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The phytohormone cytokinin regulates various aspects of plant growth and development, including root vascular development. In Arabidopsis thaliana, mutations in the cytokinin signaling components cause misspecification of protoxylem cell files. Auxin antagonizes cytokinin-regulated root protoxylem differentiation by inducing expression of ARABIDOPSIS PHOSPHOTRANSFER PROTEIN6 (AHP6), a negative regulator of cytokinin signaling. However, the molecular mechanism of cytokinin-regulated protoxylem differentiation is not fully understood. Here, we show that a mutation in Arabidopsis FUMONISIN B1-RESISTANT12 (FBR12), which encodes a eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A, causes defective protoxylem development and reduced sensitivity to cytokinin. FBR12 genetically interacts with the cytokinin receptor CYTOKININ RESPONSE1 (CRE1) and downstream AHP genes, as double mutants show enhanced phenotypes. FBR12 forms a protein complex with CRE1 and AHP1, and cytokinin regulates formation of this protein complex. Intriguingly, ahp6 partially suppresses the fbr12 mutant phenotype, and the fbr12 mutation causes increased expression of AHP6, indicating that FBR12 negatively regulates AHP6. Consistent with this, ectopic expression of FBR12 in the CRE1-expressing domain partially rescues defective protoxylem development in fbr12, and overexpression of AHP6 causes an fbr12-like phenotype. These results define a regulatory role of the highly conserved FBR12 in cytokinin-mediated root protoxylem specification.  相似文献   

真核翻译起始因子3是由多个亚基组成的,在真核翻译起始中发挥重要作用,近年来的研究表明其多个亚基在多种肿瘤细胞中存在异常表达的现象且与肿瘤的侵袭性、转移能力、分化程度及预后相关,使其有望成为肿瘤治疗的新靶点。  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor 4A (eIF4A) is an RNA-dependent ATPase and ATP-dependent RNA helicase that is thought to melt the 5' proximal secondary structure of eukaryotic mRNAs to facilitate attachment of the 40S ribosomal subunit. eIF4A functions in a complex termed eIF4F with two other initiation factors (eIF4E and eIF4G). Two isoforms of eIF4A, eIF4AI and eIF4AII, which are encoded by two different genes, are functionally indistinguishable. A third member of the eIF4A family, eIF4AIII, whose human homolog exhibits 65% amino acid identity to human eIF4AI, has also been cloned from Xenopus and tobacco, but its function in translation has not been characterized. In this study, human eIF4AIII was characterized biochemically. While eIF4AIII, like eIF4AI, exhibits RNA-dependent ATPase activity and ATP-dependent RNA helicase activity, it fails to substitute for eIF4AI in an in vitro-reconstituted 40S ribosome binding assay. Instead, eIF4AIII inhibits translation in a reticulocyte lysate system. In addition, whereas eIF4AI binds independently to the middle and carboxy-terminal fragments of eIF4G, eIF4AIII binds to the middle fragment only. These functional differences between eIF4AI and eIF4AIII suggest that eIF4AIII might play an inhibitory role in translation under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) is the mRNA 5' cap binding protein, which plays an important role in the control of translation. The activity of eIF4E is regulated by a family of repressor proteins, the 4E-binding proteins (4E-BPs), whose binding to eIF4E is determined by their phosphorylation state. When hyperphosphorylated, 4E-BPs do not bind to eIF4E. Phosphorylation of the 4E-BPs is effected by the phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase signal transduction pathway and is inhibited by rapamycin through its binding to FRAP/mTOR (FK506 binding protein-rapamycin-associated protein or mammalian target of rapamycin). Phosphorylation of 4E-BPs can also be induced by protein synthesis inhibitors. These observations led to the proposal that FRAP/mTOR functions as a "sensor" of the translational apparatus (E. J. Brown and S. L. Schreiber, Cell 86:517-520, 1996). To test this model, we have employed the tetracycline-inducible system to increase eIF4E expression. Removal of tetracycline induced eIF4E expression up to fivefold over endogenous levels. Strikingly, upon induction of eIF4E, 4E-BP1 became dephosphorylated and the extent of dephosphorylation was proportional to the expression level of eIF4E. Dephosphorylation of p70(S6k) also occurred upon eIF4E induction. In contrast, the phosphorylation of Akt, an upstream effector of both p70(S6k) and 4E-BP phosphorylation, was not affected by eIF4E induction. We conclude that eIF4E engenders a negative feedback loop that targets a component of the PI 3-kinase signalling pathway which lies downstream of PI 3-kinase.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - Eukaryotic translation termination is mediated by two conserved interacting release factors, eRF1 and eRF3. eRF1 recognizes the stop codon and promotes the...  相似文献   

