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An age-related ‘positivity’ effect has been identified, in which older adults show an information-processing bias towards positive emotional items in attention and memory. In the present study, we examined this positivity bias by using a novel paradigm in which emotional and neutral distractors were presented along with emotionally valenced targets. Thirty-five older and 37 younger adults were asked during encoding to attend to emotional targets paired with distractors that were either neutral or opposite in valence to the target. Pupillary responses were recorded during initial encoding as well as a later incidental recognition task. Memory and pupillary responses for negative items were not affected by the valence of distractors, suggesting that positive distractors did not automatically attract older adults’ attention while they were encoding negative targets. Additionally, the pupil dilation to negative items mediated the relation between age and positivity in memory. Overall, memory and pupillary responses provide converging support for a cognitive control account of positivity effects in late adulthood and suggest a link between attentional processes and the memory positivity effect.  相似文献   



Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) and global profiling of gene expression (microarrays) are two major technological breakthroughs that allow hypothesis-free identification of candidate genes associated with tumorigenesis. It is not obvious whether there is a consistency between the candidate genes identified by GWAS (GWAS genes) and those identified by profiling gene expression (microarray genes).

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used the Cancer Genetic Markers Susceptibility database to retrieve single nucleotide polymorphisms from candidate genes for prostate cancer. In addition, we conducted a large meta-analysis of gene expression data in normal prostate and prostate tumor tissue. We identified 13,905 genes that were interrogated by both GWASs and microarrays. On the basis of P values from GWASs, we selected 1,649 most significantly associated genes for functional annotation by the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery. We also conducted functional annotation analysis using same number of the top genes identified in the meta-analysis of the gene expression data. We found that genes involved in cell adhesion were overrepresented among both the GWAS and microarray genes.


We conclude that the results of these analyses suggest that combining GWAS and microarray data would be a more effective approach than analyzing individual datasets and can help to refine the identification of candidate genes and functions associated with tumor development.  相似文献   

Andrews TJ 《Current biology : CB》2005,15(12):R451-R453
The way in which information about complex objects and faces is represented in visual cortex is controversial. One model posits that information is processed in modules, highly specialized for different categories of objects; an opposing model appeals to a distributed representation across a large network of visual areas. A recent paper uses a novel imaging technique to address this controversy.  相似文献   

The central nervous system (CNS) effects of anticholinergic agents have been documented in various patient populations and to varying degrees in case reports, brain-activity surrogates, and computerized cognitive testing. The older patient population with overactive bladder represents a group at increased risk of cognitive impairment and other CNS side effects associated with antimuscarinic agents. The complexity of the effect of anticholinergic agents on CNS function requires an increased level of careful investigation. Studies need to be performed in the at-risk population with multiple, validated tests at clinically prescribed doses in acute and chronic situations. These studies need to take into account the effect of commonly prescribed dosing regimens, with doses selected to represent with equivalent bladder potency. The alterations in the serum levels and parent/metabolite effects contributed by metabolic issues or drug delivery systems require special attention.  相似文献   

In the redundant target effect, participants respond faster with two (redundant) targets. We compared the magnitude of this effect in younger and older adults, with and without distractors, in a simple visual-detection task. We employed additional measures that allow non-parametric assessment of performance (Townsend''s capacity coefficient) and parametric estimates (Linear Ballistic Accumulator model). Older participants'' latencies were slower, especially in the presence of distractors, and their calculated capacity indicators increased with distractors. Parametric estimates indicated that these increases were generated by the older adults'' increased difficulty in inhibiting the distractors, and not the results of either improved detection of redundant-targets, or of a generalized slowing of processing.  相似文献   



