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Direct underwater observation of micro‐habitat use by 1838 young Atlantic salmon Salmo salar [mean LT 7·9 ± 3.1(s.d.) cm, range 3·19] and 1227 brown trout Salmo trutta (LT 10·9 ± 5·0 cm, range 3·56) showed both species were selective in habitat use, with differences between species and fish size. Atlantic salmon and brown trout selected relatively narrow ranges for the two micro‐habitat variables snout water velocity and height above bottom, but with differences between size‐classes. The smaller fishes <7 cm held positions in slower water closer to the bottom. On a larger scale, the Atlantic salmon more often used shallower stream areas, compared with brown trout. The larger parr preferred the deeper stream areas. Atlantic salmon used higher and slightly more variable mean water velocities than brown trout. Substrata used by the two species were similar. Finer substrata, although variable, were selected at the snout position, and differences were pronounced between size‐classes. On a meso‐habitat scale, brown trout were more frequently observed in slow pool‐glide habitats, while young Atlantic salmon favoured the faster high‐gradient meso‐habitats. Small juveniles <7 cm of both species were observed most frequently in riffle‐chute habitats. Atlantic salmon and brown trout segregated with respect to use of habitat, but considerable niche overlap between species indicated competitive interactions. In particular, for small fishes <7 cm of the two species, there was almost complete niche overlap for use of water depth, while they segregated with respect to water velocity. Habitat suitability indices developed for both species for mean water velocity and water depth, tended to have their optimum at lower values compared with previous studies in larger streams, with Atlantic salmon parr in the small streams occupying the same habitat as favoured by brown trout in larger streams. The data indicate both species may be flexible in their habitat selection depending on habitat availability. Species‐specific habitat overlap between streams may be complete. However, between‐species habitat partitioning remains similar.  相似文献   

Six lower order streams in the south‐west of Colombia were sampled on a monthly basis in order to determine the status of Trichomycterus species in relation to their food supply (macroinvertebrates), and physico‐chemical habitat. Fishes were sampled by electrofishing and samples taken for dietary analysis. Macroinvertebrates were collected using a Surber sampler. Trichomycterus spp. populations were present in all streams in habitats ranging from soft to hard substrata and from relatively stagnant waters to fast flowing streams. The average density of the fishes ranged from 0·06 to 1·14 individuals m−2 with peaks in population corresponding to recruitment of individuals of <1 g. Trichomycterus spp. were found to be benthic carnivores with a diet mostly of aquatic insects. The index of relative importance for the dietary items was 35·0, 10·5, 1·9 and 7·8% for Chironomidae, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera and Oligochaeta respectively. Combined with physical habitat data, ordinations of fishes and macroinvertebrate data suggested that differences in abundance among sites were driven by stream size and flow regime, indicating dominance of the physical habitat, although a high correlation between Trichomycterus spp. and Chironomidae abundances ( r  = 0·81, P  = 0·049) was also recorded.  相似文献   

Field studies to examine the influence of woody debris on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) abundance through habitat modification were conducted in two small streams, the Horonai and Uenae streams, running through secondary deciduous forest in south-western Hokkaido, northern Japan. Reach-based woody debris volume (total woody debris volume per 100 m2 of study reach) was significantly correlated with the total basal area of riparian stands along the margins of the Horonai stream, but no significant relationship was evident between them for the Uenae stream. This inconsistency between the streams was considered to be a result of the difference in stream size (width, depth and discharge). Woody debris was the principal agent for pool formation, although it had a far smaller volume than that found in streams draining old-growth coniferous forest in North America, where most of the previous studies have been carried out. Untransported debris pieces of larger volume more effectively contributed to pool formation than smaller transported pieces. The volume of individual debris scour pools was positively correlated with the volume of woody debris associated with each. Similarly, reach-based pool volume increased with total woody debris volume, but the relationship was less clear in the Uenae stream, having more abundant transported woody debris than the Horonai stream. The biomass of rainbow trout in individual pools, which were regarded as the most preferred habitat type for stream salmonids, was correlated with pool volume. A positive relationship also existed between reach-based standing crop and pool volume. These results revealed that secondary deciduous forest, like old-growth coniferous forest, plays an important role in enhancing the carrying capacity for rainbow trout by supplying woody debris which promoted preferred habitat formation.  相似文献   

Ecological studies on seasonally dry tropical forest herpetofauna are scarce and those focused on interspecific relations of lizards in this endangered ecosystem are even fewer. This study evaluates general and seasonal patterns in time and habitat use among four lizard species (Anolis nebulosus, Sceloporus melanorhinus, S. utiformis, and Urosaurus bicarinatus) in a protected area of dry tropical forest in western Mexico. Data were gathered by visual surveys along 12 linear parallel transects located in an undisturbed habitat. Anolis nebulosus showed a bimodal pattern in daily activity whereas the other species exhibited unimodal patterns of activity. Seasonality only affected the general activity patterns of S. melanorhinus and U. bicarinatus. With the exception of A. nebulosus and S. melanorhinus, statistical differences were found for all pairwise comparisons of general and seasonal patterns of habitat use. The use of leaf‐litter and low perches in arboreal species was higher during the dry season, probably in response to higher food availability in these habitats. As expected, environmental seasonality affects both activity time and habitat use by lizards. Results suggest greater differences in habitat use than in time of activity among species. The data also indicate complementary use of time and space by these lizard species: species showing similar activity patterns exhibit greater differences in their habitat use. Predation could be an important factor affecting the use of habitat and time by the four lizard species.