The formation of a stable 43 S preinitiation complex (PIC) must occur to enable successful mRNA recruitment. However, the contributions of eIF1, eIF1A, eIF3, and the eIF2-GTP-Met-tRNAi ternary complex (TC) in stabilizing the 43 S PIC are poorly defined. We have reconstituted the human 43 S PIC and used fluorescence anisotropy to systematically measure the affinity of eIF1, eIF1A, and eIF3j in the presence of different combinations of 43 S PIC components. Our data reveal a complicated network of interactions that result in high affinity binding of all 43 S PIC components with the 40 S subunit. Human eIF1 and eIF1A bind cooperatively to the 40 S subunit, revealing an evolutionarily conserved interaction. Negative cooperativity is observed between the binding of eIF3j and the binding of eIF1, eIF1A, and TC with the 40 S subunit. To overcome this, eIF3 dramatically increases the affinity of eIF1 and eIF3j for the 40 S subunit. Recruitment of TC also increases the affinity of eIF1 for the 40 S subunit, but this interaction has an important indirect role in increasing the affinity of eIF1A for the 40 S subunit. Together, our data provide a more complete thermodynamic framework of the human 43 S PIC and reveal important interactions between its components to maintain its stability.  相似文献   

The C-terminal domain (CTD) of the a/Tif32 subunit of budding yeast eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) interacts with eIF3 subunits j/Hcr1 and b/Prt1 and can bind helices 16 to 18 of 18S rRNA, suggesting proximity to the mRNA entry channel of the 40S subunit. We have identified substitutions in the conserved Lys-Glu-Arg-Arg (KERR) motif and in residues of the nearby box6 element of the a/Tif32 CTD that impair mRNA recruitment by 43S preinitiation complexes (PICs) and confer phenotypes indicating defects in scanning and start codon recognition. The normally dispensable CTD of j/Hcr1 is required for its binding to a/Tif32 and to mitigate the growth defects of these a/Tif32 mutants, indicating physical and functional interactions between these two domains. The a/Tif32 CTD and the j/Hcr1 N-terminal domain (NTD) also interact with the RNA recognition motif (RRM) in b/Prt1, and mutations in both subunits that disrupt their interactions with the RRM increase leaky scanning of an AUG codon. These results, and our demonstration that the extreme CTD of a/Tif32 binds to Rps2 and Rps3, lead us to propose that the a/Tif32 CTD directly stabilizes 43S subunit-mRNA interaction and that the b/Prt1-RRM-j/Hcr1-a/Tif32-CTD module binds near the mRNA entry channel and regulates the transition between scanning-conducive and initiation-competent conformations of the PIC.Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) is a multisubunit protein complex that has been implicated in several steps of the translation initiation pathway (reviewed in reference 19). These steps include recruitment of the eIF2-GTP-Met-ternary complex (TC) and other eIFs to the small (40S) ribosomal subunit to form the 43S preinitiation complex (PIC), mRNA recruitment by the 43S PIC, and subsequent scanning of the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) for an AUG start codon. The eIF3 in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is composed of only 6 subunits (a/Tif32, b/Prt1, c/Nip1, i/Tif34, g/Tif35, and j/Hcr1), which have homologs in the larger, 13-subunit eIF3 complex in mammals. Yeast eIF3 can be purified with the TC, eIF1, and eIF5 in a ribosome-free assembly called the multifactor complex (MFC) (2), whose formation appears to promote assembly or stability of the 43S PIC and to stimulate scanning and AUG selection (10, 23, 32, 42, 48, 49, 51).In mammals, there is evidence that eIF3 enhances recruitment of mRNA by interacting directly with eIF4G, the “scaffold” subunit of mRNA cap-binding complex eIF4F, and forming a protein bridge between mRNA and the 43S PIC (24, 25, 35). In budding yeast, direct eIF3-eIF4G interaction has not been detected, and the eIF3-binding domain (25) is not evident in yeast eIF4G. Moreover, depletion of eIF3, but not eIF4G, from yeast cells provokes a strong decrease in the amount of an mRNA (RPL41A) associated with native PICs (23). However, since depletion of eIF3 also reduced the amounts of other MFC components associated with PICs, it remained unclear whether eIF3 acts directly in mRNA recruitment.In favor of a direct role for eIF3, cross-linking analysis of reconstituted mammalian 48S PICs identified contacts of subunits eIF3a and eIF3d with mRNA residues 8 to 17 nucleotides (nt) upstream of the AUG codon, suggesting that these subunits form an extension of the mRNA exit channel (37). Consistent with this, we found that the N-terminal domain (NTD) of yeast a/Tif32 binds Rps0A, located near the mRNA exit pore, and functionally interacts with sequences 5′ to the regulatory upstream open reading frame 1 (uORF1) in GCN4 mRNA (42). Despite these advances, in vivo evidence supporting a direct role of eIF3 in mRNA recruitment by 43S PICs is lacking.Recently, there has been progress in elucidating the molecular mechanisms involved in ribosomal