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Sugar (carbohydrate) epimerases catalyze the reversible conversion of a sugar epimer into its counterpart form. More than 20 types of sugar epimerase have been reported to date, and their biological properties, catalytic mechanisms, and 3D structures are very diverse among them. Recently, microbial sugar epimerases have been characterized in detail. This review surveys the catalytic aspects of microbial epimerases, which are relevant for production of bioactive mono- and oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

Summary On the assumption that electron transfer is involved in the process of epimerization and by using tetrazolium salts as an indicator, a histochemical reaction for the demonstration of UDPGal-4-epimerase has been developed.By using UDPG or UDPGal as substrates it has been possible to ascertain the direction of the reaction catalysed by this enzyme in various tissues in normal physiological conditions.Biochemical tests support the concept that the histochemical reactions recorded were the result of UDPGal-4-epimerase activity.  相似文献   

Summary A histochemical method for hydroxyproline epimerase together with its mechanism of enzymatic action is described. The epimerase is studied in different tissues and organs. The data resulting from the investigation reveal a particular epimerase activity in connective tissue and skeletal muscular tissue.  相似文献   

有许多酶具有调节转录因子的功能,例如蛋白激酶、磷酸酯酶和乙酰转移酶等。目前Leverson等提出一种新的酶调节机制:肽基脯氨酰异构酶(Peptidyl-prolylisomerases,PPIase)参与调节转录因子的活性[1]。转录因子c-Myb结...  相似文献   

Conversion of pentoses by yeasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The utilization and conversion of D-xylose, D-xylulose, L-arabinose, and xylitol by yeast strains have been investigated with the following results: (1) The majority of yeasts tested utilize D-xylose and produce polyols, ethanol, and organic acids. The type and amount of products formed varies with the yeast strains used. The most commonly detected product is xylitol. (2)The majority of yeasts tested utilize D-xylulose aerobically and fermentatively to produce ethanol, xylitol, D-arabitol, and organic acids. The type and amount of products varies depending upon the yeast strains used. (3) Xylitol is a poor carbon and energy source for most yeasts tested. Some yeast strains produce small amounts of ethanol from xylitol. (4) Most yeast strains utilize L-arabinose, and L-arabitol is the common product. Small amounts of ethanol are also produced by some yeast strains. (5) Of the four substrates examined, D-xylulose was the perferred substrate, followed by D-xylose, L-arabinose, and xylitol. (6) Mutant yeast strains that exhibit different metabolic product patterns can be induced and isolated from Candida sp. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and other yeasts. These mutant strains can be used for ethanol production from D-xylose as well as for the study of metabolic regulation of pentose utilization in yeasts.  相似文献   

Metabolic engineering for improved fermentation of pentoses by yeasts   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The fermentation of xylose is essential for the bioconversion of lignocellulose to fuels and chemicals, but wild-type strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae do not metabolize xylose, so researchers have engineered xylose metabolism in this yeast. Glucose transporters mediate xylose uptake, but no transporter specific for xylose has yet been identified. Over-expressing genes for aldose (xylose) reductase, xylitol dehydrogenase and moderate levels of xylulokinase enable xylose assimilation and fermentation, but a balanced supply of NAD(P) and NAD(P)H must be maintained to avoid xylitol production. Reducing production of NADPH by blocking the oxidative pentose phosphate cycle can reduce xylitol formation, but this occurs at the expense of xylose assimilation. Respiration is critical for growth on xylose by both native xylose-fermenting yeasts and recombinant S, cerevisiae. Anaerobic growth by recombinant mutants has been reported. Reducing the respiration capacity of xylose-metabolizing yeasts increases ethanol production. Recently, two routes for arabinose metabolism have been engineered in S. cerevisiae and adapted strains of Pichia stipitis have been shown to ferment hydrolysates with ethanol yields of 0.45 g g–1 sugar consumed, so commercialization seems feasible for some applications.  相似文献   

On the mechanism of the pentose phosphate epimerases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Differentiation in Azotobacter vinelandii involves the encystment of the vegetative cell under adverse environmental circumstances and the germination of the resting cell into the vegetative state when growth conditions are satisfactory again. Morphologically, the encystment process involves the development of a protective coat around the resting cell. This coat partly consists of multiple layers of alginate, which is a co-polymer of β- d -mannuronic acid (M) and α- l -guluronic acid (G). Alginate contributes to coat rigidity by virtue of a high content of GG blocks. Such block structures are generated through a family of mannuronan C-5 epimerases that convert M to G after polymerization. Results from immunodetection and light microscopy, using stains that distinguish between different cyst components and types, indicate a correlation between cyst coat organization and the amount and appearance of mannuronan C-5 epimerases in the extracellular medium and attached to the cells. Specific roles of individual members of the epimerase family are indicated. Calcium and magnesium ions appear to have different roles in the structural organization of the cyst coat. Also reported is a new gene sharing strong sequence homology with parts of the epimerase-encoded R-modules. This gene is located within the epimerase gene cluster of Azotobacter vinelandii .  相似文献   

Production of d-xylose and l-arabinose isomerases by lactic acid bacteria was greatly promoted by the addition of manganese ions in cultural medium. Effective concentration of the ions was 5 × 1O-3 m. Ferrous ions were also effective for the production of d-xylose isomerase and cobaltous ions were somewhat effective for the production of l-arabinose isomerase. Zinc and cadmium ions inhibited bacterial growth. It was possible to increase the production of isomerase by changing MnSO4 concentration to 5× 10-3 m (0.l1 %) in place of 0.001 per cent in the normal medium.