The selection of appropriate frames of reference (FOR) is a key factor in the elaboration of spatial perception and the production of robust interaction with our environment. The extent to which we perceive the head axis orientation (subjective head orientation, SHO) with both accuracy and precision likely contributes to the efficiency of these spatial interactions. A first goal of this study was to investigate the relative contribution of both the visual and egocentric FOR (centre-of-mass) in the SHO processing. A second goal was to investigate humans'' ability to process SHO in various sensory response modalities (visual, haptic and visuo-haptic), and the way they modify the reliance to either the visual or egocentric FORs. A third goal was to question whether subjects combined visual and haptic cues optimally to increase SHO certainty and to decrease the FORs disruption effect.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Thirteen subjects were asked to indicate their SHO while the visual and/or egocentric FORs were deviated. Four results emerged from our study. First, visual rod settings to SHO were altered by the tilted visual frame but not by the egocentric FOR alteration, whereas no haptic settings alteration was observed whether due to the egocentric FOR alteration or the tilted visual frame. These results are modulated by individual analysis. Second, visual and egocentric FOR dependency appear to be negatively correlated. Third, the response modality enrichment appears to improve SHO. Fourth, several combination rules of the visuo-haptic cues such as the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE), Winner-Take-All (WTA) or Unweighted Mean (UWM) rule seem to account for SHO improvements. However, the UWM rule seems to best account for the improvement of visuo-haptic estimates, especially in situations with high FOR incongruence. Finally, the data also indicated that FOR reliance resulted from the application of UWM rule. This was observed more particularly, in the visual dependent subject. Conclusions: Taken together, these findings emphasize the importance of identifying individual spatial FOR preferences to assess the efficiency of our interaction with the environment whilst performing spatial tasks.  相似文献   



Menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) reportedly increases the risk of cognitive decline in women over age 65 y. It is unknown whether similar risks exist for recently postmenopausal women, and whether MHT affects mood in younger women. The ancillary Cognitive and Affective Study (KEEPS-Cog) of the Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study (KEEPS) examined the effects of up to 4 y of MHT on cognition and mood in recently postmenopausal women.

Methods and Findings

KEEPS, a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial, was conducted at nine US academic centers. Of the 727 women enrolled in KEEPS, 693 (95.3%) participated in the ancillary KEEPS-Cog, with 220 women randomized to receive 4 y of 0.45 mg/d oral conjugated equine estrogens (o-CEE) plus 200 mg/d micronized progesterone (m-P) for the first 12 d of each month, 211 women randomized to receive 50 μg/d transdermal estradiol (t-E2) plus 200 mg/d m-P for the first 12 d of each month, and 262 women randomized to receive placebo pills and patches. Primary outcomes included the Modified Mini-Mental State examination; four cognitive factors: verbal learning/memory, auditory attention/working memory, visual attention/executive function, and speeded language/mental flexibility; and a mood measure, the Profile of Mood States (POMS). MHT effects were analyzed using linear mixed-effects (LME) models, which make full use of all available data from each participant, including those with missing data. Data from those with and without full data were compared to assess for potential biases resulting from missing observations. For statistically significant results, we calculated effect sizes (ESs) to evaluate the magnitude of changes.On average, participants were 52.6 y old, and 1.4 y past their last menstrual period. By month 48, 169 (24.4%) and 158 (22.8%) of the 693 women who consented for ancillary KEEPS-Cog were lost to follow-up for cognitive assessment (3MS and cognitive factors) and mood evaluations (POMS), respectively. However, because LME models make full use all available data, including data from women with missing data, 95.5% of participants were included in the final analysis (n = 662 in cognitive analyses, and n = 661 in mood analyses). To be included in analyses, women must have provided baseline data, and data from at least one post-baseline visit. The mean length of follow-up was 2.85 y (standard deviation [SD] = 0.49) for cognitive outcomes and 2.76 (SD = 0.57) for mood outcomes. No treatment-related benefits were found on cognitive outcomes. For mood, model estimates indicated that women treated with o-CEE showed improvements in depression and anxiety symptoms over the 48 mo of treatment, compared to women on placebo. The model estimate for the depression subscale was −5.36 × 10−2 (95% CI, −8.27 × 10−2 to −2.44 × 10−2; ES = 0.49, p < 0.001) and for the anxiety subscale was −3.01 × 10−2 (95% CI, −5.09 × 10−2 to −9.34 × 10−3; ES = 0.26, p < 0.001). Mood outcomes for women randomized to t-E2 were similar to those for women on placebo. Importantly, the KEEPS-Cog results cannot be extrapolated to treatment longer than 4 y.