scanning and AUG selection. Reconstituted mammalian 43S PICs containing only eIF1, -1A, and -3 and the TC can scan the leader of an unstructured message and form a stable 48S PIC at the 5′-proximal AUG codon (35). eIF1 and -1A are thought to promote scanning by stabilizing an open conformation of the 40S subunit (6, 13, 26, 27), which appears to involve opening the “latch” on the mRNA entry channel formed by helices 18 and 34 of 18S rRNA (33). eIF1A also promotes a mode of TC binding conducive to scanning (39) and seems to prevent full accommodation of Met-in the P site at non-AUG codons (53). The GTP bound to eIF2 is hydrolyzed, in a manner stimulated by eIF5, but release of phosphate (Pi) from eIF2-GDP-Pi is blocked by eIF1 (1). Entry of AUG into the P site triggers relocation of eIF1 from its binding site on the 40S subunit (27), allowing Pi release (1) and stabilizing the closed, scanning-arrested conformation of the 40S subunit (33).Mutations in eIF1 and eIF1A that reduce the stringency of start codon recognition have been isolated by their ability to increase initiation at a UUG codon in his4 alleles lacking the AUG start codon (the Sui phenotype) (6, 12, 13, 29, 38, 39, 52). eIF1A mutations with the opposite effect of lowering UUG initiation in the presence of a different Sui mutation (the Ssu phenotype) were also obtained (13, 39). Previously, we identified Sui and Ssu mutations in the N-terminal domain of eIF3 subunit c/Nip1, which alter its contacts with eIF1, -2, and -5, suggesting that integrity of the MFC is important for the accuracy of AUG selection (49).Several genetic findings also implicate eIF3 in the efficiency of scanning and AUG recognition. The prt1-1 point mutation in b/Prt1 (S518F) (11) impairs translational control of GCN4 mRNA in a manner suggesting a reduced rate of scanning between the short uORFs involved in this control mechanism (30). Disrupting an interaction between a hydrophobic pocket of the noncanonical RNA recognition motif (RRM) in the N terminus of b/Prt1 (henceforth referred to as b/RRM) and a Trp residue in the N-terminal acidic motif of j/Hcr1 (Trp-37) severely reduces the efficiency of initiation at the AUG of uORF1 in GCN4 mRNA, the phenomenon of leaky scanning, implicating the connection between the b/RRM and j/Hcr1 NTD (henceforth referred to as j/NTD) in efficient AUG recognition (10). Similarly, a multiple Ala substitution in RNP1 of the b/RRM evoked leaky scanning of the AUG codon of GCN4 uORF1 (uAUG-1) (32).Interestingly, besides the b/RRM-j/NTD contact, the b/RRM can simultaneously bind to the j/Hcr1-like domain (HLD) in a/Tif32, and j/Hcr1 also independently binds a/Tif32 (50). This network of interactions involving the b/RRM, a/Tif32-HLD, and j/Hcr1 segments was shown to stabilize an eIF3 subassembly (50), referred to below as the b/RRM-j/Hcr1-a/Tif32-CTD module; however, it was not known whether the a/Tif32 HLD component of this module also participates in AUG recognition or other specific steps of initiation.In this report, we provide evidence that the evolutionarily conserved KERR motif in the a/Tif32 HLD (hereafter referred to as a/HLD) functions to enhance mRNA recruitment by 43S PICs, processivity of scanning, and the efficiency of AUG recognition. The identification of Ssu phenotypes for both KERR mutations and replacement of a nearby element (box6) further implicates the a/HLD in promoting the closed, scanning-arrested conformation of the PIC at start codons. Combining these results with our finding that the a/Tif32 CTD binds the 40S proteins Rps3 and Rps2 and the recent evidence that j/Hcr1 promotes AUG recognition and binds Rps2 leads us to propose that the a/HLD is positioned near the 40S mRNA entry channel, where it promotes mRNA binding and, together with j/Hcr1 and the b/RRM, modulates the transition between the open and closed conformations of the PIC during scanning and AUG recognition.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) is a key regulator of translation initiation, but its in vivo assembly and molecular functions remain unclear. Here we show that eIF3 from Neurospora crassa is structurally and compositionally similar to human eIF3. N. crassa eIF3 forms a stable 12-subunit complex linked genetically and biochemically to the 13th subunit, eIF3j, which in humans modulates mRNA start codon selection. Based on N. crassa genetic analysis, most subunits in eIF3 are essential. Subunits that can be deleted (e, h, k and l) map to the right side of the eIF3 complex, suggesting that they may coordinately regulate eIF3 function. Consistent with this model, subunits eIF3k and eIF3l are incorporated into the eIF3 complex as a pair, and their insertion depends on the presence of subunit eIF3h, a key regulator of vertebrate development. Comparisons to other eIF3 complexes suggest that eIF3 assembles around an eIF3a and eIF3c dimer, which may explain the coordinated regulation of human eIF3 levels. Taken together, these results show that Neurospora crassa eIF3 provides a tractable system for probing the structure and function of human-like eIF3 in the context of living cells.  相似文献   