Column chromatographic procedures for the purification of pentose isomerases were carried out. Cation and anion exchange resins were not suitable because of their low exchange capacities and instability of the enzyme at acidic pH range. But the isomerases were successfully purified by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography with high recovery (85~90%). Using a Tris buffer, KCl concentration was increased in gradient. d-Xylose isomerase was eluted at pH 7.0 at 0~0.2 m KCl, and l-arabinose isomerase at pH 8.0 at 0~0.4 m KCl. The purified isomerases, d-xylose isomerase and l-arabinose isomerase, both required manganese ions specifically for their activities.

D-Xylose isomerase and l-arabinose isomerase are different enzymes which can be separated from each other with acetone fractionation at pH 4.8~5.0, heat treatment or chromatography on a colnmn of DEAE-cellulose. In DEAE-cellulose chromatography with a linear gradient elution method, d-xylose isomerase is recovered in the first peak at pH 7.0 (Tris bnffer) with 0~0.2 m KCl, and l-arabinose isomerase is eluted in the second peak at pH 8.0 (Tris buffer) with a larger ionic strength.  相似文献   

Peptidyl-prolyl isomerases catalyze the conversion between cis and trans isomers of proline. The cyclophilin family of peptidyl-prolyl isomerases is well known for being the target of the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin, used to combat organ transplant rejection. There is great interest in both the substrate specificity of these enzymes and the design of isoform-selective ligands for them. However, the dearth of available data for individual family members inhibits attempts to design drug specificity; additionally, in order to define physiological functions for the cyclophilins, definitive isoform characterization is required. In the current study, enzymatic activity was assayed for 15 of the 17 human cyclophilin isomerase domains, and binding to the cyclosporin scaffold was tested. In order to rationalize the observed isoform diversity, the high-resolution crystallographic structures of seven cyclophilin domains were determined. These models, combined with seven previously solved cyclophilin isoforms, provide the basis for a family-wide structure∶function analysis. Detailed structural analysis of the human cyclophilin isomerase explains why cyclophilin activity against short peptides is correlated with an ability to ligate cyclosporin and why certain isoforms are not competent for either activity. In addition, we find that regions of the isomerase domain outside the proline-binding surface impart isoform specificity for both in vivo substrates and drug design. We hypothesize that there is a well-defined molecular surface corresponding to the substrate-binding S2 position that is a site of diversity in the cyclophilin family. Computational simulations of substrate binding in this region support our observations. Our data indicate that unique isoform determinants exist that may be exploited for development of selective ligands and suggest that the currently available small-molecule and peptide-based ligands for this class of enzyme are insufficient for isoform specificity.

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The reaction of pentoses with anthrone   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文

D-glycero-L-galacto-Octulose and L-glycero-L-galacto-octulose accumulated when leaves of Kenland red clover (Trifolium pratense) were allowed to imbibe solutions of D-gulose or D-xylose and L-mannose or L-arabinose, respectively. The octuloses were isolated and identified by paper chromatography and by oxidative degradations to the corresponding lower sugars. Assignments of the D and L configuration were made on the basis of optical rotation. It is suggested that formation of the octuloses from the hexoses and pentoses is mediated through transketolase and aldolase or transaldolase catalysis, respectively.  相似文献   

Immunophilins are a family of highly conserved proteins with a peptidyl-prolyl isomerase activity that binds immunosuppressive drugs such as FK506, cyclosporin A, and rapamycin. Immunophilins can be divided into two subfamilies, the cyclophilins, and the FK506 binding proteins (FKBPs). Next to the immunophilins, a third group of peptidyl-prolyl isomerases exist, the parvulins, which do not influence the immune system. The beneficial role of immunophilin ligands in neurodegenerative disease models has been known for more than a decade but remains largely unexplained in terms of molecular mechanisms. In this review, we summarize reported effects of parvulins, immunophilins, and their ligands in the context of neurodegeneration. We focus on the role of FKBP12 in Parkinson's disease and propose it as a novel drug target for therapy of Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Evidence is provided to show that in the conventional phenol-sulfuric acid reaction procedure, phenol underwent sulfonation in situ and the phenolsulfonic acid formed decreased the color intensity for hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF), furfural, and many hexoses and pentoses tested. A modified method is described to overcome this problem in which phenol was added after the dehydration of carbohydrates by sulfuric acid and after cooling the system. The color intensity around 475-485 nm for different compounds was fairly proportional to the amount of furfural derivatives (absorption at 310-320 nm) formed from the sugars in the modified method unlike in the conventional procedure. The studies also show that for condensation of HMF derivatives with phenol, heat is not necessary. The color intensity in the modified method also increased compared to that in the conventional method. The increase in the modified method compared to that in the conventional method was 6.0-fold for furfural, 9.1-fold for hydroxymethyl furfural, 3.7-fold for fructose, 2.3-fold for xylose, and 2.0-fold for glucose and arabinose. The possible reasons for this differential increase are discussed.  相似文献   

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