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We investigated the prevalence of Legionella species isolated from puddles on asphalt roads. In addition, we carried out sequence-based typing (SBT) analysis on the genetic relationship between L. pneumophila serogroup 1 (SG 1) isolates from puddles and from stock strains previously obtained from sputum specimens and public baths. Sixty-nine water samples were collected from puddles on roads at 6 fixed locations. Legionella species were detected in 33 samples (47.8%) regardless of season. Among the 325 isolates from puddles, strains of L. pneumophila SG 1, a major causative agent of Legionnaires'' disease, were the most frequently isolated (n = 62, 19.1%). Sixty-two isolates of L. pneumophila SG 1 from puddles were classified into 36 sequence types (STs) by SBT. ST120 and ST48 were identified as major STs. Environmental ST120 strains from puddles were found for the first time in this study. Among the 14 STs of the clinical isolates (n = 19), 4 STs (n = 6, 31.6%), including ST120, were also detected in isolates from puddles on roads, and the sources of infection in these cases remained unclear. The lag-1 gene, a tentative marker for clinical isolates, was prevalent in puddle isolates (61.3%). Our findings suggest that puddles on asphalt roads serve as potential reservoirs for L. pneumophila in the environment.  相似文献   

During the summer of 2012, a major Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 outbreak occurred in Quebec City, Canada, which caused 182 declared cases of Legionnaire''s disease and included 13 fatalities. Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 isolates from 23 patients as well as from 32 cooling towers located in the vicinity of the outbreak were recovered for analysis. In addition, 6 isolates from the 1996 Quebec City outbreak and 4 isolates from patients unrelated to both outbreaks were added to allow comparison. We characterized the isolates using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, sequence-based typing, and whole genome sequencing. The comparison of patients-isolated strains to cooling tower isolates allowed the identification of the tower that was the source of the outbreak. Legionella pneumophila strain Quebec 2012 was identified as a ST-62 by sequence-based typing methodology. Two new Legionellaceae plasmids were found only in the epidemic strain. The LVH type IV secretion system was found in the 2012 outbreak isolates but not in the ones from the 1996 outbreak and only in half of the contemporary human isolates. The epidemic strains replicated more efficiently and were more cytotoxic to human macrophages than the environmental strains tested. At least four Icm/Dot effectors in the epidemic strains were absent in the environmental strains suggesting that some effectors could impact the intracellular replication in human macrophages. Sequence-based typing and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis combined with whole genome sequencing allowed the identification and the analysis of the causative strain including its likely environmental source.  相似文献   

A two-stage chemostat model of a plumbing system was developed, with tap water as the sole nutrient source. The model system was populated with a naturally occurring inoculum derived from an outbreak of Legionnaires' disease and containing Legionella pneumophila along with associated bacteria and protozoa. The model system was used to develop biofilms on the surfaces of a range of eight plumbing materials under controlled, reproducible conditions. The materials varied in their abilities to support biofilm development and the growth of L. pneumophila. Elastomeric surfaces had the most abundant biofilms supporting the highest numbers of L. pneumophila CFU; this was attributed to the leaching of nutrients for bacterial growth from the materials. No direct relationship existed between total biofouling and the numbers of L. pneumophila CFU.  相似文献   

Methods are described for detection of Legionella pneumophila in cooling tower water or other water sources by direct fluorescent-antibody staining. A procedure for isolation of Legionella bacteria from water samples by guinea pig inoculation is described. Two different serogroups of L. pneumophila were isolated repeatedly from one of the cooling towers.  相似文献   

A new method for the rapid and sensitive detection of Legionella pneumophila in hot water systems has been developed. The method is based on an IF assay combined with detection by solid-phase cytometry. This method allowed the enumeration of L. pneumophila serogroup 1 and L. pneumophila serogroups 2 to 6, 8 to 10, and 12 to 15 in tap water samples within 3 to 4 h. The sensitivity of the method was between 10 and 100 bacteria per liter and was principally limited by the filtration capacity of membranes. The specificity of the antibody was evaluated against 15 non-Legionella strains, and no cross-reactivity was observed. When the method was applied to natural waters, direct counts of L. pneumophila were compared with the number of CFU obtained by the standard culture method. Direct counts were always higher than culturable counts, and the ratio between the two methods ranged from 1.4 to 325. Solid-phase cytometry offers a fast and sensitive alternative to the culture method for L. pneumophila screening in hot water systems.  相似文献   