Association of the translation apparatus with the cytoskeleton is essential for its transportation within the cell and probably also for translation regulation. Very little is known about the involvement of particular proteins of this association. A polypeptide homologous with the heavy chain of translation initiation factor eIF3 p170 was found earlier in a microtubule preparation from adrenal cells. Antibody A167 directed against the recombinant fragment of p170 has been generated to study eIF3 interaction with microtubules in mammalian cells. This antibody was shown to recognize a single 170-kDa polypeptide in eIF3 preparations as well as in homogenates of various cell types. A167 allowed detection of the 170-kDa polypeptide in microtubule preparation from bovine brain and confirmation of its presence in microtubule preparations from adrenal cells. As shown by immunofluorescence microscopy using A167, the 170-kDa polypeptide is mainly located in the endoplasm within numerous small and some large granules. Cell treatment with cycloheximide resulted in growth and clustering of the large granules, and partial antigen redistribution along intracellular microtubules. These new experimental data indicate that mammalian translation factor eIF3 may bind with microtubules.  相似文献   

Abnormal dendritic sprouting and synaptic remodelling are important pathological features of temporal lobe epilepsy. BC1 RNA is a translation repressor involved in the regulation of the dendritic protein synthesis and mRNA transport, which is essential for dendritic development and plasticity. The expression alteration of BC1 RNA in the pilocarpine induced epilepsy model remains unknown. It is unclear if the interactions between BC1 RNA and eukaryotic initiation factor 4A (eIF4A) exists in this model. The purpose of this study was to investigate the expression changes of BC1 RNA and its interactions with eIF4A post-status epilepticus (SE). Chloride lithium and pilocarpine were used to induce the SE rat model. Either a whole brain or hippocampus tissues were collected at different time points after SE. The expression patterns of BC1 was detected by qPCR and in situ hybridization. The levels of eIF4AI/II protein expression were analyzed via western blotting and immunohistochemistry. The BC1 RNA-eIF4AI/II interaction was determined by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). We found that the BC1 RNA levels decreased in hippocampus 3d, 1w and 2w post-SE before the levels recovered. The eIF4AI/II began to rise 3d post-SE and reached the maximum level 1w post-SE. After 1w post-SE the levels decreased in the hippocampal CA1, CA3 and DG subregions. EMSA analysis showed that BC1 RNA specifically interacted with the eIF4AI/II. The BC1 RNA-eIF4AI/II complex reduced to the lowest level 1w post-SE. Our results suggested that BC1 has a negative regulatory correlation with eIF4AI/II, where BC1 RNA could be involved in epileptogenesis by regulating dendritic protein synthesis.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, phosphorylation of translation initiation factor 2α (eIF2α) by the kinase Gcn2 (general control nonderepressible 2) is a key response to amino acid starvation. Sensing starvation requires that Gcn2 directly contacts its effector protein Gcn1, and both must contact the ribosome. We have proposed that Gcn2 is activated by uncharged tRNA bound to the ribosomal decoding (A) site, in a manner facilitated by ribosome-bound Gcn1. Protein synthesis requires cyclical association of eukaryotic elongation factors (eEFs) with the ribosome. Gcn1 and Gcn2 are large proteins, raising the question of whether translation and monitoring amino acid availability can occur on the same ribosome. Part of the ribosome-binding domain in Gcn1 has homology to one of the ribosome-binding domains in eEF3, suggesting that these proteins utilize overlapping binding sites on the ribosome and consequently cannot function simultaneously on the same ribosome. Supporting this idea, we found that eEF3 overexpression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae diminished growth on amino acid starvation medium (Gcn phenotype) and decreased eIF2α phosphorylation, and that the growth defect associated with constitutively active Gcn2 was diminished by eEF3 overexpression. Overexpression of the eEF3 HEAT domain, or C terminus, was sufficient to confer a Gcn phenotype, and both fragments have ribosome affinity. eEF3 overexpression did not significantly affect Gcn1-ribosome association, but it exacerbated the Gcn phenotype of Gcn1-M7A that has reduced ribosome affinity. Together, this suggests that eEF3 blocks Gcn1 regulatory function on the ribosome. We propose that the Gcn1-Gcn2 complex only functions on ribosomes with A-site-bound uncharged tRNA, because eEF3 does not occupy these stalled complexes.  相似文献   