The KEEPS-Cog findings suggest that for recently postmenopausal women, MHT did not alter cognition as hypothesized. However, beneficial mood effects with small to medium ESs were noted with 4 y of o-CEE, but not with 4 y of t-E2. The generalizability of these findings is limited to recently postmenopausal women with low cardiovascular risk profiles.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00154180 and NCT00623311  相似文献   

饱食则耐渴?论干旱和盐度对新西兰红树林的影响尽管已有大量的研究考察了非生物胁迫因素对植物的影响,但是我们对干旱造成植物死亡的机理尚无定论,而对多种胁迫因子之间的相互作用更是知之甚少。非结构性碳水化合物(NSCs)在防止或延缓因干旱造成死亡方面的作用正日益引人关注。在本研究中,我们探讨了NSCs在缓解新西兰红树林(Avicennia marina subsp. australasica)受干旱和盐度影响时所起的作用。首先,我们对植物体内的NSC 水平进行了实验调控,随后将植株置于不同的干旱和盐度组合环境中培育。研究结果表明,在高盐度且高度干旱的条件下,高NSC水平组(H-NSC)的植物生长速率和存活率分别比低NSC水平组(L-NSC)的高出2和3倍。在高盐度且高度干旱的条件下培育了12周后,H-NSC组植株的茎杆导水率(281 ± 50 mmol cm−1 s−1 MPa−1)高于L-NSC组植株(134 ± 40 mmol cm−1 s−1 MPa−1)。尽管淀粉含量保持相对稳定,但H-NSC组植株茎杆中的可溶性糖含量在高盐度且高度干旱条件下的第8周时比第12周时高出20%。这些研究结果表明:1) NSCs对于缓解因干旱和与之相关的高盐度造成的较低土壤水势的影响具有重要作用;2)旱、盐联合胁迫下的植株生长受到库的限制。  相似文献   

The purpose of the research was to study the effects of long-term isolation on night sleep of the healthy human. The data were collected during international ground simulation of the interplanetary manned flight “Mars-500.” Polysomnography recordings of six healthy men were performed before, four times during and after 520-days confinement. During the isolation sleep efficiency and delta-latency decreased, while sleep latency increased mainly one month and half before the end of the isolation. Post-hoc analysis demonstrated significant differences between background and the last measure during isolation. Frequency of the nights with low sleep efficiency significantly increased before important events for the subjects, those like simulation of Mars landing and the end of the confinement. Two weeks after landing simulation the amount of the nights with low sleep efficiency significantly decreased. Therefore, anticipation of the significant event during long-term isolation might be an additional factor for sleep worsening and result in difficulties to fall asleep in previously healthy men.  相似文献   

Examination of the cortical auditory evoked potentials to complex tones changing in pitch and timbre suggests a useful new method for investigating higher auditory processes, in particular those concerned with `streaming' and auditory object formation. The main conclusions were: (i) the N1 evoked by a sudden change in pitch or timbre was more posteriorly distributed than the N1 at the onset of the tone, indicating at least partial segregation of the neuronal populations responsive to sound onset and spectral change; (ii) the T-complex was consistently larger over the right hemisphere, consistent with clinical and PET evidence for particular involvement of the right temporal lobe in the processing of timbral and musical material; (iii) responses to timbral change were relatively unaffected by increasing the rate of interspersed changes in pitch, suggesting a mechanism for detecting the onset of a new voice in a constantly modulated sound stream; (iv) responses to onset, offset and pitch change of complex tones were relatively unaffected by interfering tones when the latter were of a different timbre, suggesting these responses must be generated subsequent to auditory stream segregation.  相似文献   

