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Ku proteins play an important role in DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair, chromosome maintenance, and growth regulation. To understand the fundamental characteristics of Ku proteins, we examined the electrophoretic mobility and expression of hamster Ku70 and Ku80 and determined the chromosome locations of their genes. The electrophoretic mobility of hamster Ku proteins are different from that of human Ku proteins. No significant changes in the quantity of Ku proteins were observed in CHO-K1 cells treated with 10 Gy of ionizing radiation, suggesting that both proteins are expressed constitutively in amounts adequate to repair DNA DSBs. The chromosome locations of the Ku genes were determined by direct R-banding fluorescence in situ hybridization. The Ku70 gene was localized to Syrian hamster chromosome 4qa4.1--> qa4.2 and Chinese hamster chromosome 2p3.1, and the Ku80 gene was localized to Syrian hamster chromosome 4qb5--> qb6.1 and Chinese hamster chromosome 2p3.5-->p3.6. These results provide clues to the biological functions of Ku, as well as useful information for constructing comparative chromosome maps between hamsters and other mammalian species, including human, mouse, and rat.  相似文献   



Epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) has been shown to be a non-invasive marker that predicts the progression of cardiovascular disease (CVD). It has been reported that the EAT volume is increased in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, little is known about which phenotypes of COPD are associated with increased EAT.


One hundred and eighty smokers who were referred to the clinic were consecutively enrolled. A chest CT was used for the quantification of the emphysematous lesions, airway lesions, and EAT. These lesions were assessed as the percentage of low attenuation volume (LAV%), the square root of airway wall area of a hypothetical airway with an internal perimeter of 10 mm (√Aaw at Pi10) and the EAT area, respectively. The same measurements were made on 225 Vietnamese COPD patients to replicate the results.


Twenty-six of the referred patients did not have COPD, while 105 were diagnosed as having COPD based on a FEV1/FVC<0.70. The EAT area was significantly associated with age, BMI, FEV1 (%predicted), FEV1/FVC, self-reported hypertension, self-reported CVD, statin use, LAV%, and √Aaw at Pi10 in COPD patients. The multiple regression analyses showed that only BMI, self-reported CVD and √Aaw at Pi10 were independently associated with the EAT area (R2 = 0.51, p<0.0001). These results were replicated in the Vietnamese population.


The EAT area is independently associated with airway wall thickness. Because EAT is also an independent predictor of CVD risk, these data suggest a mechanistic link between the airway predominant form of COPD and CVD.  相似文献   

A central region of Ku80 mediates interaction with Ku70 in vivo.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Ku, the DNA binding component of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), is a heterodimer composed of 70 and 86 kDa subunits, known as Ku70 and Ku80 respectively . Defects in DNA-PK subunits have been shown to result in a reduced capacity to repair DNA double-strand breaks. Assembly of the Ku heterodimer is required to obtain DNA end binding activity and association of the DNA-PK catalytic subunit. The regions of the Ku subunits responsible for heterodimerization have not been clearly defined in vivo . A previous study has suggested that the C-terminus of Ku80 is required for interaction with Ku70. Here we examine Ku subunit interaction using N- and C-terminal Ku80 deletions in a GAL4-based two-hybrid system and an independent mammalian in vivo system. Our two-hybrid study suggests that the central region of Ku80, not its C-terminus, is capable of mediating interaction with Ku70. To determine if this region mediates interaction with Ku70 in mammalian cells we transfected xrs-6 cells, which lack endogenous Ku80, with epitope-tagged Ku80 deletions carrying a nuclear localization signal. Immunoprecipitation from transfected cell extracts revealed that the central domain identified by the GAL4 two-hybrid studies stabilizes and co-immunoprecipitates with endogenous xrs-6 Ku70. The central interaction domain maps to the internally deleted regions of Ku80 in the mutant cell lines XR-V9B and XR-V15B. These findings indicate that the internally deleted Ku80 mutations carried in these cell lines are incapable of heterodimerization with Ku70.  相似文献   