Mammalian eIF3 is composed of 13 subunits and is the largest eukaryotic initiation factor. eIF3 plays a key role in protein biosynthesis. However, it is not fully understood how different subunits contribute to the structural integrity and function of the eIF3 complex. Whether eIF3 is essential for embryonic development and homeostasis is also not known. Here, we show that eIF3m null embryos are lethal at the peri-implantation stage. Compound heterozygotes (eIF3mflox/−) or FABP4-Cre-mediated conditional knock-out mice are lethal at mid-gestation stages. Although the heterozygotes are viable, they show markedly reduced organ size and diminished body weight. Acute ablation of eIF3m in adult mouse liver leads to rapidly decreased body weight and death within 2 weeks; these effects are correlated with a severe decline of protein biogenesis in the liver. Protein analyses reveal that eIF3m deficiency significantly impairs the integrity of the eIF3 complex due to down-regulation of multiple other subunits. Two of the subunits, eIF3f and eIF3h, are stabilized by eIF3m through subcomplex formation. Therefore, eIF3m is required for the structural integrity and translation initiation function of eIF3. Furthermore, not only is eIF3m an essential gene, but its expression level is also important for mouse embryonic development and the control of organ size.  相似文献   



The multi-subunit eukaryotic initiation factor3 (eIF3) plays a central role in the initiation step of protein synthesis in eukaryotes. One of its large subunits, eIF3b, serves as a scaffold within eIF3 as it interacts with several other subunits. It harbors an RNA Recognition Motif (RRM), which is shown to be a non-canonical RRM in human as it is not capable to interact with oligonucleotides, but rather interacts with eIF3j, a sub-stoichiometric subunit of eIF3.

Principal Finding

We have analyzed the high-resolution crystal structure of the eIF3b RRM domain from yeast. It exhibits the same fold as its human ortholog, with similar charge distribution on the surface interacting with the eIF3j in human. Thermodynamic analysis of the interaction between yeast eIF3b-RRM and eIF3j revealed the same range of enthalpy change and dissociation constant as for the human proteins, providing another line of evidence for the same mode of interaction between eIF3b and eIF3j in both organisms. However, analysis of the surface charge distribution of the putative RNA-binding β-sheet suggested that in contrast to its human ortholog, it potentially could bind oligonucleotides. Three-dimensional positioning of the so called “RNP1” motif in this domain is similar to other canonical RRMs, suggesting that this domain might indeed be a canonical RRM, conferring oligonucleotide binding capability to eIF3 in yeast. Interaction studies with yeast total RNA extract confirmed the proposed RNA binding activity of yeast eIF3b-RRM.


