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柯为 《生物工程学报》2006,22(2):277-277
大力发展包括生物质能在内的可再生能源具有重要的战略意义,也是一个必然的趋向。分布极为广泛的生物质能“取之不尽,用之不竭”,很有开发潜力。在《生物工程学报》(2005,21(5):813)的“大力发展生物质能及其产业化”一文中提到应引起注意的十个方面的问题。当前世界各国都在关  相似文献   

生物柴油研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
介绍了国内外生物柴油的发展现状,探讨了我国发展生物柴油的原料来源途径,包括木本油料植物、转基因油料作物、废弃油脂、微生物油脂和微藻油脂等,综述了制备生物柴油的化学法、酶法、超临界法等生产技术及其进展,概括了当前生物柴油主要的品质问题与改性对策,分析了生物柴油副产物的高值化利用策略,指出了我国生物柴油产业化面临的原料、技术和生物炼制方面的主要问题。  相似文献   

生物柴油是石化柴油的一种优良替代品,发展生物柴油有助于缓解能源危机,减少污染物的排放。本文从原料、技术、现有生产能力等方面概述了生物柴油在我国的产业化发展现状,并针对我国生物柴油产业发展提出了建议。[编者按]  相似文献   

生物柴油的应用研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
综述了国内外生物柴油的应用和生产现状,介绍了生物柴油的主要特性以及直接混合、微乳液、高温热裂解、化学酯交换、生物酶催化和超临界甲醇法等生产生物柴油的方法,阐述了我国发展生物柴油的重要意义,并提出了我国发展生物柴油技术的建议。  相似文献   

生物柴油这一可再生能源市场前景特别好,目前价格在每t7000多元。大庆巍天能源科技有限公司建设的10万t生物柴油项目是从日本引进,具有国际先进水平的工艺、设备,利用大豆毛油、油脚料等原料生产生物柴油,产品指标采用“欧Ⅲ”标准。  相似文献   

生物柴油是可再生能源开发利用的重要发展方向。藻类制备生物柴油具有产油量高、生长速度快、环境适应能力强、不与农作物争夺农田和淡水资源等优势。从微藻制备生物柴油着手,简要介绍了生物柴油的生产原料与发展历程、微藻油脂的组成与生物合成途径、微藻制备柴油的工艺与瓶颈及解决策略,最后对微藻制备生物柴油技术提出了近中远期发展目标及展望。  相似文献   

中国如何突破生物柴油产业的原料瓶颈   总被引:72,自引:4,他引:72  
因应我国日益严峻的能源资源、能源环境和能源安全形势,国家大力倡导发展可再生能源。生物柴油是最重要的液体可再生燃料之一,在能源性质方面可以完全替代化石柴油,而且还具有安全环保等其它优良特性。当前利用动植物油脂生产生物柴油,原料成本偏高,而且稳定、充足的油脂原料供应体系尚未形成。我国是油脂资源短缺国家,近年来植物油进口量逐年增加。同时,我国耕地资源匮乏,粮食供应形势不容乐观,扩大油料作物种植的潜力非常有限。但是,我国宜林地丰富,农林废弃生物质资源量巨大。综合以上因素,我国应重点发展木本油料植物规模化种植和推广,加快微生物油脂发酵技术创新和产业化进程;同时,利用植物遗传育种技术提高油料作物产量以及选择性发展不与粮争地的油料作物。依靠各方面的进步,发展创新的油脂生产技术,保障我国生物柴油产业和油脂化工行业健康发展。  相似文献   

我国生物柴油原料来源的多样性探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物柴油作为一种重要的生物质能源已引起世人关注,其生产和应用已成为缓解能源危机的重要组成部分。本文分析了我国生物柴油生产原料多样性的必要性,阐述了可用于生物柴油生产的原料类型和应用开发现状,以及用于生产时所存在的问题,提出了相应的解决对策,最后对生物柴油的应用前景给予了展望。  相似文献   

