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Glass adherent splenic T cells, cultured in the presence of prostaglandin E2 (10?5M), were found to elicit a factor capable of nonspecifically suppressing PHA- and LPS-induced mitogenesis. Cells from C57B1/6J, Balb/C, and C3H/He mice were all capable of producing this suppressor factor, although some degree of variability in the response of cells from C3H mice to the factor was observed. The suppressor (designated prostaglandin-induced T-cell derived suppressor, PITS) was characterized biochemically and it was found that the activity was resistant to boiling, and treatment with RNase and DNase, yet was sensitive to treatment with proteinase K, trypsin, and Pronase. Further, PITS supernatants were found to contain at least two suppressors with approximate molecular weights of 35,000 (PITSα) and 5000 (PITSβ). Results from experiments with cycloheximide-treated glass-adherent T cells indicate that prostaglandin E2 may function by inducing the release rather than de novo synthesis of the PITS. These results indicate that the reported overall suppressive effect of prostaglandin E2 on lymphocytes may in part be due to the release by certain T cells of a suppressive factor.  相似文献   

Galactose 1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (uridine diphosphoglucose: α-d-galactose 1-phosphate uridylyltransferase, EC was isolated from human red cells by DEAE-cellulose and hydroxylapatite chromatography. The enzyme consists. of two similar subunits of molecular weight 44,000 as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of the enzyme was found to be 67,000 by Sephadex G-200 chromatography and 88,000 by ultracentrifugation studies in sucrose density gradients. The specific activity of the purified enzyme was about 40 μmoles per min per mg of protein.  相似文献   

The collagenous protein synthesized by cultured Chinese hamster lung (CHL) cells and present in the culture medium has been isolated after limited pepsin digestion and differential salt precipitation. Molecular size analysis of this material indicates that the CHL cell medium collagen contains chains which exhibit an apparent molecular mass of approximately 85,000 Da. When chromatographed on CM-cellulose under denaturing conditions, the reduced and alkylated CHL cell medium collagen chains elute slightly after the human alpha1(I) chain but well before the pepsin-derived alpha1(V) chain, which is the constituent chain present in the CHL cell cellular matrix collagen. Analysis of the peptides derived by CNBr cleavage of the CHL medium collagen chains by chromatography on CM-cellulose reveals, however, that these chains contain peptides which correspond both in size and in chemical properties to those derived from the alpha1(V) collagen chain, but clearly lack two peptides (alpha1(V)-CB4 and alpha1(V)-CB5) which are normally present in pepsin-derived alpha1(V) chains. Furthermore, analysis of the CHL cell culture medium collagenous material obtained without pepsin digestion indicates the presence of collagenous chains that exhibit after reduction a molecular mass of approximately 160,000 Da, which is smaller than the proposed size of the pro alpha1(V) collagen chain. These results demonstrate that the collagenous protein present in the culture medium of CHL cells is directly related at the primary structural level to the alpha1(V) collagen chain, and it is postulated that this material represents the large fragment derived from a collagenase cleavage of the [pro alpha1(V)]3 molecules present in the cell layer. Furthermore, these results and previous reports indicate that the only identifiable genetic type of procollagen chain synthesized by this cloned cell line in culture corresponds to the pro alpha1(V) chain.  相似文献   

The synthesis of PdLn complexes (L = tertiary phosphine; n = 2,3,4) is reported. The coordination number results to be a function of the steric hindrance of the phosphine. Two-coordinate, 14-electron complexes, have been isolated with bulky phosphines (PPri3, P (cyclohexyl)3, PBut2Ph). The behaviour in solution of the PdLn complexes has been studied by 13C NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