We showed that yeast eIF3b-RRM interacts with eIF3j in a manner similar to its human ortholog. However, it shows similarities in the oligonucleotide binding surface to canonical RRMs and interacts with yeast total RNA. The proposed RNA binding activity of eIF3b-RRM may help eIF3 to either bind to the ribosome or recruit the mRNA to the 43S pre-initiation complex.  相似文献   

Translation re-initiation provides the molecular basis for translational control of mammalian ATF4 and yeast GCN4 mediated by short upstream open reading (uORFs) in response to eIF2 phosphorylation. eIF4G is the major adaptor subunit of eIF4F that binds the cap-binding subunit eIF4E and the mRNA helicase eIF4A and is also required for re-initiation in mammals. Here we show that the yeast eIF4G2 mutations altering eIF4E- and eIF4A-binding sites increase re-initiation at GCN4 and impair recognition of the start codons of uORF1 or uORF4 located after uORF1. The increase in re-initiation at GCN4 was partially suppressed by increasing the distance between uORF1 and GCN4, suggesting that the mutations decrease the migration rate of the scanning ribosome in the GCN4 leader. Interestingly, eIF4E overexpression suppressed both the phenotypes caused by the mutation altering eIF4E-binding site. Thus, eIF4F is required for accurate AUG selection and re-initiation also in yeast, and the eIF4G interaction with the mRNA-cap appears to promote eIF4F re-acquisition by the re-initiating 40 S subunit. However, eIF4A overexpression suppressed the impaired AUG recognition but not the increase in re-initiation caused by the mutations altering eIF4A-binding site. These results not only provide evidence that mRNA unwinding by eIF4A stimulates start codon recognition, but also suggest that the eIF4A-binding site on eIF4G made of the HEAT domain stimulates the ribosomal scanning independent of eIF4A. Based on the RNA-binding activities identified within the unstructured segments flanking the eIF4G2 HEAT domain, we discuss the role of the HEAT domain in scanning beyond loading eIF4A onto the pre-initiation complex.  相似文献   