A total of 560 Legionella species were isolated from environmental water sources from public facilities from June to September 2008 throughout South Korea. The distribution of Legionella isolates was investigated according to geographical region, facility type, and sample type. The genetic diversity of 104 isolates of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 (sg 1) was analyzed by sequence-based typing (SBT). L. pneumophila was distributed broadly throughout Korea, accounting for 85.0% of the isolates, and L. pneumophila sg 1 predominated in all of the public facilities except for the springs. Legionella anisa and Legionella bozemanii predominated among non-L. pneumophila species (48.1% and 21.0%, respectively). The second most dominant strain differed depending on the facility type: L. anisa was the second most dominant strain in the buildings (10.8%), L. pneumophila sg 5 in public baths (21.6%), L. pneumophila sg 6 in factories (12.0%), and L. pneumophila sg 7 in hospitals (13.1%). In the SBT analysis, 104 L. pneumophila sg 1 isolates were differentiated into 26 sequence types (STs) and categorized into 3 clonal groups (CGs) and 10 singleton STs via the eBURST V3 program. ST1, a potential founder of major CG1, was commonly distributed (48.1%). The dominant ST in hot water was ST-K1 (7, 12, 17, 3, 35, 11, 11), which was designated in this study (36.1%). The second most dominant strain differed depending on the type of facility from which the samples were obtained. The unique allelic profile of ST-K1, obtained from hot water, was not found in the European Working Group for Legionella Infections (EWGLI) SBT database.Legionella species, ubiquitous Gram-negative bacteria, are found in a variety of artificial water systems, natural freshwaters, and soils. Currently, the Legionella genus includes 52 species and more than 70 different serogroups, and more than 20 species have been proven to be causative agents of Legionnaires'' disease (LD). The species Legionella pneumophila accounts for approximately 90% of confirmed cases of legionellosis, and L. pneumophila serogroup 1 (sg 1) has been recognized as the most important agent in this regard, as that specific strain was initially implicated as the pathogen causative of LD in 1977 (15; http://www.bacterio.cict.fr/l/legionellaceae.html). The other non-L. pneumophila sg 1 strains, sg 2 to 15, accounted for 7.4% of cases, and Legionella longbeachae (3.9%) and Legionella bozemanii (2.4%) have also been associated with the pathogen of LD. In particular, L. longbeachae has been recognized as accounting for 30.4% of community-acquired Legionella isolates in Australia and New Zealand (53).The most common transmission mechanism of legionellosis is the inhalation of aerosols from the water systems of artificial facilities, including large buildings, hotels, hospitals, public baths, spas, or decorative fountains contaminated by Legionella species (1). Therefore, hot water and water from cooling towers have been perceived as sources of infection in cases of community-acquired, nosocomially acquired, or travel-associated LD (15, 26, 31, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43). Thus, it is important from a public health perspective to continually survey environmental water systems for the presence of Legionella species (2, 34, 35). In particular, hot-water systems used as public baths, such as springs, spas, or tubs, have become a popular means of recreation in a lot of countries, including South Korea. The contamination of hot-water systems has gradually become recognized as an important risk factor all over the world (4, 12, 18, 23, 42, 50), as sources of legionellosis have been detected increasingly since 1982 (52) and many cases of nosocomially acquired (32, 51) and community-acquired (6, 7, 48) LD have been detected in Legionella-contaminated hot-water systems or hot springs.In South Korea, several cases of nosocomial infection and community-acquired pneumonia have occasionally been reported (9, 45) since the first recognized outbreak in South Korea in 1984, which was associated with Legionella gormanii (27). Since 2006, the Korean National Infectious Disease Surveillance (NIDS) program (http://dis.cdc.go.kr/) has reported an average of 20 cases of LD per year (29). In South Korea, surveys of Legionella acquired from environmental water in public facilities such as hot springs and public baths has been gradually enhanced since 2007. An annual training program for the detection of Legionella species from environmental water systems and clinical specimens is currently conducted for the personnel of 16 Provincial Institute of Health and Environment locations (PIHEs) throughout South Korea. Recently, the rate of detection of environmental Legionella bacteria has been gradually increasing (8.1% in 2006, 9.4% in 2007, and 10.3% in 2008).The principal objectives of this study were to assess the current distribution of Legionella species from environmental water sources from public facilities such as buildings, hotels, public baths, springs, hospitals, or factories throughout South Korea. Additionally, the molecular typing of L. pneumophila sg 1 isolates was conducted using sequence-based typing (SBT) to assess the genetic diversity among the isolates.  相似文献   