Los estudios ecológicos de la herpetofauna de los bosques tropicales secos son escasos y aquellos enfocados a las relaciones ínterespecíficas en lagartijas de este ecosistema fuertemente amenazado son aún más raros. Este estudio evalúa el uso del tiempo y del hábitat de cuatro especies de lagartijas (Anolis nebulosus, Sceloporus melanorhinus, S. utiformis y, Urosaurus bicarinatus) en un área protegida en el occidente de México al comparar los patrones generales y estacionales. La información se obtuvo basándose en 12 transectos visuales ubicados en bosque intacto. Anolis nebulosus registró un patrón bimodal de actividad diaria mientras que en el resto fue unimodal, pero aparentemente, la estacionalidad solo afecto los patrones generales de S. melanorhinus y U. bicarinatus. A excepción de A. nebulosus y S. melanorhinus, todas las comparaciones intraespecificas de los patrones generales y estacionales del uso del hábitat mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. El uso de la hojarasca y perchas mas bajas, en las especies arborícolas, fue mayor durante la época de sequía probablemente en respuesta a una mayor disponibilidad de alimento en esos hábitats durante ese tiempo. Como se esperaba, la estacionalidad puede afectar el uso del tiempo y hábitat en lagartijas. Los resultados sugieren la posibilidad de un mayor uso diferencial del hábitat que del tiempo y la ocurrencia de un uso complementario de ellos: las especies con patrones de actividad más similares difieren más en su uso del hábitat. La depredación puede tener un efecto importante en el uso del tiempo y hábitat de estas especies de lagartijas.  相似文献   

Summer habitat use by sympatric Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus, young Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta was studied by two methods, direct underwater observation and electrofishing, across a range of habitats in two sub-arctic rivers. More Arctic charr and fewer Atlantic salmon parr were observed by electrofishing in comparison to direct underwater observation, perhaps suggesting a more cryptic behaviour by Arctic charr. The three species segregated in habitat use. Arctic charr, as found by direct underwater observation, most frequently used slow (mean ±s .d . water velocity 7·2 ± 16·6 cm s−1) or often stillwater and deep habitats (mean ±s .d . depth 170·1 ± 72·1 cm). The most frequently used mesohabitat type was a pool. Young Atlantic salmon favoured the faster flowing areas (mean ±s .d . water velocity 44·0 ± 16·8 cm s−1 and depth 57·1 ± 19·0 cm), while brown trout occupied intermediate habitats (mean ±s .d . water velocity 33·1 ± 18·6 cm s−1 and depth 50·2 ± 18·0 cm). Niche overlap was considerable. The Arctic charr observed were on average larger (total length) than Atlantic salmon and brown trout (mean ±s .d . 21·9 ± 8·0, 10·2 ± 3·1 and 13·4 ± 4·5 cm). Similar habitat segregation between Atlantic salmon and brown trout was found by electrofishing, but more fishes were observed in shallower habitats. Electrofishing suggested that Arctic charr occupied habitats similar to brown trout. These results, however, are biased because electrofishing was inefficient in the slow-deep habitat favoured by Arctic charr. Habitat use changed between day and night in a similar way for all three species. At night, fishes held positions closer to the bottom than in the day and were more often observed in shallower stream areas mostly with lower water velocities and finer substrata. The observed habitat segregation is probably the result of interference competition, but the influence of innate selective differences needs more study.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Mountain Plovers (Charadrius montanus) are grassland birds that often breed in close association with colonies of black‐tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus). However, not all colonies provide plover nesting habitat or habitat of equal quality, and the characteristics of colonies important for plovers remain poorly understood. Over two years, I used plover distribution surveys, territory mapping, and habitat sampling to study habitat use by plovers in prairie dog colonies in shortgrass prairie in northeastern New Mexico. My objective was to document important components of plover breeding habitat in colonies by comparing characteristics of used and unused habitats at three spatial scales: colony, territory, and nest‐site. I found evidence of plover breeding in 14 of 44 colonies in 2009 and 13 of 43 colonies in 2010. Based on logistic regression, the probability of a colony being occupied by plovers was positively associated with colony size, but negatively associated with mean vegetation height. Preference for larger colonies could relate to minimum habitat requirements, or a potential tendency of this species to nest in social clusters. Shorter vegetation height was strongly correlated with greater bare ground and lower forb/subshrub cover, all characteristics that may be related to plover predator avoidance and foraging microhabitat. At both the territory and nest‐site scale, areas used by plovers had shorter vegetation, more bare ground, and less forb/subshrub cover than unused areas. Nest sites were also more sloped, perhaps to reduce risk of flooding, and located further away from the nearest prairie dog burrow, perhaps to reduce risk of disturbance. Overall, my results show that plover use of prairie dog colonies was influenced by landscape and habitat features of colonies, and suggest that large colonies are particularly valuable because they are most likely to contain adequate areas with preferred habitat characteristics.  相似文献   