T and B lymphocytes from human tonsils were separated by density gradient electrophoresis on the basis of their surface charge. The high-mobility cell fractions were found to be highly enriched in T lymphocytes with only very small proportions of B cells. In contrast, the low-mobility fractions were predominantly B lymphocytes, and had only 10 to 30% contamination of T cells. The intermediate-mobility fractions contained both T and B lymphocytes in approximately equal proportions. IgM-bearing lymphocytes, as well as cells with receptors for mouse erythrocytes, the Fc portion of IgG, and complement were found in the intermediate- and low-mobility fractions. T lymphocytes, prepared by E rosetting, were also electrophoresed by this method and found to be of higher mobility as compared with peripheral blood T lymphocytes. T cells with Fc receptors for IgM (Tμ) or IgA (Tα) were found to be considerably heterodisperse with regard to surface charge and were present in all fractions. The separated cell fractions were treated in vitro with various concentrations of concanavalin A and thereafter examined for Tμ, Tγ, and Tα phenotypes. Low concentrations of Con A (2.5 μg/ml) had no effect on cell surface phenotypes. However, higher concentrations of Con A (20μg/ml) significantly reduced the numbers of T cells having IgM receptors (Tμ), but failed to alter the expression of the Tγ phenotype. The latter finding contrasts to that observed with T cells from the peripheral blood where high concentrations of Con A increase the proportions of the Tγ cells. This study demonstrates that density gradient electrophoresis can be used for the separation and study of lymphocyte subpopulations from human tonsils.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicated that the serum thymic factor (FTS) could modulate in vivo the level of splenic natural killer (NK) cell activity in mice. The present report shows that such an effect is also observed after a short term in vitro incubation of the effector cells with FTS. The regulatory effects of FTS result in an increase or a decrease of the splenic NK cell cytotoxicity depending upon the age and the mouse strain. Furthermore, FTS is able to enhance the NK cell activity of thymus and bone marrow cells which are known to be weakly reactive in NK cytotoxicity. Depletion experiments demonstrated that the FTS-induced increase of NK cell activity was not mediated by Thy 1+ cells nor macrophages, thus suggesting a direct action of FTS on the effector cells. Comparative studies using other thymic hormones revealed similar patterns of reactivity. These results favor the hypothesis of a close relationship between the thymus and NK cells.  相似文献   

An acidic lethal protein, Mojave toxin, has been isolated from the venom of Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus. The purified toxin had an i.v. LD50 of 0.056 μg/g in white mice. Disc polycrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH values of 9.6 and 3.8 and isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gels with a pH 3.5–10 Ampholyte gradient were used to establish the presence of one major protein band. The pI of the most abundant form of the toxin was determined to be 5.5 by polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing experiments. The molecular weight was established to be 24,310 daltons from amino acid composition data. Mojave toxin was shown to consist of two subunits, one acidic and one basic with isoelectric point (pI) values of 3.6 and 9.6, respectively. Amino acid analyses established molecular weights of 9593 for the acidic component and 14,673 for the basic component. The acidic subunit consisted of three peptide chains intermolecularly linked by cystine residues. The basic subunit was a single polypeptide chain with six intramolecular disulfide bonds. The basic subunit was lethal to test animals with an intravenous LD50 of 0.58 μg/g. Following recombination of the subunits a recombinant toxin was isolated which was identical to the native toxin by comparisons of electrophoretic mobility and toxicities. Comparisons of circular dichroism spectra also indicated reassociation to the native toxin structure. Phospholytic activity was associated with Mojave toxin and the basic subunit was responsible for this enzymic activity. Phospholipase activity of the basic subunit was inhibited by addition of the acidic subunit.  相似文献   

