate this further, we used the chicken DT40 B cell line DKOR, which allows conditional expression of clathrin. Uptake into the DKOR cell-line was reduced when clathrin expression was repressed suggesting similarities between the mechanism of PrP uptake and the mechanism observed here for Ure2.


The results provide insight into the mechanisms by which amyloid aggregates may cause pathological effects in prion and amyloid diseases.  相似文献   

Prion disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, in which the normal prion protein (PrP) changes structurally into an abnormal form and accumulates in the brain. There is a great demand for the development of a viable approach to diagnosis and therapy. Not only has the ligand against PrP been used for diagnosis, but it has also become a promising tool for therapy, as an antibody. Aptamers are a novel type of ligand composed of nucleic acids. DNA aptamers in particular have many advantages over antibodies. Therefore, we tried to isolate the DNA aptamer for mouse PrP. We developed a competitive selection method and tried to screen the DNA aptamer with it. In the fourth round of selection, several clones of the aptamer with an affinity to PrP were enriched, and clone 4–9 showed the highest affinity of all. The investigation by aptamer blotting and Western blotting showed that clone 4–9 was specifically able to recognize both α-PrP and β-PrP. Moreover, it was indicated that clone 4–9 could recognize the flexible region of the N-terminal domain of PrP. These characteristics suggest that clone 4–9 might be a useful tool in prion-disease diagnosis and research.Key Words: aptamer, DNA, SELEX, competitive selection, prion protein, β-PrP, detection  相似文献   

Prion disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, in which the normal prion protein (PrP) changes structurally into an abnormal form and accumulates in the brain. There is a great demand for the development of a viable approach to diagnosis and therapy. Not only has the ligand against PrP been used for diagnosis, but it has also become a promising tool for therapy, as an antibody. Aptamers are a novel type of ligand composed of nucleic acids. DNA aptamers in particular have many advantages over antibodies. Therefore, we tried to isolate the DNA aptamer for mouse PrP. We developed a competitive selection method and tried to screen the DNA aptamer with it. In the fourth round of selection, several clones of the aptamer with an affinity to PrP were enriched, and clone 4-9 showed the highest affinity of all. The investigation by aptamer blotting and Western blotting showed that clone 4-9 was specifically able to recognize both α-PrP and β-PrP. Moreover, it was indicated that clone 4-9 could recognize the flexible region of the N-terminal domain of PrP. These characteristics suggest that clone 4-9 might be a useful tool in prion-disease diagnosis and research.  相似文献   

朊病毒病是一种由朊病毒侵染动物神经系统并引发神经退行性症状的传染性疾病。朊病毒是由正常朊蛋白PrP^C通过构象转化形成具蛋白酶抗性的异常朊蛋白PrP^Se的病原微生物。最新研究表明,朊蛋白通过构象转变形成新的功能分子的现象在生物界中普遍存在,并与正常生物功能密切相关。通过研究类朊蛋白现象可以有助于揭示朊病毒感染机制以及深化对生物遗传多样性的了解。  相似文献   

The [URE3] yeast prion is a self-propagating inactive form of the Ure2p protein. We show here that Ure2p from the species Saccharomyces paradoxus (Ure2pSp) can be efficiently converted into a prion form and propagate [URE3] when expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae at physiological level. We found however that Ure2pSp overexpression prevents efficient prion propagation. We have compared the aggregation rate and propagon numbers of Ure2pSp and of S. cerevisiae Ure2p (Ure2pSc) in [URE3] cells both at different expression levels. Overexpression of both Ure2p orthologues accelerates formation of large aggregates but Ure2pSp aggregates faster than Ure2pSc. Although the yeast cells that contain these large Ure2p aggregates do not transmit [URE3] to daughter cells, the corresponding crude extract retains the ability to induce [URE3] in wild-type [ure3-0] cells. At low expression level, propagon numbers are higher with Ure2pSc than with Ure2pSp. Overexpression of Ure2p decreases the number of [URE3] propagons with Ure2pSc. Together, our results demonstrate that the concentration of a prion protein is a key factor for prion propagation. We propose a model to explain how prion protein overexpression can produce a detrimental effect on prion propagation and why Ure2pSp might be more sensitive to such effects than Ure2pSc.  相似文献   