描述了自墨西哥发现的一个属于铁线莲属单性铁线莲组新种,黄绒铁线莲,并给出了与近缘种硕齿铁线莲的区别特征。  相似文献   

1. Most Finnish streams were channelised during the 19th and 20th century to facilitate timber floating. By the late 1970s, extensive programmes were initiated to restore these degraded streams. The responses of fish populations to restoration have been little studied, however, and monitoring of other stream biota has been negligible. In this paper, we review results from a set of studies on the effects of stream restoration on habitat structure, brown trout populations, benthic macroinvertebrates and leaf retention. 2. In general, restoration greatly increased stream bed heterogeneity. The cover of mosses in channelised streams was close to that of unmodified reference sites, but after restoration moss cover declined to one‐tenth of the pre‐restoration value. 3. In one stream, densities of age‐0 trout were slightly lower after restoration, but the difference to an unmodified reference stream was non‐significant, indicating no effect of restoration. In another stream, trout density increased after restoration, indicating a weakly positive response. The overall weak response of trout to habitat manipulations probably relates to the fact that restoration did not increase the amount of pools, a key winter habitat for salmonids. 4. Benthic invertebrate community composition was more variable in streams restored 4–6 years before sampling than in unmodified reference streams or streams restored 8 years before sampling. Channelised streams supported a distinctive set of indicator species, most of which were filter‐feeders or scrapers, while most of the indicators in streams restored 8 years before sampling were shredders. 5. Leaf retentiveness in reference streams was high, with 60–70% of experimentally released leaves being retained within 50 m. Channelised streams were poorly retentive (c. 10% of leaves retained), and the increase in retention following restoration was modest (+14% on average). Aquatic mosses were a key retentive feature in both channelised and natural streams, but their cover was drastically reduced through restoration. 6. Mitigation of the detrimental impacts of forestry (e.g. removal of mature riparian forests) is a major challenge to the management of boreal streams. This goal cannot be achieved by focusing efforts only on restoration of physical structures in stream channels, but also requires conservation and ecologically sound management of riparian forests.  相似文献   

A species of the genus Clematis, Cflavidonitida, belonging to Sect. Aspidanthera subsect. Dioicae, is described as new from Mexico. The morphological differences between it and its close ally, Cgrossa, are discussed.  相似文献   

For many years, habitat suitability models for aquatic species have been derived from ecological datasets by model optimisation. Previous research showed that optimisation of the predictive model performance did not necessarily lead to ecologically relevant models due to the impact of the dataset prevalence. Therefore, the adjusted average deviation was presented as a performance criterion that allowed incorporation of ecological relevance in the model optimisation process. This paper aims to analyse the relation between the adjusted average deviation (aAD) and the training set prevalence for three species in different New Zealand river systems: caddis flies Aoteapsyche spp., large brown trout Salmo trutta and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. The aAD was implemented in a hill-climbing algorithm to optimise a fuzzy species distribution model for each species. Specifically, the hypotheses were tested that (1) similar relations between the aAD and the training set prevalence would be obtained, (2) training based on the aAD would lead to more accurate model predictions than training based on more frequently applied performance criteria such as CCI, and that (3) the final fuzzy model would produce a realistic model of habitat suitability. The approach in this paper may improve the transparency of the model training process and thus the insight into habitat suitability models. Consequently, this paper could lead to ecologically more relevant models and contribute to the implementation of these models in ecosystem management.  相似文献   