冀星 《生命世界》2007,(6):22-26
在传统能源日益枯竭的今天,可再生能源的研究和发展无疑成为维持人类生存的必由之路。来自动植物油脂的生物柴油,就是这样一种可再生能源。现在生物柴油已经在一些发达国家成为传统柴油的有效补充,通过与传统柴油混合,发挥着节约资源、降低污染物等积极作用。  相似文献   

发展生物柴油产业的挑战与对策的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物柴油是一种由可再生资源生产的优质清洁燃料,发展生物柴油不仅可以保护环境,减少温室气体排放,而且可以缓解我国石油进口的压力,推动新农村建设。但由于植物油脂价格的飙升,生物柴油产业发展面临仅生产生物柴油燃料在经济上难以立足的挑战。本文从发展生物柴油原料资源,生产技术以及生物柴油化工技术开发的现状与未来发展动态进行分析,探讨了促进我国生物柴油产业健康发展的对策。[编者按]  相似文献   

Anaerobic co-digestion of residues from the cold pressing and trans-esterification of oilseed rape (OSR) with other farm wastes was considered as a means of enhancing the sustainability of on-farm biodiesel production. The study verified the process energy yields using biochemical methane potential (BMP) tests and semi-continuous digestion trials. The results indicated that high proportions of OSR cake in the feedstock led to a decrease in volatile solids destruction and instability of the digestion process. Co-digestion with cattle slurry or with vegetable waste led to acceptable specific and volumetric methane productions, and a digestate low in potentially toxic elements (PTE). The results were used to evaluate energy balances and greenhouse gas emissions of the integrated process compared with biodiesel production alone. Co-digestion was shown to provide energy self-sufficiency and security of supply to farms, with sufficient surplus for export as fuel and electricity.  相似文献   

Biotechnological production of biodiesel has attracted considerable attention during the past decade compared to chemical-catalysed production since biocatalysis-mediated transesterification has many advantages. Currently, there are extensive reports on enzyme-catalysed transesterification for biodiesel production; the related research can be classified into immobilised-extracellular and immobilised-intracellular biocatalysis and this review focusses on these forms of biocatalyst for biodiesel production. The optimisation of the most important operating conditions affecting lipase-catalysed transesterification and the yield of alkyl esters, such as the type and form of lipase, the type of alcohol, the presence of organic solvents, the content of water in the oil, temperature and the presence of glycerol, are discussed. However, there is still a need to optimise lipase-catalysed transesterification and reduce the cost of lipase production before it is applied commercially. Optimisation research of lipase-catalysed transesterification could include development of new reactor systems with immobilised biocatalysts, the use of lipases tolerant to organic solvents, intracellular lipases (whole microbial cells) and genetically modified microorganisms (intelligent yeasts). Biodiesel fuel is expensive in comparison with petroleum-based fuel and 60–70% of the cost is associated with feedstock oil and enzyme. Therefore ways of reducing the cost of biodiesel with respect to enzyme and substrate oils reported in literature are also presented.  相似文献   

山东小麦种质资源研究回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要回顾了自50年代以来山东省小麦种质资源引进、鉴定评价及创新利用概况,提出山东省小麦种质资源研究所存在的问题及解决途径.  相似文献   

We studied the spray characteristics of inedible oil using experimental and simulation methods. Spray penetration, spray cone angle and spray tip speed were measured at different biodiesel ratios in a constant volume vessel with wide visualization and high back pressure, using a high-speed camera. The characteristics of biodiesel spray were simulated under the same conditions using Star-CD software. The experimental results showed that, as the ratio of biodiesel in the blends increased, spray penetration and spray speed increased, but the spray cone angle decreased. Throughout the spray injection period, the region at 0.05–0.475S (spray tip penetration) was a key area affecting spray cone angle. From 0.8 ms after injection, the spray penetration deviation ratios started to increase with increasing biodiesel blend ratios. Simulation results showed similar macroscopic spray characteristics to the experimental results for jatropha oil. The results also showed that the Sauter mean diameter of blend fuels was greater than that of diesel, and spray was more concentrated, due to the higher viscosity and surface tension of the biodiesel, compared with conventional diesel fuel. The macroscopic and microscopic spray properties of blended fuels containing 5%, 10% and 20% biodiesel were similar to diesel.  相似文献   