Nosocomial bacterial infections in critically ill patients are generally preceded by asymptomatic carriage (i.e. colonization) at one, or even several, body sites such as the skin, the gastro-intestinal and the respiratory tract. Different routes of transmission between the colonized sites create a complex epidemiology, which is additionally complicated by the smallness of the patient population size and the rapid patient turnover, characteristic for intensive care units (ICUs). Naturally occurring large fluctuations in the prevalence of colonization make it very difficult to determine the efficacy of control measures that aim to reduce the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in ICUs. Theoretical models can sharpen our intuition through carefully designed thought experiments. In this spirit, we introduce and investigate two models that incorporate the fact that patients may be colonized at multiple body sites. Our study can be applied to several pathogens commonly found in ICUs, such Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, enteric Gram-negative bacteria, MRSA and enterococci. We evaluate the effects of barrier precautions (improved hygiene, use of gloves and gowns, etc.) and of administration of nonabsorbable antibiotics on the prevalence of colonization in ICUs and find that the effect of the controversial, though widely used, antibiotic prophylaxis can only be substantial if the patient-to-patient transmission has already been reduced to a subcritical level by barrier precautions. Taking into account that the very use of antibiotics may increase the selection for resistant strains and may thereby only add to the ever increasing problem of antibiotic resistance, our findings hence represent a firm theoretical argument against the routine use of topical antimicrobial prophylaxis for infection control.  相似文献   

Externally generated visual motion signals can cause the illusion of self-motion in space (vection) and corresponding visually evoked postural responses (VEPR). These VEPRs are not simple responses to optokinetic stimulation, but are modulated by the configuration of the environment. The aim of this paper is to explore what factors modulate VEPRs in a high quality virtual reality (VR) environment where real and virtual foreground objects served as static visual, auditory and haptic reference points. Data from four experiments on visually evoked postural responses show that: 1) visually evoked postural sway in the lateral direction is modulated by the presence of static anchor points that can be haptic, visual and auditory reference signals; 2) real objects and their matching virtual reality representations as visual anchors have different effects on postural sway; 3) visual motion in the anterior-posterior plane induces robust postural responses that are not modulated by the presence of reference signals or the reality of objects that can serve as visual anchors in the scene. We conclude that automatic postural responses for laterally moving visual stimuli are strongly influenced by the configuration and interpretation of the environment and draw on multisensory representations. Different postural responses were observed for real and virtual visual reference objects. On the basis that automatic visually evoked postural responses in high fidelity virtual environments should mimic those seen in real situations we propose to use the observed effect as a robust objective test for presence and fidelity in VR.  相似文献   

Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis is the most common clinical form of cutaneous sporotrichosis. Caused by a complex of dimorphic fungi called Sporothrix schenckii complex, it is an occupational disease, present especially in tropical and subtropical areas, and has been reported in all continents. Diagnosis is established by isolation of the causative agent. Therapy of choice for lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis is itraconazole, and in developing countries, potassium iodide solution. In general, the lymphocutaneous form is considered a mild benign form of the disease, and the majority of cases respond well to treatment in about 3–4 months of therapy. In this paper, we have made a general review of the disease, especially of the epidemiology, clinical features and diagnosis of the lymphocutaneous form, as well as a brief analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of diverse treatments.  相似文献   

Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, in vitro bioassay and enzyme-linked immunoassay were used to study the structural-functional relationships of recombinant mink growth hormone (mGH), refolded and stored under different conditions. Porcine GH (pGH) was synthesized and used as an example. These two hormones, when refolded and stored the same way, had the same secondary structures, biological and immunological efficacy, and biological potency. Only the immunological potency differed, mGH being significantly less potent than pGH. Renaturation pH and storing frozen or at 4 °C in 5% glycerol did not affect either the secondary structure or the activity. However, freeze-drying raised the content of buried α-helices and lowered that of solvated α-helices and of unordered structures. These conformational changes were associated with a reduction of immunological and biological potency of mGH and of immunological potency of pGH. These findings provide original information on the secondary structure of mGH, and show that conformational changes induced by lyophilization adversely affect its activity.  相似文献   