The factors involved in the survival of Legionella pneumophila in the microcosms of both hot spring water and tap water were studied by examining cultivability and metabolic activity. L. pneumophila could survive by maintaining metabolic activity but was noncultivable in all microcosms at 42°C, except for one microcosm with a pH of <2.0. Lower temperatures supported survival without loss of cultivability. The cultivability declined with increasing temperature, although metabolic activity was observed at temperatures of up to 45°C. The optimal range of pH for survival was between 6.0 and 8. The metabolic activity could be maintained for long periods even in microcosms with high concentrations of salt. The cultivability of organisms in the post-exponential phase in a tap water microcosm with a low inoculum size was more rapidly reduced than that of organisms in the exponential phase. In contrast, the loss of cultivability in microcosms of a high inoculum size was significant in the exponential phase. Random(ly) amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of microcosms where cultivability was lost but metabolic activity was retained showed no change compared to cells grown freshly, although an effect on the amplified DNA band pattern by production of stress proteins was expected. Resuscitation by the addition of Acanthamoeba castellanii to the microcosm in which cultivability was completely lost but metabolic activity was maintained was observed only in part of the cell population. Our results suggest that L. pneumophila cell populations can potentially survive as free organisms for long periods by maintaining metabolic activity but temporarily losing cultivability under strict environments and requiring resuscitation by ingestion by amoebas.  相似文献   

We evaluated a ready-to-use real-time quantitative Legionella pneumophila PCR assay system by testing 136 hot-water-system samples collected from 55 sites as well as 49 cooling tower samples collected from 20 different sites, in parallel with the standard culture method. The PCR assay was reproducible and suitable for routine quantification of L. pneumophila. An acceptable correlation between PCR and culture results was obtained for sanitary hot-water samples but not for cooling tower samples. We also monitored the same L. pneumophila-contaminated cooling tower for 13 months by analyzing 104 serial samples. The culture and PCR results were extremely variable over time, but the curves were similar. The differences between the PCR and culture results did not change over time and were not affected by regular biocide treatment. This ready-to-use PCR assay for L. pneumophila quantification could permit more timely disinfection of cooling towers.  相似文献   

This study focused on culture-dependent survey of important bacterial community diversity of hot springs of Odisha. India. Molecular and cultural techniques were employed for assessing and exploiting the genetic and functional variability among the isolates obtained from three alkaline and mesophilic hot springs. A total of 48 isolates belonging to family Bacillaceae, Paenibacillaceae, Planococcaceae, Pseudomonadaceae and Enterobacteriaceae were identified. Majority of the bacterial isolates were affiliated with the genus Bacillus. Morphologically all the isolated bacteria were either Gram-positive spore-forming rods, or Gram-negative rods. The optimum temperature for growth of the isolates varied between 37°C to 50°C. The functional diversity revealed that many of the predominant and scarce isolates produced a variety of extracellular enzymes such as amylase, cellulase, lipase, phosphatase and protease, and genus Bacillus dominated for extracellular enzymatic activity. We employed two molecular markers to characterize the isolates. The hsp60 universal target sequence was found to be more discriminatory than 16s rRNA gene sequences. The cultivable bacterial community structure that colonized in the investigated thermal springs did not reveal much overlapping. Our results indicate that bacteria in the geothermal environment are metabolically active and cultivable populations may have great potential in biotechnology.  相似文献   