The chemical and immunological properties of five closely related microsomal serine hydrolases (carboxylesterases) from rat liver have been compared to evaluate whether they are variants of a single protein or independent proteins. These enzymes represent medium-chain-length acylcarnitine hydrolase, palmitoyl carnitine hydrolase, medium-chain-length monoglyceride hydrolase, and two long-chain monoglyceride hydrolases. All enzymes have similar subunit Mr's (58,000-61,000) and bear one active site per protein subunit, as could be shown by active sites with radioactive bis(4-nitrophenyl)phosphate, and have subsequently been cleft by proteases or by BrCN. The patterns of radioactive peptides obtained after electrophoresis or thin-layer chromatography indicated that the two long chain monoglyceride hydrolases were closely related, while all other hydrolases differed from these and from each other. The two long-chain monoglyceride hydrolases also had identical N- and C-termini that differed from those of the other hydrolases. All hydrolases contain low amounts of hexoses. It is concluded that the hydrolases investigated represent four independent enzymes with differing amino acid sequences. Three of the four hydrolases were microheterogenous. These results were confirmed with an immunological study using rabbit antisera against three of the hydrolases. Heparin-releasable liver lipase was not cross-reactive with the lipolytic enzymes investigated here.  相似文献   

Uteroglobin has been purified from hare lung by gel filtration and chromatography on carboxymethyl-cellulose. Hare uteroglobin appears homogeneous by electrophoresis under both denaturing and nondenaturing conditions. Its chemical and immunological properties as well as its ability to bind progesterone are compared to those of rabbit uteroglobin. The two proteins have the same N-terminal residue (glycine) and both lack tryptophan but differ in amino acid composition. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis shows that hare uteroglobin is composed of two subunits of identical Mr (about 7000) held together by disulfide bridges. The amino acid composition indicates a subunit composed of 65-67 residues, which is compatible with the apparent Mr observed. Thus, hare uteroglobin appears to be slightly smaller than the rabbit protein. Hare uteroglobin partially reacts with anti-rabbit uteroglobin in a radioimmunoassay and also binds progesterone, although this binding is relatively unaffected by dithiothreitol. The synthesis of hare uteroglobin in the uterus appears to be rather insensitive to ovarian steroid hormones.  相似文献   

Chromatography of cardiac muscle and brain extracts on DEAE-cellulose resolved phosphotyrosyl-protein phosphatase activity into three fractions, termed Y-1, Y-2 and Y-3. These were eluted at 0.05, 0.15 and 0.3 m KCl, representing about 33, 55 and 12%, respectively, of the enzymatic activity recovered from the resin. Comparative studies demonstrated that the properties of phosphatases Y-1, Y-2 and Y-3 were distinctly different from those of previously identified phosphoseryl-protein phosphatases-1, -2, -3, and -4. Phosphatases Y-1, Y-2 and Y-3 were stimulated by EDTA and exhibited optimal activity at neutral pH. These properties were different from those of the two minor phosphotyrosyl-protein phosphatase activities associated with phosphoseryl-protein phosphatases-3, and -4, which were divalent cation dependent and exhibited optimal activity at alkaline pH. Further purification of phosphatase Y-2 from bovine heart has been carried out. The enzyme had a Mr = 65,000 (Stokes radius = 3.8 nm; s20,w0 = 4.1). Its activity was stimulated by 5- to 10-fold in the presence of EDTA (Ka = 15 μM) and was strongly inhibited by micromolar concentrations of vanadate. Phosphatase Y-2 was highly specific for phosphotyrosyl-IgG and -casein, and showed little activity toward phosphoseryl-casein, -phosphorylase a, phosphothreonyl-inhibitor-1 and p-nitrophenyl phosphate. The present studies indicate that phosphotyrosyl-protein phosphatase activity in animal tissues exists in multiple forms. The major active species are specific for phosphotyrosyl proteins and represent enzymes different from the known phosphoseryl-protein phosphatases and p-nitrophenyl phosphatases.  相似文献   

Tetravalent oxovanadium(IV) was detected in subcellular fractions of liver by ESR spectroscopy after i.p. injection of pentavalent vanadium(V) as sodium vanadate into rats for three days. This indicates that the metal ion was reduced from the pentavalent state to oxovanadium(IV). The ligand environment around this oxovanadium center was characterized using ESR parameters (go and Ao) and the empirical bonding coefficients calculated from the ESR parameters. These values indicate that most of the ligand atoms around the oxovanadium(IV) are oxygens and that the metal may exist in a protein-bound form.  相似文献   