Parental age at offspring conception often influences offspring longevity, but the mechanisms underlying this link are poorly understood. One mechanism that may be important is telomeres, highly conserved, repetitive sections of non-coding DNA that form protective caps at chromosome ends and are often positively associated with longevity. Here, the potential pathways by which the age of the parents at the time of conception may impact offspring telomeres are described first, including direct effects on parental gamete telomeres and indirect effects on offspring telomere loss during pre- or post-natal development. Then a surge of recent studies demonstrating the effects of parental age on offspring telomeres in diverse taxa are reviewed. In doing so, important areas for future research and experimental approaches that will enhance the understanding of how and when these effects likely occur are highlighted. It is concluded by considering the potential evolutionary consequences of parental age on offspring telomeres.  相似文献   

Understanding the signals used by plants to attract seed disperses is a pervasive quest in evolutionary and sensory biology. Fruit size, colour, and odour variation have long been discussed in the controversial context of dispersal syndromes targeting olfactory-oriented versus visually-oriented foragers. Trade-offs in signal investment could impose important physiological constraints on plants, yet have been largely ignored. Here, we measure the reflectance and volatile organic compounds of a community of Malagasy plants and our results indicate that extant plant signals may represent a trade-off between olfactory and chromatic signals. Blue pigments are the most visually-effective – blue is a colour that is visually salient to all known seed dispersing animals within the study system. Additionally, plants with blue-reflecting fruits are less odiferous than plants that reflect primarily in other regions of the colour spectrum.  相似文献   

The family Mugilidae (Pisces, Mugiliformes) includes species which are present in all tropical and temperate regions. Six species, Chelon labrosus, Mugil cephalus, Liza aurata, L. ramada, L. saliens, Oedalechilus labeo, are commonly found in the Mediterranean. These species have been widely studied through morphological, biochemical, and molecular markers. However, their phylogenetic relationships, and therefore the assumed monophyly of Liza species, still remain unclear: To further investigate this topic, gene-enzyme systems and sequences of the partial 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene were analyzed in Italian samples of all six Mediterranean species. The phylogenetic reconstructions indicated M. cephalus as being the most divergent species and the existence of a main cluster including all the Mediterranean species of Liza and C. labrosus. The parametric bootstrap approach adopted to test alternative phylogenetic hypotheses indicated that the Mediterranean species of Liza do not form a monophyletic group exclusive of Chelon.  相似文献   

The present report describes the effects of paclobutrazol andheat hardening treatments on the protein synthesis patternsin imbibing and germinating wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivumL. cv Frederick) during heat stress. A heat hardening treatmentgiven during the imbibition period induced the transient expressionof 118, 90, 70 and 18 kDa heat shock proteins (HSPs). However,the hardening and paclobutrazol treatments did not enhance thethermotolerance of imbibed seeds or etiolated seedlings. Bycontrast, the hardening and paclobutrazol treatments enhancedthe thermotolerance of light-grown seedlings. While, both hardenedand unhardened control seedlings synthesized several HSPs duringa high temperature stress period, these proteins were not synthesizedby the paclobutrazol-treated, light-grown seedlings. Thus, HSPsynthesis during heat shock may have been a manifestation ofstress perception by the seedlings and may not have mediatedthe thermotolerance induced by the triazole treatments. Sincedifferential thermotolerance was only apparent in light-grownseedlings, it is suggested that chloroplasts may be requiredfor the expression of paclobutrazol- and hardening-induced thermoprotection.Additional evidence indicating that chloroplasts are an importantsite of injury during high temperature stress was obtained fromchlorophyll fluorescence measurements. (Received July 11, 1994; Accepted October 26, 1994)  相似文献   

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