Mammalian prion strains are believed to arise from the propagation of distinct conformations of the misfolded prion protein PrPSc. One key operational parameter used to define differences between strains has been conformational stability of PrPSc as defined by resistance to thermal and/or chemical denaturation. However, the structural basis of these stability differences is unknown. To bridge this gap, we have generated two strains of recombinant human prion protein amyloid fibrils that show dramatic differences in conformational stability and have characterized them by a number of biophysical methods. Backbone amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiments revealed that, in sharp contrast to previously studied strains of infectious amyloid formed from the yeast prion protein Sup35, differences in β-sheet core size do not underlie differences in conformational stability between strains of mammalian prion protein amyloid. Instead, these stability differences appear to be dictated by distinct packing arrangements (i.e. steric zipper interfaces) within the amyloid core, as indicated by distinct x-ray fiber diffraction patterns and large strain-dependent differences in hydrogen/deuterium exchange kinetics for histidine side chains within the core region. Although this study was limited to synthetic prion protein amyloid fibrils, a similar structural basis for strain-dependent conformational stability may apply to brain-derived PrPSc, especially because large strain-specific differences in PrPSc stability are often observed despite a similar size of the PrPSc core region.  相似文献   

The cellular form of the prion protein (PrPC) is a sialoglycoprotein widely expressed in the central nervous system (CNS) of mammalian species during neurodevelopment and in adulthood. The location of the protein in the CNS may play a role in the susceptibility of a species to fatal prion diseases, which are also known as the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). To date, little is known about PrPC distribution in marsupial mammals, for which no naturally occurring prion diseases have been reported. To extend our understanding of varying PrPC expression profiles in different mammals we carried out a detailed expression analysis of PrPC distribution along the neurodevelopment of the metatherian South American short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica). We detected lower levels of PrPC in white matter fiber bundles of opossum CNS compared to mouse CNS. This result is consistent with a possible role for PrPC in the distinct neurodevelopment and neurocircuitry found in marsupials compared to other mammalian species.  相似文献   

Previous works reported that a mild increase in homocysteine level is a risk factor for cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases in humans. Homocysteine thiolactone is a cyclic thioester, most of which is produced by an error-editing function of methionyl-tRNA synthetase, causing in vivo post-translational protein modifications by reacting with the ?-amino group of lysine residues. In cells, the rate of homocysteine thiolactone synthesis is strictly dependent on the levels of the precursor metabolite, homocysteine. In this work, using bovine serum albumin as a model, we investigated the impact of N-homocysteinylation on protein conformation as well as its cellular actions. Previous works demonstrated that protein N-homocysteinylation causes enzyme inactivation, protein aggregation, and precipitation. In addition, in the last few years, several pieces of evidence have indicated that protein unfolding and aggregation are crucial events leading to the formation of amyloid fibrils associated with a wide range of human pathologies. For the first time, our results reveal how the low level of protein N-homocysteinylation can induce mild conformational changes leading to the formation of native-like aggregates evolving over time, producing amyloid-like structures. Taking into account the fact that in humans about 70% of circulating homocysteine is N-linked to blood proteins such as serum albumin and hemoglobin, the results reported in this article could have pathophysiological relevance and could contribute to clarify the mechanisms underlying some pathological consequences described in patients affected by hyperhomocysteinemia.  相似文献   

To synthesize a protein, a ribosome moves along a messenger RNA (mRNA), reads it codon by codon, and takes up the corresponding ternary complexes which consist of aminoacylated transfer RNAs (aa-tRNAs), elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu), and GTP. During this process of translation elongation, the ribosome proceeds with a codon-specific rate. Here, we present a general theoretical framework to calculate codon-specific elongation rates and error frequencies based on tRNA concentrations and codon usages. Our theory takes three important aspects of in-vivo translation elongation into account. First, non-cognate, near-cognate and cognate ternary complexes compete for the binding sites on the ribosomes. Second, the corresponding binding rates are determined by the concentrations of free ternary complexes, which must be distinguished from the total tRNA concentrations as measured in vivo. Third, for each tRNA species, the difference between total tRNA and ternary complex concentration depends on the codon usages of the corresponding cognate and near-cognate codons. Furthermore, we apply our theory to two alternative pathways for tRNA release from the ribosomal E site and show how the mechanism of tRNA release influences the concentrations of free ternary complexes and thus the codon-specific elongation rates. Using a recently introduced method to determine kinetic rates of in-vivo translation from in-vitro data, we compute elongation rates for all codons in Escherichia coli. We show that for some tRNA species only a few tRNA molecules are part of ternary complexes and, thus, available for the translating ribosomes. In addition, we find that codon-specific elongation rates strongly depend on the overall codon usage in the cell, which could be altered experimentally by overexpression of individual genes.  相似文献   

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