Seventy-two adults with phenylketonuria were evaluated to investigate the genotypic relationship to phenotype. Patient data were collected by chart review and medical follow-up as well as current psychological evaluation. Nineteen diagnosed neonatally had remained on a phenylalanine-restricted diet all their lives, whereas 34 who were also diagnosed on newborn screening had discontinued dietary restriction during childhood. Nineteen others who were born prior to newborn screening were diagnosed later than the newborn period on clinical grounds but have remained on dietary restriction. Comparison between intellectual ability, academic achievement, and mental illness was made with degree of diet control as defined by range of blood phenylalanine levels over time. Diet discontinuation in childhood did not significantly lower IQ per se but appeared to diminish academic achievement. The lowest IQ scores were associated with poor dietary restriction of phenylalanine in the diet during childhood. While there appears to be a strong genotypic relationship to phenotypic metabolic parameters in phenylketonuria, there does not seem to be a similar relationship to intellectual ability in adults. Mutation R408W was not strongly related to the occurrence of mental illness in this sample. We conclude that dietary restriction of phenylalanine neonatally and good control contributed to normal intellectual development. Continuation of dietary treatment into adulthood appeared to improve academic achievement in patients with severe phenylalanine hydroxylase mutations.  相似文献   

Luk JM  Su YC  Lam SC  Lee CK  Hu MY  He QY  Lau GK  Wong FW  Fan ST 《Proteomics》2005,5(7):1980-1986
A murine monoclonal antibody (mAb), CLD3 (IgG(1),kappa), was generated against hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Both immunofluorescence and immunohistochemical assays indicated the reactivity of CLD3 mAb localized at the nucleus and/or cytoplasm of tumorigenic HCC cell lines as well as in liver cancer tissues. By immunoprecipitation and using the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry approach, the antigenic specificity of CLD3 was determined to be heterodimeric Ku70 and Ku80 autoantigen, which was confirmed by Western blotting.  相似文献   