Hydroxamic acid siderophores were observed to be inactivated by exposure to titanium(III) chloride. To study the reaction, a series of eight model hydroxamic acids were prepared and reacted with titanium(III) chloride. The products were shown by ir and NMR comparisons with authentic compounds to be the corresponding amides. The reduction was found to require 2 mol of titanium(III) per mol of hydroxamic acid.  相似文献   

Augmenting concentrations of macrophages or their supernatants failed to reverse T-cell hyporeactivity in tumor-bearing mice (TBM). Serial passaging over nylon wool columns depleted TBM spleen cells of a mildly adherent tumor-induced suppressor cell and restored mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) reactivity to the purified TBM T-cell population. The tumor-induced suppressor cell was extensively plated to remove macrophages and characterized as a T cell by its anti-Thy 1 serum sensitivity. This suppressor T cell, when added to normal T cells, abrogated all enhancing effects caused by addition of macrophages. Suppressor T-cell inhibition was non-contact dependent, since suppressor T-cell supernatants inhibited MLR activity in T cells treated with enhancing concentrations of macrophage supernatants. Thus it appears that tumor-induced T-cell debilitation is a reversible phenomenon, mediated not by macrophages but by soluble factor(s) from a nonphagocytic, mildly adherent, suppressor T cell.  相似文献   

H S Shepherd  G Ledoigt  S H Howell 《Cell》1983,32(1):99-107
Light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCP) synthesis is highly regulated during the cell cycle in light-dark synchronized C. reinhardi cells. LHCPs are a family of cytoplasmically synthesized proteins which are imported into the chloroplast. LHCPs are derived from at least two precursor proteins (32 kd and 30 kd) that are synthesized in vitro and immunoprecipitated by antiserum against chlorophyll-protein complex II proteins. A DNA copy of the mRNA encoding a 32 kd LHCP precursor was cloned from cDNA synthesized from poly(A) RNA obtained from mid-light-phase synchronous cells. Using cloned cDNA (pHS16) as a hybridization probe, we found that a single 1.2 kb RNA complementary to pHS16 accumulates in a wave-like manner during the mid-light phase of the 12 hr light-12 hr dark cycle and correlates with the pattern of chlorophyll synthesis. Light, during the light phase in the light-dark cycle, is required for accumulation of this RNA.  相似文献   

Murine lymphocyte cell surface proteolytic activity is strain related   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A/J and C57 Br/cdj mice bear the H-2 haplotypes which are generally associated with high responses to bovine gamma globulin and type 3 pneumococcal polysaccharide. A/J has been reported, however, to produce higher levels of antibody than C57 Br/cdj mice against the antigens. The two strains of mice were used as model systems in this study to determine whether the level of lymphoid cell surface proteolytic activity is also genetically controlled. The results of this study illustrate that the level of lymphoid cell surface proteolytic activity is strain related. Since A/J lymphocytes were found to have a significantly higher rate of proteolysis than C57 Br/cdj lymphocytes, a correlation between lymphoid cell surface caseinolytic activity and immune responsiveness is suggested.  相似文献   