An existing version of a fish assemblage-basedindex of biotic integrity (IBI) for the streamsand rivers of west central Mexico was testedwith independent data to validate itsusefulness as a measure of ecosystem qualityand to determine the geographic area where itis effective. Fish assemblages from 63 uplandsites in 10 basins in central Mexico(Armería, Ameca, Coahuayana, Marabasco,Purificación, Grande de Morelia, Grande deSantiago, Lerma, Balsas and Pánuco) wereassessed using the metrics and scoring criteriafrom the existing IBI and then compared withindependent evaluations of habitat and waterquality. IBI scores were congruent withhabitat and water quality values in theArmería, Purificación and Marabascobasins, where the IBI was first developed, aswell as in the adjacent Ameca and Coahuayanabasins. We conclude that the IBI can be usedwithout modification to assess environmentalquality in non-coastal streams and riverswithin these five basins. Further data areneeded from the Grande de Morelia, Grande deSantiago and middle Lerma basins, but ourresults suggest that the existing IBI may alsobe effective here. However, the existing IBIdoes not consistently reflect habitat and waterquality conditions in the Balsas and Pánucobasins and must be modified before it can beapplied there. Necessary modifications in theBalsas basin appear to be small and relatedprimarily to changes in the scoring criteriafor metrics. However, in the Pánuco basinmore substantive changes in the nature of themetrics are required. Changes in the IBI forthese basins are proposed. The IBI is nowvalidated for use in river monitoring,conservation and restoration efforts in 5basins in west central Mexico and suggestionsfor its application in other basins areavailable here.  相似文献   

Abstract: Because of significant declines in mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) populations across New Mexico, USA, we investigated survival of fawns in north-central New Mexico, USA. We captured 19 fawns, 34 fawns, and 47 fawns in 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively, and used fawn morphological measurements, habitat characteristics, and adult female (hereafter “female”) condition to model preweaning fawn survival. Survival was 0.0, 0.12, 0.52 for 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively, and was related to birth mass (χ12 = 9.5, P = 0.002), birth date (χ12= 8.4, P = 0.004), litter size (χ22 = 9.4, P = 0.009), female body fat (χ12 = 40.9, P < 0.001), annual precipitation (χ12 = 35.0, P < 0.001), summer precipitation (χ12= 37.5, P < 0.001), and winter precipitation (χ12 = 32.0, P < 0.001). Total ingesta-free body fat of females (β = 3.01, SE = 0.75; odds ratio = 20.19, 95% CI = 4.64-87.91) and birth mass of fawns (β = 1.188, SE = 0.428; odds ratio = 3.38, 95% CI = 1.42-7.59) were the best predictors of survival of individual fawns, although few of the logistic models differed in model selection criteria. Fawn survival in north-central New Mexico was driven by an interaction of total and seasonal precipitation and its effect on plant production, consequential effects on female nutrition, and ultimately, fawn birth attributes. Habitat conditions were so poor throughout north-central New Mexico during 2002 and 2003 (and likely during other drought yr) that, based upon birth attributes, few fawns could have survived regardless of proximate causes of mortality. In 2004, precipitation enhanced security cover, maternal body condition, birth attributes and, thus, survival of fawns. However, more habitat enhancements are needed to improve the nutritional quality of mule deer habitats in north-central New Mexico and further enhance maternal and fawn condition to recover mule deer populations in this region.  相似文献   

In this study we propose a model-building approach based on the hierarchical integration of the main environmental factors (climate, topography/lithology, and land uses) determining the distribution of the spur-thighed tortoise in south-east Spain. Data on the presence/absence of the species were primarily based on information derived from interviews to shepherds. The hierarchical modelling exercise consisted of three steps. First, we constructed a model for the entire region using climate variables, thus obtaining a potential climatical model. Second, we introduced variables referring to topography and lithology that fall within the climatic distribution range ( potential model). Third, by using this second model as a starting point, we included land use variables to obtain the actual distribution model.
We analysed the changes in the values of probability of the presence of this species for a given cell between the potential and the actual model, assessing areas where habitat quality has decreased, been maintained or increased. The spatial representation of these changes was highly coherent. A discriminant analysis linked areas where habitat quality has dropped with agriculture landscapes, whereas those areas where habitat quality has been maintained or increased were located mainly in shrublands. Twenty-five per cent (479 km2) of the potential distribution of the species became suboptimal when land use was included, which emphasizes the importance of land use changes in both the range dynamics and the conservation of the spur-thighed tortoise in south-east Spain.  相似文献   

This study investigated factors controlling settlement and initial density of two species, Galaxias vulgaris and Galaxias paucispondylus (Galaxiidae), in New Zealand streams. Factors affecting maximum fry abundance were assessed at 10 sites (eight streams) differing in habitat characteristics and the presence or absence of introduced brown Salmo trutta and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss . Regression analysis indicated that conspecific adult numbers, extent of backwater habitat and brown and rainbow trout density were the most important factors determining initial fry density. Experimental additions of backwater habitat increased fry settlement tenfold compared with control reaches, demonstrating that the area available for fry settlement had a substantial effect on fry abundance. Results from this study indicate that fry settlement may be a critical limiting phase for some non-diadromous galaxiid populations. Increasing settlement area to enhance fry retention offers a practical conservation tool for fisheries managers that may aid conservation of threatened fishes like galaxiids.  相似文献   

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