Ku is a heterodimeric protein with double-stranded DNA end-binding activity that operates in the process of nonhomologous end joining. Ku is thought to target the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) complex to the DNA and, when DNA bound, can interact and activate the DNA-PK catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs). We have carried out a 3' deletion analysis of Ku80, the larger subunit of Ku, and shown that the C-terminal 178 amino acid residues are dispensable for DNA end-binding activity but are required for efficient interaction of Ku with DNA-PKcs. Cells expressing Ku80 proteins that lack the terminal 178 residues have low DNA-PK activity, are radiation sensitive, and can recombine the signal junctions but not the coding junctions during V(D)J recombination. These cells have therefore acquired the phenotype of mouse SCID cells despite expressing DNA-PKcs protein, suggesting that an interaction between DNA-PKcs and Ku, involving the C-terminal region of Ku80, is required for DNA double-strand break rejoining and coding but not signal joint formation. To gain further insight into important domains in Ku80, we report a point mutational change in Ku80 in the defective xrs-2 cell line. This residue is conserved among species and lies outside of the previously reported Ku70-Ku80 interaction domain. The mutational change nonetheless abrogates the Ku70-Ku80 interaction and DNA end-binding activity.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is predominantly mediated by nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) in mammalian cells. NHEJ requires binding of the Ku70-Ku80 heterodimer (Ku70/80) to the DNA ends and subsequent recruitment of the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKCS) and the XRCC4/ligase IV complex. Activation of the DNA-PKCS serine/threonine kinase requires an interaction with Ku70/80 and is essential for NHEJ-mediated DSB repair. In contrast to previous models, we found that the carboxy terminus of Ku80 is not absolutely required for the recruitment and activation of DNA-PKCS at DSBs, although cells that harbored a carboxy-terminal deletion in the Ku80 gene were sensitive to ionizing radiation and showed reduced end-joining capacity. More detailed analysis of this repair defect showed that DNA-PKCS autophosphorylation at Thr2647 was diminished, while Ser2056 was phosphorylated to normal levels. This resulted in severely reduced levels of Artemis nuclease activity in vivo and in vitro. We therefore conclude that the Ku80 carboxy terminus is important to support DNA-PKCS autophosphorylation at specific sites, which facilitates DNA end processing by the Artemis endonuclease and the subsequent joining reaction.DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) classify among the most detrimental DNA damages, because they have the ability to cause chromosome breakage and translocations. DSBs are readily caused by common exogenous and endogenous agents, including certain oxygen radicals, products of normal metabolism, and ionizing radiation. Effective genomic maintenance therefore requires the presence of a mechanism to repair DSBs. DSB repair in eukaryotic cells is executed by either homologous recombination or by nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) (15, 30).In vertebrates, DSB repair is not only essential for genomic maintenance, but also for the development of a working immune system. The assembly of immunoglobulin or T-cell receptor genes via V(D)J recombination routinely necessitates the introduction and subsequent NHEJ-mediated repair of DSBs (13).The NHEJ pathway facilitates DSB repair by direct ligation of the two ends of a broken DNA molecule (31, 36). This requires the sequential loading of several enzymes on both DNA ends. The first event in NHEJ-mediated repair is the association of a Ku70-Ku80 heterodimer (Ku70/80) with each DNA terminus. The Ku70/80 molecule has a ring-shaped structure, made up by the amino-terminal and central domains of both the Ku70 and the Ku80 polypeptides, which exactly fits a DNA helix in its center (33).The DNA-Ku complex functions as a scaffold to attract the other known NHEJ factors to the DSB. One of the enzymes that are recruited to the DNA-Ku scaffold is the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKCS), a 469-kDa serine/threonine kinase. The Ku-DNA-PKCS complex is commonly referred to as DNA-PK. It has been well established that the DNA-PKCS kinase activity is essential for efficient DSB repair, although the mechanism via which DNA-PKCS exerts its function is a matter of current debate (19, 35, 36). Several autophosphorylation sites have been mapped in the DNA-PKCS protein. The most important clusters are found between residues 2609 and 2647 (ABCDE cluster) and between residues 2023 and 2056 (PQR cluster). Phosphorylation of the ABCDE cluster was found to specifically stimulate processing and joining of DNA ends, while PQR phosphorylation reduced the level of DNA end processing (35). These findings prompted a model in which DNA-PKCS functions as a gatekeeper molecule that regulates access to the DNA termini by changing its phosphorylation status (35). Therefore, DNA-PKCS autophosphorylation may regulate the next steps in the NHEJ process.These next steps include the processing and joining of DNA ends. Processing enzymes prepare nonligatable DNA termini, primarily blocked ends and incompatible single-strand overhangs, for subsequent ligation by the XRCC4/ligase IV complex. The chemistry of the ligation reaction necessitates the addition of 5′ phosphate groups or the removal of 3′ phosphate groups by polynucleotide kinase (3). Processing of single-strand overhangs is performed by either filling or resection and therefore requires a polymerase or a nuclease, respectively (16, 36). Several enzymes with single-strand filling capability, including polymerase λ, polymerase μ, and terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase, have been suggested to function as processing enzymes during NHEJ (16). In contrast, only one nuclease has been conclusively shown to play a role in NHEJ: the endonuclease Artemis.Artemis was first described as an essential contributor to V(D)J recombination, catalyzing the opening of hairpin structures at coding ends (17, 21, 24). However, because Artemis deficiency not only causes impairment of V(D)J recombination but also increased sensitivity to DSB-inducing ionizing radiation, it was soon recognized that Artemis may act as a processing enzyme for other types of DNA ends during NHEJ as well. The Artemis protein forms a complex with DNA-PK and carries the endonuclease activity that is necessary for the hairpin opening or overhang processing (14, 17). It is likely that the Artemis protein is recruited to the repair complex by interaction with the DNA-Ku-DNA-PKCS complex.Because the NHEJ core factors DNA-PKCS, XRCC4/ligase IV, and Artemis are attracted to a DSB by the DNA-Ku scaffold, we set out to examine the influence of specific deletions of the Ku80 protein on the recruitment and activation of these core factors. It has been previously reported that the Ku80 carboxy terminus is important for effective NHEJ, evidenced by the fact that deletion of the Ku80 carboxy terminus results in markedly increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation and decreased retention of DNA-PKCS at DNA ends (11). Several authors have suggested that the Ku80 carboxy terminus mediates activation of the DNA-PKCS kinase and may therefore be directly responsible for regulation of the NHEJ process (11, 12, 25).In contrast to that hypothesis, we here show that the Ku80 carboxy terminus is not an essential prerequisite for recruitment or activation of the DNA-PKCS kinase in vivo. Surprisingly, however, deletion of the Ku80 carboxy terminus resulted in less efficient phosphorylation of specific DNA-PKCS autophosphorylation sites and diminished Artemis endonuclease activity. These findings provide a comprehensive explanation for the increased radiation sensitivity that is associated with deletion of the Ku80 carboxy terminus.  相似文献   

We have identified a ku80 mutant of Arabidopsis and show that telomerase is needed to generate the longer telomeres observed in this mutant. Telomeres are specialized nucleoprotein structures at the ends of chromosomes that permit cells to distinguish chromosome ends from double-strand breaks, thus preventing chromosome fusion events. Ku80 deficiency results in the lengthening of telomeres, a phenotype also seen in an Arabidopsis ku70 mutant. Furthermore, homogeneous populations of ku80 mutant cells show a steady increase in the length of telomere tracts, which reach an equilibrium length and then stabilize. In contrast to that in mammals, Ku80 deficiency in Arabidopsis cells does not cause end-to-end fusion of chromosomes. This telomere lengthening is dependent on the presence of telomerase, although it is not attributable to a significant increase in telomerase activity per se. These results demonstrate the essential role of the Ku80 protein as a negative regulator of telomerase function in plant cells.  相似文献   