Two strains of Legionella pneumophila of different virulence were examined for their influence on the metabolic oxidative activity of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The leukocytes exhibited decreased rates of oxygen consumption and diminished chemiluminescence activity following phagocytosis of a virulent strain of L. pneumophila serogroup 1. In contrast, phagocytosis of its multipassaged derivative rendered avirulent, was accompanied by increased rates of both oxygen consumption and chemiluminescence activity. Although no differences were observed in oxygen uptake induced by the virulent legionellae compared to leukocytes at rest, statistically significant differences were observed in the chemiluminescence responses. These observations were not unexpected, since the luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence assay, is more sensitive than the oxygen uptake assay. In spite of decreased metabolic activity of PMN in the presence of virulent legionellae, electron microscope studies showed higher numbers of intracellular L. pneumophila than the avirulent subtype. Thus, virulent and avirulent L. pneumophila can be differentiated on the basis of oxygen consumption and chemiluminescence assays.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila infects humans to produce legionellosis and Pontiac fever only from environmental sources. In order to establish control measures and study the sources of outbreaks it is essential to know extent and distribution of strain variants of this bacterium in the environment. Sporadic and outbreak-related cases of legionellosis have been historically frequent in the Comunidad Valenciana region (CV, Spain), with a high prevalence in its Southeastern-most part (BV). Environmental investigations for the detection of Legionella pneumophila are performed in this area routinely. We present a population genetics study of 87 L. pneumophila strains isolated in 13 different localities of the BV area irrigated from the same watershed and compare them to a dataset of 46 strains isolated in different points of the whole CV. Our goal was to compare environmental genetic variation at two different geographic scales, at county and regional levels. Genetic diversity, recombination and population structure were analyzed with Sequence-Based Typing data and three intergenic regions. The results obtained reveal a low, but detectable, level of genetic differentiation between both datasets, mainly, but not only, attributed to the occurrence of unusual variants of the neuA locus present in the BV populations. This differentiation is still detectable when the 10 loci considered are analyzed independently, despite the relatively high incidence of the most common genetic variant in this species, sequence type 1 (ST-1). However, when the genetic data are considered without their associated geographic information, four major groups could be inferred at the genetic level which did not show any correlation with sampling locations. The overall results indicate that the population structure of these environmental samples results from the joint action of a global, widespread ST-1 along with genetic differentiation at shorter geographic distances, which in this case are related to the common watershed for the BV localities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the occurrence of L. pneumophila in hot water samples from hot water tanks and instantaneous devices. Tanks and devices were all operated by heat exchangers employed in the town's district heating system. Thirty-six out of 171 (21%) hot water samples tested positive for L. pneumophila isolation, with 14.6% belonging to serogroup 1 and 6.4% to serogroups 2–14. The proportion of L. pneumophila detected in hot water reservoirs (30%) was higher than that observed in hot water instantaneous devices (6.2%). Differences in L. pneumophila isolation reflected different temperatures registered at the faucet: ≤50°C for hot water from reservoir devices, and >60°C for hot water from instantaneous devices. These data emphasize the need to control temperature in hot water distribution devices, thus inhibiting the formation of biofilm and L. pneumophila colonization. Received: 4 April 2000 / Accepted: 31 May 2000  相似文献   

Seventeen pink-pigmented strains of the genus Thermus were isolated from samples collected from thermal areas of Iceland. The strains were examined by using phenotypic characterization and DNA:DNA homology and were compared with recognized strains. Visually, the strains could be divided into three groups based on their pigmentation; however, spectroscopic studies of the pigments indicated little difference among them. Most strains required a vitamin supplement for growth and used fructose, maltose, mannose, or sucrose as the sole carbon source. In the presence of nitrate, two strains were able to grow under anaerobic conditions. The optimum growth temperature was 60°C; growth did not occur at 30 or 70°C.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Legionella pneumophila in cooling towers may vary considerably over short periods of time, producing significant fluctuations throughout the year. Despite genetic variability, in small geographical areas the same indistinguishable pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns may be shared among different cooling towers and persist over time.  相似文献   