The main role of the translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) is to orchestrate formation of 43S-48S preinitiation complexes (PICs). Until now, most of our knowledge on eIF3 functional contribution to regulation of gene expression comes from yeast studies. Hence, here we developed several novel in vivo assays to monitor the integrity of the 13-subunit human eIF3 complex, defects in assembly of 43S PICs, efficiency of mRNA recruitment, and postassembly events such as AUG recognition. We knocked down expression of the PCI domain-containing eIF3c and eIF3a subunits and of eIF3j in human HeLa and HEK293 cells and analyzed the functional consequences. Whereas eIF3j downregulation had barely any effect and eIF3a knockdown disintegrated the entire eIF3 complex, eIF3c knockdown produced a separate assembly of the a, b, g, and i subunits (closely resembling the yeast evolutionary conserved eIF3 core), which preserved relatively high 40S binding affinity and an ability to promote mRNA recruitment to 40S subunits and displayed defects in AUG recognition. Both eIF3c and eIF3a knockdowns also severely reduced protein but not mRNA levels of many other eIF3 subunits and indeed shut off translation. We propose that eIF3a and eIF3c control abundance and assembly of the entire eIF3 and thus represent its crucial scaffolding elements critically required for formation of PICs.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic mRNAs possess a 5′-terminal cap structure (cap), m7GpppN, which facilitates ribosome binding. The cap is bound by eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F (eIF4F), which is composed of eIF4E, eIF4G, and eIF4A. eIF4E is the cap-binding subunit, eIF4A is an RNA helicase, and eIF4G is a scaffolding protein that bridges between the mRNA and ribosome. eIF4G contains an RNA-binding domain, which was suggested to stimulate eIF4E interaction with the cap in mammals. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, however, such an effect was not observed. Here, we used recombinant proteins to reconstitute the cap binding of the mammalian eIF4E-eIF4GI complex to investigate the importance of the RNA-binding region of eIF4GI for cap interaction with eIF4E. We demonstrate that chemical cross-linking of eIF4E to the cap structure is dramatically enhanced by eIF4GI fragments possessing RNA-binding activity. Furthermore, the fusion of RNA recognition motif 1 (RRM1) of the La autoantigen to the N terminus of eIF4GI confers enhanced association between the cap structure and eIF4E. These results demonstrate that eIF4GI serves to anchor eIF4E to the mRNA and enhance its interaction with the cap structure.The cap structure, m7GpppN, is present at the 5′ terminus of all nuclear transcribed eukaryotic mRNAs. Cap-dependent binding of the ribosome to mRNA is mediated by the cap-binding protein eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), which forms a complex termed eIF4F together with eIF4G and eIF4A. Mammalian eIF4G, which has two isoforms, eIF4GI and eIF4GII, is a modular, multifunctional protein that binds to poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) (14) and eIF4E (18, 20) via the N-terminal third region. Mammalian eIF4G binds to eIF4A and eIF3 (15) via the middle third region and to eIF4A and Mnk protein kinase at the C-terminal region. eIF4GI also possesses an RNA-binding sequence (2, 9, 33) in the middle region. There are two RNA-binding sites on eIF4GI; one is located amino terminal to the first HEAT domain, and the other is located within the first HEAT domain (23). Mammalian and Saccharomyces cerevisiae eIF4E are similar in size (24 kDa), but mammalian eIF4GI (220 kDa) is larger than its yeast counterpart (150 kDa), as the latter lacks a C-terminal domain corresponding to mammalian eIF4GI (38).The affinity of eIF4E for the cap structure has been a matter of dispute for some time. The earlier works of Carberry et al. (4) and Ueda et al. (39) estimated the equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of the eIF4E-cap complex by fluorescence titration to be 2 × 10−6 to 5 × 10−6 M depending on the nature of the cap analog. Later on, development of a new methodology for the fluorescence titration experiments yielded Kd values of 10−7 to 10−8 (29, 41). The source of the difference with the previous reports was thoroughly analyzed (29, 30). The interaction between the cap structure and eIF4E is dramatically enhanced by eIF4GI. This was first reported by showing that cross-linking of mammalian eIF4E to the cap structure is more efficient when it is a subunit of the eIF4F complex (19) or when it is complexed to eIF4GI (11). A similar enhancement of the binding of eIF4E to the cap structure was observed in yeast (40). However, two very different mechanisms were proposed to explain these observations. For the mammalian system, it was postulated that the middle segment of eIF4GI, which binds RNA, stabilizes the eIF4E interaction with the cap structure (11). This model was based primarily on the finding that in poliovirus-infected cells, eIF4GI is cleaved between its N-terminal third and the middle third, and consequently, eIF4E remains attached to the N-terminal eIF4GI fragment lacking the RNA-binding region. Under these conditions, cross-linking of eIF4E to the cap structure was poor (19, 31). In contrast, in yeast, a strong interaction between the cap structure and eIF4E was achieved using an eIF4G fragment containing the eIF4E-binding site that lacks the RNA-binding region (34, 40). Also, the yeast eIF4G fragment from amino acids 393 to 490 (fragment 393-490), which does not contain the RNA-binding site, forms a right-handed helical ring that wraps around the N terminus of eIF4E. This conformational change was suggested in turn to engender an allosteric enhancement of the association of eIF4E with the cap structure (10). Such an interaction between mammalian eIF4GI and eIF4E has not been reported.To understand the mechanism by which eIF4GI stimulates the interaction of eIF4E with the cap structure in mammals, we reconstituted the eIF4E-cap recognition activity in vitro with purified eIF4E and eIF4GI recombinant proteins. Using a chemical cross-linking assay, we demonstrate that only mammalian eIF4GI fragments possessing RNA-binding activity enhance the cross-linking of eIF4E to the cap structure. Our data provide new insight into the mechanism of cap recognition by the eIF4E-eIF4GI complex.  相似文献   

During translation, aminoacyl-tRNAs are delivered to the ribosome by specialized GTPases called translation factors. Here, we report the tRNA binding to the P-site of 40 S ribosomes by a novel GTP-independent factor eIF2D isolated from mammalian cells. The binding of tRNAiMet occurs after the AUG codon finds its position in the P-site of 40 S ribosomes, the situation that takes place during initiation complex formation on the hepatitis C virus internal ribosome entry site or on some other specific RNAs (leaderless mRNA and A-rich mRNAs with relaxed scanning dependence). Its activity in tRNA binding with 40 S subunits does not require the presence of the aminoacyl moiety. Moreover, the factor possesses the unique ability to deliver non-Met (elongator) tRNAs into the P-site of the 40 S subunit. The corresponding gene is found in all eukaryotes and includes an SUI1 domain present also in translation initiation factor eIF1. The versatility of translation initiation strategies in eukaryotes is discussed.  相似文献   

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