The objective of the present work was: (i) to enable biodiesel production from acid waste lard; (ii) to study the esterification reaction as possible pre-treatment at different temperatures, catalyst amount and reaction times; (iii) to evaluate biodiesel quality according to EN 14214 after basic transesterification of the pre-treated fat; and (iv) to predict the impact of using such waste as raw material in mixture with soybean oil. Temperature and catalyst amount were the most important reaction conditions which mostly affected biodiesel quality, namely viscosity and purity. The selected pre-treatment conditions were 65 °C, 2.0 wt% H2SO4 and 5 h, which allowed obtaining a product with a viscosity of 4.81 mm2 s−1 and a purity of 99.6 wt%. The proposed pre-treatment was effective to enable acid wastes as single raw materials for biodiesel production with acceptable quality; however, low yields were obtained (65 wt%). Alkali transesterification of a mixture of waste lard and soybean oil resulted in a product with a purity of 99.8 wt% and a yield of 77.8 wt%, showing that blending might be an interesting alternative to recycle such wastes. Also, because in addition to using conventional and relatively economical processes, some biodiesel properties depending on the raw material composition (such as the iodine value) might even be improved.  相似文献   

Perspectives of microbial oils for biodiesel production   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Biodiesel has become more attractive recently because of its environmental benefits, and the fact that it is made from renewable resources. Generally speaking, biodiesel is prepared through transesterification of vegetable oils or animal fats with short chain alcohols. However, the lack of oil feedstocks limits the large-scale development of biodiesel to some extent. Recently, much attention has been paid to the development of microbial, oils and it has been found that many microorganisms, such as algae, yeast, bacteria, and fungi, have the ability to accumulate oils under some special cultivation conditions. Compared to other plant oils, microbial oils have many advantages, such as short life cycle, less labor required, less affection by venue, season and climate, and easier to scale up. With the rapid expansion of biodiesel, microbial oils might become one of potential oil feedstocks for biodiesel production in the future, though there are many works associated with microorganisms producing oils need to be carried out further. This review is covering the related research about different oleaginous microorganisms producing oils, and the prospects of such microbial oils used for biodiesel production are also discussed.  相似文献   

Alternative fuels are receiving considerable attention, especially biodiesel, which is recognized for its environmental benefits. One advantage is its biodegradability. However, biodegradability may allow the fuel to be more susceptible to microbial contamination, especially during storage. The susceptibility to biodeterioration of biodiesel, diesel, and diesel containing 5, 10, and 20% biodiesel was evaluated using fungi isolated from contaminated oil systems. Paecilomyces sp. produced the highest biomass in 20% and 100% biodiesel, while Aspergillus fumigatus grew best in pure biodiesel. Yeasts had the highest rates of degradation, especially Candida silvicola, with 100% degradation of all esters. Rhodotorula sp. showed greatest activity for C18:3 (linolenic acid), at 39.4%, followed by C18:1 (oleic acid) and C16 (palmitic acid), at 21% and 15%, respectively, after 7 days of incubation. The results are relevant for the resolution of the decade-long debate on the increase in diesel biodegradability due to the addition of biodiesel.  相似文献   

The transesterification reaction models available in the literature are valid only for one particular mixing condition. In this work, a modeling strategy is presented in order to predict the effect of mixing conditions in the transesterification process. The proposed methodology was applied to independent sets of experimental data available in the literature that show the dependency of the transesterification reaction on the frequency of rotation of the stirrer. The accuracy of the developed models corroborates the validity of the proposed modeling approach.  相似文献   

This work presents biodiesel production from soybean oil and bioethanol by multiple-stage Ultra-Shear reactor (USR). The experiments were carried out in the following conditions: reaction time from 6 to 12 min; catalyst concentration from 0.5% to 1.5% by weight of soybean oil; ethanol: soybean oil molar ratio from 6:1 to 10:1. The experimental design was used to investigate the influence of process variables on the conversion in biodiesel. The best ethyl ester conversion obtained was 99.26 wt.%, with ethanol:soybean oil molar ratio of 6:1, catalyst concentration of 1.35% and with 12 min of reaction time.  相似文献   

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