Ku70 forms a heterodimer with Ku80, called Ku, that is critical for repairing DNA double-stand breaks by nonhomologous end joining and for maintaining telomeres. Mice with either gene mutated exhibit similar phenotypes that include increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation and severe combined immunodeficiency. However, there are also differences in the reported phenotypes. For example, only Ku70 mutants are reported to exhibit a high incidence of thymic lymphomas while only Ku80 mutants are reported to exhibit early aging with very low cancer levels. There are two explanations for these differences. First, either Ku70 or Ku80 functions outside the Ku heterodimer such that deletion of one is not identical to deletion of the other. Second, divergent genetic backgrounds or environments influence the phenotype. To distinguish between these possibilities, the Ku70 and Ku80 mutations were crossed together to generate Ku70, Ku80, and double-mutant mice in the same genetic background raised in the same environment. We show that these three cohorts have similar phenotypes that most resemble the previous report for Ku80 mutant mice, i.e., early aging without substantially increased cancer levels. Thus, our observations suggest that the Ku heterodimer is important for longevity assurance in mice since divergent genetic backgrounds and/or environments likely account for these previously reported differences.  相似文献   



Friedreich ataxia is a neurodegenerative disease caused by the lack of frataxin, a mitochondrial protein. We previously demonstrated that frataxin interacts with complex II subunits of the electronic transport chain (ETC) and putative electronic transfer flavoproteins, suggesting that frataxin could participate in the oxidative phosphorylation.

Methods and Findings

Here we have investigated the effect of riboflavin and its cofactors flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Caenorhabditis elegans models of frataxin deficiency. We used a S. cerevisiae strain deleted for the yfh1 gene obtained by homologous recombination and we assessed growth in fermentable and non-fermentable cultures supplemented with either riboflavin or its derivates. Experiments with C. elegans were performed in transient knock-down worms (frh-1[RNAi]) generated by microinjection of dsRNA frh-1 into the gonads of young worms. We observed that FAD rescues the phenotype of both defective organisms. We show that cell growth and enzymatic activities of the ETC complexes and ATP production of yfh1Δ cells were improved by FAD supplementation. Moreover, FAD also improved lifespan and other physiological parameters in the C. elegans knock-down model for frataxin.


We propose that rescue of frataxin deficiency by FAD supplementation could be explained by an improvement in mitochondrial respiration. We suggest that riboflavin may be useful in the treatment of Friedreich ataxia.  相似文献   

Objective: To directly ascertain the physiological roles in adipocytes of hormone‐sensitive lipase (HSL; E.C., a multifunctional hydrolase that can mediate triacylglycerol cleavage in adipocytes. Research Methods and Procedures: We performed constitutive gene targeting of the mouse HSL gene (Lipe), subsequently studied the adipose tissue phenotype clinically and histologically, and measured lipolysis in isolated adipocytes. Results: Homozygous HSL?/? mice have no detectable HSL peptide or cholesteryl esterase activity in adipose tissue, and heterozygous mice have intermediate levels with respect to wild‐type and deficient littermates. HSL‐deficient mice have normal body weight but reduced abdominal fat mass compared with normal littermates. Histologically, both white and brown adipose tissues in HSL?/? mice show marked heterogeneity in cell size, with markedly enlarged adipocytes juxtaposed to cells of normal morphology. In isolated HSL?/? adipocytes, lipolysis is not significantly increased by β3‐adrenergic stimulation, but under basal conditions in the absence of added catecholamines, the lipolytic rate of isolated HSL?/? adipocytes is at least as high as that of cells from normal controls. Cold tolerance during a 48‐hour period at 4 °C was similar in HSL?/? mice and controls. Overnight fasting was well‐tolerated clinically by HSL?/? mice, but after fasting, liver triglyceride content was significantly lower in HSL?/? mice compared with wild‐type controls. Conclusions: In isolated fat cells, the lipolytic rate after β‐adrenergic stimulation is mainly dependent on HSL. However, the observation of a normal rate of lipolysis in unstimulated HSL?/? adipocytes suggests that HSL‐independent lipolytic pathway(s) exist in fat. Physiologically, HSL deficiency in mice has a modest effect under normal fed conditions and is compatible with normal maintenance of core body temperature during cold stress. However, the lipolytic response to overnight fasting is subnormal.  相似文献   