The influence of T cells on the production of prostaglandins (PGE2) and on PGE2-mediated regulation of natural killer (NK) activity was studied. Supernatants from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and from PBMC depleted of T cells ((PBMC)-T), both of which had been incubated in plastic petri dishes overnight, contained similar amounts of PGE2, as detected by radioimmunoassay and by their potential to inhibit NK activity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in a 51Cr release assay with K 562 cells as the target population. However, the NK activity of PBMC was inhibited significantly more strongly (P less than 0.005) by PGE2-containing supernatants than was the NK activity of (PBMC)-T. In further assays, in which synthetic PGE2 in concentrations of 10(-4) and 10(-5)M was added, a significant inhibition of NK activity was observed in PBMC populations (P less than 0.05), but not in (PBMC)-T. Thus, T cells did not seem to be involved in the control of PGE2 production, but their presence was necessary for PGE2-mediated inhibition of NK activity.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that there is an abnormality in the thymus of dystrophic mice with respect to age-dependent thymus weight changes and altered morphology (T. DeKretser and B. Livett, Nature (London), 263, 682, 1976). Recently, others have shown that natural killer (NK) cells can lyse cells of a large, immature, rapidly dividing cell subpopulation within the thymus of normal young (3 weeks of age) mice (M. Hansson, K. Karre, R. Kiessling, J. Roder, B. Anderson, and P. Hayry, J. Immunol., 123, 765, 1979). The NK susceptibility of dystrophic mouse thymocytes as targets was therefore studied. Spleen cells from normal (+/+) and dystrophic (dy2Jdy2J) male C57BL/6J mice 8–10 weeks old were passed over nylon wool and the nonadherent cells were incubated with 51Cr-labeled YAC-1 lymphoma target cells or thymocytes in a 51Cr-release assay. Spleen cells from dystrophic mice killed twofold more YAC-1 target cells than did spleen cells from normal mice. Thymocytes from 3- to 4-week-old dystrophic mice were three to four times more susceptible to NK lysis by dystrophic mouse spleen cells as compared with normal mouse spleen cells. Spleen cells from dystrophic mice had the same NK activity against dystrophic and normal mouse thymocytes as targets. Normal mouse spleen cells killed three- to fourfold more dystrophic mouse thymocytes than that of normal mouse thymocytes as targets. Target cellbinding studies revealed that conjugate-forming cells from nylon nonadherent dystrophic mouse spleen cells were found to be two- to fourfold greater than for normal mouse spleen cells using YAC-1 tumor cells as targets. The number of lymphocytes bound per YAC-1 target cell ranged from 2 to 5 for dystrophic mouse spleen cells as compared with 1 to 2 for the normal control group. Using both normal and dystrophic mouse thymocytes as targets, the conjugate-forming cells from dystrophic mouse spleen cells were also found to be twofold greater than in the normal control group. Cold target inhibition studies revealed that the natural killing of dystrophic mouse thymocytes was due to a YAC-1-reactive NK cell. Effector cell depletion studies using monoclonal anti-Thy-1.2 plus complement treatment and plastic petri dish adherence also revealed that the natural killing of dystrophic mouse thymocytes was not due to either T lymphocytes or macrophages. Taken together, these results show an increase in NK-sensitive thymocyte targets in dystrophic mice, in combination with an increase in splenic NK activity.  相似文献   

The attachment of poly(ribitol phosphate) to lipoteichoic acid carrier   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2-Acetamido-3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-1-N-[N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-L-aspart-1-oyl-(L-leucyl-L-threonyl-N2-tosyl-L-lysine p-nitrobenzyl ester)-4-oyl]-2-deoxy-β-D-glucopyranosylamine (21) and 2-acetamido-3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-1-N-[N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-L-aspart-1-oyl-(L-leucyl-L-threonyl-N2-tosyl-L-lysine p-nitrobenzyl ester)-4-oyl]-2-deoxy-β-D-glucopyranosylamine (22), 2-acetamido-3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-1-N-[N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-L-aspart-1-oyl-(glycine ethyl ester)-4-oyl]-2-deoxy-β-D-glucopyranosylamine, and 2-acetamido-3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-1-N-[N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-L-aspart-1-oyl-(phenylalanine methyl ester)-4-oyl]-2-deoxy-β-D-glucopyranosylamine were synthesized by condensation of 2-acetamido-3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-1-N-[N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-L-aspart-4-oyl]-2-deoxy-β-D-glucopyranosylamine with the appropriate protected amino acids and tri- and tetra-peptides. The amino acid sequences of 21 and 22 correspond to the protected amino acid sequences 34–37 and 34–38 of ribonuclease B that are adjacent to the carbohydrate-protein linkage.  相似文献   

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