The objective was to obtain research-based, holistic knowledge about necessity and effect of practiced measures against L. pneumophila in municipal shower systems in Stavanger, Norway. The effects of hot water treatment and membrane-filtering were investigated and compared to no intervention at all. The studies were done under real-world conditions. Additionally, a surveillance pilot study of municipal showers in Stavanger was performed. The validity of high total plate count (TPC) as an indication of L. pneumophila was evaluated. A simplified method, named “dripping method”, for detection and quantification of L. pneumophila was developed. The sensitivity of the dripping method is 5 colony-forming units of L. pneumophila/ml. The transference of L. pneumophila from shower water to aerosols was studied. Interviews and observational studies among the stakeholders were done in order to identify patterns of communication and behavior in a Legionella risk perspective. No substantial effects of the measures against L. pneumophila were demonstrated, except for a distally placed membrane filter. No significant positive correlation between TPC and L. pneumophila concentrations were found. L. pneumophila serogroup 2–14 was demonstrated in 21% of the 29 buildings tested in the surveillance pilot. Relatively few cells of L. pneumophila were transferred from shower water to aerosols. Anxiety appeared as the major driving force in the risk governance of Legionella. In conclusion, the risk of acquiring Legionnaires'' disease from municipal shower systems is evaluated as low and uncertain. By eliminating ineffective approaches, targeted Legionella risk governance can be practiced. Risk management by surveillance is evaluated as appropriate.  相似文献   

Ureibacillus thermosphaericus strain Thermo-BF is an aerobic, thermophilic bacillus which has been characterized to biosynthesize gold nanoparticles. Here we present the draft genome sequence of Ureibacillus thermosphaericus strain Thermo-BF which consists of a 2,864,162-bp chromosome. This is the first report of a shotgun sequenced draft genome of a species in the Ureibacillus genus.  相似文献   

Complementation experiments, Tn5 mutagenesis, and DNA sequencing were used to identify a locus (lag-1) that participates in acetylation of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 lipopolysaccharide. Nuclear magnetic resonance analyses of lipopolysaccharides from mutant and complemented strains suggest that lag-1 is responsible for O acetylation of serogroup 1 O polysaccharide.  相似文献   

One hundred five strains of Acinetobacter were isolated from water, soil, and sewage on nonselective complex media, and their nutritional properties were studied. Only one of these strains requires growth factors in order to grow in a mineral medium containing a single carbon source.  相似文献   

A sensitive and specific method has been developed to enumerate viable L. pneumophila and other Legionella spp. in water by epifluorescence microscopy in a short period of time (a few hours). This method allows the quantification of L. pneumophila or other Legionella spp. as well as the discrimination between viable and nonviable Legionella. It simultaneously combines the specific detection of Legionella cells using antibodies and a bacterial viability marker (ChemChrome V6), the enumeration being achieved by epifluorescence microscopy. The performance of this immunological double-staining (IDS) method was investigated in 38 natural filterable water samples from different aquatic sources, and the viable Legionella counts were compared with those obtained by the standard culture method. The recovery rate of the IDS method is similar to, or higher than, that of the conventional culture method. Under our experimental conditions, the limit of detection of the IDS method was <176 Legionella cells per liter. The examination of several samples in duplicates for the presence of L. pneumophila and other Legionella spp. indicated that the IDS method exhibits an excellent intralaboratory reproducibility, better than that of the standard culture method. This immunological approach allows rapid measurements in emergency situations, such as monitoring the efficacy of disinfection shock treatments. Although its field of application is as yet limited to filterable waters, the double-staining method may be an interesting alternative (not equivalent) to the conventional standard culture methods for enumerating viable Legionella when rapid detection is required.  相似文献   

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