Ivermectin is a widely used antiparasitic drug and shows promising anticancer activity in various cancer types. Although multiple signaling pathways modulated by ivermectin have been identified in tumor cells, few studies have focused on the exact target of ivermectin. Herein, we report the pharmacological effects and targets of ivermectin in prostate cancer. Ivermectin caused G0/G1 cell cycle arrest, induced cell apoptosis and DNA damage, and decreased androgen receptor (AR) signaling in prostate cancer cells. Further in vivo analysis showed ivermectin could suppress 22RV1 xenograft progression. Using integrated omics profiling, including RNA-seq and thermal proteome profiling, the forkhead box protein A1 (FOXA1) and non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) repair executer Ku70/Ku80 were strongly suggested as direct targets of ivermectin in prostate cancer. The interaction of ivermectin and FOXA1 reduced the chromatin accessibility of AR signaling and the G0/G1 cell cycle regulator E2F1, leading to cell proliferation inhibition. The interaction of ivermectin and Ku70/Ku80 impaired the NHEJ repair ability. Cooperating with the downregulation of homologous recombination repair ability after AR signaling inhibition, ivermectin increased intracellular DNA double-strand breaks and finally triggered cell death. Our findings demonstrate the anticancer effect of ivermectin in prostate cancer, indicating that its use may be a new therapeutic approach for prostate cancer.Subject terms: Target identification, Endocrine cancer  相似文献   

The role of Ku80 in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) was examined in fibroblasts derived from a Ku80 knockout mouse model described by Nussenzweig et al. (Nature 382, 551-555, 1996). Primary fibroblasts from Ku80+/+ and Ku80-/- mice were immortalized by transfection with plasmids containing either the human MYC proto-oncogene or the Simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen and were used to measure induction and rejoining of DSBs after exposure to ionizing radiation. The number of DSBs in the cells was quantified by either asymmetric field-inversion gel electrophoresis (AFIGE) or clamped homogeneous electrical-field gel electrophoresis (CHEF). The latter method was introduced for a more reliable quantification of repair even when DNA degradation occurs in a fraction of the irradiated cell population during the postirradiation incubation time. The results confirm that Ku80-deficient mouse fibroblasts are sensitive to ionizing radiation and demonstrate that the increased radiosensitivity may result from a deficiency in DSB rejoining. The results further indicate that unless techniques are employed that allow for distinction between DNA degradation and DNA repair, erroneous conclusions may be drawn regarding the potential of cells to repair DSBs.  相似文献   

The DNA-binding protein Ku (p70/p80) was originally discovered through the use of human autoimmune sera. In attempts to search out nucleolar proteins in relation to nucleolar dynamic changes, we developed monoclonal antibodies against nuclear proteins. One antibody, termed LL1, received particular attention since asynchronous cells exhibited tremendous differences in their nucleolar fluorescence intensities after immunostaining. The LL1 protein was proven to be the Ku subunit p80 (Ku80) by cDNA cloning and sequencing. Possible correlations between the heterogeneous distribution of Ku80 in nucleoli and the cell cycle were examined. HeLa cells were synchronized at M phase by arrest with nocodazole, or at the G1/S boundary by sequential treatments with thymidine and aphidicolin. These cells were then released by culturing in fresh medium to allow the cell cycle to progress synchronously. Immunofluorescent detection of Ku80 revealed that nucleoli of the cells at the G1/S boundary had very small amounts of Ku80, which was mainly present in the nucleoplasm. Ku80 was gradually accumulated in nucleoli during S phase and reached the maximum at late S or G2 phase. Immunoblotting experiments showed that cell extracts prepared from different phases of the cell cycle had virtually identical amounts of Ku80. These results suggest that Ku80 migrates from nucleoplasm to nucleoli in a cell cycle-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Ku genes play a key role in the non-homologous end-joining pathway. We have identified Ku70 and Ku80 homologs in the koji molds Aspergillus sojae and Aspergillus oryzae, and have constructed the disruption mutants of Ku70, Ku80, and Ku70-80 to characterize the phenotypic change in these mutants. Neither Ku70- nor Ku80-disrupted strains show hypersensitivity to the DNA damaging agents methylmethane sulfonate (MMS) and phleomycin. Moreover, undesirable phenotypes, such as poor growth or repressed conidiospore formation, were not observed in the Ku-disrupted A. sojae and A. oryzae.  相似文献   

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